Aurélie Sabatier - CV

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Aurelie Sabatier


Personal Information Name // Date of Birth // Address // Mobile Phone // E-mail // Internet Portfolio //

SABATIER AurĂŠlie 11/06/1988 in Marseille (France) 20090 SEGRATE (MI) 0039 - 388/3614607

Education and Background 2009-2011 //

Politecnico di Milano: 2° Year of Master Degree in “Architettura e Società” Course of studies: Architecture (English Master) Thesis _ Giving earth to the World _ Supervisor: Stefano Boeri (Politecnico di Milano) - Cristina Bianchetti (Politecnico di Torino) Average Mark (17/05/2011): 29,71/30 ALTA SCUOLA POLITECNICA: Interdisciplinary program in english complementary to the master degree for selected students of Politecnico of Milan and Politecnico of Turin. Winter School: Innovation, why and for whom? Spring School: Glogal Change and Sustainability Summer School: Management of Innovation Winter School: Decision Making Multidisciplinary project (2009-2011) _ B-Trans: Shanghai Urban-Rural Public Bicycle Transportation System Design. Workshop in China in August 2010

2006-2009 //

Politecnico di Milano: Bachelor of Science in “Architettura e Società” Course of Studies: Scienze dell’Architettura Thesis _ Socialization - Privacy : Flexibility of interface in student housing _ Supervisor: Eleonora Bersani Final Mark _ 110/110 with distinction

Workshops 2011 //

After Urban Sprawl - A new alliance town-countryside Provincia di bologna _ Urban Center di Bologna Facoltà di Architettura di Cesena_ Politecnico di Torino_ University of Skopje_ UPC Barcellona_ IUG Grenoble_ Politecnico di Milano Prof. Federico Zanfi _ Duration: 1 week


Changing metropolitan space - new approaches to urban agriculture AEDES Network Campus_Berlin Prof. Andreas Kipar _ Duration: 1 week

2010 //

STOY, Sustainable toy: thinking and design Universidad Politecnica de Madrid _ Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura Prof. Atxu Amann Alcocer _ Duration: 10 days System design for sustainable tourism: Chongming Island Workshop 2010 Tongji University _ Alta Scuola Politecnica _ Politecnico di Milano Prof. Luisa Collina, Prof. Davide Fassi _ Duration: 1 week Emergency Management in Design & Construction, get ready to (re)act! TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture: Prof. Hans Wamelink, Prof. Louis Lousberg _ Duration: 10 days

2007 //

Workshop Pirelli: Re-organization and restructuring of the industrial spaces near the Sprea in Berlin. Leibniz Universitat Hannover / Politecnico di Milano: Prof. Hilde Leòn, Prof. Nicola Voceri _ Duration: 2 weeks

Work Experience 2009-2010 //

internship at Peia Associati studio in milan and collaboration Duration: 6 months _ Production of graphic drawings (2D, 3D) and 3D models for different kind of projects: from Tower and Private Villas to Tower apartments and Fair Stand working in team with international people from different backgrounds.

2011 //

OR2 STAND Duration: 1 week _ Mounting of a Stand at the Fuori Salone del Mobile in Milan and presentation of the project to the visitors.

Didactic Experience 2008 //

Assistant Tutor in the “Analysis of the Urban Morphology and building typologies” course (Prof. Alberto Aschieri): Introduction to representation methods for morphology and typology works with Adobe Illustrator. Realization of a model of the area for a meta-project. Reviews on students works dealing with “Verification of relationship between morphology and typology: the place and the project. An approach to the architectural Project”.

Partecipation to Published works 2011 //

EXHIBITION: ExpoPack project exhibited at “Stazione del Futuro. Qui si rifà l’Italia” in Turin. EXHIBITION: Red culture project exhibited at “20 progetti per ridisegnare Bergamo” at the Urban Center of Bergamo.

2010 //

EXHIBITION/PUBLICATION: Finalist project of Urban Promo Giovani 2010 Contest exhibited at the Cini Fundation of San Giorgio Maggiore Island in Venice from 26th to 30th of October 2010. EXHIBITION: Video Presentation of the work made during the Chongming Island Workshop for the exhibition “Young creators for better city & better life – Cumulus 2010 Shanghai Conference” in Shanghai.

2008 //

POSTER: Project exposed on the Prof. Aschieri’s Poster during the Exhibition/Congress “Time in the description and design of the city” organized by the Department of Architecture and Planning of the Politecnico of Milano.

2007 //

EXHIBITION/PUBLICATION: Exhibition in Politecnico di Milano and Leibniz Universitat of the Pirelli-Berlin Workshop Projects: Models and Panels. Publication of the works on a book.

Participation to Contests 2010 //

EXPOPACK: SPECIAL MENTION FOR CREATIVITY Lunch Box for Expo 2015 URBAN PROMO GIOVANI 2010: finalist Urban Project on the city of Milan SUN LAB 2010: Project ƟX Jardins, Jardin–Concours de l’innovation: Project EC’H2O

2009 //

Celebration of Cities – 3, Maxmix Cities, UIA: Project [Lo{di]nami[ci(t)tà]}

Language Knowledge French // English // Italian // Spanish //

Mother tongue IELTS: 6.5 (Master Science and ASP in english) Adavanced Level C2* Intermediate Level B1*

* Language levels of the Common European Framework of Reference

Softwares Autodesk // Adobe // Ms Off //

Autocad 2D/3D, Revit, 3D Studio Max Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design Power Point, Word, Excel, Front Page

Cultural Interests and Hobbies Photography, Travels, Sport, Reading

[Aurelie Sabatier] +39 388/3614607

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