debate issue 3, 2010

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Issue 3 2010 issue 3 march 2010


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Issue 3 2010

5 6 7 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 26

On the cover Illustration by Shirlee Xue.


Samantha McQueen


Nonavee Dale

sub editor

Jared Van Huenen

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This publication is entitled to the full protection given by the Copyright Act 1994 (“the Act”) to the holders of the copyright, being AUCKLAND STUDENT MOVEMENT AT AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED (“AuSM”). Reproduction, storage or display of any part of this publication by any process, electronic or otherwise (except for the educational purposes specified in the Act) without express permission is a break of the copyright of the publisher and will be prosecuted accordingly. Inquiries seeking permission to reproduce should be addressed to AuSM.

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Kate Campbell


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Editorial Letters News Sport Prez Sez How to / Recipe A gluten-free rant Why Denmark? O’Week Photos Green Room mmm whatcha say Student Etiquette Columns Agony Aunt/ Website of the Week Suggestions / Horoscopes Fashion Reviews Spot the Difference Micro-celebs


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on’t you hate it when you’re in the middle of a conversation and all of a sudden you completely blank? Your brain – gone. It’s like those westerns with the tumbleweeds. That’s what happened when I sat down to write this editorial. I had no starting point, no incessant ramblings which would fill my word quota and make you think, “geez, this editor is deep”. The best I could come up with is “puppy rescued from teapot”. I’m sorry, what?! It was a bizarre headline I stumbled across a couple of weeks back on the New Zealand Herald website. What stuck with me was not the story about how someone saved a puppy from an elderly drinking vessel, but the blatant non-attempt to come up with a clever headline. How boring is “puppy rescued from teapot”? That doesn’t make me want to read on to find out what happened; you’ve got and given the ending away!* Then, to top it off, Stuff ran the exact same headline on their website. Aren’t you two competitors? Don’t you have sub-editors and headline writers whose job it is to make witty puppy innuendos. How about: “puppy saved from being served alongside morning tea” or something linking possible drowning to English Breakfast? On a side note, scrolling through my Twitter feed, I saw the tweet “One News exclusive: the logo on plain Girl Guide biscuits is slightly blurred”. OMG, stop the presses; this is serious, hard news. Speaking of which, I love this time of year when the guides come out to sell those golden delicious bastards. I am a Girl Guide biscuit fiend. As soon as they hit the streets, I’m on the phone to mummy dearest, asking her to buy a box of plain cookies for me. Yes, that’s right, A BOX. That’s not including the five or so packages of chocolate-covered goodness I plan on buying myself after I hunt those door knockers down (they never seem to knock on my door. Why is that? Discuss). Why do I gorge myself on these cookies, when there’s really nothing special about them? They’re just over-priced, plain biscuits which nanas offer to you over a spot of tea in the afternoon. The answer, my friends, is the result of a marketing win. They exploit the terms “limited edition” and “exclusive” and they team it with little girls wanting you to give to their dreams. Suckers like me eat this stuff up. Ah, I’m rambling. That’s what happens when you decide to leave editorial till the last minute. Note to self: DO EDITORIAL ON MONDAY, NOT WEDNESDAY NIGHT. OK, mental note made. It’s now the third week of uni. By now you should be starting to realise that those assignments everyone keeps harping on about are actually rapidly approaching (or have approached already). It’s time to jump off the Fun Times Express and start cracking open some textbooks (some of them actually make a cracking sound, depending on how thick they are) and writing some words on paper. You still remember how to do that, right? I kid, I kid. But seriously, do some work, because that makes the upcoming Easter break seem like that much more of a reward for surviving the first month of uni. Study hard, play hard… and send me Girl Guide biscuits. I’m begging you.

Sam *I have been informed by someone who knows me very well that I would read that story no matter the headline because it has the word “puppy” in the headline. Go figure.

RECEPTION City Campus Level 2, WC Building 921 9805 8am-5 pm Mon-Thurs 8am-3.30pm Fri North Shore Campus Level 2, AS Building 921 9949 8.30am-3pm Mon-Fri MANAGEMENT Sue Higgins General Manager 921 9999 ext 5111 REPRESENTATION Veronica Ng Lam AuSM Student President 921 9999 ext 8571 ADVOCACY Nick Buckby Liaison Manager 921 9999 ext 8379 MARKETING Rebecca Williams Marketing Manager 921 9999 ext 8909 EVENTS David Victor Events Team Leader 921 9999 ext 8931 MEDIA Samantha McQueen Publications Co-ordinator 921 9999 ext 8774 SPORTS Melita Martorana Sports Team Leader 921 9999 ext 7259 Kate Lowden Sports Co-ordinator CLUBS Ryan Waite Clubs Development Officer 921 9999 ext 8911 VESBAR Zane Chase Vesbar Manager 921 9999 ext 8378 For a full list of contact details plus profiles of AuSM staff and student executive visit:

issue 3 march 2010


s r e t t Le

Letter of the week!

Many of you may not know this but in the language department there is an event that happens every Wednesday at 3PM in AUT TOWER called “Ocha no Jikan” where people studying Japanese are introduced to Japanese natives. At this event people get to know new friends and exchange language, cultures and everything else in between. This is all cool and dandy but this year is especially different as this was the first year where a substantial amount of government funding was provided to AUT for this club activity which allows a wider range of activities to be introduced. At the first meeting which was held on the 3rd of March there were about 40 students which was a very good turn out for the first meeting of the year. Straight away there was an announcement to start the event off and we were told there was enough funding this year that allowed a “Road Trip” for 18 people from the club. Yay! Hooray! Without time to decide if one would want to go or not the next announcement came as a shock as we were told that 12 slots had already been taken and only 6 slots (33%) were left. What? And then we were told “The last 6 slots are first come first serve basis.” Wtf? It’s understandable for Staff allocation of 2-3 slots and student helpers 2-3 which is an allocation of 6 spots. But to throw it out there that 12 slots had already been taken when this was the first meeting of the year seems like blatant theft. I personally have no interest in going but what if further down the road there’s a road trip to Waiheke Island or something similar that I would be interested in? What if at the next event you find more friends that want to go? Would you have not even announce the event to Ocha no Jikan members? If you think this year by stepping up to become one of the ‘leaders’ of this club entitles you to take full advantage of all the government funding then I think you should rethink your position. If you are so blinded and can’t see what it is you’re doing then let me tell you, -You’re stealing opportunities away from everyone just so you can fund your own selfish desire and your


Yay, we got mail! But we want more! Send us your thoughts on the magazine. What is grinding your gears at university? What do you want to see more of? Tell us your thoughts! debate letters policy: Letters longer than 250 words may be subject to editing. Letters are printed as they are received – spelling and grammar will not be corrected. The editor reserves the right to decline letters without explanation. The views contained on the letters page do not necessarily represent the views of AuSM. Send your letters to PO Box 6116, Wellesley St or

friends. -Not only is it selfish you’re also stealing from the government in order to fund yourself and your friends. You’ve only just started and already you are corrupted like a new born stem that is blooming a black filth of a flower. No one pays any fees to join so why is it that you and your friends have priority over the rest of the club members? Everyone should have an equal chance to sign up, it is government’s funding after all. I look forward to your response if I am wrong, feel free to write in a letter into debate and set me straight but without you mentioning how the first 12 slots were passed out before the first meeting I can only arrive at this conjecture. signed, your humble student. Response from the of languages and sciences:

school social

Ocha no Jikan (Japanese Tea Time) is a Japanese ‘club’ which gives AUT students the opportunity to practice Japanese with native speakers and learn about Japanese culture. It also aims to provide a friendship base for Japanese exchange students studying at AUT. AUT provides a venue, however Ocha no Jikan is run through the good will of a number of volunteers. The Japanese Section at AUT was very lucky to have received some funding through the Nissan Foundation. This gift is intended to be used for out of class experiences of Japanese culture, society and language. Most of the funding has been used to buy materials for activities that take place at Ocha no Jikan. No money for Ocha no Jikan is received from the New Zealand Government. It was proposed that Ocha no Jikan activities could be extended off campus and a weekend trip to the Bay of Islands was planned as a total language immersion experience. The Japanese Section at AUT supports this initiative, however, the trip is being organised by students and volunteers. Some funding was set aside from the Nissan Foundation to contribute towards such initiatives outside of the classroom. Students will cover their own transport expenses and activities. Nissan

Foundation funding will contribute towards accommodation costs (cabins in a camping group) and a BBQ. The 12 students referred to in the letter above are ten Japanese exchange students necessary for the immersion experience who were invited to participate and two volunteers who are organising it. Students at Ocha no Jikan were invited to sign up in the first week of the semester, due to the tight time frame of organising the trip before the mid-semester break. As a first time initiative the student organisers felt it best to start with small numbers in order to keep it manageable. However, if more students had expressed an interest, numbers would have been increased to meet the demand. It is my understanding that all students who gave their expression of interest are in fact able to participate. Should you wish to discuss this issue further, please feel free to come and see me.

I just want to thank the AuSM team so much for all the work put into this website, the mates rates deals, booty bags.. there is so much more available to make our student experience sweeter, and free stuff is always welcome! I actually got on here just to say a big thanks for all the work put into O Week this year and especially Fat Freddy’s Drop. $5 tickets? Now that was mean!! It was an awesome night, and free ice creams too? My mates and I were all at the front of the stage jammin’ with Fat Freddy’s Drop, enjoying the ice cream, and shoutiing “Thank you AuSM!!!”... but of course you wouldn’t have heard our insane cries of gratitude, so here I am, saying THANK YOU, KIA ORA, FA’AFETAI LAVA, mahalo... you get the gist. You guys really are AuSM, Awesome AuSM!! We love you! xoxo

Sonja Gallagher Programme Leader – Japanese School of Languages and Social Sciences

Make an appointment with your future. University Career Services 09 921 9899 |

Labour and Greens answer SOS cries for help by Jess Cann

A national campaign has been launched with support from the Green Party and Labour Party, opposing the Voluntary Student Membership bill. The Save Our Services campaign, launched by the New Zealand Union of Students Association (NZUSA), opposes a bill put forward by Roger Douglas which would impose voluntary student membership affecting funding to student services across the country. Labour Tertiary Education spokesperson Maryan Street says Labour supports the New Zealand Students Association, saying that taking away student services from first years, who have not experienced them firsthand, would be unfair. “The government is hell-bent on providing lowcost tertiary education. It’s

stealing from students by stealth,” says Street. Street says student services such as advocacy, social events and basic representation as a student body will be lost. “It might be as little as providing microwaves in student lounges, it’s part of student life.” AuSM President Veronica Ng Lam says that if student services disappear completely, providing for students will be impossible. “If these cores services are lost, the University will be forced to provide them for the students and this will prove to be difficult as student association’s harness thousands of volunteer hours that cannot be replicated in the business model,” Ng Lam says. Green Party MP and Tertiary Education spokesperson Gareth Hughes

says a move to VSM would cut funding and severely affect the ability to run these services in the future. “Tertiary institutions and the Government would be left to pick up the slack,” Hughes says. Australia, which adopted the VSM system in 2005, saw the Government paying $120 million to ensure that student services could continue to run. Mr Hughes says the current system in place, giving students the option to opt-out, works and that there is no need for a law change. “All this bill would do is erode services and destroy cultural life on our campuses.” The Save campaign is students to local MPs or submissions

Our Services encouraging email their make online now at

AUT hosts first tertiary designers at Designday by Talia Blewitt

Seven AUT design students are the first and only tertiary contingent to showcase their hard work at the Urbis Designday this Saturday. The different categories – ‘spatial’, ‘fashion’, ‘graphic’, ‘product’ and ‘digital design’ – will be exhibited in the Future Designers section. Urbis design magazine was looking to refresh its programme, now in its 5th year. Editors thought featuring AUT’s fresh, talented designers would be the way to go. They worked with AUT design staff to select standout students from last year’s final exhibition. Dean of Design and Creative Technologies Desna Jury says the faculty is obviously very excited for the students to be presented with such a unique opportunity. “The ideas that the students have generated will have a definite wow factor,” says Jury. On completing his honours in graphic design last year, Anzac Tucker says the Designday is one of those rare opportunities to reward students who have produced great work to a high standard, “working really hard to get there”. His graphic piece “How Matters” has been in the pipeline for two years. “It offers the potential for employment but mainly develops reputation and exposure. Some of New Zealand’s finest design talent issue 3 march 2010

will be there to showcase in front of thousands of people, and I’m in it. For me, this is huge,” says Tucker. Tutor’s assistant Yosop Ryoo’s work will feature in the spatial section. Completing his masters last year, Ryoo is pleased to be seen as an emerging designer and hopes it will lean some help to his venture of creating an informal design company with fellow graduated students. Other design students to look out for are Celia Harrison in spatial, Nadeesha Godamunne and Glen Yungnickel in fashion, Stephen Reay in product and Jillian Round in digital. Future Designers will take place at the Simon James Design showrooms, 61 Upper Queen Street. Doors open 10am-5pm.

Smokers safe on AUT campuses by Annabel Reid

Two Auckland universities sit side by side but are taking different approaches to smoking around campus. The University of Auckland has started the academic year with smoke-free grounds – both inside and out. While a university staff member – who did not want to be named – says the decision was met by mixed response from students, everyone seems to be following the new regulations so far. AUT University’s director of public relations Tiffany White says a complete ban will not be imposed and says the university’s approach is of a more holistic nature. “AUT is looking at taking a more gradual and inclusive approach to the issue of smoking on campus which includes asking our students and staff for their views,” says White. Easing in regulation is also what AuSM (Auckland Student Movement at AUT) plans to do. AuSM president Veronica Ng Lam thinks a more gradual process is needed that does not exclude large groups. Instead of banning smoking from specific areas, there would be places in which smokers will be allowed to smoke. “The big goal for both AUT and AuSM is not to make smoke-free areas but smoking ones,” says Ng Lam. It seems AUT students, like their fellow Auckland University students, see the issue in varying ways too. Ng Lam says there is almost an exact split between those who want smoking on campus and those who do not. AUT student Danielle Lagos sees banning smoking as completely shifting the problem elsewhere. “It won’t stick because people are going to do it anyway. The outskirts of uni will be a line of smokers,” she says. The spread of the city campus should be taken into account, says second-year communications student Louis Anderson-Rich, who says defining the university grounds from public space would make policing a ban difficult. However, it is the invasion of private space that some students dislike most about smoking on campuses. Public relations student Kirsten McConchie says she would not mind seeing a ban in place because smoking gets in the way of areas she needs access to. “It’s outside everywhere where people stand around like lecture halls. It’s disgusting.” The University of Auckland is the first New Zealand university to implement an entire campus smoking ban.

First NZ music vid shot in 3D by Erin Roberts

James Cameron took 3D viewing to the next level with Avatar, and now a group of New Zealanders are bringing it home, with the release of New Zealand’s first all live 3D music video. Starring J Williams and Scribe, the video to You Got Me, which premiered on February 27 on C4TV, was created by new media company Pixelati, Illegal records and 3D Live (photo on right). Don’t stress if you haven’t got a pair of 3D glasses to watch the clip with though. The shoot, directed by new media company Pixelati’s founder Damien Caine, used Sony EX3 cameras to shoot both a 2D and 3D version at the same time. Each clip has a unique twist because some scenes suit one dimension more than the other. At the time of the shoot both Scribe and J Williams were excited to see the results, and made sure to add plenty of hand movements during the choreography to make the video’s visuals really pop. Caine thinks the 3D video will also have a big impact and leave its viewers seriously impressed that New Zealand is able to keep up with the big boys of Hollywood.


Early-bird students punished with lost forms from Studylink by Bridgette Uru

Students who applied online for student loans and allowances in December of last year have been told Studylink has no record of their applications. The students applied for their student loans following a text from Studylink prompting them to do so. AUT University student Paul Stenhouse, 21, says he has not had any problems with Studylink before but wonders: “How can you lose an electronic form?� The timing means that the students’ loans may not be processed in time and they may be charged late fees which Stenhouse was told Studylink would not cover.

The students discovered the error when they kept receiving invoices from AUT when their student loans should have been approved months ago. AUT University student Leigh Stockton, 24, contacted Studylink and was told to reapply online. Not receiving their loans added to the stress of students back at university. Stockton is concerned for students like her who really need the money. “I don’t know if I’ll receive my first allowance payment this week,� she says. For many students a student loan is the only payment option available and thousands

Funding changes won’t change fees By Judy Ingham

Current students at AUT have no cause for concern over the new funding structure announced by government last week, but it may be a different story for aspiring students. The new funding structure will be performance-based, meaning universities and other tertiary education centres will receive a portion of their funding based on the success of their students. If this leads to a decrease in funding for AUT, it’s unlikely fees will increase; rather, it’s more likely the university would take on fewer students, says deputy vice-chancellor Rob Allen. However, Professor Allen is neither particularly surprised nor concerned by the announcement. He says an advantage for AUT may be that more funding would become available as it is cut from lowerperforming institutes. “I personally don’t think it is good for students or New Zealand, but I am reasonably optimistic that the policy is not aimed at institutions such as AUT.�

Minister for tertiary education Steven Joyce says in a press release on the National Party’s website that the aim of the change is to improve New Zealand’s tertiary education by giving financial incentive for institutions to raise students’ performance, Labour’s tertiary education spokesperson Maryan Street says the system may have the opposite effect. “This system will apply enormous pressure to staff in those institutions to get people over the line and give them pass marks, regardless of whether or not they are good enough,� Street says. Professor Allen agrees: “A problem with this sort of funding, which has been tried in other countries, is that there is a danger of institutions playing games with statistics, and even shifting standards. We, of course, wouldn’t do either!� AUT’s current annual coursecompletion rate sits at about 85 to 90 per cent - well above the minimum standard indicated by the Minister in his statement.

of applications are received and approved by government organisation Studylink each year. However, concerns for their new online system have arisen after this year’s problems. “I think as a whole Studylink is good, they just need to address some issues,� said Stockton. Stenhouse contacted AUT about the situation and he won’t be charged late fees. He said the university staff were understanding and just wanted to be kept up to date on the matter. Studylink was unavailable for comment.

Design your way to the UK AUT students have a chance to design their way to international success this semester as entries for the annual New Zealand James Dyson Award have opened. The award, set up by Dyson distributors Avery Robinson, gives emerging designers the brief to find an innovative solution to an everyday problem. Last year’s award winner Tim Cox designed a sophisticated tool for measuring the worth of commercial forestry projects, but designs have ranged from hydration blankets for beached whales through to specialist skateboarding shoes. The award winner will receive a trip to the UK with accommodation and $3000 spending money, as well as meetings with top UK designers and intellectual property specialists. Any design, technology or engineering student can enter the competition, which also includes a chance to win the international James Dyson Award, which carries a £10,000 prize. Recently graduated students (up to four years) are also allowed to enter the competition, provided their study was in one of the three specified fields. There are national competitions from 17 countries all around the world, from Australia to the United States to Russia, France and Germany. Entries for the competition close on July 1, with the winner being announced later that month. For competition details see

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Sports From the ashes: Phoenix 2010 by Jared Van Huenen

Indulge yourself, for a brief moment, and remember back to 1999 when Wynton Rufer announced that a Kiwi team would enter the NSL (National Soccer League). For the first time since the 1987 World Cup, New Zealand football fans had something to cheer about. That is, until the Football Kingz actually attempted to play football. We know how the story goes and we certainly know how it ended – after 178 games (114 as the Knights), we had won just 46, including four seasons where we came last. Not good reading. Neither were the crowd numbers. In the final season of the NSL (03/04) the average Knights attendance was little more than 1,000 people. New Zealand football was, for all intents and purposes, dead. It’s important for us to remember all of these statistics, as painful as they may be, because it makes the 2010 proliferation of Kiwi football all the more amazing. On Saturday, the Wellington Phoenix, a club formed after the Knights became defunct, played against Sydney FC in the preliminary final of the A-League. This article was written before that match but, to be honest, it doesn’t really matter what happened. The fact of the matter is, a New Zealand club football side is one of the top three teams in Oceania. On top of this, at last week’s semi-final against Newcastle, there were 32,500 people in attendance at Wellington’s Westpac Stadium – three times more than any Kingz/Knights game. Obviously there’s a direct link between success and crowd numbers but even with the unsuccessful 07/08 season (where the Phoenix came last), the lowest attendance was still more than 8,000. Apparently there are a lot more football fans in Wellington than there are up here (which seems a bit messed up considering we have twice the number of people up here). I was at that record-breaking game against Newcastle two weeks ago and it was the second most electric crowd I’ve ever been in (behind the All Whites v


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Bahrain). I think Auckland sports fans take themselves too seriously (or maybe just Aucklanders in general) and to be honest I’m glad the Phoenix is Wellington-based. They just do it better and the city is a million times better suited to host large crowds. Prove me wrong next year John Banks‌ please. Anyway, I don’t know how the Phoenix went on Saturday but I know for a fact that there won’t be 33,000 people there. Sydney FC are massive favourites at the TAB (1.40 to our 2.80) but I wouldn’t give them that much credit. My prediction is that the sky blues probably scored early, but that we fought back. Maybe 2 – 1 Phoenix? And if we did win on Saturday, we go on to face the most successful A-League side so far. Melbourne has won the championship twice now, and with a number of Socceroos in its ranks they’re a lot more experienced than our boys. If this year’s regular season is any indication of the finals football though, it could go anywhere. It’s massive to consider what New Zealand Football has done in the last year. When you think about the fact that only five years ago our National League was in a state of disrepute, our All Whites lost to Vanuatu and the transtasman NSL had just fallen to pieces, it’s now one of the most followed sports in the country, capitalising on the dwindling audiences (and excitement) of our national game. Our New Zealand Football Championship is thriving, and it will only get better thanks to the millions of dollars brought into NZ Football by the successful All Whites. More money will flow down to the youth and kids leagues which, in turn, will create better footballers in the future. It’s all pretty promising to be honest. Football has always been the most played sport in New Zealand, but now it seems our youth players actually have something to aspire to.

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Sports Northern Mystics: is this finally their year? by Laine Hewson

2009 was a frustrating year for New Zealand netball fans and supporters of our ANZ Championship team, the Northern Mystics, were no exception. For the uninitiated, the ANZ Championships is a transtasman netball competition pitting the world’s best netballers against each other, week in, week out. Since its inception in 2008, it’s been somewhat predictable, having only been won by Australians. But while 2009 might be a year to forget (along with 2008 for that matter), the Mystics have every reason to be excited a week out from their opening game at the Trusts Stadium. Confidence in achieving a successful start to their campaign will be strengthened by three key new signings and an existing midcourt superstar. First up is Jamaican international Althea Byfield. Byfield was one of the very few shining lights for last year’s cellar dwellers, the Central Pulse (one of only two teams who placed lower than the Mystics). The Mystics will be hoping her freakish elevation and Caribbean flair will kick last year’s largely ineffective defensive end into gear. They’ll be further bolstered by feisty Silver Fern Joline Henry and her handy ability to ‘get all up in the face’ of the opposition (so bonus points for entertainment). Henry is one of two players making the big move from the highly fancied (but ultimately under achieving) Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic, joined by fellow defectee, Silver Fern Maria Tutaia. Tutaia’s return home is a major coup for the Mystics and will allow the young shooter to step out of the shadow of Irene Van Dyk. The Mystics will however, have a tough first up battle facing last year’s runners up the Adelaide Thunderbirds. They will go in as the clear underdogs after being thumped by 20 goals when the two teams squared off last year and more importantly, because the Thunderbird’s are Australian – which in this competition can easily be translated as “better”, given the last two years’ results. All is not lost for the Northerners though, as the Thunderbirds, like all teams have their own very exploitable weaknesses. They were on the wrong end of the biggest player move of the season when they lost mercurial goal attack and Australian international Natalie Medhurst, amid rumours of inhouse fighting. Then there’s the Thunderbirds notoriety as being the most “physical” (i.e. rough and rugged) team in the comp; a likely handicap given the whistle-happy nature of New Zealand umpires. The key to the Mystics success will lie in their ability to blend the mix of talent, youth and experience into one cohesive unit. Enter Temepara George. Hands down one of the best midcourters to have ever played (with an attacking flair others can only dream of) her presence is crucial (World Champs 2007 anyone?) to provide the leadership only a seasoned campaigner can. So head down, score some free thundersticks and keep an eye out for George’s clash with last years MVP, Australian centre Natalie Von Bertouch.

What: Who: When: Where:

2010 ANZ Championships: Round 1 Northern Mystics vs. Adelaide Thunderbirds Sat 20 March at 2:20pm The Trusts Stadium Arena, Auckland

A fresh look on snowboard art When last year Candleman Snowboards launched the tertiary design competition ’09, the crew did not expect too much. The design comp was announced after the mid semester break and its finale coincided with the exam preparation week. Considering the general propensity of students to put off work until the very last moment in order to cram as much party time into their semester as possible, the design competition did not stand a chance. As it turned out, students did pay attention. The designs started flowing in from the very first week. Towards the end of the design submission period every single university from around New Zealand was represented. Two cash prizes were up for grabs in the Girls’ and Guys’ snowboard design divisions. In addition to the cash prizes the winners’ artworks were to become Candleman Snowboards’ official new season graphics. So the winners were in for a double dip – the cash and the glory. When it came to voting, the battle was fierce and featured abundant use of strategy. The enthusiasm of the voters was fueled by the promise of random V drinks giveaways kindly supplied by the cool guys at V Energy. The winning artworks were “Skadi” submitted by Carl van den Boom from Lincoln University and “Mess” sent through by Rosanna Harris from the University of Otago. Both artists had an overwhelming amount of support, with votes coming in from around the world. “High Voltage” sent through from Aoraki Polytechnic and “Denim” from Canterbury University fought it out with “Mess”; while “Vandelman” from Weltec and “Snowbot” from AUT rivaled “Skadi” for the first spot. The winners’ comments provide some insight into what inspires such awesome designs. “Skadi is the Greek goddess of winter” - says Carl. “...Skadi is sure to bring good luck along with the snow for an epic season. Mixed in with the urban graffiti style, [S]kadi will be at home sliding down that hand rail and jibbing the park or getting amongst the cliff drops and shredding the back country goodness, either way, she has the power of the gods so with her and your jib stick you’ll be set for to ride.” Rosanna offers a slightly more technical interpretation of her creative process. “Mess is an artwork that pushes the boundaries. To me this is what snowboarding is about, trying new things out your comfort zone and beyond the norm. There are lots of contrasting busy images against a background which is in many parts quite bare. This reflects snowboarding to me, busy and high paced against a serene and quiet backdrop. The intricate details in parts of Mess round off the rough edges, balance and refine the artwork to a controlled and presentable piece.” The design competition highlighted the obvious fact – there are plenty of talented students out there. Candleman Snowboards Tertiary Design Comp is a great way to flex those creative muscles and to showcase your work. If you are into arts, snowboarding or even simply like to support local brands. Visit Candleman Snowboards website for the details of Tertiary Design Comp 2010. Peace!

issue 3 march 2010


o another week has passed for you and by now you should *wink wink* be settled and well on your way to academic success! Last week we had the pleasure of having John Banks visit our campus. Some of you got some great photos with him and others might not have noticed him; nevertheless he was here amongst the great AUT titans and getting out there to know our students. Some might be asking where Len Brown might have been and as far as I can see he seemed to have overlooked our campus. I managed to see him over at Auckland Uni where he agreed to come over on the better side of Wellesley St and we are still waiting for him. Fingers crossed! Lots of fun events have passed with Orientation starting to wrap up now! We hope you have all enjoyed the entertainment, free feeds and events that our events team have worked hard to bring to you every day! Clubs were also out there promoting themselves so don’t forget - if you’re keen to join then make sure you go along to meet other students who share the same interests! Some of you might be hearing the term ‘VSM’ thrown around here and there and some of you might not even know what that is. VSM is a bill that aims to eliminate student voice and representation. It will mean you will lose core services that we as a student association provide; such as advocacy, welfare and liaison to name a few. Entertainment, events, sports, clubs and all the socially ‘cool’ things might cease to exist. To help combat this, we are running a peaceful campaign called Save our Services or SOS! If you see people in orange t-shirts walking or set up in the quad please do your bit by signing up to help fight the battle against VSM! Remember say NO to VSM, for those of you who might want more information please visit We will be handing out free t-shirts for those who sign up to complete a submission so make sure you don’t miss out - and make sure you do your part in helping maintain the student life that AuSM provides here at AUT. I wish you all the best for the week and shall see you same place same page next week. Remember if you want to sign up as a volunteer for our SOS campaign, then please come see me – there will be some cool freebies for those who are willing to make a difference. Once again do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns, enquiries or you just want to have a yarn. Your fellow president signing off,


Get to know your exec Kia ora everyone!

Here’s hoping that you are now settled in here at your new home, AUT University :) For some of you this will be your first year outside of home, whereas for others you’re all seasoned professionals! One thing that remains the same, however, is that we’re here to help every one of you to get through what must surely be an anxious first few weeks. As the Maori Affairs Officers I am all about you guys – not just Māori, but everybody who is interested in Māori culture, whether it be their trademark feeds, how to pluck the Māori strum, anything! I don t just stop there though, I m here to help take your ideas to the rest of the Exec, and who knows, it could become something massive! So if you have any ideas on things that could benefit Māori, come and see me in the office :) As we all know some of the choice services we get here could potentially get shut down as a result of VSM (I’m looking at you, Vesbar). It’s tremendously important that we not only back our Executive who are doing their best to stop it, but to make a submission ourselves, at – Otherwise there’ll be no Orientation, no two for one jugs, no Student Job Search, nada. Therefore the final idea I leave you with for this edition is – How will having no student services impact me? Think about it, it’s important. Naku noa,

Matiu Workman


issue 3 march 2010


How to find good food on campus A guide of where to go at Wellesley and Akoranga by Alicia Crocket I’m not really the sort of person who’ll happily have cheese and relish sandwiches every day. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cheese and relish sandwich, but the squashed, soggy sandwich you find at the bottom of your bag doesn’t really crank my handle. Though, a pre-squashed sandwich does save you chewing, so there are benefits. Luckily for me (and you) there are many great food places within a squashed sandwich throw on campus and here is where you find out about them all. At Wellesley St there are three cafes run by AUT on a not-for-profit basis (how cool is that!). The main hub for students is…wait for it…the Hub café above Hikuwai plaza. It has a pool table, comfy couches, a selection of hot and cold food for $3.50-$6.50, and of course coffee, cold drinks and sweet treats. As with all AUT owned cafes, fruit is only 60 cents apiece which is often cheaper than supermarkets so it’s a perfect addition to your lunch. Underneath Hub café are places selling sushi, kebabs, Indian, Chinese and gelato for $6.50-$12. If you don’t mind being a guinea pig, Beanz café (at the bottom of WH building) sells food that hospitality students make for $2.50 - $7.00. If being a guinea pig is not your thing and you want a civilised place to catch up with your mate about the ‘night before’, then The Counter at the bottom of the business (WF) building might suit you. There is a blackboard menu ($10-$12) and a cabinet filled with mini quiches and other yummy options ($5.00-$7.50).

At Akoranga, the main cafes are in AS building. AUT-owned Lime café offers everything from sandwiches to snacks with lunch costing $3.50 $6.50. If you get caught out and eat a garlic naan just before your meeting with that hot boy/girl, never fear, Lime café also stocks some household products like toothbrushes and toothpaste for those ‘Oh no’ moments. Next to Lime café are sister outlets from city campus: Indian, kebabs, sushi and some other goodies are available for $6-$12. If you’re based out AR/AE way, Glenn’s café (AE109) sells takeaway coffee and snacks. Subway is also on Akoranga campus, it’s next to the gym in the AF building and I’m sure you all know what they have on offer. There are fresh-chilled vending machines that have a range of sandwiches, fruit and other snacks for your convenience. These are located: in the corridor between AS and AB, at the bottom of WC at the city campus and in the MC building at Manukau campus. So that’s the low down on what’s available on campus, if you have any tips for a good feed you want me to share with your fellow students write to debate and let me know. I’ll spread the word, because you know what they say: “Variety is the spice of life”.

Pasta e Fagioli

Cost: $1.53 per serve without pasta $1.71 per serve with pasta

Serves 6. Gluten free. Dairy free. This dish might sound a bit posh (especially if you say it with an Italian accent and add a “Ciao bella” after saying it) but it’s really just pasta and beans. Super yummy and super cheap and filling. This recipe is a good all year round option, as you can substitute any vegetables you wish depending on what’s cheap. It’s great by itself as a soup, or if you want something a bit more substantial, you can serve it on pasta. Cannellini beans are an Italian, delicately flavoured, white bean that are easily available in cans in the supermarket, but other beans would work just as well in this dish. This recipe is from the book ‘Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant’, a great recipe book of vegetarian recipes I picked up at the second hand bookstore in Devonport years ago. Bellisimo.

Ingredients 3 tablespoons oil 1 onion, chopped 2 carrots, sliced into half moons 2 celery stalks, sliced 2 cloves OR 2 teaspoons minced garlic 2 small courgettes, sliced into half moons 250g silver beet OR other green veges e.g. beans, peas, spinach etc 2 x 400g cans of chopped tomatoes 2 x 400g can cannellini OR other beans, drained ¼ cup fresh parsley OR 2 teaspoons dried herbs 2 tablespoons fresh basil OR 1 teaspoon dried herbs Salt to taste Black pepper to taste Directions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Heat oil in a large pot. Sauté onion, carrots and celery for a few minutes. Add the garlic, zucchini and the dried herbs if you’re using them Cook, stirring occasionally for a few minutes Add the spinach and cook until it’s just wilted Mix in the tomatoes and the beans Add water if you want a thinner consistency Add fresh herbs at this stage if you’re using them Simmer for 10 - 15 minutes while your pasta or toast cooks Serve on pasta or toast or by itself and sprinkle on some cheese if you wish.


Did you want gluten with that? A gluten free rant by Sam McConnell Gluten. The term is becoming so common place in society now that it still shocks me to find workers in the food industry still unsure on what ‘gluten’ is, and whether the food they are selling could possibly include this mystery ingredient. Chances are you, or someone you know, can’t eat gluten. One in 100 New Zealanders have coeliac disease, with many more having a gluten intolerance. Let’s not forget those who opt for a gluten free diet as a lifestyle choice. As gluten-free diets have been pushed into the spotlight over the past two years it is time the hospitality industry required all workers to know of food allergies for those who cannot eat gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, egg and other such commonplace food ingredients. For those of you who don’t know much about gluten or coeliac disease, take note as it may come in handy one day. Gluten is the protein portion of barley, wheat, rye, triticale and oats. Put simply, it acts as a glue to hold your food together. It can be found most obviously in bread, cakes, biscuits and pasta but you can also find gluten in sauces, lollies, ice creams... pretty much anything you imagine could have gluten added to it – even sausages! If you want to know more about gluten, coeliac disease, symptoms, reactions and so forth I suggest you check the internet. I’m going to get straight to the point of why I’m writing this article. On March 8, after a long day at uni, I was in desperate need of food. I went to a certain food outlet on Queen Street and asked for chicken on rice. I made sure to check their food was gluten-free (always pays to check) and they assured me there was no gluten in their food. When I was handed my food it looked a lot like the chicken had been coated in some sort of sauce. When you can’t eat gluten you’re “gluten alarm bells” automatically go off, so I went and checked that there was no such gluten on the chicken (which actually looked brown, hence my hesitancy). I should have known better. For one, the chicken was BROWN, and two, when I enquired about gluten-free, it seemed like they didn’t quite know what I was talking about. There was some silence and hesitation before “of course, of course it’s gluten-free”. Normally I would have just thrown it out and felt the burn of throwing away money on food I can’t eat. But I was starving. My stomach had been eating itself for four hours now. I just ate as little as I could of the chicken and stuck to the rice. Naturally, as I figured it would, I could tell I had eaten gluten. Luckily (and luckily for this particular shop because I could have got them in a lot of trouble) I don’t have an anaphylactic reaction to gluten (when you stop breathing), but I do get extremely sore. So currently I’m sitting here feeling like my stomach is going through a paper shredder thanks to the ignorance and carelessness of one hospitality worker. Anyway, over the past three years I’ve lived in Auckland I have found a few places which I trust to provide me gluten-free food. For those of you who are gluten-free or who have gluten-free friends, these places are good to know (there are plenty more, these are just my favourites).

Marx Bakery - 15 Maskell St, St Heliers A totally gluten-free bakery and quite possibly the best in their field. They make fantastic bread and have a large range of products from pizza bases, lamingtons, cakes, muffins, pastry, paninis, bread mixes and heaps more. The Gluten Free Grocer – 13 Mt Eden Rd They’re quite new on the scene but are quickly becoming a new favourite of mine with breads, spreads, cakes and slices as well as making sandwiches and melts to order. Fatima’s – 240 Ponsonby Rd and 20 Anzac St, Takapuna They do gluten free pitas, salads and potato koftas. Just make sure you check with staff the filling you want is gluten free. The Organic Pizza and Pasta Company – 27 Davis Crescent, Newmarket Gluten free pizza, pasta and chocolate brownie!

Kokako Cafe - 492 Parnell Rd Specialises in organic and vegetarian and have gluten-free bread to put in your meals. The Chip Shop - 711 Manukau Rd This fish and chip shop offers customers plenty of gluten-free options including fish, pineapple rings, curries and chips. Sp’getti – 8 Anzac Rd, Browns Bay Provide gluten-free pizza and pasta dishes. Circus Circus – 447 Mt Eden Rd Can alter most of their meals to accommodate those on a gluten-free diet. They also have some gluten-free desserts. QQ Rice - Shop 5, 15-31 Wellesley St West Choose your rice, choose five fillings and enjoy your rice ball. Cheap and close to uni! Knuckle Sandwich - 280 Queen St Has gluten-free bread to make sandwiches on request.

issue 3 march 2010


Why Denmark? by Shannon Swainston

This question has been thrust upon me at least 10 times over the last seven months. Not only by my international classmates in an attempt at making the required first-day chit chat, but also by confused Danes wondering why on earth I would trade sunny, green and 100 percent pure New Zealand for Denmark. I spent the second semester of 2009 studying at Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, or the Danish school of Media and Journalism, in Denmark’s second biggest city Aarhus. While being on the other side of the world of my humble Auckland abode, I did manage to pick up on similarities which reminded me of the land of the long white cloud and some searing contrasts, which never failed to remind me that I am 17947.41km (according to Google) from Godzone. You just have to turn up to any Westie party on Friday to feel New Zealand’s ‘drinking culture’. Many Kiwis wear this label as a badge of honour, but it’s one that could soon be un-hooked by the Danes. When the Carlsberg and Tuborg come out the “reserved Danes” (this is according to nearly every travel guide I picked up) lose their inhibitions and don’t stop the party until the runners come out on Sunday morning. Denmark shuts on Sundays. Trust me, you only need to make the mistake of leaving your food shopping until Sunday afternoon before you realise the 7-Eleven does not have a very appetising selection. Here everything is open from at least 9-5, everyday so having a more limited time frame to shop was a little surprising. Denmark shuts at 4pm on weekdays (and about 1pm on Saturdays). This makes calling people for interviews rather tricky, as most people you want to talk to seem to have legged it out of the office half an hour before you even pick up the phone.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but public transport at the best of times is hard. I have been a loyal Auckland train user for the past two years and I’m proud to say that I have mastered the art of train commuting (not so hard when you get both on and off at the end of the line). Buses are a different story, but generally you get on at the front, pay the driver, then sit back and with a bit of luck you reach your intended destination. This is not the case in Aarhus. For starters, patrons get on at the back of the bus. You then pay for your ride via a machine. You then watch the screen which tells you the names of the stops and jump off at the one that looks slightly similar to something that you may or may not have seen before in your exploration of your neighbourhood. My favourite tongue twisters included Banegårdspladsen, Enemærket and Bryggervej. Paying at the back often results in people (namely foreigners) thinking they can scab a free ride from the council. But when your friend gets slapped with a 600 kroner (around $NZ160) right beside you, it prompts you to straighten up and fly right every time. I often feel sorry for the cyclists who battle the traffic around Auckland but in Denmark I had no such sympathy. Not having ridden a bike since I was in primary school, being run into on numerous occasions and having bells constantly dinged at me because I was riding at a ‘comfortable pace’ was not appreciated. Being yelled at in Danish was also not appreciated. I must say I do have some admiration for those cyclists (myself included) because nothing would stop them- not rain, not snow, and not even being dressed up and in heels would stop those Danes from getting on their bikes. I guess New Zealand and Denmark can share that clean and green image. I hate to say this, but one similarity (or is it difference?) that managed to comfort me was the amount of Australians over there. Eight Australians were in my class of 21 and once the Aussies stopped asking me to repeat the words “chips” and “ticket” they were actually a nice source of comfort. Guess you take relief where you can when you are 30 hours away from home, even if it is in Australians. From Auckland to Aarhus, then back again. It feels like the moment I started to get the hang of this new country, I was shoved back on a plane and sent home. Probably the most profound thing I learnt while away is that no matter where you are, people are people. It was scary at times, and sad at others (particularly the first night where I had no friends and sat in my room on skype to mum all night), but it was most definitely the most awesome experience of my life. For those who wish to take part in an exchange, AUT offers semester exchanges through its AUT Outbound programme.


issue 3 march 2010


O'Week City

O'Week Fat Freddys Drop


O'Week North Shore

O'Week Manukau

issue 3 march 2010


Pornography. Paranoia. Persecution... Welcome to the film industry!

A mega budget American feature-film has come to

Has anyone ever thrown a tantrum and walked out?

town. Inhabiting the twilight zone of featured-extra-dom are; a drunken Power-Ranger, an earnest thief, and a wounded thespian. Our three young hopefuls collide with a gorgeous make-up girl and a cast-driver with a score to settle. Green Room, created by Ryan Richards, Nic Sampson and Ash Jones, is a comedy about the pornography, paranoia and persecution of the film industry. I talk to Ryan, Byron and Nic, the lads in the show, about their own experiences in the apparently perverted film industry and the creepy stalker experiences they have had...

Nic: Me and Ryan have been working together for a while now so we have an old married couple sort of thing, he has a little bit too much to drink and he gets all sort of wrung out on sugar and coffee. But I think any creative process involves a bit of butting heads because if you’re not [butting heads] then you’re generally not creating something as good as it can be. But no one’s actually hit each other... Ryan: Well we have. Nic: But in a fun way. What was involved in the process of devising this show?

So what is Green Room all about? Ryan Richards: What Green Room is definitely not about is acting. It’s about the extremes people go to in order to get what they want. Nic Sampson: It’s about the consequences of putting three big egos together in a small room [the Green Room]. It’s sort of loosely based on our experience of working on a film together called The Warrior’s Way [which also stars Kate Bosworth and Geoffrey Rush]. Ryan: That’s when we first met isn’t it? Nic: Yeah, friend at first sight. Byron Coll: I think the essence of Green Room is that it’s about cabin fever and the feeling of waiting maybe hours for one line and the tension that causes. Ryan: And it’s pretty much a piss take of the film industry. How well have you all worked together? Have you had any conflicts as a group? Byron: Stepping into Ash’s role 3 weeks ago,* when these guys have already created a show was kind of like, “where am I going to fit and what are the rules of engagement here”? But it was all pretty easy ‘cause we all know each other and are mates. I mean I worked with Ryan for three years at Drama School [Toi Whakaari] and it’s been great working with Nic as well ‘cause I like his comedy [Nic proceeds to put his hand on Byron’s in a loving gesture] ...he’s touching my hand...

Ryan: We never wanted to be sitting in front of the computer being very clever, “ooh let’s say that and put that word there”! That doesn’t make dialogue sound natural. We worked out what was going to happen in the scene and then did improv’s around it. Urgh, what’s that!? Sick... At this point the interview was interrupted by a very large and noisy cicada which the lads seemed to be unusually afraid of. Nic tried to open the window but in the process made the cicada “angry” (or scared as I am more inclined to think) and it buzzed around the room, flying around the terrified guys’ heads. Eventually the lads regained their semi-calm, wired on Red Bull state (Red Bull is sponsoring Green Room so they are drinking it like water) and we could get back to the interview. Ryan: Ok so yeah we scripted from improv to make the lines sound more natural. Then when Byron joined us we reworked the show and chucked out some stuff that wasn’t so funny and kept the gold. How many of your own experiences contributed to the story line of Green Room? Ryan: I’m trying to think of the times that I have made my own child pornography but I just can’t... Byron: Yeah you know you think about these things but you never do ‘em...

Nic: [In response to my “oh no...”] No, no not really, but as Ryan was saying before we do take certain aspects of our personalities and heighten them. For instance, my character used to be in Power Rangers which I used to be in, but I sort of made my character more of a belligerent asshole than I believe, well like to think, I am. Ryan: And I am more...dandy. I’m the theatre guy; I played Danny Zuko in Grease, Oliver in Oliver... Nic: But the extremes that these characters go to, to get this one line of dialogue is definitely not based on personal experience. It starts off harmless but quickly spirals out of control into these huge, merciless acts of sabotage. Ryan: Some of the topics we cover in this play are a bit full on... But we like to think we do them in a way in which the audience can laugh and say “oh you shouldn’t be doing that...” Do any of you have your own stalkers yet? Byron: Actually it was really funny, I was at the airport in Christchurch last year and this lady came up to me and out of nowhere she said “oh my god!” just like Ryan did with the Cicada! She then said; “You’re off the Campbells soup ad!” It was actually a cup-a-soup ad. “And you’re off the KFC ad?” I said “uh no, it’s a McDonalds ad.” “I just want to say that you are so... funny, you’re fantastic, you make me laugh every time!” And that was it, till five or ten minutes later we got into a situation where we were in close proximity to each other so we had to acknowledge each other again. I’m a little petrified of those awkward moments so I tried to slip away but I didn’t and she stopped me and just said; “genius.” Ryan: I had this extra come up to me one day on the “Crack a Woody” TV shoot and he listed basically every single thing I’d done in the last year, “hey you were on that Up and Go ad and you were on that KFC ad and you were on the Tower ad eh? And you were on Shortland Street... You’ve lost a little bit of weight since then.” What an odd thing to say! He obviously watches way too much television! Nic: When I did Power Rangers we got a few fan letters, we probably got 20 or 30 all up, all handwritten little notes. But the weird thing was that it wasn’t actually the kids who would send stuff in, it was the 40 year old men living in basements with their Mum’s who had watched Power Rangers since it first started. Ryan: I wouldn’t say no to naked photos though, I’m keeping an open mind...

issue 3 march 2010

What advice would you give to anyone else who wants to devise their own show? Nic: You need more time than you think! Byron: Work with people that you know you will be happy working with. If you’re unsure of working with someone it commonly ends up a disaster. Choose carefully, be a bit cautious and make sure you have all your bases covered. I have been in a situation where, two weeks in, I thought; I do not want to be in this play, it could potentially sabotage my acting career. I had to play a gimp that was mute and played the piano for a one woman cabaret show. There was a lot of sponsorship from DVice, the sex shop, and I was sort of required to use some of the objects. It was funny, it was ok, but during the process I was banging my head against the wall. Why would Green Room appeal to students? Nic: If you don’t go to theatre very much, this show would be good for you. It’s fast, high energy, un-PC and its freaking funny, we think. You can just sit back and have a laugh. Ryan: Come, have a beer and a laugh, we’re not trying to speak politically and change the face of New Zealand blah blah blah. We just want you to come and have a good time. *Byron took Ash Jones’ role in the play as Ash was offered a role as Algernon in Auckland Theatre Company’s The Importance of Being Earnest

So, if you like the sound of the Green Room, it’s on at the Basement Theatre from the 16th -20th of March at 8pm. Tickets are $13 for students and the unemployed and $16 for people who actually make money (and can therefore spend it!) The tickets can be booked online at or you can just show up at the door. The lads would just like to give a final warning that this is not the sort of show you bring your 12 year old little sister to, however, if your 80 year old grandma has an open mind, they reckon she would have a good old cackle and would probably enjoy the cheap beer just as much as you do. See you there!


mmm whatcha say? Five statements you need to wipe from that smack talking mouth in 2010. by NormaJean Lee “Fake it till you make it.” Learn a lesson from Ashley Simpson’s lip synching screw up, no one likes a fake. Lip syncing is real for only so long, much like being someone you’re not and you’ll be found out. Welcome to the jungle Kevin. Survival tactic? Be yourself. Without sounding like a Disney classic, being a person who is comfortable with what you like, who you are and what you believe is not only less work but it’s refreshing. So keep it real like LL Cool J because not only can you rock out as the bona fide you, you give others the permission too as well.

“No offense” “I don’t date people with red hair, uh, no offense.” Smooth operator? I think not. “No offense” is not only insulting someone, it’s also saying they’re stupid because you think they’re not clever enough to notice the insult. Alas, people don’t buy into the whole “I want to bag you out without you hating on me” thing. So as global warning worsens and the earth atmosphere must be saved, let’s stop wasting oxygen with “no offense” and stop cracking the low blows all together. Quit it, because if you think you can continue to beat people down and retain your friends, you’re a jackass. Oh, no offense.

“When I get (x) I will” Seize the day, the time is now, I have a dream. . . Yeah, yeah, pass the popcorn. Overstated, clichéd and appreciated in birthday cards the world over, statements like these are hard to stomach because they are buried in some many layers of cheese. This said, they all have one gem of wisdom to be grabbed: there is no time like the present. Saying things like when I get older, more money, less pimples, better grades, more friends then I will - insert life goal here - doesn’t work. There are many things that we can get more of (except time of course). What are you waiting for? Seizing the moment is not a warm fuzzy feeling, it’s a kick up the ass to help you realise that right now you can achieve what you want with what you already have. You have one life, do something.

“blah blah blah BUT so and so” This femme fatale of the English language lets you think you can put things off. Procrastination by any other word still sounds as pathetic. The word “but” allows us to believe that we have an excuse to cop out. “I want better marks at university this year BUT I’m not smart enough.” Try again or phone a friend because that’s the wrong answer. If we eliminated this minx from our vocabularies we would end up with some pretty inspiring goals and impressive aspirations. Kick the habit of belittling yourself because tiny harmless “buts” of today turn into painful “I wish I had’s” tomorrow.

“That’s so gay” Well actually no, the fact that Home and Away is not over the summer holidays is not homosexual in any sense. I know, I know. It’s only a joke and you know a real life gay person and they don’t care. So you can, like, totally say it. Not. Regardless of what you believe about the homosexual community, calling a situation that’s not kosher “gay” just ain’t cool. Gay is not a synonym for stupid that way the n-word should not be a term for an African American person or Jesus Christ to replace a swear word. Put down the glass of Haterade and clean out that dirty mouth because ignorance is not a good shade on you.


Student’s Etiquette

Lecture Etiquette by Samantha McQueen

It’s week three. By now, you have stuffed yourself stupid with free stuff and are now feeling the pains that come with actually having to learn stuff. For you newbie first years, or those who don’t remember too much of your previous year(s) of university, debate has put together a handbook to teach you basic student rules that will help you immensely in the long run.

Rule Three: Turn off your cell phones. There’s always someone who thinks they can get away with leaving their phone on loud while in a lecture/tutorial/library/ movie. Newsflash: YOU CAN’T. It’s not that hard to turn it to silent (not vibrate, that’s equally annoying) or – shock horror – switch it off. Note: if anyone wants to name and shame these people who constantly disregard this rule, please feel free to write an angry letter to debate about it. People like that really grind my gears.

Rule One: If you haven’t turned up to a lecture yet, you better start now. Contrary to what older, but more moronic, people have told you, lectures are important. It was mentioned in the A-Z guide in week one, but let me guess, you can’t remember that far back. While a lot of lecturers couldn’t give a stuff if you turned up or not (because they’re getting paid regardless), I’m sure your parents will wonder how you managed to score a D on your final exam. So turn up.

Rule Four: The library is for studying. It still amazes me how many people use the library as a place to gossip with friends. And not quiet, whispered gossip either; we’re talking loud, cackling voices when others are trying to learn the latest physics theory (don’t ask me why, it’s not my thing). Use a café or bar to catch up on your friend’s shenanigans, not the high demand section.

Rule Two: Turn up to lectures on time. Firstly, I must congratulate you in taking my advice and turning up to your Monday lectures. Don’t spoil it now by turning up 20 minutes late, cappuccino in hand, wondering why everyone is staring at you. Lectures generally start five minutes past their allotted time (usually because of technical issues) so you really have no excuse to be late. Plus, being late is just rude. If you are one of those eager young things studying journalism, you’re not even allowed the five minute window. In fact, be there five minutes early. Trust me.

Elevator Etiquette by Jared Van Huenen Pre-Ride Tips If you’re only going to the second on third floor, take the damn stairs! Especially in the WT building at about 9.45am. There are exceptions, however. If you have a disability or you’re injured you get both first dibs on the elevator and can ride to any floor you want. Also, if you have a cart, trolley, baby or heaps of mail you get a free pass. Don’t push the button 50 million times. If the button is pushed, the elevator is coming. By pushing it multiple times, you’re effectively saying that you don’t know how elevators work. You’re also saying that you don’t trust the person who pushed it first. If a lift is just about to close and you’re late for it, don’t push the button! Who do you think you are, disrupting other people’s lift journeys? Wait until the doors are completely shut, and then push the button. If you’re carrying a large package, don’t push into a full elevator – wait for an empty one. If a lift with people in it asks you to join their lift, make sure it’s a genuine offer and they’re not just being polite. Getting on Let everyone get off! If you stand in front of the doors as they’re opening, you’re an idiot. Also, you’re opening yourself up to get trampled. Make sure it’s going the right way. If an elevator is going up, no amount of you pushing the ground floor button will make it go down. Also, don’t stop other people’s lifts that aren’t going your way, only to ask, “what way are you going?” That shows that you don’t deserve to use the technology. The close door button should not be used unless it is clear the either the elevator is full, or nobody is coming. It is not elevator issue 3 march 2010

Rule Five: Don’t hog the computers in the labs While you may be one of those people with a shiny MacBook Pro at home, others rely solely on the AUT computers to get all their assignments done. Don’t spend hours playing Bejewelled Blitz in the labs if there’s clearly someone waiting who has assignments due. You’ll know when assignments are due because there’ll be a herd of people surrounding the printing machine and every single computer will be in use. Also, don’t disregard the computer lab booking system. It’s there for a reason – use it.

etiquette to shut the door on someone. Always stand in the correct spot. If you’re going to a high floor, stand at the back (and vice versa). Also, understand that you may have increased responsibilities should you choose to stand near the buttons. The Journey It is not appropriate to have a conversation in the elevator UNLESS the conversation was started before the elevator arrived. Thus, it is bad etiquette to begin a conversation once the doors are closed. On the flip side, if a pre-elevator conversation enters your lift, do not take this as an invitation to join in. If your opinion is not asked, do not give it. Do not sing. Do not hum. Do not have your iPod up so loud that everyone hears the shitty music that you’re listening to. The size of an elevator makes it a good environment for germs to be transferred. Consider waiting for an empty elevator if you are sick. Also, feel free to warn people before they board your lift that your health is not the best. They deserve to choose their fate. If you’re near the buttons, you MUST push buttons for other people while in the lift. Do not push a button that has already been pushed, it makes you look silly. Also, don’t push the wrong button. In the event of a mistake, apologise profusely. Getting off In most circumstances, the ladies first rule applies. If you find yourself at the back of the elevator, politely announce “This is my floor”. Don’t push. Ever. It may be necessary to leave the elevator to let someone else depart. This is acceptable practice, but make sure you don’t get stuck outside it.


The Older Perspective. John K Probert MAKE







co-ordinator. Well the first week of semester one has come and gone with its busy days and nights of activities. And of course coming to grips with your workload, assignment times and course requirements. For those in your first year this can be all a bit daunting. For the ‘old hands’, you have been through this all before. A special greeting also, to our fellow students who are embarking on their study at Manukau Campus. Whoever you are, wherever you are from, and at whatever level you are studying, I really trust that you took part in as much as you were able last week and now feel very much at home. A big word of appreciation to the events team at AuSM. Things do not just happen. Much work and planning goes into O-Week. Before turning specifically to the role and function of course coordinators, just let me say how well served we are at AUT by those dedicated people, and in many cases, highly qualified, who support us in no-academic positions. Learn to use their skills and expertise and value and appreciate them in their diverse and important roles. I now turn to the role and function of your faculty/course co-ordinator. These are key people to get to know within whatever discipline you are studying. These are the staff members who are able to advise you on matters such as recognition of prior learning, selection of papers to support your major, number of credits required within the qualification you are working towards. Also, any clashes of lectures, especially where inter-campus shuttle bus travel is involved. All in all, speaking from my own experience, the person who holds the position of course co-ordinator within my area of study has proved to be all that I could ask for, and more. I have received advice, assistance, the resolving of issues, had questions answered, and genuine encouragement and overall support offered. My course co-ordinator does not just do me a favour because of my bald head! No, she offers the same quality support and consideration to all she is tasked to serve. More important for each of you is that you have such a person who is there for you within your field of study! Get to know them and give them the opportunity to assist you as confidently and effectively as I have been assisted. Let me also put in a word for the KEYS courses. Again I have found them to be invaluable both last year and again this year. The courses offered are a great support offered freely by AUT for our benefit. Pick up a brochure from a number of locations around your campus or go online for more information and to select a course that will be helpful to you, and enrol in that way. The thrust of this article has really been to emphasise the quite outstanding level of support that is available here at AUT for each individual student. Now that crowds of students are coming from and going to lectures or moving around the campuses for any of many other reasons, it can be easy to feel a bit overwhelmed and insignificant amidst the bustle and throng. Never forget, just as your student ID marks you out as who you are, you as an individual are significant and important. Your academic advancement, personal health and safety are important. Stand proud fellow students and claim your right to access those who make AUT what it is! Make it offer the best for you!


Hello kiddies, and welcome to another year of “Neets Totally Metal”. For those of you new to AUT, I’m Neet. I am a girl and I listen to metal. I’m also here to bring you your bi-weekly dose of most things metal. For the first column of the year I feel it’s fitting to take a look forward to what we can expect from 2010 on the metal album front. First of all though, a few things that have already happened this year. Theatre of Tragedy, probably one of the most influential female front metal bands of all time, has decided to disband after 17 years together. Their final gig is scheduled for October 2 in Stavanger, Norway. Keeping with this theme, Jesper Strömblad, the final remaining founding member of In Flames, has decided to quit his band of over 17 years, citing health problems as the main reason. He has promised that this is not the end for him and the world of music. Now that the sadder part is done with, I’m going to look at what albums we have to look forward to this year. First out of the gates, Dark tranquillity released their 9th studio album less than two weeks ago. Whilst I haven’t had a chance to listen to it myself, it’s sure to be a solid release from the Melodic Death masters. It also has pretty wicked cover art from the awesome Niklas Sundan. Google it. There’s also albums to come from Apocalyptica, Iron Maiden, Tarot, Soilwork, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir and Firewind, to name but a few. In regards to gigs, if you’ve got a few spare dollars, grab a ticket to The Devin Townsend Project at the Transmission Room on March 20. Front by the crazy genius of Devin Townsend (minus his famous ‘Skullet’), this gig promises to be a mix of all of Townsend’s projects, from Strapping Young Lad to Ziltoid the Magnificent, as well as focusing on this projects latest release ‘Addicted’. My current financial situation means I can’t afford to go, but if you do go drop me a line and let me know what it’s like. As I mentioned earlier, this column is now a bi-weekly one. It means I’ll actually be able to get it done in a reasonable time frame, rather than the day before it goes to print. So in two weeks time, keep an eye out for the story and pictures from the Arch Enemy gig back in November (where I got to meet the band) and also for a new header, it’s time for a bit of an upgrade I think. Last year I got some great feedback, both personal and through the letters section, so if you have any comments/suggestions/complaints drop me a line at, it’s great to hear from you guys!

Lean, Green, Eco-machine

Pop N Good

By Amy Rosenfeld This

column will get you more money, more organized and more sex. OK, so I can’t guarantee the last one, but at least now I have your attention. Sea-levels are rising, 80 per cent of our native forests have been destroyed and there’s a garbage pile twice the size of Texas just chilling out in the Pacific. Well doesn’t that just suck? Yeah alright, I hear you say, but I’ve got two assignments due tomorrow, it’s my night to cook at the flat and I have a grand total of 60cents to my name thanks to this year’s haul of textbooks… what do you expect me to do about it? Grow your hair long, change your name to Moondrop and move to a nudist hippy compound in the hills of California. That’s what I want you to do about it. Kidding… Unless that’s your buzz of course. Fortunately, for my fellow clothing-loving students, there are plenty of simple ways to be more eco-friendly (without going all freaky-deaky Captain Planet) which can actually end up saving you money. Here are a few quick tips to get you started: #1 Make your letterbox redundant. Ok, so I know in this new age of technology like email and facebook it’s pretty exciting when you actually get a letter, but stop kidding yourself - Studylink doesn’t count. Bills, statements and the everprevalent junk mail catalogues can add up to around 2kgs of unwanted paper every month in your letterbox (and consequently on your floor). Signing up to get all your statements online will not only save a whole bunch of trees and clutter, but can also save you money. Some banks will reward you for stopping your paper statements by waiving all fees. You can also score yourself a free ‘’no junk mail’ sticker from ecojunkmail. com or Yay! Free stuff! #2 Say no to BAM! Now I’m not advocating that you stop cleaning your house, being a student doesn’t give you an excuse to ignore reasonable standards of hygiene, it does however give you an excuse to be cheap. As inventive as some of those cleaning product ads can be, they’re expensive and mostly unnecessary – not to mention bad for your health. Vinegar and water is the best window cleaner around, and adding lemon juice will make it a mean degreaser. Salt will soak up most red wine spillages and a box of baking soda will put a stop to that ‘student-flat smell’. Check out for more tips, and if you’re super-keen you can find some sweet recipes for all your soaps and lotions at #3 The trash to treasure rule Waste not, want not I always say. There’s always a myriad of places to fob off your unwanted stuff that doesn’t involve it festering away in a landfill, and you’ll score some extra cash for those student essentials. Trade Me is a good place to start for any weird bits and pieces you’ve got lying around (I seem to remember a phallus-shaped carrot going for a few hundred dollars last year) and is an easy way to make some cash back on your text books (or to find your own preloved set). Recycle Boutique will buy your old clothes off you before any nude Californian adventures (or take them to the Sallies if you’re feeling philanthropic). Student notice boards are also a good place to find second-hand stuff, along with and your parent’s garage. That’s all for now, look out for more tips in later issues!

issue 3 march 2010

I’m going to get this subject out of the way right now, so I can spend the rest of the year refering to it. It’s something that you all should know before venturing forth in your pop culturefilled lives. Betty White is the shit. The Shit. Betty is 88-years-old and frankly, I wish she were my grandma. Or at least the lesbian lover to one of my current grandmas. Betty White’s claim to fame is as Rose on the 80s show Golden Girls. Many of you, however, will recognise her from one of her guest roles on ... well, everything. My Wife and Kids, That 70s show, Malcolm in the middle, Everwood, Joey, Ugly Betty, My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, and most prominantly as Catherine Piper on Boston Legal. She has also dabbled in movies, such as being the only thing good about The Proposal (Um, RYAN REYNOLDS?! Ed). Her TV and film credits are only a small part of her awesomeness. She is the ultimate ‘surprisingly sassy old lady’. She is a stand-out example of someone living their twilight years right – with a wicked sense of humour. When fellow Golden Girls alum Rue McClanahan suffered a stroke earlier this year, White sent her a ‘Don’t Get Well’ card with a message that apparently said “Dear Rue, I hope you hurry up and die so I can be the last Golden Girl left. NOT KIDDING!” And when asked the one thing she wishes she’d done in her career, her favourite answer is “Robert Redford” (though she admits she’d be terribly embarassed if she ever met him). I feel that to get a true sense of just how much Betty White is cooler than you, you must all jump on the Youtube express and look at her talk show appearances. For starters, She has appared on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson numerous times (it’s after The Late Show and is hosted by the Scot from the Drew Carey Show). She has been interviewed by him as a Girl Scout, an accountant with a briefcase full of cocaine, a prison guard, Santa Claus and as herself doing taxes. She has also referred to herself as a “whore” on Lopez Tonight, and played beer pong on The Jimmy Fallon Show (FYI more people here should play beer pong. It’s like Ping Pong with booze). In a Funny Or Die video, She forgot who her The Proposal co-star Ryan Reynolds was, proceeding to tell him to get her a fucking cup of coffee. He told her to suck a hot cock and it was significantly funnier than Funny Or Die clips usually are. I’m not the only one who recognises the greatness that is Betty White. A facebook group with nearly half a million members will be granted their wish to have White on Saturday Night Live (SNL) later this year. To me sketch shows are like mushrooms. You either like them or you don’t (and I don’t). But Betty White is like pizza. And I’ll eat anything with pizza. I will end this with a call to action. Go online and watch Betty in action. And then love and cherish her as you should. And then mail me five dollars as a thank you for your increased awesomeness.


Dear Agony Aunt I am male and have recently started a new relationship with a great girl. We will probably have sex soon and I was thinking of having a sexual health check. I have had drunken sex with different women in the past on a few occasions and I’m starting to panic. I don’t have any symptoms. Can you tell me what a sexual health check involves? From panic man Dear panic man, Having a sexual health check (STI check) before any new sexual relationship is a good idea. If you have ever had unprotected sexual intercourse (sex without a condom) including foreplay when genitals touch or bodily fluids are transmitted from one person to another then you could possibly have a sexually transmitted infection. Some infections like Chlamydia are up to 80% asymptomatic (person does not have any symptoms) in females and 50% asymptomatic in males. It is impossible to know if you have an infection unless you are tested. Sexual health consultations are really no big deal. All consultations are strictly confidential so you don’t have to worry about anyone else finding out about your personnel business. The doctor or nurse will take a sexual history from you where you will be asked about your past sexual behavior. Questions will be frank and open. You will not be judged on your sexual behaviors or preferences (whatever they may be) and will be treated with respect at all times. You may find it embarrassing at first but most

people relax as the consultation progresses. It is important to answer the questions honestly as this will help determine your risk of having acquired a sexually transmitted infection and could influence what tests should be undertaken. Usually a simple urine test is sufficient. This will check for the most common sexually transmitted infection called Chlamydia. If you have any symptoms e.g. penile discharge, ulcers or lesions then a urethral swab will need to be taken. Some men find this uncomfortable as it can sting a little but its over in a few seconds. Any ulcers or lesions can also be swabbed. You will also be offered an HIV test. This involves taking a blood sample. You must wait twelve weeks after a possible risk before having an HIV test to be entirely sure that you are HIV negative. You can discuss this with your doctor or nurse to see if this would be right for you. The decision is totally up to you. Health Counselling and Wellbeing are currently offering free screening for under 25 year olds for chlamydia. As discussed above this disease often has no symptoms but can cause long term health issues including infertility and is passed on via sexual intercourse. Chlamydia is at epidemic levels in NZ. Latest figures show 10% of AUT students who are tested is positive for chlamydia. If all is well then there’s no need to worry and you can go ahead and enjoy a sexual relationship with your new partner. You will of course need to make sure she has also had a sexual health check otherwise she may infect you with a sexually transmitted infection after you’ve had the all clear. Most sexually transmitted infections are easily treated should your swab or urine results come back positive. To make sure you do not expose yourself to infections in the future use a condom every time you have sex. Condoms will protect you against most sexually transmitted infections and are free from Health Counselling and Wellbeing. To make an appointment for a consultation phone Health Counselling and Wellbeing on 921-9992 for city campus and 9219998 for North Shore campus.

website of the week

Chat Roulette on the web by Jess Cann

If you’re a fan of chatting, the ‘unknown’ and naked people, then Chat Roulette is for you. Just kidding on that ‘naked people’ bit, although not really. Chat Roulette is where naked men and women (but mainly men) and teens go for shits and giggles. Naked men and children is probably not a good combination but it apparently makes for good entertainment. has been in the media spotlight for the past month, mainly because it was developed by a high school kid from Russia and is an outlet for dirty perves. However there are some appealing features to play with. All you need is a webcam and a microphone or a keyboard, depending on how you want to communicate with your chat partner. No need to sign up or login, just push a button and go. Yes, it all sounds fairly simple but it’s not the simplicity that makes the website. It is the ability to ‘Next’ people or ‘rejection in a mouse-click’, if you will. I spent one afternoon on Chat Roulette with a group of friends and in about half an hour we had seen a couple of cats, one man dressed in a pink thong, a singing Romanian couple and one guy who constantly gave us the middle finger. We found one group of New Yorkers who were convinced we were from France and so we decided to give up. The site provides many laughs and a couple hours of entertainment but probably won’t be a long-lasting trend. Check it out while it’s popular and don’t be afraid to press ‘Next’.



with Tenani French


This week – make sure you watch your back. Literally. But try not to pull a muscle in your neck.

White Hot Chocolate from Esquires As I sit here writing this at SKYCITY Metro I am sipping a delicious White Hot Chocolate. Seriously, there are few things on God’s green earth that feel this good in your mouth. Try it. Just do. Orgasmical.

Eat It!


Another entry on the list of ‘Things Tenani Likes In His Mouth’, this is probably the coolest thing Burger Fuel has done since the Doofer, and certainly more than makes up for the travesty that was the vegemite aioli. Gross.


Dear Timmy, please stop remaking things, all you do is shit on them. And when you and Johnny get married, please move far, far away so that we don’t have to endure any more of your attacks on beloved characters such as Wonka and Alice.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Just because you have the shittiest star sign doesn’t mean you should get down on yourself. People think you’re great! From a distance though, don’t push your luck.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week you will encounter a new environmentally friendly product which will take your fancy. It will break. That’s what you get for shopping at the $3.40 Japanese store next to the movies.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Turns out that 20 per cent assignment you thought was ages away was due last week. Fail.

True Blood: Season 1 (DVD) One of my big TV obsessions of 2009 was True Blood. Thanks to Prime (and the magic of torrents) both seasons are available in NZ! The gist of it is that vampires have ‘come out of the coffin’ so to speak and made their existence known to the modern day world. They try to live in harmony with humans by drinking synthetic blood, but of course this is not really the case. If you, like me, thought your idea of vampires had been forever fucked up and ruined by the Twilight series make no mistake: True Blood is dirty. It makes vampires badass again, they eat people, drink their blood, and boy, do they like sex. Contains sex, blood, drugs, and swearing. Do not watch if you’re a pussy.

Resist It!

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

We all know you like to rule the roost, but an arrogant Sagittarius will get all up in your grill this week. Either fight them or stop being such a dick all the time.

Alice In Wonderland 3D

Watch It!

It’s the week to make your big move on that special someone. Your perfect chance will come at an unusual time, so make sure you don’t wear a crap outfit for at least seven days. However tempted you may be, don’t get your course-related costs yet. We all know that you’ll spend it on something useless and there’ll be a time soon when a grand will come in handy.

Tiger Beer Fries from Burger Fuel

Meh It!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)


SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)

You will have a brief, but entrancing experience with another Scorpio this week. They have a very serious secret drug problem. Gutted.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This week you will wonder – is there anything cooler than a half man half horse archer with a badass hat and a fiery tail? The stars say no.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The Hindu name for Capricorn is Makara, and your sign is often depicted as an oceanic goat. As an aside, Makara the Sea Goat could be a good name for an upcoming kids’ cartoon?

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Texting your girl/boy’s ex just to cause trouble Just don’t. It may seem hilarious and fun at the time, but it never ends well (this Public Service Announcement is brought to you by debate, your student mag, and me, a guy with a laptop).

You have too many friends, and it’s getting to that time of year when you’re going to start losing some of them. While you tend to just cruise through life, this will force you to consider your own destiny.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Don’t give up! You’ll get an awesome reward for your hard work this week. Foods to avoid this week include sushi and cats.


PLAN YOUR TERTIARY JOURNEY ONLINE WITH MAXX for a chance to win one year’s Travel Pass* worth over $2,500! Chance to


* pass l e v a r t ’s r one yea over $2,500! worth issue 3 march 2010 *Travel Pass comprises of 12 x 1 monthly Discovery Monthly Pass. Valid for travel around Auckland on specified services only. Competition open from 9am 22 February 2010 and closes 5pm 19 March 2010.


Love It!

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Metrosexuality: a m ig n e r a e w s n e m e h T

by Heather Rutherford

The other day I was having lunch

with a gay friend of mine, and he made this offhand comment: “The latest men’s fashion trends look better on straight guys than they do on gay guys.” I asked him to elaborate on what he meant and he said: “Like the tight, short shorts. They look hot on a straight guy because of the opposing or contrasting bravado he brings to it. But on a gay guy this trend is just cliché and therefore missing the point.” I thought about what he had said and it occurred to me that there is a lot more going on in menswear than just the shirt, jacket and pants combination I naively thought the industry was solely comprised of. With my friend’s comment on menswear, there were two statements which straight off the bat intrigued me. First of all, there was the idea that male sexuality plays an important role in menswear and male fashion trends. Secondly, there was his allusion to the tension between the stereotypical masculinity and fragility. In regards to the question of sexuality defined in menswear, I found it to be quite a tricky topic. Of course, there is an exception in every case, but generally speaking, when it comes to high-end menswear there are parallels that can be drawn between it, and its womenswear counterpart. That is not to say that menswear is trend driven by womenswear, but it does interact in some places. For example, in this year’s menswear Fall 2010 collections, there are a lot of fur coats, halter necks (Rick Owens), corsetry (John Galliano) and even some kimono action (John Galliano again) alongside the usual amount of suit jackets, shirts and pants. Womenswear also borrow aspects of clothing from menswear such as suiting etc. In regards to John Galliano designing corsetry for men, most would probably think this a useless practice because “what man would wear that”? First of all, yes, believe me there are some men out there who would (providing they want to pay the enormous price tag). Secondly, it is not the corset itself that Galliano is trying to sell, but a concept. The collection as a whole is marketed as a surreal, unattainable concept. John Galliano wouldn’t be in business as a designer if he was struggling to be commercially successful and his customers are buying into the concept more than anything else. However, in saying that, Galliano is the theatrical exception to menswear and is probably not the best example of where the market is heading, but I do think he represents the extreme, avant garde end of the scale. At the other end of the menswear scale, there is one


fact that most people can agree on, and that is that mainstream men’s fashion is becoming more “metrosexual”, or “dandyish”. This is where I have witnessed stereotyping come into play. For example, I have a male flatmate, who told me the other day he saw a scarf in a menswear store that he really liked, but he would not buy it because the idea of wearing a scarf did not sit right with his straight male instinct. However, more and more men are embracing their more “metro” side. Pick up any issue of GQ magazine and you will see pages of advertisements for male grooming and articles in male skincare, next to photos of grunty looking cars. The idea of a certain tension in fashion between the masculine and fragility, or feminine and tough, has always intrigued me. Flicking through the GQ magazine (which has been described to me as being very straightmale targeted) I can see examples of this in the styling as well as the clothing. One such photo shoot combined a very masculine looking male model with facial hair, tattoos etc wearing very masculine clothing, but he is depicted holding a flower which softens his whole image. Another photo with the same model has him wearing bright pink boxer shorts and a polka dot top. With the tight short shorts my friend described, he believed this tension between the masculine ‘bravado’ (meaning defiant or swaggering behaviour), and ‘camp’ shorts was necessary to make the trend work. This is not always necessary, but it is very effective in many cases. I have always observed that this tension is evident is womenswear as well, especially when the designer is male. Many top international fashion designers in womenswear (as well as menswear) are male, such as John Galliano, Karl Lagerfeld, Tom Ford, Alexander Wang and Alexander McQueen, to name a few. All of them successfully temper the softer, more feminine side of these designs, with a harder more masculine edge, or the opposite for menswear, whereas, in my opinion many female designers do not achieve this as effectively. When I first started to research into menswear, I was very keen to figure out men’s fashion and find a set of rules to neatly define it. I thought it would be easy to pigeon hole everything neatly. Instead what I found was in regards to menswear the lines between the stereotypes of sexuality and gender were incredibly blurred, and becoming more difficult to define. I was surprised to find menswear much more multi-faceted, and in my opinion, more subtle and harder to analyse than womenswear. Perhaps this is a reflection on changing gender roles in society? Up until now, I was completely unaware there even was a men’s fashion week, but from here on out I will definitely be tuning in every year.

Kate O’Mara Diploma Applied Fashion Technology 2nd year Wearing Karen Walker necklace, top from Glassons, vintage shorts, shoes from a “store in Ponsonby” and fashion design department sample jacket.

issue 3 march 2010

Joseph Dennis Mow Bachelor of Fashion Design 1st year Wearing Wrangler jeans, Country Road shoes, cardigan by Country Road, hoodie by ‘For Good’ and t-shirt is his own design.

Grace Vujnovich Bachelor of Business 3rd year Wearing Riccochet dress and earrings, Maurie and Eve ‘Black Motorcycle Boots’.



Alice In Wonderland Film review by Catherine Selfe Director: Tim Burton

Take a trip down the rabbit hole. The latest edition in the quirky films that can be accredited to director, Tim Burton, is the sequel to Lewis Carroll’s, Alice in Wonderland. Burton reunited the duo much loved by audiences by casting wife Helena Bonham Carter and ‘eccentric role re-offender’ Johnny Depp to the roles of the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter respectively. Its 13 years on from Alice’s first trip in which she delved deep into the imagination of Lewis Carroll by falling down a rabbit hole into Wonderland and the place has taken a turn for the worse. The Red Queen has turned into an egotistical megalomaniac and has quite literally let it all go to her head. Meanwhile, in a more normal land, 19-year-old Alice has fled a proposal and is lured back down the hole by the White Rabbit (Michael Sheen). However, her prolonged absence has ensured that Alice believes her existence in Wonderland to be only a dream; one that has recurred since her first tumble down the hole. It is this belief that restricts her from believing she is the saviour that Wonderland has waited for. Following through with current movie trends as well as assisting in showing viewers the extensive creative world created by Carroll, Burton has opted to film the movie in 3-D. Although not on the same action level as fellow 3-D film, Avatar (which recently struck out at this year’s Oscars) the 3-D effect makes the magic and imagination of Wonderland come to life. A lot of response to the latest Alice in Wonderland instalment has been tainted with unfortunate reviews, so to see this film do you need to be “as mad as a Hatter”? The trouble with a film that is so widely publicised pre-release is it makes people’s expectations so much higher and possibly unrealistic. While I don’t feel the film meets the levels of quality it was hyped up to possess, nor is it Burton’s best work, I do believe that Alice in Wonderland deserves more credit than it is being given (although we must forgive the choice to use Avril Lavigne’s somewhat insipid song Alice as the film’s theme song). Johnny Depp has proved once again his ability to slip into the skin of another and took on the Mad Hatter’s role with ease while Bonham Carter also proved her versatility with her well played role of the Red Queen. She attributes her well trained tantrums as the queen to her and Burton’s two year old daughter on whom she based her rages. Newcomer Mia Wasikowska gave a genuine and enjoyable rendition of innocent Alice Kingsley and while Anne Hathaway’s character was undeveloped, it made an amusing fit within the film. It is a film worth seeing (preferably in 3-D) and if possible, try to watch it free from the connotations you may have developed from other sources.


Paramore Live Show at Westpac Arena Review by Samantha McQueen

It was clear looking at the kilometre-long line leading into Westpac Arena in Christchurch that Paramore is a big deal in New Zealand. Paramore have been around for more than five years and have released four albums (including a live album), but only really hit the big time when the single Decode was chosen as the lead single for the Twilight soundtrack. They’ve continued to expand their fan base with their latest musical offering Brand New Eyes, which is the main reason why I paid to fly to Christchurch for a chance to see them live after the Auckland show sold out in mere hours. Black and red seemed to be a prominent dress code among the largely female, teen audience and I couldn’t help but feel older than my 20 years as I shuffle in through the gates. In fact, this out-of-place feeling stays throughout the whole night, but from no fault other than my nana-ish self. It wasn’t because of opening act Jury and the Saints, who managed to avoid “get off the stage” stares by wooing the crowd with comedy. They pleaded with the audience to throw loose change at drummer Rowan Crowe (they made a total of $4.20). Fans went nuts when Paramore ran on stage during one of their numbers, with Hayley Williams taking over drumming duties, before running off again. When Paramore finally took the stage at 9.05pm the crowd erupted into deafening, high-pitched screams which continued throughout the surprisingly short 70 minute set. It wasn’t the performance that had me feeling uneasy; lead singer Hayley Williams was faultless. The 21-year-old was bursting with energy and it was let out through kicking, jumping and hair tossing. She got excited about the little things, such as a cameo appearance of her tambourine, and she even rocked an “I love NZ” t-shirt for the show. While they are described as a pop-rock sound, their stage presence would suggest you have walked into a hardcore show. Band members Taylor Yorke and Zac Farro did flips mid song and there was a lot of jumping onto sound equipment. Being the only girl, Hayley easily moved between sweet, melodic whispers to full-on resonating notes, but the highlight for fans was the power and angst notes she hits in numbers like Ignorance and Brick By Boring Brick. The audience equally thrashed about, and I saw several girls leaving the “mosh pit” a few songs into the set. Musical highlights included Let the Flames Begin and Misery Business, but it was obvious a lot of the crowd had turned out to hear the song that made them uber-famous. They didn’t disappoint with a haunting rendition of Decode. It had all the makings for a great show and the sobs of the girls beside me confirmed that they thought it was pretty fantastic. But unfor tunately, my 20-year-old couldn’t quite get into the pop dynamite package that is a Paramore show and I found myself wishing I was 16 and angsty again.

The Mint Chicks Bad Buzz

EP Review by Mike Atkins The contradiction with the Mint Chicks is that the poppier they sound to themselves, the less poppy they sound to everyone else. I always got the feeling listening to their last album Screens that when they heard that album, they heard a Brian Wilson style tribute to pop form, where everyone else just heard obscurism. A cobainesque gesture of “I’m angry and bored with being mildly successful”. That album sounded quite tossed off and flippant after the mega intensity of Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No! It had its own charm, but anyone expecting the power-pop of Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No! would’ve been left wanting. Of course Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No! had that title track – probably the only song ever to fit at that intersection between the Knack and Joy Division. That’s always going to be hard to repeat. In that regard, the track Bad Buzz is their greatest creative success. It’s a rare convergence of how they sound to themselves, and how they sound to everyone else. It’s also a fine song, and probably the most adventurous thing they’ve done since that very pretty instrumental closer on Crazy? Yes! Dumb? No. It draws together and distills everything they’ve done previously into something that sounds like The Chill’s Heavenly Pop Hit without the snark. I suppose that it wouldn’t be the title track if it weren’t the EP’s highlight. The other tracks are to varying degrees afterthoughts. Very well done afterthoughts, but afterthoughts all the same. Say Goodbye is a fine song, though not as anything more than a b-side. While You’ve Got Spray Paint In Your Third Eye wasn’t given much thought past its title. Now of course, for a band as diverse as the Mint Chicks, each new release marks a newish direction. Screens came after the departure of bassist Michael Logie which led to the lighter, more synth driven sound. Bad Buzz represents Logie coming back into the fold, so the coming together of the two sounds is the theme here. That’s demonstrated on the most most tossed off of the tossed off tracks; ABC Reharmonised is the alphabet song, except with a glam-metal guitar solo, Kraftwerkian vocals, and retarded 70s style synthesizers. The song is a template for demonstrating where the Mint Chicks are now. It’s tossed off, but it’s very descriptive. But Bad Buzz is such a good song. If whatever comes next is filled with tracks even half as good, it’ll represent a real creative turning point towards something more sophisticated; something that synthesises their sound into something fuller and more cohesive than they’ve ever managed before. Screens was only last year, so it’s unlikely that this is the build up to a new album coming out soon, but it’s good to know that they’re on a roll creatively.

issue 3 march 2010

Crazy Heart

Film Review by Jess Cann Directed by Scott Cooper

Let me just say this first - If you enjoy country music, as I secretly do, then go see Crazy Heart. It’s one of the few good things about this film. There has been a lot of Oscar buzz for months around Crazy Heart and Jeff Bridges’ performance as the 57-year-old, washed up country musician, is the only thing holding this film above water, in my honest opinion. ‘Bad’ Blake is on a one-month, six-show tour around small bars and bowling alleys, much to his dislike. A spiteful old man, his addiction to alcohol doesn’t exactly help him out along the way, even though it is his crutch in life. The film floats around for about an hour and a half, glazing over his serious problems as he falls in love with Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), has opportunities fall into his lap which he scoffs at and is reunited with his country-singing protégé Tommy Sweet, played by Colin Farrell, who he is really quite jealous of. The film definitely has its moments, such as the sweet bonding moments between Bad and 4-year-old Buddy, Jeans son, and his eventual road to recovery, however it’s not as powerful as critics have made it out to be. Bridges does a spectacular job singing songs such as Hold On You and Somebody Else and performs them with the swagger of a seasoned and experienced artist. It’s this skill and display from Bridges that really makes the film enjoyable and believable. However, I felt quite underwhelmed throughout the film. Something was missing, and I don’t know if it was just me failing to get it or if the film was lacking in dialogue or basic emotional connection. I know heaps of other people loved the film, as my mum did, but I just wasn’t convinced on the whole. Maybe if I was a couple years older or lived in the southwest of the United States, I would’ve liked it a bit more. Thankfully, Jeff Bridges achievements were recognised at the Oscars this year, and he won best actor for his portrayal of Bad Blake. Well deserved. The Weary Kind, the theme song to Crazy Heart, also won awards such as best original song at the Academy Awards and a Golden Globe. I would recommend Crazy Heart if you want something really laidback and easygoing, as you can sit there and enjoy a solid dose of country, but not get your emotions tangled up in a ball like other films can do to you. Otherwise, go and appreciate Jeff Bridges great performance as you don’t really see many of these moments in film anymore.


the t o p S fference


Correctly identify the FIVE differences in the pictures below then drop your entry into your nearest AuSM Office, or the box on the side of the red debate stands, or post to debate PO Box 6116 Wellesley St before 12pm Thursday. What's up for grabs? A $10 voucher for The Counter cafe. Nom nom nom!

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Aquathon, Cross Country, Cycling (road & track), Mountain Biking, Multisport, Surfing.


Mon 15 March Thu 18 March

North Shore Campus Wellesley Campus

Awataha Plaza WC202

11-12.30pm 11-12.30pm

Debating, Golf, Fencing, Lawn Bowls, Tennis, Squash, Table Tennis, Badminton.


Mon 15 March Thu 18 March

North Shore Campus Wellesley Campus

Awataha Plaza WC202

11-12.30pm 11-12.30pm

GROUP 3: Cricket 20/20, Hockey, Rugby Sevens, Rowing, Canoe Polo, Ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball. Mon 15 March Thu 18 March

North Shore Campus Wellesley Campus

Awataha Plaza WC202

11-12.30pm 11-12.30pm


Hato Petera College – College Rd., Northcote Wed 17 March | 4-6pm


North Shore Campus – Stadium Tue 16 March | 5-7pm

Touch Rugby

Hato Petera College – College Rd., Northcote Mon 15 March | 4-6pm


Box Fit Wednesdays 7:45-8:45am City Variety: hacky sack, skipping, table tennis Thursdays 11:30-1 City Quad

North Shore

Handball & Korfball Tuesdays 12-1pm Turbo Touch Wednesdays 12-2pm


Netball & Basketball Mondays 12-2pm Netball & Basketball Tuesdays 2-4pm Touch Thursdays 2-4pm

One-off Events

Turbo touch Open days 15th & 17th March North Shore Gym Zumba 18th March 12-1 City, 23rd March 12-1 North Shore Disability Day- Wheelchair Rugby 25th March 11:30-1 City Quad WEBSITE: / recreation for more on Sport @ AUT FACEBOOK: become a fan of the “AUT Titans @ NZ Uni Games 2010 – Invercargill” FACEBOOK: join our group “AuSM Sport” AuSM Sport Team Leader AuSM Sport Co-ordinator Melita Martorana Kate Lowden 021 813 428 021 288 2586


micro-celebs City Campus

Rima Moekaa

Bachelor of Social Science How many lectures have you missed so far this year? None. Does one getting cancelled count? What was your summer anthem? “Dance Floor” – Will I Am and David Guetta. Who is the most famous person you’ve met? No one memorable so they’re not that famous obviously. Harry Potter: Hot or Not? Hot. He’s so cool. What does your last text message say? “OK we’ll come round.”

Bishara Nasir

Bachelor of Engineering Technology

How many lectures have you missed so far this year? Zero. Ten points!? What was your summer anthem? “Baby” – Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris. Bro, he’s the man. Who is the most famous person you’ve met? Joe Rokocoko. Harry Potter: Hot or Not? Hideous. What does your last text message say? “$8 tickets to Valentine’s Day for you and a friend.”

Nick Webster

Bachelor of Engineering Technology

How many lectures have you missed so far this year? I haven’t missed any lectures. What was your summer anthem? Foo Fighters. Who is the most famous person you’ve met? Peter Blake. Harry Potter: Hot or Not? No. What does your last text message say? “Yeah bro. I’m keen.”

Renee Ahdar

Bachelor of Health Science

This could be YOU!

Watch out for debate around campus – you could be the next microceleb!


How many lectures have you missed so far this year? None. What was your summer anthem? “Nesian Mystik” – Sun Goes Down. Who is the most famous person you’ve met? Boyz II Men. Harry Potter: Hot or Not? Not. What does your last text message say? “Are you getting my messages?”

issue 3 march 2010




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