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Editor’s Letter
I can’t believe we’re up to Issue 3 of Debate already. The time is, as always, flying by for us all here. The theme of this issue is ‘Lost and Found’ and it’s been really interesting going through the work that people submitted to us.
The words ‘lost’ and ‘found’ can have both negative and positive connotations and it’s been fascinating to see how our writers interpreted the theme. Some of the stories shared with us have been deeply personal and I feel lucky that our writers are so open with sharing their stories - it’s a real privilege. On page 8, Hazel Buckingham shares her tips for how to shop more sustainably. Hazel’s writing has a lovely way of gently encouraging the reader to think about purchases without ‘pointing the finger’ at people over their shopping habits.
On page 12, Seth Nicholls talks about going from someone who went from looking at protests from a distance to getting right into the thick of things and becoming a part of them.
And over on page 22, Rebecca Zhong explores how music can trigger not just memories, but also a huge range of emotions too. She talks about how this can be painful in some instances and amazing in others.
I would also like to quickly mention that this will be my final issue as editor of Debate. I have had an absolutely wonderful time bringing this magazine to you every couple of weeks and I’ve felt so lucky to have worked with such a great team.
In my time in this role, the support from my AUTSA colleagues has been incredible, as has that of our volunteer contributor base. I have also been lucky enough to work with a small but mighty team of part-timers on the mag who have been such a source of inspiration.
On a final note, as COVID-19 becomes an increasing issue, Debate would like to encourage our readers to follow AUT advice and Ministry of Health advice. Don’t get too bogged down with sensationalist media reporting and try to focus on the facts. We want you to stay as safe as possible.
I wish each and every one of you the best with your studies going forward.