Asbury Tidings - July 2005

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inside tidings


ne of my favorite quotes of Harry Truman’s was, “Not all readers are leaders. But all great leaders are 3 This Month at Asbury 5 Notes from the Journey readers, and they read books about history and biography.” In the past six 6 Music years or so, I’ve spent considerable 7 Marriage time reading about these two areas. 8 Regional Outreach My family doesn’t eagerly await my 10 Women latest book report, but I don’t read for 11 Men them. I find reading to be a great source of replenishment for me. I feel I’ve learned 14 Marriage invaluable lessons from these great people 15-17 Senior Adults of the past. 18-19 A Salute to Our Military I’ve just finished reading David 20 Children McCullough’s book “1776.” Other than 21 Students reading stories as a child about Francis 22 Evangelism Marion, the South Carolinian “Swamp Fox,” Dr. Tom Harrison Senior Pastor I knew very little about the Revolutionary 23 Global Outreach War. 24 Senior Adults The American revolutionaries were committed. They believed they 25 Care were right and fought to their death. But they were in the minority of 25 Care colonists. When it looked as if the Redcoats would win many didn’t re26 Our Heritage enlist, huge numbers deserted the Continental Army, and massive 27-30 Calendar numbers of people actually aided the British (“Loyalists”). 31 Communities It was the costliest war of any American war, except the Civil War. Twenty-five thousand Americans died (about one percent of the total 32-33 New Members population of America). Dysentery, hunger, exposure, consumption, 34-35 The Family Room typhoid or other health-related matters killed far more than combat wounds. American soldiers often had no shoes. The British could follow the rebels through the snow because the trail of blood from the AmeriThe Tidings is published monthly cans’ bare feet would show the path. We can’t possibly know the to convey the message of transformed lives through Jesus magnitude of suffering these men and their families endured. Christ and to inform Asbury No one sacrificed more than did their leader, George Washington. family and friends of the many He stood about 6’ 2" and was physically fit. He was wealthy. He had a opportunities made available stellar reputation. He had more to lose from his participation in the war through the ministries of Asbury than just about anyone. When the war seemed hopeless people United Methodist Church. questioned his leadership. He was not a great military leader. He was not a brilliant intellectual like Franklin or Jefferson. He was not a great Photographer: Lisa Dunham orator like George Whitefield. But he was courageous, was willing to Cover design: Sandy Wagner lead, and he was willing to die for his beliefs. George Washington, far more than any other American, was responsible for holding together the revolutionary cause. I think he has to be regarded as the greatest American who ever lived. That’s not to diminish the contributions of others but it is to recognize that Washington was the indispensable man. Without him the cause would have been lost. As we celebrate our patriotism on the fourth of July, we are indebted for the wondrous gifts we have been given. They did not come easily. People have died that we might be free. Before we can respond appropriately we need to understand our heritage.Knowing what has happened helps us live with grateful and generous hearts. This month’s Tidings is devoted to those who have served and are serving our country in various home and abroad. As we celebrate the birth of our great nation, we pause to thank God for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

Dr. Tom Harrison TIDINGS 2

Thank You, Oklahoma Conference! What a joy it is to have all of our pastors returning to Asbury this year. We are blessed, indeed!

BILL MASON Pastor Emeriitus

TOM HARRISON Senior Pastor

DARLENE JOHNSON Pastor with Women

TODD CRAIG Pastor with College & Young Adults

Welcome Rev. Banya

MARK MCADOW Sr. Assoc. Pastor

LINDA PETTY Pastor of Access

DICK READ Pastor for Biblical Literacy

DUB AMBROSE Pastor with Men

DAVID THOMAS Pastor with


Screwtape Proposes a Toast

Asburian Larry For those Stockard plays the forty-something retired devil, and older, the preScrewtape , the sentation is both diabolical namehumorous and sake of the onechillingly proSunday, July 17 devil satire phetic—for oth7:00 p.m. adapted from the ers, just humorBreakaway Area C.S. Lewis clasous. Lewis fans sic essay, Screwwill delight in the Senior Adults tape Proposed a Toast. Lewis’ inspira- rich language, the wit and the humor Rev. Judith Banya has been appointed tion for the character of Screwtape came which characterized his writings, makto Asbury as our Pastor with Missions. the day af ter hearing Adolph Hitler ’s ing him one of the most enduring auYou’ll be reading more about her in the BBC radio address to war-torn Europe, thors and influential defenders of the September Tidings. in July of 1940. Christian faith in the last 100 years. Larry has studied Lewis’ writings extensively and has led numerous seminars on his work. He has been active in commercials and community theatre in and around Tulsa for nearly 20 years and also performs as the villain in Tulsa’s Spotlight Theatre’s longThis annual even sponsored by Asbury’s United Methodist Women benefits running meladrama, The Drunkard. missions. Come out and see what treasures you can find! Donations can be Admission is free. Seating is limdropped off at the CLC on Thursday, July 14. Items not accepted include men’s ited. Directed by Billie Sue Thompson. and women’s clothes, shoes of any size/shape, stained bedding or bath items.

UMW Annual Garage Sale Friday, July 15 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday, July 16 from 9:00 am - Noon




7/29/2005, 2:19 PM

Time to Say Thanks by John C. Westervelt

World War II veterans are dying at the rate of 30,000 a month. Of the 16 million men and women that served in the United States armed services in WW II, only 4 million are still living. In a recent phone conversation, I viewed, through the eyes of my sister, the funeral of one of these brave men. I had met my sister’s friend, Bob Kruta. He was a gregarious man, but not one to talk about his wartime service. Bob’s funeral was at my boyhood church, Wesley UMC in Oklahoma City. It was only fitting that Bob’s Marine Corps buddy came from Iowa to tell Bob’s story. Bob was 18 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. In July 1942, he joined the Marines. Af ter basic training, his unit was shipped to Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. These islands are ten degrees south of the equator and 1100 miles northeast of Australia. Most of these young men had never heard the name Guadalcanal, and they were being asked to invade this jungle-covered island to root out the Japanese and capture a strategic airstrip. Over 4000 Marines and 2300 Army personnel were killed or wounded before the island was secured in February 1943. The steaming jungle fighting left Bob weighing 99 pounds, so he was sent to Dutch Harbor, Alaska to recuperate. From Alaska he went to England. It was here that he joined a group of Marines that went ashore just before the June 6, 1944 amphibious landing at Normandy. These men used light beacons to guide the invading Allied Forces onto the beaches. Bob loved the esprit de corps of the Marines, so after the war he stayed for a career, not dreaming that he would be back in harsh combat in five years. On the bleakest day of the Korean War, Thanksgiving 1950, Bob’s marine division had fought their way across Korea to the Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China. Two hundred thousand Chinese troops unexpectedly came spilling across the border and routed the 8th U.S. Army and surrounded the 10,000 Marines. The Marines fought their way out across a mountainous road in subartic conditions. At the funeral, nine young, erect, crew-cut marines sat stone-faced on the front row of the sanctuary at Wesley. When the service was over, they covered the closed casket with an American flag before carrying the casket down the center aisle to the foyer. At the cemetery, the Marines fired a 21-gun salute followed by the playing of taps on a bugle. There was not a dry eye among those gathered to honor Bob. As a final remembrance, two marines meticulously folded the flag into a compact triangle, inserted several spent shells, and handed the flag to Bob’s wife Edie. If no one remembered to say thanks through the years, thanks were spoken on this day. Likewise, we join the belated chorus in saying, “Thank you Bob...and so many others...for serving our country.”




7/29/2005, 2:19 PM

Notes from the Journey Freedom From Within by Lisa Tresch


elanie sat beside me on the flight from Nanning to Guangzhou, China. It was a crowded, bumpy ride and when she noticed my white knuckles, she gave me some mints that tasted like herbs. “You like them?” she asked me, and I nodded, even though I thought they were awful. “You may have them,” she beamed, handing me the tiny plastic box. I took it graciously because that is what you do in China, even if you don’t want what is being offered. And so began our friendship. We email back and forth--share ideas, thoughts, and her dreams of coming to the United States. Melanie is her western name, given to her in middle school when all Chinese students receive a western name. I can’t print her Chinese name because she works for the PRC government. “I hope to visit your country someday,” she told me on the plane. “I would like to see the Statue of Liberty. She is so proud. Your entire country is proud because you are a place of great freedom.” I nodded and thought about the freedoms we enjoy – the right to vote, to speak our mind, to peaceably assembly, to worship. In college I was a member of the Society of Collegiate Journalists, and my member card reads like this: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. That’s the First Amendment. And I believe in it with all my heart because I’ve been in countries where it doesn’t exist. But I don’t think that it guarantees freedom. I have to be careful what I write in my emails to Melanie, but if I could sit face to face with her again, this is what I would tell her about freedom: It comes from the inside. It is not our amendments, our constitution, or our government that gives us true freedom. There is bondage of the human heart that seems to run rampant in this country where we have great freedom, and when the heart is imprisoned it doesn’t matter where you live. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) These are the words of Jesus, who wasn’t talking about a country, or a political system, or the First Amendment. He was talking about Himself. His kind of freedom went against the grain of what the first century Jews expected. They wanted a political kind of guy who would ride in with guns blazing to put the Romans in their place. They were tired of being pushed around, and even those who believed that Jesus was the promised One kept waiting for Him to preach a message of protest against the Roman occupation. But He never did. Instead, He offered rest for our souls – an unshackling of the chains that we tangle ourselves up in. I believe that our country is a place where Melanie could have endless opportunities beyond what she will experience in her own country. But her deepest heart’s desire is the desire of all people--for a freedom that comes from within; a freedom that allows us to feel the love of the Savior, and then turn around and return that love to the world. 5 TIDINGS



7/29/2005, 2:19 PM

Glen Thomason Sr. and his two sons.

finding relief and peace through

sacred music


atching Glen Thomason Sr. sing in the choir, you can see how much music means to him. He grew up with a step-dad who was a Methodist pastor and a mom who sang in the choir. During his teen years his church had an evening service after MYF. He remembers attending the services and loving the 15 or 20 minutes of music when they sang favorite requests from the congregation using three different hymnals—the Cokesbury, the Methodist and the Upper Room. His favorite hymn was to the tune of Londonderry Air entitled “Above the Hills of Time.” That takes him back to a stormy time in our history, the Vietnam War era. In 1967, after two years of college, he was drafted into the Army. After Basic Training and Advance Individual Training as an Artillery Surveyor, he was transferred to Ft. Knox, Kentucky, to await his orders to go to Vietnam. At Ft. Knox they needed a battery clerk and because he could type, he got the position. After one year he was ordered to ship out and went home before he left the country. By now his family had moved to Bixby where his father was the

pastor of the First Methodist Church. At the Sunday service he noticed an adorable blond young lady singing in the choir with his mom. She seemed aloof, but so cute. Af ter church he asked his mom who she was. “Oh, you mean the Snoddy girl?” “Yes, that’s the one!” he replied, thinking his assessment of her had been accurate. “Her name is Cheryl. Cheryl Snoddy.” (Cheryl and Glen have laughed about that for the past 35 years.) They dated a few times before he left and Glen told his brother that if he made it back he was going to marry her. Glen arrived in Vietnam on December 23, 1968, and spent Christmas at the USO in Camron Bay. He remembers Christmas music being played. Memories filled his mind and heart as he heard those familiar carols. When Glen got to Vietnam the position for which he trained was not needed. That meant on the job training for what they did need: a canoneer for the 105 Howitzer. The First Cavalry Division had six guns with five to six men for each gun—that’s a big gun! He spent about a month in different landing zones of the “angel wing” area of Vietnam guarding the infiltration route between Cambodia and North Vietnam.

At night, when it was quiet and stars filled the skies, he would see the majesty of what God had created. It was then that the hymns came back— ”Above the Hills of Time,” “The Old Rugged Cross,” “How Great Thou Art.” “When I was busy I didn’t think of anything but my work. It was when things settled down and got quiet and I had to understand what had just happened that those hymns gave me relief and peace,” said Glen. Church service was held only when a chaplain came through. Glen remembers Easter when a Jewish Rabbi, the designated chaplain, celebrated the Resurrection and served communion to the Protestants, said Mass for the Catholics and then celebrated Passover with the Jewish men. He came home on June 19, 1969, and true to his word married Cheryl one year later. In 2000 the Chancel Choir sang the oratorio “Saviour” which was for Glen a mountaintop experience. In 2002 he suffered a severe heart attack. Just as music helped him get through the dark times of his life at war, the same is true today. “Then sings my soul, my Savior, God to thee, how great Thou art!” - Marti Morris

...and Glen today. MUSIC 6



7/29/2005, 2:19 PM


the army way


he first years of marriage can be tough. It takes time to get to know one another’s personality, preferences and families. Then there are matters of figuring out roles and responsibilities around the house. So, what happens if a couple also adds the following factors: both in the Army, living in Germany, and husband is deployed to Iraq for a year? According to Megan (Giles) and Trevor Hawes, with God and lots of love, not only is it possible to survive, but to thrive! The Hawes, who have been married three years, report that there are benefits and drawbacks to both of them being soldiers. While it greatly increases their mutual understanding of things like how critical it is to please a commanding officer, there is also a down side. Megan commented, “For the past year, since Trevor got back from Iraq, we both served with the Army Soldier’s Chorus, so if we had a bad day, we both had a bad day, with neither of us able to lift the other up.” What was the hardest part of their year apart? And how did they make it? Megan and Trevor have

always worked on communication. Even while Trevor was in Iraq, he was able to call Megan frequently. Yet, their desire to make things easier for one another sometimes resulted in conversations that were less than honest. Trevor says, “I knew how much she was worrying, and so I didn’t want to upset her. It sounds crazy, but sometimes I was more concerned with how she was getting groceries up three flights of stairs than I was for my own safety with rockets going off all around me.” From Megan’s perspective, “I tried to be careful not to complain.” After a couple of months, Megan gave up watching the news. “It didn’t help for me to know details. I was already praying and there wasn’t anything more I could do, except send fun packages with things like sand toys and water guns. It was great to hear how much he loved those!” Both survived by focusing on their future. Trevor says that he decided, “Anything I had to do to get home to Megan again, she was worth it.” Megan focused on finding and decorating their first apartment alone. “The apartment was like a gift I would give

Sgt. (P) Megan Giles Hawes and her husband, Staff Sgt. Trevor Hawes , met in Germany and have both served with the Army Soldier’s Chorus. Trevor was in Iraq for a year of their three-year marriage. 7


him when he came home, to show him how much I had been thinking about him.” When Trevor returned, after a full year away, it was hard to adjust. His hearing loss and knee injuries are permanent souvenirs of his battle time. Trevor would often wake up at 2 a.m., unable to sleep. Though she wanted to know everything Trevor had experienced, Megan took his cue and gave him space and time. Later she learned that this was just what Trevor needed. Trevor laughs that Megan still sleeps with about ten pillows, a habit she developed when he wasn’t there. In Trevor’s words, “We don’t take little things for granted, like sleeping in the same bed.” Recently Megan was discharged from the Army, and Trevor hopes to be transferred to Arizona in the fall to finish his Army time. They agree that what they will value the most as civilians will be their freedom to choose their own goals and be able to celebrate holidays with family Both Megan and Trevor want to thank Asbury prayer warriors. Trevor explains, “You’re the reason we do this. The sacrifice is only possible because we know you’re praying and waving the flag, and proud of all of us. Every gift box and letter is important, too.” Trevor sums it up, “Love is so strong it can get you through anything.” -Charlene Giles (Megan and her family joined Asbury in 1980, when Megan was one.)




7/29/2005, 2:19 PM

teaching respect for

old glory


ob Marks, a longtime member of Asbury, is the National Americanism Officer in the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Bob and other members of the Tulsa chapter visit classrooms all across the Tulsa area teaching children the proper etiquette for the American flag. The chapter recently placed 3,000 18" by 24" pictures of George Washington in classrooms. The members teach a class about George Washington so the children will not lose track of their heritage. The Military Order of the Purple Heart sponsors an annual patriotic high school essay contest. The Purple Heart recipients provide encouragement to lonely veterans by sending them Christmas cards. The Tulsa chapter recently purchased six glider rockers for the Claremore Veteran’s Hospital. You may be wondering, “How did Bob become a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart?” Bob grew up on a farm in Arkansas during the Great Depression with three brothers. During World War II, Bob’s father and mother would hover around their direct

current radio listening to the war news, for they had two sons in the Army in the thick of battle in Europe. (For you young readers, more than half of rural America did not have electricity until after WW II.) In the Battle of the Bulge, Bob was fighting with the 75th Infantry Division when he was wounded, hence a Purple Heart. He ended up in a hospital in Wales for three months. After victory in Europe, Bob was sent back to the 75th Infantry Division to help with the Army’s management of a refugee camp for Poles who had lost their homes to wartime bombing. Bob was back home in time to begin college at the University of Arkansas in 1946. Just short of graduation in 1950, he was called up by the Army to go to Korea, where he was wounded once again, hence his second Purple Heart. Bob came home, completed his college degree, and began a 32-year career teaching math. Bob’s first wife, Ruth, died at the age of 51 of leukemia. His son Robert was a junior at OSU. The attractive Spanish teacher down the hall at Skelly Junior High

school was a widow with two daughters. Laura was 13 and Julie was 17 when their father died. With their grieving years behind them, Bob and Pat began dating and soon were married. Bob and Pat had each been married for 21 years to their first spouses and have now been married for 21 years to each other. They enjoy six grandchildren, all under age thirteen. Included in the group are three-year-old, twin boys. When you see Bob in the halls of Asbury, ask him about his grandchildren, and then say, “Thanks, Bob, for serving our country in war and in peace.” - John Westervelt

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke (1729-1797) British statesman and philosopher REGIONAL OUTREACH



7/29/2005, 2:19 PM


the stars and stripes

are forever


pledge allegiance to the flag...” Something we all, as American citizens, learn by the time we go to kindergarten. We teach each generation to have respect and admiration for our stars and stripes and the freedom it represents. This was precisely the motivation behind Arthur Zakharian, an Armenian immigrant, when he started his own business—his piece of the American Dream—at Liberty Flags. Deported from Russia to Iran because of their Christianity, the Zakharians immigrated to the United States in the 1950s. Arthur worked in the corporate world for many years, but always admired the freedom Americans had to own their own businesses. When he finally reached the point in his life where he could do it too, a flag company seemed the ideal venture. He ran Liberty Flags until he

suffered a heart attack in 1989 and could no longer manage on his own. This is where it became the “family business” he’d always envisioned. Enter Charlotte Zakharian, a daughter fresh out of college with a degree in journalism, then trying her hand in the advertising business in Oklahoma City. A daughter, who due to her father’s hard-working nature and long hours, hadn’t been very involved in much of anything with him. Still, Charlotte decided she could take a little time away from her new career and help out until her dad could get back to work. That was Charlotte’s plan. God’s plan was a little different. Charlotte held down the fort for a time. Her father slowly returned to work, but still needed her help to keep the business going—or the flags flying, so to speak. She could have resumed her

new life in Oklahoma City but for the first time in her life, she was spending time with her father. Learning so much about his history, her history, and what the freedom of being an American meant to someone who hadn’t always had it, Charlotte stayed and worked beside her father. Shortly after she started, Operation Desert Storm was underway and an elderly man came into the store to buy a flag. He brought tears to her eyes as he told Charlotte he had not voted nor flown the flag since his only son had been killed in Vietnam but he now felt called to support the sons of others in the Gulf War. His story and others like it made Charlotte see the value of the Tulsa business called Liberty Flags. Charlotte married Jeff Jones in 1997 and in 1999, when they had their first child, Ethan, Jeff filled in at the store for her. He’s been working there ever since, making it a true family business, just as her father had envisioned by supplying American flags to public and private organizations and buildings across the United States. For months after 9/11, the lines in front of the little flag store were hours long, just to get a raincheck for a flag that hadn’t been delivered yet. People gathered in front of Liberty Flags to talk about the tragedy and to be with other Americans, bonding together with the symbol of our great country—the American flag. Arthur Zakharian passed away last year but his stars and stripes are forever. -Lisa Dunham Jeff and Charlotte Zakharian Jones at Liberty Flags at 2606 S. Sheridan.




7/29/2005, 2:19 PM

service brings awareness

of other cultures


week-long honeymoon on the Isle of Capri after a magnificent wedding in Italy are two dazzling memories Hazel Clayton recalls of her tour of overseas duty during World War II. Clayton joined the Womens’ Army Corps (WACS) in 1942 and thoroughly enjoyed her two-year overseas tour of duty. Clayton’s mother was very proud of her daughter when she announced she was going to join the WACS but she did not want her daughter to go overseas. However, Clayton explained that it was something very worthwhile that she just needed to do. Clayton was assigned to an ammunition ordinance office that filled the ammunition orders, and she said they were to “make sure everything got where it was supposed to go.” Clayton did stenographic work and was stationed in Casablanca; Oran, North Africa; and Caserta, Italy, where she met “a lot of very nice and interesting Italian people who I kept in touch with

for many years.” She also fondly remembers a fun trip to Switzerland with a group of Americans. Clayton met her husband, Art, when both were overseas and in the Army. They dated although they were not supposed to, and their overseas romance resulted in a beautiful wedding in Caserta, Italy. Hazel remembers, “The chapel was beautiful and we had a lovely Christian ceremony; all of our friends were there. After the wedding, we had a marvelous oneweek honeymoon on the Isle of Capri.” After Clayton’s tour of duty, she recalls that she went home to Athens, Alabama, “to see my mama and my daddy. When my husband was released, he headed to Colorado to see his folks, and I headed to Colorado too. Art went to school and earned his bachelor’s degree while I worked for the Veterans’ Administration, and after school, Art worked for Amoco Production Company in Casper, Wyoming, and then in Tulsa.”

Clayton said that the couple found their way to Asbury when friends from Wyoming who had been transferred to Tulsa invited them to attend. The Claytons joined Asbury in 1965, and Hazel taught Sunday school to four-year-olds for several years and has been honored for her service to the UMW and as a tutor with Youth at Heart (formerly Destination Discovery). Now, at 86 years of age, Hazel said, “Serving in the Army made me more aware of what was going on in different countries in our world and how other people lived. I still have that awareness today. I depended on God at that time just as I do now. I prayed to Him, thanked Him, and praised Him, just as I do now. I believe that women should serve in the military if they have the desire and calling because there is a lot women can do. ” Clayton proudly proclaimed her love for God, for Asbury, for her wonderful family, and she said, “I pray for our country and our pastors every single day. I love God and this country with all of my heart.” -Judy Johnson




7/29/2005, 2:19 PM


God’s protection in the

face of danger


oward Cotten would arrive early, set up, clean up and wash dishes every Tuesday when the Southeast Rotary would meet in the Mason Center. He and his wife, Bobbie, would help with the annual Pancake Breakfast and the Fish Fry. And every Wednesday morning beginning at 3:45 a.m., Howard would help cook and prepare for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast. No one would ever guess that this mildmannered gentleman with the decidedly southern accent was involved in some very harrowing experiences during his military service. This native of Mississippi joined the reserves and in 1941, he got his private pilot’s license. That year a national emergency was declared and Howard was called into active service. He reported, but applied for flight training. He received his wings and 2nd Lt. bars with the Class of ’42, signaling a four-year military career in the skies. For several years he ferried aircraft from one base to another and other parts of the world. After 19 months of ferrying airplanes, Howard was transferred to the Air Transport Command (ATC) in India where he began flying “over the Hump,” a nickname for the area between Assam in northern India and China. After Pearl Harbor, Japan quickly moved to close the entire Chinese sea coast and in 1942 they shut off the Burma Road. Thus, Howard began flying the Hump in 1944, making a total of 43 trips over

the treacherous area often in turbulent and unstable weather. They flew over the eastern Himalayas, at altitudes of 20-24,000 feet, plunging south to altitudes of 10-20,000 feet over northern Burma in the range of the Japanese zeroes. But the Japanese fighter planes weren’t the worst danger, according to Howard. The greatest risk came from the weather, particularly during the monsoon season. “So vital was China to the Allied war against Japan that plans were immediately made to establish an air bridge over the Himalayas,” said Howard. “If China fell, Japan would conquer all of Indochina and continue its conquest beyond the Pacific. The only way to defeat Japan was by arming China with men, equipment and supplies to fight a war.” On one flight Howard’s plane was struck by lightning. Another trip was more distressing, “We hit violent turbulence that turned our airplane upside down. We had a load of 25/55 gallon drums of 100 octane gasoline. The charts, dirt and everything that was loose went to the ceiling. In what must have been less than a minute, the plane was flipped back to its upright position. All I could do was hold onto the controls and pray. I had no control over the plane. We must have been falling at a high rate of speed or the gasoline drums would have broken loose. None did or obviously I would not be here.” On another flight they hit a sudden windshear. “We were flying at 17,000 feet. With full throttle and in

climbing altitude, we were falling at the rate of 8,500 feet per minute. We cushioned out at 8,000 feet, 2,000 feet above the surface,” Howard explained. “The good Lord must have wanted to keep us flying.” Records show that around 600 planes and over 1,000 crewmen were lost over this dangerous region. In October 1944 Howard was offered a flying job as General Wedemeyer’s personal pilot. This began “one of the most interesting periods in my life,” he said. “My job was to take him, his staff and VIP visitors anywhere they wanted to go.” The trips took him to many exotic places with interesting guest-passengers including Madame Chiang Kaishek, General Stilwell, General Chenault, Lord Mountbatten, General Marshall, Mao Tse-tung, Chou En-lai and many others. “We flew over both Hiroshima and Nagasaki soon after the atomic bombs were dropped,” Howard said. He returned to the U.S. in May 1946, ending his military career. Looking back, Howard admits that the “good Lord was surely looking after us.” Since fighting for our country, Howard has continued to do for others in a multitude of ways at Asbury and within the Tulsa community, serving with the same dedication and faithfulness exhibited during his military years. -Sandy Wagner with notes from Howard Cotten’s recollections of his service during World War II

11 MEN



7/29/2005, 2:19 PM


MaryDale Worboys is diligent in prayer for her husband’s safety as he serves in Iraq.


soldier’s wife


very July, Americans are reminded of the birth of our country and the amazing freedom and liberty with which we have been blessed. We are painfully aware that these freedoms and liberties do not come free. Being married to soldier, MaryDale Worboys is reminded daily of these costs. She has been married to her best friend, Major Ashley Worboys for 13 years, and they have a rambunctious nineyear-old son, Hampton. The Worboys moved to Tulsa in May 2004 from North Carolina. Soon after, in October, Ashley’s Army Reserve unit left for Iraq. For the first time in Ashley’s 16-year stint with the Army Reserve, he was called into active duty. Ashley’s unit is not scheduled to return until May 2006; however, if things go well, the unit could return earlier than scheduled. While Ashley is away, MaryDale and Hampton lean on others in similar situations for support and encouragement. One source that strengthens MaryDale during these times is her Family Readiness Group. This is a network of other family members of those servicemen and women who also serve in Ashley’s unit. Some of the most difficult things about a husband and dad being away

are just the simple things: Who will mow the lawn? Who will fix the flat tire on my bike? Who will wrestle with me on the floor? Who will hug me when I’m feeling lonely? Another great source of strength and a wonderful addition to MaryDale’s life is her commitment to the Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Ministry trains lay people to provide care, support, and confidential listening to those in and around the Asbury congregation. Stephen Ministers provide support to those who may be experiencing life’s difficulties or life transitions; such as, a hospitalization, a terminal illness, a job loss, the death of a loved one, separation or divorce, a new birth or adoption, moving in or out of the community, or whatever the situation may be. Stephen Ministers undergo 50 hours of training before their commissioning, and then must fulfill continuing education requirements. MaryDale and several others were commissioned this past May. Already, MaryDale has been so blessed by being involved in this process. “I am only a person, a vessel for God.

He will speak through me,” said MaryDale. One of the concepts of the Stephen Ministry is that, “God is the Cure Giver, and we are the caregivers.” In her role as a Stephen Minister, she is able to take someone’s hand and pray—a luxury that she was not able to do when she counseled in a secular capacity. MaryDale encourages others like herself to, “Pray without ceasing. When you’re scared—stop and breathe. And lastly, ask for help. Remember that people are not mind readers; let your friends know your needs and accept their offers of assistance.” -Marcia Curley

Major Worboys in Iraq




7/29/2005, 2:19 PM

proud to be

an american - Rev. Dick Read


ast week, just as I pulled out of the church parking lot, on the country music station came Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA. Each time I hear that song, I’ve got to remember to just pull the car over to the side of the road — it’s just not safe driving through all the tears. From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea, From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA, Well, there’s pride in every American heart, and it’s time to stand and say: I’m proud to be an American . . . As one son of a career Air Force officer, I was privileged to live in many parts of this incredible country: born on plains of west Texas and raised in the wheatfields of Montana, the rows of cotton in northeast Arkansas, the Atlantic tide of Virginia and the river bluffs of eastern Nebraska. Actually, my brothers and I were mostly raised along the airbase runways which carried huge B-52’s, KC135’s and an ocassional C-5 Galaxy, along with their crews to secret destinations. I was never quite sure which of those giants my father was piloting on his excursions across the country or around the world. The almost-annual highlight for any “Air Force brat” was the much-anticipated base airshow. Thousands of people from all over the region gathered on the tarmac to view the visiting aircraft, maybe even sit in the cockpit for a personal tour from the pilot. Yet what we really came for was to experience the 13


Thunderbirds, those amazingly powerful red, white and blue fighter jets along with their top-gun pilots. With their spins and twirls, these airplanes raced toward each other at what seemed to be supersonic speed, only to miss one another by mere inches, then turning straight upward, climbing high into the clouds before disappearing from sight. The life of a career military family is full of adventure, travel, constant change, loyalty and patriotism. Patriot: one who loves and zealously supports one’s own country (Webster’s New World Dictionary, 2003) I confess . . . that’s me! I’m an American patriot. American to the core I am. Born that way. Raised that way. Still that way. At the same time, my core goes deeper and my loyalities stronger. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.” That’s how Jesus replied when

some attempted to trap him between two kingdoms (Luke 20:25). Jesus didn’t condemn Caesar and He didn’t discourage patriotism to Caesar. Rather, Jesus clearly separated the two kingdoms. “My kingdom is not of this world,” he later told Pilate, the Roman governor who could condemn him to die (John 18:36). I am American by birth. I am Christian by re-birth. Among my most fervent prayers is that my two citizenships will never come into conflict. Many others, such as Dietrich Bonhoefer, have been forced to choose between two kingdoms. In the early and mid-20th century, Bonhoefer’s beloved Germany shifted further and further from Christian standards of governmental ethics. Bonhoefer’s loyalties could no longer remain with the Deutche Reicht. His choice became clear: “Christ is the center.” And this consquential choice would lead to his death just before the end of WWII. So here I am: an American Christian. Proud of the country of my birth and with whom I hold earthly citizenship, as well as fully-devoted to my Savior Jesus Christ, who died and rose that I might live abundantly, in freedom and for eternity. By the way, if you ever see me pulled over to the side of the road balling like a baby, don’t worry; I’m just singing a song: And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.



7/29/2005, 2:19 PM

finding God’s presence.

even in war


eann Walter describes herself as a “professional worrier”. But God brought this long-time Asbury member unexpected peace when her son, Robby, was deployed to Iraq with an Army Reserve unit. God has a way of turning distressful times into opportunities that teach us to trust and rest in Him. He is faithful to bring just the right comfort and provision when it is needed. God is aware of our every need and burden, especially those on the hearts of our soldiers and their families. For the Walters, God used His people to help sustain their faith. Members of Leann and husband Bob’s community and K-Group sent cards and care packages overseas. Many made a covenant to pray for Robby while he served. Leann recalls, “I was amazed and humbled to see people care for my son, many that I didn’t even know. I was reminded that God is in control, not me.” The experience also drew Leann to God’s word. During her yearly commitment to read the Bible through and especially while Robby was away, Leann was amazed at how her daily readings helped meet her need for that

moment. Promises like, “He will never leave us or forsake us” (Heb. 13:5), “God’s plan gives us a future and a hope” (Jer. 29:11), and “Lean not on your own understanding” (Prov. 3:5), all reminded Leann of God’s faithfulness and gave her confidence that no matter what happened, she could trust Robby to His care. God even used one of Robby’s superior officers to bring comfort. A lieutenant colonel wrote the Walters, “Robby is a tireless worker, and when others fade he has remained strong.” It blessed Leann’s heart to know that her son was being faithful to the job he had been sent to do; that God was giving him strength and perseverance to fulfill his assignment. Robby says he saw God at work too, even in the midst of war. Many servicemen found Christ and were baptized. There was strong spiritual support from his chaplain who Robby says, “Had a scripture for every challenge.” And being surrounded by fellow soldiers who were always willing to help each other sustained Robby’s faith. God did bring Robby safely home. Since returning, Robby plans to

continue his service in the Army Reserve while working on a business degree at Oklahoma University. To those spouses and parents of soldiers, Robby encourages them to be strong and courageous; God is in control. Robby also asked that we continue to pray for the more than 100,000 soldiers still serving overseas and for the Iraqi people themselves. Even in the chaos, pain and loss of war, prayer does make a difference and God can be trusted. He is able to meet every need. Maybe God wants to use you as an extension of His love, just as He did in the lives of the Walters—to ease the anxious heart of a soldier’s mom or dad, to point someone to the promises of God’s word, or to pray for those who defend our freedom and those who live in the midst of a war-torn land. -Nikki Boyd




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and fortunate


lue Star Moms have tomorrows with their children, but Gold Star Mothers have only yesterdays. Maybe you’ve seen the small banner in a neighbor’s window: it has a blue star. The mother there is praying that she will never have to hang a gold star in its place, because the blue one indicates her son or daughter in Iraq or Afghanistan, or any other hot spot on the globe, is still there—or may have already come home. They’ve finished their obligation and they’re back home with their families. Children of Gold Star Mothers were killed in action or are listed as missing. Jeanine Gray is a Blue Star Mom, and although her son, Matthew returned last August from six months



in Iraq, it’s still fresh in her memory— watching the news reports of the warring region—hoping to get some kind of assurance that her son was all right. “When he first went over,” Jeanine said recently, “We didn’t know where he was, and we watched everything on TV we could find about the war, thinking that we might get a glimpse of him—in the group of men surrounding the reporter. “It was on our minds all the time—const antly.” Her husband, Doug, had been a U.S. Marine in Vietnam, so they knew the ordeal of war firsthand already. And like mothers throughout the ages have recognized, one of the best ways to get “through it” is to do something for the troops. That’s why Blue Star Moms organized into a support group in 1942. They had to do something—anything— so they filled boxes with food, hard candy, gum, soap, toothbrushes, and a million other things to give a lift to their fighting children. They’ve been doing it ever since, when their sons and daughters left home to join the Armed Services in the cause of liberty and freedom.

Jeanine Gray preparing packages for our troops. Her son Matthew was in Iraq and is the Marine shown on the front cover.




During the six months Matthew served in Iraq with his Marine Reserve unit, the 225th from Broken Arrow, as a tow gun missile launcher, Jeanine and Doug—and younger brother Mark— knew that he slept in or on the humvees for safety and a quick getaway. And in addition to the three watching the news and praying, Jeanine joined other Blue Star Moms filling and shipping out boxes. “The mail is extremely important to a soldier,” she said. “So many who knew about our son being in Iraq helped collect things for him and the others. Co-workers surprised me with all that they gave: lotions, tooth paste, books, CD’s, food, toilet tissue. The mothers met mostly on Saturdays in a warehouse where everything was stored and a Tulsa company gave us boxes that were just the right size. The boxes full of items cost 18 dollars to mail out, so even the money being contributed was crucial.” After Matthew returned safely home, Jeanine said that her time in the warehouse slowed down. She attends meetings once a month in Tulsa, and contributes to the ongoing needs of the organization—even making an appearance at Broken Arrow’s Rooster Day. “The Blue Star Moms rode in Doug’s red pickup in the parade,” she said. “It helped to call attention to what we are about.” If you know a Blue Star Mom, salute her. Salute the dad, too. And their child who has given so much in the cause of freedom. If you know a Gold Star parent, salute them twice. All of them deserve our gratitude. -Donna Wilson

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’ve been hit. My engine’s cutting out. I’m taking my wing man and going home.” These were the last words heard from 2nd Lt. Charles Goss on October 19, 1944, as he was flying his last scheduled mission before three days of much needed R and R with his friend and fellow fighter pilot, Chuck Weaver. Goss didn’t make it home that day. “A calmness came over me as my plane began to fall. I knew the Lord was with me and I knew what I had to do.” He bailed out of his P-51 at 5,000 feet, injuring his leg and landing in the tree tops behind German enemy lines. He spent the next few weeks hiding, praying, and using his small escape kit items, trying to make his way to safety. His granddaughter, Holly, was given an account of this time in her grandfather’s life when she turned 16. Her grandmother Joanne printed the story and passed it out to her grandchildren, rather nonchalantly as Holly remembers, with a casual, “Here’s a story about grandpa you might like to know someday.” As a commonly self-absorbed teenager at the time, Holly put it aside, thinking it was about her grandfather’s work with Phillips Pipeline Company or something equally unexciting. A couple of months later, she happened to pick it up and began reading a very different story about the tall, quiet man she called grandpa. “He’s never said a word,” Holly told me. “I never would have guessed he’d been through this.” Walking for days, dragging his injured leg through enemy territory—the woods by day, the clearings by night— being passed by civilians and at times German soldiers, undetected. Sleeping when he could but being so cold that mostly he couldn’t. Hearing voices and dropping to the ground where he’d lay for hours waiting for silence to continue his journey. Fearing he’d be pitchforked by civilians or forced to surrender to a German officer and just

praying all the while it wouldn’t come to that. It all sounded like something out of a movie to Holly but she kept reading, all the while becoming more aware of her grandfather and what it must have been like for him and other soldiers fighting for us.Five days into his journey, he was hiding behind trees as cars or trucks passed, a horse-drawn wagon filled with slave laborers, diggers for German gun emplacements, spotted him. “A Polish man, Leopold Pietruszewski, came over but speaking no English, he and grandpa were only able to communicate through the aid of language phrase cards. The men shared some food and told him to hide until dark and they would come back. grandpa thought a thousand thoughts waiting for the darkness. Would they return? Would he be captured? “Because of the generosity and joy these men had shown him, he trusted they would return. He waited. Cars passing--once stopping just 20 feet from him. A man getting out, looking around, but leaving. Still hiding at dusk, grandpa heard wagons and then a whistle. “It was Leopold,” explained Holly. “Grandpa spent the next 15 days in a barn’s hayloft with Leopold risking his life to bring food he’d sneak from the house. Leopold relayed the Americans were making great strides every day. Soon they’d make a break for it through the front lines. In the dead of night, Leopold and four others came for him. He made his way by alking all night, crossing frigid streams, dark woods, and climbing through barbed wire fences. The following day they were confronted by an angry farmer and chased by German troops who caught one of Leopold’s friends and marching him, hands over head, as granpa and the rest watched helplessly from the thicket.They lay motionless in the snow until dark, then silently crept away, continuing in total darkness until

hearing voices and realizing they had errantly wandered into a German gun emplacement. Quietly, backtracking and following the stream to another point, where a tree had conveniently fallen to bridge the stream, providing them safe crossing. Walking along the road, silently guided by road timbers and knocked out bridges, they came to a house where they discovered K rations--evidence of American soldiers. “An Army halftrack came by the next morning, transporting them to an outpost. During grandpa’s interrogation, the colonel jumped up, shaking his head in disbelief, ‘You’ve just crossed one of the biggest mine fields in Germany through one of the Army’s heaviest artillery barrages of this war!’ “Grandpa knew it was no accident he survived the crash, walked days through enemy territory without being seen, found trees laid across streams aiding his escape, and was led through treacherous mine fields unharmed. He knew it was n o accident that the minute his plane, ‘The Morning Star’ sputtered out of control, the true ‘Morning Star’ of Revelations 22:16--Jesus Christ shone brighter,” said Holly. Reading this month-long account of Charles Goss revealed a lot to his granddaughter. “He’s not just my tall, quiet grandpa,” Holly said, “He’s quite a remarkable man of God.” - Lisa Dunham




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Thank you to Dick McGee for beginning this project several years ago, and to Juli Armour for helping us locate Asbury family members who are currently serving in the military. See Page 34 for more about our service men and women.

learning the meaning

of honor


onor. What a tremendously powerful word. All sorts of images come to mind ... a life committed to bringing peace to the world, a heart surrendered to mission and ministry, compassionate instruction from adult to child, and a little girl’s earnest prayer to the creator of all life. Not the images you had envisioned, especially during the patriotic month of July? Perhaps if you’d had the chance to observe a session or two of Asbury’s recent “God and Country” awards program for children, your perception may have been enlightened. The first three words of the Girl Scout and Boy Scout promises begin with, “On my honor.” After that the wording varies, but commits to the basic concepts of service, strength and character. The remaining similarities call for allegiance to God and country. From that premise, the Program for Religious Activities for Youth was born and the word honor takes on fresh value and meaning. In the course of the P.R.A.Y. program, grade-school children through adults work toward the honor of receiving “God and Country” medals. Depending on the grade and/or age level, “God and Me,” “God and Family,” “God and Church,” “God and Life,” and “God and Service,” are awarded after weeks, months or even years of diligent study and service. A grand total of forty second through sixth grade Boy and Girl Scouts spent six weeks this past winter reading, studying, praying, memorizing, serving and honoring their way toward the “God and Me,” and “God and Family” awards. Overseen by children’s minister Patrick Jackson, and Preschool Programming Team Leader Kim Renkema, each evening’s activities began with large group games and then

broke down into small groups for workbook and application studies. “God and Me,” for second and third graders, led by volunteers Joe Anderson, Terry Harper and Kathy Owens, focused on scouts honoring God as He works directly and personally in their lives. Children memorized the Lord’s Prayer, and devised their own home “games” to reinforce the lessons and to encourage them to share what they’d learned. “God and Family,” led by Donnie Cox, Sandi Fadler, Howard Holloway, Janet Teel and Bob Walter, focused on honoring God as he grows and works through our families with patience and love. These fourth, fifth and sixth graders memorized the Ten Commandments, and participated in weekly home activities which included talking with adults about their childhood and spiritual growth

experiences. They also hand-made pizzas, with each ingredient representing the foundation, heritage, talents, struggles and victories of being part of an earthly and heavenly family. Early July is most definitely a prominent time of the year for expressions of honor and reverence. For Asbury’s Children’s Ministry, and especially for 40 exceptional Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, honoring God, family and country is a privilege that will endure for all times and all seasons. - Debbie Wallis




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youth making

a difference


few months ago, Daniel Ede and his friend Garrett attended Metro Worship on an ordinary evening and changed lives across the ocean in the AIDS-ravaged country of Zambia. They didn’t go expecting to do this, but here’s how it happened: Daniel and Garrett were moved by a video presentation about the plight of the Zambian people. At least 100 Zambians die every day from AIDS. As a result, the life expectancy of the people of Zambia is 35 years. There are 1.2 million orphans, and more than 75 percent of children live below the poverty line. The video was a production of, which is an organization that mobilizes youth to raise money that goes directly to those afflicted by the AIDS crisis. So Daniel and Garrett went to work. They canvassed their neighborhood to raise money. “We just went door to door and explained to people what we were doing--raising money to help people in Africa with AIDS,” says Daniel. Most people were anxious to help, and he and Garrett raised $500. In the U.S., $500 probably might pay apartment rent for one month. In Zambia, it will feed a mother and orphans for a year with enough money left over to buy a cow or a goat, which will be a source of

food and income for an orphan. Or, $500 will educate four Zambian children for one year, and buy a blanket for a child. provides a catalog that outlines the practical and

tangible ways different amounts of money can be spent. “This showed me I can really make a difference in someone’s life,” Daniel said. “Five hundred dollars can really do a lot for the people over there.” is associated with another AIDS-awareness and fundraising organization--The ONE Campaign, which has garnered the support of celebrities such as Bono, Brad Pitt and Micheal W. Smith. Both

organizations seek to raise awareness of the African AIDS crisis, and raise money to fight it. (For more information on the ONE Campaign, go to their website, For Daniel, becoming aware of the plight is what moved him to action. “I saw the video of these children who had AIDS, and I wanted to do something to help,” he said. This generation of youth is not content to stand back and wait for their parents and adult leaders to take action. They want to get involved and take a stand. They want to make a difference. They wear bracelets that state their support for various causes--drug awareness, poverty elimination, more funding for cancer research, and the ONE Campaign’s white bracelet for AIDS awareness. They believe they can make a difference, and they are willing to get out and share their enthusiasm and convictions with others. Daniel and Garrett were not intimidated at the idea of asking people for money to help end this crisis. And it’s not only the people of Zambia who have experienced life change from the money that the students raised. Learning about the African AIDS crisis has moved Daniel from a spectator to someone who is willing to get out and make a difference. “I’d like to continue being involved in this,” he said. -Lisa Tresch STUDENTS




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serving God

closer to home Q & A with Mike Hardgrove TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY . Wendy and I recently celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. We have two grown daughters, Heather and Holly, a son-in-law, Nathan and one grandson, Brennan.

HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS IN A PERSONAL WAY? I was raised in a Christian home and I feel like I’ve always known Jesus as my Lord and Savior. But the first time I “experienced” Him in my life was at Camp Egan the summer after sixth grade. It was then that I first believed He was calling me into ministry.

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AT ASBURY? We’ve been members for about eight years.


I play in the orchestra and volunteer as a member of the Mosaic community, planning, preparing and serving meals for Celebrate Recovery.


HOW HAVE YOU SEEN GOD WORK THERE? I see God working most within relationships, healing them, restoring them, changing them into what they should have been all along. I see God love and nurture people in times of great loss and grief and I have seen man’s anger turned into compassion and hope. In many ways I see God tell his children; “I will never leave you, I will never forsake you.”


I’m a product of my generation and expect instant results. I have to remember to wait upon the Lord. I’ve also had to learn that often in even the worst situations, God may only want us to be present with others, to stand beside them, hold their hand, feel their grief, and not to try to fix something or find a rational answer or solution to a problem.

DESCRIBE YOUR INVOLVEMENT IN THE AFTERMATH OF 9/11 AND HOW IT HAS IMPACTED YOUR LIFE : My involvement actually began on April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma City as I

responded to the bombing of the Murrah Building. There God made it quite clear to me that something had to be done to be better prepared to help those who have been traumatized by such a terrible event should it ever happen again. The end result is we had 11 chaplains from the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office at the World Trade Center to serve in the critical incident stress management program. Personally, it was so traumatic to me that without God’s love shown through my wife, Wendy, and my church family, I probably would have retired from chaplaincy. I was so devastated that I wanted to give up on God, on the goodness of man, on myself. But, God tells me, “I do know what it is like to lose someone I love very much because of the evil that lives in the hearts of my people. I love them anyway. Please love them, too.” God continues to call me to care for His people and not give up on them. Jesus Christ gave His life so that we could be reconciled to God. Is it too much to ask that I should give my life to Christ and continue His work of reconciliation? I don’t think so. - Nikki Boyd

Since January 1, 1990 I have been the full-time Senior Staff Chaplain serving the men and women of the sheriff’s office and crime or disaster victims and their families. I have recently been reassigned to the Sheriff’s Office Transition Team, which will involve everything that has to do with the recruitment, screening, training and managing of volunteers.




7/29/2005, 2:19 PM


helping international students

understand freedom Jerry and Ann Lout have a unique perspective on the freedoms we enjoy in America. They have experienced life as American citizens in a foreign country and they have been deeply involved with students from other countries living among us in America. This is their story…

“ A

nn and I had served in East Africa from 1972 to 1992. We came to sense the Lord had something different ahead of us as we prepared to come to the states from Tanzania. I came across an ad by Interntional Students, Inc. in a missions publication and it caught my interest. As we sought the Lord and went forward in exploring what international student ministry was about, He graciously gave guidance with confirmations along the way. We had originally assumed we’d be in the U.S. for maybe a couple years then off to somewhere—possibly China? “Thirteen years later we are still here and we serve a variety of campuses around Tulsa. At the University of Tulsa I’m “Campus Minister with International Student Ministries.” One of the most delightful aspects of my work has to do with networking, or facilitating the Christian community around Tulsa to connect with students from across the world,” said Jerry. “As it has turned out, the most involvement we’ve had, by far, among students has been with Chinese students. One such student came for Ph.D. studies in Petroleum Engineering. Shortly after his arrival I offered to give Yula driving lessons. This led to further connections, introducing him to other believers, getting together for social times and eventually inviting him to Bible studies. He responded and as a serious student, applied himself to 23


try to discover what was so intriguing about God and the Bible that intelligent Americans would consider these as worthwhile pursuits. He voiced many questions—some quite challenging— but all out of real sincerity. This became something of a quest for him. During this period of spiritual searching Yula was elected president of TU’s Chinese Student Association. Being a natural-born leader he had an influence and impact on fellow Chinese students. So, when he made the decision to accept Christ he was poised to be a powerful witness on campus. His wife and daughter followed his steps, becoming committed Christians. They now live in Houston where he’s employed with a petroleum firm and actively involved in a Chinese church there. This is actually the result of several Chinese families in Houston— all having become believers while students at TU. To God be all glory!” Some students feel their arrival in the U.S. and cultural discoveries here have held few surprises. Others are

impacted by discovering their somewhat negative presuppositions about America had been largely unfounded. Most seem to clearly value the liberties they’re able to enjoy in America. Jerry explained that “students are often particularly moved by the authentic care of the ‘followers of Jesus’ who’ve befriended them in this land. Asbury believers have impacted numerous students in many positive ways—meeting them at the airport, assisting them with banking, and serving as ‘Friendship Families.’ We’re very thankful for these and other ways the church community reaches out to the students.” - Donna Miller One of our focus areas in Global Outreach is the International Student Ministry at the University of Tulsa. Asburian Les Clutter is the team leader for this ministry and would love to discuss with you ways to become involved. Please call the Global Outreach Office for more information.



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the helpless


an you say “ombudsman” three times real fast? Neither could Oralene Sherbon, but now she “are” one. Oralene and her husband, Dewey, serve as liaisons, or advocates, between residents of long-term care facilities and the state office which can resolve problems reported to them. Dewey and Oralene would never have imagined themselves doing any type of volunteer work in nursing home facilities. That just wasn’t for them! They are now going into their fourth year of volunteering in the ombudsman program and Oralene says, “It was all God’s doing.” Over a gradual period, Oralene’s parents needed more care than the Sherbons could give them even though her parents moved to Tulsa. After a while the Sherbons went through the difficult process of placing them in a nursing home. Oralene says, “One of the

greatest gifts aging parents can give their children is to move to the city where their children live.” Her parents were willing to do this so it delayed their move to a nursing home for a while. As Oralene and Dewey visited her parents they got to know some of the other residents and the staff. They learned a great deal about the problems and operations of a long-term care facility as well as developing a love and concern for the people. After Oralene’s parents passed away, the Sherbon’s went through the free, two-day volunteer training provided by the Tulsa Area Agency on Aging--Ombudsman Program. They received training in skills such as problem-solving, nutrition, nursing facility regulations, ways to spot problems and much more. The training is free and you are under no obligation to join the volunteer program. If you do, you are required to commit to as few as two hours a week. There are additional programs and monthly meetings to help you continue to improve your knowledge and effectiveness. The Sherbons drop in at their assigned facility and visit with residents and observe things like cleanli-

ness of the patients and facility, noting the specifics of their quality of life. If they receive a complaint or notice a problem that needs addressing, they report it to their supervisor who is an employee of the ombudsman program and will work on resolving the problem or complaint. In the meantime, Oralene and Dewey are free to administer encouragement, caring and interest to many who are hurting and lonely. They can listen to cares and bring cheer while holding a hand. They are careful not to overstep their boundaries since they are volunteering for a state agency. Recently, Dewey was appointed by Gov. Brad Henry to be part of the Long-Term Care Advisory Board which consists of medical people, care facility personnel and members of the general public who are over 65. They will make recommendations to the Department of Health regarding longterm care facilities. If you are interested in this type of ministry where you can bring encouragement, cheer and love to the aging, as well as be an instrument for increasing their quality of care, contact the Ombudsman Volunteer Program at 596-7210 or 596-7657. Or call Oralene. She’d love to talk to you about it. As she says, “It will be all God’s doing!” -Marty McBroom Shown above: Oralene and Dewey share a moment and a friend’s grandbaby with 98-year-old Sophonia Griggs..




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a different kind

of hero


ernie Skinner is a community volunteer supreme. Not only does she give many hours to a variety of causes, she enlists all her family, even her dog, in volunteer service. Okie-Doakie, Bernie’s dachshund, is a regular visitor with her at nursing homes and, on occasion, at the pediatric unit at St. Francis. Bernie is certified by Therapy Dogs International (TDI). The primary objective of the TDI dog and handler is to provide comfort and companionship by sharing the dog in a way that increases emotional well being, promotes healing and improves quality of life. Through this volunteer service Bernie met Steve Smith, a former Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper. Steve was almost completely paralyzed by a gunshot wound to his neck suffered in the line of duty. Steve has been living in a nursing home and was given a dachshund puppy. It was a natural response for Bernie to volunteer to take the puppy to obedience

training. Steve was able to attend the graduation ceremony. Bernie continues to visit Steve two to three times a week. Besides sharing her time with Steve, she sees the puppy is washed and exercised. Bernie, a Registered Nurse, retired from her position as counselor in blood donor management for the Tulsa chapter of the American Red Cross in 1996. She still shares her nursing skills in a variety of ways throughout the community. It is no surprise her children are regular blood donors. At Asbury she organizes blood drives for the Red Cross. The drives are held on a Sunday morning each quarter. They alternate between benefiting the Red Cross and the Oklahoma Blood Institute. Donors can watch the sermon being piped into the room where the blood drive is held. In 2002, Bernie was named Volunteer of the Year on Registered Nurses Community Volunteer Day. Volunteer RNs pick an agency where they donate their time and service. Bernie works with the Visiting Nurses

Association where she is a board member and the Tulsa Area Immunization Coalition. Outside the health field, Bernie volunteers along with her husband, Jan, at the Oklahoma Aquarium. She has seen the Aquarium grow from the beginning as a member of the first volunteer class in 1999. Currently, she serves each Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. as Day Captain. She and Jan developed their love of marine life while living in Hawaii in the 1980s. Jan is speaker coordinator for the Aquarium. They travel throughout Oklahoma and neighboring states speaking on behalf of the Aquarium. Last year they were honored at the agency’s Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, Jan for serving 2000 hours and Bernie for serving 1000 hours. Bernie has also received The Admiral Award as Day Captain of the Year. Bernie credits her mother with showing her the importance of community volunteerism. Her mother was the cook at a high school in a small Kansas town. She was particularly famous for bierocks, ground beef, onions, and cabbage wrapped in bread dough and baked. She would bake dozens of them for fundraisers to help at church and other community events. For Bernie community volunteering continues to be a family thing. -Liz Reece

Bernie and Jan Skinner are faithful volunteers at the Oklahoma Aquarium. 25 CARE



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between breaths, Bill managed to use his beautiful tenor voice to sing praises to the God who had always been so faithful to him. His period of convalescence brought about a new love, as his parents gave Bill his first guitar. What “Joyful, talented, determined; he learned during that time was a gift an inspiration; one of the finest volunto him and a gift to so many who had teers in the land.” Those words were the privilege of hearing him sing and used in 1990 to describe Bill Elliott as play. he was presented the Silver Buffalo Throughout the difficult recovery, Award, the highest honor bestowed by Bill never lost hope, and in the fall of the Boy Scouts of America. The 1952, he enrolled in Oklahoma Univerbiennial event recognizes 20 individuals sity. It wasn’t long before he met Dottie who have rendered distinguished Skinner...and the rest, so they say, is service to youth nationwide. The list of history. They married in 1955 and folks submitting letters that helped raised four children. secure Bill’s selection read like a During college, Bill’s musical Who’s Who of local and national talent was discovered and he was a businesses and organizations. (Presiregular on local radio and TV. Accorddent George Herbert Walker Bush was ing to Dottie, Bill’s guitar continued to a recipient that same year.) be a great source of pleasure for him The Boy Scouts were only and others over the years. He used the confirming what the Asbury family had guitar to lead Scout leader training, already discovered; Bill Eliott was a and rarely went to a Scout meeting rare treasure who possessed the ability without his guitar. to lead, guide and motivate. He also played and led singing in And it appears that others the Seekers Sunday school class, discovered these things long before he which he taught for over 20 years. The and his wife, Dottie, became part of the music was always a great beginning to Asbury family. the hour the class spent together. Born December 13, 1933 in One of the few times in his life Joplin, Missouri, Bill had an early that Bill felt intimidated was when Dr. interest in music and writing and had James Buskirk, then a faculty member an outstanding talent for sketching and at ORU (and later senior minister of painting. He graduated from Oklahoma First United Methodist Church) began City’s Classen High School in May attending the Seekers class. Dottie 1951, after serving as drum major and said, “Bill expressed his feelings holding various student leadership openly with Dr. Buskirk who replied, positions. ‘Everyone needs a teacher.’” The next month Bill was rushed Dr. Buskirk later told Pastor Tom to Crippled Children’s Hopsital in Harrison that Bill was the best Sunday serious condition, stricken with two School teacher he’d ever had. The types of polio. He was totally paralyzed hundreds who have sat under Bill’s from shoulders to toes - “everything but teaching would heartily agree. his friendly smile,” friends have told In 1982 Bill suffered unexpected Dottie. And although he was not muscle weakness and advanced expected to walk again, nor to breathe symptoms of post-polio syndrome. He on his own, he was determined to prove continued to serve his church and the experts wrong. During the 29 days community in spite of the struggle he he was in an iron lung, a friend visited was facing. him and encouraged him by singing At the time of Bill’s death in “Amazing Grace” with him. And 1997, Tom wrote, “Bill Elliott was one,

a legacy

of courage


if not THE lay person in Asbury’s history. His and Dottie’s introduction of the Spiritual Gifts Workshop combined with the Volunteer Ministry resulted in hundreds of people discovering and using their spiritual gifts in productive ways. Bill and Dottie Elliott created a way for that to be done at Asbury and the results speak for themselves.” (Their work was the forerunner of Asbury’s In His Steps.) Tom continued, “Since I’ve come to Asbury I’ve looked out my office window and watched in amazement as Bill would wrestle his wheelchair out of the trunk of his car, would adjust it and then would push it up the ramp. Bill taught me not only about the ‘American Disabilities Act,’ but he also modeled perseverance.” Bill Elliott left a legacy of courage and commitment. He is part of Asbury’s great heritage. - Jan Weinheimer

Asbury’s Elliott Parlor is named in honor of Bill and Dottie Elliott. ASBURY HERITAGE



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asbury opportunities sunday mornings Breakfast Served from 7:00-9:15 a.m. in the CLC Come enjoy fellowship with Asburians along with fresh donuts, bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. $2 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Mason Chapel (Traditional Communion) 9:15 am Sanctuary (Contemporary Communion) 11:00 am Sanctuary (Traditional) 11:00 am Mason Chapel (Contemporary) Children and Students 6 Weeks - 4 Years 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am K-6th Grade 9:15 or 11:00 am Junior High 9:15 am only Senior High 9:15 am only Adult Discipleship Communities 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Summer Childcare Core Hours. Mondays no childcare Tues. & Wed. 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Tues. & Wed. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sundays 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2821 (except July 3)

biblical literacy Old Testament: The Big Picture Tuesday, July 12 - Aug. 16 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in Rm 1507. Teacher: Patrick Jackson Cost: $5.00; Childcare available. The class will be an historical and theological walk through the Old Testament. It will be on the structure and understanding of the OT, as 27




well as how the Old Testament points to the God/Man Jesus of Nazareth. This is a lecture - based class with little or no homework, using power point and handouts. It is similar to Telescope to the NT from last year. Believer’s Bible Study Wednesdays through July 27 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in Rm 1502. Teacher Don Herrold will lead an in-depth study of the Bible with time for discussion and fellowship.

care and support Celebrate Recovery Mondays: Dinner at 6:00 pm Worship: 7:00-8:00 pm Small Groups: 8:00-9:00 pm Dessert: 9:00-9:30 pm Hiding any hurts, habits or hangups? God never intended you to live in bondage. Come join this supportive group of people each Monday night at 6:00 pm. Childcare available. Asbury Bear Bags Asbury Bears are not just for little kids anymore! Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now you may give a Bear Bag with a scripture-based journal included instead! Great for teens and adults. Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear to someone who is grieving. For more information, contact Beth at 392-1116. Pathways Through Grief Tuesdays, July 5 - September 6 7:00-8:30 pm in Rm 1621. No cost. Facilitators: Jane Hedrick and Fred Taylor If you have lost someone to death in the last year or so, you are invited to this support group. The facilitators have experienced significant grief themselves. They know even though grieving people share common feelings and experiences, each person travels through the grief process in a unique way. Each week there will be a time to listen to materials written for grieving Christians, followed by a time of sharing. There are no magical words to end your pain, but we pray that we might comfort, support, strengthen, and encourage you on your journey. Exploring Your Relationships with Your Adult Children Wednesdays, July 27 - August 31 from 6:308:00 pm in Rm 2319. This will be a six-week seminar-type course in which those who attend will have an opportunity to gain insight into their relationships, both positive and negative, with their adult children. We will focus on what in these relationships we can control and what we cannot, discuss ways we can show that we care, regardless of the type of relationship and talk about some guidelines for communication with our children. Mainly, this seminar will provide an atmosphere in which we can prayerfully explore ways to maintain the positive side of the relationship and turn the negatives into positives. Childcare

available. Register by calling 392-1191. Cancer Support Group Sunday July 10, 4:00-6:00 pm, Parlor - For those living with cancer and their family and friends Bipolar/Depression Support Group Tuesdays, July 12 and 26, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2502 - For persons living with bipolar disorder or depression Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those experiencing pain from a broken or lost relationship Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 Rebuilding when your relationship ends Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Tuesdays, July 5 and 19, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1508 Mental Health Support Group Wednesday, July 6, 7:00-8:30 pm., Parlor For family members of those affected by mental illness. Alzheimer’s Support Group Thursday, July 14, 1:30-3:30 pm, Parlor Thursday, July 28, 12:00-2:00 pm, Ryan’s Steak House - For caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementia MS Support Group Thursday, July 28, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm 1502 For those suffering with MS and their caregivers Family to Family Tuesday, July 26, 1:30-3:30 pm, Parlor - For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness

children Registration forms for all children’s activities are available in the preschool and elementary lobbies. Summer Reading Club Mondays, July 11, 18 and 25 from 10:00-11:00 am and 5:00-6:00 pm in the Elementary Gathering Area. If your child has reached four years of age by June 1, through new sixth graders, this club is for them! Club membership means children of Asbury families may check out as many as six books at a time, and with each book or chapter read, become eligible for prize drawings at the end of the season! Our time includes guest readers for story time and crafts that relate to our overall theme, “Creation Sensation!” Contact 3921169. Wild Wednesdays July 13, 20, and 27 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Don’t miss our summer daytime program for new 1st through 6th graders! We will have great fun and fellowship while sharing what God is doing in our lives! Events each week range from water play in the park, to a trip to the Tulsa Zoo, bowling, and skating, and even a day at Big Splash! Sign up at least 10 days before any event and receive $1 off that week’s fee! Cont act 392-1168.

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PREP.” parents. The goal is to give everyone a better understanding of the Bible and its ultimate pupose in our lives. No registration or sign-up required. For more information, contact 3921170 or 392-1168.

christian living Equip Your Teens...No Matter What! Financial Peace Junior Series - Dave Ramsey Call Nancy Staab at 392-1124 or email if you are interested.

Bible Buddies Wednesdays, July 13, 20, 27 from 10:00 am 2:00 pm for 4’s, 5’s and new Kindergarteners (born 9/2/99 to 8/31/01). Come to the Treasure Hunt Bible Adventure, where the Bible is the map, and Jesus is the treasure! We will have song and play times, jungle games, cave craf ts and Bible stories. Your child has the option to participate until noon, or bring a lunch and stay until 2:00 pm. Don’t miss the fun. The cost is $10 for the entire program. Contact 392-1172 “T” Time Tuesday, July 26 from 10:00-11:30 am in the Element ary Gathering Area. Cost: $3 per session. “T” Time is a special time set aside for moms, dads, or grandparents and their two or three-year-olds to enjoy special activities and crafts designed just for them! The morning begins in the elementary gathering area (2nd floor) with a brief music and story time, and then moves to the KRS for all the “messy” fun! Childcare is available for younger and older siblings, up to new 6th graders. Contact 392-1170. Kindergarten Blessing Service Sunday, August 7, 4:00 pm in the Chapel What a wonderful adventure our kindergarten children have in store for them at school! Children who are just entering kindergarten, and their families, are invited to be a part of a service of affirmation and blessing at this tremendous milestone in their lives. The service will be followed by a celebration reception and commemorative activities in the CLC. Childcare available for young infants and older siblings, up to new 6th graders. Contact 392-1159. Childcare available for younger infants and older siblings, up to new 6th graders. Coming in the Fall: Third Grade Bible Presentation Sunday, September 11, at all three worship hours. On this very special Sunday our third grade children will each receive a Bible from Asbury! The presentation of Bibles in congregational worship is an annual event of immense significance for our children. Following the presentations, special “Bible Explorer” classes will be offered on three Sunday evenings, for third graders and their

hospitality Friendly Visitors Sundays, 1:30 pm - South Welcome Center

library New Additions The Asbury Library is a wonderful resource. New additions are listed in a black notebook on the Librarian’s desk. Thank you to all who continue to contribue books to our Library.

marriage & family Milestone Wedding Anniversaries Call in your September and October Milestone Anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) to 392-1146. Marriage Matters Wednesdays, July 6 - August 10 6:30-8:30 pm in Rm 2820 Hosts: Teil and Jennifer Blackshare No cost. Childcare available. Wouldn’t it be great to attend a 6-week class with a variety of qualified teachers and some personal stories of victories by real couples who understand how hard it is to build and maintain a Christian marriage? Then there could be some time to talk with other couples about ways to live out these concepts in practical ways. Here’ s your chance! And it’s free! Engaged couples are welcome. Call 3921191 to register. A Lasting Promise July 29-31 Dinner Friday through Sunday Lunch, Neosho River Ranch (55 minute drive near Wagoner, OK). Cost: $50 per couple for lodging, meals, and materials. Facilitators: Dr. Horace and Carol Lukens and John and Stephanie Cole. Registration is limited to nine couples. No childcare is available. Would you and your mate love to get away overnight? What if you could go to a beautiful hacienda overlooking a lake? What if while you were there you made your relationship even stronger? Asbury will provide this for married or engaged couples. While there you will have time to enjoy the scenery and each other. You will also be equipped with some simple-to-use ways to make your communication with one another one of the strengths of your marriage. Materials used are the Christian version of the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program, or “C-

membership Asbury Exploration Come to one of these classes to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Upcoming session: Sunday, August 7, from 12:30-2:30 pm. Call 392-1191 for reservations. Childcare available.

men Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Join the Men’s Ministry for a delicious breakfast and fellowship. Cost: $3/person July Speakers: 7-6 Pec Clark, speaker 7-13 Don Herrold, speaker 7-20 Mark Hoffman, speaker 7-27 Bill Johnson, speaker Car Care for Widows & Single Moms July 23 from 9:00 am to noon. This ministry is designed to provide car care to the widows and single mothers of Asbury. If you would like to help, call 392-1122. Home Improvement Work Day Saturday, August 20. Serving widows/ widowers and single moms. Work projects include home repairs and/or improvement projects. Call 392-1122. Application Deadline: August 10.

music Asbury Power & Light Sundays, 8:15-9:00 am, Rm 1510 The following group s will not meet in July, but will resume in August. Chancel Choir Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Choir Room Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 2506 Clarinet Choir Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 1506 Dixieland Band Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 pm, Rm 1510 Perpetual Light CALENDAR 28



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Thursdays, 10:00 am - noon, Rm 2506 Carillon Quartet Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm, Rm 2506 String Ensemble Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, Rm 1510 Wednesdays, 8:00-9:00 pm, Rm 1506 Orchestra/Concert Band Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm 1510 Brass Quintet Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Rm 1510 (resumes July 19)

missions/outreach Project Transformation This summer program begins June 13 and runs through August 4 at three sites in Tulsa. Asbury is partnering with St. Mark’s UMC. There is a need for volunteers July 18-21 and July 2528 to work at the camp with children and providing meals for the interns. If you would like to volunteer, please call Beth McCalman at 392-1116. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry News and prayer requests from our missionaries and ministries are sent each week to our prayer ministry list. If you would like to join and become a prayer intercessor for those serving around the world, contact Missy Sistrunk at 392-1163. September is Missions Month at Asbury! “It’s About Time” is the theme and we will have something fun and informative for all ages throughout the entire month. Watch for more information later this summer!

missions/vim For further details about these Volunteer-inMission opportunities, contact Marilene Long, 392-1164 or Mary Ann Smith, 392-1117. Tanzania, East Africa July 6 - 18, Medical - approx. $2,500 - Team is full Quesada, Costa Rica July 23 - 31, Construction and Mission Bible School - $950 - Team is full Monterrey, Mexico September 24 - October 2, Construction and Mission Bible School - $750 Monterrey, Mexico September 28 - October 2, Medical - $650 Rio Bravo, Mexico November 2 - 6, Construction and Medical - $450

Join other parents to pray for families and children. Women’s Prayer Lunch Monday, July 25 from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Community Life Center. $5 per person donation appreciated. No reservations needed. College Moms in Touch Prayer Time Wednesdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Rm 1506

recreation Single Adult Volleyball Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, Gym Adult Volleyball Sundays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Gym Walk in the Gym With Him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8:00-9:00 am, Gym Senior Sit and Fit Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00-9:30 am, Gym Pilates Saturdays, 10:00-11:00 am, Rec Gym Wednesdays, 8:00-9:00 pm, Rec Gym Abs and Stretching Class Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 11:30 am-12:00 pm - Come join others during your lunch break for a 30-minute class. No equipment required (except a towel or mat). Open Men’s Basketball Mondays: 6:00-9:00 pm Saturdays: 11:00 am-1:00 pm Wednesdays: 6:00-8:00 pm Arts and Crafts Mondays, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm, Rm 2821 Self Defense Class Tuesdays, July 12 through August 30 from 10:30-11:30 am in the Asbury Gym. This 8-week program is open to ages 20-65 and is limited to 10 participants per class. Preregistration is required. A pre-registered wait list of four will be accepted and individuals on the wait list will be contacted in the event someone is unable to attend. To register, call 392-1191. Asbury Recreation Center - Hours Mondays

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


8:00 am - 9:30 am 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Women Praying Together Mondays, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Prayer Room. Join other women as they pray together. Parents Praying Together Wednesdays, 11:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm 1507



Camelot at TCC Sunday afternoon, July 24, 2:00 pm PACE at TCC. Cost: $26 (if 20 attend). Lerner and Loewe’s musical version of the Tales of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Call 392-1122 for details, or 392-1191 for reservations. AARP Safe Driving Course Coming up: Friday, August 5, 9:00 am - noon and 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Cost: $10, payable to AARP. Class is limited to 35 participants. Call 392-1191 to reserve your spot. Marge Creager, instructor. Senior Adults Theatre and Dinner Saturday, August 6 in Tahlequah. River City Players of NSU present “Movie Magic Songs from the Big Screen.” We’ll leave Asbury at 12:30 pm and attend the matinee at 2:00 pm. Dinner at Fin & Feather on Lake Tenkiller, 6:00 pm.Cost: $28 (the play is $5 if 20 attaned; bus is $11.45 per person if all 46 seats are sold; dinner for seniors is $11.55, including tax). Deadline for registration is July 15. Call 392-1191. Autumn in Eureka Springs October 24-26. Cost $181.50/person with 2 per room, $166.50/person with 3 per room; $158.50/person with 4 per room. Half payment is due in the church office by July 15, with the balance due August 15. Price includes transportation, 2 nights lodging, 2 breakfasts, the Great Passion Play with buffet dininer, Holy Land Tour, Thorncrown Chapel, Pine Mountain Jamboree, Abundant Memories Heritage Village, all-day trolley pass, all taxes, gratuities and baggage handling. Call 392-1122 for more information.

10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm



8:00 am - 9:30 am


10:00 am - 1:00 pm


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

singles Singles Meet and Greet Sundays from 8:40-9:10 a.m. or 10:20-10:50 am in the CLC. All singles are invited. Singles Bible Study Mondays, 7:00-9:00 pm, Rm 2820



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Coffee Cup Cafe Sunday, July 17, 6:30-8:30 pm. in the Asbury Parlor. Come join Asbury singles as they fellowship over coffee and refreshments. Fifth Night at Utica Square Thursday, July 7 at 7:00 pm, featuring Sean Adair. Meet in front of Restoration Hardware at 6:30 p.m., 1740 Utica Square, west side of the parking lot. Children are welcome. Come join Asbury singles for a night out. Bring your lawn chairs. (No alcohol allowed). Join us for some fun fellowship, listen to some great music, and meet new friends. Asbury Singles Ministry Luncheon Sunday, July 31, 12:00-2:00 pm - CLC Information and entertainment TBA at a later date. Cost: $4/person. Children eat free! Ticket s available in advance or at the door. Float Trip on the Illinois River Saturday, July 16 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Meet at Asbury in front of the church at 8:00 am sharp and we’ll carpool to the site. Cost: $13. Deadline for registration is July 10. Advanced tickets go on sale June 26. Come join the Asbury singles for an exciting and fun trip down the Illinois River. Please bring your own picnic lunch and beverage (no alcohol). It will take approximately two hours to drive to the site. Please join us for some great fun, fellowship, and a chance to mingle with other singles from different communities. Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - For those experiencing pain from a broken or lost relationship Divorce Rebuilding Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Rm 2319 - Rebuilding when your relationship ends

students HS Breakaway Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm Breakaway Area JH Breakaway Sundays, 9:15-10:30 am Breakaway Area JH Bible Study Sundays, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Metro Worship Kickball Tournament Wednesday, July 6. Come join the biggest kickball tournament of the year! More to follow!

JH FlicknBurger Wednesday, July 6, 20, 26 and August 3 12:00-2:00 p.m. Bring your own lunch and come down to the Student Cafe for a movie. It’s a time to hang out, get out of the house, and have some fun! SOS High School Tulsa Missions July 10-14. Come be a part of missions in our own backyard! We are going to be hanging out with kids from John 3:16 Youth and Family Center doing crafts, games, playing, preparing snacks, doing drama and all kinds of fun stuff! It’s a great way to serve. Cost of event: $35. JH Incredible Pizza Sunday, July 24 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Something for everyone! Come for games and pizza. For $10 you will get a game card and food. Just show up and we will have a blast! JH Tulsa Missions July 12-14. Don’t just sit on the couch all summer being bored! Come be a part of helping out at places like the Day Center, The Little Lighthouse, Tulsa Food Bank, and other really cool places! It’s missions in our own neighborhood. Cost: $35. HS Dayspring July 25-29. It’s five days that will challenge your heart, renew your passion, and kick things into high gear. It’s about relationships, some serious fun and amazing worship. You know those moments when you get bored in your walk with God and you wonder if there’s more? There’s just got to be greater things! Cost: $175. Call 392-1154 for more.

volunteers Audio Mixing 101 Saturday, July 9 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm in the CLC. Covered by vouchers, registration is requird and limited to the first ten registrants. This seminar will train all sound operators to create quality sound for every worshop service or special event. During the 7-hour session, the attendee will learn the basic techniques used to operate the sound mixing console. The attendee will receive classroom knowledge about the design concepts and functions of the mixing board console and receive hands-on training from a certified instructor. Topics include vocal and instrumental equalization, reverb control, special effects control, sub groups and auxiliary sends, and the proper set-up of multi-channel mixing consoles. The seminar will be divided into a morning and afternoon session. Registration begins at 8:00 am and a continental breakfast will be served. Lunch will also be provided. Pre-registration is required. Asbury Event Team This is a new ministry team forming that will assist in the planning and implementation of various events at Asbury. Not only internal events, but also for events held by outside

groups. Wide variety of positions available, like Event Coordinator, Registration, Communication and PR, Volunteer Coordinator, Hospit ality including theme development, decorations and food arrangements. Two events ready for planning - the Ministry Fair in September and a Christmas party for Asbury st aff. Time commitment will be for one event at a time. The amount of time needed will vary with each event. Contact Teresa at 392-1135.

women UMW Garage Sale is July 15-16. (9:00 am4:00 pm on Friday and 9:00 am - noon on Saturday.) This annual event is sponsored by the UMW. Donations can be dropped off at the CLC on Thursday, July 14. Please do not bring any donations prior to then. Items not accepted: Men’s and women’s clothes, shoes of any size/shape, stained bedding/bath items. Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:00 am, Rm 1502 Crafty Ladies Friday, June 10, 6:30-9:00 pm, Rm 2820 Car Care for Widows and Single Moms July 23 from 9:00 am to noon. This ministry is designed to provide car care to the widows and single mothers of Asbury. Women’s Monthly Luncheon Thursday, July 7 from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, CLC Program: Highlights from last year’s scholarship recipients and announcement of this year’s winner. All members bring salads and food for the pantry. Visitors welcome! Women’s Prayer Lunch Monday, July 25 from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Community Life Center. $5 per person donation appreciated. No reservations needed. Home Improvement Work Days Saturday, August 20. Serving widows/ widowers and single moms. Work projects consist of home repairs and/or improvement projects. Call 392-1122. Application Deadline: August 10.




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Adult Discipleship Communities How does your community reach out through civic involvement? Members of Discipleship Communities seek to nurture one another in living the life of a disciple as manifested through Asbury’s eight objectives. Communities are designed for warm fellowship, spiritual growth, and serving others. There are over 30 Adult Discipleship Communities at Asbury. Find and connect with a community that best meets your needs.

9:15 am Disciples — RM 2500 (ages vary) Members of our community have participated as individuals and as a group in many forms of community service by using our abilities and spiritual gifts. As a community we have contributed to Blue Star Mothers, Food for Project Transformation, Walt Whitman School, and Regional Outreach Council Food Baskets. When asked to provide an extra gift for a special cause, the Disciples Community has generously given to the glory of God.

Happy Christians — RM 2820 (50 +) We’re a large class with emphasis on practical Bible teaching, praying and caring. Having fun is also a priority so we always have a social planned. Our members are volunteering in schools, nursing homes, arts programs and much more. Come visit us.

Legacy — RM 1502 (30’s & 40’s) We have done several things as a community but one in particular stands out in my mind. Our community was in charge of two events at the Special Olympics in Tulsa. Many of our members and their children helped by giving ribbons, timing events, organizing different heats for races and being cheerleaders. What we thought we were doing was providing a service for these special people, but what we didn’t realize is what they would provide for us. So many of us had many experiences that day that touched our lives and perhaps changed us in many ways. It was something that will not be forgotten and such a great learning experience for our children to learn Next month: 31


about people who are different than themselves. As a community, I believe we all walked away from that day reminded of how great it feels to give of yourself and get back so much more in return.

Storm Shelter — RM 1507 (late 20’s - 40’s) The weekend of April 30 - May 1, Storm Shelter Community had the privilege of painting a parsonage house for Project Transformation here in Tulsa. Eight of us worked hard on the inside of the house, giving it a fresh, clean start for the next family that moves in.

11:00 am Christians in Action (CIA) — RM 2319 (ages vary widely) Our community has “adopted” Wanda Woods’ son, Marine Sgt. Ryne Woods, and are devoting the month of July to gathering items for a care package to send to him. He is stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Another class member, Sue Day, has been a devoted prayer warrior on Ryne’s behalf since he entered the service. We all feel privileged to be a part of his support team.

Harvest — RM 2201 (ages vary) While we enjoy serving various places in the community, Blue Star Moms has been a pet project of ours since the class began last year. The time we spend helping to assemble care packages for the military men and women is a very small way of saying “Thank You” for their service to our country. Note: We have moved to Room 2201

Praise & Worship — RM 1504 (30’s - 50’s) Most of our parents were of “the greatest generation” and served during WWII. Some community members have served during the Vietnam and Gulf Wars, including a fighter pilot among our many talented community teachers. Now, as some of our children are in the service, the military are constantly in our prayers.

Tapestry — RM 1900 (ages vary) To show patriotism, many Tapestry members often fly the flag; virtually all members pray regularly for our nation’s leadership and vote regularly; several have served in the military; one is a member of the Blue Star Mothers; others give blood, one a rare type every 56 days; several wear pins reading “Support our Troops” and display similar decals on their cars. All honor our country.

Women of Faith — RM 1621 (ages vary) A member, Lilly Williams, is on the board of several organizations. One is CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused and neglected children in the Tulsa Judicial District (covering Tulsa and Pawnee County). Another is OCCJ formally known as the NCCJ (National Council for Christians and Jews with a name change to the National Council for Community Justice). They recently made a transformation from the National organization and will now be the Oklahoma Council for Community Justice serving the same mission to fight racism, bigotry and injustice. However, our Women of Faith class also reaches out to the community by supporting organizations with donations for various seasonal efforts.

How are you passing your values on to the next generations (children, grandchildren, etc.)?



7/29/2005, 2:26 PM

We Rejoice...

Hart Morris, Asbury’s Minister of Music since 1992, was recently named as one of Oklahoma Baptist University’s Distinguished Alumni. In addition to receiving his degree in music from OBU in 1969, Hart also met his future wife, Marti, there. When Hart isn’t leading music, he spends his time writing music. He has received awards from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers in 1999, 2001, 2002, and 2003. Congratulations, Hart!

Thank You Thank you for all the prayers and visits during my recent stay at St. Francis Hospital. I apologize for the delay in my response, but am finally feeling better each day. My sister (Linda Heil) contacted you via email to make the arrangements unknown to myself until someone from the church contacted me the day before my back surgery to let me know that I had been added to a prayer list and that I would have visits during my stay in the hospital. I could not believe the number of people that came to my room during the next five days. Although most came in and visited for just a few minutes, others visited and offered to pray for me as well. I can only tell you that all those prayers have been answered in my continued recovery. The once horrible nerve pain that ran through my legs and feet is gone, and my ability to walk pain free has returned. All most assuredly, the grace of God. I have been attending Asbury since my return to Tulsa around Easter time of 2004, and find Dr. Harrison’s preaching to be a refreshing part of my renewed faith. As soon as possible I will return to Asbury. Since I didn’t get a calling card from each person, and I can’t remember each name, please pass along my sincere thanks and appreciation to all that participated on my behalf. Sincerely, Scott Graham

I had the misfortune to need extensive back surgery in May. I was reminded immediately about the laborers in Matthew 20:1-16. They were given the same salary regardless of when they began work, whether it was early or late. Although we are new members, you “dear family” came to my rescue with prayers, visits, cards and wonderful food. We are blessed. I speak for both of us when I say many, many thanks. Deloris and Paul Messick

Dear Asbury Family, I am so happy to say “family” even though Paul and I have only been members since Easter. I say this to tell you how very happy we are to be here and how much I love and appreciate all of us.

I wanted to write this note to thank all of you who have been so kind to help Cotten and me in this difficult time. Many of you came by to visit Cotten when he was in the hospital, and many of you continue to visit now that he is at the

We wish to thank our pastors, Harvest classmates, and fellow Asburians for your genuine, living expressions of Christ’s extraordinary love. This was most kindly expressed during and throughout Richard’s illness, surgery, medical setback, and continuing recuperation. We feel overwhlemingly blessed and are greatly appreciative for all the care and caregivers. Love, The Richard Richards Family Thank you so much for the love, care, flowers, prayers, food cards and transportation for the many, many months of Ralph’s ongoing illness and my recent illness. Your actions are a great example of God’s love. We wouldn’t have made it wihtout you all. Thank God for Asbury and the Wordfinders Community. Ralph and Betty Bray

Sterling Daniel Draper Son of Dan and Ashley Draper


Aaron Michael Sageser Son of Troy and Dede Sageser


Allison Grace Robins Daughter of Jon and Tina Robins


Cassandra Elizabeth Robison Daughter of Dan and Ashley Draper


Alexander Cole Whitworth Son of John and Jackie Whitworth


We Remember... Donna Wade 4/09/05 Wife of Max Wade Mary Tatum 4/23/05 Mother of Sherrill Simon Grandmother of Lauren and Blair Simon Lois Kennedy


George Finger Husband of Violet Finger


Alma Abercrombie


Luanne Selby


Helen Mayer


Peg Tammen 6/05/05 Jerry Haden 6-08-05 Husband of Patty and father of Jon Brian Haden

nursing home. Thank you for all your visits and encouragement. They do a lot of Cotten’s spirits. I know that as many people as there are who have written cards and visited Cotten, there are many more who have prayed for him. I can’t thank you enough for your prayers. They really do help.Although this is a difficult time, we feel God’s arms around us and I know that a big part of it is the many prayers from our church family. At times like these, it is always comforting to know that you have the support of others. Thanks to everyone at Asbury for your help, encouragement and prayers. We are very fortunate to be part of such a loving and caring church family. In God’s Love, Howard and Bobbie Cotten How I love our church! My thanks to all of you and other staff members I’m not even aware of who have covered us in prayer during this time. Thank you for your comforting phone calls and cards. Gratitude to Bill Mason for visiting my sister, Lucy, in the hospital. God is merciful and I love you all. Sandra Cardwell THE FAMILY ROOM 32



7/29/2005, 2:26 PM

33 NE

Welcome to Asbury...

Lee and Courtney Moore Darby and Gillian

Sari Zimmerman and Cade

Bob Fishback

Jim Carter

Paula Manning

Tony and Lisa Foreman, Jacob and Noah

Dan Erickson, Brian and Brandon

Blake and Charla Doerr and Cayton Elise

Jasen and Donna Chadwick and Jacob

Rocky Moore and Kaysi Hall

Neal Solomon

Richard and Piper Messimore Solomon and Joah

Cassie Graves

Will Duvall

Kelly Connally, Brett and Blake

Claudia and Fred Montross, Lora and Aaron Montross, Riley and Conner, Karen and Terry Funk

Frances and Negial King Not Pictured: Will Duvall New Member Photographers: Allen Robison, Michael Reynolds, Michelle Tulk, Roxanne Whiteis, Lisa Willard

Mark and Ann Krueger and Andrew

Dale and Lisa Isgrigg, Christa, Davis, Grant, and Stephen Good




7/29/2005, 2:26 PM

we’re glad you’re here!

How We Pray for Our Men and Women in the Military Our Intercessory Prayer Team (78 people) prays weekly and/or daily by name for our men and women in the military. A list of those serving is placed in the Prayer Room and Mason Chapel Prayer Room. A prayer guide on how to best pray for those serving are also in the Prayer Rooms. As a visual reminder, there are flags representing all areas of the service in the Prayer Rooms. The names of those serving are located in our Tidings on-line each week.

E4 Thomas Everley US Navy, Yokosoka, Japan Son of Steve and Kathy Everley

Senior Airman Bobby Bezinque Oklahoma Air National Guard Son of Tracy Bezinque, Grandson of Ed and Joanne Stadler

Specialist Daniel Gann Army National Guard, Oklahoma Son of Jeff and Andi McMains Capt Jerrod Glenn US Army, Ft Hood, Texas Son of Jill Glenn

FN2 Mark Bradley US Navy, USS Thatch Grandson of Don & Doris Bradley Son of Stan & Vivian Bradley

Lance Corporal Adam Godsey US Marine Corps, Iraq Son of David and Jeanne Godsey

ME3 John Bradley US Navy, USS Ronald Reagan Grandson of Don & Doris Bradley Son of Stan & Vivian Bradley

Corporal Matthew Gray USMC Reserves, Oklahoma Son of Doug and Jeanine Gray, Brother of Mark Gray, Grandson of Mildred Green

E2 Jason Bradley US Navy, USS Harry S Truman Nephew of Don & Doris Bradley

Sgt Trevor Hawes US Army, Germany Son-In-Law of Charlene and Rod Giles

E4 Eliot Carmichael US Army, Iraq Grandson of Gwen Wilson

E2 James Wesley Heard US Navy, JF Kennedy, Florida Grandson of Leonard and Theta Heard

Major Mark Clifton Army National Guard, Oklahoma Husband of Andi Clifton

Capt Matthew Hunt US Air Force, United Arab Emirates Son of Jeanne Hunt

Lt Col Kelly Cobble USAF Son of A.J. and Corrine Cobble Lt Commander Rob Cooper US Navy, Washington DC Son-in-law of Chuck and Ginny Scott Lance Corporal Brian Cripps US Marine Corps, Iraq Son of George and Susie Cripps

SSgt Wayne Jackson US Marine Corps, Ft Smith, Arkansas Son of John and Paula Manuel, Grandson of Melba Turner, Brother of Patrick Jackson Spc Allen Liebman US Army, Iraq Son of Dawn Liebman

Ryan DeKok US Air Force Son-In-law of Robert and Jean Thompson Lance Corporal Chris Derrevere US Marine Corps, Iraq Grandson of Lillian & Richard Derrevere Lance Corporal Mark Dowland British Army, England Grandson of Gerry Koons

2Lt James Daniel Lowry Oklahoma Army National Guard Son-in-law of Pam Williams Private Sean Miller US Army, Ft Benning, Georgia Son of Lila & Rick Miller

Clint Baker US Army, Texas Nephew of Ilene Bird Bruce Arnold Army National Guard Husband of Shari Arnold E4 Adam Buckman US Navy, Whidbe NAS, Washington Son-in-law of Stan & Vivian Bradley

Listed below are the family members of Asburians who are currently serving in the military. (See pages 18-19.) Please remember them in your prayer time. Specialist Brian Bedford US Army, Ft Riley, KS Son of Alvin & Cynthia Bedford

Not Pictured on Pgs. 18-19

Corporal James O’Brien USMC, Afghanistan Husband of Lauren O’Brien Son-In-law of Mike and Debbie Allred Spc Harrison Parrish US Army, Germany Son of Hap and Pam Parrish Pvt 1s t Class Russ Perugino USMC, South Carolina Son of Bob and Melissa Perugino Sgt Matt Rizzotti US Army, Korea Son of Stephen and Susan Rizzotti Sgt Jay Sawyer US Army, Iraq Son of John & Billie Kay Sawyer Major Brad Smith USAF, Virginia Son of Rex & Mary Ann Smith Sgt 1st Class Michael Terzian Army National Guard, Iraq Brother of Robin McCullough David Thomason Son of Glen Thomason Petty Officer, 2nd Class Brandon Van Dyne US Navy, Virginia Grandson of Nancy Van Dyne Robby Walter US Army Reserves Son of Bob and Leann Walter Sgt Dan Watson US Army, Ft Stewart, Georgia Nephew of Dan & Kathy Petron Ryne Woods Son of Wanda Woods Major Ashley Worboys US Army Reserves, Iraq Husband of Mary Dale Worboys

2Lt Kha Manh Nguyen US Army, Hawaii Grandson of Joyce Blaylock

CW4 Jon Essley Army National Guard, Iraq Son of Phil & Jean Essley Rodney Floyd Husband of Vicki Floyd Capt Mark Gilchrist USAF, Moody AFB, Georgia Son of Richard & Sarah Gilchrist Major John Greenhaw Oklahoma Army National Guard Husband of Amy Greenhaw Capt Rick Lamb US Army, Hawaii Son of Doug Smith Gunners Mate Austin Meek US Navy, USS Carney, FL Nephew of Jenna Langston Major Larry Miller OK Air National Guard, Iraq Son of Ray & Ada Miller Paul Nelson State Dept, Iraq Son-in-law of Joyce Blaylock Scott Reddout Husband of Julia Reddout Michael Sanchez USMC, New Jersey Brother of Fred Sanchez SSgt Jason Schmid US Army, Iraq Son-in-law of Richard & Sarah Gilchrist Sgt James Taylor US Army, Ft Bliss, Texas Son-in-law of Eunice & Bill Huffman Sgt Jason Wells US Army Grandson of Al and Ruth Meyer Michael Whittrock nephew of Clare Scott Kevin Williams Army National Guard, Iraq Asbury Member THE FAMILY ROOM 34



7/29/2005, 2:26 PM

Continued... MAKING A DIFFERENCE Imagine following the leading of the Holy Spirit to write a book over a period of years, publishing it yourself, and then distributing 5,000 copies in a matter of two weeks at no expense to the potential readers. That alone would be quite an accomplishment. But imagine a copy of that book, written about Old Testament characters, winding up in the hands of a young soldier who is stationed near the location of Babylon. Old Testament Friends, John Westervelt’s recent release, is the book that has found its way to the place rich in biblical history. Here’s how it happened. George Cripps recently sent the following email to Tom, updating him on his son, LCpl Brian Cripps. (See page 18 for a photo of Brian.) “Tom, I thought that I would take a moment and update you on Brian and the rest of 3/25. They have been in Western Iraq since March 1 and the Battalion was actively involved in Operation Matador. Unfortunately, several Marines of 3/25, have been killed in action, and many more have been wounded. The youngest of these Marines was just 18 years old. Brian e-mailed us Sunday and said that they had been hit by an ied. He dismounted his humvee and was assisting some of the people who were in shock. The terrorists blew up another ied about 50-75 feet from where he was located. He didn’t elaborate as to whether anyone was injured by the second ied. Fortunately none of the 20 Marine, from the Broken Arrow TOW unit have been killed or wounded. I have told him in e-mails that there are literally hundreds of people praying for their safety and safe return this fall. The temperatures are increasing and they will continue to be more uncomfortable as summer arrives. We are continuing to request that people continue to send care packages to our Marines. We try to send one per week. Mail, e-mail, packages, and phone calls are their big morale builders. We need to continue our prayers, both for Brian and all of his fellow military personnel. We are sending one of the “Old Testament Friends” books, that were given away last Sunday, so that it can be put in the library at the Hadithah Dam. Please tell John Westervelt that one of his books is being sent to a library that is located on the Euphrates River near the location of Babylon. It is ironic that his book, about Old Testament men and women, will end up in an area that is rich in Biblical history. Thank you for yours, and Asbury’s, continued prayers and support for Brian and his fellow Marines of 3/25.” The story continues. In an email the following day, George wrote: “One other interesting note. The Hadithah Dam is guarded by about 150 troops from Azerbaijan. They guard the dam while the Marines use the dam as their base of operations for the area of operation. Very few of them speak English, although they use the same chow hall and weight room. I noticed that Asbury has a meeting this week that has to do with Azerbaijan. If they have some literature, written in the Azeri language, we might be able to get it to their troops at the dam.” The meeting that George referred to was the Azeri Conference that Asbury hosted for two days. According to Mary Ann Smith, Asbury’s Director of Global Outreach, they had been investigating how to get involved in reaching the Azeri people for Christ. Obviously God was in this “chance” correspondence. Asbury’s Intercessory Prayer Team, comprised of 78 people, prays regularly, by name, for our men and women in the military. Claudia Abernathy, Director of Prayer Ministries, encourages you to pick up a military prayer guide available in the Prayer Room or in the Mason Center Prayer Chapel.


Project Phoenix Asbury’s Men’s Ministry was recently recognized for its assistance to wives of military who have been deployed. Services were donated through Asbury’s Car Care Ministry (formerly Nalley’s Alley) and Home Improvement. Pictured left to right are Paul Crist, Lt. Col. Hopper Smith, Brig. Gen. Tom Mancino, Rev. Mark McAdow, Mike Nalley and Joe Dullea.

Marriage Milestones “Let marriage be held in honor among all.” Hebrews 13:4 Congratulations to all couples celebrating Milestone Anniversaries this month.

Robert and Gene Treadwell 60 Years May 24, 1945

Other Milestone Anniversaries Jim and Gail Hunt July 12, 1960 - 45 Years

Red and Phyllis Sheffield June 1, 1965 - 40 Years

Mike and Marilyn Bartlett May 29, 1970 - 35 Years

David and Nancy Frampton June 19, 1970 - 35 Years

David and Kathy Galegar June 7, 1975 - 30 Years

Bert and Dru Johnson July 26, 1980 - 25 Years

Gregg and Cindy Hill July 13, 1985 - 20 Years

Terry and Lisa Harper July 14, 1990 - 15 Years

Jack and Isobel Bourns July 28, 1990 - 15 Years

Mark and Jodi Albrect June 3, 1995 - 10 Years

Craig and Sarah Foley July 22, 2000 - 5 Years To report your Milestone Anniversary, call Ruth at 392-1146 or email Patti Cooper at

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