issue 19 2011
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issue 19 2011
19 5 Editorial 6 Creative Corner 7 Letters 8 Tribute to Sir Paul Reeves 9 News 10 News Quiz 10 Sport
on the cover
Paul Stevens talks about the worldwide appeal of rugby
Sir Paul Reeves - photo supplied by AUT
11 Sport: Entrenched with Tradition 12 How To/Recipe Alicia Crocket tells you how to make leftovers go all the way
13 Pres Sez
AuSM president Veronica Ng Lam reflects on her relationship with Sir Paul Reeves
14 Mo Money, Mo Problems 14 AuSM Update 15 A Wasted Generation 16 Getting Over Oprah 18 A Shore Thing
Alisha Lewis
AuSM | AUT | Antonio Avretto | Jo Barker | Petra Benton | Nicole Brown | Hazel Buckingham | Jason Burnett | Hayley Burrows | Matthew Cattin | Christopher Chang | Alicia Crocket | Laura Dooney | Martin Hofsteede | Brendan Kelly | Ksenia Khor | Rebecca Lee | Joshua Martin | Andrew McDonald | Scott Moyes | Tamsyn Solomon | Paul Stevens | Jarred Williamson
20 TV Show Rant 21 Rate debate!
Here’s your chance to have your say on what you love and loathe about debate
2 10 Creepiest Film Characters 2 23 Chapter the Third
Brendan Kelly delivers the last fable in his trilogy through poem
26 Puzzle Page 27 Agony Aunt 28 Fashion
Petra Benton previews New Zealand Fashion Week
29 Top 10/Horoscopes 30 Reviews 33 Spot the Difference 34 Microcelebs
Deanne Antao
Alisha Lewis looks at just how green the grass is on the other side (of the bridge)
24 Columns
Samantha McQueen
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issue 19 2011
City Campus Level 2, WC Building 921 9805 8am-5pm Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm Fri North Shore Campus Level 2, AS Building 921 9949 8.30am-3pm Mon-Fri Manukau Campus MB107 921 9999 ext 6672 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs
Sue Higgins General Manager 921 9999 ext 5111
Veronica Ng Lam AuSM Student President 921 9999 ext 8571
Nick Buckby Liaison Manager 921 9999 ext 8379
Kate Campbell Marketing and Communications Manager 921 9999 ext 6537
Samantha McQueen Publications Co-ordinator 921 9999 ext 8774
his year is zipping along rather quickly, isn’t it? I know people say this every year – usually when you awkwardly bump into someone you haven’t caught up with in a while – but 2011 really has that 100 kilometres an hour feel to it. I’ve definitely noticed it more since working five days a week, but maybe that’s just because every time an issue goes to print I get to cross another week off my calendar. I almost had a panic attack last week when I realised I only had six issues to go in the year. Including the two week break (which starts at the end of next week) that’s eight weeks until the end of the academic year. If you didn’t realise this, join me in a group panic attack, taking place from now until the end of October. Perhaps it’s because we’ve been in a countdown for one thing or another ever since the beginning of the year. “Only 246 days till the World Cup.” “Only 102 days until Harry faces Voldemort.” “Only 129 days until a fat man in a red suit gives me presents.” The latter of the three I didn’t expect to hear from until October (and even that is a little early for my liking). So imagine my surprise last Wednesday, August 18, when I was driving to the movies and a Christmas ad comes on the radio. Yeah, you read right – a Christmas ad. And then just before I sat down to write this editorial on the 19th, a local hotel brand tweeted about it never being too early for Christmas. Um… yes, August is too early for Christmas. We still have an entire season, an international sporting tournament, another Twilight movie and an election to endure before I start planning my present wish list (although a Macbook Pro is already at the top. Hi Mum, I know you’re reading this!). It seems every year we are in more of a hurry to get from Point A to Point B and take less notice of what happens in between. Sure, we may take heaps of photos and chuck them on Facebook so everyone else can see that we are living the dream, but 20 years from now, how many of those memorable moments will you be able to remember at all? When the two week break comes around, don’t just waste it sitting on Facebook or sleeping in till noon. Walk around your neighbourhood and really look at your surroundings (not in a pervy way). Go out for dinner with a loved one and savour every course. Invite your friends around and talk to them face to face, rather than over a phone or the internet. Spend a weekend ticking off all the things that you’ve been meaning to do since the beginning of the year. Do your Christmas shopping. Because apparently it’s right around the corner.
Melita Martorana Sports Team Leader 921 9999 ext 7259
Zane Chase Vesbar Manager 921 9999 ext 8378
PS I haven’t tried to articulate a tribute to Sir Paul Reeves in this editorial, purely because I never got the honour of meeting him. Both AUT and our AuSM president Veronica have put together tributes (on page 8 and page 12 respectively) that showcase his talents, successes and what a great man he was. debate, AuSM and AUT sends their thoughts to his family and all who knew and loved him.
For a full list of contact details plus profiles of AuSM staff & student executive and information on clubs visit:
Corner The winning piece for Creative day for a will win one free hot drink each *! Piko from k wee only. The *Coffee, tea and hot chocolate k a day for drin hot free one have will er winn they day the from ting star , five week days redeem their first drink.
Martin Hofsteede Untitled
Antonio Avretto The Data Centre
Tamsyn Solomon Finn and Jake issue 19 2011
Letter of the week wins two movie tickets for Event Cinemas!
Letter of the week: Maxx Why would you change the bus timetables right before the world cup? Thanks to you, all the Grey Lynn/Ponsonby buses that drop me off metres away from uni (like the Link and the 035) are disappearing and the new stops will see me walking for 10 minutes to get to class on time. I have no idea what chimps you are hiring in your team but pissing off students, who account for a lot of bums on seats, isn’t the way to get repeat business. I’m taking my business to Urban Express from now on – the 30 cent discount isn’t worth getting up 20 minutes earlier for.
The English PM, David Cameron believe that people loot at will and youngsters have no respect for authority. But if he were to go back in time to when the Blitz occurred – the grim days of World War II when the German Luftwaffe raided London for over 50 consecutive days and nights, looting by opportunistic public were as “common as muck” ! So, in recent days in London, Birmingham and Manchester, a minority of Brits robbed and looted as those during the Blitz – and some of those involved were as young as 11 years old. What were the real reasons for the riot. Some speculate that it was racially motivated but then the rioters were multi-coloured, and Dear Debate predominantly white. The riots not only in slum Real Reasons For The Riots In London: areas but also in middle class white areas, unlike Masked youths wander the streets armed with the riots in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The recent stones, sticks, bottles, etc, engaged in running riots crossed not only the racial divides but also skirmishes with police, looting hundreds of social divides. shops, setting dozens of buildings and houses There were also claims that social media is ablaze – a real life scene lifted out from a war the root cause of all the recent violence. Youths movie. We have been captivated by such scenes were communicating and organising riots with emerging from London, Manchester, and txt messages, Twitter, Facebook and Blackberry Birmingham in recent days while the British Messenger. public has what sparked off this wave of anarchy. Some opposition politicians link these events However shocking as the violence has been, to Cameron’s spending cuts. It was long ago this isn’t the first time the UK has been paralyzed that tens of thousands of students took to the bydebate_half riots — riotspage_bleed.pdf had been a fact of over there5:54streets of London to protest about the university 1 life 18/08/11 PM since the racial riots during the 1970’s and 1980’s. fees hike – tuition fees would rise from £3000
debate letters policy: Letters need to make it into debate’s mailbox before Wednesday, 3pm each week for the following issue. You must give us your name when submitting letters to be eligible for letter of the week, but you can use a pseudonym for publication if you wish. Any letters longer than 250 words may be subjected to editing. Spelling and grammar will not be corrected. The editor reserves the right to decline without explanation. Most importantly, the views contained on the letters page do not necessarily represent the views of AuSM. Send your letters to or if you want to kick it old school, PO Box 6116, Wellesley St, Auckland.
to £9000 – a significant increase. They would be accompanied by increased rates of interest on student loans for high-earning graduates. Recently, the English Govt also announced that funding for university teaching would be cut by £3 billion a year. Perhaps David Cameron, hit it on the nail when he said the reason was “criminality, pure and simple”. Glad To Be Here Dear Debate, It was hardly a snowmageddon in Auckland. We just had a couple of snowflakes fallen in Auckland for the first time in 72 years but as soon as it appeared, it also disappeared in minutes. However for quite a few people who have not seen snow, it was spectacular but short lived event. Some Aucklanders will argue that they are glad snow is not a common occurrence since it will cause chaos – impassable roads, closed airport, delays in mail delivery, etc. Very sad lot ! But I say “bring on the polar blast” – it will be great to have snowball fights and to whiz down the hill slopes on wheelie bins or sheets of plastics to see who gets down first ! We only live once ! Regards, We Love Snow !
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It is with the heaviest of hearts that I write to you on the death of our Chancellor – and much-loved national taonga – Sir Paul Reeves. It can truly be said that on August 14 a mighty totara fell. On behalf of our council and of you all, I have extended our deepest sympathies to Lady Beverley and the wider Reeves family. Sir Paul was elected Chancellor of AUT in February 2005. He had enjoyed a distinguished career of public service, including ecclesiastical and vice-regal duties, earning a list of prestigious honours. Sir Paul was Archbishop and Primate of New Zealand from 1980 to 1985 and was then appointed Governor-General – a position he held until 1990. Sir Paul was the only person to have ever held both posts. In 1991 Sir Paul became the Anglican Observer to the United Nations in New York. In 1994 he became Deputy Leader of the Commonwealth Observer group to South Africa and Chair of the Nelson Mandela Trust. He went on to chair the Fiji Constitution Review Commission from 1995 to 1996 and was the Special Representative of the Commonwealth Secretary General to Guyana from 2002 to 2006. From 2007, he was similarly involved with Fiji. Sir Paul was admitted to the Order of New Zealand in 2007, the country’s highest honour. This was added to an already prestigious list including being made a Knight Bachelor (1985), a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (1985), a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victoria Order (1986) and the Queens’ Service Order for public services (1990). In recent times, as his ill health became apparent, Sir Paul announced that he would be cutting down his public roles, but wished to continue as our Chancellor. That desire to remain involved with AUT speaks volumes about Sir Paul’s commitment and dedication to this University – for which we are so grateful and of which we are so proud. Our University and the education sector has benefited greatly from Sir Paul Reeves’ personal and professional passion and contribution. He was a force to be reckoned with, a friend and a visionary. He was a wonderful colleague and encourager, with a great grasp of the big picture who also had an ability to put things into perspective with his sense of humour and wit. Personally, I found his support and leadership invaluable and his passing leaves not a hole but a chasm. Sir Paul will be deeply and keenly missed by the community of AUT and by the nation as a whole. Derek McCormack Vice-Chancellor
issue 19 2011
AUT Business School gains elite international ranking
by Christopher Chang AUT University’s Business School has joined an elite group as one of the top business schools in the world. The university has finally caught up to its New Zealand counterparts in gaining an Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation. Victoria University, Massey University, the University of Waikato, the University of Otago and the University of Auckland are all accredited business schools. Business School dean Dr Geoff Perry says the accreditation reflects on both the students and staff at the university. “We pride ourselves on developing students as confident, capable business professionals, ready to step straight into the work force. Our graduates are highly valued by employers in New Zealand and overseas.” The AACSB uses ‘accreditation standards’ to assess areas of a business school, such as its
faculty progra mmes and teaching quality. It is internationally recognised and AUT is now placed among the top five per cent of business schools in the world. Dr Perry says AACSB was particularly interested in AUT’s business internship opportunities. They involve business work placements in New Zealand and international exchange programmes overseas. “Our internships enhance graduate employment opportunities and create further links between the Business School and industry.” Students were quick to praise the business school on the back of the announcement. Michael Lee, 19, agrees that AUT’s internships are very enticing, especially considering the tough job market. “I am interested in doing an internship as I believe it will help me in the future. Also, gaining work experience and being able to put my foot in the door helps with opportunities for jobs.”
Lee made the decision to switch from Sports and Recreation to studying for a Bachelor of Business degree. He says he was drawn to AUT’s reputation and style of teaching. “Universities out there like Auckland University just throw you in the deep end and don’t apply the hands-on work and one-on-one relationship like AUT does.” Tony Wong, 22, is also in his first year of a Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in accounting. He says the school’s reputation was a huge factor in deciding where to study. “For me, the opportunities at AUT are endless. I knew they had really good programme and I would love to do an exchange to somewhere like Copenhagen Business School.” AUT University vice chancellor Derek McCormack says the recognition of the university’s commitment to business education is extremely rewarding.
Christchurch student radio back on the airwaves – via horse truck? by Laura Dooney Canterbury University student radio is broadcasting live for the first time since the February 22 earthquake – from the back of a horse truck. When the quake struck earlier this year, the student union building, where the station has been based for over 20 years, was severely damaged and given a red sticker. While RDU managed to broadcast pre-recorded shows through a laptop, a new base was needed. Station manager James Meharry says looking for new premises was hard. Rent in Christchurch is four times what it was pre-quake and Meharry was loathe to commit to a four year lease in an area that didn’t suit the station. It was decided that a horse truck was the best option. The truck, known as the RDUnit, even has sides that fold down; in summer it will create a stage for live bands. A studio has been set up inside the truck and while there have been some initial hitches, radio hosts and listeners are chuffed with the new set up. Programme director for RDU William Privett loves the new studio, although space is an issue in the horse truck. “It’s so awesome to be back up and running, but it’s hard to look after everyone in the back of a
truck. It’s certainly not as comfy as an office.” The idea of broadcasting out of a truck was “guffawed at” to begin with, but producer Rachel Morton says Meharry’s bizarre will and determination saw the idea turn into reality. Privett says while the situation is obviously not ideal, it has pushed them into doing something exciting and original with the station. “When summer comes we plan to get more adventurous. You’ll be able to find us in any corner of Christchurch. “We will be able to broadcast from parks and festivals, and have people hanging out around the truck – strengthening the connection between us and the listeners.” With much uncertainty around how long Christchurch will take to be rebuilt, Meharry can’t say for sure how long RDU will be broadcast from a horse truck. “It could be a year, or two years. It depends on the rebuild. We hope it will only be short to medium term, but it could be long term.” In the meantime being a producer in the truck is fun for Morton. “It’s so exciting to see it all come to fruition. It’s trucking along nicely, it really is.”
Need someone to talk to? Student Advisors are here to help you succeed at university. You can see a Student Advisor about almost anything that is concerning you. You can talk to us about any practical, social, academic or personal issue. We are located on all three AUT campuses. If you need someone to talk to, come and see us today. Drop in:
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What make was the Governor-General’s car, which went up for auction last week alongside the government fleet of BMWs? a) BMW b) Mercedes c) Jaguar d) Rolls Royce
Jessica Alba, Tina Fey and Victoria Beckham have all been in the news recently because of what? a) They have all recently announced fashion lines b) They all recently gave birth to baby girls c) Wore the same thing to the Do Something Awards d) They had a fight on Twitter
Which female tennis player won the Rogers Cup in Toronto last week? a) Samantha Stosur b) Venus Williams c) Serena Williams d) Kim Clijsters
Robbie Deans has just signed a new coaching contract with the Wallabies until when? a) 2012 b) 2013 c) 2014 d) He hasn’t signed a contract; the ARU are waiting until the World Cup is over
What country was actress Mila Kunis born in? a) Russia b) Ukraine c) Eurasia d) United States of America
Which one of these titles did Sir Paul Reeves NEVER hold during his life? a) Governor-General b) AUT Chancellor c) Primate and Archbishop of New Zealand d) He held all of these posts at some point
What country does Corsica, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, belong to? a) Italy b) France c) England d) Germany
by Paul Stevens
In recent times the English rugby team has experienced an influx of foreign talent into its national side. In 2002, Henry Paul became one of the first big name overseas players to turn down the opportunity to pursue Super 12 rugby in his homeland of New Zealand, instead choosing the opportunity to play for the English Rose. The fiery Dylan Hartley, ex New Zealand Maori Riki Flutey and ex Kiwi and New Zealand Warriors rugby league player Shontayne Hape are three New Zealand players that can be found playing rugby for England. The 40 man England training squad selected prior to the Rugby World Cup contains no fewer than eight overseas born players, two of those earning their debuts in the recent warm up match against the Welsh. Many critics find this influx of foreign talent into the English ranks a new tactic aimed at helping to eradicate the English mentality of “up the guts” rugby, replacing it with running rugby – much like that played by the All Blacks. Unfortunately here in New Zealand, anything Mother England does will be met with criticism and scorned by many journalists and sports fans. Why this is the case is a debate for another day. One can certainly argue it is a case of a nosey neighbour peering over into next door’s yard, forgetting about what is in their own yard. By this I mean the success New Zealand has had with the use of foreign sportsmen and women. There is a very credible argument that the wonderful Silver Ferns netball team would be lost without the near perfect
Who won the golf US PGA Championship last week, after forcing a three-hole playoff? a) Keegan Bradley b) Jason Dufner c) Phil Mickelson d) Tiger Woods
When did Spongebob Squarepants first air on television? a) May 1, 1999 b) May 1, 2000 c) May 1, 2001 d) May 1, 2002 Who is New Zealand’s Labour Minister? a) Anne Tolley b) Steven Joyce c) Kate Wilkinson d) Bill English
Answers: C, B, C, B, B, B, D, A, A, C.
shooting skills of Irene van Dyk. Then there is the world of golf where a man called Danny Lee is making a household name for himself. Originally born in Korea, he is fast becoming, if not already, New Zealand’s best golfer. David Tua, New Zealand’s best boxer, is Samoan born but chooses to fight out of New Zealand. Lastly, Marina Erakovic is New Zealand number one women’s tennis player, but her roots come from Croatia. However, there is one sport that takes the gold medal in fielding the most foreign born players. You’ve probably already guessed it: yes, it’s the All Blacks. Inga Tuigamala, Mils Muliaina, Joe Rokocoko, Sitiveni Sivivatu, Rodney So’oialo and Jerome Kaino are all household All Black names who have represented their country with pride and passion. Foreign born players have been playing for New Zealand long before any foreign athlete played for England and if the athlete plays with passion, pride and bravery for their chosen country can we have any argument or criticism of that country’s selection policy? Manu Tuilangi did what any English rugby fan would have wanted against Wales in the opening warm up game and that was to score, and to top it off he celebrated with the same passion John Smith from Yorkshire would have celebrated if he had scored. It is easy to criticise others rather than look at yourself; in this case many people are guilty of this. At the coming World Cup there is no better time than now to celebrate the global sport that rugby is becoming, where foreign players can be found playing for Japan, Namibia, Wales, England and New Zealand. Passion, bravery, loyalty and pride is what fans look for in players. England’s foreign talent will get no better opportunity to silence their critics than on the grandest stage of them all.
issue 19 2011
by Scott Moyes
Maori culture is a big part of growing up in New Zealand. The Brits may have brandished their muskets and labelled us Christian, but Maori is still a massive part of our identity. Just look at how TVNZ goes delirious when it’s Maori language week. Many of you will have grown up attending a New Zealand primary school. You will have read all those ‘big books’ with the Maori names you probably struggled to pronounce. You will have learnt all the colours of the rainbow in Te Reo and been told all the legends of Maui and the great Taniwha that swims below. Up until not so long ago, you probably still had a little giggle every time the weatherman said Whakatane on the news. But whether you love it or hate it, Maori is who we are. It’s where we come from. Whether you say ‘toe-paw’ or ‘tow-poe’, it’s one of the few things we can call our own. It’s something that many foreigners can’t quite grasp. They don’t get why we sprinkle Maori words all over our sentences. They don’t get that pressing our nose against yours isn’t trying to steal a sneaky pash. It therefore comes as no surprise that they don’t get why we do the haka before we play rugby. The All Blacks’ haka has been criticised for as long as they have been successful, which is just about always. Just about every time someone has come out in the media about it, there has usually been a brutal backlash resulting in a New Zealand whitewash. The latest such comment comes from Australian Fox Sports commentator, Greg Martin. He claims that the haka gives the All Blacks an “unfair physical advantage”. In essence, he’s probably right. Screaming at the top of your lungs whilst rolling your eyes into the back of your head probably does give you some sort of marginal advantage. Be it a physical advantage, I highly doubt. Performing the haka isn’t what makes Daniel Carter the best first-five in the world, neither does it make Richie McCaw one of the most inspirational or most capped All Black captains of all time. It must be acknowledged that these latest comments come off the back of the All Blacks giving the Wallabies a thumping. Such remarks wouldn’t have surfaced if the Wallabies had won at Eden Park. Either we’d be too depressed to care or they’d be so jubilant it wouldn’t matter.
So the latest jibe probably comes out of frustration more than anything. However I tend to think the reason the haka is criticised so heavily is because it unites the All Blacks in such a way that the opposition can only dream of. Laying down the challenge by performing the haka doesn’t make you a better player, it makes you a better team. It gels you as a unit. Instead of trying to abolish the ritual, perhaps the opposition need to find their own way of firing up for the big matches? Australia could waltz with Matilda. Ireland could re-enact a traditional pub crawl. England could watch Coronation St in the dressing room. The haka is so deeply entrenched in tradition that I highly doubt it will be abolished any time soon. Even if the world becomes so politically correct to the stage where the ritual is considered a genuine death threat, the boys in black will still slap their forearms and roll their eyes in some way or another. There are so many different levels on which you can enjoy the haka. There’s the most obvious thrill when you watch the Polynesian powerhouses stick their tongues out further than KISS and scream at you through the television with steam rising off their heads. Then there’s your chickenlegged Conrad Smiths who do their best to put on a scary face while they slap their pasty thighs. And then there’s the reaction of the opposition, who either look like they want to dig a hole or giggle with their teammate about how they can see down Brad Thorn’s throat. But easily the best haka moments are games against Polynesian teams who do their own version of the haka at the same time. I love it. There’s dead-set no better way to start a sporting match then two teams roaring at each other about how badly the other is about to get owned. What would you even call that? A hak-off? In the end I guess it just comes down to cultural awareness. Other nations may not understand why we do the haka, but there are plenty of things I don’t understand about them either. For example, I don’t get how making a bull run through a red towel is legal. I don’t get why guys kiss each other on the cheek in France. I certainly don’t get how straight vodka can taste good in Russia. At the risk of sounding like Sir Moral-Jacksalot, I think it’s just about accepting each culture for their differences. If nothing else, it’s trying to keep a straight face when 22 deranged men are showing you their tongues.
by Alicia Crocket
Leftovers are awesome. There is no better way than using your leftovers to make sure that you get your money’s worth out of the food you spend your hard earned cash on and the other cool thing is that you’re not limited to having the same meal two nights in a row; you can easily reinvent your leftovers into another fantastic meal for your lunch or dinner. The secret is to be creative. You might think the only way to serve sausages is as a sausage. However, if you have leftover sausages there are heaps you can do with the addition of a few pantry ingredients. You can make sausage pasta by cutting them up into a pasta sauce. Or you can make sausage risotto, pilaf or jambalaya by sautéing them with some rice and veges adding stock and then cooking it until the rice is cooked. All these are great one pan meals that can turn your leftover sausages into another great meal. For super simple meals with leftover meat, chop it up into a salad or make a warm meat sandwich with onions and mustard. These are also good brunch options. If you have leftover mashed potato, you can make fish or potato cakes, just mix your mashed potato with some canned fish, cheese, onion and herbs, cook in a little bit of oil and you’re done. The other thing you can do with leftover potato is to use it on top of a pie. You can either make up a new pie filling or if you’re really lucky you’ll have leftover cooked meat. Roast beef pie? Butter chicken pie? Don’t mind if I do! Pop your already cooked filling into a dish, cover with the potato and put it in the oven at 150°C for about 30 minutes or until the filling is bubbling hot. If you’re lucky enough to have leftover roast veges, add some feta and some vinaigrette and make a roast vege salad or you can use them to top pizza or mix it with tuna and cheese to make a calzone (like a pizza but the dough is folded in half so it has a top and a bottom). A calzone is meant to be done with yeast dough, but if you’re in a rush make scone dough instead. Do a double batch of scone dough, roll out the bottom and then roll out a top piece to fit over your filling. Before you put on the top dough, put a little bit of milk onto the outside edge of the base so the top will stick. There are so many things you can do to reinvent your leftovers; these are only a few ideas to start you off. So get into the swing of making extra meals out of your leftovers and start saving money on your grocery bill.
by Alicia Crocket Serves 4 Dairy free Cost per serve: $1.41
I love the fresh flavor that the mint and/or coriander gives this dish, and as always feel free to substitute vegetables that you have in your fridge or pantry. You can also use up any leftover veges from the night before and skip step three. This pilaf is lovely served by itself as a main dish, or equally you can serve it as a side dish. For those of you who aren’t familiar with bulghur wheat, it’s a cereal made from several different types of wheat. It kind of looks like spaghetti cut up into very small pieces. It can be used as a replacement for rice or couscous and has a lovely nutty flavor. It should be available in your local supermarket and although it might seem expensive to buy one pack, a little bit of bulghur goes a long way.
200g cooked chickpeas (100g dried chickpeas soaked for a few hours and boiled until soft) ¾ cup medium bulghur wheat 1 Tbsp oil ½ cup extra veges, chopped (capsicum, mushrooms, cabbage, chopped beans, celery, cauliflower) 2 carrots, diced into 0.5cm pieces 1 onion, chopped ¼-½ teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 tsp vegetable stock powder mixed with 1 cup hot water 1 cup frozen peas ¼ cup coarsely chopped nuts (almonds, cashews are best, but you can use walnuts or peanuts) ¼ cup raisins, currants or chopped dried apricots 1 Tbsp chopped fresh mint or coriander
1 If you have to cook your chickpeas, do this first. Otherwise, rinse the chickpeas if you are using canned ones. 2 Place the bulgher wheat into a large bowl and cover with water 3 Heat the oil in a saucepan over a medium heat 4 Cook the extra veges and once they start to soften remove and put aside for later 5 Add the carrots and onion and sauté for approximately five minutes until they soften 6 Add the bulgher wheat and the cayenne pepper and stir for a minute until the bulgher is well coated 7 Add the stock powder and water and the extra veges that you cooked earlier 8 Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer until the bulgher is tender and the liquid has been absorbed. This should take about 10 minutes 9 Add the peas, chopped nuts and raisins, take off the heat and leave covered for about five minutes 10 Add the chopped herbs and serve issue 19 2011
a tribute to sir paul Dear Sir Paul Reeves, The students of AUT could not have asked for a better man to champion us here at AUT as our Chancellor. You will be sadly missed, forever remembered and your legacy will live on for many years to come. On behalf of all the AUT students – past, present and future – THANK YOU for your love, compassion, commitment and loyalty to us. It has been through your leadership, courage and drive that we are gifted with the university you have left behind for us. It has been almost three years since I was first introduced to you; at the time I was vice president of AuSM and it was my first year on AUT Council (the highest decision making board within the university). Being the student representative on the council was nerve-wracking, challenging and certainly placing me out of my comfort zone. Three years in comparison to many others who knew you longer is obsolete in that you were always a man of quality. Whether people knew you for a brief moment in time, worked alongside you in the many different communities you were involved in or were a relative (many times I felt like you were my grandfather), you had this ability to make people feel welcomed, accepted and always important. No matter where people came from, what their interests were or what their beliefs were, Sir Paul, you always had a way to our hearts in that you always radiated love. My experience with you was primarily shaped around the AUT Council as you were the chair and I, the student representative. It is with immense confidence that I can testify to the student body that you, Sir Paul, knew AUT would always succeed if we always kept students needs and benefits at the core of our business. You knew students were the heart of this university and you ensured that our voice was always heard. You always encouraged us to challenge some of the thinking on council and you too challenged the university to ensure they were delivering for us. In short, you were the constant reminder and pillar of integrity, truth and humility. Your compassion, grace and dignity far surpassed the good decisions, discussions and agenda items we had during council. Your loyalty to students will always astound me and I can only say that students at AUT were very lucky to have you as our ally. Sir Paul, you were not only the greatest Chancellor for AUT, but also a national icon and statesman to this country. You lived a life full of service and all those who knew you will agree that you were a man of truth and virtue. It has been an honour to serve on the council with you, it has been a privilege to be in the presence of your wise counsel and most importantly, it has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life fighting the student fight alongside you. The students of AUT bid you farewell, we pray your soul finds rest and we mourn with the nation for today a wise kauri has laid its roots to rest and the gift you leave behind is to serve others as you have served us. Ia manuia lau Malaga Love Veronica and the students of AUT
Veronica Ng Lam AuSM President 921 9999 ext 8571
by Hazel Buckingham
Mo money, mo problems or: How National has seen the light on youth benefits I remember the joy of turning 14. It meant an independence I had not been able to attain previously; I could get my own job and start earning my own money. I began at Baker’s Delight in lowly old Pukekohe on something like $8 an hour. Sure, I’ve spent my money on a few unnecessary items over the years – clothes, shoes, excess drinking are all activities that come to mind. But I felt a sense of freedom and liberation because it was MY money that I was earning myself. So why should the money that I have worked hard for over the years and paid as tax, be placed in the hands of 16 and 17 year olds to have that same freedom, while doing nothing to earn it? National has recently announced their policy for the youth rate scheme if they are given electoral power. They plan to control the money that is given to the 16 and 17 year beneficiaries; pay their rent and power directly and put the rest on a card similar to that as a debit card that can only be spent at major retailers and supermarkets. The card will not be allowed to be used to buy alcohol and cigarettes – HALLELUJAH, NATIONAL HAS SEEN THE LIGHT! No longer are our hard earned taxes going to waste on getting youth into the never-
ending circle of welfare dependency, addiction and binge drinking. They will be used in a beneficial way. While controlling their benefit money, National also plan to encourage youth to get into work, training and education. No longer will there be lazy 16 year olds lying on the couch, eating buckets of KFC complaining about there being no jobs. This does nothing but anger me. I take initiative and manage to find a job every time I look. I am at university receiving an education. And I will not take criticism such as ‘yeah but you’re in the position to such things, you must have parents with open wallets’, because I do not! Teenagers these days need to wake-up to the real world. All you need to do is get up and show ingenuity and the world is your oyster. National is not trying to turn this into a nanny state. It is not in any way a dictatorship by telling teenagers how to spend their money. Teenagers need guidance, and if it won’t come from the parents, it has to come from somewhere. If all we have is a welfare dependent society, it will be a vicious circle. Ninety per cent of the adolescences currently
on the youth rates benefit will go onto the adult benefit and their children will live the same lives as them. Someone has to step up and do something about it and National have hit it bang on the money. Teenagers should not be given free money for doing nothing and encouraged to spend it on whatever they want. Everyone has a boss in life and by giving them free money, the Government takes this role. I’m sure your boss wouldn’t let you buy smokes and alcohol on the company credit card – so why should this be any different on a youth rates benefit?!
Mid-semester Blowout!
-Circuit Training: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 12pm, Tennis Courts We’re half way through semester - Classes are free for both students two! To celebrate, Vesbar are and staff based over the Manukau having a Mid-Semester Blowout Campus. party this Thursday. Come - No Student ID is required. along anytime until late and - For boxing, gear is provided, but enjoy great company, music, you are welcome to bring your bar food and drink specials. All own. welcome! R18. - Boxing classes venue may vary. - For more info please contact Listen Up Fitness Tony at
We have some free classes for you on every campus!
City campus Fitness Centre:
- Mondays, Express Circuit @ 1pm - Tuesdays, Yoga @ 5.30pm - Thursdays, Yoga @ 5.30pm - Fridays, Zumba @ 4pm NOTE: students must present a current student ID card for free entry. Due to limited space, students must pre-register at gym reception.
Manukau campus:
AUT Sevens Players’ meeting
All students keen to play in our Sevens team are invited to participate. The team will soon start preparation for the 2011 AUT Sevens. For more info please email Kevin at Come to a meeting on your campus: - Manukau Campus: August 22, MD109, 4pm-5pm - North Shore: August 24, AF208, 5pm-6pm
Free Feeds this week
This week we will be serving up yummy vege lasagne on each campus. We’re over at Manukau campus every Monday, North Shore campus on Tuesdays in Awataha Plaza and City campus on Thursdays. Make sure you say hello to Kyle, Que and Vincent who man the free feeds every week rain, shine or even snow!
Tuesday is ‘Mean Machine Day’
SOSE will be hosting ‘Mean Machine Day’ this Tuesday. It kicks off at 11am and goes through to 1pm in the City quad. Come check out race cars, drift cars, motorbikes and more. There’s the chance to win hot laps around Pukekohe and you can also buy tickets to SOSE’s open track day on the 15th of September.
- Boxing Classes: Mondays & Fridays, 8am, MD107
issue 19 2011
by Jason Burnett
At midnight on Wednesday, August 17, New Zealand became free of synthetic cannabis. Kronic, the most well known brand of fake weed and distributed by New Zealand legal high godfather Matt Bowden, seems to have taken the brunt of the assault. Associate health minister Peter Dunne is the mastermind behind the antidrug war, rushing through the amendment to the misuse of drugs act, banning all synthetic cannabis. Are his motives pure or is it another misguided, failed attempt by an old white man out of touch with today’s society? Legal highs have been around for years – synthetic cannabis has been on shelves for the past five years alone. So why the sudden rush to ban it? Recently, the media have reported on cases where citizens have suffered ill effects after consuming the legal highs. Emergency rooms have reported an influx of patients complaining of anxiety, paranoia and increased heart rate. It seems only with sensationalising the issue does change come about. However, to date no one has been seriously injured from fake weed. No one has crashed a car. No one has overdosed. No one has died. So is this prohibition a knee jerk reaction? Let’s look at the facts. A recent study published in The Lancet ranked drugs in order from most harmful to least, based on the physical harm to the user, the addictive potential of the drug and the drugs overall impact on society. While heroin and cocaine were ranked one and two respectively, what is interesting is alcohol posted fifth most harmful and tobacco is not far behind in ninth. Meanwhile, cannabis, LSD and ecstasy were ranked 11th, 14th and 18th respectively. So how is it that harmful substances like alcohol and cigarettes can be legal while other drugs, that are far less harmful, are illicit? Drugs are big business, make no mistake. And while the drug dealer on the side of
the road can fuel his playboy lifestyle by pedalling the illicit substances, it is the CEOs of alcohol and cigarette suppliers that are laughing all the way to the bank. Smokes and booze are such big business, companies will go to great lengths to keep politicians in their pockets and keep competition out of the market. If safer drugs were government regulated and released to the masses one does wonder what would happen to the pretty profits of the alcohol and tobacco industry? Corporate political bribery aside, why have less harmful drugs not been regulated and taxed? One only needs to look at the Nixon era in the United States for answers. After ending the Vietnam War, America had no enemies to focus their re-election campaign on. So what do they do? The Nixon regime looks inward and turns law abiding, taxpaying citizens who only socially smoke some grass, or get all loved up on the hug drug, into criminals. Let the war on drugs begin. Soon, the rest of the world joined in. If someone is mentally unfit and murders another, they are deemed not responsible for their action. They are not a criminal. They are not sent to prison. They get medical treatment. So how is it, that an addict who, being mentally unfit and in the throes of super addiction, be responsible for their actions? How
50 per cent after the decriminalisation of all drugs. Heroin addicts of the Netherlands are treated with health care instead of prison. Matt Bowden, the legal high king of New Zealand says he will no longer participate in the legal cannabis industry citing his disapproval of the government’s refusal to listen to sense. A regulated industry can be a safer industry. Regulation and education from the public sector, as is the case in the smoking industry, results in informed consent. Drugs don’t create criminals. Lack of support and a flawed legal system create criminals. Conservatism is dying. We are the social neoliberalists. We are the future policy makers. We are the Wasted Generation.
can they be considered criminal? Why is it that they get sent to prison instead of getting medical help? This thinking is the cornerstone for any old white man in the western world aspiring for a political career. Drugs addicts to them are criminals and should be punished. Yet, according to the law, Peter Dunne is too a criminal after confessing to smoking the Electric Puha in his younger days. So too is the current President of the United States, Barack Obama, who dabbled in one of the most harmful drugs, cocaine, in college. Adding to this is the cost to the taxpayer - the resources spent on policing petty drug convictions, raiding drug houses, the time spent by police enforcing a ban on low harm substances when they should be out catching murderers, paedophiles and rapists. Perhaps New Zealand should look to Europe; in Spain crime has dropped
Deadline is Tuesday September 20. 16.
issue 19 2011
by Alisha Lewis
In May, the world said goodbye to a legend. Oprah Winfrey, the queen of daytime TV and, well, almost everything else too, aired the last episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show after an epic 25 year run. Her parting words to the audience were particularly poignant: “I won’t say goodbye. I’ll just say, until we meet again.” A sweet sentiment, yes, but the truth is, it’s much easier said than done. It’s almost as though we went through a bitter break-up – a colossal one, at that. Indeed, her final show was stripped of all fanfare; there was no giving away of cars, no trips to Australia, no surprise makeovers. Instead, it was just Oprah giving what she called “a love letter” to her audience. Oprah was ready to move on. We were not. And it’s never easy to be dumped. Never easy to hear the words “It’s been great; I hope we can still be friends”. Of course, we will always be friends with Oprah. Every person who has ever cried, screamed, raged, laughed and learned something about themselves with her. But everyone knows that after a break-up, the relationship alters. There’s a shift, a subtle change. And nothing is ever the same again. For millions around the world, and soon for us in New Zealand (the final show airs here this Monday), there will be a gaping space not just in our lives but also, in our weekday afternoons. Two o’clock will come and go without notice. In her wake, talk show heavyweights have been battling it out to claim the coveted position Oprah left behind. It’s like a twisted real-life version of The Bachelor – they’re all competing for our affection, to be our next significant other. To be our rebound talk show. Perhaps we’ll turn to Ellen. Everybody loves Ellen. She knows how to make an entrance, she knows how to dance and she knows how to make people laugh; like that real rolling-on-the-floor, clutching-your-sides and begging-for-mercy kind of laughter. But is that enough? I can’t say anything bad about Ellen. Nothing at all. I love Ellen. She does some pretty brilliant giveaways. She’s an advocate for all kinds of things. She loves animals. Hell, she’s Dory in Finding Nemo. You really can’t hate on that. Only thing is; when you’re looking for something a little less funny and a little more thought-provoking, when you’re starting to lose faith in humanity, when you simply want to be inspired, it’s not always as satisfying to turn on Ellen and watch a group of grown women stumble around blindfolded, whacking each other with giant foam mallets in an effort to win some sort of prize. Funny? Yes. Inspiring? No. So maybe, at this point, you turn to your good friend Dr. Phil for a little bit of soul-searching advice. A bit of that thoughtprovoking good stuff we’ve been looking for – after all, he did get his start on Oprah.
But there’re only so many times you can hear people complain about their family issues, their daddy issues and their drug problems. There’re only so many times you can subject yourself to ‘specials’ like ‘The Dr. Phil Housewives’ just to listen to a group of menopausal women bitch about their love lives (or lack thereof) and self confidence issues. Oprah showed us stories of people overcoming huge odds – of people doing amazing things with their lives, not watery dramas masquerading as real life issues. And if The Dr. Phil Housewives does float your boat, Celebrity Rehab can probably provide you with a much juicier hour anyway. Or Jeremy ‘You stole my husband… now I’m his secret mistress!’ Kyle. God forbid we turn to Jeremy Kyle for comfort. No, we mustn’t sink that low in our despair. Unfortunately, it seems as though many people have. Jeremy Kyle, albeit generally airing before noon, often leads the ratings in its timeslot. This explains so much. For example: why so many people can’t differentiate between ‘you’re’ and ‘your’ or ‘something’ and ‘somethink’ – the latter of which, by the way, is not actually a word. After an hour listening to the guests on an episode titled ‘The ultimate betrayal: son, you stole my girlfriend!’ you really do end up feeling stupider. It’s depressing to think we may simply never see another talk show host that will be able to measure up. Or, on an even grander scale, another person with the ability to resonate with so many people on such a personal level. Should we consider ourselves doomed to a lifetime of bad daytime television or simply privileged that we were able to be part of the monumental production that was The Oprah Winfrey Show? With the likes of Jeremy Kyle and Tyra floating around (and doing so well), it doesn’t look promising. After all, history proves track records haven’t been great. The talk shows of yesteryear were lead by the likes of Ricki Lake and Sally Jesse Raphael – both of whom have faded into obscurity, remembered largely for their fluctuating weight and ridiculous redrimmed spectacles, respectively. Perhaps in a few years, we will see the next generation’s ‘Oprah’ begin a new career. Maybe the stage is finally ready for another host to take the mic. More likely however, we will never see another Oprah. Instead, we must mend our broken hearts and deal with the loss of the ultimate two o’clock talk show diva. I’d recommend Ellen. After all, for mending just about anything, laughter really is the best medicine.
2. The Arts scene
The North Shore has a thriving arts community which is residence to many established New Zealand artists and crafts people. There are a ton of galleries scattered around the Shore, both commercial and community ones, but a lot of them are situated in Devonport – an artsy, suburb by the sea, filled with quaint cafes, boutiques and vintage stores. Wherever you are though, you’re always bound to come across some interesting exhibitions.
by Alisha Lewis
Some of the most popular galleries in the area include:
When you’ve been attending uni on the city campus for long enough, you’re definitely in danger of becoming a bit of a city snob. Every now and then, when you find yourself sipping one-too-many lattes at Gloria Jeans, it might be time to consider yourself ready for a little dose of fresh air, fresh hangouts and fresh surroundings – aka a little dose of the North Shore. For Central Aucklanders there’s always been a bit of an ‘us’ and ‘them’ thing going on when it comes to the North Shore. It all stems from the illusion that there’s simply no need to venture outside of the boundaries of Central Auckland when we have all the best shops, galleries, cafes, bars and restaurants here already. It wasn’t till the long-awaited UK clothing store Topshop opened its doors in the North Shore’s The Department Store that we saw a small flurry of activity heading over the bridge. The brave and the fashionstarved made the trek over to get their hands on the latest blazers and pea coats and Kate Moss collections. But thing is, rumour has it there’s actually quite a bit more to the North Shore than blazers, pea coats and pint-sized Kate Moss daisy dukes. Turns out they have some pretty sweet beaches over there. And, dare I say it, their cafes and restaurants may actually be better than ours. Add to that the fact that the North Shore is actually one of the art hubs of the country and also has some pretty diverse shopping – from high end boutiques to markets to second-hand stores (for when you’ve been to Paper Bag Princess too many times) and you’ll soon be resenting AUT for planting its main campus in the cramped CBD where parking prices are through the roof and open spaces are limited to Albert ‘stoner central’ Park. As a long time city girl, I’m the last person to admit that the grass really might be greener on the other side (of the bridge). There are a million reasons to love the North Shore.
1. The beaches
This one might not be so relevant right now – in the midst of one of the most bone-chilling winters ever, a casual dip in the ocean probably isn’t on the top of your list of things to do this weekend. But when you’re stuck in the city it’s nice to get away for a bit; to enjoy a view that isn’t yet another apartment building or your neighbour’s mould-ridden fence. It’s no secret nature can be inspiring – and often, when you’re faced with looming assignments and long essays, a little inspiration is just what you need. And to get it, you don’t have to head very far.
Takapuna Beach is a great little spot in the North Shore. With golden sand and ample shade, it has a real ‘New Zealandy’ feel to it. Perfect for swimming, surfing, sunbathing and picnicking. It may not be good weather for, well, any of those things right now, but the weather can’t stop you from grabbing a couple of mates and parking your car in the car park overlooking the beach. With some good music and a couple of dollars worth of fish and chips you can still enjoy the quintessential Kiwi beach experience from the warmth of your car. If you’re brave enough to venture out, there
Flagstaff Gallery: 30 Victoria Rd, Devonport The Depot Artspace: 28 Clarence St, Devonport Art of this World: 1 Queens Pde, Devonport The Lake House: Fred Thomspon Dr, Takapuna Next Door Gallery: 132 Hinemoa St, Birkenhead NorthArt: Norman Kings Square, Northcote There’s also a walking trail called ‘The Harbourside Art Trail’ that takes you to the studios and workshops of seven famous New Zealand artists. But it’s not just galleries and art spaces that make up the arts scene on the North Shore. Theatre also thrives on the other side of the bridge. The Bruce Mason Theatre is the North Shore’s key theatre and hosts a year-round programme of performing arts, including musical and theatre events (tickets aren’t expensive, check it out). Another local classic is The Pumphouse Theatre and Gallery which began its life as a water pumping station for the North Shore in 1905 and is now one of the most vibrant theatre/galleries in the region.
are toilets, a changing block and a picnic area. On clear days it has great views of Rangitoto. Other good beaches on the Shore: Devonport beach: Another good beach to enjoy from your car. Its proximity to shops and cafes also comes in handy. Browns Bay: Great for swimming and barbecuing, this one’s close to a large shopping centre and has a boat ramp, as well as a ski lane, if you’re into water sports. For skateboarders, there’s even a ramp on the reserve area. It also has plenty of beachfront cafes to shelter in during winter.
issue 19 2011
3. The shopping It hosts lunchtime concerts, drama festivals and musical theatre as well as recitals, dance and comedy shows. The gallery there presents a new exhibition every three weeks. To find out what’s on at the moment head to their website: And for that little extra culture fix you can always check out the three museums in historic Devonport (you’ve probably been to the Auckland Museum a million times – here’s something new) or take the Literary Walk to visit the houses of past and present Kiwi authors – it’s another one of the North Shore’s brilliant heritage trails.
If clothing is your preferred art form however, there’s plenty to satisfy over on the Shore. Devonport, Takapuna and Browns Bay in particular are fashion Hot Spots. In terms of shopping malls, the North Shore boasts three Westfields in Albany, Glenfield and Takapuna. I’d recommend the modern, undercover Glenfield Mall which has a number of smaller individual stores alongside the old-faithfuls like Glassons, Portmans etc. If you want some more hard-hitting, retail therapy, there’s a wide range of boutiques and specialty outlets in Hurstmere Rd, Takapuna. And in Devonport, it all goes down in the quaint village environment area. Devonport and Takapuna are also well known for their scattering of second-hand and vintage clothing stores where you can find some great stuff you know no-one else will have. There’s also a collection of New Zealand specialty shops which work really well in the North Shore since the area has a much more laid-back, Kiwi vibe to it compared to the hectic, urban nature of Central Auckland. In particular, and the Peter Raoss Glass Gallery, both in Devonport, are worth checking out. On a student budget they’re probably a tad out of our price range but it’s always nice to dream. If you’re after even more New Zealandmade goodies but don’t want to fork out boutique-prices the North Shore’s the place to go for the best local markets. Birkenhead Artisan Market 110 Hinemoa St, Birkenhead: Third Sat of the month8.30am-1.00pm Browns Bay Flea Market Carpark Anzac Rd, Browns Bay: Sundays 8.00am-noon Devonport Craft Market Devonport Community House, Clarence St: First Sunday of the month 10.00am-3.00pm Takapuna Flea Market Central Carpark, Anzac St: Sundays 6.00am-noon
5. Wining and dining
Naturally, after all that hard work gallery hopping and boutique shopping, you’re going to work up a bit of an appetite. Quite conveniently, the North Shore has some of the best cafes, restaurants and bars in Auckland. That laid-back beachy atmosphere also makes it perfect for a relaxing afternoon or evening out, when you want to escape the city for a bit but don’t actually have the time to go anywhere too far. The vibe on the Shore does make you feel like you’ve actually left Auckland though – especially when you head to Takapuna or Devonport. That’s where the best restaurants are, probably partly due to their proximity to the waterfront. It’s kind of akin to dining somewhere in the Coromandel or Hawke’s Bay – it has that relaxed, seaside resort feel to it. As far as cafes go, there’s a huge amount of variation. General dining is also full of choice and the cuisine is truly international – from Turkish to traditional Kiwi. Most restaurants on the North Shore use the freshest local produce and only the best New Zealand wines (although there’s always something cheap on the list to satisfy the students). After dinner you can continue your night at one of the wine bars, pubs and nightclubs – most of which are in Devonport and Takapuna (sensing a trend here), although there are tons of other places scattered throughout the city. Basically, I think it’s time we stopped being such city snobs. There’s some pretty cool stuff over on the Shore, and while it may be a little bit of a trip heading over there, it’s worth it to break the monotony for a bit. There’s something exciting about escaping it all for a while – especially if all it takes to escape is a couple of bus stages or a ferry ticket and a few hours out of your weekend After all, life’s pretty sweet over on the other side. For Shore.
by Hayley Burrows
Dreams aren’t perfect. They come true, not free. - Dawson’s Creek This year, I lost my way. And losing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but losing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel. - One Tree Hill Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle, and then you choose. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it’s still the mansion you remember. Or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild. Because after disaster strikes, the important thing is that you move on. But if you’re like me, you just keep chasing the storm. The problem with chasing the storm is that it wears you down, breaks your spirit. Even the experts agree, a girl needs closure. - Veronica Mars Today’s lack of good TV saddens me deeply. Gone are the days of inspirational, heart wrenching shows that suck their way into your life and left you glued to the sofa. The shows that not only made you fall in love with the characters but also taught you something as well. Being a teenager is rough, - I certainly won’t forget it – but what are the teens today supposed to do when they go through their first heartbreak, their parents are getting divorced or a struggling with the harsh reality of high school? They are trying to grow up too fast these days, with 8-year-olds getting iPads and iPhones, but what are they really learning? How are the growing if all they know is the latest form of technology, what about growing as a person? I actually feel so sorry for them because they are missing out on something so amazing. TV is a powerful thing, it can make you believe that the impossible can be a reality and that the brains can end up with the most popular guy in school (and that he’s actually a good guy!). The writers have one heck of a job and today I don’t think they are living up to their potential. We have shows with so much sex, blood and guts but no real story is actually being told. Where is the character development? All we are left with is the same replayed storyline, someone cheats on their wife or girlfriend, someone gets accidently pregnant and someone gets caught in a bad drug deal. Where are the shows that shape how we are as teenagers? Dawson’s Creek, The OC and Veronica Mars are just examples, I learnt SO much from these shows and I’m certain I would not have got through high school without them. I learnt how to deal with losing
someone thanks to Dawson’s Creek; I learnt what to say to a friend in need, when words were hard to come by. “So this is what I’m going to do: I’m going to hug you. And I’m not going to let go for a really long time. And I’m going to tell you that I love you. Which is actually a pretty good deal. Because it means I’ll do anything on the off chance it’ll make you a little less sad.” I learnt that it is okay to be uncertain, to not know where life is going to take you. I learnt that not all kisses will be magic and some people just aren’t meant to fit in your life, no matter how much you want them too, and I learnt that through everything your true friends will stand beside you. One Tree Hill taught me that it is never okay to belittle someone to make yourself feel better or to treat someone badly because they may be different. I learnt that sometimes what you want is completely different than what you may need. “As we strain to grasp the things we desire, the things we think will make our lives better, – money, popularity, fame – we ignore what truly matters. The simple things. Like friendship, family, love. The things we probably already had.” Veronica Mars taught me that girls really can kick ass, there is such a thing as an epic romance and sometimes bad shit just happens to good people, but you should never let it bring you down. Sometimes life will just throw you a punch in the face, but you have to keep fighting, if not for you than for the people before and after you. Sometimes helping someone else is the best medicine. I learnt that it’s okay to be yourself, to believe in yourself and to strive to be the best that you can be. I learnt never to judge others and to keep my heart close. I learnt that it’s okay to be friends with the opposite sex, to have a gay best friend, to fall in and out of love again and to constantly change my mind. Nothing is absolute. If it wasn’t for these shows I would not be the person I am today. So I encourage you to go back and re-watch a few episodes of these shows and go back to your childhood, where your first heartbreak is the worst devastation your world could know. Remember to love is to live.
issue 19 2011
debate is your student magazine. And what better way to find out how it’s doing than by asking you, the students of AUT. Simply answer the questions below, tear it out and pop it into any of the debate drop boxes (located on the side of the red stands), the AuSM office, email your answers to or if you’re feeling old school, send it to debate, PO Box 6116, Wellesley Street, 1141. It will be really, really fun!
Finish this sentence: I read debate primarily to:
What is your preferred magazine format?
a) Find out what is happening at AUT b) Read in lectures or to pass the time on the bus c) Read while on the toilet d) Compare it to Craccum e) Other:
a) Thick newsprint paper (similar to Groove Guide) b) Thicker paper, with a glossy thick cover (similar to Rip It Up) c) Keep it like it is d) Save trees, have it online
How often do you read debate magazine? a) Every week, it’s what I grab on my way to class b) Every couple of weeks c) Sometimes, usually when I pass a stand with some leftover d) Rarely, only if I come across a copy in a café or on the bus e) Never
Whereabouts do you normally get debate from?
How often do you think debate should be published? a) Weekly b) Fortnightly c) Monthly d) Once a semester
What is more important: having a magazine in full colour, having it on nice paper or being printed on environmentally friendly paper? a) Full Colour b) Nice Paper c) Environmentally Friendly
Would you read debate if it was only available online? a) Yes b) No
What is the first thing you read when you open debate? a) Editorial b) Letters c) Horoscopes/Suggestions d) Reviews e) Microcelebs f) Other:
What section do you never (or rarely) read in debate? a) Editorial b) News c) Pres Sez/AuSM Update d) Two page features e) Other:
What has been your favourite article/section in debate in 2011?
If you were to pick a theme for an upcoming issue (film, women’s issues, sport etc), what would you pick?
Any further comments/pictures?
What would you like to see more of in debate (news, humour, fashion, reviews, puzzles etc)?
What would you like to see less of in debate?
by Matthew Cattin
10. Nosferatu – Nosferatu (1922) The oldest character on the list also happens to be one of the creepiest. An early German portrayal of Count Dracula, Nosferatu, in all of his silent glory, is guaranteed to give you the willies. Younger generations probably recognise him from his cameo appearance in Spongebob Squarepants, cheekily fiddling with the light-switch. Check him out. 9. Frank the rabbit – Donnie Darko (2001) I’m not a fan of mascots at the best of times. I always find myself wondering just how much the sweaty man beneath the suit is enjoying his hugs with the children. I get a different feeling from Frank. A sweaty man just isn’t scary enough to be beneath that suit. It’s something a lot more sinister. And I don’t ever want to find out. 8. Oompa Loompas – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971) Explained in one sentence, Oompa Loompas are stubby little carrot men that sing ironic tunes when spoilt children get injured or disfigured in their factory. I’ve always wondered what happens to the unlucky kids and their parents who don’t make it through. Do they get eaten? Are they turned into to sweets? Are they used for breeding purposes to make more Oompa Loompa spawn? You never find out. And that’s why they make the list.
7. Pillow-man – Freaks (1932) Pillow-man is a fellow born with neither arms nor legs who travelled as a circus freak in the 20s and 30s. He wears a pillowcase around his torso and does everything with his mouth. Sounds innocent enough right? Wrong! He slithers on the ground like a snake, eavesdropping underneath circus caravans and causing havoc. And when shit hits the fan, he chases a girl with a buck knife between his teeth. Think clip-slide on speed.
4. Creepy patient – Shutter Island (2010) She only appears in the film for a few seconds but a few seconds is all it takes to wet your pants in horror. The creepiest characters in films are the ones who remain unexplained. This woman, balding and with a scar stretching across or throat puts her finger to her lips as Leonardo walks passed. And that is it! No explanation, nothing. You are left pondering who she is and what happened in the rest of the film. Yuck.
6. Penguin – Batman Returns (1992) Danny DeVito’s portrayal of Penguin is truly terrifying. If you don’t believe me type in penguin bites nose into YouTube to witness him practically bite off some guy’s nose. It’s creepalicious. He makes the list for having sharp teeth, webbed fingers, lank greasy hair and the yuckiest voice to ever grace cinema.
3. Evil clapping monkey – Toy Story 3 (2010) Not gonna lie, nearly pooed my pants when I saw this in the cinema. He just sits there! Staring! It’s awful! His bloodshot eyes and surprised expression make him look high on methamphetamine and then he goes and screeches and oh my god… Horrible.
5. Hannibal Lector – Silence of the Lambs (1991) Anthony Hopkins’ most memorable role ever (in my opinion) won him the Academy Award for best actor. Making the list for eating people’s faces, identifying perfumes by sense of smell, being way too intelligent for his own good and having the creepiest leer I have ever seen.
2. Pale man – Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) Picture Voldemort but with no eyes and saggy I-used-to-weigh300kg-but-I-lost-it-all skin. Where are pale man’s eyes? Oh just on his hands… Plus he eats kids. And by the size of the pile of little shoes on the floor next to him, I would say he’s eaten a lot of kids. A must see creeper from a must see film.
1. The kiddie snatcher – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) No villain in a kid’s film should be armed with a hook. Ever. I’m yet to meet someone who wasn’t afraid of the kiddie snatcher as a kid. And the funny thing is when you look back on him retrospectively, he’s still scary as shit. He lures kids in with the promise of free sweets and bam! They’re trapped in a cage behind iron bars. Know why your parents said not to take candy from strangers? His fault. Which is why the kiddie snatcher, the king of paedophilia himself, tops my list of creepiest film characters ever.
issue 19 2011
“Education is an admirable thing. But it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.” − Oscar Wilde on why you should drop out of university “For herein is the evil of ignorance: that he who is neither good nor wise is nevertheless satisfied; he feels no want, and has therefore no desire.” − Socrates on why you should read a fable or two before you drop out Greetings friend and welcome. Or as my Native-American brethren would say, jambo hermano. This is the third and final instalment of my modern day fables, partly because I have taught you everything you could ever conceivably need to know about everything, but mainly because it’s got to the point where I have had to write a poem about a fucking octopus to keep you people entertained. Dicks. by Brendan Kelly
‘Twasn’t dark or stormy, or even night, When this tale doth begin; So take a bed, a chair or a soft wild beast, And an eight-legged epic I’ll spin.
And the lad he went out, and he found those he sought, and exacted his revenge; He pointed his gun ‘twixt the cross of their eyes: “Say hello to my little friend.”
But before you’re a-reading this morality tale, A warning I issue to you: This shit’s not for pussies, it’s no Mary Poppins It maims the fuck out of Winnie the Pooh.
Malcolm squeezed the trigger ‘til the gun went click, Metal fell from his octopus suckers; And the only thought running through his slippery mind Was “take that, you rude motherfuckers”.
There once was an octopus liv’d in the sea (as is usually the case); Fit perfectly with all of his octopus friends But glasses he wore on his face. Malcolm is our hero’s name, though he’s rather uninspiring: His limbs are brittle and awkward and weak And his skin’s like polystyrene. Poor Mal’s downfall isn’t pride, he is of kind and humble mind; But the sea ‘twas not made for the timid and meak, He gets bullied for being semi-partially-blind. His octopus chums were unspeakably cruel, They spat and they jeered and they cussed; And he jetted away with great tears in his eyes Which was weird - octopi don’t have tear ducts. So Malcolm he lurked in his room and he schemed He lurched and he leered and he loomed and he dreamed Of the day when those octopus fiends would pay ‘It’s only a matter of time,’ he’d say. In his darkened retreat he watched movie films: Taxi Driver and Psycho and Saw; And despite all the drops of fake blood on the screen The octo-pariah craved more. The bespectacled octopus drew up his plans, to even up the plain He purchased a mini gun, rockets and knives, Poor Malcolm went rather insane.
Next thing he knew, Malcolm was arrested They hurled him straight into a cell, But Mal he was cool, lit up a cigar Exhaled, he’d see them in hell. On trial they put him, those under the sea, Malcolm frothed and headbutted a nun; The judge shook his head, brought his gavel down hard The jury left, and the trial was done. So Malcolm rests in octo-prison, he rots there to this day, His limbs are brittle and awkward and weak And his eyes are vacant and grey. Poor Mal’s downfall wasn’t pride, it wasn’t lust or greed, Just one of the countless hopeless souls That fall victim to octometry.
Chapter the Third:
Insert Aesop Based Pun Here, aka the Rhyme of the Bespectacled Octopus Thus concludes the third, and unfortunately final, chapter of what has been a disjointed, uninspired and often non sequitur sojourn into the world of Aesop. A trilogy of fables more successful than any other trilogy of fables published in a student magazine, exalted by critics far and wide – Sir David Attenborough gave the series seven and a half stars out of three, describing it as “the best thing for animal life since global warming”. And so travellers, we reach the end of our pilgrimage. I would like to thank you all for reading, eating, breathing and absorbing my writing through osmosis. It has taken me until now to realise that all the animals I wrote about were aquatic; I have no explanation for that other than I find animals that live under the sea to be inherently amusing. I apologise if you were offended by anything printed in the last few weeks, especially if a loved one of yours was a victim of the vigilante octopus massacre of ‘86. May they rest in peace.
So read this, friends, and know you’re warned, Be aware that the hour of the nerd has dawned So make fun of the specs if heed you do not, But remember Mal’s story – you might get shot. Yes mock the nerd and you might get done By a motherfucking badass octopus with a gun. The deluxe edition moral of the story is this: don’t make fun of nerdy octopuses. They’ll fuck your shit up, probably in rhyme. If you do have glasses, don’t watch Psycho. It is scientifically proven to immediately induce a killing spree in 86 per cent of all cases. The short moral: octopuses are seriously kickass.
1 Start a video blog by Joshua Martin
2 Learn to tap dance and perform in a show 3 Write and record an original song 4 Help at a soup kitchen 5 Choreograph and perform in a dance concept video 6 Direct and produce my own stage show
There is an amazing thought process that inhabits your consciousness when you’re nearing 30. You begin to realise you’ve actually spent a lot of your life pandering to what other people want from you. So much so, in fact, that I decided I needed to take time to evaluate my life and contemplate whether or not I actually know who I am and what the heck I want. When I was at high school, for example, I took subjects such as biology and physics. Subjects I hated with a passion and yet, I took them. Why? Because I thought that one day in my life, someone will need me to fully comprehend Pythagoras’s theory to give me a well paid job. Was this decision beneficial for me? Nope. Instead of absorbing this wealth of scientific and mathematic knowledge, I spent a year chatting to my other uninterested Maori friend during class and then went through hell when it came to exams and assignments because I had no idea what photosynthesis was. The following year I decided I needed to do something that I really loved – performing arts. Given I’d only done minor roles in primary school, such as “donkey” in Musicians of Bremen, I knew that was where passion lay for me. Taking dance, drama, production and performance in film and television suddenly breathed life into the mundane ho-hum of high school, and by year’s end, this D-grade mathematics, physics and biology student was all of a sudden top of the class, and even crazier, top of the school for these new subjects. My world was introduced to a gaggle of new possibilities and options, and for the first time ever, I looked forward to school, not just for the jam sandwiches and strawberry yoghurt, but to be educated through something that brought me to life and gave me some kind of direction for the future. We spend a hell of a lot of our lives worrying about what ‘might’ be of use to us in the future and little time really considering what we would LOVE to do. This little thought is what helped me to decide what I wanted to go onto my list of 30 things. What do I want to achieve in life? What would I do if failure wasn’t an option? The answers lead me to this list.
7 Perform an original spoken word poetry piece at a poetry slam 8 Fly in a hot air balloon with my best friends. 9 Learn and perform a Maori Haka 1 0 Get an 8 pack of abs 11 Perform at a concert for a major recording artist 12 Make a restaurant quality three course dinner 13 Sing the national anthem at a televised event 14 Write a musical theatre show 15 Participate in a protest for a righteous cause 16 Run in an election 17 Drive a train 18 Facilitate and participate in a flash mob 19 Eat with and find out life stories of five different homeless people 20 Go to a movie premiere 21 Fly to New York and watch the top 10 Broadway shows 22 Interview an international celebrity 23 Live a day in the life of a fashion model 24 Host a TV show 25 Be the cover story for a magazine or newspaper 2 6 Learn a new language to at least a basic conversational level
I am embarking on this adventure starting from September 4, which will be exactly 12 months until I’m 30. Obviously, not all of these things are easy to do, and I’m going to need a lot of help to achieve it all in a year. If you can help me achieve anything on this list please email me at
2 7 Create a business that generates enough money to pay off my student loan 28 Dance on the Ellen (DeGeneres) show 29 Get my first tattoo 30 Kiss the girl of my dreams
issue 19 2011
columns by Nicole Brown
by Jarred Williamson
The Hope and Rise of Christchurch
fter the draft plans for the rebuild in Christchurch’s central business district went public last week, Cantabrians were given real hope that they can begin to rebuild their once peaceful surroundings and move on with their lives. The $2 billion dream plan unveiled by Bob Parker sees tall buildings done away with and focuses on attracting consumers and businesses into this new elaborate development space. Also incorporated is an $8 million memorial to those who lost their lives in the quakes earlier this year. The designers of the new CBD have really taken this opportunity and ran with it. Yes, an awful event has taken place, but they don’t believe that this should affect the scale of the new plan. The one comment that has been significantly taken into consideration is that Cantabrians have no place for tall buildings in their new city. Despite some uproar from potential developers on the negative impact of limiting building height, the aim is to create a low-rise area with safe and sustainable roots that will ensure the residents feel safe in their new community. After engineers have assessed and ensured the area is safe to build on, the only outstanding no-go zones were the areas close to the Avon River which will be prone to liquefaction. The commercial rebuild would see a massive shift in business in this Christchurch hub. This economic outlook will provide a platform for a CBD only a quarter of its former size, however should see that Christchurch makes a kick-start in a financial sense to aid its long term development. There have also been some very generous proposals for councilissued privileges and incentives to guarantee that there is a long term development. Parents would be able to choose the school that their children would attend, regardless of their school zoning, residents would be given financial assistance to ease the rate of deposits for houses in the area, the council would have the ability to underwrite loans for businesses, whilst employees may also benefit from grants if their business chooses to establish their premises in the central city area. However, the plans are going under scrutiny with some saying that they are too expensive considering there are masses of Christchurch residents still greatly affected and financially deprived. Is this where the funds should be going first and how will it be afforded? The answer to funding comes in the form of reprioritised local funds, insurance, subsidies, borrowing and the contributions from the government. Really, at the end of the day, is cost a major issue? Shouldn’t New Zealand as a nation be getting behind this initiative and supporting Christchurch in the same way we did when we were all touched by the devastation of the February earthquake? Despite anyone’s critique of the elaborateness of the plans or otherwise, I think it is safe to say that anyone with a heart in New Zealand is touched by the hope that has been inspired by the proposers of them. It is a true credit to New Zealand culture to see that these people have more than hope for such a brilliant and iconic Kiwi area.
What’s behind decisiveness?
ublic perception and media portrayal will often say someone who is decisive is like a dictator who possesses authoritarian characteristics. These will also show someone who is not decisive, is quite weak and, in a way, useless. A lot of the time these perceptions can be true, but not always. So is the government and other MPs decisive? Things are tough out there. If you can’t see that, it might be time to get the old head out of the sand. While Australia adds more jobs, we’re struggling to keep them. I don’t want to rephrase what the media is saying in terms of inflation rising and the cost of living rising. We know that already. What I want to discuss is the government and how things are being managed and something that fundamentally undermines a government in tough times; Mixed Member Proportional (MMP). This is the voting system used in New Zealand to elect a government and members of Parliament. Tough times call for tough measures and an equally decisive approach to making things better. Things don’t get done if a process of doing something takes too long; it just makes it pointless and nothing is achieved. New Zealand is going through tough times and the Christchurch recovery makes it a long and rocky road to recovery – this must mean that tough calls need to be made – it’s time to cut down debt. To give an example of political indecision, the first idea that comes to me has the blazing neon sign above it, Phil Goff. Yes, he’s been given a hard time lately, but really he is a prime example of indecision. Firstly, remember the Darren Hughes affair? Mr ‘Goof’, as he was affectionately dubbed, changed his stance on the situation daily and never really had a firm stance on anything, even flip flopping on his attack on John Key back in 2009 with the Richard Worth situation. Is it possible to call the National-led government decisive? Yes. The government in their first term have been fairly decisive: John Key ruling out working with Winston Peters and cutting back on spending to name a few. There are many points in which I would like them to be more decisive about or to take a firmer stance on, they have the support and it’s clear that things need to be done, but sometimes the government can be hesitant and they shouldn’t be. Compromise is not always a bad thing, as you will learn in Interpersonal Communicationat AUT. However, compromise in coalition governments often annoys me. Take our neighbours in Australia; they had a hung Parliament after the federal elections in 2010. Julia Gillard promised Australians no carbon tax in the run up to the election, but because a deal was made with the Greens, Ms Gillard now has to honour that deal and somehow introduce a carbon tax. Larger parties may have big ideas for policy, but because under systems like MMP they rely on smaller parties to govern. I’m not advocating a two-party state and dictatorship – I don’t think New Zealand should return to First Past the Post – but see my point: a party gets a vastly smaller percentage of the vote and yet they have so much voice and power? In terms of New Zealand’s situation, there are many ideas which the National Party would like to bring into policy. They need a majority to pass legislation but their supply and demand agreements means they need either ACT or Maori to support a bill. Sure, give the smaller parties some voice – but I think MMP has gone too far. There needs to be greater advertising for alternatives to MMP, so New Zealanders can make their mind up.
issue 19 2011
Dear Agony Aunt
This Agony Aunt column is brought to you by the team at Health, Counselling and Wellbeing. If you have a question you would like answered email and put Agony Aunt as the subject or drop it in to the Health, Counselling and Wellbeing office.
Dear Agony Aunt
I was playing rugby a couple of weeks ago and twisted my knee in a tackle. It was really sore at the time and a bit swollen but I thought it would be fine; I even had a week off rugby to make sure. Now it still seems to hurt whenever I do anything physical like running, or a gym session, and I think I should see a doctor about it. Would I still be covered by ACC even though the event was a couple of weeks ago? From sore knee
Dear sore knee
Yes, you would be still covered by ACC if you can attribute this ongoing knee problem directly to this accident. You are right in saying that you should see a doctor to make sure it is nothing serious. Consultations with a nurse or doctor are free if you are a student enrolled in the practice. If you are enrolled elsewhere and wish to see a nurse or doctor at AUT for an ACC consultation you will be required to pay a surcharge of $5.
An ex girlfriend has just told me that she has Chlamydia and that I should get myself tested in case I have caught it too. The thought of having something stuck up my willy is enough to put any man off and I am not having that done. Is there any way I could have caught it? Surely I would have got some symptoms. If I do have it will I have to tell my current girlfriend, I think I would find that too embarrassing. Worried Sick
Dear Worried Sick
If you have ever had unprotected sexual intercourse or had a condom break you are at risk at not only getting Chlamydia but also getting numerous other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including herpes, warts, syphilis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B and HIV. It is important if you have been at risk that you get yourself tested as 90 per cent of people with Chlamydia never have any symptoms and if left untreated, it can make you infertile. The good news is that you don’t have to have anything put down your willy; a simple urine test can be done for Chlamydia, although this will not show up other STI’s such as gonorrhoea. You need a blood test to detect other STIs like HIV and Hepatitis B. You can do this by making an appointment at Health Counselling and Wellbeing centre at AUT, with the nurse, or if you prefer, with our doctor (we have both male and female doctors available). It is really important to tell any recent partners if you are positive, so they can get tested too. The nurse/doctor can talk with you about ways to tell your partner. The good news is that Chlamydia is really easy to treat; in most cases just one dose of antibiotics will cure it. And, of course, in future, always wear a condom (free at Health Counselling and Wellbeing) and save yourself a lot of stress and worry!
10:04 AM
Raised by her father an ex-CIA man, in the wilds of Finland, Hanna’s upbringing and training have been one and the same, all geared to making her the perfect assassin. The turning point in her adolescence is a sharp one; sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys stealthily across Europe while eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative with secrets of her own. As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about herself and humanity Starring Academy Award®-nominee Saoirse Ronan, Academy Award®-winner Cate Blanchett and Eric Bana, BAFTA®-winning director Joe Wright (Atonement, Pride & Prejudice) weaves elements of dark fairy tales into this stylishly crafted thriller set to the music of The Chemical Brothers and filmed on location in Europe and Morocco.
by Petra Benton
PHOTO CREDIT: Amanda Lewis Photography
Today marks exactly one week until New Zealand Fashion Week. From next Monday to Saturday, September 3 New Zealand designers will be showing their autumn/ winter 2012 collections, and no doubt looking forward to crashing in a zombielike state come Sunday after months of frantic preparation. This is the 11th year of NZFW and with it comes many a change. The location itself is most notable, with the venue shifting to the brand-new Viaduct Events Centre. Stunning views of the Waitemata Harbour will make for the perfect backdrop to innovative design showcased on beautiful models. The majority of designers have chosen to show on-site with another change being Huffer’s decision to stay on-site for their show, rather than their previous off-site ventures. Andrea and I will be attending several shows this week, with beady eyes snapping up what we’ll report back in the upcoming debate special edition fashion section (out on stands September 19). Whether you’ll be darting to shows between classes, awaiting the weekend selection shows or following reviews online, here’s a wee rundown of what’s at hand to get excited about next week.
Zambesi New Zealand style, as mentioned on TV1’s new show Unzipped, is at its core famous for being dark, intellectual and edgy. And no New Zealand label epitomises this aesthetic more than Zambesi. Founded in 1979 by Liz and Neville Findlay, Zambesi has shown at Fashion Week since its founding event 11 years ago. Notorious for their dark, inventive, beauty, the Zambesi show is always highly anticipated. Last year’s show featured Australian Aboriginal beauty Samantha Harris, making their model lineup one to watch as well. Showing Thursday, August 1 at 5.30pm, trot down to the show after your classes and revel in the dark magic that is Zambesi (and marvel at the all-black clothed crowd).
Designer Garage Sale
WORLD and the NZNTM finale It would be fairly impressive if you do not yet know that the Top Model finale is taking place live at the World show. New Zealand’s Next Top Model has been particularly entertaining this season, or perhaps it’s just their stint with the wonderful AUT fashion students that made it more likable. Either way, this show is most definitely not one to be missed. Set to be World’s biggest show to date, this event – on the closing night of Fashion Week – will involve not only the creative talents of Francis Hooper, Denise L’Estrange-Corbet and Benny Castles, but also the NZNTM finale and the labels debut collaboration with Number One shoes. No better way to end a week of New Zealand’s creative talent!
Mo money mo problems. So take your small student dollars to the designer garage sale on the closing two evenings and lighten your pockets. The legendary designer garage sale offers the chance to snap yourself up beautiful designer pieces at significantly discounted prices. Famous and therefore chock-full of fashion-hungry hunters, the sale opens at 5pm on Friday, September 2 and closes 6pm the next day. Two days to get your mitts on what would normally cripple you financially until graduation. Go forth and be merry.
The ‘Street’ Style Unfortunately New Zealand street style isn’t hugely inspirational 51 weeks of the year. However, there are indeed 52, and so this is the week in which the fashion industry steps it up and watchful eyes are treated by a variety of styles on show. From platform-heeled ladies to motorcycle-booted gents, style of all sorts will be everywhere you turn. However there is nothing worse than a lovely woman (or man) who is incapable of walking in her/his footwear of choice. So if you are attending Fashion Week for heaven’s sake do not wear shoes that will render you stationary or worse, clacking lopsidedly with pain in your stride. Flats are far better than blisters-galore. Online blogs will be documenting both the shows and the style-setters attending them, so be sure to check out the following blogs throughout the week:
Kathryn Wilson public show Friday afternoon, after a hard week of diligent study, what could be more fitting then to reward your studious self with a FREE fashion show? Let alone a fashion show full of that shrine-worthy item: the shoe. Free to the first 3,000 guests through the door, Kathryn Wilson’s show is the first of its kind at New Zealand Fashion Week. All that’s known at this stage is that it will be situated somewhere in Auckland’s CBD at 7.30pm, Friday, August 2. Its exact location will be unveiled on August 31, so keep an eye on their Facebook page. Post-show there are promises of a performance by Kimbra and an on-site after party. Be there! (Unless you’re under 18 in which you can’t. Go see Harry Potter again instead!)
issue 19 2011
by Nicole Brown As we turn into mature adults full of wisdom, there are still some golden memories from our teen years that will stick in our heads forever. The back drop and theme tune of these moments will vary from house parties to bad relationships, but you can guarantee, some of these songs will get you reminiscing:
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
You’ve been radiating too much positivity lately. Cut it out. If you need help, just watch Sky News for 24 hours straight. Don’t have Sky? There’s something to cry about.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
1. Eamon
Don’t buy food this week; your electricity bill will be through the roof thanks to those late night rendezvous’ with the electric blanket.
The perfect song to get over your heartbreak and plenty opportunities to practice your swear words.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
F*** It (I Don’t Want You Back)
2. Nelly and Kelly Dilemma
Despite the band aid face trend not quite catching on, this one is a gem.
Spend more time in the library than in front of the mirror this week. Looks may fade, but your university transcript is forever.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
3. Flo Rida
Toward the end of this week you will suddenly realise that this horoscope is not going to come true. It will crush you.
And the shawties definitely got low…
LEO (July 23-August 22)
4. 50 Cent In Da Club
No matter what kind of music you’re into, this one had you rapping and shaking yo’ thang on the dance floor.
5. Avril Lavigne Complicated
If you’re a girl, this was probably the “anthem” that described your whole life when it was released. Then you got pink streaks in your hair.
6. Savage Garden
I Knew I Loved You
Unlike those Arians (ooo, that’s a bit racist) you’ve been down in the dumps lately. This may be linked to the fact you’ve smelt like a dump lately. A bar of soap will get a smile on your dial.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
Two more weeks until a break! Time to get cracking on those assignments.
LIBRA (September 23-October 23)
Your ability to say no is low this week. Ignore all phone calls, especially that one on Wednesday from your mum.
SCORPIO (October 24-November 21)
No one needs reminding, these guys were the kings of swag and you know it.
Diehard AB fans may be abstaining for the game but the stars see a steamy encounter in your future this week. Be on the ball, this won’t happen to you for a while.
7. Daniel Powter
SAGITTARIUS (November22-Dec21)
Bad Day
Uplifting. For weeks. On end.
8. Justin Timberlake Sexyback
You wanted him or you wanted to be him, either way you were bringing sexy back. Start making music again, Justin!
9. Jason Mraz I’m Yours
You can almost smell the summer BBQs when you listen to this one.
10. Shaggy
It Wasn’t Me
If you want to afford that New Year’s escape to the Goldie, you’re going to need to get a job. Beat all the others and start applying for summer jobs now.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Christmas is coming! Time to start thinking about what you want from Santa.
AQUARIUS (January 20-Febuary 18)
Your computer is [save] conspiring against you this week – buy three back up [save] USBs and save every five [save] seconds.
PISCES (Febuary 19-March 20)
The stars overheard a meeting between pigeons on the weekend. They will try and shit on you. The pigeons, not the stars.
He played at Raggamuffin this year, proving he had more singles than this one.
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Directed by Kevin Tancharoen Film Review by Samantha McQueen
tapping in your feet all through the flick, right up until the climatic Born This Way, which sums up not only the concert for the night, but also the moral of the movie. Don’t bother if you’re not a gleek though – there’s really nothing extra in it for you.
Jay-Z & Kanye West Watch the Throne
Album Review by Alisha Lewis
Something Borrowed
Directed by Luke Greenfield Film Review by Rebecca Lee Fans of the hit Fox TV show shouldn’t go into Glee: The 3D Concert Movie expecting anything more than the title suggests. You’ll get to see your favourite cast members belt out some of the top hits of season two (and the obligatory Journey song) but don’t expect to see anything extra behind the scenes. The interview snippets you see in the trailer have been almost entirely cut from the final version of the film, and those lucky few that get screen time backstage (namely Darren Criss, Heather Morris and Kevin McHale) do so in their characters, rather than as themselves. Even the Justin Bieber movie had glimpses into his background pre teen hysteria. What we do have though is cheese – and plenty of it. When we’re not watching tightly choreographed musical numbers on stage, we’re shown three real-life gleeks whose lives have changed from watching the show. There is the popular cheerleader who dates the jock and is prom princess, but who is also a dwarf. There is the red-headed Asberger’s sufferer, whose day is brightened by any Brittany clip. Perhaps the most humbling of the three is Trenton, a gay 19-year-old who wishes Glee was around when he was forced to come out in eighth grade after his journal was stolen by his “best friend”. Director Kevin Tanacharoen has made sure that the talents of the brightest stars in the cast shine on stage. Lea Michele gets plenty of screen time, both in leading group numbers and belting out Barbra Streisand tunes, and Harry Shum Jr. and Heather Morris’ dance moves are much more impressive outside the walls of McKinley High (Morris’ I’m A Slave 4 U is the standout performance of the night). But the show needs to be careful not to forget this is an ensemble cast. Jenna Ushkowitz, whose been a faithful glee member since episode one, is barely seen in the group numbers, while newcomer Darren Criss is given three solos. And as a public note to Ryan Murphy: stop giving Cory Monteith more stage time than Amber Riley. But the song choices are sure to have you
Something Borrowed is a romantic comedy based on Emily Giffin’s book of the same name. The plot is centred around two best friends, who have been inseparable since they were in primary school. They went to the same high school, the same college and even fell in love with the same man. The actresses play very stereotypical parts. Kate Hudson shines as Darcy, a character we love to hate – the “hot”, party animal blonde. Ginnifer Goodwin plays Rachel, a cute, studious brunette. Rachel has been crushing on a babe (Dexter) since the beginning of college but hasn’t admitted her feelings to him or anyone else. Darcy comes along, apparently oblivious and hooks up with Dex, which leads to an engagement. But on the night of Rachel’s 30th birthday party her and Dex end up together, starting of the long, winding journey of doing what makes you happy or what makes everyone else happy. I have been told by other people that the movie was not funny and predictable but I watched it and decided I kind of liked it. It wasn’t the best movie or the most funny but it did appeal to me, and it should appeal to other girls. It is pretty emotional (for girls) and you can indirectly relate to nearly every situation, for example, feeling inferior to your best friend, not feeling beautiful and not feeling smart enough. If you want a good movie that you can sit and blob out to, then this is for you. I wouldn’t expect too much or to come out a changed person but it is a nice movie to escape the winter chills. Grab some popcorn, grab your best friend (one you don’t feel inferior to) and get watching, ladies.
When you listen to Watch the Throne, there’s really no doubt that you’re listening to the product of music royalty. It’s the kind of music that makes you feel very small but also hugely important all at the same time. It’s the kind of music that fills your body. In saying that, it’s not mind-blowing. It’s not redefining. It’s solid. The calibre is high and the swagger is effortless. That’s probably the most thrilling thing about Watch the Throne – there’s that effortless sense of the artists just messing around, having a good time and doing their thing. And if this is Jay-Z and Kanye just messing around…Well, that is mind-blowing. Despite the duo’s blatant display of boasting and bravado, evident in most of the tracks, they do at least try to bring the album back down to earth a bit (even if merely by flying a little lower in their private jets). Jay-Z tries to achieve a sense of empathy and realism through tracks like Why I Love You – in which he laments about friends’ betrayals “Showed love to you niggas, you ripped out my heart…took care of these niggas lawyers fees, and this is how niggas rewardin’ me”. In Murder to Excellence they talk about blackon-black crime and how few of the nation’s leaders are coloured. The message of this track, juxtaposed with the pair’s boasting of their success on other tracks, adds another layer to the album in general. Rather than seeming hypocritical, it shows two of the music industry’s leading figures navigating a world in which it is still considered rare to be black and achieve such a level of success. Continuing with their efforts to achieve more ‘real’ moments, Welcome to the Jungle sees Jay-Z play take on the tortured artist role and the single New Day shows them addressing their imaginary sons in an excuse to do some soul searching: “Cos my dad left and I promise never to repeat it”. The latter attempt falls pretty flat, mainly because the subject has been touched on in
issue 19 2011
rap, and music in general, so many times. And generally by people who actually have kids. In this case, the lyrics sound a little forced and manufactured. During this attempt to appear down to earth it really feels like Kanye’s out of his comfort zone. Made In America (featuring Frank Ocean) – probably the highlight of the entire album – is a slow paced anthem about the American dream, really showcases West’s inability to be humble. While Jay-Z is able to reminisce about the simpler, more important things in life for a bit – his grandmother’s cooking for example, Kanye ends up turning the whole thing into a bit of an attack on his haters. Jay-Z and West are easily at their best when they’re talking about how epic their lives are – especially in tracks like Ni**as in Paris and That’s My Bitch. This is when West is in his element: “Know how many hot bitches I own…I’m definitely in my zone.” They may be arrogant, but when West raps “the stars is in the building”, there’s really no argument.
Seeker Lover Keeper Seeker Lover Keeper
Album Review by Ksenia Khor
rock guitar passages. Bring Me Back is about a soft tune created by a distant acoustic guitar, rich voices and strong emotions. Even Though I’m a Woman is a lovely ballad played on piano. The songs are about freedom and happiness found in solitude. It’s a somewhat statement and the lyrics show the maturity of the artists. Also, great backvocals make it sound more effective and deep. Every Time is a bluesy composition with frenetic rhythm. It is moody, haunting and upbeat. This song is my personal favourite. No doubts Seeker Lover Keeper is not a party rocker or an epic synth-pop symphony. It might seem a bit boring and monotonous. However, it can offer sincerity, authenticity and powerful emotions. That is why it does stand out from tons of current commercial projects. Overall, this is a record written by women, for women. Its intimate themes and style resonate strongly with the heart. Unfortunately, the album wasn’t a planned long-time project, so maybe Seeker Lover Keeper is the only collaborative record these three genuine artists produced. That’s another reason to hear it.
The Living End
The End is Just The Beginning Repeating Album Review by Andrew McDonald
Sally Seltmann, Holly Throsby and Sarah Blasko are accomplished songwriters and musicians at their own right. But these three independent Australian music talents gathered in New York City and combined talented forces to create a dreamy romantic record. The result is Seeker Lover Keeper, a charming collection of melodic songs with excellent lyrics. Seeker Lover Keeper is an acoustic project and artists change their roles throughout the album. Each of them gets a floor as a frontwoman in some of the songs while the others accompany with gentle guitar strumming, nostalgic piano or tuneful synthesizers. As individual artists, they all have distinctive styles and voices, but for this record they brought the best from their personal experience and skills to create something powerful and painfully touching. The record is opened by a lullaby, Bring Me Back. Melancholy permeates its every note. It is simple – no auto-tune, layered synths or epic
If you like any of Melbourne rockers The Living End’s previous albums you’ll no doubt like this latest effort, the somewhat ironically titled The End Is Just The Beginning Repeating. Whilst the album is far from bad, it sounds very similar to every other album the band has put out. The album lacks any of the radio friendly singles that previous albums have had such as Roll On and White Noise, yet still provides a worthwhile listen. Both singles which have been released, The End Is The Beginning Repeating and Song For The Lonely, are among the most lacklustre and borderline cliché tracks on the album save for the album low, In The Morning, with the cringe worthy line “make sure the kids aren’t late for school”. The highlight track is easily Away From The City which has the drive, energy and catchy
hook “I hope that I survive” needed to make it stand out. The second comer would have to be Heatwave although it’s still rather paltry compared to Away From The City. This album isn’t likely to attract hordes of new fans but it will certainly keep current fans happy, if you’re not a fan of any of their previous efforts I’d give this one a miss.
The Happiness Project
Written by Gretchen Rubin Book Review by Joshua Martin
Isn’t it funny how the weather can impact on our emotions? Sometimes, we need a good pick me up, light-hearted read that warms you from the inside out. The Happiness Project is that book. This true story tracks the life of successful lawyer Gretchen Rubin, a well-to-do wife and mother of two, who in a bus ride to a job she was sick of, began to think about how she’d spent much of her life doing what she thought was required of a ‘good’ human being. Good career, husband, children and owning your own home. However, her heart longed for more, it longed to be more fulfilled, more content, more… well… happy. So began a yearlong experiment where Gretchen began her own “happiness project”. She researched happiness theorists and wisdom from Plato and the like, and set out to achieve a more full and happy life. From keeping her house tidy, to being more organised, to spending more time with her children, to starting a book club, to singing in the mornings, she has gone on an adventure that ensures her life is happier. This book tracks her 12 month project and gives Rubin a platform to be inspired, and in turn to inspire readers to live out their own happiness project. You will breeze through this easy read and be equipped with really practical ways in which we can all become happier. For those of us who can feel glum in the colder weather, this book can give you a mid-winter boost, and more than that, a way in which to look at the world more positively. According to Rubin, if you want to be happier, step one is to smile more frequently. Reading The Happiness Project will help you do just that. Smile.
issue 19 2011
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Sam Walker Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? Don’t think so. Either that’s good or it’s bad. I guess at least if my habits are illegal I’ll get a few warnings! Not that I can see how they’ll enforce it If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Kung fu because I used to like Jackie Chan movies! Also ‘cos the ability of some of those people is AMAZING! Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? There are a few, but probably Titanic. I guess because it’s a classic and was made very well for its time. Plus I’m pretty sure it’s one of the top-grossing movies ever made
Laura Davidson
Hospitality Management
Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? Probably not If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Swimming. I’ve been swimming my whole life Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? Planet of the Apes
What’s your ringtone? The ol’ standard Nokia tone. It’s classy
What’s your ringtone? It’s the iPhone one
If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? Police 10/7. Just so I can tell mum I love her on national TV
If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? Home & Away. No, One Tree Hill. I would play Brooke
Susana Suisuiki Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? I hope so... but I like getting free music If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Karate ‘cause I suck at it through video games Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? E.T. That character was damn scary; we don’t want to give little kids of this decade anymore nightmares What’s your ringtone? Don’t have a ringtone, it’s on vibrate If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? Jeremy Kyle. I’d be fine as an audience laughing away at the guests coz they’re flippin’ mental
Bex Hallaway
Hospitality Management
Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? Na, probably not. I normally just get my songs off people. I don’t really download [tv shows or movies]. Dad would go nato If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Tennis, definitely because except for the Williams sisters everyone is really cool Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? Probably Harry Potter. I think if they remade it, it would be real shit What’s your ringtone? Single Ladies. I’m scared if I change it I won’t recognise my phone ringing If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? I think Grey’s Anatomy or Prison Break. I would do a high chase role or be a really cool, weird medical experiment
Watchout for debate around campus - you could be the next micro-celeb!
issue 19 2011
Jayden Hughes
Bachelor of Engineering
Onnie Wongchanon Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? No, because I’ve got unlimited date usage. I don’t really download European stuff
Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? Absolutely not. I don’t download stuff illegally anyway so it won’t affect me If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Sumo wrestling
If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Tennis
Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? Slumdog Millionaire, absolutely. That’s gold, I love that movie
Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? This is kind of embarrassing, but Kung Fu Panda
What’s your ringtone? Standard iPhone – the same one as everyone else
What’s your ringtone? I’ve got it on silent
If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? Gaz of Geordie Shore
If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? I’ve already been on Shortland Street
Jason Baxendine
Bachelor of Business
Marika Jackson Japanese
Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? No, it won’t affect them If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Probably gymnastics, just ‘cos it’s a good sport Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? Titanic What’s your ringtone? We Speak No Americano. It’s fantastic
Will your downloading habits change when the copyright law comes into effect on September 1? I don’t really download music, I just steal my friend’s music If you could be number one at any sport in the world, what would it be? Boxing Which film do you think Hollywood should NEVER remake and why? The Lion King, because of that nostalgic value What’s your ringtone? Vibrate If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? Eastenders. I’d be myself in a cameo
If you could have a guest role on any television show, past or present, what would it be (and who would you play)? Big Bang Theory. I’d be a saxophone playing German exchange student
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