Warren Kalyan Law Firm
possible environmental hazard. Allow me to make a disclaimer. This author is not a mold expert. I seriously doubt, in addition, that many of the readers of this article are either. Warren Kalyan Law Firm But given the conclusion of the CDC, that there are no standards for judging what is an acceptable, tolerable, or According to the U.S. Environmenne of the consequences of normal quantity of mold, we should tal Protection Agency (EPA), the difthe COVID-19 pandemic has ference between mildew and mold isn’t not feel overly ill-informed. been to look for ways to exagAccording to a company named all that much. Both are types of fungerate facts and shift blame. AWA Environmental, in every lab The Internet provides endless gi that thrive in moist environments. study, there needs to be a regular samBoth can be found in damp areas of possibilities to pursue. Since court acple and a control sample. The control dwellings, particularly those that have cess remains limited, the need to prosample is a way of making sure your been subjected to water damage. vide actual proof of one’s claims has data is accurate. When testing for the Mildew is a word often used generlessened. An aggressive demand, and existence of mold or mildew, an outically to refer to mold growth, accorda bit of a bluff, therefore, could lead to ing to the EPA. Mildew is therefore an- door sample is the scientific equivaunwarranted relief. A topic frequently lent of a control sample. There are alother name for mold, specifically the involved in this strategy is fungi. ways mold spores in the air, inside and kind of mold that lives on spots in your If you look up the “M” word on the out. When you take an outside sample, dwelling that are high in moisture. Internet, you will find at least two sigyou can identify which mold spores According to the U.S. Centers for nificant variations. One is mildew, the Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), occur naturally. other is mold. What is the difference? In the multifamily rental indusstandards for judging what is an acMildew and mold are both fungi, but try, it is inevitable that you will enceptable, tolerable, or normal quantimildew is not as invasive or troublecounter individuals who contend that ty of mold have not been established. some. Mildew is a surface fungus that their residence is full of mold. Not just Sampling for mold can be expensive. can be easily treated with a storemold, but “toxic” mold. These individYet once the samples are taken, stanbought cleaner or bleach and a scrubuals often reach this conclusion withdards for judging what is and what bing brush. out proper professional mold testing. is not an acceptable quantity of mold Mildew often rests on the surface Many do “home” testing themselves, have not been set. of a moist area. Surface moisture will The results of samples taken in your with a kit they purchased for that puroften evaporate, thereby impairing unique situation cannot be interpreted pose. Rarely have those people tested continued growth of the fungi. Mold for interior and exterior mold. Their accurately or properly without there seeks a deeper moisture source, less tests are therefore incomplete. Since also being a thorough physical inspecsubject to evaporation, hoping to sus“mold” exists everywhere, inside and tion of the contaminated area. The tain its growth. out, a mold claimant’s conclusions are There is also a difference in appear- characteristics of the building where frequently unprofessional, incomplete, the fungi may exist, and the factors ance between the two fungi. Appearand misleading. that led to the present condition, must ances range from powdery to almost Many individuals who insist fuzzy. There are also color differences. also be considered in the overall analthey have a mold-infested residence ysis of the nature and extent of the Variable odors may also be present.
By William S. Warren,
In the multifamily rental industry, it is inevitable that you will encounter individuals who contend that their residence is full of mold. Not just mold, but “toxic” mold.
William S. Warren,
/ W I N D O W O N R E N TA L H O U S I N G