Asbury Tidings - Weathering the Storm

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Weathering Life s Storms Jesus told about two houses built on different foundations. One was built on sand, while the other

Inside Tidings 1 2

This Month at Asbury


Notes from the Journey

4 23

Weathering the Storm

22 28

Calendar of Events




Out of Control Excerpt

30 31

New Members

32 33

Family Room

upon rock. His application: build your life upon Him. Note that the rains and floods attacked each house. Following Jesus does not mean we avoid problems. In fact, sometimes following Jesus actually creates problems. Everyone has storms. A Christ-follower is not Pastor Tom Harrison

exempt. Some storms are self-inflicted. As it says, If I could kick in the seat of the pants the guy who

gives me the most problems I couldn t sit down for a week. Some storms come from others sin. Nancy Grace, the CNN host (and United Methodist), spoke at the event in Boston in which Asbury received an award for excellence in supporting our Oklahoma Circle of Care. She told of her fiancé being murdered while they were in college. He was shot five times in the face. She was absolutely devastated, and wept as she described this event years later. Knowing this helps explain who she is today and why she is so passionate about justice.

Tidings Staff Sandy Wagner Jan Weinheimer

Some storms are from the enemies of the gospel. Jesus was crucified. Most disciples were martyred. The movie and book, Amazing Grace, is the incredible story about the Methodist, William Wilberforce. He suffered mightily as he struggled to overcome the evil of the slavery interests in England. Some storms come from our enemy, the Devil. Our struggles are not

Juli Armour Lisa Tresch Lina Holmes Chris Lo

against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities and powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Contributors Nikki Boyd, Christy Capps,

(Ephesians 6:12) Some storms are inexplicable. We didn t do anything to deserve them, nor did anyone intend to harm us. Sometimes things just happen. We do not

Rod Giles, Vicki Ihrig, Gail Knox, Sylvia LaRose, Brenna Lemons, Christy Philippe, Liz Reece,

know Why? Recently, someone asked me why would God allow his wife to die a

Debbie Wallis, and John Westervelt

painful death of cancer? I have no idea why some things happen to some people. I have learned three things about storms: 1.)

Be extremely careful about trying to assess guilt and blame (i.e. Job s friends syndrome ). As Paul said, Now we see into a mirror dimly. Sometimes we can identify the cause, but often we have absolutely no clue as to Why?


Even if we can determine Why? we have to get to a second question: How? How am I going to get through this? And, How can I help others who also struggle? Our suffering can help redeem us, and others.


We will all eventually die. But, heaven will be the reward for all who trust Jesus. We must never lose sight of our glorious destination. That will be our ultimate redemption.

See you Sunday,

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

This month s Tidings features those who have weathered some of life s harshest storms, and by God s grace have experienced His calming presence.



Aradhna in Concert April 21



Mason Chapel Ar a dhn a m ea ns w or s hi p.

Th a t

captur es t he essence of what t his group and their music is about. I first experienced Aradhna at a concert four years ago in Dallas. How do I explain what it was like? When the first song started it was like my spirit got a breath of fresh air. I heard this beautiful music, a nd

al t h ou g h

i n st r u m en t s

an d

language were foreign to me, I can compare the moment to the first balmy day of spr ing, seeing my daught er smile at me, watching a spectacular sunset. It evoked the same feelings as these experiences things that reveal that God is good and intimate, and very much alive and present in my life. A little m e l o dr am a t i c?

P e r h a ps


bi t


sentimental? You have to experience Aradhna to understand. Having its roots in India, the music is a little different then what we are used to. It is not everyday you see somebody lead worship wit h a sit a r. But i t is beautiful. The songs are sung in the

Annual Asbury Women s Retreat

Hindi language, which is also beautiful,

For Women of All Ages

and Aradhna is courteous enough to

Friday & Saturday, April 27 & 28

you are at all interested in experiencing

with an optional second night at Heart O the Hills near Tahlequah, OK. This beautiful setting offers a relaxing countryside atmosphere, complemented by the option of

provide translations for everything. If

Christ through beautiful music in a cr oss-cultural setting, please come and enjoy Aradhna. -Geoff Logan

hotel-type accommodations. You will thoroughly enjoy hearing our speaker, Judy Starr, who uses a delightful sense of humor in sharing her powerful testimony. Based on scripture, she will teach practical steps to guard the integrity of the heart and the importance of continuing to develop intimacy with the Lord. Judy will encourage all of us to let God open our eyes to His forgiveness, love and purpose for our lives. In addition, the retreat will also offer many optional activities such as an evening of singing around the campfire, paddle boats, tennis and jewelry-making. You will want to not only be a part, but invite your friends and family as well. Registration forms are being mailed to your homes and will also be available at the South Welcome Desk and in the Main Office. Cost: $55 early registration; $68 after March 31.

May the eyes of your hearts be opened to see that the Lord has called you to know and experience the hope, blessings and power of God. Ephesians 1:18


Notes from the Journey

By Lisa Tresch


The Storm Cellar

t the height of the storm we started running. The wind was slapping our faces and

cellar with the neighbors. Others looked trapped. We all had one thing in common: a desire to

the rain was coming down in sheets for mo-

escape the storm and survive. Our individual

ments at a time before it would abruptly stop.

responses to the storm, however, were quite varied.

Then the rain was back, pelting us as we

My own response to life s storms seems

climbed awkwardly over the wooden fence then

strangely reminiscent of what I felt in the cellar

bolted for our neighbor s storm cellar. W e all

that night. I m somewhere between panic and

crowded at the entrance, which was a steep set

curiosity. I wring my hands and pepper God with

of concrete stairs that led into a dark abyss. But

questions about why and how. But I know others

we descended, because what the storm could

who sail through their storms with peaceful calm,

potentially do to us was much more frightening

and some who watch the door waiting motion-

than the dark stairs that faced us.

less for the storm to be over. Regardless of how

Western Oklahoma thunderstorms could

we deal with the storm as we wait it out, one

be vicious. The flat plains allowed us to see the

thing is certain: the storm rages longer and with

storms boiling across the sky for miles. We

more fury if we try to face it alone. I know,

watched this particular storm until the wall cloud

because I ve tried.

produced a tiny finger of twisting black debris

I don t really like to talk about my storms

and then we made a run for it. Everything

with other people and I m not so good at asking

seemed to move in slow motion, but by the time

for help or prayers. At first, I try to ride out the

we made it down into the depths of the cellar,

tough times with an attitude of stubborn indepen-

we were breathing heavily. Someone had a tiny

dence. For some reason, I like to think that I can

transistor radio, but the weather report was

weather the storm by descending the stairs of

mostly drowned out by the crackling static.

the cellar alone and then sit in damp, dark places

My mother was frantic. She was always

without any company. Sometimes, I even shut

this way during storms. My father was calm and

the door on God, refusing to pray or open myself

reserved as he tried to listen to the radio. He

up to the possibility that God is right next to me

laughed with a few of the other men, and this

if I would only reach out to Him.

made me relax a little, but not much. There was

But this rugged individualism doesn t last

still a storm brewing above us, and I was torn

long and then I m running back into the arms of

between panic and a curiosity that made me

those around me who are willing to sit it out with

want to climb the stairs and see what the

me in the cellar. And I am back in the arms of

twisting funnel was up to.

God who asks me to pour out my heart to Him

There were tears in the cellar, and nervous


seemed to enjoy the camaraderie of being in the

because He is my refuge the safe shelter I can

laughter. Some men were analyzing the weather

run to and the place where I can be held close

and how the storm had come about. One woman

during the storm. He reminds me that even when

who was a little claustrophobic stood by the

I try to face the storm without Him, I am never

stairs and watched the cellar door. Some people









Saying Goodbye for Now the bitter odds of only an additional five

unfold. The family soon began to

from the blazing fire where

years with this new gift. He had beaten

gather into the waiting area of St.

my son, Micah, and I

the odds numerous times before.

Francis Intensive Care Unit. I felt an

he fireplace was crackling

were sharing a favorite leather chair. A

Jordan s health limited his life

new puppy lay cuddled on my crowded

socially, academically, athletically, but

lap. These unplanned quiet times were

never spiritually. It was as if his own

always a welcome change from our

illness nurtured his love for our Creator.

busy schedules.

My sons always received a

all-too-familiar nudge to prepare Micah for goodbye. Only a few months passed and again my young son must deliver another goodbye to our 14- year-old

positive life lesson on the many visits

family dog, Kacy, who became ill over

soccer, school, and other six-year-old

they enjoyed with Jordan whether

a few weeks. Kacy played a big part in

topics, he asked, Are Jordan and

through a board game, a soccer video

the busy life of this child as his first

Kacy together in heaven?

competition, an old John Wayne movie,

best friend.

After our usual interaction about

Reflection of the prior years cluttered my thoughts. My 21-year-old

or one of his many silly magic tricks. As the fifth year of post trans-

That blazing fire began to die as Micah and his new pup continued to

nephew had weathered a storm that

plant drew near, Jordan began to

snuggle quietly on my lap. The picture

left my family bewildered by the power

deteriorate to where St. Francis

of the two awakened me to the inno-

of the human spirit and God s perfect

became home. His long stays

cence that Micah, too, would someday

plan. Jordan s health had suffered

brought Micah to a sterile hospital

leave behind.

much from birth because of an over-

room rather than the comfort of our

looked hole in his infant heart. Each

usual family room. The visits were

to allow me to be part of Micah s

birthday was considered a blessing

shorter, the games fewer, and the

storms during his young life. I often

since his life expectancy was just four

conversations weaker, but the familiar

wonder what he might face in the future.

short years. But, at age 18, he re-

bond endured.

Whatever those challenges, our

ceived a long-awaited heart/lung

One October afternoon, we

I am grateful how God continues

Heavenly Father will carry him through

transplant in St. Louis. Our unrelenting

arrived at the hospital with much

it all as He does for all that simply ask.

hope and prayer was he would survive

uncertainly as to how the day would

-Vicki Ihrig



Calm in the Midst of Chaos


t was an ordinary June day

member of her community, The Ark,

She knew that with God inside for the

in 2006 when Robin Bartlett

who then spread the urgency for prayer

help to cope and the peace to press

received a call that would

to the other members of the commu-

on she and her husband could come

change her life forever. You need to

nity. The response from our commu-

through it stronger than ever. She and

come home your house is on fire!

nity has been overwhelming, Robin

Matt have grown to treasure one

Robin immediately called her hus-

says. From the prayers to gifts, food,

another more and their marriage has

band Matthew, who rushed to meet

money, and support, the generosity of

been strengthened, with the comfort

her at what was left of their Bixby

those who sacrificed what they could

that even when you have nothing, God


for a couple in crisis was greatly

is still there.

Nothing could have prepared them for what they would find. The

appreciated. In the midst of all the chaos, she

Matt, who happens to be a contractor, has the joy of rebuilding

fire, caused by faulty electrical wiring,

found comfort in the Word, especially

their house from the ground up,

left the house a mere shell. The living

Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious

something he s always wanted to do.

room was unrecognizable. The whole

about anything, but in everything, by

The couple is currently staying with

interior was destroyed. Their little

prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,

Matt s parents until their house is

dog Peanut didn t survive. All that

present your requests to God and the

finished, which Robin hopes is by the

remained was a few photos and

peace of God, which transcends all

end of March.

amazingly--all the Bibles in the house

understanding, will guard your hearts

were untouched, even though there

and your minds in Christ Jesus.

was devastation everywhere else. As if in a daze, Robin called a



In a way, this ordeal has been a blessing in disguise for the Bartletts.

She is looking forward to a fresh start, relying on God for complete calm in the midst of the storm. -Brenna Lemons

The Perilous Road to Freedom


n a perfect world there is love.

Pact. This agreement gave Hitler the

eventually he realized that God had a

In perfect world there is

German-speaking part of Czechoslova-

plan for his life. With God s help John


kia and in return, Hitler promised

accepted his loss and began the road

peace. Hitler broke his word and soon

to a complete recovery.

But John Pribram and Agnete Husfeldt didn t live in a perfect world. Though surrounded by love in their close-knit and prosperous families, both experienced despair and

invaded the whole country. His father

With the GI Bill he went to Harvard

lost his job. Life as John knew it

University where he earned his degree in

changed dramatically.

government and history in 1947.

John s perilous journey included

Like John, Agnete Husfeldt was

upheaval as Hitler invaded their

living with an uncle in Belgium, a

also impacted by war. The oldest of

homelands in his advance across

dangerous escape by bike to France,

five siblings, she was the daughter of a

Europe. But both triumphed through

and a crowded 48-hour boxcar trip to

highly respected surgeon, well-known

faith, prayer and a conviction of God s

Southern France, and finally a 40-day

for his pioneer work in lung and heart

higher purpose for their lives, ultimately

trip by afreighter designed for 15


bringing them to Tulsa and Asbury

passengers, but carrying 1,120 people.

United Methodist Church. Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia,

Arriving in America, John vividly

In September 1942, there was a raid by Hitler on the Danish Jews. Dr.

remembers seeing the Statue of

Husfeldt and his wife were leaders in

John enjoyed a peaceful childhood, the

Liberty and the New York harbor. I

the Danish resistance. They went

son of a prominent corporate attorney.

never realized how much it meant to

undercover and Agnete rarely saw

He was only 14 when he stood in

be a free man, he said. Happily, he

them during this time. Jews were

Wenceles Square where in 1938 the

was reunited with his older brother who

smuggled through hospitals, chapels,

announcement came about the Munich

had been sent to America earlier.

underground corridors, taxis and

John continued his education, receiving the first refugee

ambulances and taken by fish boats to neutral Sweden. The family sheltered

scholarship to Findlay College

many Jewish friends in their home. Of

in Findlay, Ohio, where he was

the 8,000 Jews in Denmark, only 202

a student leader and was

were arrested.

named to Who s Who. But on December 7, 1941, the Pearl Harbor invasion launched the U.S. into World War II.

Agnete started high school a few months after the end of World War II and the end of German occupation. Following high school she started nurses training. As a registered nurse,

In 1944 John distin-

Agnete began work with the Moral

guished himself as a medic in

Rearmament (MRA), a program of

the U.S. Army receiving the

moral and spiritual rearmament to

Purple Heart and the Silver

address the root causes of conflict and

Star, however, as a result of

work toward a hate-free, fear-free,

stepping on a mine, his leg

greed-free world.

had to be amputated. This signaled a dark period in his life, but

After World War II John also joined MRA, working to help promote world understanding and education. He



went to Switzerland to join a musical revue and from there was part of a group to receive an invitation to Germany to bring their message of hope and peace to that country. This was a real test of John s convictions. Because of Hitler, John had lost his country, his parents, and his leg. He hated the Germans, but God freed him from that hatred. Nonetheless, he did go and join the group who was the first international force to enter Germany following

God s plan for him and this Danish

the war. There were 250 people from

friend. Having received his letter and

different countries performing in The

also seeking God s guidance, she said

be their final visit. Agnete was killed in

Good Road. Later they remained in

yes that very evening. They were

a bizarre accident in February 2000

Germany to create a drama, The

married in Copenhagen.

when a 92-year-old driver lost control of

Forgotten Factor. God was the

Soon Agnete and John were

extended families in Denmark. Little did they know that it would

her car and crashed through the

forgotten factor and many experienced

invited to help with a U.S. cast of Up

God in their lives during that time. We

With People. John was vice-principal

were bringing hope to millions of

and social studies teacher and Agnete,

life, said John. She was my best

people that began during this period

the nurse. The Pribrams spent five

friend for 32 years. She helped and

after the war. We were making friends

happy years with Up With People

inspired many and worked tirelessly in

out of former enemies, he said.

traveling in Europe, Canada, Brazil and

her care for people. Now, I had to go

at least 30 states within the U.S.

straight to God for guidance. For so

When Up With People came to Germany, John was asked to create a

Finally, hoping to settle in one

window of a drugstore. This was a turning point in my

long Agnete and I had been seeking

traveling high school and Agnete

place, John accepted a teaching

became the nurse for the organization.

position at Monte Casino, where he

Up With People is an educational and

taught for 12 years and later at Union

certainly Christians committed to living

cultural organization seeking to provide

Junior High School. In May 1992 he

out their faith, the Pribrams were

young people with a learning experi-

retired from teaching. In 1989 while

drawn to Asbury because of Bill Mason

ence that develops global awareness,

John was still teaching, the Berlin Wall

and his genuine Christianity. He was

sensitivity to others, and a self-reliance

was destroyed and the Velvet Revolu-

authentic, said John.

to build bridges of understanding and

tion freed Czechoslovakia. In 1992 he

communication among people, cul-

and Agnete returned to Czechoslovakia

wrote two books. Horizons of Hope

tures, and countries, utilizing original

where they stood in Wenceslas

and In Memory of Agnete chronicle the

musical productions.

Square, the place where so many

experiences of their life together.

years before, his life had taken such a

-Sandy Wagner

In 1968 when seeking God s guidance, John had a startling thought. Ask the nurse traveling with the high

Him together. While not always Methodists, but

Following Agnete s death, John

dramatic turn. John and Agnete s retirement

John s latest project has been to

school to marry you. Feeling this was

years were filled with involvement in

gather with others to place George

God s leading he proposed by letter to

many diverse organizations and civic

Washington s portrait in every Tulsa

Agnete Husfeldt. John saw this as

groups. In addition, they visited their




TRUST...To Rest in the Savior Today


arning! Severe conditions! Take

In the early 1990s Suzette was at a new job


where co-workers, members of Asbury, invited her to

These are terms describing

a softball game. Reluctantly, she agreed to go.

Oklahoma s stormy weather. They are also terms that could describe the turbulent life of Suzette Danks. Suzette was born in California, into a family

I met an Asbury member watching the game. She was the warmest person. She stayed with me the whole time and I felt welcome, Suzette ex-

filled with infidelity. In fact, she didn t know who her

plains. She introduced me to some CIA singles

real father was until she became an adult. At three

from the church. One of them would become my

years old, Suzette moved with her stepfather and his

future husband.

family to Tulsa, to get away from her malicious

Suzette knew she had to step away from her

mother. But her childhood resumed a routine of

old life. And God gave her Dick and Cindy Read to

survival. She endured an alcoholic parent, was beaten

help on her journey. When I came to Asbury, I was

by family members, experienced mental cruelty and

very confused. All I knew was abuse. I didn t know

was sexually abused. She knew there had to be

what was normal. My crossing over to a life with

something better to life . . . but what?

Christ was a healing period of several years.

Suzette and her family attended a church in

Dick and Cindy encouraged me to work with

Tulsa. Although they did not practice their religion,

the Asbury youth those with turbulent lives like my

Suzette had a deep knowing of God. He spoke to her

own. I discovered that just being there and listening

heart. He gave her inner strength.

was enough. Just being a friend to someone. A friend

Once when it got really bad, Suzette remembers, I was lying on my bed in great pain. I was in

to Jesus. Suzette s daughter (12) and two sons (20 & 21)

total darkness. Then, a white light surrounded me. I

have kept her working with Asbury s young people.

wasn t scared. I had an overwhelming sense of joy.

I m excited about volunteering for the youth group,

Looking back, it was the Lord who intervened when I

Suzette continues. Working with kids has blessed

could barely manage to escape life s hardest

me as a parent, and in my spiritual walk with the


Lord. That s how God feels about you. When things

The cycle of abuse followed Suzette when she

get bad, you become a child and crawl up into the

married a violent husband. After seven years, she and

Lord s lap and rest with him. Trust. God gives me His

her son left that relationship. She had enough.

peace. And His peace allows me to rest.

Looking over things in my life, I want to burst

Suzette says, My life is a testimony to Christ.

into tears. I think of all the times God has been there.

Like a parent, He is there. Keeping me safe from the

He loved me when no one else did.

storm. -Sylvia LaRose


Praising God Through the Storm By Rod Giles


remember how it began, a

What followed was a very special

understood how temporal everything is---

journey of faith and understanding. I

on. Charlene and I were on our

in an instant.

eventually had open heart surgery to

usual neighborhood walk. As we

I remember the angel who was a

repair a damaged heart valve. Shortly

neared the corner to turn back to the

nurse there with me. She gave me

after that I lost the job that I loved so

house, I told her I needed to sit down. I

some medication that calmed my spirit

much. I could not cope with the stress

had no energy to go further. I vaguely

and allowed me to sleep. Morphine

and no longer had the energy to do the

remember the ride to the hospital. The

was my new best friend that night.

things that the job required. But by this

time in the ER seemed to go quickly. I

There were many more nights in

time, it didn t matter. You see, by

was told that I had stopped breathing.

the hospital but after being home for

going on a journey of pain and fear,

The doctor said I had a heart attack.

less than 48 hours, I returned to the

with many frustrations and losses, I

He confirmed what I was thinking, but

hospital. This time it was in an ambu-

had come to the end of myself. And it

was unwilling to believe.

lance running hot with lights and siren.

was, and still is, a glorious, freeing,

But during this stay God did some-

healing place to be. In his book, The

struggling for so long to find a job that

thing special. I was surfing the chan-

Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren

really suited me, I was a manager of a

nels on the TV and came across a

writes, You don t know that God is

local retirement property working with

religious show of praise and worship

all you need until He is all you

seniors and their families. I had been

music. The songs were the same that

have! This explains what I experi-

at this job only five months and loved

Dub Ambrose and the praise band led

enced. I saw with laser clear vision

my work.

in the Living Room Service at church. I

the most important things in my life.

began to sing along with the TV. I

They were my relationship to God, my

first night. I was terrified because I heard

remember I raised my hands in praise

wife, Charlene, who went through it all

gurgling as I breathed. I knew that was

and I wept as I sang. I had church right

with me, my children, family, my

a bad sign and began to think that I

there in that hospital bed. What sweet

friends and my church. These relation-

would die that night. I felt very alone, and

communion with God. It seemed God

ships will be lasting. But success in

frightened. I remember praying that if this

was reaching down in the midst of all

business, a big house or large bank

was it for me, then God could take me. I

my suffering and fear to bless me and

account can be gone in an instant.

resigned myself to give up all I had

show me how much he loved me.

Why God? Why now? After

I remember lying in the ICU that


accumulated or accomplished. I clearly

special journey God sent me



Facing the Storm of Grief im and Jody Koscielniak

Jaime, her second daughter, she

second baby, hearing the words: You

have been married for 20

attended Asbury for the first time.

knit me together in my mother s

years and have five daugh-

Jody sat in the Sanctuary and listened

womb , she said. Although, Jody had

ters and one son: Jordan is 18, Kyle

to the sermon on Psalm 139. Immedi-

always believed in God, she did not

(the only boy) is 15, Kelly, 13, Kara,

ately she sensed the presence of God.

have a relationship with Jesus, and

10, Jenna, 8, and Jaime.

How wonderful to be sitting in this

didn t completely understand his role

beautiful church, pregnant with my

in her life.

When Jody was pregnant with


In April 1990, Jody prayed the

not able to help each other. We were like

gave his life to Christ shortly thereafter.

two people falling off a cliff at the same

They joined Asbury within weeks of

time. We were so blessed to have

becoming Christians. And then three

become Christians, so that we could turn

months later, in July, Jim and Jody

to Jesus and let Him take over.

welcomed baby Jaime into their family. She was a perfectly healthy little girl. That year during Christmas, Jim

after Jaime died. She was exhausted by the grief, and very desperate. She cried out to God. Af ter crying herself to sleep,

Jaime, 5 mos.) to Joplin to visit Jody s

when she woke the next morning she

parents. During a routine afternoon

knew immediately that God had an-

nap, Jody s mother went to check on

swered her prayer. Not until Jaime died did I com-

Jody performed CPR on Jaime while

pletely understand Jesus role. John

her mother called 911. She was rushed

14:6 now made perfect sense to me:

to the hospital where she remained for

No one comes to the Father except

a day and a half. During the second

through the Son. God gave up his own

day, the doctors took Jaime off life

child for us, and how He must have

support to conduct a test. Jaime went

grieved for his child. We must acknowl-

into code blue and they were unable to

edge His child and what He has done

restore her breathing. They concluded

for us, Jody said.

that SIDS was probably the reason for

To anyone who is facing a similar

her death. Jaime was a healthy baby

situation, Jody says, Don t be afraid of

who died an unexplained death.

acknowledging your dark feelings. God

The verses in the Bible that I had

knows your thoughts and He under-

just started to read and learn started

stands. God is available every second of

coming at me while in the hospital. I

your life to listen, comfort, love. He is

thought of Psalm 139, All the days

the only comforter. The pain, though

ordained for me were written in your

ever-present, will subside. You will be

book before one of them came to be,

able to think of your loved one with a

Jody said. Later, during many of my

smile and with a tug on your heart at the

dreams came the verse, Pray without

same time. God will take your burden

ceasing I Thessalonians 5:16.

and ease it.

Grief is a consuming and very lonely place. Jim and I attended a


Jody remembers one horrible night

and Jody took the girls (Jordan, 2 and

Jaime. She had stopped breathing.


grief group for several months. We were

prayer of salvation. Her husband, Jim

-Christy Capps

Testifying to God s Grace


ancy Staab has met

study to Asbury--Precept Upon

many challenges

Precept. For the next three decades,

throughout her life, and

Nancy would teach classes and train

she has advice for others when they face new trainers. She currently is emlife s storms. The more challenges you

ployed part-time with Precept Minis-

get, the more you can help others.

tries International. She travels

Nancy and her late husband Dr. Robert Staab joined Asbury in 1971.

throughout the United States and on occasion to other countries to teach

teaches you that. Nancy loves her family and feels a strong responsibility for them. She

She has four children who were raised at and train new Precept leaders. She

has been led on many occasions to

Asbury plus four grandchildren. In fact,

also teaches two to three classes

put their needs first.

whether at the old building or the new

weekly at Asbury.

site, when the steeple bells ring it brings

Nancy says she was raised in a

Stormy times in her life include the loss of a baby, her husband s

special memories for her. She and Bob

Christian family, but it was not until

illnesses and death, difficult times for

donated the steeple bells at the old

she joined Asbury and started the

extended family including dealing with

church to honor their children. Though

Precept ministry that she truly claimed

bipolar disease, Alzheimer s, Crohn s

Bob did not live to see the completion of

the gifts that we receive through the

Disease, cancer, addictions, divorces

the new church, he was excited by the

Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This

and caring for elderly relatives.

plans and the progress. When the

foundation has supported her through

steeple was in place, Nancy was

many challenges.

pleased to join with another couple to

What she has learned through

To get through these times and help others, Nancy says she depends on knowing the Word. There she finds

donate the bells. She says it is a

intense study grounds her and keeps

answers for all of life s trials. Some-

wonderful way to remember Bob and his

her level, so she can support others.

times people don t get it. she says,

service to Asbury.

Nancy says to make it through the

You need to go there and know how to

difficult times you need to know how

look for the answer.

to look for the answers. Precept

-Liz Reece

Nearly 30 years ago, Nancy was a part of a small group that brought a new

Photo by Christy Capps



ohn Nettles had no hesitation about signing up for an hour of prayer during Asbury s upcoming 24-hour Spring Break prayer vigil. He chose the

2 a.m. slot. I m awake anyway, he said matter-of-factly. He takes 14 pills a day that must be spaced at certain intervals, so his erratic schedule allowed him to take a time slot someone else might not want. You can always find something good, if you look for it, he says. When John was 14, he was treated for the stomach flu and doctors noticed that he had high liver levels. They could not figure out why his liver seemed to be degenerating, and after years of testing decided he should get blood tests every six months and take medicine while they continued to track it. Doctors also informed him that someday he would need a liver transplant. That time came in the spring of 2005, when John was 40 years old, married with two children, ages 11 and 12. His wife, Liz, a physician, knew something was wrong when he began to cough up blood in July of the previous year. He was approved for a transplant, but doctors had to insert a shunt to divert blood around his liver to prevent bleeding. While he was waiting for the transplant, the shunt closed off and John suffered several close calls. The bleeding episodes were dangerous, and Liz worried that John would not live until the transplant. Two trips to Oklahoma City where they thought a liver was waiting were wasted one liver wasn t viable and the other was used for another patient. They trekked back home both times knowing that John needed a transplant soon because he couldn t survive another bleeding episode. On March 30, 2005, John began to bleed again. At 10:23 p.m. that night the transplant center called. A 13 yearold child had died. On March 31, John received a new liver. That is where their story should end, but John says that s when the storm really kicked in. After surgery, his pain did not subside, but increased and continued for another three months. He was taking 42 pills a day and the doctors couldn t find the source of the pain.

After five months he cried out to God, Just take me or fix me! Within 24 hours, he said, the pain had subsided. It s one thing to think God is the ultimate Physician, John says. It s another thing to experience it. John was hospitalized again several months later with an infection that was resistant to many of the drugs he was taking. As a last chance effort to save his life, doctors put him on a drug that hadn t been used in 12 years. Af ter three weeks in the hospital, the drug worked, but another storm was brewing. In April of 2006, John was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of leukemia that is only found in transplant patients. John s body will have to learn to fight this on its own, he says, and adds that he will weather this storm also with God s continued protection and grace. John, who grew up in a Christian home has a deeper walk with Christ as a result of the past two years, and although he says that he still has a long way to go, he has seen God work in miraculous ways in his own spiritual life. The last part of John 20:29, Jesus says, Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. I feel a happy guilt that it took all of this for me to understand that verse, and understand faith. Believing without seeing. It s hard to put into words, but that verse clicked with me. Liz has seen God work in her life as well. My toughest challenge has been anxiety and worry, she says. But God has been so patient with me. During one of the worst times, when the shunt closed off before the surgery, fear had me like a vice-grip. So I began to quote scripture and a sense of calm came over me. I still struggle with the what-ifs, she continues, but God is a good and gracious God, and He s been so patient with me. I ve been a Christian for a long time, but it took something like this to really make me grow. I guess that is why God sometimes allows us to go through these trials. We count our joys, John says. Literally. One by one. Some of those blessings include a prayerful Discipleship Community (Vineyard) small group members and supportive friends like Chuck Stophel--also a transplant patient. We know that the storm isn t completely over, John says, but we are starting to see the sun again. -Lisa Tresch




Redeeming the Grief


.S. Lewis wrote, God

back on me, says Ginna. I was faithful

Though there were times of doubt

whispers to us in our

and He let me down. For the first six

and fear, John and Ginna did not give

pleasures, speaks to us

months, I couldn t remember anything

up. God s word played a crucial role in

in our conscience, but shouts in our

except her last breath. I couldn t get

their healing process and it s what

pains. The famous author had learned

past her death and I certainly couldn t

they believe every believer needs to

that our deepest hurts hold the great-

celebrate her new life.

face the difficulties of life. Open it up,

est potential for us to hear from God.

But even in the midst of confu-

pray over it, read it, says Ginna. John

sion and loneliness, John recalls how

suggests memorizing key verses that

losing a child to cancer, Asbury

the promise of Hebrews 13:5-6 brought

you can recall in times of trouble.

members Ginna and John Langston

hope. Never will I leave you; never will

can testify to this promise. Even in the

I forsake you . So we say with confi-

encourages others to draw on the

midst of devastating loss, they have

dence, The Lord is my helper, I will not

strength of fellow Christians. There is

seen God at work as He remained

be afraid. What can man do to me?

a good reason why He tells us to be in

Both Ginna and John credit God s

fellowship with one another, so that we

Having weathered the storm of

faithful to help them through their

And when facing a storm, Ginna

faithfulness and their relationship with

can bear one another s burdens, pray

Christ as the foundation of their hope--

for each other, carry each other. John

has two sons, Jacob and Josh. Their

not only to survive the loss of Addye but

adds, Be in church on Sunday. It can

daughter Addye now lives with Jesus.

also to come through their grief spiritu-

be too easy to withdraw.

She was diagnosed with cancer when

ally stronger. They saw Jesus at work

journey of grief. Married for 23 years, the couple

Knowing Jesus has transformed

she was three and a half years old.

through the love and support of the

the Langstons lives. Though life brings

Upon diagnosis, they endured weeks

church and Christian physicians. God

chaos, John says he can make sense of

of testing and then chemotherapy.

even enabled them to minister to other

it all. I m not confused because I see

Finally after surgery to remove a tumor,

families of terminally ill children.

the world through Jesus. God s word

Addye went into remission.

Though both were raised attend-

gives the answers to life s questions:

ing church, Ginna and John found

Why am I here? Where am I going?

relapsed. The family was devastated.

Jesus as adults. For John, it was

Why is there evil in the world? It even

They spent five weeks at a children s

during college that he realized he was

provides an answer as to why my

hospital in Texas where Addye re-

lost without Jesus and that his biblical

daughter died from cancer, says John.

ceived a bone marrow transplant. She

knowledge of Jesus was much different

But then four years later, Addye

The Jesus worldview makes

died September 21, 1993, at the age of

than having a personal relationship

sense. Ginna adds, And when all is

eight. Sitting by her hospital bed

with Him. Through the love and dis-

said and done, I will see Addye again.

watching her pass over from life to life

cipleship of a priest at another local

She s waiting for us all, happy and

after death was so hard, I felt so

Tulsa church, Ginna came to know

perfect, no scars and with a beautiful,

absolutely helpless, John recalls.

Christ personally and grow in her

full head of hair.

spiritual walk.

-Nikki Boyd

I felt like God had turned his



Living by Faith as God Leads


ife can be tough.

to drive. After dropping three friends at

some of his more difficult days. During

their homes, the driver took a curve too

their high school years she had been

fast, lost control and rolled the pickup.

involved in a motorcycle accident,

quiet and won t volunteer too much

On that February night all three

leaving her a quadriplegic. She typed

information. But he has faced some

occupants were injured, but only one

him a letter using her mouth. This

pretty devastating challenges in his

Jeff was injured permanently.

moved Jeff. I thought if she could write

Just ask 39-year-old Jeff Brown, though he s pretty

young life. As an active 21-year-old Texas

What followed was a seemingly

me a whole letter using her mouth, I

endless series of medical routines.

could learn to live with my injuries.

Tech student, his life was changed

After being in ICU, the hospital, and

She was a great encouragement.

inalterably on a winter night in 1989. It

weeks in rehab Jeff began the slow

Also, I grew up in an atmosphere

was just a regular night out with friends

process of rebuilding his life as a

where things happen and you just go

having a few drinks. But this night

paraplegic. Jeff admits to asking the

on. While I don t understand the

would have life-altering consequences

Why me? question. Though confused

reasons for the accident, I m thankful

for Jeff. The six students even debated

it was actually his steady faith that

I m still here, he said.

about who should drive since they had

helped him wade through those trying

been drinking. One guy, actually a

days. It was also the support of a high

him from living a full life. The next fall

casual acquaintance said he was good

school friend that helped him through

he returned to college and completed

Jeff hasn t let his injuries stop


his bachelor s degree (1991) and

had an active son and felt Jeff would be

after we married we began invetro. This

earned his master s degree in Agricul-

too limited to consider as a serious

was quite an ordeal. Again I miscarried

tural Economics in 1993. While Jeff

relationship. Jeff was hurt by her re-

after eight weeks and two times it

could no longer play basketball or

sponse, but he also understood.

didn t even implant. Finally, we realized

football, he snow skis (in a special

Later, a close friend chastised

that if there were to be children in our

chair), boats, fishes and even plays

Tonia for being short-sighted. My

tennis (he gets two bounces of the

friend said, Wouldn t it be a tragedy is

ball) amazing! He believes in living a

you missed a blessing because of a

with peril as well. They submitted their

rich and full life.

wheelchair? I had never considered

application and soon received a call.

that, but decided I would tell Jeff that

They were to get a son through open

for the university for a year before he

we could pursue a friendship and see

adoption. They met with the mother

received a call from Central and

where it would go.

and she agreed to let them adopt her

Following graduation Jeff worked

Southwest PSO (now AEP-PSO) with a job offer that brought him to Tulsa.

They began dating and their

marriage it would be through adoption. But this option seemed fraught

son. Af ter bonding with baby Joshua at

friendship grew. On their fourth date

the hospital the birth mother changed

they took Tonia s son, Zach, with them

her mind 30 minutes before they were

after a failed marriage he decided it

to a Driller s game. I wanted to see

to leave the hospital. We got our stuff

was time to return to his roots and

how my son responded to him, if he

and left. Even the nurse who had been

subsequently joined Asbury in 2000.

would be uncomfortable around him.

with us during that time took several

He had become a Christian during

Later when I asked Zach what he

days off because it tore her up so,

confirmation in the sixth grade and still

thought, he said, You re not going to

said Jeff.

remembers it as being a big deal.

find anyone I ll like any better. If you

Jeff had drifted from church, but

Jeff s faith continued to grow and God had some unexpected changes in store for his life. An acquaintance had

The Browns were heartbroken,

stop dating him because of the chair,

but after four days they received a call

that s just wrong.

from Joshua s grandmother saying,

There was another issue in their

You all haven t gotten another baby

met him at a health club. She was

relationship. Jeff was a Christian and

have you? Come get this one. She

also an acquaintance of a young nurse

Tonia, the daughter of a pastor, had

can t handle it. Joshua became their

named Tonia. She felt they should

drifted away from the faith of her teenage

child on February 17, 2006.

meet. She shared her idea with Tonia,

years. She rebelled during college,

who had some terrible dating experi-

married early, faced a divorce and went

our faith. It was so totally out of our

ences and wasn t too enthused about

through many struggles. She was

control, said Tonia.

meeting anyone new. Tonia agreed to

somewhat bitter toward God. The Lord

talk to Jeff on the phone or email, but

used Jeff to soften my heart, she said.

dating was just too time-consuming for

When Tonia decided to join

This experience actually built

Ten months later their faith was again tested; they received a daughter rd

born on December 20. On the 23


this single mom. They began commu-

Asbury and met with Pastor Mark

brought their little girl home, but on

nicating and discovered they had quite

McAdow, she knew it was time to

December 26, 2006 the mother

a bit in common. Oddly enough,

recommit her life to Jesus Christ. In

changed her mind and reclaimed her

Tonia s mom knew his parents, both

2004 Mark had the privilege of officiat-

child. This child was not returned to

from the same small community of

ing at the wedding of Jeff and Tonia.

the Brown family.

Agra. Eventually they exchanged

Now happily married, they faced

It seems in these past three

photos and Tonia agreed to meet him

additional trials. After Zach s perfectly

years we have had a lifetime of experi-

for dinner.

normal birth, Tonia had five miscar-

ences, but we believe like Tom

riages during her first marriage.

preaches that God does give His

Tonia that he was in a wheelchair.

Through extensive testing doctors

children good gifts. We have no

Though she didn t show it at the time,

found there was one abnormal gene. I

regrets, she said.

Tonia was shocked and a little angry.

was devastated by the miscarriages

She was polite, ordered a salad and left

because I believe my calling is to be a

challenge only with God s help, relying

as soon as possible. Later, Jeff emailed

mother. Since I was a school nurse, I

on their faith to see them through. We

her saying he enjoyed their time together

accepted that I would just be their

are living for God in whatever path He

and asking if she would like to go out

mother during the day. I came to a

takes us on, that s the way it s going

again. She responded and told him she

peace with that.

to be, said Jeff.

One thing Jeff had neglected to tell

just couldn t handle his disability. She 17


Jeff wanted children as well, so

Jeff and Tonia have met each

-Sandy Wagner

Grant Me Serenity

A few months ago, I stopped to read the words on the white tile in my kitchen eating area:

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Nelda stood back eyeing the location of the six inch

Courage to

tile that I held in place on the wall in our kitchen eating area. I made a mark with a pencil and drove a nail. For 30 years,

change the things I can,

I seldom read the words in blue calligraphy on the white tile. When God selected the traits He mixed to create me, He put in an overly generous amount of empathy. Forever, I was a weak hospital visitor. After the Oklahoma

and Wisdom to know the difference

City bombing I mailed my daughter a picture of the fireman rescuing a baby. When I later learned that the baby died, I

These words became my prayer throughout the day.

called Mary Kim and told her not to open the envelope. In

God has granted me the serenity to accept the things I

time, my doctor sent me to counseling to recover from the

cannot change. With this new found peace, I am able to

impact of the bombing on me.

offer more comfort to my friends in need.

In time, life was good once more. Then my colleagues and I began moving through our seventies with increasing medical problems. My friend Ken Bays had been fighting bone cancer for most of a year. On the last evening

More of John Westervelt s

of February, Sheila called and said, Ken died an hour ago.

writing may be found at

He is not having that terrible pain anymore. For many

weeks, the brave face of Sheila Bays has been implanted in my mind and viewed throughout each day. My friend Bill Mason has suffered a long siege of shingles that sapped his strength for months. Bill s prayer in the Joy Community each Sunday covers a dozen class members with health concerns.



Putting the Pieces Back Together By Christy Philippe


ver since I was a little

feelings compounded themselves, and

ask him to talk about what had hap-

girl, I dreamed about the

a year and a half after our beautiful

pened. We didn t meet in person right

day I would one day get

wedding, I moved out.

away, but started emailing each other.

married. It would be beautiful: red

The next six months were the

By Christmas we had worked our way

roses, candles, a long, flowing dress

hardest I d ever faced in my life. The

up to phone calls. In January, we had a

and, of course, a handsome groom

anxiety and despair were almost

first date and we started marriage

waiting for me at the end of the aisle.

unbearable as Brent and I headed for


On December 6, 2003, those dreams came true. I had met Brent Phillippe a few years earlier in the Jabez community at Asbury. We started dating and really

divorce. Things got ugly and then uglier

Our second wedding, on July 19,

as we began to fight over everything

2006, was completely different from

through the lawyers right down to the

the first. There was no music, no cake,

DVD collection.

no dress and my flowers came from

The divorce was final on Decem-

Wal-Mart. I couldn t keep from crying

hit it off. I d been through many years

ber 9, 2005 almost two years to the

as we renewed our vows with close

of bad relationships, but this one

day after our wedding. As soon as the

friends and family gathered around us.

seemed destined to work. For two

judge banged his gavel, I knew that it

years, we were practically inseparable,

was a terrible mistake. What had

different. We both know how precious

and then, finally, on a hot-air balloon

happened to the vows I took till

God s gifts can be especially of each

ride above the Oklahoma countryside,

death do us part ? Was there any way

other. We re certainly not perfect, but

he asked me to marry him.

to put the broken pieces of our mar-

we are a work in progress. And my

riage back together?

hope and prayer is that as we grow in

Our wedding was perfect. It was Christmastime, and the candles glowed brightly as we said our vows. The next day we left for our honeymoon, and I felt like we were living a fairy tale. In a way, we were. Shortly after we got home and started our new life together, we learned that my dad had colon cancer. His surgery and recovery were difficult on all of us. Soon other problems began cropping up and taking their toll, as well and we began to lose the great communication we d always had when we were dating. Before I knew it, it seemed that our marriage had unraveled. Miscommunication and hurt



I approached Brent at a Christmas party a few days later to

This time around, it s completely

our marriage, we will continue to become a beautiful example of God s grace, forgiveness, and love.


. . . I Am at Peace.

f ever God put on this earth a

longed to be a mother, and endured

joyful, life-embracing woman,

costly, painful fertility treatments in the

since that day. All three children under

it would be my younger sister,

years that followed. The time came

20 years of intense counseling, and

Angi Jayne. Not knowing better, you d

when she and Mike faced one of the

even today struggle with the afteref-

think she d never had a care in the

most important decisions of their lives;

fects of unspeakable abuses in their

world. She s never met a stranger,

whether adoption was right for them.

younger years. All of them, that is,

greets everyone with a warm smile,

That s when their fast-track to parent-

except for the oldest daughter, Angie

and drops everything when needed by

hood began!

Marie. In February of 2005, at the age

family, friends or even acquaintances.

The call all prospective adoptive

Nearly 13 years have passed

of 20, she began to lose the use of her

The truth is, however, that I do know

parents long for came not months or

right arm and leg, and suffered from

her better and I ve decided I want to be

years after the application process, but

severe headaches. One of the best

like Angi when I grow up.

weeks! No, it wasn t an infant needing

neurosurgeons in the country broke

placement, but three neglected and

the news on March 8 that little Angie

divorced at 22. Her inability to have

abused children from the same family.

had an inoperable brain tumor, and had

children turned what she thought was

The youngest girl was two, the boy

six to 12 months to live. Chemo-

a loving marriage into a nightmare of

was four, and the oldest girl, Angie,

therapy, radiation, and all the medi-

neglect and abuse. At 28, God sent to

was nine. Two days after the call from

cines needed to make the remainder of

my wounded sister a big Teddy Bear of

a grateful social worker, three fright-

Angie s life bearable emptied the

a guy named Mike. He was caring

ened children stood on Angi and

family savings, and plunged them into

and tender, and they fell deeply in love.

Mike s doorstep, each clutching a

debt. On a cool, sunny morning, 11

The infertility didn t matter to him, and

grocery bag holding everything they

months to the day after the diagnosis,

they were soon married. Angi still

possessed in the world. They didn t

my sister s oldest daughter slipped

Angi was married at 18, and

know it then, but they had come home.

from her mother s arms into the arms of her Heavenly Father. Many of the days that followed are blurred. There was the memorial service in Oklahoma, and the funeral and burial in Kentucky more tears than anyone, save God, could count. Through it all, my sister clung tight to her faith, always watching for evidence of our Father at work through Angie s life and journey Home. Three weeks after my sister s loss, she and I sat next to a roaring fire on the Riverwalk, just before midnight. We talked quietly, and watched the waters of the Arkansas River flow past. Before we headed home, she said something I will never forget. She said, Debbie, our ultimate responsibility as parents is to direct our children toward Christ, and eternity in Heaven. Angie is safely Home, and I am at peace. Now, more than ever, I want to be like my little sister. For when I look at her, I see my Father, too. -Debbie Wallis




asbury opportunities

Cancer Support Group

Doors of Asbury posters are at the Welcome Centers...FREE! Suitable for framing.

general information Served from 7:00-9:15 am. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy,

$2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under

Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion)

9:15 am


Sanctuary (Traditional with sign interpreter)

11:00 am

Sundays for Children and Students 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am

7th, 8th & 9th Grades

Rm 1621 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression. Divorce Recovery

Available for $40 in the Gazebo.

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

Wednesdays, 1:00 -4:30 pm through April 11,

suffering from the early, highly emotional

Rm 1504.

stages of divorce and separation trauma. Divorce Rebuilding

If you are planning to use an Asbury pastor to

Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm - For those ready to

officiate and/or use Asbury s facilities, be sure

rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

to book ASAP to allow ample time for Couple-

Employment Transitions Need a second set of eyes to review your resume? Free male and female one-on-one


K-6th Grades

Journey - Tulsa s Century of Christian

to-Couple. Six months to one year suggested.

Mason Chapel

6 Weeks - 4 Years

books to our Library.

Engaged Couples

(Contemporary Communion) 11:00 am

Second and fourth Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm,

Free Tax Assistance

Sunday Morning Worship

family and friends. Bipolar/Depression Support Group

Thank you to all who continue to contribute

Faith, Leadership & Influence

sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal.

8:00 am

Parlor - For those living with cancer and their

New Additions to the Library The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource.


Second Sunday of each month, 4:00-6:00 pm,

9:15 or 11:00 am 9:15 & 11:00 am

10th, 11th & 12th Grades

9:15 am only

Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Asbury Family Dinners Wednesdays through April 25 in the CLC, 5:00 -6:00 pm. Adults: $5; children (2-12) $3;


support available through Asbury s Employment Transitions. Contact Barbara

Hands of Love Sign Choir

Wright at

Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm. 2821 Friends in Christ Discipleship Community

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm

Sundays, 11:00 am, Rm. 150x


bible study

Family to Family

Brochures with more details about RoadMap

For family members or caregivers of people

courses being offered are available at each of

affected by a mental illness. 4th Tuesdays

the Welcome Centers or online at

from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in the Parlor. Call Ruth at


care and support

To demonstrate the love of Christ, periodic

Military Connection

Maximum: $20 per family Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled? Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of time by calling Ruth at 392-1146 so your pastors can be in prayer for you. When you enter the hospital, please designate Asbury as your church. The after-hours pastoral emergency line can be reached by calling 492-1771, selecting option 2, and leaving a message for the pastor

care packages and monthly encouragement

Employment Opportunities in 2007. Trends and opportunities in Tulsa and hints on

cards with God s Word are sent to Asbury-

how to take advantage of them. Thursday,

related military personnel. The Prayer Ministry

April 26, 7-8:30 pm, Parlor.

also covers them in prayer. Please send contact information (complete name and address) to

Oklahoma Blood Institute Blood Drive Sunday, June 3 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm in the

Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 pm.


on call.

For family and friends of people who are

Prayer Card Sending Team

The Gazebo is Open ...each Sunday morning between services. Perceptions and Asbury Bible Study and Prayer Journals on sale, as well as selections in Pastor Tom s Book Club. Asbury Wear is also for sale. Extra Mission: Possible dogtags are available for $1. Recycling Recycle unwanted paper products. Two bins are available, located in the south and east

Usually meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10:45

incarcerated. Meets offsite. Call Ruth at 392-

am in Rm 1621 to send cards with God s

1146 for location.

encouraging words and our prayers to those

Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes hospital lists, births, deaths, marriages, baptisms and

Asbury Bear Bags

who are ill or going through hard times. Cards

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have

and care packages are also sent to Asbury-

comforted young children for many years, but

related military personnel. Contact Gwen

now you may give a Bear Bag with a

Mohler at for more

scripture-based journal included instead! Great


for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For

Alzheimer s Support Group Third Thursday, from 1:30-3:00 pm in upstairs

parking lots.

Gwen Mohler at Prison Fellowship Support

CLC. Call 477-0400 to schedule your

more information, contact Beth at 392-1116.

administration conference room. Christian hope, support and education for friends and family of those with Alzheimer s or other dementia.

military listings.


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a fun night for all as we strive to help the kids

Registration forms for all children s

live productive and fulfilled lives as followers

Monday, June 25 through Thursday, June 28

activities are available in the preschool

of Jesus Christ.

from 9:00 am - 12:15 pm. Plus, Thursday Night

and elementary lobbies. Core Hours through May 2007

Vacation Bible School

Training For Elementary Sunday School

Family Fun Night, June 28 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Small Group Leaders

Kids will join the team to hear about the Bible

Sunday, April 29, 12:30 pm in the Elementary

story at Worship Rally, learn how to apply the

classes during these core hours will have

Gathering Area. Come learn how fun and

lessons to their life at Bible Theater, play

childcare provided with no reservations

rewarding it is to be an Elementary Small

games at the Recreation Field House, sing


Group Leader on Sunday mornings...and have

songs at the Music Pep Rally, and have a

lunch on us! Call Amy at 392-1175 with

crafty time at the Crafts Fan Zone. Each day

Parents who are involved in RoadMap


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Mon & Tue

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

questions. If you have not signed up for

kids learn what true heros are all about. They

Tue, Wed, & Thur

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

serving, feel free to join us and learn more

will learn to Join the Team, Get in the Game,

about our Sunday morning world.

Take it to the Next Level, and even Recruit

Easter Egg-stravagana Sunday, April 1 at 2:30. Come join us for this

Training for Preschool Room Leaders

New Teammates. The week s activities will

annual celebration. Activities begin in the

May 6, after church - 1:30 pm in the Parlor.

come to a close with Family Fun Night. It s an

Sanctuary, then the hunt begins. For children

This training is for Asbury Preschool Room

awesome time to celebrate the fabulous week

up to 6th Grade.

Leaders for the upcoming year, June 2007-

of VBS, hang out with friends and family, play

May 2008. Lunch and childcare provided.

on the cool inflatables, and eat, eat, eat. Cost

6th Grade Parent Meeting Sunday, April 1, 6:00 pm in the Student Ministry

If you have not signed up for serving, feel

is $10 per child, or $25 maximum per family

Area. Find out all you need to know about

free to join us and learn more about our

and includes a VBS t-shirt. Registration must

Student Ministry before your 6th grader

Sunday morning world.

be received by Friday, June 1 to be guaran-

promotes. Parents and students encouraged

Training for Nursery/Preschool Helpers

teed a shirt. To help us with our registration

May 20, after church - 1:30 pm in the Parlor.

process, please go online to

This volunteer training is for Asbury Nursery/ and fill out the form. Hit

Saturday, April 21 from 6:00 am - Midnight,

Preschool helpers for the upcoming new year,

submit, then print out the form, sign it and bring

Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO. On April 21st

June 2007 through May 2008. Lunch and

it to the South Welcome Desk with the fee.

at the crack of dawn, we will all pile onto a

childcare provided.

to attend together. Rock 5.6 Road Trip

charter bus and head for Silver Dollar City in

Murdock Villa

VBS Challenge Camp

Usually the second Sunday of the month from

Branson, Missouri, returning close to midnight

Sunday, June 24 through Friday, June 29.

12:30 - 3:00 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi s Pizza.

that evening! Plenty of sponsors will create a

Sunday: 3:00-8:00 pm; Monday-Thursday:

We ll eat then visit Murdock Villa where we

fun and safe environment for our 5th and 6th

9:00 am - 12:15 pm; Friday: 10:00 - 2:00 pm.

will play Bingo and do crafts with special

graders to have fun and fellowship, and to

Challenge camp takes place the same week as

needs adults. It is an amazing time to witness

blow off some end-of the school-year steam.

VBS. On Sunday, the 5.6ers will meet from

in our local community. Limited to ten kids each

The cost is $44(includes the official Road Trip

3:00 pm - 8:00 p.m. for worship and dinner

month. We will not be going in April because of

t-shirt). You will need to bring an additional

and then do our planning for the entire VBS


amount of money for personal food costs

week. Each day they will start their day in

(breakfast, lunch and dinner) and souvenirs,

Worship Rally, and then go their own way to

Attention parents of boys ages seven or in the

etc. We won t stop for breakfast, so eat

several small groups, learning the crafts,

first grade through age 10! Get your son

before you come; it s a long time until the park

games and Bible stories they will share with

involved in awesome scouting adventures,

opens at 10:00 am. The deadline to register for

each other. They will even have a day to

learning the fundamentals and participating in

this event is Sunday, April 8 (Easter) or until

practice their missionary skills in the Tulsa

age-appropriate activities. They ll love the

we reach 94 kids. We have openings for 28

community. This week is all about setting up

opportunity for advancement and awards, as

adults who would like to go on the trip. Please

our 5.6ers to get ready to serve in the world

well as the frequent outings for the whole

let us know by April 8th and your cost will be

around them. It takes VBS to the next level.

family. Pack meeting is one Monday evening

$15 for your travel, t-shirt and park admission.

We will celebrate our week of hard work on

per month during the school year from 7:00-

Call Heidi at 392-1168 if you have questions.

Friday at Big Splash! Cost: $25 per child,

8:30 pm in Rm 2820. Weekly den meetings are

includes t-shirt and Big Splash day. Registra-

held according to the den leaders. Go to

Through April 25 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm

tion must be received by June 1 to be for

following children s choirs. Live from

guaranteed a t-shirt. To help us with our

a calendar and information on the Pack. Adults

Asbury...It s Wednesday Night Live! WNL is a

registration process, please go online to

who wish to assist in or support the scouting

worship service - kid style - for 4 year olds and fill out the form. Hit

program at Asbury should contact John

through 4th graders. Worship, singing,

submit, then print out the form, sign it and bring

Curzon at Pack 10 is

character building, and Bible verses make this

it to the South Welcome Desk with the fee.

sponsored by Asbury s United Methodist Men.

Wednesday Night Live


Cub Scouts Pack 10


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April 4

Special Guest Speaker, Mike Smith

April 11

Todd Johnson

If you have not yet found an Adult Discipleship

April 18

Bill Johnson

Are you wondering what to do with those

Community (Sunday School) why not visit one

April 25

Mark Springer

old eyeglasses? Donate them to missions!

of our Welcome Centers and see what s

Men s Bible Study

Discipleship Communities

Eyeglass Donations

You may drop yours off in the Global

available for someone just like you! Brochures

Wednesdays from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm in the

are available in the Welcome Centers, or you

Parlor. All men are invited to join us in a

may check them out at

relaxed, conversational atmosphere, with

Save Campbell s soup labels for missions.

(Get Connected).

lots of opportunity for dialogue and

Please note that a different part of the label

interaction as we grow more in being a

is now required. Please cut the UPC symbol

follower of Christ. Discussions will be based

and the Labels for Education symbol

on the topic, Following Jesus...Like a Man,

together. Turn these in for missions!

Email your June and July Milestone

exploring the question What does it look like

Questions: Contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-

Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to

to be a manly Christian in this day and

1163. or call 392-1146.

time? Come explore with a great bunch of

marriage & family Milestone Wedding Anniversaries

Outreach office. Campbell s Soup Label Changes

Mission Matters

guys as they examine Asbury s Objectives

A monthly newsletter is available with recent

April 27-29 at the DoubleTree Hotel

from a man s perspective! Each week s

news of mission happenings. If you would

downtown. Cost is $119 per person or call to

session will be self-contained so if you are

like to receive the newsletter, please contact

obtain the $79 per person group rate - 633-

unable to make it on any particular week,

Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163 or

5033. This memorable getaway for couples is

you won t fall behind. Spread the word on Preference is

hosted by Family Life Ministries. It is a time to

this guys, so we can spread the Word!

for the email version, but hard copies can be

Weekend to Remember

learn practical skills and biblical principles to

Home Improvement Ministry Workday

mailed if needed.

strengthen and re-energize your marriage or

Saturday, April 21. Workers meet in the CLC

prepare you for your upcoming marriage. For

at 8:00 am. The Home Improvement Ministry

News and prayer requests from our

information, call 1-800-FL-Today or go to

serves widows and single moms within the

missionaries and ministries are sent each

Asbury family. Our Men s Ministry volunteers

week to our prayer ministry list. If you would

8 Dates: Habits of Highly Effective

make themselves available every other

like to join and become a prayer intercessor

Christian Marriages

month to help folks out with minor home

for those serving around the world, contact

Second Tuesday of each month through

repairs and/or home improvement projects.

Missy at 392-1163.

September 11 from 6:15 - 7:00 pm. Come join us

Just pick up a request form at any Welcome

for an inspiring monthly speaker, then dinner on

Center. A Home Improvement volunteer will

These teams specialize in certain areas and

your own. NEW TOPICS this year include:

contact you before the workday and make

all are open to anyone having an interest in

Commitment, Prayer, Fun, Awareness of His

final arrangements to get the job(s) done.

those areas. They are as follows: Caspian

Needs/Her Needs, Shared Power, R-E-S-P-E-C-

Car Care Saturday

Global Outreach Prayer Ministry

Global Outreach Ministry Teams

Ministry (work in Azerbaijan), Latin America

T, Dealing Safely with Anger and Getting Rid of

May 19 from 9:00 am - noon outside the

Ministry (work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and

Myths to Find Satisfaction. Speakers include

Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north

Guatemala), College Missions Ministry,

several Asbury pastors and spouses, Rev.

side. This bi-monthly service is provided for

Communications, Estonia Ministry; Kami -

Darlene Johnson, Rod and Charlene Giles, and

Asbury s widows and single moms by our

Tanzania Ministry, International Student

other well-known Asbury leaders.

Men s Ministry. While the ladies wait in the

Ministry, Missionary Care, and Prayer. If you

comfort of our Student Ministry Cafe,

need further information call the Global

volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and

Outreach Office, 392-1117.


batteries. They also vacuum and wash the

Asbury Exploration

Mentor Moms/Young Lives

Come to a lunch/class to learn more about

vehicles and update the owners on what s

First and second Tuesdays of the month,

becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, April

running smoothly and what needs

7:00-9:00 pm in the Parlor. This is a support

1, from 12:15-2:15 pm. Call 392-1191 to

professional attention. This free service gives

group for teenage moms, sponsored by

register. Childcare available for six weeks

our men the opportunity to put their faith in

Young Life.

through 12 years.

action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required. Just come get


your vehicle in line by 11:30 a.m. Men s Conference

Men s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC.

June 2 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Watch for

breakfast, meaningful worship and life-

details in future publications.

changing prayer! Cost: $3/person

missions/vim 2007 Opportunities April 21 28 / Monterrey, Mexico Construction & MBS, $950 April 25 29 / Rio Bravo, Mexico (FULL) Men s Construction, $500


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May 18 20 / Cookson Hills, OK Light Construction, $50

Mason Chapel Prayer Room

Asbury Ringers

Accessible Monday through Friday from 8:00

Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm, Rm 2506

June 13 - 25 / Azerbaijan

am - 9:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am - 3:00

Perpetual Light

Construction & Teaching, $2,400 June 13 24 / Quito, Ecuador Construction & MBS, $1,700 June 14 25 / Estonia, Lighthouse VBS & Construction, $2,400 June 21 July 2 / Estonia, Camp Gideon Construction & Programs, $2,400 June 27 July 9 / Tanzania, East Africa Medical, $2,600

pm, and Sunday from 7:00 am - 9:00 pm. You

Thursdays, 10:00 am-noon, Rm 2506

can enter the room from the outside entrance

Resonance Bell Ensemble

of the southeast side of the Chapel, with the

Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506

exception of Sunday from 7:00 am - 12:30 pm.

Asbury Power & Light

The Prayer Room can be accessed from inside

Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm 1510

the Chapel during those hours.

Asbury Brass Quintet Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Rm 1510


Saints of Swing Dixieland Band

Celebrate Recovery

Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510

Come join this supportive group of people each

July 7 14 / Pitorreal, Mexico Construction & MBS, $1,200 August 9 - 19 / Estonia, Parnu VBS & Light Construction, $2,400 Fall / Cookson Hills, Oklahoma Light Construction, $50


Monday night at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm; Worship from 7:00-8:00 pm; Small Groups from

Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil April 7, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm in Mason Chapel.

Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God

Come pray, reflect and prepare for the celebration of Easter, at any time during that

Sept. 19 Oct. 1 / Azerbaijan Construction & Teaching, $2,200 September / Tanzania

day. Call Debbie at 382-1142 to obtain the key

Thursday, May 3. Service: 12:00 - 12:40 pm

October 13 20 / Monterrey, Mexico Construction & MBS, $950 November 7 11 / Monterrey Mexico Medical, $950

and Vigil: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm in the Chapel. I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority,

VIM Leader Training / Norman - April 28;

that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all

McAlester - August 25; Tulsa - November 10.

godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NIV)

All costs approximate. For further details

Prayer has always been used in this country

about Volunteers-In-Mission opportunities,

for guidance, protection and strength - even

contact Marilene Long, 392-1164 or

before we were a nation or a handful of

colonies. Today, the need for prayer is as

an epidemic of broken homes, violence, sexual

Aradhna Concert

immorality and social strife. As the heroes of

Saturday, April 21 at 7:00 pm in the Mason

our nation did in the past, we must again bow

Chapel. Spend an evening of worship with the

our heads in prayer. We must ask the Lord to

group that captures the beauty and dignity of

bless our leaders with wisdom and protection, and that we will have the fortitude to

blends East and West.

overcome the challenges at hand. Plan on joining your church family and the community

Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Choir Room New Covenant Orchestra Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:00 pm, Choir Room Children s Choirs

New Creation Ringers

His grace on thee.

Carillon Quartet

burdens and secrets that keep you from really living, or if you know there s an addiction you have to stop but just can t, Life Hurts, God Heals is created specifically for you. Meet with a group of students for 13 weeks who are

how God can heal you together. Join any time! (Come hungry. We start with pizza.) Check Student Ministries Area for details or call Marsha at 392-1157.

senior adults Asbury Singing Ambassadors

auditions required. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 1:00 pm in the Choir Room. Call 392-1148 for


inspiring program presented by our own Pastor Tom Harrison, entitled The State of

the Altar Prayer Team will be glad to pray with

spiritual - at the altar or in the Prayer Room. College Moms in Touch Prayer Time

Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm, Rm 2506

Life Hurts, God Heals (for Students) 6:00 - 8:00 pm, Rm 1508. If you re tired of the

the CLC. Come enjoy a great lunch, and an

Altar Prayer If you would like someone to pray with you

you for your needs physical, emotional or

Wednesdays, 4:45 pm, Rm 2504

9:10 pm. Please call 392-1103 if you can help.

Thursday, April 26 from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm in

front of the Sanctuary. A pastor or member of

Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm 2506


conviction that God would continue to shed

service, please come to the altar rail at the

Celebration Ringers

Monday evening per month from 6:45 pm to


on this special day, as we pray with

during Holy Communion or right after the

Wednesdays, 6:00-6:50 pm

Volunteers needed. Time commitment is one

Come and join the senior adult choir. No

India s devotional melodies with music that

Chancel Choir

Childcare available.

facing tough issues just like you are, and learn

great as ever. Our nation faces battlefields,


never intended for you to live in bondage.

Celebrate Recovery Childcare

code for the Prayer Room. National Day of Prayer Service & Vigil

Water Well Work, $2,500

8:00-9:00 pm; Dessert from 9:00-9:30 pm.

Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506

Asbury. If you re between retirement and heaven, please join us...and bring a friend. Call Doni at 492-1771 to make your reservations by noon, Monday, April 23. Senior Adult Mystery Trip Thursday, April 12 from 7:30 am - 5:00 pm. Come take a mystery trip for the day. We ll


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meet at the church to board transportation. The


volleyball. Must be 18 and above to participate. No children, please.

rental bus accomodates 50 passengers, so call

ASM Luncheon

the Registration Hotline at 392-1191 to reserve

Sunday, April 29 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the


your seat NOW! Then stop by the church

CLC. Come be a part of this luncheon designed

before April 2, complete a registration form and

for singles of all ages, with lots of fun, food

submit your payment to the main office. The fee

and fellowship! The menu will be baked ham

Sunday, April 1 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm in the

must be paid by April 2 to secure your place.

with all the trimmins . Children are welcome.

Student Ministry Area. If your student is going

Don t miss it!

Cost: $4 - Pay at the door.

through 7th grade Confirmation, don t miss this

AARP Safe Driving Course

7th Grade Confirmation Parent Meeting

MANDATORY parent meeting! Don t forget to

AC2 - New Discipleship Community

bring your student/parent response sheets.

Get an insurance discount while you tune up

Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in Rm

your driving skills and update your knowledge

2500. Are you looking for a unique, dynamic

of the rules of the road. Choose one: April 27

and committed community of Christian singles?

Tuesdays, April 3 and 17 from 4:00-5:15 pm. If

or May 25 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm in Rm 2820.

Join us for in-depth Bible study, Christ-centered

you are in Spring Confirmation, don t forget to

Cost: $10 per person. Class size is limited to 35

fellowship, faith lived out through service and

attend this meeting.

participants. First come-first served. Call Doni

expectant prayer. Come and be a part of this

in the main office by Wednesday, April 25 or

new mid-week singles community.

May 23 to reserve your space at 492-1771. At

Spring Confirmation Meeting

Metro Worship Wednesday, April 4 at Believers Church. Come join kids from all over the city in a night to just

Singles Meet and Greet

least 12 participants are required for the class

Sundays from 8:40-9:10 am or 10:20-10:50 am

worship Jesus. We meet from 7:00-8:30 pm. If

to take place, so tell your friends and

in the CLC. All singles are invited.

you need a ride, meet at Asbury at 6:30 pm


and we will be back by 9:00 pm.

Solutions Life Improvement Video

Senior Adult Trip to Guthrie

7,8,9 Prayer Tour

Series by Cloud and Townsend

Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9. The Senior

Sunday afternoons, April 15 through May13,

Wednesday, April 18 from 6:30 - 8:15 pm.

Adult Council of Asbury would like to invite you

3:00 - 4:40 pm in Rm 2820. All single and young

Have a hard time talking to your friends about

to join us on a fun-filled, 2-day/1 night trip to the

married adults are invited to participate in one

Jesus? Come and spend time at local schools

historic city of Guthrie. Departing early Friday

of the most exciting relationship studies to

and teen hangouts as we use prayer as a

morning, we will arrive in Guthrie in time for a

come our way in a long time. Bestselling

way to impact Tusla teens lives. Meet at the

little sightseeing before lunch and take it from

authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend have

church at 6:30 pm ready to load up the vans

there. We will have the opportunity to browse

developed a video series that has been offered

and go pray. We ll return around 8:15 pm.

through the Victorian downtown area, the

on Sunday afternoons for nearly a year at

7th Grade Confirmation Rehearsal

Oklahoma Territorial Museum, the Frontier

Asbury. The series continues in April with

Sunday, April 22 from 5:30 -7:00 pm in the

Drugstore Museum, the State Capital Publishing

course titles such as Being in Jail, Who s the

Student Ministry Area. If your student is going

Museum and the National Four-String Banjo Hall

Boss?, and I Deserve Better than That!

through 7th grade Confirmation, be sure they

of Fame. We will also attend the opening night

Facilitated by Tammy Beals and Jim Small, these

don t miss this mandatory rehearsal.

performance of A Man for All Seasons at the

sessions will help you develop healthy

Pollard Theatre. There will be plenty of time to

relationships, get to the root of your anxieties,


shop and explore on your own, too. The trip

and get past painful experiences. Each of

only time we can stay up all night and lots of

expense ($105 per person) includes two

these sessions are linked by a major topic

really cool stuff: concerts, bowling,

meals, 1 night s lodging with 2 to a room, and all

area,but are independent studies. Check out

Celebration Station - from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am.

ticket and transportation costs. The deposit

our website for each

Registrations are due April 25. Be sure to pick

deadline was March 15. However, as of this

week s title and topic. Come as often as you

one up for you and some for your friends.

writing, a few spots still remain. Call the church

can and bring a friend or two.

ANB rocks!

office at 492-1771 to see if there s still room for you. Space is limited to 55 participants. Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00-9:30 am in the Gym. Come join a time of stretching with fun and fellowship. Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:309:00 am in the Gym. Come join a time of power walking with fun and fellowship.

7th and 8th All Night Blast

7th Grade Confirmation Service

Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

Sunday, April 29 at 6:00 pm in the Student

suffering from the early, highly emotional

Ministry Area. If your student is going through

stages of divorce and separation trauma.

7th grade Confirmation, don t miss the service where they will officially join the church. Any

Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those

and all are welcome. Come early for good

ready to rebuild their lives after separation or

seats. Students need to arrive by 5:15 in


church dress.

Single Adults Volleyball

Life Hurts, God Heals

Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm, in the Gym

If you re tired of the burdens and secrets that

(Ages 18 and up) No children, please.

keep you from really living, or if you know

Adult Volleyball Sundays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym - Coed adult

there s an addiction you have to stop but just can t, Life Hurts, God Heals is created


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specifically for you. Meet with a group of students

Adults who wish to assist in or support

in a way that is appropriate for someone

who are facing tough issues just like you are, (13

the scouting program at Asbury should

serving the Lord. They must not go around

weeks every Wednesday from 6:00 - 8:00 pm) and

contact John Curzon at

speaking evil of others and must not be

learn how God can heal you together. Join any time!

heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach

Check Student Ministries Area for details or call

Venture Crew 909

others what is good. These older women

Marsha at 392-1157. Adult leaders needed. (Come

Monday evenings during the school year

must train the younger women to love their

hungry. We start with pizza.)

from 7:00-8:30 in Rm 2201. Attention

husbands and their children, to live wisely

young men and women who have

and be pure, to take care of their homes, to

Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 pm - Breakaway Area. Join

completed 8th grade through age 21.

do good and to be submissive to their

us every Wednesday for a time of connection,

Come on board for high adventure

husbands. Then they will not bring shame

worship, learning about God, and some nights of just

....sailing, mountain climbing, sharp

on the word of God.

random fun. Don t miss the food and hangout time

shooting, backpacking, caving, scuba

up & Naomi Circle - Clean-up)

afterwards. Come be a part.

diving, canoeing and much more! Annual

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

7th, 8th, & 9th Grade Breakaway

(Miriam Circle - Set-

Whirlwind for Willard

high adventure trips have included

Friday, April 20 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm in

Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway

backpacking in Yellowstone, white water

the CLC. Come one, come all and be a part

Area. This isn t your normal Sunday school. Come join

rafting in the Grand Tetons, and canoeing

of our annual Whirlwind for Willard Game

us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/

in Canada. High adventure in the company

Day. Hosted by Asbuy s United Methodist

lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards.

of Christian advisors is the focus of this

Women, this awesome, fun-packed

organization. The crew motto is from

fundraiser benefits the Circle of Care

9:00 am - 9:15 am in the BAM Room. God hears our

James 1, Count it all joy when you face

Ministries. Tickets may be purchased from

prayers. Start Sundays off right by praying with the

trials of all kinds for it will give you

the church office through Monday, April 16.

7, 8, 9 band, Mark and Marsha for the Sunday

perseverance and that leads to maturity.

Cost is $7.50 and includes a delicious

services, friends, family, the Asbury congregation,

Participants seek out new tests of their

lunch. Whatever game you play, get a table

Tulsa, the U.S., and the nations. No sign-up

skills and grow physically, emotionally and

of four together and make a day of it!

necessary. Leaders and parents, we would love to

spiritually. No previous scout experience

have you there, too.

is required, but many members have


7th, 8th & 9th Grade Sunday AM Prayer

7th - 12th Grade Small Groups

Home Improvement Ministry

already attained the Eagle in BSA or the

Saturday, April 21. Workers meet at 8:00

Don t miss out on being a part of a small group. It s a

Silver Award in GSA. This is a place for

am. The Home Improvement Ministry serves

place to grow in your relationship with Jesus, have

those who have gone as far as Boy

widows and single moms within the Asbury

some accountability, and just have fun. (It s never too

Scout and Girl Scout programs can take

family. Our Men s Ministry volunteers make

late to sign up. Just come to the Student Ministries

them. However, simultaneous

themselves available every other month to

Area.No small groups April 8 due to Easter.)

membership in BSA or GSA is fine. Go to

help folks out with minor home repairs and/

7th and 9th graders: 5:30 - 7:00 pm at Asbury. 10th - for more

or home improvement projects. Just pick up

12th graders: time and place vary. Contact Amy at

information, or contact Bob Walter at

a request form at any Welcome Center. A

392-1156 for more information. Adults who wish to

Home Improvement volunteer will contact

assist in or support the scouting program

you before the workday and make final

Every Wednesday night except the first one of the

at Asbury should contact John Curzon at

arrangements to get the job(s) done.

month, from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Student Ministries

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Bible Study

Annual Women s Retreat

Area. Come to the Student Ministry Café, hang out, have fun, and study what God s Word has for us. It s going to be awe-inspiring and you won t want to miss it!

(No programming March 21 due to Spring Break)

Friday and Saturday, April 27 and 28 with


an optional second night. Cost: $55 early

UMW Luncheon

registration; $68 after March 31. Heart O

Thursday, April 5 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

the Hills Retreat Center in Welling, OK for

in the CLC. A delicious luncheon will be

women of all ages. Theme: Open the Eyes

Monday evenings during the school year from 7:00-

provided at no cost to you. (A donation

of My Heart, Lord. This beautiful setting

8:30 pm in Rm 2818. Attention parents of boys ages

basket will be available if you would like

offers a relaxing countryside atmosphere,

11 through 17! Get your son involved in awesome

to contribute toward the cost). Attention

complemented by the option of hotel-type

scouting adventures, experiencing the great outdoors

women of Asbury! You are invited to

accommodations. You will thoroughly enjoy

and lots of other age-appropriate activities. Boy

attend our monthly women s luncheon &

hearing our speaker, Judy Starr, who uses

Scouts participate in monthly campouts and in

program, taking place on Thursday, April 5,

a delightful sense of humor in sharing her

resident camp each summer. Individual growth is

at 11:30 in the CLC. Following the meal,

powerful testimony. Based on scripture,

developed in advancement through the ranks, from

Rev. Darlene Johnson will offer a

she will teach practical steps to guard the

Scout to Eagle Scout, and through public service. Go

presentation entitled, Behold the Women .

integrity of the heart and the importance of

to for an

The scripture focus will be from Titus 2:3-

continuing to develop intimacy with the

updated calendar and for information on the Troop.

5, Similarly, teach the older women to live

Lord. Judy will encourage all of us to let

Boy Scout Troop 10



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God open our eyes to His forgiveness, love and purpose for our lives. In addition, the retreat will also offer many optional activities such as an evening of singing around the campfire, paddle boats, tennis, and jewelry-making, and many opportunities to build friendships in this beautiful camp setting. You will want to not only be a part, but invite your friends and family as well. Registration forms are available at the South Welcome Desk and in the Main Office. May the eyes of your hearts be opened to see that the Lord has called you to know and experience the hope, riches and


power of God. Ephesians 1:18 Mother/Daughter Brunch

Observations on Everyday Life

Saturday, May 12 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm in the CLC. Watch for

by Pastor Tom Harrison

details in future publications. Car Care Saturday

Some Great Lines

May 19 from 9:00 am - noon outside the Student Ministry Breakaway entrance, north side. This bi-monthly service is provided for Asbury s widows and single moms by our men s

Here are some clever sayings:

Ministry. While the ladies wait in the comfort of our Student Ministry cafe, volunteers check tires, belts, fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles and update

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt an a leaky tire.

the owners on what s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required. Just come get your vehicle in line by 11:30 a.m.

It s always darkest before dawn. So if you re going to steal the neighbor s newspaper, that s the time to do it. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets kicked. Always remember, You are unique - just like

Women of the Word

everyone else.

Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 am in Rm 1502. Rev. Darlene Johnson, teacher.

Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield.

Phone Buddies

The quickest way to double your money - fold it

Ladies, do you want a cheer me up with your morning coffee? We have ladies that can fill that need by being your own phone buddy! Call 392-1142. Lea or Shirley will return the call and get you set up!

in half and put it back in your pocket. If you lend someone $20 and you never see them again - it was probably worth it. You have to eat a lot of cereal before you find the

Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2821. Women who enjoy crafts are invited to come any Monday morning...come and go any time. Bring lunch to share. Contact Beverly Clarke.

free toy. Eagles may soar, but weasels don t get sucked into jet engines. There s a lot of truth in these remarks. The trick in life is to be aware of human foibles without becoming a


detached cynic.

Service of Darkness

Proverbs 1

Friday, April 6, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir and

Reprinted from Perceptions Volume III

Orchestra present a musical picture of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, along with meditations by Pastor Tom Harrison. Online Worship

Perceptions by Tom Harrison may be heard every weekday morning

Did you know that you can watch the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday services online as they are occurring? Go to

on the following radio stations, or you may hear the daily Perception at then click on Watch Sermons (by Tom s picture).



7:47 am

experience. Or if there is a sermon that you wish someone else


K 95.5

7:43 am

had been able to hear, send them to our website where several


Mix 96.5

7:45 am



7:55 am



7:47 am



7:55 am

If you cannot attend worship, you can log on and share the

weeks of sermons are archived.


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Bible Teacher Publishes Book entails and the blessings that are ours once we turn control over to the Lord. Here s a short excerpt from the introduction to Out of Control and lovin every minute of it!

at least one mainstream church s hymnal. Words like bondservant and slave were smoothed over for more palatable euphemisms that didn t force the issue of total commitment. Rather than boasting of bondage to God, we focused on finding the purpose of our lives and worked on doing things for God by doing things for others.

A hundred years or so ago,

Unsurprisingly, the focus of our lives

sanctuaries on Sunday mornings resonated with refrains of I Surrender

No matter who we are or

Trust and Obey and the like. Believ-

pretty fast at times. Out of Con-

ers incorporated the language of

trol and lovin every minute of

surrender into every corner of their

it!, a newly released book by

lives: We are not our own; we were

Asbury s own Gail Knox, ad-

bought with a price. Our bodies are

dresses Biblical solutions to

the temple of the Lord, cleanliness is

weathering the storms life throws

next to godliness, early to bed early

conversational in style, this book is not about the author s thoughts and opinions it s about what God Himself has to say about surrendering our lives to Him in order to survive the difficult times. The Bible is clear about God s expectation of the commit-

the relationship of the true believer to his God. It s time to call a spade a spade and acknowledge our total and complete dependence on the One who created and continues to give us life. It s time to get back to basics and realize that success is not measured by the externals of wealth and power, but by

to rise the list goes on and on. But somewhere along the way, surrender became an ugly nine-letter word. Un-American even. Its usage metamorphosed into a synonym for defeat. Our language turned instead to

the things inside that God sees in us everyday. It s time to yield control of our lives to the One who controls all things. We are not the master of our own lives. We belong to Him.

winning at all cost, and becoming the

Copies of Out of Control

master of our fate and the god of our own universe. We talked in terms of

and lovin every minute of it! are

fighting to the finish, rising to the top,

available at Asbury s Gazebo on

becoming all that we could be, getting all

Sunday mornings.

and lovin every minute of it! the

that we deserve. We were Americans

order on or

author takes us to the scriptures

and Americans surrender to no one. Special Asbury price:

ted Christian.

In Out of Control

and helps us discover for ourselves what the surrendered life


It s time to stop and re-examine

All , Have Thine Own Way Lord ,

what we do, life can come at us

our way. An easy read, and

began to shift from God to Self.

The church followed suit. Hymns


like I Surrender All were removed from


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Or you can

Michael and Traci Vickers

Donna Terry and Beth Terry

Kevin and Amber Cox, Josh, Andrew and Sarah

Dan and Kathy Rimmer

Joe and Jenni Barnard

Joy Holmes, Lance and Danielle Homes and Luke

Tara Raby and Audrey

Lewis and Loraine Edmonson

Bob and Bette Gabehart

Randy and Amy Hyde, Joseph, Isabelle and Abigael Also shown: their son Nathan Woodward

John and Alice Morrow

Stuart and Sue Rogers ASBURY TIDINGS

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Sheila Finn

Miguel Martinez

Michele Shivery

Brian Bedford

New member photographers: Allen H. Robison and Roxanne Shelton Whiteis

David and Robyn Funk and Anna

Nancy Kidd

Join the Family If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more

Justin and Laura Orrick and Kelsalyn

Choose from one of the upcoming membership classes: Sunday, April 1

about who we are and what we

Leah Lanphere

believe. We will spend our time looking at Asbury s Mission Vision- Objectives. Most of the time will be spent in talking about our 8 objectives.

Sunday, May 6 Sunday, June 10 Sunday, August 5 Sunday, September 9 Sunday, October 7

Another part of the membership process is to spend

Sunday, November 4 Sunday, December 2

time in a pastoral visit. We want for you to know at least one of our pastors so that when life s

Steven McCray

Joshua and Brenna Lemons

difficulties arise, you will have a

Classes are from

pastor who can help you through it.

12:15 2:30 p.m.

Perfection is not required of

and Caleb

Asbury members, but we do want to grow and get better. As John Wesley, the founder of

Call 392-1191 to make your reservation. Childcare is available

Methodism said, If your heart is as my heart, lend me your hand.

Lauren Ripley

LeRoy and Cathy Sandidge and Dylan Shelton 31


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and lunch is included.

we rejoice... with those who have experienced the joy of a new baby in their family: Julia Hanson Grisaffe

When I mention

Daughter of Robert and Kristi Grisaffe

this movement of the Upper Room to an

Sister of Aubrei Granddaughter of George and Mary Margaret Grisaffe

individual, many times

February 13, 2007

the response is, How far do we have to walk. A kind of humorous remark

we remember...

but if you don t know the purpose for Emmaus, makes sense I guess.

those who have died and pray God s comfort for those who have lost loved ones: Worden Parrish

Many individuals in Asbury have heard of this

Husband of Margaret

movement but don t have

February 12, 2007

a clue to what it s all about, so in the next few issues of Tidings we ll A.V. Lawson

explore and hopefully you ll have a better understanding of the

February 16, 2007

purpose of this God-given spiritual formation. First, What is The Walk to Emmaus?

Pat Berry

Glad you asked! The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal

Wife of Tom

program intended to strengthen the local church through the develop-

February 20, 2007

ment of Christian disciples and leaders. It s an experience of a 72Wayne Richison

hour short course in Christianity, comprised of 15 talks by lay and

Father of Brad Richison

clergy on the themes of God s grace, disciplines of Christian dis-

Grandfather of Erik and Becca

cipleship, and what it means to be the church. It s a weekend

February 27, 2007

wrapped in prayer and meditation, special times of worship and daily celebration of Holy Communion.

Ken Bays

The Walk to Emmaus originated from the Roman Catholic

Husband of Sheila

Church and what they called a Cursillo (pronounced cur-SEE-o)

February 28, 2007

movement which originated in Spain in 1949. It means little course in Christianity.

Mildred Dearing

Over time other churches including Episcopalians and

Mother of Marcy Stephens

Lutherans began to offer these weekends as well. In 1978 The Upper

March 2, 2007

Room of the General Board of Discipleship adapted the program for a primarily Protestant audience and began to offer it under the name The Upper Room Cursillo, and then in 1981 further adaptations were made and it became The Upper Room Walk to Emmaus. There is

Christian Service Scholarship Several years ago, a scholarship fund was

also a 72-hour weekend for youth and college age called, Chrysalis

established in memory of the teenage son of Tom

and Journey, respectively.

and Mary Lou Detjen. Since that time, many of

To date The Walk to Emmaus is approaching one million

Asbury s young people have benefited from this fund.

participates in the U.S. and has reached into the international arena

These scholarships assist in educational costs and

as well. It continues to renew lives to serve our Risen Lord and

are intended for those full members of Asbury who have elected to enter some form of full-time Christian

Savior, Jesus Christ. An individual after participating on an Emmaus Weekend responded, [We] were reminded that Emmaus is not an emotional bubblebath. It is essentially a journey with Jesus Christ. The main focus is not how wonderfully close we have grown with each other,

service. Scholarships may be awarded to persons who are studying at either the undergraduate or graduate levels. The amounts of the scholarships will vary and they may be renewed. Applications may be picked up in the office and must be completed

but how much closer we are to Christ and how much more effective

and returned by June 4, 2007, along with a photo-

we are as servants in His Church.


In the next issue of Tidings, we ll look into the question, What s

A personal interview with the Scholarship

Committee may be a part of the selection process. Kelly Dudney is the chairperson.

the focus of The Walk to Emmaus? -Rev. Sonny Plischke


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in appreciation...


I would like to thank my Good Samaritans. I have Muscular Dystrophy, but I have always tried to hide it. One Sunday last month I decided to park in the road and walk rather than use my handicap placard. All went well until after church, I fell while crossing the street to get back to my car. So there I sat on the curb too embarrassed to flag a car down as they went zooming by. I sat there praying for some way to get up. Just then a man and his daughter came walking by and helped me up. I was so embarrassed that I didn t ask their names to properly

60 Years Paul and Donna Wicker April 6, 1947

thank them. I just want them to know it was greatly appreciated and that I will

Dear Asbury

never forget them. An outstretched hand can mean so much. Thank you,

Thank You, thank you, thank you.! Spring Break Missions was a BIG success and YOU played a big part in it. You faithful giving and prayers made each trip a big success. Want to hear stories, just grab a student and ask them.

Denise Weddington

We wish to thank everyone for their love, caring, cards, visits and phone calls to Ken and to us during his illness. We especially thank Bill Mason, Charlene Giles, Rosanna Corrales and Victoria Williamson for the beautiful memorial service. God bless each of you,

A total of 295 students and leaders gave up their spring break to help further the

Sheila Bays and family

Bird, Kentucky, Reynosa,

cards, phone calls, visits, and help

we probably received more than we gave but isn t usually the way. We use Spring Break Missions as a starting point for

April 20, 1957

Wordfinders and Happy Christians Communities, for all your prayers,

As always, each of us found that

Bill & Rosalie Veatch

Thank you, Asbury, and especially

Kingdom in Houston,Texas, Red

Mexico and Guatemala City.

50 Years

45 Years

during my recent surgery and recovery.

Leon & Natalie Russell

I am doing so well, and I know it s your

March 17

prayers at work.

There is a

phenomenal healing power in prayer. All of you are precious to me.


25 Years Darrell & Connie Moore February 12

bless you. and I ll see you soon. In God s love, Sandra Cardwell

George and Joan Dorsch April 24

the rest of the year, to remind our students that we are always missionaries on God s mission here and other places.

10 Years

Dear friends,

Marc & Victoria Wilson

Thank you so much for your

March 15

prayers, cards and calls expressing your concern as I recuperate from a

Congratulations to those who are

spill out of the wheelchair. Your

Thank You!

kindness is deeply appreciated and I


feel blessed beyond measure to be a

Student Ministries

part of the Asbury family.

celebrating Milestone Anniversaries. (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) Report your Milestone Anniversary

In His Service,


Linda Petty

or call 392-1146.

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