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Augusto Chiarle
ITALIANO: grande & grosso, suono il sax, adoro cinema, teatro e divertirmi (come se ci fosse qualcuno a cui non piace hehe). Ascoltate la mia band, i The Wimshurst's Machine!!! - ENGLISH: Big & 6' tall sax player and producer of The Wimshurst's Machine. I'm the big, tough and 6' tall (184 cm) co-founder of TWM, the chillout and prog electronica band named "The Wimshurst's Machine". Music and soundtracks are my passions, as well as cinema. I love irony and fun (but who doesn't love to have fun?). I work full time as Meteorological Observer in Italy (in a Control Tower) and teaching meteorology to pilots. Meteo is the job of my life, it it stays this way (free time to play music, work with technology, people and science, etc.). My band is named, as I said, The Wimshurst's Mahine and is a very important project. It keeps me busy for all my free time and even if we know we would not become millionaires nor raise millions with our music we decided to devolve anyway half of the money raised for charity