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Catalogue of SGP products in Peru The KingDOM of the
eternal ecologists
Catalogue of products based on Peru’s agricultural biodiversity
2 | The GEF Small Grants Programme
By purchasing these products, you are supporting efforts to preserve Peru’s agricultural biodiversity and helping eradicate poverty in disadvantaged communities in Peru.
If you would like to acquire any of the products financed by SGP in Puno, Piura or Lambayeque, please contact the following people: www.apeproeco.com E-mail apeproeco2007@yahoo.es Telephone: (073) 202-827 Cellular: (073) 9688-26897 Alpaca products in the region of Puno: Porfirio EnrĂquez E-mail: enriquezporfir@yahoo.es Telephone: (051) 369-377 Cellular: 9516-69155 Products from the dry forest (Piura and Lambayeque) (certified organic honey, carob fruit, carob powder, carob coffess, mamey mermelade, etc.): Damis Zegarra E-mail: apeproeco@yahoo.es Telephone: (073) 202-827 Cellular: 9688-26897
Handicrafts made of colored native cotton: Magdalena Puican E-mail: magdalena129@hotmail.com Telephone: (074) 272-546 Cellular: 9795-80176 The GEF Small Grants Programme | 3
Índice 05. The Small Grants Programme (SGP) in our country
06. Think globally and act locally Think globally and act locally Why is SGP so important for country like Peru?
08. When union means sales
10. PUNO
Coloured alpaca fibres make a comeback Some alpaqueros have immersed themselves in an activity that was unthinkable until recently: saving the coloured suri alpaca from extinction. Products: » Nuñoa » Lampa » »
Laraqueri Cojata
12 20 28 34
38. Piura
Carob trees drive development Dozens of families in northern Peru have recovered their dreams of development thanks to efforts to maintain and preserve this tree. Products: » Santiaguero » Chutuque » Locuto
40 40 42
44. lambayeque
Honey and cotton that preserve the environment. Organic honey production and efforts to plant native cotton, which was on the verge of extinction, have helped different hamlets in the Chiniama river valley preserve their biodiversity. Products: » Mórrope » Tongorrape » »
4 | The GEF Small Grants Programme
Pasaje Norte El Porvenir
46 56 58 60
A trip to
the SGP centre A brief tour
When the UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) was established in Peru in 1998, no one would have imagined the journey that would unfold over time. Beyond the hundreds of kilometres that had to be travelled to reach the country’s remotest locations, SGP’s journey consisted in establishing contact with hundreds of previously anonymous individuals. The products displayed in this catalogue -which belong to local communities in Piura, Lambayeque and Punoconstitute proof of the unrivalled role these leaders have played: men and women who promote the sustainable use of Peru’s mega diversity in their daily efforts to preserve singular species from imminent destruction. These individuals protect the ecosystem they inhabit, which contributes to the Global Environment Fund’s mission to preserve agricultural biodiversity, promote sustainable lifestyles and generate eco-business opportunities, employment and complementary income for the country’s most vulnerable families. In this sense, ensuring that SGP products are visible and effectively commercialized helps the programme’s beneficiaries contribute to community development. SGP’s success is directly related to the day-to-day dedication of these local leaders. The tremendous value of their stories lies in the singular development processes they have led, which have required them to tackle a series of problems to ensure that both they and their organizations grow. Without a doubt, the products that appear on these pages represent these individuals’ search for a better future for themselves and their descendents.
The GEF Small Grants Programme-Peru
The GEF Small Grants Programme | 5
Think globally
and act locally Why is SGP so important in a country like Peru?
The Small Grants Programme was created by the Global Environment Fund in 1992 and was established in Peru six years later. This programme, which works with different regions in the country, aims to promote preservation of natural resources at the local level as a means of protecting the global environment. Currently, and after a great deal of work, Peru boasts one of the largest and most diverse portfolios of SGP projects in the world.
6 | The GEF Small Grants Programme
The Small Grants Programme aims to help different 1 2 communities on the planet 3
to become direct actors rather than passive recipients. The way the programme is
designed contributes a great deal to this objective given that it is structured to allow the community to manage its resources. This ensures that funds are not used to finance a bureaucracy and allows the community to take a leading role in accountability and financing as well as the adequate use of funds and waste prevention.” Rebeca Arias Flores, Resident Representative of UNDP in Peru
The most valuable aspect of the Small Grants Programme is that it begins thinking small and then focuses on gradual growth. It works from the bottom up and not vice versa. This is the major difference with large projects, which generally have no concrete impact on the poor strata. The SGP arrives in the community and works directly with people with an eye on protecting the region’s biodiversity. The programme’s primary aim is to ensure that each community protects and is proud of its biodiversity, whether located on the coast or in the mountains or jungle.” Antonio Brack-Egg, Former Minister of the Environment
SGP is an initiative of the Global Environment Fund and the United Nations Development Fund. Its main objective is to preserve the global environment, mitigate climate change and prevent soil degradation. It also seeks to alleviate poverty by making communities progressively responsible for their development. As such, it is important that SGP products are visible and available on the commercial circuit. We still need to educate the Peruvian consumer. Currently, for example, we are constantly organizing fairs. These events are important because they are highly visible among different associations and producers and provide opportunities to share experiences. After each fair, people stay a few extra days to receive training in different areas such as marketing, information systematization and billing. The beneficiaries suggest which issues they feel need to be addressed. In many cases friendship and commercial relations are built”. Emilia Bustamante Guerra, National Coordinator of the Small Grants Programme in Peru
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When union
MEANS SALES Apreproeco, one of SGP’s many initiatives, was created in 2007 to create an association of successful projects in Piura, Lambayeque and Puno. Although still small, this association dreams of opening stores, developing a well-known brand and making the great leap toward exporting. In the end we were only able to deliver two and a half tons of carob fruit; nevertheless, this was a big step for us. An order from Europe got the ball rolling because it pushed us united in one group”, said Damis Zegarra, Apeproeco’s current manager, when this association began. At the end of 2006, Albino Vicente, the president of the community-owned company Santa María de Locuto in Piura, received an unexpected request from Italy for 10 tons of carob flour. It would have been impossible to do this alone. So Albino spoke to Emilia Bustamante, National Coordinator of SGP in Peru, and both contacted two other associations in the province that produce carob fruit and also work with SGP. This time, the goal was not met but it was a great learning experience for everyone. Consequently, a small network was formed that grew in the months to follow: two associations from Lambayeque, which also promote conserving the dry forest by producing honey and carob fruit, joined the projects from Piura. With these first five projects –and Albino Vicente as president– Apeproeco was created in 2007 with financing from SGP. The association’s objectives are to expand the productive base, achieve joint certification, standardize productive processes, engage in permanent training and commercialize products.
8 | The GEF Small Grants Programme
Today Apeproeco is composed of nine associations and receives help from SGP through the “Promoting and Strengthening the Association of Small Ecological Producers project to preserve and commercialize products from Peru’s biodiversity”. This biodiversity initiative includes efforts in Puno to preserve the coloured suri alpaca and projects in Lambayeque to rescue native cotton crops in the region. But, in Apeproeco’s case, what does “union is strength” signify? Similar organizational models and schemes are used in Piura, Lambayeque and Puno but each is adapted to consider the specific characteristics and products in each area. Apeproeco has helped standardize different associations’ prices, created better forms of organization and replicated successful experiences: an exhaustive registry is kept of all actions and knowledge is shared with partners on other projects. Efforts are made to attend fairs in different parts of the country and provide training. The sales percentages have also been standardized since 2009: some of the proceeds cover production expenses (containers, labels, etc.) while others are disbursed to the corresponding association and Apeproeco. “The goal is to open a store in Lima in 2012 that displays all of our products. We would like to use the internet as a sales channel. At the beginning of this year, we also created the
brand Piolam’s, which is also registered in Indecopi”, said Damis Zegarra. Producers without clients are like clowns without an audience. For this reason, one of Apeproceco’s goals is to ensure that the isolation that each of these projects has suffered in the past takes less of a toll.
Apeproeco is made up of the following SGP projects:
» Empresa comunal Santa María de Locuto
(Tambogrande, Piura)
» Asociación de vivientes del caserío de Chutuque
(Sechura, Piura)
» Asociación de desarrollo María de Los Ángeles Santiaguero-Vega Honda-Alto El Gallo (Chulucanas, Piura)
» Asociación de protección de los bosques secos del caserío de Choloque (Tongorrape, Lambayeque)
» Asociación de artesanas de Arbosol y Huaca de Barro (Mórrope, Lambayeque)
» Asociación de apicultores rurales del caserío de El Porvenir (Olmos, Lambayeque)
» Asociación de apicultores Pasaje Norte (Olmos, Lambayeque) » Asociación de criadores de camélidos andinos-ILLA (Puno) » Asociación artesanal Suri Paqucha-Nuñoa ASARSUPAN (Puno)
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PUNO FIBRE from coloured
alpacas makes a comeback
Thanks to SGP, different communities in Puno have developed creative projects to save the suri alpaca from extinction. The alpaqueros hope to convince the textile industry to stop shunning their fibre because it is coloured and ensure that the market pays a fair price for this high quality wool. After a tireless and arduous effort in the highlands of Puno, producers are beginning to manufacture eye-catching designs and clothing.
» Nuñoa » Lampa » Laraqueri » Cojata
Photography: Enrique Castro-Mendívil PUNO ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 11
THE CAPITAL OF THE PROVINCE OF MELGAR IS LOCATED 4,000 METERS ABOVE SEA LEVEL. It has 13,000 inhabitants, half of which live in the countryside where potato, quinoa, barley and oats are grown. In the highlands, people work almost exclusively in alpaca raising. Asociación Acricran Illa groups together 30 partners, including animal raisers and artisans. One of this organization’s primary achievements is that it has created its own brand: Suri Paqucha.
A. CROCHETED ROSARIES (in various colours) /B. SCARFS made on a loom in natural colours / C. THREAD dyed with native plants and natural colours / D. HAT in natural colours / E. CROCHETED EAR MUFF s / F-G. DOLLS in typical dress from surrounding communities / H. CROCHETED SCARF dyed with natural plants.
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PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 13
14 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
I. HAND-KNITTED SWEATERS in natural colours / J. SCARF made of suri alpaca FIBRE, knitted by hand and dyed with native plants / K. WOMAN’S TURTLENECK SWEATER made with suri alpaca FIBRE in natural colours / L. ALPACA JACKET in natural colour / M. JACKET with floral motifs, knitted by hand / N. ALPACA JACKET knitted by hand and dyed with native plants / O. REVERSIBLE ALPACA HAT hand-knitted in natural colours / P. WOMAN’S SWEATER hand-knitted / Q. ALPACA HAT hand-knitted in natural colour FIBRE /R. WOMAN’S SCARF crocheted in natural colour FIBRE / S. SCARF made of suri alpaca with cochineal / T. SCARF made of crocheted alpaca and dyed with native plants. / U. SHAWL made of hand-knitted suri alpaca in natural colour
PUNO ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 15
U U. SHAWL made of hand-knitted suri alpaca in natural colour
V. SHAWL made of natural colour knitted suri alpaca with embroidery
16 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
V. SHAWL made of natural colour knitted suri alpaca with embroidery /W. SHAWL hand-knitted in natural colour /X. SCARF hand-knitted, embroidered and dyed with native plants / Y. SCARF hand-knitted with natural white alpaca and black applications / Z. SCARF hand-knitted with suri alpaca and dyed with cochineal / AB-AC. SHAWL made of crocheted suri alpaca and dyed with native plants.
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18 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
AB-AC. SHAWL made of crocheted suri alpaca and dyed with native plants.
PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 19
La Asociaciรณn de Productores Pecuarios y Artesanos de Pumacanchi Condurini (Aproparep), located in the province of Lampa, is a base association for alpaca raisers who, in addition to this activity, have chosen to produce textile handicrafts to showcase this camelid fibre. This association benefits 81 families directly and 150 families
indirectly for a total of 1,000 individuals.
A. CROCHETED HAT in natural colour / B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I. HANDKNITTED HATS with different designs / J. BERET hand-knitted in natural colour with a tassel / K-L-M. HATS hand-knitted with different designs / N. CHULLO hand-knitted and dyed with native plants / O. EAR MUFFS hand-knitted with a mixture of natural colour alpaca fibres and dyed with native plants
20 | The GEF Small Grants Programme โ บ PUNO
P PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 21
22 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
P. CHULLO hand-knitted with alpaca . / Q. SCARF hand-knitted with alpaca fibre / R. SCARF crocheted with alpaca fibre / S. CHANGE PURSE with a natural colour crocheted closure / T. CHANGE PURSE with a crotched closure and dyed with native plants / U. HAND-KNITTED MITTENS
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24 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
V. CHULLO hand-knitted in natural colours. / W. BELT knitted in pampa sayu with the national shield; natural colour / X. PURSE hand-knitted in pampa sayu; natural colour / Y. MITTENS hand-knitted; natural colour/ Z. CROCHETED HAND WARMERS / AB. SCARF hand-knitted; natural colour / AC. SCARF two-sided design knitted on a loom; natural colour / AD. SCARF traditional motifs in pampa sayu; natural colour / AE. BLANKET knitted on a loom with traditional motif; natural colour.
PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 25
AF-AG. POUCH ceremonial bag made of synthetic wool and beads / AH. LLICLLIA with a traditional design knitted in pampa sayu; made of alpaca wool and dyed with native plants.
26 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 27
ASOCIACIĂ“N ASARKUC HAS APPROXIMATELY 350 MEMBERS FROM 10 COMMUNITIES located in the north-eastern section of Lake Titicaca. This is Aimara country, where animal raisers and artisans are divided into 17 organizations that share a community centre in the main square of Laraqueri. This centre is less than one hour from the capital, Puno, where artisans show their products and receive training.
A-B. HATS hand-knitted in natural colours / C. GLOVES hand-knitted in natural colours / D. SOCKS hand-knitted in natural colours / E. HAT hand-knitted; natural colour / F. SHAWL hand-knitted; natural colour / G. TRADITIONAL PONCHO knitted in pampa sayu; natural colour with synthetic wool stripes / H. SHAWL hand-knitted; natural colour / I. SCARF hand-knitted with floral motifs in natural colours.
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30 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
J. VEST hand-knitted; natural colour / K. CROCHETED HANGE PURSE with zipper / L. MITTENS; solid colour / M. HAT hand-knitted, reversible and in natural colours / N. BERET hand-knitted, model with alpaca design in natural colours / O. GLOVES hand-knitted in natural colour / P. SOCKS hand-knitted in natural colours / Q. CHULLO hand-knitted in natural colours
PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 31
R. SWEATER hand-knitted in natural colours. / S. VEST hand-knitted with a condor motif / T. SCARF hand-knitted; natural colour / U. HAND-KNITTED WOMAN’S SCARF / V. KNAPSACK knitted on a loom with beads and natural colour fibres / W. SHAWL-THROW knitted on a loom in natural colours /X. SOCKS hand-knitted in natural colours / Y. SCARF knitted on a loom in natural colours / Z. MITTENS hand-knitted in natural colours
V 32 | The GEF Small Grants Programme ► PUNO
PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 33
34 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
Cojata FOUR COMMUNITIES BELONG TO THIS ALPAQUERO CENTER, WHICH IS LOCATED CLOSE TO BOLIVIA in the north-eastern section of Lake Titicaca. Thanks to efforts to introduce SGP in Japo, Chillihuani, Huancasaya and Humabamba, 200 families are reviving ancient techniques and traditions for combing, spinning, twisting and knitting fibres to produce increasingly sophisticated handicrafts.
A. SCARF hand-knitted in natural tones / B. PURSES hand-knitted, made of natural alpaca fibre and dyed with native plants / C. CROCHETED SCARF, natural colours / D. CROCHETED PURSE, hand-knitted in natural colours / E. CHULLO with tassels and knitted in hairpin lace / F.CHANGE PURSES with traditional motifs / G. CROCHETED SCARF with tassels; natural colours
PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 35
36 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
H. SCARF knitted on a loom; natural colours / I. CHULLO handknitted in natural colours / J. VEST hand-knitted in natural colours / K. SCARF hand-knitted in natural colours / L. CHULLO with three tassels; hand-knitted in natural colour / M. VEST no buttons; hairpin lace knit in natural colour N. VEST v-neck; hairpin lace knit O. CROCHETED VEST, natural colours
PUNO â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 37
PIURA Carob trees create development
For decades, the dry forest of Piura was subjected to relentless deforestation at the hands of many communities living in the area. Eventually, a group of peasants decided to put a stop to this and began to promote a culture of environmental protection. Efforts were made to preserve different species of trees, some of which, including the carob tree, became sources of income for the communities. Today the forest provides a better quality of life thanks to high-quality products such as carob powder, carob coffee, carob beverages, carobmaca and organic honey.
» Santiaguero » Chutuque » Locuto 38 |The GEF Small Grants Programme ► PIURA
Photography: Musuk Nolte PIURA â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 39
SANTIAGUERO, we can find the processing plant of the Asociación María de los Ángeles de Chuluacanas. It possess 130
hectares where carob trees have been replanted, generating a series of sustainable productive activities.
A. ALGARROBINA, 150 g jar. / B. ALGARROBINA, 250 g jar. / C. miel de abeja orgánica, 150 g jar.
Chutuque La Asociación de Vivientes del Caserío de Chutuque has received
technical assistance from the Small Grants Programme for the last 18 months. Today its members travel to fairs in different parts of Peru to exhibit and sell their organic products.
40 |The GEF Small Grants Programme ► PIURA
A. CAROB FRUIT, 150 g jar. / B. ORGANIC HONEY, 150 g jar. / C. ORGANIC HONEY, 1 k jar.
Locuto ASOCIACIÓN DE VIVIENTES DEL CASERÍO DE CHUTUQUE has received technical assistance from the Small Grants Programme for the last 18 months. Today its members travel to fairs in different parts of Peru to exhibit and sell their organic products.
42 |The GEF Small Grants Programme ► PIURA
A. ORGANIC HONEY, 500 g jar. / B. ORGANIC HONEY, 150 g jar. / C. CAROB FRUIT, 150 g jar. D. CAROB COFFEE filtered without caffeine, 250 g jar. / E. CAROB POWER, 200 g. / F. CAROB-MACA, 200 g jar. / G. INSTANT CAROB COFFEE without caffeine 250 g jar. / H. CAROB POWDER, 100 g jar. / I. CAROB FRUIT, 100 g jar. / J. CAROB FRUIT, 500 g jar.
PIURA ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 43
Lambayequ Honey and cotton that preserve the environment
Protecting the forest means protecting its water and the lives of the people, animals and plants that live along its streams, basins and rivers. With the help of SGP, the communities that live in different parts of the Chiniama river basin have internalized this point and have begun to preserve their surroundings. From the highlands to the coastal plains, tree felling has fallen by the wayside to make room for organic honey production or efforts to plant native cotton, which until recently was on the verge of extinction.
» Mórrope » Tongorrape » Pasaje Norte » El Porvenir 44 | The GEF Small Grants Programme ► LAMBAYEQUE
Photography: Enrique Castro-Mendívil
LAMBAYEQUE ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 45
46 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş LAMBAYEQUE
ASOCIACIÓN DE ARTESANAS DE ARBOSOL Y HUACA DE BARRO HAS 31 female members. Since 2003, this group has worked to recover five natural colours of native cotton and has promoted traditional lines in other area villages. The association has also developed and utilized agro-ecological techniques to control plagues and has learned to add value to its knits and create handicrafts made of cotton.
A. COTTON BALLS, natural colour known as “colorado” B. SKEINS OF COTTON, natural colour fibres in colorado, fifo, pardo and uyco.
LAMBAYEQUE ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 47
C. CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS (various models) / D. EARRINGS made of wood and native cotton / E. ORNAMENTS with flowers, made of native cotton and fabri / F. ORNAMENTS for pens in native cotton; available in various colours / G. DOLL KEY RING in traditional dress made of native cotton / H. ANGEL measuring 40 cm. Made of native cotton in various colours.
48 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş LAMBAYEQUE
LAMBAYEQUE â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 49
I. BLANKET with Moche motifs in native cotton (white and pardo) / J. CLIPS with ornaments made in native cotton / K. ROLLS OF COTTON FIBRE in five of the natural colours that have been recovered: colorado, white, fifo, pardo and uyco.
50 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş LAMBAYEQUE
LAMBAYEQUE â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 51
52 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş LAMBAYEQUE
L. LARGE BAG with a fastener made of native cotton (white and pardo) / M. PURSE with a fastener made of native cotton (white and pardo) / N. PURSE with a fastener and outside pocket made of native cotton (white and pardo) / O. BRACELETS with various designs and different
LAMBAYEQUE â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 53
54 | The GEF Small Grants Programme â–ş PUNO
P. RIBBON knitted on a loom (various meters) / Q. PEN HOLDERS with a fastener in native cotton (white and pardo) / R-S-T-U-V-W.CHAIN PURSES various models available / X. WALLET knitted on a loom and available in various colours / Y. MEDIUM-SIZE POUCHES (various models) / Z. TENNIS SHOES knitted upper and a rubber sole.
LAMBAYEQUE â—„ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 55
Tongorrape ASOCIACIÓN DE PROTECCIÓN DE LOS BOSQUES SECOS (ASPROBOS) HAS 60 MEMBERS in the El Choloque hamlet in Motupe. Since 2002, these individuals have worked to protect the dry forest while generating sustainable productive activities including organic honey and fruit marmalade production based on local inputs. For the past two years, the association has provided help and guidance to peasants from Palo Blanco and El Cardal, who belong to the Conservation Association of the Chiniama Valley. The objective is to expand this initiative throughout the Chiniama river basin (Acovach).
56 | The GEF Small Grants Programme ► LAMBAYEQUE
A. MAMEY MARMALADE, 500 g jar. / B. MAMEY MARMALADE, 300 g jar. / C. ORGANIC HONEY, 500 g jar.
LAMBAYEQUE ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 57
Pasaje Norte ASOCIACIÓN DE APICULTORES DE PASAJE NORTE is composed of 16 families that live in the
Piedra Mora sector. These individuals dedicate their time to ensuring that the dry forest is used in a sustainable way. The association’s members sell carob fruit and organic honey and engage in livestock activities and subsistence agriculture.
A 58 | The GEF Small Grants Programme ► LAMBAYEQUE
A. CAROB FRUIT, 300 g presentation. b. ORGANIC HONEY, 300 g presentation. C. TOASTED CAROB BEANS, 250 g glass jar. D. TOASTED CAROB BEANS, 500 g package.
C LAMBAYEQUE ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 59
El Porvenir ASOCIACIÓN DE PRODUCTORES RURALES DE OLMOS (AAPROL) HAS 20 MEMBERS These individuals, who are direct beneficiaries, produce organic honey and marmalades based on local fruits. Indirectly, the project benefits 70 families in the hamlets of Cerro Falla, El Porvenir (project seat), Querpón, Tierra Rajada and La Victoria. These individuals belong to the Volunteer Forest Brigade, which was created to protect and manage the forest.
60 | The GEF Small Grants Programme ► LAMBAYEQUE
A. ORGANIC HONEY 500 g jar
LAMBAYEQUE ◄ The GEF Small Grants Programme | 61
Concept, graphic design and contents: Fábrica de Ideas www.fabricadeideas.pe General Editing and Art Direction: Xabier Díaz de Cerio Texts: Xabier Díaz de Cerio, Walter Li Photos: Enrique Castro-Mendívil, Musuk Nolte Layout: Raphael Guevara, Alenka De los Rios SGP Coordination: Emilia Bustamente, Jhulino Sotomayor Field Coordinators: » Puno: Porfirio Enríquez (Nuñoa), Rolando Añamuro (Cojata), Rocío Chura (Lampa), Antonia Mamani (Laraqueri) » Piura: Carlos Rojas (Jililí), Albino Vicente (Locuto), Gregorio Maza (Santiaguero), Simón Purizaca (Chutuque), Damis Zegarra (Piura) » Lambayeque: Magdalena Puican, Juan Mayanga, José Orellano
© Of this edition: 2012, United Nations Programme for Development Complejo Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Av. Del Ejército 750, Magdalena del Mar Lima, Perú Telephone: 625-9068 2012, Global Environment Fund (GEF) 2012, Small Grants Programme (SGP)
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