Ana sofia e jose luis

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Work done by: Ana Sofia Nº2 PAA José Luís Nº9 PAA José Pedro Nº11 PAA Teacher: Carla Isidro Subject: English Modulo 8

 Introduction;  As

the mobile phone has emerged;  First SMS;  Mobile phone with camera;  Access to mobile Internet;  3G network;  4G network;  Its evolution;  Poems about mobile phones;  Conclusion.

ď‚ž This

work was carried out under the English subject to bring us information about the development of the mobile phone and on its technologies. Yes‌ because today's teens can not live without cell phones.

ď‚ž The

first telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.

It appeared in 1894, wireless communication through radio, invented by Marconi.

ď‚ž The

mobile phone is the link between these two – inventions, the concept of a phone that uses the advance of radio technology.

ď‚ž This

primitive passed to ultra-complex, tiny devices that allow chat, receive messages, pictures and mp3 have phonebook calendar, calculator and GPS, and even fun games and Internet.

ď‚ž In

a small box, it is a circuit board, a microprocessor, memory chips, liquid crystal display, keyboard, battery, column, and microphone. ď‚ž Thus is formed a "magic box" that operates millions of calculations per second.

ď‚ž The

English man, Neil Papworth, with a simple Christmas message, send the first sms.

ď‚ž In

1997 a camera also appears. ď‚ž Increase marketing of mobile phone which implies a decrease in the sale of cameras.

ď‚ž In

1999 the mobile Internet access. ď‚ž The use of internet and mobile phones has changed the world and the way of thinking so that requires a new digital culture.

ď‚ž In

2001 the expansion of the 3G network. ď‚ž 3G technologies enable network operators to offer their users a better range of services with increased network capacity which facilitated video calls.

ď‚ž And

now you catch the 4G network.

Do not read this poem, As a social critic, It's just a point of view, On a personal level ... From rich to poor, Everyone has one, From simple to Hi-Tec, With or without net ... I'm talking about the phone, Hello, is there, No, it's here, Or simply is not ... constant messages, incessant touches, Calls all the time, Or an alarm clock that rings ...

Game console, The camera, It was quite unthinkable, Become so indispensable ... A thousand and one functions, Which vibrates hearts, Family, boyfriend or brother, always arouses an emotion ... With a mobile phone in hand, They always where they are, The people we love, And always we contact ... Mobile ... A custom tool! Previously no one knew you, Today you can not get away from me ... !!!

ď‚ž With

this work we conclude that the technological evolution of the mobile phone has been amazing. ď‚ž It facilitated communication universal among people.

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