The Health Advocate - December 2019

Page 12

PROFESSOR NIGEL EDWARDS Chief Executive, Nuffield Trust, UK

Why good health policy goes bad Excerpts from the inaugural John Deeble Lecture 2019—part 1

The John Deeble Lecture was established by the

role—he had a plan based on his experience as a

Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association

civil servant involved in the privatisation of energy

(AHHA) as an annual event to commemorate the

and telecoms utilities, but it was not really clear

life and achievements of the late Professor John

who he listened to in developing his ideas.

Deeble AO as a distinguished scholar, health economist and health policy leader. Excerpts from the lecture are published

His plan was to boost the National Health Service (NHS) quasi-market, giving GPs purchasing power and organising them into groups to do

below. The focus in these Part 1 excerpts is on

commissioning. There would be much more

policy failings. In the February 2020 edition

emphasis on patient choice and competition,

of The Health Advocate we will publish Part

including price competition. The idea was also

2—Professor Edwards’ suggestions about what

to simplify the system and, a favourite of all

needs to be done to improve the health policy-

politicians, to ‘reduce bureaucracy’. As part

making process, including his arguments that

of this, and as an attempt to remove ministers

traditional calls to get more evidence into

from the day-to-day running of the NHS, it was

policy miss important aspects of the world we

proposed to establish an NHS Board to oversee this

now inhabit. He suggests some helpful strategies

system and an economic regulator to deal with

to overcome these problems.

competition and pricing issues. Both of these were

1. So big it can be seen from space

to be independent of direct ministerial oversight

Andrew Lansley became Secretary of State for Health (UK) in 2010, having spent an unprecedented six and a half years in the shadow


The Health Advocate • DECEMBER 2019

and would be at arm’s length from government. The half-finished project of making hospitals autonomous would be completed and there would be greater private sector involvement.

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