April 2012
Liquid Gold: Site Visit to Akara Mine In This Edition
Whistleblowing Doesn’t Work in Thailand ... ? Embassy News Australia Invites Thais to Enjoy ‘Taste of Australia 2012’
community services “Special Day” at The Foundation of the Welfare for the Crippled
Chamber events Sponsors Cocktail Reception at the Ambassador’s Residence
Chamber events Eastern Seaboard Sundowners at Amari, Pattaya
Contents PATRON His Excellency James Wise Australian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand PRESIDENT John Anderson Meinhardt Portfolio: Regional Links VICE PRESIDENTS M.L. Laksasubha Kridakon Baan Laksasubha Resort Portfolio: Alumni
Belinda Skinner Top Talent Asia Portfolio: Communications and English Teaching
Business Brief 6 Whistleblowing Doesn’t Work in Thailand ... ?
TREASURER Leigh Scott-Kemmis DBM Portfolio: Advancing Trade and Commerce
Embassy news 10 Australia Invites Thais to Enjoy ‘Taste of Australia 2012’ 10 Australia Awards 2013
DIRECTORS David Bell Crestcom – Ra-Kahng Associates Portfolio: Speakers and Talks
Austcham board of directors 12 AustCham Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Board of Directors for 2012/13
17 community services 17 Voluntary English Teaching on Saturday 18 February at Wat Phra Patharnporn School 18 Convoy for Kids “Special Day” Saturday 10 March at The Foundation of the Welfare for the Crippled
28 chamber Events 21 Sponsors Cocktail Reception at the Ambassador’s Residence 23 Akara Gold Mine Site Visit on Firday, 24 February 2012 24 Eastern Seaboard Sundowners at Amari, Pattaya 25 Doing business in Laos - an Australian perspective at Pacific City Club 26 Bangkok Sundowners at Grand Hyatt Erawan NEW MEMBERS 28 AustCham’s New Members From the Chamber Office 30 Message from the Executive Director
Khun Jurairat Jammanee HASSELL Portfolio: AustCham Ball Warwick Kneale Baker Tilly Portfolio: Community Services Sam Mizzi McConnell Dowell Portfolio: AFL and Eastern Seaboard Industry Sriram Narayan Qantas / British Airways Portfolio: Business Conference and Business Awards Alan Polivnick Watson, Farley & Williams (Thailand) Limited Portfolio: Legal Charles Wrightman Natural Ville & Lenotre Portfolio: Sponsorship Saeed Zaki , Ph.D. dwp Portfolio: Breakfast Briefings
From the Board
President’s Message EX OFFICIO Maurine Lam Regional Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, ASEAN COORDINATORS Paul Whyte New Asia Pacific ESB Coordinator Email: paul@newasiapacific.com Paul Wilkinson JVK International Movers Ltd. ESB Coordinator Email: paul.wilkinson@jvkmovers.com Harry Usher Lady Pie Phuket Coordinator Email: phuket@austchamthailand.com Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce 20th Floor, Thai CC Tower 889 South Sathorn Road Bangkok 10120 Tel.: +66 2 210 0216 Fax: +66 2 675 6696 execdirector@austchamthailand.com www.austchamthailand.com
Editorial Committee Belinda Skinner, Josh Hyland, Gary Woollacott Marketing & Production Scand-Media Corp. Ltd 4/41-42 Moo 3, Thanyakarn Village Ramintra Soi 14, Bangkok Tel.: +66 2 943-7166/8 Fax: +66 2 943-7169 scandmedia@scandmedia.com
he annual Songkran holidays are once again upon us. Songkran is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year’s Day from 13 to 15 April and is a time for families to get together. Many of our members will be taking some time off during this time including my family. The AustCham office will also be closed during this break. I wish everyone a happy and safe time during these Songkran celebrations. Thank you for the strong show of support for those who attended or gave their proxy for the AGM held on 6 March at the Hyatt Erawan. Following the annual Directors and Treasurers report, which demonstrated a very active board in terms of building better business relations for our members and showing an exciting year ahead, with more initiatives to come, the Board for 2012 / 13 were announced. I was once again elected as President and am grateful to be given the opportunity to continue our ‘back to business’ growth. Belinda Skinner and M.L. Laksasubha Kridakon were elected as Vice Presidents with Leigh Scott-Kemmis once again filling the role of Treasurer. David Bell, Sam Mizzi, Khun Jurairat Jammanee, Charles Wrightman, Saeed Zaki and Warwick Kneale were all reappointed to the board. We would like to welcome two new faces; Alan Polivinick from Watson, Farley & Williams (Thailand) Limited and Sriram Narayam from Qantas / British Airways. Maurine Lam, Senior Trade Commissioner for Thailand will remain as an Ex-Officio Director. Two board Members did not stand this year and I would like to especially thank them for their contributions:
feedback from those who attended. More details can be found in this publication on our site visit Akara’s Chatree Gold mine in Pichit, and our boardroom brief on Doing Business in Laos with previous ambassador to Laos and General Manager External Affairs, Alistair Maclean. Our relationship with other Chambers of commerce remains very strong. Last month alone, we participated in a Joint Property and Infrastructure breakfast, briefing on business in Burma, networking event on the Eastern Seaboard and a young professionals networking event with our colleague Chambers. In March we also hosted a cocktail reception to thank this year’s Corporate Sponsors for their support. We must thank our ambassador, H.E. James Wise and his wife Teresa allowing us to host this event at their home and for their kind hospitality. Lastly, but certainly not least of all, we held the official launch of AustralianAlumni – a joint AustCham and Thai-Australia Association (TAA) initiative. This group continues to grow in size and also friendship as bonds between Australian graduates from all walks of life are made. Looking ahead, 2012 Diamond Ball will be held this year on 26 May at the Royal Orchid Sheraton. This promises to be a great night with plenty of glitz and sparkle. The “diamond” theme this year is to tie in with the celebrations of 60 years anniversary of bilateral relations between Thailand and Australia. Tickets are now available from the AustCham office with special discounts available for those who book a table. For those who want to contribute more to AustCham, apart from serving on the board, there are a number of sub-committees that are always looking for new committee members. The Ball committee and Community Services committee are perhaps currently the most active, however other committees are likely to be formed, including for a Business Conference that is to be held later this year. This is bound to be a significant event – watch this space for further details.
Advertising Finn Balslev Email: finn@scandmedia.com
• Ben Yong has served on the Board for five years now. His legal and commercial insights have been invaluable and helped the Chamber navigate some difficult terrain. • Suganya Ransigutta is one of the most dedicated business people I know and her support for the Chamber has also been fantastic.
Contributions to Advance magazine are welcome. Please submit content to josh@austchamthailand.com by the first day of the month for publication in the following month’s magazine.
The AGM was followed by a well-attended Sundowners. Over 300 persons enjoyed the Hyatt’s terrific hospitality and fine food at the “Residence” with Meinhardt as Corporate Sponsor.
I look forward to serving as President once again and, together with the Board, we hope to bring valuable contributions to our members.
Opinions expressed in Advance do not necessarily reflect the views of the Chamber.
We have continued to provide members with a range of opportunities to learn from key businesspeople and have had excellent
John Anderson President, AustCham Thailand www.austchamthailand.com
AustChamThailand Advance
April 2012
business brief
Whistleblowing Doesn’t Work in Thailand ... ? T
here is a widely held belief among business leaders in Thailand that whistleblowing can never be successful here due to deeply held cultural issues that mitigate against one person speaking out against another for fear of being chastised or being wrong. While one cannot completely overlook or discredit this view the reality is a very long way from the perception. There are already many whistleblowing services being provided in Thailand and it has been seen that under the right circumstances whistleblowing success rates in Thailand are no different than anywhere else, regardless of cultural issues and perceptions.
Other objections regularly encountered when speaking to management in Thailand, as is true in all other parts of Asia, is the fear of the ‘poison pen letter’. Again, here in Thailand and in many other parts of Asia, it can be seen that these are so few in number as to be considered negligible. Further, the structure of such letters is so patently vitriolic that they can be easily dispensed with by management without further action. International bodies, such as the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, regularly publish statistics showing how fraud and corruption is detected in organisations all over the world. The ACFE surveys suggest that three times as many acts of fraud were detected by Whistleblowing as any other method. Overall whistleblowing is responsible for 40 per cent or more of all reported fraud. The next highest method for detecting fraud is by accident, which is not a strategy that any business leader should consider as being preferable. Whistleblowing services can and often are opened up to customers, vendors and suppliers and this group is responsible for more than one third of all reports. This shows that just relying on your employees to report fraud and other misconduct to you is going to miss a
April 2012
large potential pool of intelligence. In this current highly interconnected era that we live in reports of fraud, corruption and other misconduct can be leaked to the world using any number of social media outlets. Only a decade ago perhaps the greatest fear of business was to have something printed in the daily newspaper, although usually the reporter would seek a comment and so some advance notice could be given and damage control measures taken in the 18 to 24 hours until the paper went to press. Now with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube in our lives such information is much more likely to find its way into the public domain via these channels. We now have a new term in our environment called “going viral” and yes it is just like influenza in the nature of its impact on the organisation. Unless your employees have a legitimate way to report things to you they will revert to what is available, and these days that is the internet. You might be able to control your employees and you
might get an injunction on a newspaper, but you cannot control the internet. There are numerous examples from the recent ‘Arab Spring’ to attest to the folly of even attempting to control what is being put on the internet. Many other countries have implemented requirements or recommendations regarding whistleblowing for corporations and government organisations. Included in this is the Dodd-Frank Act in the United States which has introduced cash rewards for a whistleblower who reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission information that leads to the successful prosecution of securities laws violations. Since 2002 the Sarbannes-Oxley Act (US) has required all public companies to implement their own whistleblowing arrangements. More recently the UK Bribery Act created a corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery. To defend against actions taken by UK regulators organisations must show that they have adequate proce-
AustChamThailand Advance
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business brief
The experience in Australia, famous for its Ned Kelly culture of not ‘dobbing in a mate’ has been that whistleblowing is now far and away the most effective internal control for such matters as fraud, corruption, inappropriate behaviors, safety and environmental concerns. dures in place to do so. The implementation of whistleblowing mechanisms are considered to be one way of demonstrating that organisations have such adequate procedures in place. In Australia corporations are encouraged to follow the Australian and New Zealand Standards that recommend independent and confidential whistleblowing services to allow employees to safely and anonymously report allegations of fraud and other workplace misconduct. The experience in Australia, famous for its Ned Kelly culture of not ‘dobbing in a mate’ has been that whistleblowing is now far and away the most effective internal control for such matters as fraud, corruption, inappropriate behaviors, safety and environmental concerns. Singapore has also released a Code of Good Corporate Governance which in part recommends that corporations implement independent and confidential whistleblowing services for their employees to report matters of concern. Many other countries in Asia are working on regulations and codes for specific industry sectors or for the entire corporate community for whistleblowing. In November 2010 the Thailand government hosted the 14th International AntiCorruption conference. The conference resulted in the ratification of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). Article 8/4, 32 and 33 of UNCAC requires that state parties should establish systems and processes to facilitate the reporting by officials of acts of corruption to appropriate officials which come to their attention during the performance of their engagement. Anonymous whistleblowing mechanisms, however, have equal application in the public and private sector because fraud and corruption exists wherever people exist. The mechanism can also be extended to cover other issues other than fraud such as workplace safety. The further advantage is that statistical infor-
April 2012
mation from reports can assist management in decision-making. There are some key success factors in implementing a successful whistleblowing program. First of these obviously is a mandate from the very top of the organisation. Tone at the top has become so important in so many aspects of corporate life these days yet we are still surprised when so often we see that the commitment is not there when it clearly needs to be. Beyond tone at the top here are the other key success factors: • Policy: A clearly worded policy of intent and application. • Coverage: Who are the key stakeholders such as staff, vendors, customers etc… • Independence: The service must be external to the organisation. • Confidential: Whistleblowers need to be able to report without fear of reprisal. • Protection: At all levels the organisation needs to do all it can to protect legitimate whistleblowers. • Process: The process must be understood by all who are covered by it. • Awareness: All stakeholders must be aware of the program and its purpose. • Ongoing: This is not a once only issue, it has to be reinforced on a regular basis. • Follow up: Not acting on a disclosure is the quickest way to guarantee failure. The channels for whistleblowers to make their disclosures must meet the expectations of a wide range of people. The channels of telephone, web server, email, fax, and post are recommended as a minimum. These multiple channels allow whistleblowers to report on a 24 x 7 basis as they feel comfortable and secure to do so. As the world becomes more connected and the workplace becomes younger many more whistleblowers are using web based services and email to make disclo-
sures. Other channels tend to be used for follow up and delivery of documents and other evidence to support their allegations. What we do know is that almost all whistleblowers make their disclosures during work time, this is when its front of mind and that is when they think to do it. Increasing legal requirements and anticorruption initiatives make an overwhelming case for the implementation of a confidential and anonymous whistleblowing mechanism. At present there are many multinationals and locally owned companies that have implemented whistleblowing programmes in Thailand. Any large US corporation operating here will already have such a mechanism as part of their Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Any belief that whistleblowing doesn’t work in Thailand is quite erroneous and it is dangerous to believe it any longer. It is here already and it does work. A properly implemented and socialized whistleblowing mechanism can, does and will work in Thailand, as it does everywhere else. Cultural issues are of lesser importance where confidentiality and anonymity can be guaranteed. Any organisation that does not yet have an appropriate whistleblowing service is leaving itself open to public disclosure of matters it would rather keep confidential, just the same as the whistleblower does. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see www.deloitte.com/ about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte’s approximately 182,000 professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence. To contact Deloitte, please email info_th@ deloitte.com
AustChamThailand Advance
embassy news
Australia Invites Thais to Enjoy ‘Taste of Australia 2012’
he Australian Embassy and Central Food Retail Co. Ltd. joined hands in celebrating the 60th anniversary of bilateral relations between Australia and Thailand with the recent launch of the special ‘Taste of Australia 2012’ promotion, bringing an array of top quality Australian products to Thai consumers.
Australian favourites will bring new delectable flavour to your every meal”, Simon said.
Simon Farbenbloom, Deputy Head of Mission of the Australian Embassy, and Alistair Taylor, President of Central Food Retail Co. Ltd. presided over the opening ceremony of the ‘Taste of Australia 2012’ promotion at Central Food Hall, Central World.
Simon Farbenbloom, Deputy Head of Mission of the Australian Embassy (3rd from left), and Alistair Taylor, President of Central Food Retail (3rd from right) jointly launched the ‘Taste of Australia 2012’ promotion, at Central Food Hall, Central World.
“I am delighted to launch this three week promotion of great Australian food prod-
ucts that provides an opportunity for Thais to enjoy a taste of Australia. I hope our
Thai consumers were able to enjoy a fine selection of great Australian products including beef, lamb, cheese, fresh fruit, vegetables, chocolate, and dairy products during February and March 2012 at 47 stores across Thailand including four Central Food Halls, 39 Tops markets, and four Tops super stores. A special exhibition of the long and fruitful relationship between Australia and Thailand is also being showcased at Central Food Hall, Central World, for the duration of the promotion.
Australia Awards 2013 The Australian Government is pleased to announce education scholarships. The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours through Australia’s extensive scholarship programs. Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) Scholarships are long term development awards (2-3 years) for study at Masters or Doctoral levels at an Australian higher education institution. ALA Scholarships aim at addressing priority development areas by enhancing leadership and building partnerships and linkages within developing countries. ALA Scholarships target those whose chosen field of study equips them to play a significant role in addressing, researching or combating development challenges in their country or region. For Thailand, candidates from Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala, or those who work on issues relating to these three southern provinces in Thailand are especially encouraged to apply. Applications for ALA Scholarships in academic year 2013 open on 1 February 2012 and close on 30 April 2012. For detailed information on application of ALA Scholarships please visit www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/how-to-apply.cfm and www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/pdf/thailand.pdf
April 2012
2013 Endeavour Awards, the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program, is open for Thai citizens to apply from 1 April – 30 June 2012. This scholarship program is open to all fields of study and provides full financial support for international students. There are four main types of Endeavour awards: • Endeavour Postgraduate Awards (Masters degree or PhD) • Endeavour Research Awards (Research towards a Master degree or PhD in home country or Postdoctoral research) • Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards (Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree) • Endeavour Executive Awards (Professional Development) More information on the awards and how to apply, visit www. AustraliaAwards.gov.au. Select “Achievement (Endeavour Awards)”
AustChamThailand Advance
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Austcham board of directors
AustCham Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Board of Directors for 2012/13 On Tuesday 6 March, AustCham held its AGM at the Grand Hyatt and was very pleased to report that the Chamber is in a very strong position for the year ahead. Over the previous 12 months, the Board of Directors has built on a strong foundation of 35 years as an Australian Chamber of Commerce, and 60 years of bilateral diplomatic relations between Australia and Thailand. We have renewed the focus on business and business issues. At the same time we have delivered strongly in the areas where the Chamber has always performed well. We are proud to announce the Board of Directors for 2012/2013.
President John Anderson Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd. Portfolio: Regional Links John Anderson is originally from South Australia. He has lived in Thailand since 1995. He is married to Panida and they have two young children. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering with Honors from University of Adelaide and Masters of Business Administration from Deakin University. He also has a Master of Science with Distinction and Diploma of Imperial College from Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, University of London. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Engineers, Australia. He is a LEED AP BD+C. John is currently a Director of Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd. He has over 20 years’ experience working as a Professional Engineer. At Meinhardt, he is responsible for managing an engineering team – which has completed a number of the largest projects undertaken by the firm, including the “RIVER”, “Millennium Residence” and “Sukhothai Residence” condominiums and the “Vietcom Bank Tower”. John was elected as AustCham President in March 2011. He was first elected to the AustCham Thailand Board in 2007. From 2009-11 he has held the position of Vice-President and was responsible for industry groups, the Business Awards and AFL Football Grand Final. Vice President M.L. Laksasubha Kridakon Baan Laksasubha Resort Hua Hin Portfolio: Alumni M.L. Laksasubha Kridakon is the owner and director of her own business, Baan Laksasubha Resort in Hua Hin. She joined the AustCham Board in 2009 and has been Vice President for the last two years. Seeing great worth in nurturing today’s younger generation to become tomorrow’s leaders, M.L. Laksasubha has invested 12
April 2012
much time to create and grow the Thai-Australia Association (TAA) and AustCham joint program; ‘AustralianAlumni’. This year, the group has created its own website which has seen over 350 people sign up already and will be holding its second event – a leadership panel discussion and official launch event of the group – in March. Khun Lak is determined to strengthen this program and further collaborate with likeminded organisations to increase awareness and promote the value of Australian business and academia. Khun Lak is also an entrepreneur and has been Owner of various business including First Steps International Preschool and Krystalina crystal company until last year. She also represents AustCham in the professional women’s group (PWG). Khun Lak has spent much of her life in Australia including studying there. She has two children – one who has graduated from University of Melbourne and another who is in his final year at RMIT University. Vice President Belinda Skinner TopTalentAsia Portfolio: Communications and English Teaching Originally from Western Australia, Belinda Skinner is the Country Manager for TopTalentAsia, specialist recruitment consultants offering executive search services. With industry specialised consultants to ensure the best companies get the best fit employees. Belinda relocated to Thailand with her husband over six years ago and thrown herself into various community activities/organisations in Thailand. Highly involved and manages AustCham’s Voluntary English teaching program. You will find her at most AustCham events. An active member of ANZWG and The Lighthouse Club, both of whom undertake significant fundraising and community services work. Notwithstanding the fact that she is active in various community services, she is also a member of the British Club Golf, always up for a game. Golf however is not her only passion; she is an avid member of Fremantle Australian Rules Football Club (however don’t hold that against her – someone has to be!). You will AustChamThailand Advance
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Austcham board of directors
meet her at the AustCham AFL Grand Final function, proudly wearing Fremantle colours. With 25 years working experience in Australia, London and Bangkok, a background and Degree in Management and Human Resources she was keen to join AustCham Board. A highly active member of the Board for the past four years, responsible for Communications; including the Chamber’s publications (Advance and the Handbook) electronic media (AustCham website and eNews communications). Serving on numerous subcommittees: Community Services, AFL Grand Final, AustCham Ball and Business Awards, attending both Bangkok and Eastern Seaboard Sundowners, member site visits and ANZAC Day memorial services. As she has done for the past five years, remains an active volunteer and manages the AustCham English teaching program. Treasurer Leigh Scott-Kemmis DBM (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Portfolio: Advancing Trade and Commerce Leigh Scott-Kemmis is Chairman of Lee Hecht Harrison/DBM Thailand and is also currently a non-executive director on a number of company Boards. He has over 30 years’ international business experience and has lived in Asia since 1991. Leigh’s previous experience was in the banking and the investment industry, internationally and in Australia. He has 20 years of senior management experience and has held roles including Vice President of Citibank, Director and Treasurer of the Australian Bank, Chief Executive of the Bank of New Zealand (Australia), and Chairman of stockbroker BNZ Norths. Leigh was an advisor to the Australian Treasurer in respect of capital markets development, a consultant to the Commission reviewing the Australian financial system and a consultant to the World Bank. He has had considerable experience in managing large organisational change and has a strong interest in the people issues associated with change and leadership development. In Thailand and regionally, Leigh has worked with over 200 major multinational and Thai corporations. He is well known for achieving successful outcomes with a number of challenging coaching and mentoring assignments with senior executives needing to succeed in various environments. Director: David Bell Crestcom – Ra-Kahng Associates Ltd. Portfolio: Speakers and Talks David Bell is a long term member of the Australian Chamber of Commerce. He has lived and worked in Thailand for 28 years. He is currently an elected director of AustCham,
April 2012
and offers himself for re-election. He has lived in SE Asia for 34 years. Twelve years ago, David founded Ra-Kahng Associates Ltd. a leadership and management training organization. David was General Manager of McCann-Erickson in Indonesia and Malaysia, and later Managing Director in Bangkok. In 1989 he founded Bates Worldwide in Thailand and Indochina where he became Chairman. He founded his own company, Ra-Kahng Associates in 1999. David is widely known thoughout the SE Asian region as a racing yachtsman, having won the King’s Cup in Phuket twice (1999 and 2001). David offers to use his communication skills, event management and marketing expertise to help build the profile of AustCham through planning and conducting business functions. Director: Khun Jurairat Jammanee HASSELL Portfolio: AustCham Ball Jurairat Jammanee (Khun Rai) is the Business Development Manager at the HASSELL studio in Bangkok. HASSELL is a wholly owned, multi-disciplinary design firm based in Australia providing architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, planning and urban design which has encourages her to promote strong Thailand and Australia links. With two daughters, and married to an Australian working in Thailand, Jurairat maintains a strong connection with Australia through regular personal and professional visits. Jurairat has been a regular participant at AustCham events since 2003, and has also represented HASSELL at other Foreign Chamber events over the last five years. Tertiary educated with a Bachelor of Art, and with ten years’ experience in Sales and Marketing, she has developed a large and diverse network among the Thai and expatriate community, both in Thailand and internationally. Jurairat was first elected to the AustCham Thailand Board in 2011 and served on Alumni and Community Services. She was responsible for the AustCham Masked Ball in 2011 and also lead the AustCham Diamond Ball 2012. Director: Warwick Kneale Baker Tilly Thailand Limited Portfolio: Community Services Warwick Kneale joined Ferrier Hodgson Thailand, a major accounting firm from Australia in January 1999. He was previously employed as a senior resource by another insolvency specialist firm in Sydney, Australia. Prior to that position, Warwick spent 28 years in banking, having worked for a number of reputable Australian financial institutions. Various senior positions were held during this time in numerous
AustChamThailand Advance
Austcham board of directors
areas including in particular, distressed asset management and corporate recovery and turnaround. Since commencing work in Thailand, Warwick has acted in the capacity of Director of a number of listed and non-listed companies, both in Thailand and Vietnam. In 2003, Warwick, along with other Partners, established Baker Tilly Thailand, and at present he remains a Senior Partner in the Corporate Advisory Services consultancy of Baker Tilly Thailand. This will represent Warwick’s second year of a second term as a Board Member of AustCham Thailand, his previous tenure finishing in 2008. He has held the position of Chairman of the Community Services Committee and is an area he is becoming increasingly interested in. During his year in this capacity, a number of worthy groups have been assisted, but there still remains plenty of need for assistance to many less fortunate groups, which he is dedicated to help. Warwick’s other main area of interest in joining the Board, apart from Community Services, once again is to promote business between Australia and Thailand and to assist service companies in Thailand obtain contacts with Australian companies to assist with entry to Thailand for manufacturing or trade. He remains steadfastly dedicated to promoting AUSTCHAM as a business conduit for Thai and Australian businesses. Director: Sam Mizzi McConnell Dowell Constructors Thai Ltd. Portfolio: AFL and Eastern Seaboard Industry Sam Mizzi is the Managing Director of McConnell Dowell Constructors Thai Ltd, a subsidiary of the McConnell Dowell Corporation based out of Australia. MacDow is a multi-disciplined construction company that has been operating for 50 years in Australia, South East Asia and the Middle East with an established office in Thailand since 1993. Sam holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering with Honors from the University of Melbourne as well as a Masters of Marketing from the Melbourne Business School. Sam has been involved with the Chamber as a member since his arrival in Thailand in March 2009. Sam leads the Manufacturers and Infrastructure Group ( MIG) that has the main focus of increasing the performance of Australian companies working in Thailand in the Manufacturing and Industrial sectors. Sam is highly enthusiastic about new direction of AustCham – to increase emphasis on assisting and increasing business between Australia and Thailand.
AustChamThailand Advance
Director: Sriram Narayan Qantas / British Airways Portfolio: Business Conference and Business Awards Sriram Narayan (Sri) is the Qantas/British Airways Manager for Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, and has 22 years experience from commercial roles across the airline industry. He is responsible for commercial strategies across the region and also oversees operations at Suvarnabhumi. Prior to this role he was the Commercial Development and Deputy Commercial Manager for British Airways in South Asia based at Mumbai in India. Qantas and British Airways have been operating in Thailand for over 60 and 75 years respectively. In 1995, the airlines formed a partnership on what is known as the ‘kangaroo route’ and have since operated a joint service from Bangkok, sharing commercial and airport operations. Both airlines operate daily flights from Bangkok to London and Sydney, with connections to many cities beyond. Qantas Airways has a long relationship with the AustCham, being a member since 1977. If elected, Sri pledges to continue to support AustCham objectives, events and fellow members in an enthusiastic and constructive manner. Director: Alan Polivnick Watson, Farley & Williams (Thailand) Limited Portfolio: Legal Alan Polivnick is a partner with Watson Farley & Williams. He moved to Bangkok to join Watson Farley & Williams in 2007. Alan has a Law Degree and an MA in Japanese from Sydney University. He is admitted to practice law in Australia and England and Wales. In 2011, Watson Farley & Williams celebrated 10 years of operations in Thailand. With Thai, English, Singapore and Australian qualified lawyers, the Bangkok office provides legal services in three principal areas: corporate and commercial, finance and dispute resolution. Alan represents clients in cross-border arbitrations and litigation, particularly in the aviation, shipping and insurance and reinsurance sectors. He regularly advise MNCs, international airlines, insurers and reinsurers and international organisations on their operations in Thailand including company establishment and structures, contract negotiations, commercial and coverage disputes, employment law and regulatory issues. He also advises Thai companies on international and regional disputes, investment and operations.
April 2012
Austcham board of directors
Alan has been a member of the Chamber since 2008. He is standing for election to broaden and deepen my involvement with the Chamber. If elected, Alan would like to bring a fresh perspective to the work of the Chamber and to advance the interests of the Chamber and its members. Director: Charles Wrightman Natural Ville & Lenotre Portfolio: Sponsorship Charles Wrightman is the Managing director of Natural Ville & Lenotre a leading hospitality and catering services company that is part of the global hotel chain Accor. A Pioneer in Accor with 30 years of experience Charles has claimed the Best Services Company Award in 2009 at AustCham Business Awards. Charles is also a pioneer in the Accor Asia Pacific Crisis Management Committee. His worldwide experience has taken him from India to Baghdad, London, Paris, Muscat, Melbourne, Brisbane, China, Malaysia and now Thailand. With great relationship marketing skills, a wonderful sense of humor and a single handicap in golf, Charles is well known in all the corporate and diplomatic societies in Bangkok. Charles has been a member of the Australian Chamber since 2003.
Director: Saeed Zaki, Ph.D. dwp Portfolio: Breakfast Briefings Saeed Zaki, Ph.D., is the Regional Managing Director of dwp. Saeed has been with dwp since 2007, based out of the Head Office in Bangkok. Saeed is an Architect, Urban Designer and Urban Planner by profession with experience spanning over 20 years across several countries in the region, including Thailand, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines. Saeed who holds a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Urban Planning from the reputed Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), also lectures occasionally at local and international institutes as a visiting faculty and has authored research papers in the area of design and planning. Saeed is also invited regularly as a speaker in seminars and workshop on property and real estate development both within Thailand and regionally. Saeed has also completed Directorship course from the Institute of Directors (IOD) Thailand. Saeed has been serving for last four years as the Director on the Board of Australian Chamber of Commerce in Thailand. Saeed has contributed to the Chamber over the past four years I various areas including organising and moderating seminars, participating in Board’s initiatives for supporting the promotion of business between Australia and Thailand and helping with Chamber organised activities. Ex-Officio Member Maurine Lam Austrade Regional Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, ASEAN Ms Lam took up her position in Bangkok in August 2008. Her focus is to grow Australian trade and two-way investment interest in ASEAN. Ms Lam joined Austrade in 1992 and was appointed the inaugural Senior Trade Commissioner and Australian Consul General in Guangzhou, PR China. Continuing with her interest in assisting Australians doing business in China, Ms Lam pursued her career with Austrade as the Senior Trade Commissioner in Beijing in 1996 - 1999. Ms Lam was then appointed as the Executive Director of the Australian Business Centre / Deputy Representative of The Australian Commerce & Industry Office in Taipei in 1999 - 2004. Before taking up her current appointment in Bangkok, Ms Lam was the Senior Trade Commissioner in Singapore in 2004-2008. While based in Singapore, Ms Lam had general management responsibility for Malaysia and Brunei also.
On behalf of the membership, we congratulate the members of the new Board. 16
April 2012
AustChamThailand Advance
Chamber Events
Voluntary English Teaching on Saturday 18 February at Wat Phra Patharnporn School, Sri Ra Cha AustCham Thailand sponsors a number of schools in the provinces of Chonburi and Rayong. Part of this support includes the provision of English language classes, which are conducted by volunteers from our community. Volunteers work with small groups of children aged between 5 and 12 years and play simple games and activities which encourage the children to use the English language. No prior teaching experience is necessary, just a lot of enthusiasm! For further details, please contact
AustChamThailand Advance
April 2012
Community services
Convoy for Kids “Special Day” Saturday 10 March at The Foundation of the Welfare for the Crippled
ollowing cancellation of the usual “Convoy Day” due to the floods, the Convoy for Kids team arranged a special day at The Sri Sang Wal School in Pakred earlier last month. Joining the disabled children from the Foundation of the Welfare for the Crippled were were children from Sister Joan’s Klong Toey Project, making a total of approximately 250 children.
There were games and various activities organised including star performances by the magician “Amazing K” and Clown Eckie. There was no doubt that the kids enjoyed every minute. Thanks must go to those who sponsored money to make this day possible – the enjoyment of the children made it clear that it was very well worth doing! Thanks go to Baker Tilly Thailand, Ceva Logistics, Pico (Thailand) Public Company Ltd., DHL, General Motors Thailand, Linfox Logistics, Volvo Truck & Bus Thailand Ltd, Jelly Belly Candy Ltd and the staff
April 2012
of Geodis Wilson who dug deep into their own pockets to support the event. The next fundraisers for the children will be The 12th Volvo Truck and Bus sponsored Convoy for Kids Golf day which will be held on 15 June at Pattana Sports and
Golf Resort in Sri Racha followed by the November outing on 25 November this year. We hope that the AustCham membership will support these events which gives financial help to this very deserving cause.
AustChamThailand Advance
Volvo Truck & Bus (Thailand) The 12th Volvo Truck & Bus Thailand Convoy for Kids Charity Golf Event Proudly supported by
Friday, 15th June 2012 Location - Pattana Sports and Golf Club, Sri Racha. Time - Registration from 1000H shotgun start at 1200H. Format - 4 ball scramble. Fee - 16,000* Baht per team of 4 or 4,000 Baht per player. *Price is for green fee, caddy fee, buggy, and evening meal. Included is a quality shirt, cap and accessories with total value of over 3000 Baht.
Charity Golf day 2012 All proceeds will go towards refurbishing The Pakred School which is part of The Foundation for the Welfare for the Crippled in Thailand. Pattana Golf & Sports Resort is easily accessible from both Rayong province and Sriracha city, and is a 1.5 hours drive from Bangkok. The 27 hole championship course is a pleasure to play and the club house facilities are second to none. To view the course web site see www.pattana.co.th For a map http://www.pattana.co.th/web_psc/en/images/map_new.jpg To register for the event, do so on line at http://www.convoyforkids.com/Golf_reg.asp For more information email golf@convoyforkids.com or contact any of our committee members shown below Kevin Lloyd +6681 375 3064; Hans Peter Feer +6681 837 0750; Richard Overton +6681 838 1478 Mike Moir +6681 908 2243 David Mills +6683 019 4772
Help us by sponsoring our event - see sponsorship benefits below
Other sponsorship offers welcome To confirm sponsorship, please pledge on line at http://www.convoyforkids.com/Golf_reg.asp We hope to see you there
2012 Silver Sponsors
2012 Silver Sponsors
Chamber Events
Sponsors Cocktail Reception on Thursday 15 March 2012 at the Ambassador’s Residence Having kindly offered their residence, AustCham’s Sponsors Cocktail Reception was held at the home of H.E. James Wise and his wife, Teresa. The Chamber relies on, and is very grateful the support of its Sponsors – we were very pleased to be able to show our appreciation for their support of the Chamber and provide an opportunity for sponsors to meet one another.
AustChamThailand Advance
April 2012
Chamber Events
Akara Gold Mine Site Visit on Firday, 24 February 2012 at Chatree Gold Mine
owards the end of February, AustCham members and friends seized the rare opportunity to tour the Chatree Gold Mine in Phichit. Beginning with a presentation of their occupational health and safety and environment as well as community affairs programs, the tour continued at the “open cut” mine where simple drill, blast and excavation mining methods are used. Visitors followed the processes of gold recovery and witnessed a gold pour firsthand! Deemed the world’s safest gold mine, Chatree employs over 980 people and generates significant foreign exchange income for Thailand of over US$1 billion per year. It has also established the world’s best practice in environmental management, workplace relations, health and safety and community interaction winning numerous awards in Thailand. Located 280km north of Bangkok, Chatree was Thailand’s first modern gold mine, commencing operations in November 2001.
Precious metal heated to over 1,300 degrees celcius is poured out into the moulds.
AustCham Thailand would like to offer sincere thanks to Akara Mining for providing us the opportunity to tour their most impressive gold mine.
Giant conveyor belts transport rocks to be to be crushed and processed. The mine requires 30 million baht worth of electricity to operate each month.
AustChamThailand Advance
Overlooking one of the enormous Chatree mine leases General Manager, Phil MacIntyre, explains the mining methods used by Akara.
Weighing around 12 kilos, this bar consisting of roughly 90 per cent silver and ten per cent gold has a value of around two million Baht!
April 2012
Chamber Events
Eastern Seaboard Sundowners Friday 17 February at Amari, Pattaya Hosted by AustCham and held in conjunction with the British (BCCT) and American Chambers of Commerce (AMCHAM), Feburary Sundowners saw over 100 people meet for an enjoyable evening of networking. AustCham would like to thank Catering and Venue Sponsor, Amari Orchid, for putting on a great show, as well as Corporate Sponsors Automotive Focus Group and M&C Energy for their support.
April 2012
AustChamThailand Advance
Chamber Events
Doing business in Laos - an Australian perspective Wednesday, 14 March 2012 at Pacific City Club With the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) approaching and Burma opening up to the international community, Thailand’s role as a launching pad into the immediate region looks set to grow. Getting the inside story on doing business in Laos, members and friends joined us for a presentation by past Ambassador to Laos and General Manager of gold and copper production company, PanAust, Alistair Maclean.
AustChamThailand Advance
April 2012
Chamber Events
Bangkok Sundowners on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 at Grand Hyatt Erawan Following AustCham’s Annual General Meeting, Bangkok Sundowners was held and thoroughly enjoyed by over 300 members and friends. We would like to sincerely thank Grand Hyatt Erawan for making the event such a success as well as Corporate Sponsor, Meinhardt, for their continuing support.
1) John Anderson – AustCham President, Meinhardt; Richard Greaves – Grand Hyatt Erawan; H.E. James Wise – Australian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand; John Pollard – Meinhardt. 2) Gary Woollacott – AustCham Past President, Opus; Barry Wilson – Canadoil Group; Christopher Osborne Watson, Farley & Williams. 3) Khun Nuchjarin – KONE; Khun Charn Saralertsophon – Federation of Thai Industries; Jaqui Kyle; Martin Kyle – Biogas Asia. 4) Saeed Zaki – AustCham Director, dwp; Mark Butters – RSM Advisory; Khun Lalidapun Chavananand – Grand Hyatt Erawan; Nigel McKinnon – Boral; Khun Achara Boonyahansa – Grand Thornton; Charn Saralertsophon - The Federation of Thai Industries; Gary White – AustCham Past President. 5) Lynda Calver – Infinity Financial Solutions; Charles Wrightman – AustCham Director, Natural
April 2012
AustChamThailand Advance
Chamber Events
Ville & Lenotre; Richard Greaves – Grand Hyatt Erawan; Veronique Sirault – Park Plaza. 6) Shane Torr – AustCham Past President, PeopleServe; Khun Nutthacha Gatekrut – ISM. 7) Khun Porntip Utsahaphan – Samitivej; John Pollard – Meinhardt; Maurice Bromley – GoIndustry-Dovebid. 8) Pete Skinner – The Beaumont Partnership; Khun Jurairat Jammanee – AustCham Director, HASSELL; xxxx; Saeed Zaki – AustCham Director, dwp. 9) Branislav Balaz – KONE; Matthew Silvester – Meinhardt; Khun xxxx – KONE; Khun Sasiwimon Sadsadikraisorn – dwp. 10) Belinda Skinner – AustCham Vice President, TopTalentAsia; Khun Narisara Rattanakovit – Samitivej; Khun Pitchawadee Sarapanich – Samitivej; Khun Porntip Utsahaphan – Samitivej; Josh Hyland – AustCham Thailand. 11) Ali Adam – Halcrow; Mark Butters – RSM Advisory; John Anderson – AustCham President, Meinhardt. 12) Gary Woollacott – AustCham Past President, Opus; Marisa Chicarelli – Linklaters; Amelia Henty – The Australian Embassy. 13) Khun Nittayaporn Wisetrit – AustCham; Khun Nisarrat Chuchertkijwattana – AustCham; Khun Rujirake Sakdapipanich – Meinhard; and friend.
AustChamThailand Advance
April 2012
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos Co., Ltd Rajanakarn Bldg. 25th,26th,28th Fl. 183 South Sathorn Rd. Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Phone: 66 2 676 5700 Fax: 66 2 676 5757 Website: www.deloitte.com Email: info_th@deloitte.com
Representatives: Mr Peter David Hamilton Mr Thitinand Chumpani Background: Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte’s approximately 182,000 professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence. In Thailand, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos is the member firm of Deloitte and is part of Deloitte Southeast Asia. With a team of over 200 partners and 5,000 professionals located in 20 offices, Deloitte Southeast Asia specialists combine their technical expertise and deep industry knowledge to deliver consistent high quality services to companies in the region. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos was founded in 1939 by Phya Jaiyos Sompati, the first Thai to qualify as a Chartered Accountant (England & Wales), and has been providing services in Thailand for more than 72 years. With a team of 40 international and Thai partners and over 800 staff, Deloitte combine technical expertise and industry knowledge to deliver consistent quality services to over 1,000 clients nationwide. Products/Services: Audit, tax, consulting, financial advisory and enterprise risk services.
DHL Supply Chain (Thailand) Ltd 209 K Tower A 11th Floor Sukhumvit 21 Road (Asoke) Klongtoey-Nua,Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Phone: +66 2 791 8000 Fax: +66 2 302 1950 Website: www.dhl.com Email: mark.dobson@dhl.com
April 2012
Representative: Mr Mark Dobson - Senior Director of Operations
and can create a high quality, professional video from start to finish. In addition, we also provide first class camera teams (We can also provide lights and wireless microphones) and editing services for our clients. We work tapeless which bring post-production to a fast and efficient process. Please contact us today to discuss your next project.
Background: Customers trust DHL as the preferred global express and logistics partner that leads the industry in terms of quality, profitability and market share. Established in 1995 DHL now has 62 locations and more than 370,000 sq.m. of warehouse space employing over 6,000 people and running 600 fleets.
OLIC (Thailand) Ltd. 166 Moo 16, Bang Pa In Industrial Estate Udomsorayuth Road Bangkrason Bang Pa In, Ayuthaya 13160 Phone: +66 35 221 031-6 Fax: +66 35 221 038 Website: www.DKSH.co.th Email: david.guy@olic-thailand.com
Products/Services: Contract logistics; Reverse logistics; Specialist services; Information services; IT products services; Warehouse and distribution services and B2B & B2C distribution; After-Sales Services MUFASA Co.,Ltd 52/1 Soi Intamara 1 Samsennai Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 Phone: +66 84 551 9577 Fax: +66 2 616 7235 Website: www.mufasa.co.th Email: mufasa@mufasa.co.th
Representatives: Mr James Iles – Managing Director Ms Jiratthiwa Nathongborjarat – Client Services Manager Background: James Iles, who is British, is the key founder of Mufasa, named after the last king of Kenya in Africa, where James was born. Our key objective is to offer our clients the same high level of production expertise and service as they would expect in the UK. Approaching three years since founding the company, we have worked with many clients including Bangkok Hospital, the Department of Drainage and Sewerage, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Suvarnabhumi Airport. At present we produce “James Home and Office”, a TV show about DIY, on the cable channel MangoTV. We also work for other production houses in the Bangkok area and abroad who require our expertise. We specialise in High Definition video and use cameras that are approved by the Discovery HD channel and BBC (HD). Our kit is excellent for all your needs. Mufasa wants to be your first choice for your video production needs in Bangkok and all over Thailand. Our producers speak English, French, Chinese and Thai and are ready to help you. Products / Services: We cover the full spectrum of video and TV commercial production,
Representatives Mr David Guy Ms Tracy Carter Background: Part of the DKSH group, OLIC (Thailand) Ltd was established in 1984 with the purpose of providing world class manufacturing services. OLIC (Thailand) Ltd is Thailands largest Contract Manufacturer of original pharmaceuticals. Products/Services: Formulation development; Production Trials; Stability Testing. Manufacturing services for: Pharmaceuticals; Nutrition; Cosmetics and personal care; Confectionary; Balms.
Royal Prestige Wine Co.,Ltd 111/69 Moo.9, Mo Town Village Bangpood Sub District Pakkred Nonthaburi 11120 Phone: +66 2 962 1482 Website: www.royalprestigewine.com Email: westbury@royalprestigewine.com
Representatives: Mr Tom Westbury-Managing Director Ms Katherine Westbury-Office Manager Background: Established in 1995 as Prestige Wine Partnership Limited upgraded to Royal Prestige Wine Co., Ltd. in 2008. For eight years, as Prestige Wines has been “WOW”ing wine fans around Thailand with their our award-winning Australian and New Zealand wines imported directly from Australia and New Zealand. AustChamThailand Advance
Products/Services: The company has two wine cellars located at: 111/69 Moo.9 Mo Town Village, Bangpood, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120 And 321/41-42 Nanglinchee Road,Opposite J. Press Towers,Yannawa,Bangkok 10120. They are currently representing the following wineries in Thailand: • Arrowfield Wines, Hunter Valley, NSW McGuigan Wines (Australian Vintage), SA • Borambola Wines, Gundagai, NSW • Trinity Hill Esate (NZ) • Sherwood Estate (NZ) • St Clair Wines (NZ) • ToiToi Wines (NZ) • Contact Tom Westbury for a special quote and free delivery.
Sofitel So Bangkok 2 North Sathorn Road,Silom Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Phone: 66 2 624 0000 Fax: 66 2 624 0111 Website: www.sofitel.com Email: h6835@sofitel.com
Representatives: Mr Gilles Cretallaz Ms Panadda Pongcharoen Background: The premiere of urban Sofitel So, a place where design meets pleasure, where technology meets comfort and where people meet people. The first truly urban design hotel in Bangkok - casual and approachable - Sofitel so is refined and elegant. It features:
• A prime location in the heart of Bangkok with easy access to public transportation and Lumpini park offering a stunning view of vibrant Bangkok. • Themed accommodation created around the Five Elements. • Strong design features; five reputable Thai interior designers, an award-winning Thai architect and a world renown French fashion designer linking Thai culture with French elegance. • Advanced technology for lifestyle and surprising experience, • Free WIFI • Innovative dining concepts with rooftop dining experiences and market-style restaurant. Products/Services: • Park Society - rooftop restaurant and bar • HI-SO - moonlit cabanas • Red Oven - world food market • The Water Club - pool and party park AustChamThailand Advance
• Mixo - liquids and stories • Chocolab - experimental melting • Social Club, The Box – creative space, solution centre, So SPA, So FIT and Infinity Pool • Ballroom and four meeting rooms
our customer’s requirements. Typical export destinations include the USA, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Australia. Siam Flexible Industries is a dynamic company constantly investing in new technology to enhance its product offering. Siam Flexible Industries is a wholly owned subsidiary company of Reitsema Packaging Pty Ltd. Products/Services: Ziplock/ Reclosable Bags; Wick bags; Films; LDPE/HDPE Bags
The Okura Prestige Bangkok 199 Soi Sainamthip, Sukhumvit Road Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Phone: 66 2 687 9000 Fax: 66 2 687 9001 Website: www.okurabangkok.com Email: info@okurabangkok.com
Representatives: Mr Samir R. Wildemann Mr Junya Ono Products / Services: Since opening in 1962, Hotel Okura Tokyo, our flagship hotel, has been recognised as one of the world’s premier luxury hotels. The brand has since expanded to 22 destinations around the world, with the group’s latest venture being The Okura Prestige; opening in Bangkok and Taipei. The Okura Prestige Bangkok aspires to uphold its traditional roots as well as maintain a harmonic balance with one of Asia’s most affluent cities.
Siam Flexible Industries 12/3 Moo 4. Rama 2 Road Nadee Muang Samutsakorn, Samutsakorn 74000 Phone: 66 34 861348 Fax: 66 034 861 350 Website: www.siamflexible.net Email: sales@siamflexible.net
Representatives: Mr Frank Reitsema Mr David Conquest Background: We are a leading manufacturer of high quality, food grade and general purpose polyethylene packaging. Siam Flexible Industries was established in 2005 as an export orientated manufacturer of polyethylene packaging based in Samutsakorn, Thailand. We manufacture a range of products utilising the latest machinery and produce quality products that meet or exceed
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Mr Barry Wilson (Canadoil Group Ltd) 152 Indosuez Building 2nd Floor Wireless Road Lumpini Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330 Phone: 66 2 651 4010 Email: barryw52@gmail.com Kylie Grimmer, Ms (Women with a Mission) Somphong Condo 99/191 Mu 4 Soi 26 Najomtien Najomtien, Sattahip, Chonburi 20250 Phone: +66 87 482 3520 Email: kagrimmer@gmail.com CHANGE OF COMPANY NAME • GLOWFISH has changed company name to be Heritage Estates Co., Ltd. • EEC Lincolne Scott Co., Ltd. has changed company name to be EEC WSP Co., Ltd. CHANGE OF COMPANY ADDRESS Scandinavian Publishing Co., Ltd. 211 Soi Prasert-Manukitch 29 Prasert-Manukitch Road, Chorakaebua, Ladprao Bangkok 10230 THAILAND CHANGE OF REPRESENTATIVE • Jacqui Cuthbertson, General Manager is a new representative of Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Bangkok. • Arnaud Bialecki, Chief Operating Officer is a new representative of Sodexo (Thailand). • Karen Hochhauser, Sales & Marketing Manager is a new representative of Santa Fe (Thailand). • William J. Brininstool, Managing Director is a new representative of HEIL Asia. • James Tucker, Sales and Product Manager is a new representative of HEIL Asia. • Mario Gross, Managing Director is a new representative of Sika (Thailand). • Albert Cheong, Area General Manager
for Landmark Lancaster Hotel Group, Thailand is a new representative of The Landmark Bangkok. • Taro Tan, Acting Hotel Manager is a new representative of The Landmark Bang-
kok. April 2012
From the Chamber Office
Message from the Executive Director
he past month has been one of the busiest periods yet for the AustCham office. We closed February with a fascinating – and very well attended – visit to the Chatree Gold mine. I was struck by the professionalism on display and the priority given to environmental responsibility and employee welfare. We then opened March with our Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed by Sundowners at the Hyatt hotel. The Hyatt’s hospitality was truly second-to-none. The AGM poses many logistical challenges for the office, but our preparations meant we avoided any nasty surprises. The AustCham office congratulates the 2012/13 Board of Directors, most of whom are familiar faces, but with a couple of very welcome new additions. Our annual Sponsors’ Cocktail party was graciously hosted by the Australian Ambassador at his residence. It gave us the opportunity to introduce sponsors to a number of Thai investors in Australia. A more recent development, Thai investment in Australia is an untold story of the Thai-Australia commercial relationship. Members would be aware from Advance Magazine and our website of the Australian Government’s ‘Australia in the Asian Century’ White Paper. After calling for member contributions and hosting a round-table consultation session, AustCham made a submission to the White Paper, arguing that: • to capitalise on the opportunities – and manage the risks – of the Asian Century, Australian businesses and the Australian Government needed to work more closely together, particularly overseas; and • the existing Australian business presence in Asia, including Chambers of Commerce like AustCham Thailand, was a substantial asset that could help Australia navigate the Asian Century. To this end, we recommended the Government consider funding a program of specific business-government dialogues to be managed by chambers and business councils in Asia. We believe this would deliver strong dividends from a very modest investment. We also recommended that the White Paper drafting team visit Asian countries to engage broadly with Australian business people with onthe-ground expertise. To our disappointment, it looks as if Thailand will be by-passed on any such visits. There also appears to be little interest from the White Paper team in tapping the knowledge of the Australian diaspora in Asia.
April 2012
Calendar of Events
White Papers are by their nature broad and strategic. For the Asian Century White Paper, however, there is a rare opportunity to link the strategic with forward-looking activities and initiatives that would help Australian businesses make the most of the exciting time ahead (much as Defence White Papers are linked to capability strategies in the accompanying Defence Capability Plan). Sadly, initial indications are that the opportunity will be missed with this White Paper.
WEDNESDAY 4 APRIL Bangkok Sundowners
Over the coming weeks some members may be approached by Australian-based Roxby Media to advertise in a publication it is producing on behalf of Australian Business Asia (ABA). The book will feature 15 chambers of commerce and business councils from across South East Asia, North Asia, and China – including AustCham Thailand. It will include detailed business information on key Asian regions, as well as messages from prominent figures such as the Australian Prime Minister.
FRIDAY 20 APRIL ESB Networking Event – Hosted by BCCT
18.00-21.00 Venue: Four Points Sheraton FRIDAY 6 APRIL Chakri Day: AustCham office closed FRIDAY 6 APRIL Chakri Day: AustCham office closed FRIDAY 13 – TUESDAY 17 APRIL Songkran: AustCham office closed
18.30-21.00 Venue: TBA TUESDAY 24 – WEDNESDAY 25 APRIL ANZAC Day and Visit to Wat Putakian Kindergarten
Please see the AustCham website for further details. Contact Khun Chanakarn (chanakarn@ austchamthailand.com) for bookings.
With a print run of 30,000 and distribution throughout Asia, the publication is set to provide great exposure for advertisers and AustCham Thailand. In addition, Roxby will be making a sizeable financial contribution to ABA that will help ABA with its mission of empowering Australian Chambers in Asia and encouraging Australian businesses to look to Asia (including Thailand) for their future. This is a win-win for advertisers and for Chambers. If you are interested in the ABA publication please contact the AustCham office and we can provide further details. Our other major event for March was the official launch of the AustralianAlumni program. Under the leadership of M.L. Laksasubha Kridakon, the program now has a strong foundation of almost 500 active participants. With a ‘leadership’-focussed panel discussion, first-time broadcast of the AustralianAlumni corporate video, speech by the Australian Ambassador and a showcase of the new Australia Unlimited Ipad application, the launch event required a considerable effort from the AustCham office. By all accounts the evening was a great success, so the hard work certainly seems to have paid off.
Thank you to March sponsorS:
Mark Carroll Executive Director, AustCham Thailand www.austchamthailand.com
AustChamThailand Advance