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Integration of Jyotihsāstra and Tantra K. Chandra Hari1 I Pseudoscience Any theory of astrology will be dumped as pseudoscience without any second thoughts by arrogant champions of modern science. Such instant responses are simply imitation by way of which prejudice goes contagious rather than an expression of scientific habit of mind. Undoubtedly, astrology as is being practised and presented today is pseudoscience and futile shall be any effort to defend the same. Conflicts, confusions and ambiguities are strewn all around the so called astrology due to lack of scientific approach in chisling the junk corpus of literature that has comes down to us through many dark centuries. Astrology as known gives the allusions of a mathematical science such as Physics but modern astrologers lack immensely in the ‘sense’ needed for a mathematician or physicist. Irrational and unscientific foundations of the prevailing schools of thought in astrology may be amply illustrated using the ‘Paradox of the Circle’.

Paradox of the Circle The basic mathematical construct employed in astrology is the heavenly circle upon which the planets can be conceived as moving from ascribed positions of 00 to 3600. In order to specify an angle obviously there is the need for a reference point in the sky and a graduated circle and astrologers truly bite the dust when confronted with questions of the reference point under use for astrological angles.

Where to choose the zero? & Why?


A3-304, Springwood Residency, Old Padra Road, Akota (PO), Baroda-390 020: chandra_hari18@yahoo.com 1

Astrologers have no sense of science or sufficient exposure to science to realize that if the astrological phenomenon entails the operation of some kind of force that is modeled in terms of the heavenly circle vis-a-vis Zodiac, then it is necessary to have a unique zero point for specifying planetary angles. Realization of a mathematical derivation and prediction ‘as an event’ necessarily calls for the conception and modeling of a force implicit in the bio-cosmic realms. Even as a pseudoscience that admits reasoning, it is imperative that astrologers need to find answers for the questions such as: 1. Do they admit the operation of an ‘astrological force’ as causative of the destiny of human lives? 2. If yes, how such an ‘astrological force’ is modeled to derive planetary angles representative of the same? 3. How the model of the ‘astrological force’ and the predictive tools of astrology are physically and mathematically related? When we seek answers to the above questions, the paradox of the circle emerges in astrology – astrologers find the zodiac as ‘a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ to borrow the words of Winston Churchill. Astrologers invariably are at ludicrous maximum in their claims of success but their mathematical construct – model of the ‘astrological force’ – can invoke laughter in anyone acquainted with the basic notions of science in the use of system models for predictive purposes. One can meet with a multitude of ‘Zodiac’ in astrology arising from confusion and conflict in the choice of zero point and lack of clarity in respect of the underlying physical rationale. Astrologers today have only vaugue notions about the underlying physical force that translates a mathematical derivation into a predicted event i.e. agency or cause factor of astrology is not experienced to such precision as to yield a decipherment of the zero point of the model known as Zodiac. We can see multitude of models in the study of atmospheric and meteorological phenomena but there such variation is mandatory by the physical aspects of the problem whereas in astrology different mathematical models are under use for characterizing the same physical entity and all models tend to claim equal predictive successes. Therefore the astrological exercise even though often finds description as mathematical in character, physically it is a beating around the bush and the outcome is invariably statistical in nature, governed by laws of probability and to some extent augmented by intuition. In a physical sense, the basic principle of astrology is the equivalence of microcosm and macrocosm and the mathematical effort is to convert such equivalence into a set of ‘longitude functions’ and ‘parameters’ vis-a-vis tools for prediction. Such equivalence had to be unique and hence it becomes obvious that the mathematical construct representing the same must be unique, there must be a unique zero point for the longitude functions. Multiplicity of zero points and hence models to represent the same force and claims of success with all such models leave astrology in a ludicrous realm farther from science and here we meet with the second paradox of astrology.


Paradox of the Causative Force Astrology can be perceived as a science, a logically consistent system of observations and theory only if the astrologers are able to postulate and give evidence for a causative force. No known forces of modern science can explain the astrological phenomena. •

Can there be a force unknown to modern science which manifests as the cause of destiny? A force that can be described using cosmic longitude functions independent of distance? If there exists such a subtle bio-cosmic force, how the same can be intercepted or perceived/felt/observed and understood to be the underlying causative factor of a timemodel or Zodiac used in prognostication? Given the existence of such a force or medium/agency that causes the astrological phenomena, how do the astrologers reconcile the multiple models with the single force?

In fact the above paradoxes are just the two sides of the same coin. Multiple Zodiacs have come into existence owing to the inexperience of ‘an astrological force’ which may be spotted mathematically by the astrologer. As for example, consider the case of the two well known systems of Zodiac, Tropical and Sidereal. Both the tropicalists and siderealists claim success in explaining the destiny of human beings but such ‘great astrologers’ miss out even the basic reasoning power expected in a human being carrying nearly 1400 grams of brainy tissues. •

How can two longitude functions differing by more than twenty degrees successfully address a complex phenomenon like life to yield successful predictions?

As is well known, the tropical Zodiac evolved out of the naked eye observations of nature and the sky in tandem. Tropical Zodiac is Seasonal Zodiac and is tuned to the perceptible changes in nature and phenomenon like day-night length variation. Equinoxes and solstices are reference for the zero point and traditionally vernal equinox is accepted as the zero point and thus zero point marks the human visual experience of the equal day and night of spring season. But when considered in the context of astrological phenomena, there are two equinoxes which are essentially the same – what is being called as spring equinox in the northern hemisphere is autumnal equinox for the southern hemisphere and vice versa and thus there is no logical or known phenomenal reasons to explain the choice of a zero point of the Zodiac with reference to the northern hemisphere of the earth. If spring equinox is to be the zero point, then ideally speaking the north and southern hemispheres of earth shall have life unfolding as per two different schemes of ‘longitude functions’ that differ by 1800. Can such ‘an astrological force’ be conceived to justify the choice of the zero point? Can such a force be experienced within the microcosm? It is important to remember here that the Tropical Zodiac and the associated time reckoning vis-a-vis Calendar and the Zodiac underlying the astrological phenomena may be two different things. Seasonal changes are caused by solar insolation variations, wind patterns, oceanic currents etc which are part of the giant macrocosmic energy spectrum and such forces have the 3

inherent regularity and irregularity which strike no parallels/correlations/ connections with the human destiny or unfoldment of life in the perceived flow of time. Seasonal phenomena and weather phenomena have interconnectedness but such forces find no reflection in the temporal course of human life which has come to be described as destiny. Even though the tropical zodiac stands out as based on the human experience of some natural phenomena such as cycle of seasons vis-a-vis calendar, it is insufficient to explain the ‘astrological phenomena’ and the underlying causative force. But its conception and existence is logical and scientific being tied up to visual logging of the seasonal cycle.

Tropical versus Sidereal Here we have a ludicrous maximum. Sidereal astrologers having no sensible understanding of any ‘astrological force’ derive longitude functions from the heavenly circle in the most arbitrary way by decrementing the longitudes by varying arc lengths in the range 200 – 250. Despite the knowledge that the tropical zodiac is a mathematical model of the seasonal cycle based on visual experience of the nature, siderealists have been working on irrational and arbitrary notions maintained like pets, no matter what the reasoning or experience may say, the rabbit caught by me has two horns. Only crutch for them to lean on is the tradition that has come down through dark centuries which profess a sidereal zodiac. Similar questions as above arise here as well: •

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Given the fact that the ancient people had a season based Zodiac arising out of observations of the natural phenomena (Tropical Zodiac), how could an entirely different concept having an increasing ‘phase difference’ come into existence? Can an experience based tropical zodiac be replaced with an arbitrary fixed stellar framework having no perceptible experience upon nature? A fixed stellar zodiac which may be conceived with reference to any star of appreciable visibility can be representative of the unique ‘astrological force’? Astrology implies creation of one of the numerous star based Zodiac and crediting the same with a set of astrological phenomena? Or is it the mathematical abstraction of a human experience different from the visual experience of the seasons? Ancient origin of the Zodiac can be in arbitrariness or say at some point of time (epoch) to choose a particular configuration as fixed and assign to them the role of an ‘astrological force’? Such an arbitrary fixed zodiac could have survived the centuries without any notions of an experience of the astrological force inherent in the same? What could have inspired the ancient savants to deny the precession of the equinoxes and to stick to a sidereal zodiac?

It must be noted that in the 2nd century before Christ it was the observations based Tropical Zodiac that inspired Hipparchus to abandon the Babylonian notions of a Sidereal Zodiac in favor of the spring equinox based modern zodiac. 4

Drawing an analogy with the Hipparchus act, what experience could have been the basis of the Sidereal Zodiac when it existed before the Hipparchus epoch?

These are questions that the astrologers evade or answer poorly even in ideological terms. Great many astrologers attempt to explain the astrological phenomena with graduation level Physics of the last century quoting tidal effects, solar flares etc relying on theory of gravitation and electromagnetic forces. But none of these macrocosmic forces – be it of the Classical Physics age or of the Quantum Physics age can explain the ‘longitude functions’ of astrology and the symbolism attached to it. Astrological force belongs to neither the macro-particle realm of classical Physics nor the micro-particle realm of Quantum Physics as known today at the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century. Primarily, this observation qualifies astrology as a pseudoscience but if anyone is to give some credo for the ‘ancient wisdom’ alluded in astrological literature, the line of inquiry opens up as to whether a third realm of Physics exists. • • •

Can there be a third realm of force that is causative of the astrological phenomena? Can there be a third realm of experience for the human being? Modern science denies the existence of a realm of experience beyond their methods of investigation, instrumentation and theoretical notions?

It becomes apparent that the ‘astrological force’ demands an altogether different paradigm of thought and methods to explore the possibility of a third realm of Universe beyond the reach of modern science which is microcosmic instead of micro-particle. Only under a New Physics, astrology can hope to be described as a science or valid discipline of study given the mind-set rooted in notions of modern science. Of course, a new Physics with a new realm may still be described as pseudoscience by a section of the society and hence the presentation of astrology as based on a new realm of experience may serve the purpose of placing the discipline on a firm footing of scientific habit of mind which may help eliminate the genes of pseudoscience it has inherited over the dark centuries of confusion.

II Microcosmic 6-Dimensional Physics Present author don’t mind the theory that is presented here being called a pseudoscience by the modern mindset which works in the limited sphere of known knowledge and logic. There have been many theories in the past which got rediculed at their birth by the then champions of modern sensory five dimensional science. Science of the blind, the four dimensional sensory Physics would have been without the world of light unless the intelligence makes leap to share the knowledge from those who had the eyes to observe the light and its sources. In the same way, astrology or in a more general sense, the Indian heritage sciences which propose the micro and macrocosmic equivalence is rooted in a sixth sense, a new faculty unknown to modern science, often described as ‘inner eye’ or the ‘prāna chakshu’ meaning the ‘eye of the breath’. This 6th sense can be found amply reflected in the remnants of the Indus-Sarasvati Harappa Civilization especially in the portraits we see of Pasupati. 5

Pasupati symbolized by the humped bull as well is Ūrdhvaretas, meaning ‘the one who has his vital fluid flowing up’ with the force exercised through Prana. Prana had been the integrating force operating between the microcosm and macrocosm which gave the experience of ‘Oneness’ – the spiritual extreme described as ‘advaita’ – denial of the separation between microcosm andmacrocosm, experience of the ‘Uni_verse’. Universe is a very remarkable word indicative of the universal prevalence of Siddha wisdom that achieved integration of all the manifestation into ‘one single whole’ described in scriptures as:

{ÉÚhÉǨÉnù& {ÉÚhÉÇʨÉnÆù* {ÉÚhÉÉÇi{ÉÚhÉǨÉÖnùSªÉiÉä* {ÉÚhÉǺªÉ {ÉÚhÉǨÉÉnùÉªÉ {ÉÚhÉǨÉä´ÉÉ´ÉʶɹªÉiÉä** This is Whole. That is Whole. From the Whole happens the Whole. When the Whole is manifested of the Whole, Whole remains The subtle spheres of life and the outer cosmos are complete in themselves and have the integrated existence as One Whole in its primordial form. That is what is signified by the holiest of all symbols that the human beings have created: AUM = UNIVERSE Aum is Ardhanārīsvara, half woman and half man in eternal union, Yoga. Ha + Indu making the Hindu, sun and moon observable in the abode of Nāgas, Nāgapuram.

= =¨É + + = ¶ÉÊHò + Ê¶É´É = ªÉÉäÊxÉ + ˱ÉMÉÆ = ªÉÉä-MÉÆ It becomes apparent that there is only one power, the one and single subtle energy underlying the cosmic game of creation and annihilation, Great Mother Aparājitā, the Unvanquished, who expresses Herself in two polarities, Umā Pārvati – born of the Hill or the Mountain (Parvata), the Su_Meru manifested in all beings including the Mother Prthvi and the vagabond, Akula, Her Spouse who makes merry in the cremation grounds, the bliss of Yoga. This model of the Universe is perfect Physics known as Tantra and just as the tensor calculus had to be developed for expressing the notions of general relativity, the 6th dimensional Physics or Tantra could be expressed only in terms of symbols which came to be described as Mātrkā, the set of 51 alphabets known as ‘Deva_nagari’- the City of Gods or the City of Nagas. These 51 Nagas or Ganeshas made up Her limbs and She is extolled in the sacred scriptures:


vÉÊ®újÉÒ EòÒ±ÉɱÉÆ ¶ÉÖÊSÉ®úÊ{É ºÉ¨ÉÒ®úÉäÊ{É MÉMÉxÉÆ* i´É¨ÉäEòÉ Eò±ªÉÉhÉÒ ÊMÉ®úÒ¶É ®ú¨ÉhÉÒ EòÉʳý ºÉEò±ÉÆ** ºiÉÖÊiÉ& EòÉ iÉä ¨ÉÉiÉÌzÉVÉEò¯ûhɪÉÉ ¨ÉɨÉMÉÊiÉEÆò* |ɺÉzÉÉ i´ÉÆ ¦ÉÚªÉÉiÉ ¦É´É¨ÉxÉÖÆ xÉ ¦ÉÚªÉÉiÉ ¨É¨É VÉxÉÖÆ** She is Uma, Haimavati, daughter of the Mount over which the Moon, Himāmsu resides, it is nothing but the cerebro-spinal column within all human beings. She is described as the Mother of Earth, Bhū-Mātā, Mother of the Great King Naraka of Prāgjyotisha and the enchantress Aparājitā who devoured Naraka, spouse of Sun or Vishnu, the Great Bitch of the Bhairava, Kulatā, Mahāmāya deluding the world as eternal virgin, spouse of the Great Scoundrel.

EÖò¨ÉÉ®úÒªÉÆ ¨ÉxpÆù v´ÉxÉÊiÉ SÉ iÉiÉÉä ªÉÉäʹÉnù{É®úÉ* EÖò±ÉÆ iªÉCi´ÉÉ ®úÉèÊiÉ º¡Öò]õÊiÉ SÉ ¨É½þÉxÉұɦÉÖVÉÆÊMÉ** iÉiÉ& {ÉÉÊiÉ´ÉÞiªÉÆ ¦ÉVÉÊiÉ nù½þ®úÉEòɶÉEò¨É±Éä* ºÉÖJÉɺÉÒxÉÉ ªÉÉä¹ÉÉ ¦É´É漃 ¦É´ÉºÉÒ±CEòÉ®ú®úʺÉEòÉ** Man’s Quest for Himself Man has become extrovert today. He is more than necessarily proud of his external manifestations with which he has decorated his limited sphere of outer world upon the surface of earth and little out into the space which he can never fathom in full with his hands or machines. He declares his descent from the ‘primitive’ ancestors thriving on the machine oriented paradigm forgetting that his internal world had been much the same, a few thousand years back. Little reflections can lead us to the realization that the quest of the extrovert seen today in fact is only a byproduct of the inner quest he had begun millenniums back when he had lived on the hills where his spine had felt Her pulse like a wave of gravity that is elusive even today for the modern scientists. In the evolutionary time, in the process of creation and manifestation, She had put man above a threshold, when She straightened the spinal chord to be in the line of action of Her gravity. Homo Erectus, the man who walked on earth, perhaps had an under developed brain, but she had set forth an avalanche of developments in his brain aided by his limb movements and the vocal chord that emerged as part of his anatomy. His unsung prayer was intercepted millenniums after and it is recorded in Saundaryalahari:

VÉ{ÉÉä Vɱ{É& ʶɱ{ÉÆ ºÉEò±É¨ÉÊ{É ¨ÉÖpùÉ Ê´É®úSÉxÉÉ* MÉÊiÉ |ÉÉnùÊIÉhªÉGò¨ÉhɨɶÉxÉÉtɽÖþÊiÉ Ê´ÉÊvÉ&** |ÉhÉɨɺÉÆ´Éä¶ÉºÉÖJɨÉÊJɱɨÉÉi¨ÉÉ{ÉÇhÉoù¶ÉÉ* ºÉ{ɪÉÉÇ{ɪÉÉǪɺiɴɦɴÉiÉÖªÉx¨Éä ʴɱÉʺÉiÉÆ ** She had programmed him in such a way as to make all his utterances, movements, dance and the rounds he made of the hills emulating the sun and moon became flowers at Her feet. Under the shower of Her blessings, soon the primitive Homo Erectus emerged into a warrior who invented sports and wafare, music and dance. Somewhere along the path emerged the 7

ferocious dancer and his Tandava – the Janma siddha who began scripting the scriptures. The animal had evolved into an explorer in quest of himself and the in the long run inwards he was to discover the truth that he was the creator himself. Brain and its whirls, the structure that has poured creativity in human life, was the result of physical movements, spirit and the spells. Geniuses were born of the Warriors across many lives. That is why there is a connection between the Warrior and the Bhadrakali, Aparājita – the Unvanquished. She evolved within the Warrior in Her subtle form and the Warrior spotted Her and the Warrior is the first Upasaka. Warrior is the first disciple.

Aparājitā Born of the Warriors She is Unvanquished In life’s journey from apes to the two legged Man ceased to be ape as gravity acted on navel With his spine straight up, the warrior arrived His movements found a new rhythm and grace And his brain evolved in a new style and pace Spells got born of his spinal root and the throat Straightened limbs and spells played great magic In the fierce warrior, brain evolved in faster pace In the new whirls of his brain She got locked up He felt her with awe as his discoveries progressed And soon He realized Her to be his eternal spouse She is Nature, indeed the wonder of all wonders She is the vast expanse and the five fold creation She evolved and emerged in the spine of warriors She is adored and admired and she is Aparaajita She found delight in the agile steps of her warriors Who sought her in their readiness to sacrifice She in turn chose to take the garb of their mothers Lalita, she played her Leela to impart her wisdom II Mātangi, the serpentine radiance of the Vālmīka Mother darling of the first poet born of the Kirātas He was Vālmīki, name that he bore of the Mother And Mother Vaikhari sought expression thru him O’ Mother Chandali, the Kiratas turned Chandals In your grace the Nāgas began the quest of truth It is little known that you are born of the warrior The true warrior who is ever victorious in combat 8

A Nāga is never defeated as he never retreats in war Either he wins upon the earth and moves forward Or he wins your feet and ascends to the worlds above The ever victorious Mother bears the name Aparājita It is not just accidental that the Mountain tops are covered with snow. Snow is a macrocosmic manifestation of the sphere of Moon atop the cerebro-spinal axis of human beings and it was on the mountain peaks that She expressed herself with clarity in the brains of Siddhas. This is evident from the hundreds of Saktistals spread all over India like Kāmakhya, Kutajādri etc. She had made the Homo Erectus to scale the Mountains and in the process She had tuned their brains to Her spells and Matrkā and thus He evolved as a dancer carrying Her corpse – She had burned herself within the little scoundrels making the root of the spinal chord a chita, spot of cremation. In the man’s inner quest, he spotted Her as the Mother of Ignorance, Avidya, who deludes when he realized her the Mother who confers enlightenment, Srī Vidyā. Darkness is realized only when the light dawns as the darkness is the absence of light. She is the subtle force at work and perceptible at the sixth sense which can be developed only by practice. It is clearly stated:

¨ÉxɺiÉi´ÉÆ ÊVÉi´ÉÉ xɪÉxɨÉlÉ xÉɺÉÉOÉPÉÊ]õiÉÆ* {ÉÖxÉ´ªÉÉÇ´ÉÞkÉÉIÉ& º´ÉªÉ¨ÉÊ{É ªÉnùÉ {ɶªÉÊiÉ {É®úÉÆ** iÉnùÉxÉÒ¨Éä´ÉɺªÉº¡Öò®úÊiÉ ¤Éʽþ®úxiɦÉÇMÉ´ÉiÉÒ* {É®úÉxÉxnùÉEòÉ®úÉ {É®úʶɴÉ{É®úÉ EòÉÊSÉnù{É®úÉ** She is the whole Universe. Her footprints are the genuine miracles she performs by coordinating her limbs or agents with which She permeates the whole of manifested world. None can violate Her laws. No body can perform a miracle unless She expresses through Her forms. She is the One who is worshipped as the Kuladevi by the Nāga tribes and the Nāgas represent Her Spells, the speech. When the mind is vanquished, She turns up as the Unvanquished, Aparājitā who is seated on the Nīlāchala. Then She leads the Man in his quest to make him realize his true self as Pasupati – Her own spouse who had commanded the creative sports, Leela, in which he got deluded. She is Lalita of a thousand names....

Horoscope and the Underlying Force She is the subtle force underlying Jyotisha and rules over Kulam, mostly installed at the hilltop nearest to the household. I shall not go into a more detailed tantrik exposition of Her prowess. It is suffice to note that the manifestation of the Great Serpent Kundalini is the force underlying Jyotihsastra.

¶ÉÊHò& ½þÊ®ú& EÖòhb÷ʱÉxÉÒÊiÉ xÉɨÉ&* OɽþIÉÇSÉGòÉ{iÉʴɦÉHònäù½þÉ&** ±ÉOÉxÉÉÊnù ¦ÉÉ´ÉÉxÉ {ÉÊ®úEò±{ªÉSÉÉÆMÉÉxÉÂ* ºÉƺÉÚSɪÉÎxiÉ VÉMÉiÉÉÆ ¡ò±ÉÉÊxÉ** Kundali or Horoscope is a manifestation of the Great Bhujangi and hence the Jyotischakra had the name Rahu-Sikhi Chakra, Phaneesvara Chakra, Kalasarpa etc. Nowhere in the Vedic 9

Astronomy, has the experience of the Cosmos by a Yogi found mathematical description. Jyotischakra belongs to the Harappan antiquity and the Nagas (even today 90% of the Indian dark-skinned population are Nagas irrespective of the divisions created under Chaturvarnyam). Nāga meant originally the Kulakundalini as She resided on Naga = Mountain Meru = SuMeru and hence received many appellations like Naga-nandini, Girinandini, Parvati, Nagini etc Planets were Her nine fold manifestations and hence planets were also called as Nāgas and found installation as Linga in places like Kamakhya, Kalahasti, Kumbakonam etc. This mystic power known as Naga or Bhujangi achieved its peak during eclipses and it was because of this experience of the Yogis, the geometric points Rahu and Sikhi got observed on the physical body. Astronomical nodes are in fact a translation of the experience of the Yogi to the sky. Otherwise, tell me who could have discovered the intersection of the orbits of the sun and moon and how? Even the word ecliptic has its origin from eclipses just as we have got Rasichakra from RahuSikhi chakra. Yogic experience of eclipses and the impact of the luni-solar phenomena on the breathing patterns, in short, the experience of the COSMOS by the Yogis led to the decipherment of Jyotischakra. We all know that the tropical zodiac can be observed with the eyes in terms of seasons and other changes in nature such as the variation of day light. None has any doubt that the concept of a tropical zodiac with reference to the equnoxes and solstices emerged from the observed phenomenal sky. If experience and observations are the key to the human inventions/concepts, how could the sidereal zodiac evolve? Who could have drawn the Rasis over the sky? Can anyone observe Surya-samkrama? Can samkrama be mathematical like the Cow of the book which cannot eat grass? One may draw the cow in a thousand ways – whatever color may be added, the picture cow is not going to eat grass. Can such foolishness be there in Indian antiquity of the great Yogis like Patanjali and the Lord Siva himself who garlands himself with the Indian Cobra? Suryasamkrama in fact is an experience and it arises with Pranasurya. Samkrama means the switching of breath between the nadis and all of the astronomical phenomena spoken in Jyotisastra texts belong to the domain of Tantrik experience. Jyotischakra is the abode of Great Bhujangi and she confers enlightenment to all. She is Sri – One Who Manifests over Sara i.e. the Siva Svara = Breath that chants AUM NAMA: SIVAYA. She is Sri Vidya and Jyotischakram is infact Sri Chakram. Can the sidereal zodiac or Jyotischakra which is the crux of the Indian Calendar, customs and traditions be the product of someone’s imagination going awry? Do we find any such irrationality anywhere in the disciplines that make up India’s heritage? If the sidereal zodiac emerged in Indian antiquity there must be surely an experience underlying it. 10

Look at the Three Eyes of Pasupati who is Nagaraja What are the three eyes of the Pasupati: Sun, Moon and Agni? We all have these three eyes, may be we are blind, eyes are yet to be opened. But we have the three eyes dormant as the nadis sun, moon and agni (jyoti) within us. Agni is same as Kulakundalini, Kali and Her abode received the name Jyotischakra which is located in Manomayakosa. We have stoola netras (physical eyes with which we see the phenomenal sky outside) and we have also the sookshma netras with which we feel the inner sky, inside the manomaya kosam and the latteer observations using the “eyes = sun, moon and agni” led to the frame up of the Jyotischakram – the sidereal zodiac, Nirayana Chakram which can be traced to the great antiquity of the Urdhvaretas of Harappa as mentioned at the outset. True Hindu is the one who has the experience of HA + INDU = Sun and Moon within and a HINDU is Naga because the Bhujangi has awakened within and the body has turned out to be Nagapuram. As is the case with spiritual experience, Jyotischakram cannot be shown to a second person because it is an experience. Jyotischakra is lighted up by the 51 saktipithas – Kamakhya and Kalighat are truly on the Jyotischakra and it is because ofHer Grace that the astrological predictions come true. Kundali simply reflects Her Blessings and that is why Jyotisha is strictly applicable only to a true sakta who live as per the tradition with no default of the dues meant for the Sarpa, Pitrs and Kuladevi. An astrologer who lacks the blessings of Sarpam, Pitrs and Kuladevi shall never realize the truth of Jyotischakra and he will go on drawing cows with the imagination that it will eat grass one day.

Jyotischakra as a Model of Universe It becomes apparent from the above that there is only one Being and that is the Universe as a whole. The one and only one spirit of the Universe has caused the creation in a play mode and appears as a querist upon the surface of earth – a special and wonderful place upon the vast non-Euclidean space-time carpet – in a most favorable ambience to create his own habitat. The Great Inquirer He is, He is in quest of his own meaning to realize that He is the One and only One. Jyotischakra in fact is a mathematical model created by the Siddhas who had the realization of the self to unmask the mystery of life as a tool in the play at progress. For a model to yield predictions that have a corresponding set of eventualities there is the need of a medium or force. A model of time as in Jyotischakra can yield prediction of life events only if the model is representative of the underlying force. It is of cardinal importance to realize that the force underlying Jyotihsastra is different from the physical forces like graviation and electromagnetism which obey the inverse square law. That is, the physical forces known to science as permeating the space between earth and the outer cosmos are all functions involving distance. But the force or energy experienced in Jyotihsastra and modeled as a force of time or destiny is independent of distance – it is described by longitudinal functions independent of distance. It is more mysterious than gravitation and cannot be computed. It is represented by the ten longitudinal functions of a horoscope and the 11

potential can only be felt by the natives who invoke Her and experienced by the manifestation of predicted events. Like all models, Jyotischakra also has its limitations and due to the complexity of the phenomenon, the model cannot be validated in the same manner as we do in modern science. Science itself has arisen from the human ability and efforts to model the nature but science does it in a piecewise manner to integrate them for a better understanding of the outer world. Tantra on the other hand attempts to model the inner world or the game of the inner spirit in a way that addresses the oneness of the innate spirit getting manifested in a bewildering fashion. Tantra attempts a wholesome theory combined with an experience of the precepts and predictions and seeks the realization of the Unity and therefore the keyword is Yoga. It is the transcendence of all that which forebids the Yoga, transcendence of all that which divides. It identifies the cause of conflict and the source of duality as the mind and thus seeks the deletion of mind to experience the bliss of Yoga.

Sri Chakra – The Fractal Geometray of the Force Aparājitā, the force underlying the phenomenon creates itself with self-similarity across scales like fractals and the Sri Chakra reflects the fractal geometry of the Great Mother.

Motherhood of this subtle force that rules over the ‘Universe’ is a description of the selfsimilarity principle by which the giant cosmic energies arising out of the original polarity Siva and Sakti descends to the earthy plane and puts itself at rest at Mūlādhāram – the threshold achieved in creation by the Great Mother Aparājitā. The bliss of Yoga as referred above too has the macro and micro manifestations under a self-similar re-creation. A well known example of the self similar re-creation is the case of Vastupurusha. Wherever one draws a square, Vastu appears in a self similar form across scales. Sri Chakra is a representation of such fractal character of the great creative energy who can be intercepted by the means provided by Siddhas. We shall not go into the details due to paucity of space.

Karma, Prāna and Yoga Just as gravitation is a property of the space-time continuum, karma and destiny arise out of the micro-macrocosmic oneness. It is a characteristic of the ‘Universe’ – creation striving for the experience of indivisible whole – the One and only One at play. His Leela or Lalita make 12

up a continuum of the Great Being and His shadow. His shadow Lalita is the gateway to His portal Universe, the integrated Wholeness of the bios and cosmos.

Tackling the Mind All human activities are prone to the frailties of mind. Mind is the supreme sensory apparatus where processing of impressions take place. Mindware may be the correct term as in effect the mind is the human software that controls the responses, reactions, shape perspectives, gives names or labels, divides between & others and changes with time in an uncertain manner. There is no certainty about my mind that can be assessed. It normal working is described as ‘commonsense’ but differs from individual to individual. It is skeptic by nature and goes by logic with the help of the collected impressions and the curvature that it has developed over may be many lives, often described as ‘Vikalpam’. Mind can seldom see itself unless trained by a superior intellect and wisdom and is always bent on trumpeting its own virtues. Mind cannot admit of a power beyond its business happening in the domain of commonsense. All the seekers of the divine at one time or the other shall feel the need to take a leap beyond the realms of reasoning to gain the experience and comprehension of the divine. Great Mother leaves her footprints in the form of miracles but the commonsense is bound to ignore or deny the same as the genuine miracle is not a magic, it happens through the coordination of the concerned agents of nature. She is the approach to Lord Siva as she alone can offer the convictions needed to sustain the path, faith in abtruse concepts like soul, rebirth and her own role as a preceptor and principal of her school, Sri Vidya. There are no means to control the flux of mind. No circus by which the nature of the flux and fear can be controlled except the Japayoga. Faith or conviction in the irrational is a very slow process and happens as her miracles gain space little by little at the cost of the rational mind. In due course, the rational and skeptic mind is weakened and it loses its own credibility and the reasoning falls back on itself to have its own kill. Mind cannot be won in a confrontation, it can only be made to kill itself under the shower of Her blessings. No amount of sermons can help anyone to change his or her mind and this is well evidenced by the spoiled national character of India despite the lip service to multitude of scriptures and the so called divine personalities offering the path of righteousness and salvation. Sakta wisdom underlying Jyotihsastra and Tantra is explained in the verses given in the following pages. Truth of Jyotisha can be understood and experienced only with the blessings of Lalitā Tripurasundarī as Mahāmāyā Herself is at play with Her delusive tricks in the underlying phenomenon. Related ideas which have a historical bearing and details related to the Nāga tradition etc have been explained in another article on Nāgas and their ŚāktaŚambhava heritage. 22 January 2012:19:58 Sunday, Newmoon


UNIVERSE: ADVAITAM 1. As above; so below

2. Earthy Egg and Tantra

Universe – verse is only one But two eggs together make it Macrocosm the cosmic egg And microcosm the earthly one

She chose to craft this egg with earth And she drew in the gravitating duo To power the little egg with breaths And she put two nostrils by their name

Eggs of Brahma and the Pinda Both full and make up the whole Sages have sung about the two eggs This is full and that is full etc etc

Jyotisha is not the arithmetic on paper Neither the cowries nor the degrees Not even the signs or the stars Heavenly belt is just a contrivance

Great Mother has crafted the Pinda For the Great Soul to play His game No questions before the supreme He wished to create and she did

Time is incomprehensible to all Only experience can be modeled To make any computation possible Let me emphasize we need experience

The Cosmic egg got replicated That the Great one may step in As if sprouted like the Banyan Big tree out of its little seed

We experience the seasons by the eyes And so we have framed the seasonal year If we have a different year, then surely We shall have to look for other experience

This inquirer of the little egg How could he manifest? Unless existed in the big one And for what he is to inquire?

No sage will declare an arbitrary zero Spica, Regulus and all the rest at par Unless the sages had a feel of the zero No reason for a different wheel of nodes

The little one is the great one Deluded by the veil of Mother And his inquiry is upon the Mom To realize his self in her bosom

Jyotischakra is the wheel of nodes Nodes of sun and moon gave the name Rahusikhichakra for the wheel of time The serpent of time alias kalasarpa

Universe, experience of the One Advaita, so is it in Indian parlance Transcending the game of Two And Jyotisha explains its physics

The feel of the one, Universe It does not arise by parroting jargon It is a feel of the body, tan, and so Has the science known as Tantra

As above so below, says the lore Great Mother has laid this egg Look up and see the sun and moon Gravitating around the earthly home

Tantra is the ancient name for Physics Body is the instrument to explore Men and women simply play his game Of realizing himself to be the only One


3. Sun and Moon in breath

4. Sages Modeled Time

Sun and moon float in our breaths Nostrils have received river names Ganga and Yamuna and they flow Down the Meru, Videha to Lanka

Sages modeled time as they could feel Seasons circled before their two eyes but They had the feel in the third eye of a time That resonate with the vital fluid within

Take a glance at the six wheels As told by the Purnananda yogi It begins speaking of Meru within And so begins astronomy texts too

Great Mother had unleashed great forces To have all the big sculpting and crafting And she chose to hide herself in the residue The compliment of her creative big bang

In Indian astronomy, Jyotisha Planets encircle Meru in both spheres In macro and microcosmic space Find description in same terms

In the earthly life she resided as avidya And the spate of species replicated her All females born of the great female And she anguished of being half woman

What a great fun if it is a lingo game? Jyotisha and Yoga express the truths In the same lingo and in same fashion And both spoken by the deified penis

Ardhanāri had her tasks finished in awe To fulfill the wish she carried to make way For the great game that Lord had willed And he made his step to be the Yogi here

What a fun if the penis adorns itself With the King Cobra in symbolic gesture And the symbolism derived of dry jargon With no evidence to support any claims

Yoga is a very subtle word indeed No doubt, it speaks of the union of two Ardhanari and Isvar to be Ardhanarisvara All those who walk here on two legs

Great wisdom, the champions say of it Great Pudding carrying the elegant note Keep away from mouth, none can relish So is Jyotisha, just jargon and no effect?

Yoni plus Lingam, make the word Yoga Yoni the female and Lingam the male She had envisaged man as a hermaphrodite That she can make him learn and realize

Inverse square law makes it very clear In all fields, gravity, magnetism etc etc Physical forces decay fast with distance And so the stars and nodes can’t alter lives

Indus seals depict the ūrdhva_retas Erect penis of the ancient seal reveals How the mother has set the climax For the game he had willed for delight

Grahas simply make the karma known By the model of time achieved in Jyotisha Karma is mid-heaven and the destiny too Karmavidya is both ganita and phala

Ignorance to eliminate itself in delight As the vital fluid reversed its surge To awaken the bhujangi at the root In her upswing is the universe born


5. Mysery of life and delight

6. Ha + Indu = Hindu

The bigbang within the microcosm From this that is born which is no less And from that the whole is born This is the mystery of life and delight

Every Hindu is Ardhanārīsvara for sure Hindu means Ha the sun, Indu the moon Hindu is the yogi who has realized both And the wheel he sees of Prana in heavens

It is for this big game of bigbang That the great yogis modeled time Both geometry and the numbers Chosen to make the feel expressed

Zodiac is the wheel of prāna in heaven Model of time gains meaning with the feel Of its macrocosmic limbs in the microcosm Yogis ventured to model it to transcend it

Sixty and ten were intelligently chosen To keep the computed time in resonance With the universal surges of the yogis And the time structure of their breathing

Can a river be crossed without walking over? No way to transcend unless we experience If we are to transcend time and destiny We need the feel of true zodiac in breath

The third eye of the great yogis saw In delight the great Cosmic Yogi Encircling the heavens across the nodes Asvini holding the head, revati the feet

Has Spica at 180 ever gave such a feel? No, none has so far spoken of any such thing Regulus, Ardra, Aldebaran or Zeta Piscium For such stars Jyotisha remained on books

Feel of the breaths is not approximate It is precise as we see with the numbers And the count of breaths in 21600 kala Made time’s limbs from head to feet

Jyotisha is Tantra and its proof is in Tanu Jyotisha is the physics of the realized sages Time is born of calculation with reference Time that is felt inside has Mūla as reference

Videha is 12 finger breadths above And there the 0 got marked, Aries began Down the spine and to the feet below It is 21600 minutes and 360 degrees

Feel of the universe is the test of Jyotisha Every science may find other applications None laughs at Kepler after walking around And citing the feel of flat earth they had

The feel of the sages of the Cosmic Man And the projection that the earthly sages Had in the heavenly belt of the lunar nodes Found Mūlā as fiducial to mark the penis

Birth charts and twisted logics are fun Birth chart is a discovery of some fool All those who walk on two legs are sages And Jyotisha is their boat to transcend time

Sages called the fiducial point Mūlādhāram Seat of the potency of the Urdhvaretas Prana ever in control and in eternal sex Hermaphrodite of the heavens in glory Sages instituted the worship of genitals Symbolism of the micro and macrocosm The egg that she laid united with Isvar Ardhanārīsvara as the doctrines describe


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