

Memory exploration
4 Universityprojects
Lab life
Musée Le Corbusier
Revitalization of Linnahall
10 YRA manifesto
12 Secret Manland
14 Experiential walk in the modern castle performance
16 Promenoodology Community workshop
From 2011 to 2016, I attended Justinas Vienozinskis Art School, unknowinglysettingthestageformyfuture.StudyingArtHistory,Academic Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Installation, Printmaking, Sculpture, and participating in plein air sessions, greatly influenced my further creative journey. Attending the art school expanded my interests and boosted curiosity.

Memory exploration
"Memory Exploration" dives into childhood recollection, where personal experiences and family stories shape our understanding of the past. Through metal prints, this project navigates the void before age four, when memories begin to form. By blending baby photos with early childhood memories, I question the truth of my own recollections, considering how family tales might influence them. "Memory Exploration" invites viewers on a journey into the flexible realm of memory, where personal truths and shared stories revealthecomplexitiesofourpast.
Lab life

Afterhighschool,Ienrolledintothe5-yearBA+MAArchitectureprogramat Vilnius Tech. Throughout those years, I embraced opportunity to expand my horizonsandfeedmycuriosity.Iappreciate thechancetoparticipateinthree exchange programs, each offering a unique perspective.These exchanges not only broadened my architectural knowledge but also allowed me to immerse myself in different cultures and environments, fostering personal growth and understandingofglobaldesignpractices.

During my exchange semester at ENSAPVS, I had the opportunity to participate in a course that broadened my understanding of the connection betweeninteriorandexteriorspaces.Theprojectcenteredaroundthecreation ofamuseumdedicatedtothefamousFrencharchitectLeCorbusier,withthe official program and exhibition guidelines provided by the Corbusier Foundation.
Thecourseemphasizedtheartofarchitecturalscenography,focusingonhow toharmonizearchitecture,andexhibitionspaces.

Revitalizationof Linnahall
For my master's thesis, I got immersed into the revitalization of the magnificent Linnahall buildinginTallinn.Thismassive structure,larger a Manhattan block, had been left unused internally for over a decade and is deteriorating rapidly. In the contrary, exterior of the building is one of the most popular gathering locations. My project centered on preserving its existing features, ensuring accessibility, and reimagining its purpose for today's Tallinn. I explored various strategies to breathe new life into this historic landmark, considering its cultural significance and impact on the urbanfabricofTallinn.

Need - the primary reason for something to emerge.
Sustainability stems from this need.
Nothing should emerge unless it's fundamentally necessary.
It turns out, we have everything we need.
Let's create what is truly lacking.
YRA manifesto
Yra inLithuanianmeans is 2021
TogetherwithAisteGaidilionyte,AgneMikonyte,IevaBagdonaite,Kamile Vasiliauskaitefor Sustainable house competition
This project holds a special significance for me. When the student competition for a sustainable house was announced, with the designated building site being the inner courtyard of the Faculty of Architecture, it sparked reflection. We questioned the necessity of building a house when unused space for indoor activities already existed within the existing structures. Through this process, we arrived at a realization: what was truly needed was not residential dwelling, but rather versatile, multi-use spaces that fostered community and togetherness. Building something not needed is unsustainable in its core. This shift in perspective marked a pivotal moment indefiningsustainabilityforme.

Secret manland
Experiments' Platform 2022
TogetherwithAisteGaidilionyte,IevaBagdonaite, KamileVasiliauskaite
Continuation of the garage topic in a different light. Coverage on the recently initiated process of demolishing Soviet-era metal garages in Vilnius. Our aim is to visit and document the areas where these garageshavejustbeendemolishedorarestillawaiting a similar fate. We intend to explore ideas on how to salvage and transform one of these modular metal garages, preserving it from disappearance and repurposingitinauniqueway.

Experiential walk in the modern castle
The aim of the performance was to offer visitors a non-visual exploration of Castle like community center, fostering a different connection with the building.
Context: Trakai Castle, situated in the preserved landscape of Trakai Historical National Park, serves as a pivotal landmark shaping the city's identity. The castle underwent reconstruction during Soviet occupation, transformingfromstoneruinstoastructurepredominantlymadeofredbrick.
This reinterpretation of history, coupled with the construction of another castle-like building, blurred the lines between authenticity and Soviet influence. Despite Trakai's protected status post-independence, preservation challenges persist, prompting efforts to raise awareness about both of the castles’ significance and to open up a conversation about its sustainable conservation.

Promenoodology Community workshop
WorkshopbyGabrielOgbonna,NickUlrich,PatricioSotaPromenoodology Community explores how cooking stimulates engagement towards environments and produce local activism in those environments. During the workshop we were cooking and eating in public spaces of Sheffield together with workshop participants and local actors. Our kitchen was the centerpiece of action and connection. Kitchen was made out of reused materials, nothing was bought, everything gathered. Housekeeping carts were amazing part of kitchen construction as they provided space for storage and easy movement around the city. Cooking was our common missionandourachievement.