BEAUTY AROUND US It’s so important to appreciate the natural or artistic beauties around us but in most cases we don’t have the time to notice or enjoy them, either because our eyes aren’t trained to “see” them, or because we don’t know their story and their value, or even because we can’t imagine they may be in danger.Enjoying nature, artworks or historical buildings is an aspect of life that is becoming decreasingly less popular as our society
Enjoying nature, artworks or historical buildings is an aspect of life that is becoming decreasingly less popular as our society becomes a busier, faster and consumption based one. On the other hand, misuse and carelessness can spoil a beautiful nature site or engender a squalid area. It is important that we actually take time out to detect both the beauty and the ugliness of the surroundings that we are all a part of. In order to do so we must actually take action and do things that not a lot of us normally do. Knowing the place where we live, being aware of the beauty -and the ugliness- of the environments around us will help our outlook on the world and hopefully make us notice and appreciate the beauty more often. We need a perspective to appreciate what we see, we need to consider its origin, its evolution through time and its destination in the future. We also need to be aware of our role as environment designers and planners to perceive the place where we live with new eyes and to perceive it as OUR OWN place. Our level of awareness and engagement don’t happen unless we see the beauty -and the ugliness- around us. So, how can we change our own and our children’s attitude? First of all let’s go outside, take a nice stroll in the park or through the roads and squares of our town, our eyes wide open focusing on details. Let’s explore parks, wildlife reservations, museums or places of artistic and historical interest that we never made time to see before. Let’s ask and listen to our parents, grand-parents, friends and all the people in town who can tell us interesting facts and anecdotes about the most relevant sites and buildings. Let’s go to the library and look for pictures, books, newspapers or websites for further information and let’s compare the place where we live with the ones of our friends or partners. Finally let’s share our findings, comments and feelings about our world the way it is and let’s imagine the way it could be.
This e-book has the purpose to make children aware of their environment and wants to help them appreciate the valuable sites and buildings embedded in their local area. They have been asked to walk around their town and village under the guide of teachers or parents and to take pictures of the most remarkable sites of which they have studied the story and features in order to write a significant caption in their own language and in English. At the same time, they have been asked to focus on urban blight and select a neglected area they would “adopt� and improve in the project time. Each partner country has selected the THREE best places in town to be promoted and protected and has chosen ONE site to be adopted and improved. The result is a joint collection of the best nature sites and monuments of all partners’ towns along with a selection of the places children and teachers have chosen to prove their awareness and commitment to the world they live in.
FRANCE Cathédrale Saint Etienne, Metz. La cathédrale Saint Etienne de Metz est l'église principale de Metz. Construite entre 1220 et 1522, elle fait l'objet d'un classement au titre des monuments historiques depuis 1930. De style gothique, elle est surnommée “La lanterne du bon Dieu” en raison de ses 6500m2 de vitraux, dont certains ont été réalisé par le célèbre peintre Chagall. Avec sa nef de 42 mètres de haut, la cathédrale compte parmis les plus hautes de tout le monde médiéval.
The cathedral of St. Etienne is the principal church of Metz.The Cathedral has been subject of a classification as historical monuments since 1930. From it’s gothic style comes the name; “The lantern of God” because of its 6500m2 of windows. Some were created by a famous painter, Chagall. With its 42m high nave, the cathedral is among the highest in the entire medieval world. La Gare, projet de l’architecte Jurgen Kröger (Berlin) et voulue par Guillaume II, est de style néo-roman rhénan. Elle est édifiée 4
La Gare, projet de l’architecte Jurgen Kröger (Berlin) et voulue par Guillaume II, est de style néo-roman rhénan. Elle est édifiée pour le transport des marchandises et des civils mais également, dans un but stratégique, pour déplacer le plus de soldats possible en un minimum de temps. Ce prestigieux bâtiment (1905-1908) de 300 m de long comporte les appartements et le pavillon de réception de l’empereur, des halls d’accueil, des galeries, des espaces de service. Le quartier impérial, presque entièrement construit par les allemands, fait l'objet d'une candidature au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. De part et d’autre des spacieuses artères du quartier impérial s’élèvent les façades multicolores des immeubles et des maisons particulières, bâties par des architectes venus de l’Europe entière : art néo-roman, art déco ou Jugendstil, toutes les tendances architecturales de la Belle Epoque se côtoient harmonieusement. The station, a project from the architect Jurgen Krôger from Berlin, is neo-romanesque. It was built for the transport of goods and civilians but was also used strategically in order to move as many soldiers as possible in the shortest time. This prodigious building (1905-1908) is 300m long and has apartments and the reception pavilion of the Emperor, galleries and service areas. The imperial neighbourhood, almost entirely built by the Germans, is subject to an application to the heritage of UNESCO.
La gare de Metz et le quartier impérial.
In that neighbourhood, you can see multicoloured facades of buildings and private houses built by architects from all over Europe: neo-romanesque art, art deco or jugendstil, all architectural trends of “La Belle Epoque” live in harmony.
Le Centre Pompidou-Metz est la première antenne décentralisée d'un musée en France (Le centre Pompidou Paris). Conçu par le français Jean de Gastines et le japonais Shigeru Ban, le bâtiment est une véritable oeuvre d'art contemporaine. D’une surface de 8 000 m2 et entièrement réalisée en bois, la charpente ressemble à un chapeau chinois. L’édifice offre trois galeries d'expositions, qui se développent autour d'une flèche centrale haute de 77 mètres et clin d'oeil à l'année 1977, date d'ouverture du Centre Pompidou-Paris. The "Centre Pompidou-Metz "is the first decentralized branch of a museum in France ( Centre Pompidou in Paris ). Designed by the French man Jean De Gastines and the Japanese man Shigeru Ban , the building is a genuine work of contemporary art . The roof structure has a surface area of 8000 square metres , is entirely made of wood and has the shape of a Chinese hat . The building has three exhibition galleries which form around a central arrow of 77 metres high , a veiled reference to the year 1977 , opening date of the Centre Pompidou in Paris .
Centre Pompidou, Metz.
L'espace à aménager est de 60m2 et se situe près du réfectoire, dans la cours du collège. Suite à la rénovation du collège, cette partie extérieure a été laissée en friche. L'idée est donc de créer un jardin médiéval et une exposition sur la relation alimentaire homme / plantes (phytothérapie). Animée par l'atelier scientifique, l'inauguration du jardin médiéval aura lieu en fin d'année. Elle donnera lieu à un spectacle (chants et théâtre) itinérant.
The 60 square metre area to fit out is situated near the dining hall in the school playground. After the renovation of the school, this area was left fallow, so the idea is to create a medieval garden there and an exhibition on the relationship between Man and plants as far as food is concerned.( phytotherapy ) Led by the "science club " the inauguration will take place at the end of the school year and will be an opportunity for a rambling show of singing and stage drama. Cours du Collège Charles Péguy, Vigy.
IRELAND Woodland in Ovens National School Our future..... our woodland Tá coill deas againn i Scoil Náisiúnta na hUamhanna. Crainn dhúchais is mó atá ann agus tá crainn fáibhile againn mar claí. Tá dair, fuiseog, fearnóg, mailp, crainn úll agus castán ag fás go láidir in ár bpáirc scoile. Thosnaíomar an scéim coille seo sa bhliain 2002. Ghlanamar suas an áit cúpla mí ó shin mar bhí roinnt craobhacha ag titim síos. Tá an Geimhreadh againn anois agus mar sin níl aon bachlóga ag na crainn. San Earrach beidh bachlóga acu agus ansin sa Samhradh, duilleoga. Tá crainn fíor ghlas agus duillsillteach againn sa choill.
In Ovens NS we have a woodland area. Native Irish trees predominate and we used beech hedges as a fence. Oak, ash, alder, maple, crab apple and horse chestnut have thrived in the corner of our school field. We started our project on the woodland in 2002. Just a few months ago we had a clean up because all the branches and leaves were falling off. Now it’s winter so they have no buds. In Spring they will have buds and in summer they will have leaves. We have a lot of evergreen and deciduous trees.
Kilcrea Abbey Kilcrea Abbey.....Mainistir Cill Chré
Glaotar “Kilcrea Friary” ar an mainistir seo chomh maith. Táimíd ana bhródúil as. Ciallaíonn Cill Chré séipéal Cere. Is féidir leat dul ann i gcomhair taiscéal nó chun féachaint ar an áilleacht. Is áit aoibhinn é. Tá reilig ann ón 17ú aois. Tá fear cáiliúil , Art Ó Laoire, curtha anseo. Tógadh an cill seo in amanta Proinsiasach. Cormac Láidir McCárthaigh a thóg é dóibh. Tá sé cosúil le lúbra ach is féidir leat teacht amach as pé uair gur mian leat. Bíonn níos mó le fáil ann i gcónaí.
Kilcrea Abbey is also known as Kilcrea Friary. It is our pride and joy. The name Kilcrea means the church of Cere. You can go exploring or go for the scenery. It is a peaceful place. It has been a burial ground since the early 17th century. A famous person called Arthur O’ Leary is buried here. This monastery was built in Franciscan times. Cormac Láidir McCarthy built the monastery for the Franciscans in 1465. It is like a maze but you can always get out when you want to. There is much more there to be discovered.
Is foirgneamh dronuilleach cúig stór é Caisleán Cill Chré. Tá sé díreach trasna ó Mainistir Cill Chré. Thóg Cormac Láidir Mac Cárthaigh an casileán seo in 1465. Tá teamhair beag aonarach (dhá stór) os comhair cúinne amháin den chaisleáin. Tá staighre casta ag dul ón gcéad stór suas go dtí an cúigiú stór. Bhí 77 céimeanna ann agus iad déanta as marmar. Tá an caisleán suite i lár talamh maith feirmeoireachta ins na hUamhanna, Co. Chorcaí. Tá na fuinneoga ann ana bheag ionas nach bhféadfadh le naimhde saighead a scaoileadh isteach ann. Tá an casileán ana thabhachtach ó thaobh staire de.
Kilcrea castle is a rectangular five storey tower/house. It is across the road from Kilcrea Abbey. The castle was built by Cormac Láidir McCarthy in 1465. There is a small two storey tower at the diagonally opposite corner. A spiral staircase leads up from the first floor to the fifth floor. It had 77 steps made from marble. Kilcrea castle is surrounded by farm land in Ovens County Cork. The windows are very small because the enemy couldn’t shoot arrows through them. The castle is an important part of our history .
Kilcrea Castle Caisleán Cill Chré 10
Is craobh-abhainn álainn den Laoi í an Bhríde. Ritheann sé tríd na hUamhanna agus téann sé isteach sa Laoi díreach trasna ó reilg Inis Cartha, Co. Chorcaí. Is áit maith é an Bhríde i gcomhair iascaireacht. Faightear bradán agus breac is mó inti. Tá an slí isteach ‘sna pluaiseanna atá sna hUamhanna in aice leis an droichead. Bíonn an talamh timpeall an Bhríde faoi uisce ó am go céile tar éis báisteach trom. “Bride Valley” an t-ainm a bhíodh ar Éire Óg (Cumann Lúthchleas Gael) ach d’aistrigh siad an t-ainm i 1928.
The River Bride is a beautiful small tributary of the River Lee which is the main river of Cork. It passes through Ovens and enters the Lee across from Inniscarra graveyard, Co.Cork. The River Bride is a good place for fishing. The main fish in the river Bride are brown trout and salmon. The entrance to Ovens limestone caves is near the bridge over the river. The land around the Bride gets flooded in heavy rain. Our local Éire Óg GAA club used to be called Bridevalley after the River Bride. In 1928 Bride valley took the name Éire Óg.
River Bride The beautiful Bride 11
ITALIA: FROSINONE The river Cosa Preserve…our planet! Il fiume Cosa scorre nella parte bassa della città, da nord a sud. Ha sempre avuto una notevole importanza nella storia del luogo sin dai tempi dei primi insediamenti umani sulle sue sponde in epoca protostorica e volsca, testimoniati dal ritrovamento di necropoli lungo il fiume e di resti di abitati del VII - VI sec. a.C. Dopo la costruzione della Frusino arroccata sulla parte alta della collina, il Cosa ha continuato ad essere determinante per la vita delle popolazioni locali in quanto ha costituito per secoli l'unica possibilità di approvvigionamento di acqua. Oggi è in completo degrado. The river Cosa runs through the lower part of Frosinone from North to South. The river has always had a great importance for the history of the town since the first human settlements on its banks in prehistoric and Volscian times: necropolis and remains of settlements, dating back to VII-VI century B.C, were found along the river. Even after the construction of Frusino, on the top of the hill, the river Cosa continued to be crucial to the lives of local people because it was the only way to supply water. Today it is in complete degradation.
Il Campanile The Bell Tower ( Preserve our past! ) La torre quadrata, 62 metri di altezza, domina la città, è in stile romanico e presenta tre finestre. Il documento più antico in cui viene menzionata con certezza la torre campanaria o campanile è del 1674, Con certezza la costruzione preesistente a quella data è avvenuta nel periodo medievale, essendo di pertinenza alla Chiesa di S. Maria, la cui datazione iniziale si ha a decorrere dalla prima metà del XII secolo. Possiamo anche dire che nel ‘600 il Campanile ha già in dotazione più campane ma soprattutto l’orologio pubblico, che essendo abbastanza malandato ed assai antico fu sostituito da altro esemplare nel 1684.
The square tower, 62 meters high, dominates the town, is in Romanesque style and has three windows. The oldest document in which the bell tower is mentioned dates back to 1674. Certainly the existing building at that time was carried out in the medieval period, since it was attached to St. Mary’s Church, whose construction was begun in the first half of the twelfth century. We can also say that in the 17th century the bell tower had already more bells but especially the clock, that being quite damaged and very old was replaced by another in 1684.
Nella parte bassa della città, la Villa Comunale "Contessa De Matthaeis" inaugurata nel 2002 dopo un accurato restauro è il parco cittadino di maggiore estensione. L'entrata al parco è caratterizzata da una tipica sistemazione a giardino all'italiana, composta da lunghe siepi e da alberi appartenenti a varie specie, organizzati in aiuole circolari. Sul retro della villa comunale si sviluppa un ampio prato che fa da sfondo all'intera area. Una parte rilevante del parco è stata sistemata a bosco misto composto da Querce, Aceri e Carpini, dove è possibile svolgere attività sportive.
La Villa Comunale
In the lower part of the city, the Villa Comunale "Countess De Matthaeis" , opened in 2002 after an accurate restoration, is the largest city park. The entrance to the park is characterized by a typical Italian garden accommodation, consisting of long hedges and trees belonging to different species, arranged in circular flower beds. On the back of the municipal gardens develops a large lawn that is the background to the entire area. A significant part of the park was placed in mixed forest consisting of oaks, maples and hornbeam, where you can play sports.
The Villa Comunale (Preserve our history! )
La fontana è attribuita all'architetto e incisore Alessandro Specchi, noto come autore, assieme all'architetto Francesco De Sanctis, della celebre scalinata di Trinità dei Monti a Roma. Specchi progettò la fontana nel 1711, nelle immediate vicinanze del preesistente Santuario della Madonna della Neve, per volere di Livio de Carolis, marchese di Prossedi e Generale delle Poste pontificie. Questi commissionò allo Specchi anche un grande palazzo in via del Corso a Roma, noto come Palazzo De Carolis.
The fountain is attributed to the architect and engraver Alexander Specchi, known as author, together with the architect Francesco De Sanctis, of the famous Steps in Trinità dei Monti in Rome. Specchi designed the fountain in 1711, near the existing Sanctuary of Madonna della Neve, by the will of Livio de Carolis, Marquis of Prossedi and General of Poste Pontificie. He also commissioned to Specchi a large building in Via del Corso in Rome, known as De Carolis Palace.
Fontana “Livio De Carolis” Fountain “Livio De Carolis” (Preserve our culture!)
ITALY LONATE Il Monastero di San Michele St. Michael’s convent Il monastero di S. Michele era uno dei tre maggiori monasteri presenti in città tra il 15° secolo e la loro chiusura nel 1783. Era un monastero di clausura: le ragazze che vi entravano dopo aver preso i voti, non potevano più uscire. L’edificio accoglieva dalle quaranta alle sessanta monache e comprendeva pozzi, pollaio e orto. Al piano terra si trovavano la chiesa, il laboratorio, le cucine, il refettorio e il parlatorio; al piano superiore i dormitori. Ora l’edificio è di proprietà del Comune che ne ha già ristrutturato l'ala ovest e quella nord, sede della biblioteca comunale.
St. Michael’s convent was one of the three largest monasteries in town, operating from the 15th century to their shutdown in 1783. It was meant for cloistered women: once the girls entered the convent, and made their vows, they could no longer leave. The monastery hosted from forty to sixty nuns and included wells, chicken coops and a vegetable garden. On the ground floor were located: the church, the laboratory, the kitchen, the refectory and the parlor; on the top floor there were the dormitories. Now the building is owned by the municipality. Already renovated are: the west and the north wings, where the municipal library is located.
La chiesa di Sant’Ambrogio, originariamente a pianta ottagonale, venne iniziata nel 1499 sui resti di un castello medievale. Nel 1560 furono abbattuti tre lati dell’abside e si aggiunse la navata centrale lunga 30 metri. All’estremità della navata è alloggiato un prezioso organo Prestinari del 1833. Nel 1635 fu edificato l’attuale campanile in mattoni e marmo alto 51m dalla struttura esterna rettangolare e interno circolare. Accanto alla chiesa si apre il chiostro eretto alla fine del 18° secolo sullo spazio precedentemente usato come capo santo.
St. Ambrose parish Church, originally built in an octagonal shape, was erected in 1499 on the remains of a medieval castle. In 1560 the former church was enlarged by demolishing three sides of the apse and by adding the 30m long nave, at the end of which is now located a famous Prestinari’s organ dating back to 1833. In 1635 a new 51m high bell tower was built, using bricks and marble, in an external rectangular shape covering an inside circular room.
Chiesa di S. Ambrogio
Next to the church, a cloister was erected at the end of the 18th century on the former graveyard.
St. Ambrose church
E’ una delle case patrizie più antiche di Lonate Pozzolo, situata nel centro storico lungo la storica “Contrada del sorgo”, ora Via Roma. Fu proprietà della famiglia della Croce, antichi nobili lonatesi. L’edificio ha una struttura a ferro di cavallo in cui si evidenzia un corpo nobile di più antica costruzione, identificabile dal colore giallo lombardo della facciata, ed un edificio di colore rosso con le stalle, i fienili ed i granai. La villa è completata da un meraviglioso parco romantico chiamato il “Giardino delle sorprese”. Particolare è la presenza di una “Limonaia” che si affaccia sulla corte nobile. It is one of the oldest patrician houses in Lonate Pozzolo, located in the old town center along the "Contrada sorghum", now Via Roma. It was owned by the family of the Cross, the ancient noble family; Lonate Pozzolo. The building has a horseshoe-shaped structure made of a splendid main body, of more ancient construction, whose façade is painted in Lombard yellow colour and an additional red building; including stables, barns and granaries. The villa is surrounded by a beautiful Romantic park called the "Garden of the surprises."
Villa Porro
A pleasant lemon trees greenhouse overlooks the noble courtyard.
La strada, di origine romana, per secoli ha costituito una delle piĂš importanti vie di comunicazione con la valle del Ticino che collegava Lonate Pozzolo al porto sul fiume, al mulino del Gaggio, dove si macinava il grano per la maggior parte della popolazione, ai primi stabilimenti industriali di fine Ottocento e ai prati della valle. Nel 1815, con la seconda dominazione austriaca, la brughiera di Lonate divenne zona militare e tale rimase fino al 1993 quando ha avuto inizio una importante azione di recupero e riqualificazione da parte di cittadini e associazioni locali. Oggi la strada del Gaggio, luogo privilegiato delle passeggiate e delle attivitĂ ricreative dei Lonatesi, accoglie reperti storici, bellici ed etnografici che meriterebbero una riorganizzazione.
The Gaggio road, of Roman origin, has been one of the most important roads connecting Lonate Pozzolo to the Ticino valley and its hot spots, such as: the port, the Gaggio mill – where the wheat was ground for the whole population, the first factories and the fields of the valley. In 1815, with the second Austrian rule, the Lonatese moor became a military area and only in 1993 groups of citizens started an important action of reclamation and recycling of the whole site. Nowadays the Gaggio road is the main walk-and-relax area of the town. Along the road some historical and ethnographic finds are displayed in a sort of open air museum that deserves better organization.
La via del Gaggio The Gaggio road 19
FINLAND Nivalan kirkko The Church of Nivala Kirkkomme rakennettiin vuonna 1803. Sitä on kunnostettu useita kertoja. Viimeisin kunnostus tehtiin vuonna 1991. Alttaritaulun on maalannut A. Wendelin vuonna 1875. Seinillä olevat maalaukset on maalannut Lauri Välke. Pienempi kirkonkello valettiin Tukholmassa vuonna 1761 ja suurempi Helsingissä vuonna 1878. Ensimmäiset urut hankittiin vuonna 1897. Nykyiset urut ovat vuodelta 2009. Kirkko on 600-paikkainen ristinmuotoinen puukirkko.
Our church was built in 1803. Since then, it has been renovated several times. The latest renovation took place in 1991. The altar piece was painted by A. Wendelin in 1875. The paintings on the walls were made by Lauri Välke. The smaller church bell was cast in Stockholm in 1761 and the bigger one in Helsinki in 1878. The first organ was acquired in 1897. The present organ was acquired in 2009.The church is made of wood and the foundation is in a shape of a cross. The church has room for 600 people.
Katvalan museoalue koostuu vanhasta maatilan p채채rakennuksesta sek채 ulkorakennuksista, esim. navetta, sikala, hirsiaitat ja sauna. Katvalan alue on ollut museona vuodesta 1959 l채htien.
The Katvala museum area consists of an old farmhouse with its outbuildings: a cow shed, a pig sty, several store houses made of logs, a sauna etc. Katvala has been a museum since 1959. Katvala museum specializes in agriculture, cattle care, tar burning and funeral traditions.
Kotiseutumuseo Katvala Katvala Museum of Local History and Culture
Me olemme vastik채채n saaneet kaksi puista k채velysiltaa Malisjoen yli Nivalan ydinkeskustassa puistoalueella, jota on maisemoitu useampia vuosia.
Recently two wooden pedestrian bridges have been built over the river Malisjoki in the downtown park area which has undergone landscaping over several years.
Malisjoen k채velysillat The Pedestrian Bridges over the River Malisjoki 22
Kyösti Kallion koulu on rakennettu vuonna 2002. Koulussamme on useita kunnostusta kaipaavia kohteita, esimerkiksi seuraavat: Koulun ulkoseinät siistitään ja ympäröiville nurmialueille suunnitellaan korvaava materiaali. Koulumme teknisen työn maalaushuoneen seinät ovat vuosien saatossa sotkeutuneet maaliin. Seinät kunnostetaan oppilaiden tekemällä taiteella. Koulun ulko-ovien läheisyydessä olevat katospylväät kaipaavat kunnostusta ja maalia. Koulun pääoven katoksessa oleva seinä on rapistunut ja se täytyy kunnostaa. Kyösti Kallio School was built in 2002. In our school there are several areas which need to be repaired, for example the following: The lawn areas around the walls of the school; the outer walls of the school are to be tidied up and the surrounding lawn areas are to be replaced to other material. The paint room, which is part of our technical work classroom; over the years the walls have been splattered by paint. The walls are going to be repaired with art work done by the children. The pillars by the front entrance require maintenance; the paint has flaked off.
Koulun seiniä ympäröivät nurmialueet Kyösti Kallion koulun maalaushuone Katospylväät Koulun pääoven läheisyydessä oleva seinä
The wall by the front entrance; again the paint has flaked off and the wall needs to be repainted.
ENGLAND St Philip’s Church, Birmingham City Centre
St Philip's Church has been one of two Birmingham Cathedrals since 1905. It is an Anglican cathedral and is the seat of the Bishop of Birmingham. It was designed by Thomas Archer and built between 1711 and 1725. It is one of only a few churches in the English baroque style and one of the smallest cathedrals in England. The churchyard around St Phillip’s is known by residents of Birmingham as ‘Pigeon Park’ due to the number of birds which gather.
Birmingham Town Hall is a Grade I listed building (protected by legislation) in the centre of Birmingham. The building resembles Greek architecture with its columns. It was established in 1784, as a venue for classical music and for public meetings. Between 2002 and 2008, it was refurbished into a concert hall and is now used for performances as diverse as organ recitals, rock, pop and classical concerts and events such as graduation ceremonies for local universities. It is home to a very large pipe organ which is decorated with gold leaf.
Birmingham City Council House is the home of Birmingham City Council. It provides office accommodation for both employed council officers, including the Chief Executive, and elected council members, such as the Lord Mayor. There are committee rooms and a large and ornate banqueting suite. The first-floor's balcony is used by politicians and victorious sports teams, to address crowds assembled below. The statue in front of the Council House is called ‘The River’. The bronze woman lies in a dish shaped pool. Local people explain that she is in a jacuzzi!
The school grounds are not designed for gardening. We have rented a local piece of ground in order for the children, and hopefully some of the parents, to gain experience in growing some vegetables. The ground at the moment needs clearing and digging. Work has begun on this project, in particular with Year 3 / 4 children. The long term aim is to have a productive garden which is enjoyed by school and the wider community. We want children to understand about reducing ‘food miles’ as well as enjoying the fruits of their labour and gaining a new, life-long skill.
School allotment, Tyseley, Birmingham 27
ROMANIA The Murdered Pillars Monumentul „Stâlpii împuşcaţi”
Monumentul „Stâlpii împuşcaţi” sau Monumentul Eroilor Revoluţiei din Decembrie 1989 se află în Piaţa Unirii din Cluj-Napoca. A fost realizat în anul 2003 de sculptorul Liviu Mocan, cuprinde opt piese din bronz şi este dedicat eroilor ucişi în Piaţa Unirii la Revoluţia din 1989. La Cluj-Napoca au murit 26 de persoane, iar alte 65 au fost rănite în timpul evenimentelor din 21 decembrie 1989. The monument is dedicated to the memory of the 26 people from Cluj shot during the events of december1989 on the sidewalks in the center of town when we got rid of comunism.It is called The Murdered Pillars and was made in 2003 by Liviu Mocan a local sculptor. It consists of 8 bronze pieces taller than a normal man placed on the actual killing place.Aceasta e curtea scolii noastre care are nevoie sa fie amenajata intru-cat ii lipseste vegetatia si o idee de decorare. Ea trebuie sa fie integrata in viziunea artistica a acestei scoli asa ca va trebui plantata cu arbori si amenajata cu banci si ziduri decorate de elevii nostri astfel incat sa devina un loc placut si utilizabil atat in timpul orelor de pictura, desen si alte materii de specialitate cat si pentru alte activitati specifice 28
Aceasta e curtea scolii noastre care are nevoie sa fie amenajata intru-cat ii lipseste vegetatia si o idee de decorare. Ea trebuie sa fie integrata in viziunea artistica a acestei scoli asa ca va trebui plantata cu arbori si amenajata cu banci si ziduri decorate de elevii nostri astfel incat sa devina un loc placut si utilizabil atat in timpul orelor de pictura, desen si alte materii de specialitate cat si pentru alte activitati specifice scolii.
This is our school yard. We think it can be seriously improved because it lacks trees and decorations. It will be integrated in the artistic view of our school so we have to plant trees, benches and decorative walls. When we finish decorating it, it will be a pleasant and usable place for both speciality classes and different school oriented out door activities .
Curtea scolii Liceului de Arte Plastice Ladea Our school yard.
Grădina Botanică „Alexandru Borza” a Universității BabeșBolyai din Cluj-Napoca, România a fost fondată în 1920 de profesorul Alexandru Borza. Întinsă pe o suprafață de aproape 14 hectare, în partea sudică a Clujului, grădina botanică, organizată după Unirea Transilvaniei cu România, în anii activității de așezare pe temeiuri solide a universității clujene, a reușit să se dezvolte în timp atât ca și un obiectiv turistic clujean cât și ca important spațiu didactic și științific din cadrul Universității Babeș-Bolyai. Este înscrisă pe lista monumentelor istorice din județul Cluj, elaborată de Ministerul Culturii si Patrimoniului Național din România în anul 2010. Grădina conține pe teritoriul său peste 10 000 specii de plante din t o a t e c o l ț u r i l e l u m i i , fi i n d s t r u c t u r a tă p e m a i m u l t e sectoare: ornamental, fitogeografic, sistematic, economic și medicinal. Flora și vegetația românească sunt reprezentate prin plante din câmpiile transilvane, Munții Carpați, Banat, etc. Printre atracțiile grădinii se numără Grădina japoneză (o grădină în stil japonez cu un pârâu și o căsuță în stil japonez), Grădina romană cu vestigii arheologice din vechea colonie romană Napoca, printre care și o statuie a lui Ceres, zeița cerealelor și a pâinii, alături de plante cultivate care domină agricultura contemporană românească.
Gradina Botanica „Alexandru Borza” The Botanical Gardens „Alexandru Borza”
The Botanical Gardens funded in 1920 by Alexandru Borza, a local University teacher, can be visited in the southern side of the city. On 14 hectars there are more than 10000 species of plants from all over the world organized in smaller gardens like Roman gardens, Japanese gardens and it also contains archeological vestiges from Napoca and an old statue of goddess Ceres, the goddess of cereals and bread.
Exista un consens general in randul specialistilor in parapsihologie,
conform caruia Padurea Hoia-Baciu este o "poarta" interdimensionala prin care spiritele, fie ele ale celor decedati recent sau inca neincarnati, pot intra in dimensiunea material-fizica a planetei Terra. Initiatii in stiintele ezoterice sustin insa ca Padurea Hoia-Baciu ar fi un portal intre planul astral si cel teluric, zona intermediara similara cumva Purgatoriului lui Dante, unde sufletele decedatilor stau timp de 40 de zile, in care li se hotaraste soarta si le se judeca faptele‌
 Fenomenele inregistrate in padurea Baciu nu sunt singulare pe mapamond. Harta locurilor de pe Terra care contin zone cu fenomene asemanatoare, cuprinde si Desertul Mojave si Gloful Breeze din Statele Unite, La Spezia-Arenzano din Italia, Valea Hessdalen din Norvegia, Belo Horizonte din Brazilia, Muntele Kailasa din Tibet. Cu toate acestea, padurea Hoia-Baciu este considerata de toti marii parapsihologi , drept cel mai important areal al manifestarii fenomenelor parapsihologice de pe intreaga planeta.
forest of Baciu-Hoia is located on the western side of Cluj and is considered the Bermuda triangle of our city because very curious things happen here from a very long time. It is considered by many parapsychologists as one of the most important parapsychological area on the planet. There are many UFO photos taken here and people disappear without any tracks here from time to time, in the middle of the day and from among friends. Locals consider that spirits of the deceased can often be seen in this forest.
Padurea Baciu-Hoia The forest of Baciu-Hoia
MALTA Hagar Qim Temple Qrendi
Hagar Qim Temple dates back from the Ggantija Phase (c. 3600 3200 BC) . This 5,000 year old temple stands on a hilltop overlooking the sea. Various important artefacts have been unearthed from Ħaġar Qim such as a decorated pillar altar, two table-altars and some of the ‘fat lady’ statues which are now on display at the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta. The temple is laid out on a clover-leaf shape and consists of four or five apses, with a forecourt and facade. This design is typical of Neolithic temples across Malta.
St John’s co-Cathedral was the convent church of the Knights of the Order of St John. It was designed by a Maltese architect Girolamo Cassar . Although the facade is not so impressive , the inside is simply spendid . inside there are 375 graves. The gravestones, all in marble, show the knights and grand-masters that are buried in this cathedral. The only exception who is buried here is Mattia Preti. Mattia Preti lived in Malta till he died in 1699. He spent five long years making this church beautiful so it was only fitting that he be buried in this church which he loved so much. This cathedral has nine chapels - four on the right and five on the left. The famous Beheading of St John by Caravaggio is found in this cathedral.
! St John’s co-Cathedral Valletta
In 1881 the first sea water distillery Station was erected in Sliema in order to provide water to the British barracks on the Tigne Seafront in Sliema. Getting fresh drinking-water was always one of the main problems of the island. The building stopped functioning as a distillation station a few years after opening as the operating costs were far too high. However, the building, which still stands today, has been occupied by a printing press since that time.
! Sea Water Distilling Station Sliema
St. Joseph School, Sliema was built over a hundred years ago and is found in the centre of a busy town. It is constantly being improved and upgraded. The garden and recreation areas are found in the middle of the school grounds. We have decided to focus on one section of this area, that is the entrance to our assembly area, and which is also the play area for our younger girls. The project is mainly to create a mosaic mural on the garden wall, to brighten up the area. This mural will be depicting life on the Maltese Islands, and will be made up of recycled materials, such as broken tiles. We will also be replanting the garden using recycled containers as planters.
! St Joseph School recreational area