4 minute read
Binding Nature of External Review Decision
• An external review decision is binding on AultCare except to the extent that we have other remedies available under state law. The decision is also binding on the covered person except to the extent the covered person has other remedies available under applicable state or federal law.
• A covered person may not file a subsequent request for an external review involving the same adverse benefit determination that was previously reviewed unless new medical or scientific evidence is submitted to AultCare.
Please use the information below if you have questions about your rights or need assistance.
Ohio Department of Insurance
ATTN: Consumer Affairs
50 West Town Street, Suite 300, Columbus, OH 43215 800-686-1526 / 614-644-2658
614-644-3744 (fax)
614-644-3745 (TDD)
Contact ODI Consumer Affairs: https://gateway.insurance.ohio.gov/UI/ODI.CS.Public.UI/ Complaint.mvc/DisplayConsumerComplaintForm
File a Consumer Complaint: http://insurance.ohio.gov/Consumer/OCS/Pages/ConsCompl.aspx
External Review Request Form
Name of person filing request for external review
Relationship to covered person
Covered Person/Applicant
Authorized Representative (please complete the Appointment of Authorized Representative section)
External Review Specifications
1. If your situation is urgent, are you requesting an expedited review?*
*If you answer yes, your physician must certify your condition could, in the absence of immediate medical treatment, result in the following:
• Seriously jeopardize your life or health or your ability to regain maximum function, or
• Subject you to severe pain that cannot be adequately managed without the care or treatment that is the subject of the claim.
2. Is your requested healthcare service considered an experimental or investigational treatment?** Yes No
**If you answer yes, your physician must certify that they are requesting authorization for a drug, device, procedure, or therapy denied for coverage due to the determination that the treatment is experimental and/or investigational and your medical condition meets certain requirements:
• Standard healthcare services have not been effective in improving your condition.
• Standard healthcare services are not medically appropriate for you.
• There is no available standard healthcare service covered by the health plan issuer that is more beneficial than the requested healthcare service.
Briefly describe why you disagree with this decision (you may attach additional information, such as a physician’s letter, bills, medical records, or other documents to support your claim):
Appointment of Authorized Representative (complete when someone else is representing you in this appeal) You may represent yourself, or you may ask another person, including your treating healthcare provider, to act as your authorized representative. You may revoke this authorization at any time. I hereby authorize to pursue my external review on my behalf.
Signature of Covered Person (or legal representative*)
Signature and Release of Medical Records
To appeal the denial of coverage, you must sign and date this Appeal Request Form and consent to the release of medical records. I hereby request an external review. I attest that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I authorize my treating physician, healthcare provider and/or health plan issuer to release all relevant medical or treatment records to the Independent Review Organization and/or the Ohio Department of Insurance. I understand that the Independent Review Organization and the Ohio Department of Insurance will use this information to make a determination on my external review and that the information will be kept confidential and not be released to anyone else. This release is valid for one year. I understand that I or my authorized representative is entitled to receive a copy of this authorization.
Signature of Covered Person (or legal representative*)
*Parent, Guardian, Conservator or Other - please specify
Send this form and a copy of your notice of final adverse benefit determination to one of the following:
Mailing Address:
Grievance and Appeal Coordinator
P.O. Box 6029 Canton, OH 44706
Fax Number: 330-363-3066
Email Address: Aappeals@aultcare.com
Be certain to keep copies of this form, your Notice of Final Adverse Benefit Determination, and all documents and correspondence related to this claim.
Request For Review By The Ohio Department Of Insurance
Name of person filing request for review by the Ohio Department of Insurance
Relationship to covered person
Covered Person/Applicant Authorized Representative (please complete the Appointment of Authorized Representative section)
How would you like us to contact you?
To complete this request for review, please fill out the additional information on the reverse side.
Review Specifications
Briefly describe why you disagree with the decision to deny your request for external review. You may attach additional information, such as a physician’s letter, bills, medical records, or other documents to support your claim.
Appointment of Authorized Representative (Complete when someone else is representing you in this appeal.) You may represent yourself, or you may ask another person, including your treating healthcare provider, to act as your authorized representative. You may revoke this authorization at any time.
I hereby authorize _____________________ to pursue my review by the Ohio Department of Insurance on my behalf.
Signature of Covered Person (or legal representative*)
Signature and Release of Medical Records
To appeal the external review denial, you must sign and date this Request for Review by the Ohio Department of Insurance Form and consent to the release of medical records.
I,_____________________________________ , hereby request a review of the external review denial. I attest that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I authorize my treating physician, healthcare provider and/or health plan issuer to release all relevant medical or treatment records to the Ohio Department of Insurance. I understand that the Ohio Department of Insurance will use this information to make a determination on my request for review of the denial and that the information will be kept confidential and not be released to anyone else. This release is valid for one year. I understand that I or my authorized representative is entitled to receive a copy of this authorization.
Signature of Covered Person (or legal representative*)
*Parent, Guardian, Conservator or Other - please specify
Send this form and a copy of your notice of denial of external review request for administrative reasons to one of the following:
Mailing Address:
Ohio Department of Insurance
ATTN: Consumer Affairs
50 West Town Street, Suite 300
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone Number: 1-800-686-1526 / 614-644-2658
TDD: 614-644-3745
Fax Number: 614-644-3744
Be certain to keep copies of this form, your Notice of Denial of External Review Request for Administrative Reasons and all documents and correspondence related to this review.