Debate | Issue 4 | Serenity

Page 28

Business as Usual?

Chances are you’ve seen at least some form of the above message. Now I am no expert in spam but from my understanding, in order for spam to work, it has to offer something we want or need. In this case, the want is to be able to make an income whilst working from home. And my guess is, due to the sheer volume of variations, people do want it.

Has COVID-19 ushered in the end of the traditional workplace? By Andrew Broadley.

COVID-19 has shown us many things, and you can argue quite rightfully that a lot of those things are more important than this,

As the age of the internet swept across the globe it seems like the age of spam swept along right after it. Not to be confused with the delicious and often misunderstood canned meat of the same name, I’m talking about the relentless pop ups and endless tabs that fill your browser whenever you try to do anything slightly questionable online. Whether you’re winning a faux Nigerian lottery or finding hot singles in your area, spam is everywhere you look. hey everyone you've got to check this out I made $560 today so far [LINK] or Work at home mom makes $6,795/month working part-time from home [LINK]

but it has shown us that when needed, we can successfully stray away from the traditional workplace. Countless people shifted to remote work and reduced hours during the level 4 lockdown, and as those countless people return to their workplaces many of them will be asking why are they returning at all? The International Workplace Group, which surveyed 15,000 employers in 80 countries, found that 83% of workers would turn down a job that did not offer flexible working. Flexible work options allow employees to better balance their work, social lives, reduce stress levels, and research would suggest, has no real impact on productivity levels. Countless studies have shown that more hours worked doesn’t equal more hours, well, ‘worked.’ Yet the majority of workplaces still require their employees to trudge into harshly lit offices 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. I worked for a company whose policy was essentially, be at your desk at all times regardless of whether there is work to be done or not.

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