debate issue 22, 2011

Page 1

issue 22 2011

top 10 non rwc events

r.i.p. the american dream

the ultimate in tv scheduling

21st century feminism


























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issue 22 2011

22 5 Editorial 6 Creative Corner 8 Photobooth Photos 9 Letters 10 How To/Recipe 11 News 12 AuSM Executive Nomination Candidates 14 Sport

on the cover

Untitled Lahaina Limaco

Heath Moore looks at why Man United and Man City are the teams to beat this EPL

15 AuSM Update 15 News Quiz 16 Political Scandals During the RWC 17 A Baby Dies, A Nation Tries


Samantha McQueen


Deanne Antao


Sebastian Mackay looks at an issue more important than rugby

18 America’s Downfall 20 My Ideal TV Guide

Samantha McQueen takes her passion for TV to the next level

22 The F Word: Feminism Hazel Buckingham explains 21st century feminism 23 Long

Live Gingers 24 Agony Aunt 24 Spurious Generalities 25 Columns 26 Top 10: Non RWC Events 27 Suggestions/Horoscopes 28 Fashion Petra Benton summaries the World of Wearable Arts

29 Zed Nelson 30 Reviews 33 Spot the Difference 34 Microcelebs

Alisha Lewis


Karina Abadia | AuSM | Jo Barker | Petra Benton | Nicole Brown | Hazel Buckingham | Alicia Ma’ree Burrows | Matthew Cattin | Alicia Crocket | Laura Dooney | Vinny Francesco | Angel Guanlao | Ksenia Khor | Lahaina Limaco | Melissa Low | Sebastian Mackay | Heath Moore | Ashleigh Muir | Danny Nemani | Danielle Whitburn | Jarred Williamson

advertising contact

Kate Campbell

This publication is entitled to the full protection given by the Copyright Act 1994 (“the Act”) to the holders of the copyright, being AUCKLAND STUDENT MOVEMENT AT AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED (“AuSM”). Reproduction, storage or display of any part of this publication by any process, electronic or otherwise (except for the educational purposes specified in the Act) without express permission is a break of the copyright of the publisher and will be prosecuted accordingly. Inquiries seeking permission to reproduce should be addressed to AuSM.


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issue 22 2011


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can understand the passion of the rugby fans. It’s been 24 years since we hoisted the Webb Ellis Cup above our grubby hands. We’ve come so close so many times. The media hypes every second of the tournament up with fervour and it’s at the point now where we’re asking: if the All Blacks can’t win at home, can they ever win again? But even if you’re a diehard rugby fan, one who still has an original white Steinlager can, or your average bandwagon Joe (or Joanna), you should know about sporting etiquette. You cheer when a try is scored, a good tackle is made or a kick is converted. You yell when the referee miscalls a penalty or when a backwards pass is mistaken for forward. I know the rules. I’m sure they’re read in primary school, along with the national anthem (a joke – but it wouldn’t surprise me if this was true). But hurling threatening insults at fans just because they support a different country, spitting on them or trying to run them over? When was that considered sportsmanship? I was reading the comments on an article printed online about the behaviour Aussies have encountered in our country and it appears we’re not giving off the best impression to our neighbours: “There’s always a couple of idiots that will try and ruin it for everyone, New Zealanders just reverse this and have only a couple of people that are decent human beings when it comes to sport while the rest of them are just vitriolic about the whole thing.” “It’s small island syndrome - rugby is one thing they’re a world leader at, and it becomes all all-encompassing, all-consuming and not entirely healthy. It’s not helped by a hysterical press who pump up their own team and publically mock others…” “As a nation, New Zealanders have let themselves be defined by the success of their rugby team. It’s not just a game to them. They’ll calm down if they win, but it might actually be better for them if they lose.” Kiwis have made a name for themselves on their hospitality – are we really going to ruin it in six weeks over a game of rugby? I watched the Australia vs. Ireland game at Party Central the other weekend and the woman next to me was cheering for Australia. I didn’t turn to her and start hurling obscenities. In fact, I was considering going for Australia before the game started. And before you go and torch my lawn (ha! – don’t have one), don’t think I’m a traitor for wanting the Aussies to win. In fact, it’s the opposite – I wanted the best team to win so that when the ABs got to the final and won, we would have beaten the best possible team. We shouldn’t be elated that one of the top teams in the competition is going to be knocked out in the quarter finals. After all, wasn’t that us four years ago? I’m not the biggest sports fan in the world, but I know that when I finally set off on my big overseas adventure, I’ll be taking in as many sports as possible. And I don’t want to be spat on because I don’t support the Knicks, or run over because I’m not sporting Manchester red. I want to be welcomed by fans and get caught up in the atmosphere. Can’t all sporting experiences from now on be more like this?: “My wife and I are just back from nine days over there and went to the Italy and Ireland games, as well as the ABs vs. Japan - wearing our Wallabies scarf - and experienced nothing of the sort alluded to in this article. Yes, there was some passionate opinions shared at times, much more so in the pubs rather than the grounds, but the ‘worst’ case of this that we experienced only looked potentially ugly for about 30 seconds... at which point the older gent in question then calmly complemented our backline. And thus began a passionate, convivial conversation over a beer about, well, all things rugby.” Well spoken, random stranger. Now go All Blacks!

For a full list of contact details plus profiles of AuSM staff & student executive and information on clubs visit:


Corner The winning piece for Creative day for a will win one free hot drink each *! Piko from k wee only. The *Coffee, tea and hot chocolate k a day for drin hot free one have will er winn they day the from ting star , five week days redeem their first drink.

Angel Guanlao Sometimes Auckland Looks Spectacular


issue 22 2011

Nicole Brown Untitled 22SGM poster2011.pdf



5:53 PM









12 NOON // To be held in WHAREKAI NGA WAI O HOROTIU MARAE (across the carpark from WC202) All AUT students welcome. Please bring student ID.

Alicia Mar’ee Burrows

AGENDA ITEMS INCLUDE: AuSM 2012 membership fee & budget // Constitutional changes // Confirmation of 2012 Executive Council members // Election of vacant 2012 Executive Council positions: Design & Creative Technologies Faculty Representative, International Affairs Officer, Maori Affairs Officer, Pasifika Affairs Officer.


issue 22 2011

Letter of the week wins two movie tickets for Event Cinemas!

Letter of the week: Facebook, I really liked you when we first started hanging out. You made me laugh and it was easy to stalk people and I could poke people I had always had a crush on but could never work up the courage to poke in real life. You made me have dates Facebook! Then you started to realise how awesome you were. It used to be easy to scroll through all my friends photos but now I struggle to find the close button. Then you deleted a whole bunch of my friends from my feed and I didn’t notice for ages but I thought no one loved me. It was sad. Then I changed those setting, while also making it super hard for other people to find me. Then all these other social medias started popping up trying to best you and rather than ignoring them, you copied all their worst traits. I don’t want to know what the top statuses of the hour are, Facebook. I just want the most recent. I don’t want to categorise my friends. My memory is shit and I’ll forget what category I put them in and what if they are in two categories and I have to choose which one is more appropriate? Facebook is NOT MEANT FOR THINKING. So Facebook, it’s been four years now, but I think I have to end it with you. It’s not me, it’s you. All you. Don’t change. I mean, change back, but then don’t change. Deactivate.

debate letters policy: Letters need to make it into debate’s mailbox before Wednesday, 3pm each week for the following issue. You must give us your name when submitting letters to be eligible for letter of the week, but you can use a pseudonym for publication if you wish. Any letters longer than 250 words may be subjected to editing. Spelling and grammar will not be corrected. The editor reserves the right to decline without explanation. Most importantly, the views contained on the letters page do not necessarily represent the views of AuSM. Send your letters to or if you want to kick it old school, PO Box 6116, Wellesley St, Auckland.

Dear USB companies, Do you even test your product before packaging it and putting it on shelves? I’ve never been that great with technology but in the past year I’ve got through 5 usbs… all from different companies… and each one Response from debate: has stopped working after only a couple of Out of all of our articles, Brendan Kelly’s months. What’s the point of backing up your always seem to get the most response. Don’t work if the back up is just going to break worry, we hassle him at this end to write stuff when your printing out your assignment. too. Didn’t work this week… but maybe next? And to the students of AUT, have you got any USBs that you can recommend? Dear Debate, Never hitting save again Your letters section seems to be getting smaller each week – why is that? Along with Note from AuSM: microcelebs and the horoscopes, letters is the While we can’t help with the breaking down best section in the magazine. Auckland Uni of USBs, if other students have a USB this seems to have pages of letters each week, and year, please come and check in the AuSM their magazine is nowhere near the standard office on the city campus. We have heaps of ours. Bring back the letters section – It’s of unwanted USBs that obviously belong to funny as. people and I’m sure there’s stuff on there you Disappointed reader. want back. when he was talking about gender being so main stream. Seriously, he needs to write more articles before the end of the year – he’s the best way to pass time in lectures. Anon

Response from debate: Thank you for writing into debate; our letters section can only be displayed in debate if readers like yourself take to their computers and write into us. If Dear Petra and Andrea, no one writes in Thanks for the great coverage of Fashion to complain or Week in the last issue of debate. I always love compliment us, your fashion pieces so it was really great to we can’t run the see your take on NZFW. I managed to see a letters section. I couple of shows this year as well and I agree agree, the letters with Andrea, it’s not the outrageous event I section is one of expect it to be. Keep up the good work – you the great parts are making a lot of fashion conscious people of debate, and pick up debate a lot more these days. I was always Lady in Red disappointed PS You must tell me where those blue when I was a wedges are from in the Shoe Envy section student if it (last shoe in second row). They are wasn’t present AMAZING! in an issue. Hopefully Dear debate, this letter will Another stellar issue last week – well done. encourage other Was so pleased to see Brendan Kelly’s article students to write on hipsters in there. I was actually in tears more.


Powerlifting 101 – Not just for meat heads

Sausage Casserole

by Danny Nemani (strength athlete, Olympic weightlifter, powerlifter and Strongman) The power lifts are a specific group of exercises that athletes use to summon upper and lower body strength, explosive power, core stability, co-ordination and full body muscle recruitment. The three power lifts are back squat, bench press and deadlift, whereas Olympic weightlifting consists of the snatch and the clean & jerk. When these exercises are performed with safe and correct technique using safe loads you can expect fantastic results, however if used foolishly, injuries and wasted time are your rewards.

by Alicia Crocket Serves 6 Dairy free, gluten free if you use GF sausagesCost per serve: $2.32

»» Back Squat

When used with correct form, coupled with full range of motion (none of this quarter squats rubbish) the back squat is second to none as a lower body strength developer. Top Tip: When descending in the squat, push your knees outwards but keep your feet flat on the ground. This will ‘open up’ your hips, which allows your torso to move in line with your midline. This helps avoid lower back pain and/or knee pain. Don’t forget to push your hips back as you descend to activate your glutes and hamstrings during the squat.

»» Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most primal exercises any man can do at the gym. When used effectively (and not overused) the bench press is one of the most effective exercises at building upper body strength. When misused, you can guarantee upper body imbalances that will keep you on the sideline for a while. Top Tip: Use your legs! Plant your feet flat into the ground, keep your leg muscles tight, push into the ground with your feet when you push the bar up from your chest. Good gains will come when you perfect your timing.

»» Deadlift

There is nothing more satisfying than lifting a heavy weight from the ground and standing tall and proud with it. The deadlift is super effective at building upper back stren gth, posterior lower body strength and core strength. Top Tip: If you find that you get a sore lower back after every deadlift session, you’re doing it wrong. Try performing ‘rack deadlifts’ instead. Start with the bar set just above your knees on the power rack pins. Stand tall, with your chest up and core engaged, lift the bar to full hip extension while keeping good form, lower until the bar is resting on the pins and repeat. Over time you will start to set the power rack pins lower each time until the bar touches the ground. Using the power lifts in your training routine can produce fantastic strength gains but you must check your ego at the door if you’re a first timer. Using the power lifts incorrectly, with poor form or unsafe loads will end in disaster. So go get yourself proper coaching from an experienced and qualified strength coach. Happy lifting everyone.


As winter departs, it’s time to say goodbye to warming stews and casseroles. However, before you move on to light summer foods for good, give this tasty, easy casserole a try. Serve it with crusty bread, garlic bread, mashed potatoes or rice. This recipe freezes well and can be easily halved if you have a smaller casserole dish.


1 Tbsp oil 12 sausages 2 medium onions, thinly sliced 2 cloves of garlic, chopped OR 2 tsps of minced garlic ½-1 tsp chilli powder (according to preference) 1 x 400g chopped tomatoes 1 tsp stock powder mixed with 1 cup of hot water 2 Tbsps tomato paste or puree 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 Tbsp brown sugar 1 ½ tsp dried mixed herbs 1 x 400g can of beans (cannellini, black, butter, haricot beans, chickpeas etc) Salt and pepper to taste

Directions 1 Heat oil and gently brown the sausages in a large pot or lidded

fry pan. Put aside on a plate while you are making the rest of the sauce 2 Sauté the onion and garlic in the same pan you cooked the sausages in 3 Add all remaining ingredients and stir for a few minutes to heat through 4 Add the sausages back in. When the mixture is boiling put the lid on the pan, turn down to low and simmer for 20 minutes or until the sausages are cooked through

issue 22 2011

Alarming number of young people in Auckland disengaged from politics

unfriendly legislation like the voluntary student membership bill. Two months out from the national Young people feel under attack.” elections, a significant number of Hughes believes the Electoral young New Zealanders are still not Commission does a good job but enrolled to vote. with this election “it’s much of the Although Auckland Central has same old stuff which is rolled out one of the largest populations of every election”. 18 to 24-year-olds in the country, National manager of the Electoral only around 44 per cent of this Enrolments Centre Murray Wicks demographic are enrolled, according says the newly launched Facebook to the Electoral Commission. page ‘I vote NZ’, which was set up as Nationally, 72 per cent of this part of its youth strategy, has been demographic are signed up, which going well. is 10 per cent down from the 2008 But Hughes says the Commission election. needs to further expand its use of Green MP Gareth Hughes, 29, says social media. Changes could include this is a long-term trend. a ‘share this page’ social media “The reasons for this are numerous. button on the enrolments website Partly it’s the fact young people and communicating via Twitter. are disengaged from the political He says one of the problems is “you process,” says Hughes. can enrol online but you still need to “Many young people just aren’t sign a bit of paper”. interested and don’t feel they have a “Every extra step is an extra barrier stake in politics. to someone doing it and a chance a “In fact they’re actively being young person won’t enrol.” targeted with legislation such as Hughes acknowledges a large raising the drinking age and youth percentage of Green voters are

young but he isn’t just interested in protecting the Green vote. “It’s an important election. It’s not only the general election but there is also a referendum on the election system. It’s important young people participate and help decide which voting system to use in the future.” AUT lecturer in political science Dr Kate Nicolls agrees the referendum makes this a fundamental election. She is currently teaching New Zealand politics to first year students and is “astounded” by their lack of general political knowledge. She urges them to read political blogs and get into debate but feels their level of interest is not there. “I’m trying to get my students to vote not just for a political party but also for the referendum. “I think it is news to them that if we go back to First Past the Post we’ll get less ethnic diversity and youth representation and it will be very difficult for smaller parties to get in.” Nicolls says part of the problem is there has been a general cultural shift


to things being more individualised. There are so many ways for people to entertain themselves and occupy their time aside from politics. The fact the government is cutting funding to TVNZ 7 is only going to increase student dislocation from politics, she says. “Many people blame the media for dumbing things down in politics and focussing on personalities and you are going to get that on a mainstream channel but that’s why you need to find alternative voices.” Some of her students watch the political interview programme Back Benches on TVNZ 7 and she says it is a really well done show. Whatever it takes to get them voting Hughes says young people need to have a say in the future of our country. “Young people are a significant share of our vote. If you don’t vote the first time you’re less likely to vote again and possibly ever in your life time.”

SIFE team have the scary world of job hunting sorted As the end of the second semester draws near, students expecting to graduate may fear the idea of trying to find career jobs. CV writing, interviewing and learning to network with potential employers can seem like a frightening task, but members Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) AUT have organised workshops to help students learn how to do just that. The event, Proactiv, has been run once a semester since 2005. Proactiv team leader Colin Fong says the workshops - to be held this Friday - will give students confidence. “Each workshop will involve CV writing, a nine minute practice interview, learning how to use social media to build up a profile and find jobs, and 30 minutes of networking with potential employers.” The interviews with potential employers have been organised to last nine minutes. Each student spends six minutes being interviewed, and then has a three minute feedback session. “We have brought in actual employers, from ASB Bank, ACC, Skycity and Robert Walters Recruitment. It’s good to have them aboard, they are pretty well known,” says Fong. At the end of the interview session, students will have half an hour to talk to these representatives. As well as a taste of networking, students

will take home business cards of potential employers. A senior lecturer in the Centre for Business Interdisciplinary Studies, Andy Ballard, has been a mentor for SIFE since the beginning of the year. He oversees projects for the organisation, and is a support person for students involved in SIFE. Ballard says Proactiv was very successful in the first semester. “Participants are really pleased to get feedback from experienced interviewers. It’s a chance to learn what they have done right or wrong, before doing it in real life.” According to statistics from previous years, 80 per cent of attendees said they had increased confidence, and 90 per cent said they had acquired new skills. Proactiv began in the United States and now operates in over 39 countries worldwide, with around 1500 universities involved. President Rachel Cleary says the organisation is perfect for anyone who wants to make a difference in the lives of others, and stresses that while it is based in the business faculty, SIFE is open to everyone attending AUT. “We really want to make it more faculty integrated, not just business. If we could broaden to other faculties it would be phenomenal.” Proactiv will take place on Friday September 29. Tickets cost $20 per person, or $35 for two. To register email


Check your AUT email for a link to the online voting page.

Ali Aljurani

Position Applying For: AuSM President Programme of Study: Bachelor of Health Science in Podiatry Dear fellow students and Titans, My name is Ali Aljurani, currently in my last year of my BHSc degree major in Podiatry. Currently I am on the AuSM exec as the Health and Environmental Sciences Rep. As your elected president I will make sure to be the voice for the students of AUT and to act in your best interest. As a student I understand the value of social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter, as your president I will make sure the university will not ban them as they are currently trying to do. I ensure that each campus will have events running during the week, such as gigs, comedy shows, bands, free feed and much, much more. For our more mature students there will be events delegated specifically for them and to accommodate for their needs and make sure they enjoy the uni lifestyle.

Barrett Owen

Position Applying for: Business Faculty Representative Programme of Study: Bachelor of Business Hello everyone, My name is Barrett Owen. I am a Bachelor of Business student majoring in economics and management. I do my best to become involved with and help out as many groups as I can. Two key aspects I plan to focus on if I am elected are: - Greatly improving the student representation within AuSM and the faculty. As it is, I do not believe that the majority of students have a voice in the faculty. I intend to ensure that students gain their voice! - Increasing the support and exposure that AuSM, the faculty and the university offer the clubs within AUT. For more information on my reasoning behind focusing on these aspects and why I am running, current initiatives I have planned, and what I believe qualifies me to be your representative, please visit: Lastly, even if you don’t vote for me, vote for someone.

Daniel Palenski

Position Applying for: Disability Affairs Officer Programme of Study: Bachelor of Computer and Information Science I’m Daniel Palenski, I have Aspgerers Syndrome. I feel I could make a real difference to people with disabilities at AUT. I’m very approachable so I’m always open to other people’s ideas. I want all students to have a great time here.

Jason Walls

Position Applying for: Disability Affairs Officer Programme of Study: Communications Hey, my name is Jason Walls and I’m running for AuSM’s Disability Affairs Officer for 2012. University can be difficult for someone with a disability; being a dyslexic doing a professional communications degree, I am speaking from experience. I know that sometimes it’s a struggle grasping ideas that others seem to understand so quickly. I have worked for Idea/IHC, an organisation that helps provide care for individuals living with a disability, for almost three years and was recently awarded the home support workers leadership award. I hold a lot of experience in the disability area of education and as well as being the communications student rep, dedicated and hardworking, I feel that I am the right person for this position. If elected, I will do all I possibly can to voice my opinion and make sure AUT’s disabled community has their voices heard. So don’t be a whinger, vote ginger!


issue 22 2011

Kizito Kwaku Essuman

Position Applying For: AuSM President, Vice-President, Postgraduate Students’ Officer Programme of Study: C. Prof (Eng) / MBA Fellow students, I’m Kizito, your candidate for 2012 AuSM presidency. I hold a Bachelor and Masters degree in mechanical engineering from AUT and currently doing a postgrad programme. Sadly, we are in the middle of pressing and major changes that may affect the services AuSM provides you with so we need a president who has been involved right from the beginning to fight for your interests. I have served on the AuSM executive council as a faculty rep in 2008. With much passion for serving my fellow students, I’m on the AUT council with the current AuSM president as your student reps on the university council. I have had the fantastic opportunity of acting in the best interests of the student body on many board meetings and committees. My dedication and hard work will lead us into a golden age when you vote for me as your 2012 AuSM president.

Malcolm Turner

Position Applying For: AuSM Vice-President Programme of Study: Bachelor of Social Sciences After being on the AuSM executive council for nearly three years I would like to carry on my experience into a larger overseeing role for the AUT student body as next year’s vice-president. I have served as an Applied Humanities faculty representative and then as the Pasifika Affairs Officer and am currently working with students across the nation to see how tertiary experiences can be enhanced. I have also developed relationships in AuSM which have benefitted AUT students and hope to continue these relationships as I complete my final year as a student next year. I have seen what it’s like from being a new student to working with the Vice-Chancellor and AuSM president and can confidently take information from grass roots and make changes at the head. Please vote for me as someone with experience and someone who cares, Malcolm Turner your future AuSM vice-president.

Nate Bromberg

Position Applying for: Business Faculty Representative, Postgraduate Students’ Officer Programme of Study: Master of Business Greetings all! My name is Nathan, and I am studying for my Master of Business (Information Systems) degree. I am originally from the UK, but have lived in New Zealand for the last 10 years. I previously studied my undergraduate degree at NorthTec where I also sat on the student council for three years, including my final year as president. I was also a student mentor for three and a half years, and a peer tutor for one year. Here at AUT, I am the current vice-president of Out@AUT, on the Board of Studies and a teaching assistant in the business faculty. Should I be elected to this position, I will help to continue the already strong sense of innovation and tenacity that AuSM at AUT have in supporting and promoting their students in study. I also have a keen interest in diversity and equity within the university.

Stacey Kenzelmann

Position Applying for: Business Faculty Representative Programme of Study: Bachelor of Business Hey everyone I’m Stacey! I want to be Business Faculty Rep because business is my passion in life (music comes in a close second - particularly old school hip-hop). I’m super organised, outspoken and not afraid of being un-”PC”. I moved here from South Africa when I was 17 and went to Orewa College (the iPad school... eek). I feel that makes me uniquely positioned to represent both domestic and international students ‘cause I’m a bit of both. In 2008 (my seventh form year) I represented New Zealand in the Global Enterprise Challenge and was one of the top 10 business students in the country that year. Throughout my degree I’ve had as many ‘D’ grades as I’ve had ‘A’ grades and understand that the uni, work, life balance is hard to maintain... and sleep is precious! I’ll do my best! So please vote for me. Thank you.

Stacey McNaull

Position Applying for: Disability Affairs Officer Programme of Study: Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) Hey, I’m Stacey. I’m currently studying physiotherapy and am determined to study medicine as a graduate. I have passionately devoted my future education towards helping those with disabilities. Throughout life I have been surrounded by those with a large diversity of mental and physical disabilities, including myself. I understand and respect the difficulties associated with tertiary education and the sensitivity required when interacting with those who have disabilities. I have previously been forced into correspondence and have terminated enrolment at a previous university due to lack of accommodation. I believe this personal experience is advantageous and makes me an ideal voice for AUT disabilities resource services with whom I am registered with. My mission is to advocate for students with disabilities and to negotiate their needs with the university by offering different opinions and conducting potential research. Lastly, I aim to improve general university life in academic and social avenues.


sports by Heath Moore

While our TV screens have been swamped with endless rugby world cup action, the drama has arrived early this season in the English Premier League. So far we have had Man United pull Arsenal’s pants down with an 8-2 drubbing and Man City doing the same to Spurs, winning 5-1. We have had players knocked out, broken bones, 156 yellow cards, 8 red cards, 15 penalties and Newcastle and Stoke City flying high. Whilst the dust is settling, let’s look at the big clubs, major signings and their chances for this season. The Manchester clubs have extended a lead at the top with four wins from four, amassing 32 goals between them. The champions recruited in three key positions which all have made a big impact so early on this season. The lively England winger Ashley Young joined the red devils from Aston Villa and has started off on fire, scoring two goals and five assists to date. He has provided the spark along with Wayne Rooney, who together is producing a deadly combination in the attacking end of the field. Goalkeeper David De Gea has come under criticism for his lack of concentration between the sticks, but at only 20 years old, he’ll have a long career at United. Two clean sheets and 25 saves in four games show De Gea means business. United’s final piece of business was the capture of Blackburn defender Phil Jones. The 19-year-old has been touted as the next Nemanja Vidic, and so far has stepped up to expectation. Dominant performances at back have been backed up with two clean sheets and two assists. With flexibility to play anywhere at the back, Phil Jones will be the go-to man for Sir Alex in defence. Man United are favourite again to win the title and with their brilliant start, only rivals Man City are ones to fear early on. Wealthy Man City continued their spending spree to great effect with the capture of Argentinean star Sergio Aguero. With six goals and an assist in four games, Sergio Aguero is the second highest scorer this season behind Rooney (with eight). His partnership with Edin Dzeko has propelled Manchester City from top four hopefuls of last season, to title contenders. Samir Nasri, another one of Man City’s big named signings has made an instant impact with four assists. Samir Nasri and David Silva have played a part in over half of City’s goals already, being the engine room behind Edin Dzeko and Sergio Aguero. Despite critics suggesting you cannot buy trophies, Man City are proving them wrong, playing attractive football and currently sit comfortably at the top with neighbours Man United. Man City can now consider themselves a top tier club and they’ll be Man United’s toughest opposition for the title this season. Chelsea was quiet in the transfer window, giving critics more ammunition to question their aging squad. However, Chelsea picked up Spanish star Juan Mata, who singlehandily kept Valencia afloat last season. Despite limited


game time, he has provided Chelsea with some much needed creativity and should be a key player to Chelsea making a run for the title. New manager Andre Villas-Boas has a tough year ahead of him trying to get this aging squad to last the distance. A top four finish should be comfortable but I don’t think they’ll have the legs to last the distance. If they can recruit some fresh legs in midfield and get Fernando Torres to find some form, Chelsea will compete for the title but all will be answered come January. Liverpool made most of their signings end of last season, but the addition of Charlie Adam from Blackpool is a step in the right direction. With two quality strikers and now a wealth of experience in midfield, Liverpool should look dangerous on attack with Charlie Adam’s vision, Steven Gerrard’s long range abilities and Luiz Suarez’s trickery. Despite mixed results early this season, they sit in sixth and have the depth and ability in their squad to cement a Champions League spot. If they can string a number of performances together, they’ll go a long way to competing with the likes of Chelsea and the Manchester clubs. Arsenal… WOW… they have been pathetic. After a dreadful end to last season, they have continued where they left off… going nowhere but south. Manager Arsene Wenger finally accepted his team has problems. With the departure of Arsenals two best players, Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri, Arsenal had to sign players fast. Yao Gervinho and Mikel Arteta have added some stability in midfield and with the capture of Brazilian defender Andre Santos and 6’ 6” German Per Mertesacker, you’d think Arsenal’s defensive woes have been solved. However, conceding eight against Man United and four against Blackburn, it’s the same story for Wenger’s men; different players, same problems. Arsenal sit 15th and don’t look like improving soon. Already their title hopes seem to be dashed, and only a top four finish will give Arsenal some sense of revival. With the Manchester clubs world class signings, Chelsea’s reliance on their aging but experienced squad, Liverpool’s new found depth, Arsenal’s ever growing problem list and the rise of Stoke City, it’ll sure be one hell of a season. Its unpredictable nature will throw up many surprises and moments to remember. Despite the fantastic Rugby World Cup and a thrilling NRL playoffs series, the English Premier League will give you nine months of pure emotion.

issue 22 2011

Don’t get stressed out!

It’s that time of year when stress levels are running high. If you are having issues with any papers or grades or just need someone to talk to, AuSM can help you. Contact our AuSM advocacy and liaison team on 921 9999 ext 8379 (Nick) or ext 8311 (Becky). More info at www.ausm. (advocacy). They are happy to help!

Take a break

If you haven’t heard about the AuSM Lodge at National Park – you’re missing out. It’s a great place to holiday in summer and winter and sleeps up to 20 people. Rent the whole lodge from $130 per night! Book and view photos online at

Clothes Swap this Thursday

The Clothes Swap at AUT is this Thursday! Raid your wardrobes for clothes, shoes and accessories to swap! Swap your clothes for tokens. You can drop you clothing off at AuSM office City campus on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday this week 11.30am-12.30pm and 9am-10.30am on Thursday. Call for stylists! Contact if you are interested in being a stylist on the day! Find out more on our facebook page

Free Feeds

AuSM will be serving up yummy vege fried noodles at free feeds this week. We also have the photo booth and a professional face painter at Manukau campus on Monday, so come along and take some photos with your friends! Photos from North Shore and City campuses last week are online now at

1.Who hosted the 63rd annual Primetime Emmy Awards last Monday? a) Chelsea Handler b) Ellen DeGeneres c) Jane Lynch d) Kathy Griffin

5. What is the English name for the bird Kereru? a) Bellbird b) Finch c) Hawk d) Wood Pigeon

2. Which country does Heineken from? a) The Netherlands b) Germany c) Japan d) Belgium

6. What was the name of the first album Nirvana released, under independent label Sub Pop? a) Nevermind b) In Utero c) Bleach d) Smells Like Teen Spirit

9. Which birthday did Prince Harry recently celebrate? a) 26 b) 27 c) 28 d) 29

7. Who is the captain of football team Manchester City? a) Nemanja Vidic b) John Terry c) Mohammed Basit d) Vincent Kompany

10. Who was the coach of the 1987 All Blacks, the team that won the first Rugby World Cup? a) Alex Wyllie b) Laurie Mains c) Sir Brian Lochore d) Bryce Rope

4. What is the legal blood alcohol limit in driving for a person over the age of 20? a) 50mg per 100ml of blood b) 80mg per 100ml of blood c) 110mg per 100ml of blood d) 125mg per 100ml of blood

Answers: C, A, B, B, D, C, D, A, B, C.

3. Since their loss to Ireland, which team are the Wallabies likely to go up against in the quarter finals? a) Wales b) South Africa c) New Zealand d) England

8. When was the New Zealand Herald founded? a) 1863 b) 1876 c) 1891 d) 1907


Ministry of transport:

Let me start with the whopper, transport. Aucklanders actually used it to get to the CBD, but the organisations that are responsible for it really stuffed up their planning. Let’s say it was around 200,000 that turned up to Auckland CBD for our biggest party. Yet it emerged that they were expecting 150,000 to attend but only planned for 50,000! You’ve seen the pictures… trains crammed full of people and trains not moving. A rail network that couldn’t handle such an influx of people for an event this size and a noticeable lack of trains running services and a poorly designed Britomart Station to process these people. Our first test of the event and we failed. The media, our faithful watchdogs, will have blood as to who was to blame.

Ministry of blame:

This is a political scandal. There must be fault, there must be blame put to someone. Who was to blame? Who stuffed this up for Auckland? The usual suspect is too many organisations involved, some didn’t talk to one another and bam, someone missed the one on that 50,000. Not enough space on the trains, not enough space on the waterfront. Terrible planning on the behalf of the Auckland Council. The blame ball has been passed around; the government, the council, Veolia transport. At the end of the day it was Auckland Council planning for this, they stuffed up predicting a lower turnout than Christmas in the Park.

by Jarred Williamson

It was going to be eight weeks

without politics. New Zealand would be swamped by rugby they said. It

was going to be eight weeks where

political junkies had to find something

to write about, find some obscure press release in which we could bitch about something Labour or National wasn’t doing right.

Sadly, or some might say to my

pleasure, we only had to watch the first five minutes of the 6pm news. While I’m writing this it’s only just been a

week into the tournament and there

have been multiple ‘politically themed’ scandals played out in the media.

Majority of which are just ridiculous and not even worth making a deal over. I’ve divided these into ministries, as this is political after all.

Ministry of control and event management:

There must be action taken politically to restore some order and to be seen to take action. Action has been taken and Auckland Council got a kick up the butt from the government for their shortfalls. Len lost control of the waterfront in an embarrassment for him as he found out about the decision through special measures from the media. Clearly the relationship between Auckland and Wellington has been strained. Hopefully government control will make consents easier to pass, as government does have more control than Len does.

Ministry of bad manners:

Not only do we have Minister of Twitter crowned earlier in the year, but now we have an anonymous “Minister of Bad Manners”. It has been alleged that Maurice Williamson, Jonathan Coleman or Wayne Mapp were quite vocal about their thoughts on the Wallabies, in their first game of the tournament. I mean come on, really? Guyon Espiner took up two to three minutes of airtime basing his story on a ‘source’ used by a sports gossip columnist in the Sydney Morning Herald. Great journalism and a great source of information really. Not only was it on One News but also Sainsbury entertained us with a segment on the ‘scandal’ in Close Up that same night. I was expecting to see more reporting on the actual event, but it seems the media got caught up on this one

Some say don’t mix business with pleasure and that sports and politics don’t mix. Well, I’d like to agree, but I can’t. Look at the 1981 Springbok Tour – mass protests about South Africa’s apartheid regime – now look at Rugby World Cup 2011. The media simply cannot leave out politics. Politics will exist in virtually all parts of life to some extent – the media and politicians rely on this fact. So, with that in mind there goes a politics free World Cup, gear up for Election 2011!


issue 22 2011

by Sebastian Mackay


he Rugby world Cup is well under way and so far the estimated cost is around $310 million; Hamilton alone has spent $768,000. Money some would argue well spent. But we have to wonder, what is going to happen to the media during the world cup? More importantly, what is going to become of the two children that are abused physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually every hour? Will we hear their screams and cries when the eyes of the world are upon us? Children will be beaten and they will be abused; some might even die as a result. This is where the ability of the media to report real news needs to be questioned. While we stare into our TV screens and sit field side to our favourite teams, the media will be in news rooms, feverishly compiling stories and siphoning through hours of journalism and hours of world cup replays to find the news stories that make it to your screens and newspapers over the course of the next few weeks. As a nation, we need to consider who gets left out. In an interview with David Cunliffe of the Labour party he, like many politicians before him, acknowledged the child abuse situation, saying it is “a sick underbelly of our society”. There seems to be a general consensus that children brought up in poorer families are more prone to abuse than children that are not. I don’t disagree with this, however it raises thea question of ‘do we have an excuse for those that abuse outside of poor communities’? the answer is apparently ‘it depends’. The comedian, whom pleaded guilty to performing indecent acts on his four-year-old daughter, is a prime example of this. Judge Cunningham granted him permanent name suppression deeming the case “extraordinary” and saying the man was not to blame because he had been drinking. The judge also ruled that the comedian should not be charged on the basis that he “makes people laugh” and also claiming that a conviction would outweigh the gravity of the offence. The offence was the comedian pulling down the pyjama pants and nappy of his daughter, and then he began to kiss her. So, whether you get charged for blatant child abuse or not, simply depends. Fact in point, teacher Pat Doube of Mercury Bay Area School in Whitianga taped the mouths shut of two of her Year Three students because they were talking too much. The story broke on August 28

and currently the teacher concerned is under investigation. We’ve heard nothing since. Child abuse rates in New Zealand are some of the worst in the world (per capita) and it is blaringly obvious that it is no longer a pandemic that only affects the poor and those under financial strain. Child abuse has moved into the class rooms of the next generation of children of the nation and it’s appalling to think at most, the National government has released a “green paper” opening up discussions on the issue. It’s also appalling that Labour seemingly have not even considered to campaign at this election on defeating or at the least managing child abuse. Instead Labour has opted to campaign on populist politics, saying they’ll repeal the Copyright Amendment Act. National are no better, campaigning on free market ideologies, such as partial asset sales. I am under no illusion that there is a simple answer to solving the child abuse problem. There will need to be research initiatives and rehabilitation at the least. These will cost money and although some will ask, “In a time like this, where are going to find the money?”. I have two simple answers for you: Happy Feet and The Rugby World Cup. The phenomenal amount the tax payer has just spent on saving a penguin, which has been nothing more than a feel good story in a tough economic time, will do nothing for stopping the real problem of global warming and over-fishing. The money could have been put towards, at the least, opening a fund for research into the causes and solutions of child abuse. Coupled with the amount of money

spent on the Rugby World Cup, a research fund or more effective advertising campaign is already partially funded. I cannot write this and be ignorant to the sound bite Paula Bennett and her laissez faire managed green paper has received on September 19th‘s morning news. Still in comparison it hardly matches the coverage of Hillary Barry’s Naomi Kleinesque aid story that featured on 60 Minutes on Sunday the 18th. The lives of the Kenyans are important, I’m not disputing that, however it seems we are moved and sensationalised by the aid stories across the world instead of having to face the issues at home. New Zealand aid makes a difference overseas and New Zealanders all feel good that their benevolence is making some kind of difference, attempting to justify the lack social discussion around our children with overseas initiatives because “Hey, at least we helped someone, right?”. While the job of “parent” and protector is passed on to our school teachers, while CYFS sit on the sideline, under staffed, underfunded and underperforming, allowing some of the most heinous abuses on their watch. I’ll leave you with one final thought. While the All Blacks, our heroes and our most publicised and endorsed sports team in New Zealand, chase a ball up and down field remember, never have we seen them stand up against child abuse. Never have we seen them front a “never shake a baby” ad campaign. Instead we see the nation’s heroes whoring themselves out to advertisements for Up & Go, Versatile Buildings and men’s underwear.


by Alisha Lewis

remain the largest in the world. This doesn’t seem to have been of much use though. Efforts to secure oil have failed dramatically; as have or years, the great ‘American efforts to instate democracy in the dream’ was put forward to the Muslim Middle East. world as something to aspire to. The US has squandered billions of It was touted as a thing so within dollars on a war that really doesn’t one’s reach it was practically serve any American purpose. tangible. The Afghanistan War seems to peaking – while everyone was Based on the idea that everyone be following a similar pattern. – no matter what their background still living ‘the dream’. In a bid to President Obama recently safeguard that American dream – had a shot at becoming rich, the announced that the US is not and keep his country safe (but American dream saw immigrants winning in Afghanistan. Although really, to get revenge and try gain flocking to the United States from he put it delicately, there was no control of Iraqi oil reserves), Bush around the world. It saw people beating around the bush when deployed millions of troops into from Mexico risking their lives to Milton Bearden, a former top Iraq, launching the ‘War on Terror’. CIA analyst on Afghanistan, said cross the border and embark on Not long after, they moved into life as an illegal just so that their bluntly: “If you aren’t winning, children might be born in a country Afghanistan as well. you’re losing.” And for a nation used Billions of dollars and millions that promised such great things. to being the big kid on campus, But in recent years we’ve come to of lost lives later, the war has done this whole ‘losing’ thing is a new little more than to serve as proof see that the American dream was concept for them to grasp. They’re that America’s superpower status is the ones that call the shots. They’re built on the shaky foundations of fraying. one of the most malicious aspects the ones who win wars. Indeed Iran has been dubbed of humanity: greed. Irresponsible But the years which followed the strategic winner of the Bush/ deals and shaky mortgages led to World War II, the glory days of Cheney war against Saddam an inevitable collapse of the US America swooping in and gallantly Hussein. According to analysts, Economy. saving world, are over. Now they’re US presence in Iraq only served However this was not the the ones that need saving. to empower neighbouring Iran, only blow to hit America in the The country is in huge debt. The seeing the rise of a new regional past decade – the September 11 collapse of the financial markets superpower which seems to now be was a bit like getting kicked while attacks and subsequent Iraq and Afghanistan wars played a huge part in control of the new Iraq. they were already down. And as the in America’s transition from a global To rub salt in the wound, US rest of the world watched on, we efforts to secure oil have also proved couldn’t help but think of the world superpower to a besieged nation. to be a clumsily executed failure. Over the past 10 years we have ‘karma’. It was a bit like seeing the The Washington Post reports that watched the American dream bully finally take a hit. China has discreetly one-upped shatter. We have seen the United To stop the superpower falling States shudder under the weight of America, taking advantage of headfirst into a depression, the debt and terror. We have witnessed fire-sale prices to snap up global Emergency Economic Stabilisation supplies of oil, minerals and other the decline of an empire. Act of 2008, commonly referred to strategic resources for their own Much of the reason behind this as the bailout of the US Financial economy – all without using a decline can be attributed to two System, was enacted. The law single soldier or compromising a things: the ‘War on Terror’ and a authorised the United States single life. man known as former President Secretary of the Treasury to spend The one thing the United States George W. Bush. up to US$700 billion to purchase still has going for them is that The September 11 attacks hit distressed assets from the nation’s their military and defence forces America while the nation was still banks.



Yet the American economy was already in debt from the cost of the wars. There wasn’t much cash tucked away for a rainy day – or a recession. Taxpayers had to fund the bailout of the American economy – essentially paying for the cost of that great American dream. Had it not been for the United States’ involvement in two major wars in the past 10 years, the economy may have been a little more resilient. Even conservative political commentators have noted that the Government made some seriously bad calls in regards to America’s wars. The National Interest’s Robert Pape recently wrote an article in the journal on the issue, stating: “The self-inflicted wounds of the Iraq war, growing government debt, increasingly negative currentaccounts balance and other economic weaknesses have cost the United States real power in today’s world… If present trends continue, we will look back at the Bush administration’s years as the death knell of American hegemony.” When you take into consideration America’s position on issues such as national deficit, the price of oil and employment 10 years ago (at the start of Bush’s two terms in power) and compare it with today, it is difficult to fault Pape’s statement.

issue 22 2011

Unemployment the deficit Oil and gas

SEPT 2011

2001 $128 billion budget surplus


$88.93 per barrel oil/ $3.65 per gallon gasoline

The price of oil In 2001, really began to the federal climb in 2004, government had 1.3 trillion rising sharply finally managed budget deficit SEPT 2001 till 2008 when to achieve a (projected) it peaked at $26.66 surplus for four The Iraq and nearly $150 per per barrel years straight, Afghanistan barrel due to starting in 1998 wars have come oil/ $1.53 the concern that per gallon and including at a price tag of global demand a $236 billion over $1 trillion gasoline appeared to surplus at the and counting. Although oil be surpassing turn of the The recession price rose to supply. That millennium. has added $29.59 a barrel year the price of Long-term to financial in the days gas also topped prospects were burdens with the following the $4 per gallon. looking great implementation 9/11 attacks, Although prices and in January of the Troubled economic have come down 2001 the Asset Relief concerns since then, they Congressional Program ($700 trumped worries remain high as Budget Office billion) and about supply diminishing oil forecasted an the Economic from the Middle and gas resources $889 billion Stimulus Package East – for the remain a large surplus in 2011. ($800 billion). time being. concern.

AUG 2001 4.9%

The year started off with an unemployment rate of 4.2 per cent but ended with an increased rate of 5.7 per cent due to the effects of the September 11 attacks. An estimated 600,000 jobs were lost as a direct result of the terrorist attacks. It wasn’t until 2005 before the unemployment rate returned to its preSeptember 11 level.

AUG 2011 9.1%

Unemployment accelerated in 2008 when the recession hit. Over 2.6 million jobs were lost that year. In October 2009, the rate peaked at 10.1 per cent. Today, at least 14 million Americans are without a job, and conditions look dire, with long-term unemployment remaining a stubborn problem.

When you look at the figures, the decline of the United States as a global supersaver is only too obvious. In the span of 10 years, a great deal has changed and the global balance of power has shifted – pitting Asian countries like China and India as frontrunners in terms of development and power. The United States invaded the Middle East with the ideal of democracy as part of their reasoning, wanting other countries to follow their democratic model and to be like them. Years later, with an even more powerful Arab world emerging and with communist China charging ahead, it seems nobody really listened. Nobody really wants to be like America anymore. The American dream is dead – for now.


by Samantha McQueen


’ve always had a great relationship with my television. It’s always been number one on my list of “best ways to procrastinate from study”, even above Facebook. It was always a great conversation piece in first period at school, because back in my final year of high school there was no such thing as spoilers, no matter how late they aired. I’d have television watching parties with my friends and we’d talk about how Marissa was being a bitch to Ryan or cry at the fact that Denny died. I don’t care what any of the hipster intellectuals think; TV is the bee’s knees. Which is why it was so confusing to move to Auckland and see everyone bagging on television. All of a sudden I was being spoiled by what was happening in Desperate Housewives over in the States, when I was still waiting for Mike and Susan to get together over here. Shows I’d never even heard of were suddenly my best friends’ favourite series. It was the first time I doubted the lasting power of my relationship with my television. In reality, I don’t have too much of a problem with New Zealand TV. Sure, there are shows that I would love to see as soon as they come out in America and shows I wish they would stop airing, but on the whole, I’m happy. I’m savvy enough to stay away from spoilers and ignore certain people on my Twitter and Facebook feed when their impatience gets the better of them. There’s only one show I absolutely must watch when it’s comes out in the States so I quietly stream it (sorry Skynet, that’s not covered under your new law) and then talk about it in person with the others that do the same. Television programmers must have one of the hardest jobs in the world. They have to put out several different line ups throughout the year, mixing in top international content with reality shows and New Zealand produced series. No matter how much of their budget they use to secure one big name show (like TV3 has done with X Factor), there will always be someone complaining that another show isn’t on their schedule. I had immense trouble trying to write this list and I was only dealing with primetime (7.3010.30pm) and not worried about money or networks clashing. I tried to keep as many shows that were currently on air as I could, but also tried to include as many current ‘hip’ shows as well. Already I know that people will look at it and go, “this line up sucks – why is such and such show not there?”. But seriously, I challenge you to come up with your own line up that will have you constantly happy watching television, without having to MySky something on the other channel. It’s impossible. If you do manage to complete this task, then you can go on bagging about how Game of Thrones still hasn’t been shown in New Zealand.

(where cost and network clashes don’t matter) Four notes beforehand:

- Any shows that have been or are currently on TV One, Prime or have been announced for SoHo have not been included on this list (at least, I don’t think they have). So all you MasterChef fans can rest easy. - TV One has been omitted because a) they normally cater an older demographic, b) they seem to be doing a good job as it is (bar Coronation Street’s extreme delay from the UK) and c) I can’t remember the last time I watched TV One. - Saturday is also omitted because everyone knows every channel only play movies or repeats of The Simpsons. - Assume this list takes place after the World Cup, so some of these shows (like Hamish and Andy’s Gap Year) will only be around for two or three episodes for disappearing again. See, told you this was hard.




Mike & Molly

The Middle


Raising Hope

Modern Family









Sunday Night Movie House

The Good Wife


Breaking Bad

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Entertainment Tonight Weekend

issue 22 2011





The Amazing Race (Australia)


Destroyed in Seconds

Noise Control


How I Met Your Mother

2 Broke Girls





Terra Nova

The Mentalist


The Borgias

Pan Am



Parks and Recreation

(once it finishes with this season, roll straight onto 7, which debuted in the States last week)

The Office


Hawaii-Five O





Hot in Cleveland






Grey’s Anatomy



Private Practice

Missing Pieces

America’s Next Top Model (newest season - All Stars)


The Secret Circle


Hamish and Andy’s Gap Year










Two and A Half Men

The Big Bang Theory

New Girl

Happy Endings


Your Worst Animal Nightmares

Dog Patrol


(roll straight onto season two when season one ends and once finished, replace with new season of Cougar Town)




Charlie’s Angels

Gossip Girl




Friday Night Lights (season five)

Underbelly: Razor

The Biggest Loser (a more recent season, with the new trainers)




Police 10/7

Motorway Patrol

TV3 Four





American Dad

Double Episode of Family Guy (this is because it is currently two seasons behind the US and needs to catch up

10.30 Rookie Blue

Rove LA


South Park (double episode: also two seasons behind the US - interesting since it relies so heavily on current affairs)

Balls of Steel

X Factor US Futurama

10.00 20/20




8.00 Hart of Dixie

TV3 Four



Vampire Diaries X Factor US

Better off Ted


Rules of Engagement

10.00 Nikita

7 Days

The Jono Project

10.30 Supernatural Nightline

Friday Night Movie


by Hazel Buckingham


eminism. It is a term that may seem irrelevant in today’s society, because let’s face it, why do we need to advocate for female rights when females have flourished in areas which were

traditionally dominated by males? Sports, academia, politics, careers; we’ve managed to get our foot in the door of all of these areas. What else is there for a feminist to defend in the 21st century? It is upsetting to know that the answer to this question can be found just by looking around. We are indoctrinated with images in magazines, on TVs, billboards, movies, everywhere, of ‘the perfect woman’. And while only a small percentage of women might fit into this ‘perfect category’, it is something glorified universally. Although it may have changed over the years the image of the perfect woman will always have one thing that she strives to attain; the perfect man. It is no secret that our world is a strongly white, middle-aged, patriarchal dominated one and unfortunately that looks like something that is not going to change any time soon. But why are women so happy to just let it be? Feminism is not yet obsolete, because we live in a world that is plagued by the invasion of social constructs.

And where do these social constructs come from? This finger is pointing straight at the media. It starts as young as possible; thanks Walt Disney. Take Cinderella for example, she cooks and cleans all her life, until her prince comes along makes her life ‘worthwhile’. Suddenly she is rich and all her dreams have come true. Patriarchy – 1. Feminism – 0. What about The Simpsons? Matt Groening’s creation of the American nuclear family. Traditional gender roles in place? Well as useless as he may be, Homer still goes off to work every morning and brings home the bacon and Marge is a perfect little housewife, completely content with doing the housework, shopping and raising her three children. Patriarchy – 2. Feminism – 0. Then there is every girl’s favourite movie genre; romantic comedies. Enter desperate career driven woman, successful but lonely. Cue her McDreamy to come and fill her life with happiness that she couldn’t possibly get from being anything than an ‘other’ to a man. You guessed it: Patriarchy – 3. Feminism – 0.


People of my generation and future generations grow up by watching TV. The real life experiences have been molded and fitted into a perfect little package, than can be switched on and off when required. When the media is dominated by male patriarchy and consumerism, how can feminism even be a blip on the radar? Well somebody has to figure something out, because it needs to be! In a world where women are constantly told they are too big, too thin, too loud, too quiet, too pretty, not pretty enough, in a world where women are told who they can and cannot be, there is definitely a need for feminism. So what does this modern day feminist look like? And how do they act? Well believe it or not there alternatives to the unshaven, butch, bra burning radical feminist, but I have to ask what is wrong with radical? What is wrong with a time when people were so fierce and so passionate about what they believed in and what they stood for, that they were willing to do anything to show it? Why is this image of feminists scoffed at today, when we don’t laugh at the black Civil Rights Movement, or the hippies? I wish I was born during times of revolution and change, where radical was actually a word used and it meant something. It meant that this fight for equality could be won. Nowadays, radical is desensitised by that big bad evil. The Media. Have we as a society been

structured to learn that there is no point in standing up for our rights? That apathy is the best course of action and we are happy to just go with the flow? Is this why gender equality can never be achieved? Well it’s definitely why the word radical disappeared with those bra burning feminists we all hate. Regardless of what the modern day feminist might look like, she is required. She needs to exist. She can be the soccer mum, dropping her children off at practice, or the successful career driven woman. She can be a politician or a nanny, or even the girl writing this article. The fight for equality is not over, but thanks to desensitisation it no longer means radical. It means morals, values and independence. It means a woman being who she wants instead of who a man wants her to be. There is no script for the modern day feminist, there is no correct costume or attitude. Independence is the key. We need to step up, be inspired by our ancestors who fought for generations to make our lives easier today. The little things like being educated, and being able to do what we want, are things we take for granted. They were struggled over for years. There is a need for feminism in the 21st century, perhaps more so than ever. But not it is not liberal, nor radical or racial. Rather it is moral choices and actions. But please – no bra burning, if we all walked round without bras on that would make the men all too happy!

issue 22 2011

by Alisha Lewis

Carrot tops. Fire balls. Rangas. Ginger ninjas. They’ve been the underdogs of the hair-colour world since ages ago but lately it seems gingers have been becoming more popular. It all really started with a certain freckle-faced, long-nosed young wizard called Ron Weasley. As Harry Potter’s best friend, Ron quickly became household name and a red haired phenomenon, as did the actor who went on to play him in the Harry Potter films, Rupert Grint. In his farewell speech at the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II premiere, Rupert even thanked J.K for what she has done “for ginger people”. Because as J.K Rowling developed the character of Ron from a gangly kid to a funny, brave guy who went on to become one of the unassuming heroes of the story, fans fell in love…and lust. Suddenly girls were going gaga for gingas. In fact, the whole flame-haired Weasley clan, who quickly became fan favourites, really put redheads on the map. Until their appearance on the literature landscape, red hair seemed to be reserved for annoying, perky characters like Annie and Pippi Longstockings, who only served to fuel the (unfair) ginger stereotypes. Redheads were rarely the heroes of the day, and even more rarely were they ever sexy. That’s all changed though. Famous for being associated with characteristics like fieriness and tempestuousness, I’m surprised it’s taken so long for people to pick up on the sex appeal of scarlet-haired sirens. Although Marilyn Monroe convinced the world that Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, back in 1953, it seems that in 2011, it’s the gingers that are really oozing sex appeal. Red is all the rage in the fashion world at the moment. In this year’s New York Fashion Week, redheads walked the runway for elite fashion houses including Marc Jacobs, Rag & Bone, Diesel and Ralph Lauren. Popular New Zealand hairdresser Richard Kavanagh told the Dominion Post that it’s all about red hair making a real personality statement. “Red hair is such a statement of personality and in today’s fashion climate of anything

goes, it’s one of the few ways to maintain a degree of elegance and sophistication while still showing a lot of personality,” Kavanagh says. And they’re becoming much more prevalent on the silver screen too, with Hollywood sirens such as Nicole Kidman, Christina Hendricks and new ‘it’ girl Emma Stole all redheads – and all at the top of their game right now. You can also add to that list Bryce Dallas Howard who’s recently exploded onto the scene (she’s just appeared in The Help and also plays a blood-thirsty vampire in the third Twilight film), as well as Amy Adams, Isla Fischer, How I Met Your Mother’s Alyson Hannigan and Marcia Cross, who plays Bree on Desperate Housewives. For a while there, when Lindsay Lohan was at the top of her game (i.e. before she went blonde and totally nutso) she fell into the sexy redhead category too. They’ve been popping up everywhere, indicating that the era of the blonde might be over as redheads take over the reins. The best thing is not only are redheads embracing their hair colour, but people who aren’t natural gingers are now actually ‘dyeing’ to go red. Rihanna’s recently been rocking a bright red do and not too long ago Scarlett Johansson lived up to her name by dying her naturally blonde tresses a sultry shade of vermillion. And Mad Men’s Christina Hendricks – one of the most popular redheads at the moment – has actually been dying her hair red since she was 10 years old. However, it’s hard to ignore the fact that most of the hotties on this list are women. Because really, despite all the great the great things J.K Rowling did do ‘for ginger people’, a bit of a stigma does still remain when it comes to male gingers. Sorry Ron. Perhaps this is due to the unfortunate truth that usually, one’s gingervitis does tend to be accompanied by a distinct sense of paleness

and also often a healthy scattering of freckles. And these characteristics, while often considered beautiful in women, are not as easily accepted as the markers of good looks when it comes to men. While the loveable nature of Ron Weasley is undeniable, it’s more likely due to the development of his personality and sense of character rather than any underlying sex appeal. Let’s face it; he’s not exactly the ultimate stud muffin. So is it the ginger man’s lot in life to be shunted into the ‘adorable’ box rather than the ‘sexy’ one? It definitely shouldn’t be the case but it seems like maybe it is. London’s Daily Telegraph reported that Denmark’s Cryos sperm bank, which provides sperm to women in 65 countries, has started turning away red-haired donors because there is very little demand for their sperm. Cyros’s director Ole Schou says that a recent spike in donations was allowing them to be selective about donors – and that redheads weren’t what women were looking for. “I do not think you choose a redhead, unless the partner - for example, the sterile male - has red hair, or because the lone woman has a preference for redheads. And that’s perhaps not so many, especially in the latter case,” Schou said. It’s a bit of a generalisation, that women don’t prefer redheads – because I’m sure many do, but there’s still an undeniable lack of ginger sex icons in the mainstream media. Maybe if some of the current Hollywood ‘it’ men could follow Hollywood’s women in dyeing their hair red for a good cause – to raise the sex appeal for gingers everywhere. We could have a carrot topped Clooney – or a red R-Patz. It’s a new kind of social revolution. It’s finally time for the rise of the redhead – the generation of ginger.


This Agony Aunt column is brought to you by the team at Health, Counselling and Wellbeing. If you have a question you would like answered email and put Agony Aunt as the subject or drop it in to the Health, Counselling and Wellbeing office.

Dear Agony Aunt

I am on the pill and I often don’t take the sugar pills so I can skip my period. I have done it a lot lately because I have things to do when my period is due and the last thing I want is to worry about that. My friend says this is really bad for me. Is that true? From Miss Worry

Dear Miss Worry

Relax, you do not need to worry. It is not bad for you to miss having a monthly bleed when taking the combined oral contraceptive pill. Bleeding that occurs while you are taking the “sugar pills” is really a withdrawal bleed and not a proper period. This is why your periods become shorter and lighter when you start taking the pill. There is no harm in running your packets together if you would rather not have your period for whatever reason. Some women can do this with

no problem, others will experience break through bleeding (bleeding in between periods) sometime during the next packet. This can be annoying and can make running packets together pointless if you are going to bleed anyway. You won’t know what will happen until you try. The rule of thumb is that you run no more than three packets together. You should have a bleed approximately four times a year to stop build up of the lining of the uterus (endometrium). It is also a good idea to run packets together if you have missed any hormone pills in your last week before your period is due to start. This will keep you safe from pregnancy. If you are taking a triphasic pill (you will have three different coloured pills in your packet) then you need to speak to a nurse of doctor before running packets together. If you are not sure that you are taking your pills correctly speak to a nurse at Health Counselling and Wellbeing. We will be happy to go through everything with you. If you have a good understanding of your pill and how it works then you are less likely to make a mistake and risk pregnancy. To make an appointment call Health Counselling and Wellbeing on (city campus call 9219992) or (North Shore campus call 9219998.)

by Vinny Francesco Discrimination is something which can sound quite negative and is commonly imagined as a kind of prejudice i.e. racism, sexism, nepotism etc. It’s important to note however, that discrimination is not the same as prejudice. Prejudice and discrimination are similar and relate to each other, though they are not the same. In this episode of Spurious Generalities, I am going to try and convince you that discrimination is a common, healthy and necessary activity. Firstly, let’s explore the common idea of discrimination. The common idea of discrimination surrounds it in a negative connotation. This popular image of discrimination relates do other common-sense ideas of equality and equal opportunity. Furthermore, this concept of discrimination is very selective and limited. It only applies itself to certain aspects of human life i.e. race/sex. An example of this type of discrimination could be certain types of people being denied the vote i.e Maori people. Someone who declares that they are against discrimination would probably be referring to this kind of discrimination; the limited kind. When we look at discrimination itself, as a whole, we see that it is something we do every day. Discrimination is fundamentally a decision, a choice among many possible choices. For example if you have cereal for breakfast, that is discrimination. This is because cereal was chosen, which means all the other breakfast foods have been discriminated against. Of course, nobody really has a problem with this and we hear no accusations of “cerealism” from fans of toast. Now of course a decision is not only a decision, it also involves data. Data is information. The reasons


why we make the decisions we do is related to the information we have. Similarly discrimination has to do with data. For example if I choose cereal, I may do this based on the idea that cereal contains milk which is high in calcium, resulting in strong bones, and hence choose this option. This is actually prejudice or bias. The cereal was chosen for a very specific reason based on limited data, which is prejudice, as it has had an influence on the decision. We can see this in the etymology of the words “discrimination” and “prejudice”. The syllable “dis”, in this context, means “exceedingly, utterly”. The word “crimination” means crime, and comes from the latin “crimen”, which means accusation/decide/ charge/cry. So discrimination means “exceeding decision”, in other words a selective decision. “Prejudice” consists of the words “pre” and “judice”. “Pre” means before, “judice” means judicial, or “under a judge”. This shows, as previously stated, that prejudice means “data affecting our judgement”. So although discrimination is a loaded/negative word, I hope you have learnt that it is not such a bad thing. Not only is it good for us to discriminate, not only is it necessary for living but it is our ability to discriminate which makes us intelligent. So much for our account of discrimination.

issue 22 2011

columns by Melissa Low

by Danielle Whitburn

HOmegrown banana

Crass or Cultured?:

Epic Kai Time


his year, I went on a nice holiday to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Food is of massive importance to that country and the extended family I have there are prone to eat a lot of good food (emphasis on ‘a lot’). My cousin wanted to do a comparison between our countries, so he asked me what’s good to eat in New Zealand.“Well in New Zealand, you can get New Zealand lamb and beef, good milk, great ice cream and pineapple lumps, which are chocolates with this chewy pineapple centre,” I told him. He cringed at the thought of pineapple lumps. “Okay, but what is the best New Zealand dish?” I didn’t know how to answer that one. New Zealand does not seem to have an actual iconic meal. We’re known for fish and chips, meat pies and sausage sizzles, but they’re not distinctively Kiwi dishes; Australia and England have the exact same thing. But that isn’t stopping some food joints from creating their own “Kiwi food” to sell to the tourists here for the Rugby World Cup. McDonalds, for example, has been marketing their “Kiwi Menu” everywhere, which includes bringing back the Kiwiburger and creating new products like the Kiwi Brekkie McMuffin, Kiwi Pav, and Frozen L&P. My friend and I were curious to give the Kiwi Brekkie McMuffins a try one morning at the new Britomart McDonalds (yup, right opposite the Maccas inside Westfield). We opened up our Kiwi Brekkie McMuffins and looked at the oozing tomato relish on top of the potato rosti (a glorified hash brown) and the bacon strips hanging out underneath the egg and sausage patty. Though it was decent tasting, we failed to see what made it so Kiwi. It was just an overpriced Massive McMuffin with a hash brown. The “Kiwi Pav” wasn’t much better; it was more like lime jelly on top of soft serve, with a small squishy bit of pav underneath. McDonalds is not the only one with mini pavlovas and beetroot in burgers. Wendy’s too have their own Kiwi menu they’ve labelled the “Tight Five”. This meal consists of a burger with beetroot and egg, sweet potato chips, pav, a hokey pokey shake and a soft drink. Though it sounds more creative than the Maccas menu, I’m unsure whether I’d want to order fast-food versions of our culture’s cuisine. (However, if anyone wants to buy me lunch there so we can give it a try, I will not say no.) I don’t know whether to call it clever or deceptive to create these “Kiwi Menus” especially for World Cup. The fact is that tourists (whose knowledge of this country probably stretches from All Black hakas to Lord of the Rings) will be more swayed to buy up any product labelled with “Kiwi” or “New Zealand” if that’s what they think all us locals do. So what are we meant to feed tourists then? Again, I don’t have an answer for that, unless someone wants to build a big hangi pit in The Cloud, or make the country’s largest chocolate fish. But it would just be nice to know that there’s some good Kiwi food out there for the tourists to enjoy, whether it’s a good meat pie, or a slice of lolly cake. I’m sure New Zealand could offer more than a squishy excuse for a pav. If you do have any suggestions on what the best NZ dish is – email debate, or tweet them to me @MellieNZ.

The role of the nude in theatre


s a person who had forsaken, and is now rediscovering, the beauteous joy of going to a play, I feel there’s a flash of something new in the plays of the last few months. Or maybe not so much flashes as flashers. Bouncing bits and private parts have frolicked in front of my eyes, and my mind’s eye. Flesh has been flung into the spotlight, sans-underwear, for the entire world (audience) to see. Giggling genitalia swing proudly, almost another character in the story. And I, humble spectator, have been left wondering what all this naughty nudity is about. Is it uncultured of myself even to surmise as to whether it’s appropriate to have a penis in my periphery? This week, I thought I might lay my thoughts bare. One could say that the context of being unclothed is what makes something crass or cool. Subtle draping or romantic backdrops add a certain artistry to what would otherwise be play porno. The way that a scene is built up, or down, justifies seeing that hint of something extra. Indeed this is true; there has many a time when it is appropriate and tasteful. Sometimes a bit of skin adds intimacy reality to what otherwise would look like a choreographed performance. But nudity is not always introduced in these circumstances. Where do you draw the line between what constitutes ‘undies’ and ‘togs’ in the space between the beach and the street of the performance theatre? There have been indeed a few borderline moments of late. These moments seem to go hand in hand with the full frontal view of pubic hair: no dimmed lights and no trimmed thighs. It seems if you can see it, it’s neither a tasteful moment, nor one of intimacy shared between the actor lovers on the stage. It’s something different entirely. There have been moments when I’ve questioned whether this, too, has added integrity to the story. With one floppy frolicking in mind, perhaps nudity can add something more to a storyline: not intimacy, not beauty, but a loss of power. Baring a small manhood can add humility, awkwardness, desperation. An elderly woman baring her all can show battles fought, the birthing of generations, submissiveness, a loss of the strength of youth. After all, if there is much range to acting, perhaps there should be recognition of a wide range of nude portrayals. It shouldn’t all have to be about hiding behind closed fingers. So in between the blushes and the fake coughs, perhaps there is something to be thought of the awkward and ungraceful nude debut. Perhaps next time, the lights will brighten, the clothes will untighten and… there won’t be any sensibility left to frighten. There’s nothing scary about an actor doing it. Just might pay to invest in a wax.


Watch Four – the home of NOT rugby. If you’re looking to avoid all the World Cup mania, look no further than Four, a channel which exists for the purpose of providing you with nonstop, non-rugby entertainment throughout the Rugby World Cup season. Watch 14 beautiful women instead of 15 sweaty blokes with Top Model. Then there’s The Biggest Loser which, funnily enough, doesn’t have anything to do with the Wallabies (although if the name fits…?). And of course there’s Family Guy, although Stewie’s head does look a bit like a rugby ball. Support a different sport…sheep racing? Yeah, no you did read right. Clevedon, just on the outskirts of Auckland, is where the world’s first twilight sheep racing event will take place. Some of the region’s best and brightest will be tearing up the track in a display of woolly athleticism and Kiwi competitiveness. To spice things up a bit, you’ll also be able to place bets on your favourite sheep. It’ll be a bit like a day at the races, although you’ll need to swap fancy shoes for a pair of gumboots. Speaking of which, other activities include a gumboot throw, 4’n’1 bungy, rides, quick fire raffles, food and local refreshments. The carnival will be held at the Clevedon A&P Showgrounds on October 7. If you can’t beat ‘em – party with ‘em! Maybe it’s overhyped, but the effects of the Rugby World Cup aren’t all bad. Take advantage of all the free concerts and wicked new bars that have popped up around Auckland. A particularly cool pop-up bar is Carnival 42 which has been set up by 42 Below. If you want to escape the rugby-centric, brawn filled pubs, this place provides the ultimate escapism. Staying true to the whole carnival theme you can expect a crazy contingent of contortionists, fortune tellers, burlesque performers, fortune tellers and even magicians. Like the name suggests, it’s only open for 42 days during the RWC season. There are also lots of free concerts playing at the Cloud and Queens Wharf including Goldenhorse, Sola Rosa, DJ SirVere, Little Bushman, Gin Wigman, The Checks, Avalance City and more. You can’t really be resentful of anything with the word FREE in it!


Live life outside Party Central Your best bet to avoid the rugby ruckus is to avoid the city centre as much as possible. It’s going to be crammed with tourists anyway. Reclaim other areas of the city for yourself instead – head to the Shore to chill by the beach with a book, make a day trip to Waiheke or Devonport or browse Mt Eden Village. You’ll be surprised how much of the mania is confined to downtown Auckland. Head further out into other suburbs and it will definitely be a breath of fresh air. Celebrate our other talents Yeah, we’re good at rugby but that’s not all we’re good at! A celebration of New Zealand’s film and television history, the NZ on Screen experience has been set up near the Auckland waterfront inside a large, eye catching shipping container. Inside, visitors will get to see Kiwi screen treasures via a spirit-stirring identity gateway, a state-of-the-art interactive video wall and a selection of classic Kiwi shorts set up for viewing in ‘the retro lounge’. There’s also a ‘scene stealer’ – an iPad app where visitors can take a photo of themselves which is inserted in a classic NZ film or TV scene which you can then email or upload to Facebook.

For people who only watch the rugby to see the haka… Even if the sport may bore you, there’s no denying the chills that everyone feels when we see and hear our boys perform the haka. But if you think the haka is just about a stirring start to a rugby game, check out ‘HAKA! – Speaking with every move’, an exhibition at the Auckland National Library Centre combining photography, film and audio to show how haka extends beyond the sports field. Images include the Maori Batalion haka for the King of Greece in Egypt and the 1905 ‘The Originals’ All Blacks performing the haka before a test against Scotland.

Catch a movie, not a rugby ball While everyone else is out causing a ruckus on the streets, you can head to the cinemas for a bit of down time. They’re likely to be much quieter on match nights and therefore also much cleaner. As we ease into spring/summer, there are a ton of good films coming out, so it’s perfect timing. Wouldn’t you rather watch a shirtless Justin Timberlake than a clothed Dan Carter? Have another reason to be proud of Auckland (one that doesn’t involve massive crowds and a shoddy transport system) The Auckland Heritage Festival is on at the moment and will be running till October 2. If all the exposure to non-stop rugby has been making you feel more and more like a Neanderthal, this is the perfect way to regain some brain cells and get your culture on. With over 200 events there will definitely be something to distract you from the Webb Ellis hype. Head to: to find out more.

Wear all black to support the…Arts! If you like to wear black not because you support the All Blacks but because you’re an artsy, intellectual wee thing, then Art Week Auckland’s ‘Big Little City Late Night’ is probably going to be right up your alley. It’s a late night gallery tour that will take place in the CBD and is completely free. There will be over 10 galleries open late, hosting entertainment and exhibitions. Participating Galleries include: Auckland Art Gallery, Gus Fisher, Anna Miles, Antoinette Godkin, FHE Gallery, Gow Langsford Gallery, Digital Art Live and more. To help you get around, BIG Little City bike cabs will be available free of charge. Places are limited so reserve yours by emailing info@artweekauckland. Unleash your inner foodie In the week before the semi-finals and finals of the Rugby World Cup, the rugby hysteria will probably be at its peak. Here’s a healthy little distraction – the Taste of New Zealand Festival. A celebration of the best produce and restaurants the country has to offer, festival will include a selection of top restaurants from Queenstown, Christchurch, Marlborough, Hawkes Bay and Auckland – all brought to Victoria Park in Central Auckland for four glorious, food-centric days. There’s nothing like some good comfort eating.

issue 22 2011

VOLUME 22 Now Partying

At Puma Social Club, 101 Halsey Street

Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I don’t party. At all. So Puma Social Club must be a big deal if I was there for its first Saturday night and I have already made three separate plans to go visit again. This is not your ordinary pop up club. Yes, there’s loud music and yes, there’s a dance floor for all the single ladies (and men) to get their freak on, but there are also table tennis tables, pool tables, air hockey, foosball, arcade games, a PlayStation room with the new move controllers and… wait for it… Burger Fuel. This is the bar for everyone who’s over listening to house and dubstep in sweaty clubs with sleazy men (or women) trying to grab your business. Based in a warehouse in Halsey Street, this new ‘it’ bar is only open Thursday to Saturday from 9pm-2am, until October 21 so make sure you hit it up after watching the ruggas.

Now Watching The Lion King

Firstly, if you have never seen The Lion King, go home and watch it right now. Seriously. This classic is finally being taken out of the Disney vault (google it) and to celebrate, they’ve digitalised the classic cub and put it on the big screen for us to enjoy. Simba fans – you definitely want to see this, even if you’re not a fan of 3D technology. You’ll be instantly transported back to when you saw the flick for the first time, and there is a lot of subtle innuendo to be picked up on. Plus, the stampede scene in 3D… I can already feel the tears coming.

Now Browsing

When I first stumbled across this website on Twitter, it was at 4pm on a Friday. I was almost ready to pack up for the day but got so engrossed by the content that I ended up staying at work until 5.30pm. And I’m not even ashamed. Hello Giggles, the brainchild of Zooey Deschanel (from 500 Days of Summer) and two of her BFFs, is the perfect website for those with 90s nostalgia addictions, close relationships with your mum and lovers of all things cute or quirky. Authors range from 12-year-old Canadians to TV superstars, writing about everything from how Mean Girls changed their lives, to Dawson’s Creek recaps, to Cabbage Patch kids. Seriously, log on and lose hours of study time.

Now Eating Curly Fries

Finally, an American food I can get on board with (I don’t understand pop tarts or twinkies). I discovered these swirly morsels of goodness at AUT’s Hub café last week and I can’t get enough of them. They seem to be going quick though – every time I’ve gone after 1pm to order some, they’ve all been gone. Make more curly fries Hub café, they are so delicious! If you think you’re on the pulse with what’s happening in Auckland, email with your own Suggestions.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Google is about to take over your life as you plunge back into procrastination. Beware of people offering free screensavers.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

The crazy-looking man wearing a cloak on Queen Street is not Harry Potter so do not ask to see his wand. You will be scarred for life – not in the lightning boltshaped kind of way.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

You’re going commando today. Oh, look, now everyone reading this knows. Whoops.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

You and a friend will Google the characteristics of a pervert, just for a laugh. As you read them, it will become evident that you fit most of the characteristics. It will be awkward.

LEO (July 23-August 22)

This is a forewarning that you are going to really piss someone off on Thursday morning. They’re small, chubby and go by the name of Mitsy. Be prepared.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22)

Avoid shaking hands with Capricorns, they tend to be a little lax when it comes to personal hygiene.

LIBRA (September 23-October 23)

You’re going to pull a hilarious face on Wednesday just as the wind changes. You face will be stuck that way forever. You really should have listened to your mum.

SCORPIO (October 24-November 21)

The stars heard you singing in the shower the other day. They think you sound like a cat on heat.

SAGITTARIUS (November22-Dec21)

You are considering entering the Auckland Marathon. Don’t. You’re way too lazy.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)

You like to tell people that you’re ‘earthy’ and in touch with nature. The stars know that what you really mean is that you just don’t shower very often.

AQUARIUS (January 20-Febuary 18)

Avoid answering your phone this week. You gave your number out to way too many weirdos during that particularly rowdy night out last weekend.

PISCES (Febuary 19-March 20)

You will write a poem which you will think is really good. It’s not. You have the literary talent of a teaspoon.


Children’s Section

With a theme of ‘food’ you know you’re on to a winner, particularly when all sorts of favourite childhood treats are on offer. Possibly not a good sign to watch on an empty stomach, especially when you can’t tear your eyes off the sandwich-wearing child. From little gingerbread cookies, to a worminfested apple, the most impressive features always emerge when you read the materials used to create the pieces. Gel wax, foam, suede, ping pong balls, gap filler, tea bags, tablecloths, doilies, spoons, insulation foil, tree nuts, tea cozies... The time and work, not to mention the impressive imaginations that went into each area of each individual piece, are truly admirable. In absolutely unashamed cheesiness, each entrant was a winner in their own right. First place however went to the adorable ‘Pretzella’ where the foam pretzel pieces were shaped to mimic the bow of a child’s dress. Creator Sean Purtucker hails from the United States, and was only one of hundreds of international entrants this year.

Illumination Illusion Section

Too much joy was experienced when the theme was stated as being surrealism this year. “Is it real? Is it possible? A place of darkness and nightmares” was the tagline, and it did not by any means disappoint. With the stadium blacked out into infinite darkness and a feel described by one reviewer as “the offspring of Alice in Wonderland and a Euro rave”, the illuminated pieces emerged from thin air. From horrifically glorious skeletal corpses rushing at the audience to flying clocks and eyeballs in birdcages, ‘Big Mouth Speaks’ hauntingly spoke “Is it real? Does it matter?” enhancing the mood. Whilst my overall favourite ‘Exquisite Corpse’ (pictured) only made secondplace, the winner ‘I Ris(e)’ undoubtedly deserved their award. Interfacing, wire and paint were used by Motueka’s Sue Cederman to create a beautifully eerie work of art.

With all the pomp and circumstance of New Zealand Fashion Week over, I shift your attention back even further to another marvelous event - that of the World of Wearable Arts. Buried somewhat in the shadow of Fashion Week, the show was moved forward a month this year to make room for those men in black. Yet it was no less awe-inspiring. With an increasing international reputation, the WOW show increases in quality year after year and the inimitable creations on show propel this very move. For those who haven’t seen the show, or even for those who have, here’s a wee rundown of the spectacle and this years wondrous entrants.

Creative Excellence Section

Setting the scene, bubble noises emerged from the darkness, revealing a mass of cell-like balloons huddled all over the stage from floor to ceiling. “Peeling away the surface into the unknown microscope universe where multitudes of alien creatures dwell” explained the ‘Under the Microscope’ theme in this section. Cue skeletal bones and oversized blood cells and veins. Amongst the disgustingly perfect parasitic growths and dust mites was the beauty present in contrasting pieces depicting winter’s beauty, such as ‘Blanket of Snow’ and ‘Bride of the Forest’. The gentlemen seated in front of me were particularly engrossed in this section, their binoculars eagerly pressed to their eyes as each scantily-clad young woman took centre stage. Naturally it can be expected they were inspecting the exquisite workmanship and impressive choices of materials. Pleasingly the winner of this category went to ‘Hide in My Bone Shadow’ by Netherlands entrant Marjolein van der Wal. Created from nylon, cotton and fiberfill, the work (pictured) depicted “Protection, a barrier, an armour, a feeling of security”. And bones are always welcome in the fashion industry.

Open Section

Racking up the greatest number of entrants, the open section attains no thematic boundaries, giving the designers complete creative freedom. Nudeleotard-clad ballerinas in two metre length skirts stood centre stage atop stools like totem poles, setting the dramatic mood beautifully. As to be expected, there was certainly an eclectic line up of pieces. With an emphasis on creative innovation, entrants used LEDs, papier mache, shotgun shells, leaves, beanbag filler, eyelets, Perspex, sea shells, feathers, coils and eggs shells to remarkable effect. Winner ‘Hermecca’ was described as “The lovechild of Elizabeth I’s inauguration dress and Lady Gaga”, and creator Jan Kerr from Paraparaumu certainly deserved her papier mache creation’s award.

Man Unleashed Section

With the vast majority of the audience being middle aged women on girls’ weekends away, this section is certainly a pleaser. Asked this year to ‘Reinvent the Groom’, entrants redressed the groom as never before seen, in all manners of grandeur. Strutting around Diana-esque dressed brides on centre stage, scantily-clad and confidence-laden men strutted their wares. Whilst ‘The Bare Essentials’ had the wine-laden ladies cheering painfully loud, the win went to ‘Sir Lace A lot’ by Nelson’s Julie Brawley whose sheer-lace garment was created from suntuff roofing, fishing nylon and pearls.


issue 22 2011

Avant Garde Section

Dramatically shifting moods, elegant ballet dancers and wondrous opera singers took the stage, welcoming amongst them pieces depicting the collision of art and fashion. Entrants were encouraged to “be driven by dreams and fantasies, not commercial reality or the usual restriction of fashion”. Understandably the results were a visually stunning and eclectic trip. Winner of both the category and the overall WOW winner, ‘Hylonome’ from Mary Wing To in the United Kingdom stole every heart. To consider a horse sexy is a feat in itself, not to mention the expertly crafted leather, horsehair and pony shoe that were mastered in the garments creation.

The show overall is nothing short of magical, with creative talent from all arenas merged together for one magnificent spectacle. Next year there will be no rugby-folk to make allowances for, and so there will be more time to plan your getaway down to the show. If you are particularly marvelous and aspire to enter, check out the website at

by Ashleigh Muir

Kiwi Icons Section

No place is free from rugby fever, and this category (as expected) went full throttle down the patriotic trail, whipping out from a tin shed both Beatrice Faumuina and John Rowles. They joined the gumboot-clad “real men” and live sheep, pigs and dogs on stage. Then the pavlova came out. Then the badminton. Then John Rowles sung Ten Guitars. It was both horrific and amazing all at once. Focus returning to the garments, the winner was named as ‘Isabelle’ – a jewellery box created from sea shells by entrant Lorene Ireland from the United States. Honorable mention went deservingly to ‘Pohutukawa Princess’, whose fragile beauty perfectly encapsulated the Kiwi icon’s magnificence.

But perhaps the most striking thing of this photograph is this little girl’s lack of smile. In stark contrast the second image is of a 19-year-old Iranian woman and her mother. The young woman’s face is taped and behind I stumbled across an intriguing web site. While her are images of her nose from five angles. In a flicking through the pictures on this site I found side note, Nelson states that social rules dictate myself judging the people in them. Not harshly, many things regarding a woman’s appearance, or with any malice behind these thoughts. Now assumedly in Iran. Following this he states that you may judge me for my judgements, but I Iran has reportedly the largest number of nose merely thought what society taught me to think. jobs performed than any other country. I have spent the last three years learning to Further along we see two “like 12” year-olds. think for myself. And yet when faced with these These 13-year-olds are attending an under-16’s photographs examining westernised beauty, I nightclub in the United Kingdom. Chantalle is found myself almost automatically thinking as wearing a bunny-suit, complete with fishnets society would have me think. and heavy make-up. Ben too, is trying to be older The last few years have been fraught with than he is. media attention and social outrage at our When I was nine, I played with Barbie; but I definitions of beauty. We tell ourselves, our certainly didn’t look like one. In fact, most of beauty companies, our society, that we are the time I didn’t care what I was wearing. At 19, unhappy with the size and age of models, the I have no problem with my nose. At 13 I don’t computer enhanced photography and the effects think I knew what a nightclub was – at least I this has on our youth and on ourselves. hope so. And despite all of this, very little has been American families with annual incomes under done. $25,000 account for 30 per cent of all cosmetic Dove will be the first company that jumps to surgery patients. mind when you think of this; the company that A recent scientific study reported that we make took real woman and put them on our screens, decisions about the attractiveness of people we on our billboards. But what else has been done? meet in the space of 150 milliseconds. I challenge you to go to zednelson. Beauty is a $160 billion-a-year global industry. com/?LoveMe:1 Americans spend more each year on beauty Look at the photography and tell me that than they do on education. society is not whispering in your ear what is Zed Nelson is challenging us to examine our wrong with each and every person in those notions of beauty and do more than we have pictures. managed so far. In his introduction, Nelson The first picture you will see is a nine-yearforces you to think about the message we send old girl. She is dressed up for a beauty pageant. to society. He places statistics and anomalies in She wears make up, a tiara, heavy earrings. front of us. He asks if this is okay by us.


Friends With Benefits Directed by Will Gluck

Film Review by Samantha McQueen


I’d forgive those of you who instantly shied away from this flick; after all, didn’t this exact movie come out in February – and wasn’t it bad? But Friends With Benefits, the latest offering from Easy A’s Will Gluck, has something that has been sorely missing from rom-coms of late: comedy. Trailers for this flick made it seem like Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis’ characters have been friends forever, but that’s not the case. The first time Timberlake’s Dylan meets Kunis’ Jamie, she’s hopping over luggage at an airport carousel, chasing a sign written in lipstick. He’s in New York from LA interviewing for an art director position at GQ, a job he apparently doesn’t want. Head hunter Jamie, whose bonus is on the line, uses her foul-mouthed charm to sell Dylan on New York, complete with hot dogs and flash mobs, and soon he’s moving into a flashy apartment and taking doors off hinges (really). The two soon start sharing lunches and details of their relationship woes (Dylan is “emotionally unavailable” and Jamie is “emotionally damaged”) and after watching a cheesy rom-com they make a pact to make love without falling in love, sealing the deal in the bedroom – and on Jamie’s Bible app. It starts off well enough, with perfectly tangled sheets, fast-paced post-coital quips and even first dates with other people, but of course, emotions – the F word in this flick – get in the way. The plotline is predictable, but unlike many romantic comedies, any trite declarations of love are said in jest by the leads or on their television screens (there’s even a cliché-ridden fake movie starring Jason Segal and Rashida Jones that pops up at various points of the film). The snappy dialogue perfectly suits Timberlake’s suave personality and Kunis’ feisty temperate. They rebound off each other’s quips with ease and a pace so dizzying by the middle of the film you wonder how they’ve managed to get a breath in. There are also plenty of witty references for the rom-com buff to try and pick up. Rom-com queen Nora Ephron gets a shout out, as does George Clooney, Nicholas Sparks and Katherine Heigl. Pulling this film to even greater heights is


a stellar supporting cast. Patricia Clarkson is superb as the flaky, inappropriate mum and Woody Harrelson’s larger than life portrayal of a sports editor with a penchant for another set of balls is bound to have audiences grasping their stomachs with laughter. And then there’s Dylan’s family – his sister Annie (Jenna Elfman), hapless magician nephew (Nolan Gould) and father (a touching performance by Richard Jenkins), who has recently started to show the effects of Alzheimer’s. At the end of the day Friends with Benefits is a romantic comedy, no matter how much it tries to tell you otherwise. But the refreshing thing is that it’s actually good, a rare gem that has just as much laughter as is does love.

The Jayhawks

Mockingbird Time Album Review by Ksenia Khor


The Jayhawks have been around for a while. Originally from Minnesota, USA the quintet formed in 1985 and since then released eight records that became classics in country and folk music. The secret to such longevity probably lies in the band’s authenticity. It is really hard to bind them to a certain movement; they have developed their own distinctive sound. Mockingbird Time is a delightful result of their creative endeavours. The record is a wonderful collection of tuneful acoustic melodies. It is quite eclectic. Various styles and influences from folk rock to the 60s allow each song to sound a bit different from the other. This creates an interesting diversity. At the same time the album is very consistent because the Jayhawks’ signature harmonies and style permeate each composition. Fantastic vocals and ardent lyrics create a romantic mood. The whole atmosphere made me think about travelling the endless prairies of North America, sleeping under the stars and singing nostalgic songs near the fire. The album starts with a melodic Hide Your Colours, reminiscent of the Beatles. With its subtlety and charming harmony of strings, piano and Mark Olson’s distinctive voice this track is a perfect opener establishing the mood of the whole record. Then the band’s music palette expands. Tiny Arrows is an edgy blues song that adds an irresistible flash of melancholy. It is quite slow

but not at all boring. The lyrics reflect sombre themes of shallowness of human existence and nostalgia for the past. It’s one of those tracks that contains some heart-wrecking moments. My personal favourite is Standout in the Rain. The voices of Mark Olson and Gary Louris blend exquisitely creating a very powerful effect. It is a kind of emotional ballad with some intense sparks of bass. The record doesn’t reveal its best moments from the first take; it might seem a little too slow and plain. However, Mockingbird Time deserves to be listened more than once. In that way it will be possible to appreciate the subtlety and various textures of the songs. The Jayhawks’ have proved that they still have something to sing about.

Nicki Minaj

Pink Friday (Deluxe Edition) Album Review by Melissa Low


I’m not one to ever listen to hip hop or rap music, let alone choose to review an album of that genre. But I am fascinated about what makes Nicki Minaj different. She’s eccentric, a bit quirky, bold and dresses like she’s the hip hop version of Lady Gaga. And with this 19 track deluxe version release of Pink Friday, there are more tracks to reflect the unique character that is Miss Nicki Minaj. The album begins with the less than humbly named track, I’m the Best. Although having a song about an artist’s journey from ‘pain to fame’ seems to be turning into a massive cliché, Nicki Minaj makes it somewhat amusing. With a solid beat and playful electric violins, the repetitive lyric of the chorus of her saying “I’m the best” establishes her identity in a playful yet obvious brag of her successes. Nicki Minaj has a large collection of collaborating artists on this album, ranging from Kayne West to Natasha Bedingfield. One of the most successful collaborations is with the always angry Eminem, featured in the song Roman’s Revenge. In this track, Nicki Minaj plays up her eccentric characteristics by taking on the personas of Roman Zolanski and Roman’s British mother Martha, while Eminem’s angry alter ego, Slim Shady, raps with her. Though I am a bit tired of always hearing Eminem wanting to angrily beat women up, some of the nonsensical rap (such as “Rah rah, like a

issue 22 2011

dungeon dragon”) are entertaining to hear coming from Minaj and Eminem. Another memorable collaboration is between Minaj and Will.i.Am in the track Check it Out. Sampling the ever so catchy “oh wah oh” from the 1979 Buggles song, Video Killed the Radio Star, this song becomes stuck in your brain with its repetitiveness (however, hearing this song on repeat may begin to get a bit tiresome). For a different change of pace, Right Thru Me brings a slightly softer and more melodious side of Minaj. While the change of rhythm is refreshing to have, and the bass of the song is very strong and defined, the chorus lyrics of “You see right through me, how do you do that shit” feels completely out of place for a so-called love song. Of course, one of the tracks that stand out is the very popular song, Superbass. The song is incredibly catchy with its light upbeat melody, captivating Nicki Minaj’s strength in her rapid rapping skills. For anyone to successfully rap along to this song is more than impressive. I’ve heard a theory that the phrase ‘Super Bass’ could in fact mean “Superb Ass”, which if it’s true, I have to applaud Minaj’s clever creativity. There are so many tracks in this deluxe version, with so many hits, that it’s hard to cover all of them in detail for this review. But what makes a Nicki Minaj track good is her treatment of the song to be clever and entertaining, and not daring to hold back from being bold. She may be unusual, and change her hair colour more than a mood ring, but Pink Friday show how it cannot be denied that there’s a reason why Nicki Minaj calls herself “the best”.


Nevermind 20th Anniversary Edition Album Review by Matthew Cattin


aware, was Nirvana’s breakthrough album, sky-rocketing them from local cult band to international stars almost overnight. It went on to sell 30 million records worldwide and is often dubbed as the most influential album of the 90s. My first question is why it needed to be remastered at all. It’s not as if the recording technology is so outdated it needs rendering; it still sounds as grungy and raw as it did 20 years ago. I’m not a huge Nirvana fan; in fact I find their music (in large doses) to be repetitive, simple and quite depressing. In saying that however I think the beauty of the band, and what made them so darn popular, IS that simplistic repetition. They had a message and a formula and they drilled it home and nailed it with Nevermind. The result plays like a greatest hits album – every song is a classic. The deluxe edition is simply massive - 50 tracks spread over three discs including B-sides, live recordings, rehearsals, alternate takes and remixes. Three words sum it up well: Tu meke Nirvana. The alternate takes sound too similar to make a fuss over, the rehearsals sound absolutely horrendous and the live recordings are pretty average when compared to the live at Reading recording released in 2009. I think the crux of it is that since Cobain died the unreleased B-sides and live recordings have developed an almost legendary appeal. If a living band released such an album it would most likely be labelled pompous and pretentious but Nirvana seem to be able to get away with it. You have to wonder what the man himself would have thought about such a money-grubbing release… So there you have it. Don’t buy the album. If you are a fan, buy the tracks you want off iTunes but don’t get sucked in by the pretty packaging and the promise of rarities. For the casual listener, the original sounds just as good as the remaster so pop your faded old Nevermind copy into the stereo and save yourself the effort.

Venus Is... I’ve always been a bit sceptical about reworking a classic. Take George Lucas and his tendency to not leave Star Wars the fuck alone for example. If you remaster something too much then everyone stresses that it was fine the way it was; remaster it not enough and nobody notices a difference, unless of course they are anal. Nirvana’s 20th anniversary edition of Nevermind suffers from a serious case of the latter. Nevermind, as I’m sure the world at large is

Live at the Q Theatre, September 10 Directed by Eve Gordon Theatre Review by Danielle Whitburn


From the moment the sand hit my toes on arrival, it was clear that Venus Is was going to be a bit different from the average play. The feeling was emphasised as I was ushered into a chaise lounge, surrounded by quite an eclectic looking audience: couples, possible couples and friends, mostly of an older demographic. For what was advertised as an erotic play, it all seemed rather

tawdry and awkward. Yet what one forgets with eroticism is that the dirtiest of moments can be transformed into the sublime by one important concept: execution. And wonderful execution is what Venus Is had in bucket loads. Said to revolve around the rediscovery of an older couple’s sex life (yes, this not one for the faint-hearted), the story unfolded more around the younger, tauter and incredibly fit actors mimicking of the main character’s former selves. The cast was mostly comprised of ex-Cirque de Soleil performers, who said little but expressed it all, whether they were feeding audience members grapes or hanging upside down from a couple of bed sheets. There were two older main characters, yes, but in the setting of the Q Theatre and from the way it was arranged, one’s seating became a large part of your perspective. From my chaise-lounge, I received only a rather tame and fleeting full frontal. There were rather a few blushes, especially at particularly audience-interactive moments when one lucky person became the object of love for five actors. Most of the time, however, one was so fascinated with the physical performance and agility of the actors there was little time for admiration of anything else. It is rather hard to pinpoint the theme of Venus Is, although intuitively it was rather easy to receive a message rather indescribable at the time. It was a homage to love, but also to sex, yet it was also a narrative of despair for a long-term, unsatisfying relationship and of a unrequited love that has been held on to for far too long. Of particular mention was the goddess of love and sexuality, chalked in white as a statue only to oh-so-sexually be washed off by the cast members. Accompanied by a strong diva voice, the goddess’ role was pivotal and rooted in many literary works: Shakespearean, Joycean, even at one point Pessisian as, in a very Moulin Rouge moment, the goddess hoisted herself into a circle to belt out some fantastic tune. In amidst all the dramatic thrusting and chasing and grabbing and loving, the introduction of the Voice introduced a focal point, which even the most embarrassed of onlookers could grab on to. All in all, Venus Is was a performance that inspired wonderment. It inspired wonderment of the actor’s agility, of talent, and most shockingly of how something so sexual could reach the theatres of a decidedly conservative middle Auckland. Yet its difference was what made it so refreshing; it lifted others out of their comfort zones and metaphorically thrust them into a limelight of lust and loving. The result? A thoroughly entertaining hour of sex with no smut and a sexcapade with no slut. Just that something extra on your Saturday night.



issue 22 2011

Correctly identify the five differences in the two photos then circle them and drop your entry into your nearest AuSM office, or the box on the side of the red debate stands, or post to debate PO Box 6116 Wellesley St before 12pm Thursday. What’s up for grabs? Two “squawk burgers” vouchers for Velvet Burger on Fort St, Auckland CBD. Congratulations to our issue 20 winner, Vanessa Milne, North Shore Campus and issue 21 winner, James Hayter, City Campus.

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closest leb with the The microce match ce an Fr . NZ vs score of the ent Ev to ts ticke will win two announced on r ne in W ! as cinem Twitter cebook and the AuSM Fa y. pages Monda

Harshi Wickramasigne Bachelor of Health Science

Cartoon character she wished she was as a kid: SPIDERMAN Shag, shoot and marry: Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson? Shoot Mel Gibson, marry Justin Bieber and shag Charlie Sheen How many RWC games have you watched so far? Probably like four or five What’s your prediction for the NZ vs. France match? 25-29. To New Zealand of course How many exams do you have and when are you finally free? I have five exams and the last one’s November 8 If you had to be infamous in Hollywood, would you rather it be due to nude photos, extreme plastic surgery or extramarital affairs? Probably plastic surgery

Jason Vijay Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences

Cartoon character she wished she was as a kid: DEXTER Shag, shoot and marry: Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson? Marry Miley, shoot Snooki and shag Gaga How many RWC games have you watched so far? Three What’s your prediction for the NZ vs. France match? 28-10 to New Zealand How many exams do you have and when are you finally free? Four exams but I don’t know when they end If you had to be infamous in Hollywood, would you rather it be due to nude photos, extreme plastic surgery or extramarital affairs? Extramarital affairs, I think

Chris Afuiei Bachelor of Graphic Design

Cartoon character she wished she was as a kid: SAILOR MOON Shag, shoot and marry: Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson? Shoot Lady Gaga, marry Miley and have sex with Snooki How many RWC games have you watched so far? Pretty much all of them What’s your prediction for the NZ vs. France match? 42-22 to New Zealand How many exams do you have and when are you finally free? I don’t have exams If you had to be infamous in Hollywood, would you rather it be due to nude photos, extreme plastic surgery or extramarital affairs? The last one - affairs

Pavi Parthiban Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communication Studies

Cartoon character she wished she was as a kid: PIKACHU Shag, shoot and marry: Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson? I’d marry Mel Gibson, shoot Bieber and shag Charlie Sheen How many RWC games have you watched so far? Around four What’s your prediction for the NZ vs. France match? 30-27 to New Zealand How many exams do you have and when are you finally free? Two exams, free November 3 If you had to be infamous in Hollywood, would you rather it be due to nude photos, extreme plastic surgery or extramarital affairs? Extramarital affairs

Watchout for debate around campus - you could be the next micro-celeb!


Saia Feihoko Bachelor of Social Science

Cartoon character she wished she was as a kid: DIEGO Shag, shoot and marry: Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson? I’d shoot Miley Cyrus and marry Lady Gaga. Yeah, and fuck Snooki How many RWC games have you watched so far? Just the Tongan games What’s your prediction for the NZ vs. France match? 49-17 to New Zealand How many exams do you have and when are you finally free? Three. November 8 If you had to be infamous in Hollywood, would you rather it be due to nude photos, extreme plastic surgery or extramarital affairs? The nude photos

Tahmeed Khan Bachelor of Engineering

Cartoon character she wished she was as a kid: GOKU Shag, shoot and marry: Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson? Marry Miley Cyrus, shoot Snooki and have sex with Lady Gaga How many RWC games have you watched so far? Four What’s your prediction for the NZ vs. France match? 12-30 to NZ How many exams do you have and when are you finally free? Two exams. Free November 5 If you had to be infamous in Hollywood, would you rather it be due to nude photos, extreme plastic surgery or extramarital affairs? Nude photos issue 22 2011



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