The Health Advocate - December 2019

Page 6


AHHA in the news 1 NOVEMBER 2019

Australian Government must fund more home care packages to meet overwhelming levels of unmet need ‘Australian research has shown that shorter wait times for home care packages are associated with people living longer and being able to stay in their own homes. ‘Being unable to access aged care services, or care that is at the appropriate level, has broader impacts outside the aged care sector, with greater burdens placed upon carers, families, communities and the health sector. ‘The Interim Report by the Royal Commission ‘The Commonwealth must take immediate action

described access to home care and the national

to reduce the waiting times for Australians

prioritisation queue as a ‘cruel and discriminatory

approved for home care packages’, said Australian

system’ and neglectful.

Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) Acting Chief Executive Dr Linc Thurecht. ‘Australians who have been assessed as needing

‘Previous reviews have recommended phasing out supply caps for aged care places. For these reforms to be considered and sustainably implemented, we

aged care services, should not be left waiting in

need investment to increase workforce capacity

a queue.

within the sector and better data to measure and

‘We have more people waiting for home care

monitor unmet need and equity of access.’

packages at their approved level, than are currently receiving packages. ‘Waiting times for those in the queue are too

UPDATE: The Australian Government announced funding for an additional 10,000 home care

long. The median wait time has continued to

packages on 25 November 2019. While this

increase and it is now 137 days, with many waiting

additional funding is welcome, it addresses less

more than a year for higher level care. One-quarter

than 10% of the waiting list. More people died

of people waiting for a level 4 package are waiting

while on the waiting list last year (16,000) than

three years.

will be supported by this additional funding.


The Health Advocate • DECEMBER 2019


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