The Health Advocate - December 2019

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Health system has to evolve

Welcome to the December 2019 issue of The

to achieve. Whether it’s health, sport, taxation,

Health Advocate, the sixth and final issue in what

or home loan interest rates, sometimes the rules

has been a busy year for AHHA.

need to be changed to encourage changes in the

Our theme for December is ‘An evolving health system’. Evolve it must, but we wish it would

activity itself. Alternatively, a brave and innovative person or

change more quickly than that, in the direction

group of people need to set up something new and

of person-centred, value-based care that pays

show that it pays off in terms of efficiency and

attention to outcomes as well as inputs.

effectiveness, and then try to ensure that the new

Perhaps we put this sentiment most bluntly in

way is incentivised by the guardians and umpires

our October 2019 media release when we said:

of the system, namely governments at all levels.

‘Time to change the game in health to get the

Even then, it’s not all plain sailing to get good

results we want’. We had just released our Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research Issues Brief, Reforming for value: opportunities for outcome-focused national health policy, written by Dr Kate Raymond from Dental Health Services Victoria. As we said at the time, ‘The days of incentivising

ideas turned into good policy, as our leading event for the year showed. On 18 October 2019 we held the inaugural annual John Deeble Lecture and panel discussion. We were honoured to have the lecture delivered by Professor Nigel Edwards, from the UK’s Nuffield Trust. Nigel spoke most eloquently, firstly on

number of appointments attended instead of the

why good health policy goes bad, then on some

outcomes achieved should be confined to the

practical measures to fix it.

medical waste bin because rising health costs are unsustainable’. ‘Unnecessary or ineffective care needs to be

Excerpts from Part 1 of the lecture (why good health policy goes bad) are available to THA readers elsewhere in this issue. Excerpts from

cut out altogether. And preventive healthcare,

Part 2 (how to fix it) will be published in the

which provides value for money by reducing the

February 2020 edition.

need to seek healthcare in the first place, needs to be prioritised.’ In the end it’s all about evolving (quickly!) to provide the right incentives for what we want 4

The Health Advocate • DECEMBER 2019

Getting back to our evolving health system, we have some interesting perspectives for THA readers this month. For example, Queensland Health’s Nick Steele

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