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Augustus Publishing | where hip hop literature begins
Augustus Publishing interprets contemporary times and connects to readers through shared language, culture and artistic expression. From street tales and erotica to coming-of age sagas, our stories are endearing, filled with drama, imagination and laced with a Hip Hop steez. Hip Hop Lit•er•a•ture |ˈhip-hop lit(ə)rə ch ər;| noun 1 written works, esp. a style in popular creative writing of U.S. Black and Hispanic origin, published on a particular subject: the literature of a particular period. • books and writings about different aspect of street life with lasting artistic merit: a great work of literature. • the writings of Hip Hop language: writing the lingo of rap • magazines and other printed matter used to describe a genre. 2 the production or profession of fiction writing with a certain style. ORIGIN 1990s New York City (in the sense [knowledge of books]): via hood lingo from rap songs. (see Hip Hop Lit).