Summer 2023 Window Magazine

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THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Austin Apartment Association
Did you know that simple upgrades can increase your property value, reduce work orders and maintenance costs and result in greater comfort and satisfaction for your residents? Right now you can enjoy a limited–time bonus of up to 20% over existing rebate levels. Get as much as 100% of energy efficiency upgrades covered! Typical upgrades include: • Smart thermostats • HVAC tune–up • Duct sealing and remediation • Attic insulation • Solar screens for windows • LED lighting • Water–saving devices Are you ready to save BIG on your multifamily property? Call 512-482-5346 or email to get started. Learn More About Saving Big at: ©Austin Energy
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9 APEX Awards 15 ATX Fest 15 ACE Subscription Program 16 Diamond Sponsors 17 State of the Industry 22 NAA Cultivate 37 AAA Engage 41 Quarterly Grind 44 Credentials 45 AAA Education Sponsors 48 NAA Click & Comply 49 Multifamily Masterclass FEATURES 23 Fair Housing Training for Maintenance Professionals 24 AAA Mardi Gras Trade Show 25 9 Tips for Trade Show Triumph: Unleash the Mardi Gras Magic 26 2023 Trade Show Exhibitors 28 AAA EdgeCon 32 How to Speak Maintenance: Fire Sprinklers 34 Spring Maintenance Huddle Recap 36 Ways to Identify Fraud in Rental Applications 38 Field Day Recap 42 Vegas Night Recap CONTENTS SUMMER 2023 ISSUE 24 AAA’s 2023 Mardi Gras Trade Show 2023 / SUMMER / 3

8620 Burnet Road #475 Austin, TX 78757 512.323.0990

Executive Editor Emily Blair, CAE

Managing Editor

Hannah Woodyard


Danielle Archuleta (844) 433-3824

Stephanie Naylor (512) 335-8138

Association Staff

Emily Blair, CAE, Executive Vice President,

Dana Bolz, CMP, Director of Events/Meetings

Bruce Cook, Accounting & Database Manager

Tatiana Marchizano, Director of Education

Sabrina Talerico Miller, Director of Membership

Hannah Woodyard, Digital Marketing Manager

Hamid Yazdanpanah-Salazar, Director of Communications & Outreach

Tetiana Zhuravel, Administrative Manager and Team Coordinator

Design by Graphic Engine Design Studio

Window on Rental Housing by the Austin Apartment Association is a quarterly magazine. The advertising and article submission deadline for the FALL 2023 issue of Window Magazine is August 15, 2023. All material submitted is subject to review and approval of the Austin Apartment Association. The publisher assumes no responsibility for care and return of unsolicited material. The Austin Apartment Association is affiliated with the Texas Apartment Association and the National Apartment Association. For questions concerning advertising, articles or subscriptions, call (512) 323-0990. IN EVERY ISSUE ADVERTISER INDEX IFC Austin Energy 1 A&A Wrecker and Recovery 6 Century HVAC Distributing 13 Ameristar Screen and Glass 19 Austin Estate Gate 21 ALN Apartment Data 27 Church Foundation Repair 29 Integrity Paving & Coatings 30 Camp Construction 33 Charter Furniture 35 Ameristar Screen and Glass 5 Letter from the Editor 7 President’s Perspective 8 Leadership 10 Calendar of Events 12 Industry Update 14 Market Report 18 New Members 20 NAA & TAA Update 31 Community Connection 46 Education Opportunities The Official Publication of the AUSTIN APARTMENT ASSOCIATION leadership-development Complete the leadership interest form at AAA! DONT FORGET! I N T E R E S T E D I N S H A P I N G T H E F U T U R E O F O U R O R G A N I Z A T I O N ? I f y o u ' r e p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t m a k i n g a d i f f e r e n c e a n d w a n t t o c o n t r i b u t e y o u r e x p e r t i s e , s i m p l y s c a n t h e Q R c o d e b e l o w a n d f i l l o u t t h e f o r m t o e x p r e s s y o u r i n t e r e s t D o n ' t m i s s t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y t o p l a y a c r u c i a l r o l e i n o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s g r o w t h a n d s u c c e s s . A c t n o w ! Scan the QR code or visit: 4 / WINDOW ON RENTAL HOUSING

Letter from


Innovate to Elevate: Anticipating New Trailblazing Offerings

As our 2023 Trade show approaches, I wanted to take a moment and express our appreciation for our AAA member’s loyalty, engagement, and support of this association. The vibrant spirit of this year’s theme – Mardi Gras serves as a great reminder of the joys and vibrancy of our membership. It also is a reminder that life should be lived to the fullest. Here at AAA, we are certainly trying to live life to the fullest. You inspire us to continuously improve and deliver exceptional products and services.

In the coming months, we are not only gearing up for a fabulous and colorful Trade Show in October – but NEW this year we are launching the very first EdgeCon! EdgeCon will be an industry education conference with 9 different sessions prior to the annual Trade Show at Palmer Events Center. You will want to block off that day to take advantage of some great educational opportunities before the main event.

Newly launching in the coming months, in addition to EdgeCon, will be some new ways to get involved. Specifically, two new program series: the Quarterly Grinds – a submarket mini mastermind meetup; and

Multifamily Masterclass – starting in October and then each quarter following, this “power lunch” style series on trending topics geared towards multifamily and CRE executives.

Keep watching – because we promise to continue pushing boundaries, exploring new horizons, and bringing you the very best.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


2023 / SUMMER / 5




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The National Apartment Association Apartmentalize Conference 2023 was an extraordinary event that offered a multitude of inspiring experiences. Attendees were provided with invaluable continuing education sessions, showcasing the latest industry knowledge and trends. The conference also featured cutting-edge products and technology from various vendor partners, ensuring that participants were up to date with the latest advancements in the field.

Another highlight of the event was the limitless networking opportunities it presented. Professionals from all facets of the apartment industry came together, fostering connections, collaborations, and the exchange of ideas. This networking aspect allowed attendees to expand their professional circles, establish new partnerships, and gain valuable insights from industry leaders. Plus, we all learned so much AI and industry shifts to more centralization.

However, the excitement didn’t stop there! The Austin Apartment Association was awarded the prestigious NAA Affiliate of the Year Award for 2023- a first ever achievement in Austin! This recognition demonstrates the Austin Apartment Associations exceptional dedication and commitment to the apartment industry, highlighting our outstanding contributions, innovative initiatives, and overall excellence in supporting the needs of the rental housing industry.

Receiving the NAA Affiliate of the Year Award is a testa-

ment to AAA’s vibrant volunteer community and the collective efforts of all those involved is to be commended. A special thanks to our world-class association staff, especially our EVP, Emily Blair. Thank you to all of our volunteers, of course, but a special thanks to the trailblazers that worked for several years to develop our Strategic Plan, reorganize the organization in support of that plan, and then further, the development of the council and committee charters. What we are accomplishing together in Austin is truly impactful and we are now proudly garnering the recognition of the state and national association communities because of this.

Our Austin Apartment Association volunteer membership has limitless potential and widely renowned respect for innovation within the apartment industry. It is truly inspiring to work with professionals that continue pushing boundaries and making a difference in their respective roles and communities. So, mark your calendars for next year’s NAA Apartmentalize Conference in Philadelphia and let’s have Austin show up in 2024!


Lyndsay Hanes, CAM, CAPS, CPM Metric Property Management 2023 AAA President
2023 / SUMMER / 7
What we are accomplishing together in Austin is truly impactful and we are now proudly garnering the recognition of the state and national association communities because of this.

2023 Executive COMMITTEE


Danielle Archuleta, CAS, Fetch Package

Hollie Baker, Greystar

Gina Frazza-Stowers, RPM Living

Michael Garcia, CAM, CAPS, RPM Living

Heather Garvey, CWS Apartment Homes

Colleen Grahn, Lantower Residential

Chelsea Kneeland, CAS, J Turner Research

Joseph Frank Menchaca, MIG Real Estate

Taryn Merrill, CAM, Greystar

Shay Mickler, CAM, CAS, The Liberty Group

Tasha Mora, A&A Wrecker and Recovery, LLC

Stephanie Naylor, CAS, Flooring Warehouse

Terri Needham, CAS, PS Landscapes

Joshua Nichols, Indigo Construction

Toni Rackley, Flooring Warehouse

Paige Russell, CAM, RPM Living

Gus Villegas, Infinite Capital Construction

Ana Wright, Greystar


John Harrison* (64)

Frank Montgomery* (65)

Jim Eichelberger* (66)

Andy Wagner* (67)

Ray Littlefield* (68)

George Nalle* (69)

Don Jackson (70)

Gene McGregor* (71)

Ed Hamel (72)

Barry Gillingwater* (73)

James Raper (74)

Rich Ellmer (75)

Jim Solt* (76)

Steve Colella (77)

Ted Hendricks* (78)

Hank Guerrero* (79)

Don Tait (80)

Ray Head (81)

Ed Norton (82)

Bob Benson (83)

Jimmy C. Elliott* (84)

Joe Sharp (85)

Dick Obenhaus (86)

Susan Melton (87)

Carl E. Beck (88)

Kim M. McGregor (89)

Beth Holt (90)

David Stapleton, CPM (91)

Sheri Gallo (92)

Gina Roberts (93)

Carol Martine, CPM (94)

Keith Warner* (95)

Michael R. Hill, CPM* (96)

Vicki L. Sharp, NALP, CAPS (97)

Kim M. McGregor (98)

Anna Kelley* (99)

Bill Roland, CPM, CCIM (00-01)

Tami Martin, NALP, CAMT, CAM, CAPS (01-02)

Carol Martine, CPM (02-03)

Joy Lamb, CPM (03- 04)

John Raper (04-05)

Debi Wehmeier, CPM (05-06)

Renee Clark, CAM, CAPS (06-07)

Sherry Perrin (07-08)

Jana Ellis (08-09)

Kara Garst, CAPS (09-10)

Sarah Thompson, CAM, CAPS (10-11)

Brooke Mahoney-Livesay CAPS (11-12)

Sandy Eckhardt (12-13)

Colleen Grahn (13-14)

Robbie Robinson, CAM, CAPS, ARM (14-15)

Gus Villegas (15-16)

Theresa Ebner (16-17)

Dwayne Stewart (17-18)

Renee Zahn, CAM, NALP, ARM, CPM (18-19)

Sandy Eckhardt (19-20)

Stephani Park (20 – 21)

Katya Watson (22)

*indicates deceased

Lyndsay Hanes CAM, CAPS, CPM Metric Property Mgmt. President Paige Russell RPM Living President-Elect Christy Sanchez CPM Magic Make Readies First Vice President Meagan Johnston CAPS Avenue5 Secretary/Treasurer Kris Burleson CAS InterSolutions Staffing Vice President Kimberly Faulkner Greystar VP at Large Kelsea Vernon RPM Living VP At Large Katya Watson CAM The Morgan Group Immediate Past President




Austin Apartment Association

Save the Dates















shutterstock JULY 4 AAA Office Closed for Independence Day 12 Budget Planning & Crisis Management AAA 9am – 12pm 12 Not If, But When... Creating An Active Threat Response Plan Virtual 1pm – 2pm 13 Association 101 AAA 9am – 11am 19 Food For Thought: Treatment Options for Non-Standard Pests AAA 12pm – 1pm 19 Preparing The Annual Property Budget Virtual 1pm – 2pm 20 Advanced Leasing: Synthetic Fraud 101/ Managing Fraudulent Applications Virtual 9am – 12pm 26 - 28 TAA Summer Board Meeting Omni Fort Worth Hotel 27 Red Cross Blood Drive AAA 8am – 4pm AUGUST 1 - 3 NAA Rental Housing Advocacy & Legal Summit Aug 1 – Sep 1 Professional of the Year Nominations Open 3 Membership Growth Committee Meeting AAA 12pm – 1pm 8 Property of the Year Finalists Announced 8 Resident Retention Virtual 9am – 11:30am 8 Brand Creation & Brand Integration Committee Meeting Virtual 9:30-10:30am 8 Resource Development Committee Meeting AAA 10am – 11am 8 Advocacy Committee Meeting AAA 12pm – 1pm 9 Fair Housing for Maintenance AAA 9am – 11:30am 9 Food for Thought: Key Considerations for EV Charging Stations AAA 12pm – 1pm DATE EVENT PLACE TIME Calendar of EVENTS DATE EVENT PLACE TIME — CLASS DATES/TIME ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE — 10 / WINDOW ON RENTAL HOUSING
9 Know Your Product! Using Design Thinking To Sell A Resident Experience Virtual 1pm – 2pm 14 Events & Services Committee Meeting AAA 12pm – 1pm 16 Learning and Development Committee Meeting AAA 9am – 10am 16 Mastering Maintenance: Building A Regimen For Maintenance Excellence Virtual 1pm – 2pm 21 Budget & Investments Committee Meeting Virtual 4pm – 5pm 25 Fair Housing Friday Virtual 11am – 11:30am 29 Executive Committee Meeting AAA 11:30am – 1pm 29 Board of Directors Meeting AAA 4pm – 5:30pm Aug 30 - Oct 13 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) Course Virtual 9am – 1pm Aug 30 - Oct 13 Certified Apartment Supplier (CAS) Course Virtual 9am – 1pm 30 How to EXCEL during Budget Season AAA 9am – 12pm 30 Fair Housing Ain’t FairIt’s Equal, 2023 Edition Virtual 1pm – 2pm SEPTEMBER Sep 1 – Sep 29 Professional of the Year Application Open 21 - 22 Certified Pool Operator (CPO) Course AAA 8:30am-4:30pm 6 State of the Industry Commons Conference Center 9am – 11am 6 Food for Thought: Property Insurance Claims AAA 12pm – 1pm 7 Events & Services Committee Meeting AAA 12pm – 1pm 12 Best Practices for Maintenance: Excel/Outlook Basics AAA 8:30am – 11:30am 12 Brand Creation & Brand Integration Committee Meeting Virtual 9:30am-10:30am 12 Advocacy Committee Meeting AAA 12pm – 1pm 13 Crime & Trauma Scene: What to do if there is a death of a resident AAA 9am – 1pm 13 Mitigating Conflict In Your Workplace By Building A Culture Of Peace Virtual 1pm – 2pm 14 Property Management from A-Z AAA 9am – 12pm 15 - 16 Independent Rental Owner Professional (IROP) AAA 9am – 4pm 18 Budget & Investments Committee Meeting Virtual 4pm – 5pm 19 Advanced Leasing: Synthetic Fraud 101/Managing Fraudulent Apps Virtual 19 Advanced Leasing: Synthetic Fraud 101/ Managing Fraudulent Applications AAA 9am-12pm 20 Strengths-Based Leadership Webinar Virtual 10am – 11am 20 Learning and Development Committee Meeting AAA 9am – 10am 20 Help! There’s Math In Marketing And It Mystifies Me Virtual 1pm – 2pm 25 - 29 Certified Apartment Maintenance Technician (CAMT) in English AAA 8am – 5pm 26 Executive Committee Meeting AAA 11:30am- 1pm 26 Board of Directors Meeting AAA 4pm – 5:30pm 28 ATX Fest Star Hill Ranch 6pm – 10pm 30 Professional of the Year Applications due DATE EVENT PLACE TIME 2023 / SUMMER / 11

Industry UPDATE

In a world marked by rapidly evolving technology, dynamic market forces, and ever-shifting political landscapes, it is crucial for organizations to have a strong voice in shaping policy decisions that directly impact their industry. By engaging with lawmakers and regulators, industry stakeholders can influence legislation, and ensure the long-term competitiveness of their sector.

In the Spring edition of Window, the AAA went to the Texas Capitol to advocate on behalf of state issues that were important to the industry. Later that month, the AAA went to Washington D.C. to advocate on behalf of federal issues. While the federal issues

were different than the state, all of these issues are intertwined and place a pivotal role in how the apartment industry, specifically in Austin, conducts its operations effectively.

There were four issues that were at the top of the NAA’s priorities:

• Revitalize the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program

• Support for the Yes In My Backyard Act (YIMBY)

• Eliminate the Federal Eviction Notice to Vacate CARES Act

• Oppose federal efforts to interfere into the landlord-tenant relationship. (Renters Bill of Rights)

Federal issues can be very broad and not have a obvious impact to the local community, however; these four priorities are issues that Austin is facing today.

Housing Choice Voucher Program.

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is widely recognized as the one of the most significant rental subsidy initiatives in the country. The apartment industry supports this program as a central component in addressing the affordability crisis in housing. HUD estimates that each year, 10,000 housing providers leave the program and those who withdraw do so because of bureaucratic frustrations, challenges with the inspection process and inconsistent support from their local Public Housing Authority (PHA). It is no secret that one of the most important issues surrounding Austin is affordability. An increase in vouchers and funding will allow tenants to be housed in the city. Reducing the barriers to this program makes it easier for housing providers to accept vouchers.

Read about AAA’s current advocacy issues at

Yes in my Backyard Act.

The issue of housing affordability is influenced by various factors, such as income levels, the availability of land and resources, population growth, and imbalances in housing supply and demand. Moreover, the presence of physical, regulatory, and administrative obstacles in different regions significantly impacts the affordability of housing. Thus, reducing these barriers can be a key tactic in addressing the challenges of housing affordability in communities across the nation. The Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act helps eliminate barriers to housing development by encouraging jurisdictions to:

• Identify and reduce exclusionary land-use policies;

• Promote thoughtful zoning and development strategies; and

• Periodically report on their efforts to encourage greater housing development

The City of Austin attempted to overhaul zoning rules through CodeNEXT, but unfortunately it was challenged legally, and ruled in conflict with state statute. Some challenges that relate locally are parking minimums and compatibility requirements. Giving the local entities more flexibility to address these issues will increase the production of new housing and allow for other developments to be built, that is not just residential or single family.

Eliminating The Federal Eviction Notice to Vacate (CARES Act)

As part of the 2020 CARES Act, a 120day moratorium on evictions was put in place for nonpayment of rent, applicable to federally backed and federally assisted housing. Additionally, the Act introduced a temporary notice requirement obliging housing providers to give covered tenants a 30-day notice before filing for eviction after the moratorium’s expiration on July 24, 2020. Nevertheless, this requirement is still a matter of contention in courts today, long after the moratorium has ended. The NAA is seeking support for H.R. 802 which would eliminate the federal

notice to vacate requirement from the CARES Act and return eviction policies back to the states.

This federal holdover affects the industry at the local level by adding additional days to the eviction process. The cities of Austin and San Marcos have local eviction notice requirements that disrupt this timeline. If a housing provider operates a CARES property, they must follow both mandates. Due to these two mandates, the eviction timeline is extended by an additional 37 to 127 days to a property based on their location. The 88th Texas Legislature is addressing policy looking at the ability for local municipalities interfering in the eviction process, the NAA is looking to do the same.

Opposing federal efforts to interfere into the landlordtenant relationship.


Bill of Rights)

The last initiative the AAA advocated on behalf of members in DC with lawmakers, was the NAA’s opposition of federal efforts to interfere with landlord-tenant relationships by way of implementing efforts identified in the “Blueprint for Tenant’s Bill of Rights.”

The White House issued a “Blueprint for a Tenant’s Bill of Rights” on January 25th, consisting of five principles aimed at altering what is perceived as a power imbalance between housing providers and renters in the rental market. Although these principles are not legally binding and do not represent alterations to federal govern-

mental policy, they will shape future modifications to federal housing policy. The Blueprint comprises 24 actions involving eight federal agencies, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac, with the potential to substantially influence industry operations and the effective administration of rental housing. Historically, local municipalities have looked at the White House for policy recommendations, which is why it is important for congress to set the tone in how these recommendations will be followed. If congress decides to use the blueprint as a guide, local municipalities will follow suit.

Each branch of government could set policy based on their jurisdiction. When it comes to advocacy, having a voice represented at all three levels is critical.

Texas’ 88th Legislative Session –Update

The 2023 Texas Legislative Session has wrapped up! The Texas Apartment Association has provided a brief recap webinar where you can learn more about how new legislation may impact your business or property operations. Visit the Members Only section of to view the recording and hear the full results of our legislative priorities and outcomes.

For more information about the current advocacy efforts, please contact Executive Vice President, Emily Blair, at

Glass – Mirrors – Screens Window & Patio Door Frame Repairs/Replacements B e v e l S t r i p M i r r o r E n h a n c e m e n t s Custom Window and Door Screens • Window and Door Glass Replacements Delivery & Installation Available • 24 Hour Emergency Service w w w . a m e r i s t a r g l a s s . c o m PHONE 512 910 3050 • FAX 512 910 2003 Ser ving the Apartment Industr y Exclusively Since 1989 2023 / SUMMER / 13

Market Line Report - Austin


Based on the best combination of rental rate growth and absorption over the past 3 months. There are a total of 11 submarkets in the Austin area.


Concessions are generally represented by three types of specials: move-in, months free, or floorplan. These specials are prorated over a lease term to arrive at a percentage reduction in market or street rents.

Statistics derived from a continuous survey of all apartment communities. Effective rental prices are calculated net of concessions and utility adjustments.

MRI ApartmentData provides real time access for property specific information, market surveys and historic submarket data for over 3.5 million apartment units in AZ, FL, GA, NC, TN, and TX.

To learn more:

Past 12 Months Units Absorbed Units Operating Supply Units Under Construction Units Proposed for Construction 63 Communities Units Recently Opened Occupancy ($/mo) Price ($/sf/mo) Rental Rate (sf) Size Past 12 Months Rental Rate Growth
HISTORY OF EFFECTIVE PRICE & OCCUPANCY OTHER TEXAS MARKETS SNAPSHOT DALLAS/FT WORTH SAN ANTONIO AUSTIN HOUSTON June 2023 Rank Submarket Annualized Growth % % of Mk Absorbed 1 Downtown/ SoCo/ Barton 3.8% 0.9% 2 Round Rock/ Georgetown 1.1% 2.3% 3 Northeast 1.9% 0.7% 4 Outlying Metro -0.3% 3.1% 5 San Marcos/ Kyle/ Buda 4.0% 0.3% 7,171 291,135 1,212 Communities 49,064 172 Communities 29,139 81 communities 17,264 88.9% $1,625 $1.85 877 -3.9% 88 89 90 91 92 93 Occupancy % M A M F J D N O S A J J M A M F J D N O S A J J 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Price ($/mo) 2021 2022 2023 Class Total Units w/ Concessions % of Total Units Citywide Effect Average Special ALL 89,569 31.0% -1.9% -5.8% A 39,318 42.0% -2.7% -6.5% B 22,138 28.0% -1.5% -5.4% C 18,673 27.0% -1.4% -5.1% D 9,440 19.0% -0.9% -4.4% Past 12 Months -0.9% Rental Rate Growth 1,895 Units Absorbed Operating Supply 3,424 Communities 825,934 Units Occupancy: 91.6% Price: 1,504 $/mo Rental Rate: 1.71 $/sf/mo Size: 882 sf Past 12 Months 1.3% Rental Rate Growth 3,861 units absorbed Operating Supply 3,085 Communities 729,749 Units Occupancy: 89.9% Price: 1,272 $/mo Rental Rate: 1.43 $/sf/mo Size: 891 sf Past 12 Months - 1.2% Rental Rate Growth - 479 Units Absorbed Operating Supply 1,017 Communities 220,528 Units Occupancy: 89.2% Price: 1,211 $/mo Rental Rate: 1.40 $/sf/mo Size: 863 sf
UNLIMITED EDUCATION Plans start as low as $300 per year ONE LOW PRICE Fest September 28th 6p-10p Austin Apartment Association @ Star Hill Ranch Outdoor Venue LIVE Music FOOD TRUCKS GET TICKETS AT AUSTINAPTASSOC.COM FREE PARKING EARLY BIRD TIX $65 $65 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 2023 ATX Fest_V2.pdf 1 7/25/23 3:36 PM 2023 / SUMMER / 15
2 0 2 3
A&A Wrecker & Recovery Tasha Mora CAMP Construction Cameron Legg Guardian Construction Gilbert Mancias Hire Priority Staffing Danielle Berryann Infinite Capital Construction Gus Villegas Middleton Construction LLC Kirsten Lollar Perma Pier Foundation Repair of Texas Christine Moreno The Steam Team Ashtynn Smith

NAA Perspective

Greg Brown

National Apartment Association

Senior VP of Government Affairs

Multifamily Data Expert

Dr. Adam Perdue

TX Real Estate Research Center

Housing & Real Estate Economist

Multifamily Data Expert

Jordan Brooks

ALN Apartment Data

Senior Market Analyst

Texas Demographer

Helen You

Texas Demographic Center Associate Director

Market Research

Turner Batdorf

J Turner Research

Senior Strategist

6, 2023
11:00 am Commons Conference Center apartment association
Austin Apartment Association’s annual State of the Industry event will provide insights into the rental housing and multifamily market, including market trends, construction and development activity, economic impacts, and more as we look to 2023 and beyond. Learn More at
55 * *June 15 - August 22 $75 after August 22 Affordability Panelists Announced Soon


AAA welcomes these new members who joined the association between March 1 – May 31. When deciding where to make your next purchase for your property, please consider an AAA supplier member.



5-0 Landscape and Trees, LLC

Patrick Turck 204 Water Oak Drive Cedar Park, TX 78613 844.508.7337

Categories: Landscape Contractors, Tree-Maintenance Service

Advanced Refinish

Jeff Evans 5800 Sierra Madre Austin, TX 78759 512.452.4352

Category: Bathtub/Shower/ Sink-Repair & Refinishing

Aspen Group Services

Elise Walbrun

14 Inverness Dr. East, F-132 Englewood, CO 80112 719.661.0012

Categories: Contractors- Restoration & Remodeling, Siding-Contractors

Blue Team Todd Looney 6800 Broken Sound Pkwy NW Boca Raton, FL 33487 806.476.9069

Categories: Mold- Testing & Remediation, Flooring- Water Extraction, General Contractors, Fire/Water Restoration

BlueLine Construction and Remodeling Hayden Garrison 29111 Quail Street Katy, TX 77493 832.977.3272

Categories: Construction-General, Contractors- Restoration & Remodeling

Capital Land Design Heath Deen 8309 Dulcet Drive

Austin, TX 78745 512.828.9012

Categories: Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Landscaping-Designers

City Limit Construction Zach Joseph 16664 Forest Way Austin, TX 78734 512.799.5665

Categories: Drywall Contractors, Paint-Contractors


Shelby Pollard 4100 International Parkway Carrollton, TX 75007 682.712.1904

Category: Closets - Supplies & Installation

Come and Take It Solutions, LLC

James Martinez 15608 Tacon Lane Pflugerville, TX 78660 512.435.1974

Categories: Contractors- Restoration & Remodeling, General Contractors

ECO Valet Trash Beto Jimenez 5924 S Congress Ave Unit 34

Austin, TX 78745


Categories: Recycling Services, Trash Valet Pick Up

Acosta Homes 3 Units Apartment Management Consultants LLC 280 Units Axis Residential 487 Units Barvin 279 Units Ciranta Property Management 861 Units CORE Management Group 76 Units DHI Communities 300 Units Dubey Properties 10 Units El Rancho Apartamentos 72 Units Equity Residential 741 Units Grostic Properties 1 Unit Ice Properties 8 Units Krang Properties LLC 2 Units Morris Properties 2 Units Obsidian Management Co. 50 Units Omega Prime Holdings, LLC 6 Units Rangewater Real Estate 294 Units REEP Management 160 Units Sapphire Management 32 Units


Jose Estrada 2101 W Ben White Blvd Suite 103 Austin, TX 78704


Categories: MarketingPrinting & Graphic Service, Signage

Google Fiber

Michael Mays 19404 Hartwell Drive Pflugerville, TX 78660 512.343.5132

Category: Internet - Service Providers

IAM Facility Solutions

Alfredo Madrid 5006 Pecan Springs Rd Unit 8 Austin, TX 78723 312.613.4633

Categories: Janitorial Service, Pressure Washing

Impact Commercial Services

Cristi Giguere 1206 W Slaughter Lane Austin, TX 78748 512.587.7891

Category: Real Estate-Consultants

Integra Staffing Inc. Michael Mitchell 8111 LBJ Freeway Suite 880 Dallas, TX 75251 972.972.8180

Categories: Employment Services, Staffing Services


Kevin DeMattio

1821 Pacific Coast Hwy Suite 49 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 480.290.0617

Categories: Gates-Automatic & Manual, Security Systems

Lone Star Apartment Services

Yvonne Leiterman 1500 North Main St Suite 120 Fort Worth, TX 76164 682.401.8935

Categories: Staffing Services, Employment Services


Scott Hester 19801 Southwest 72nd Avenue Tualatin, OR 97062 512.785.3536

Category: Property Management Software

Premium Cuts Lawn Service & Maintenance

Jeannette Wagoner PO Box 82108 Austin, TX 78708 512.252.2264

Categories: Landscape Installation & Maintenance


Israel de la Vara 9705 Burnet Rd Ste 317 Austin, TX 78758 512.956.5700

Categories: Fire/Water Restoration, Mold- Testing & Remediation

Cheryl Leonard 3315 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara, CA 95054 805.223.9413

Categories: Advertising, Internet Listing Service


John Ball 21600 Long Hill Drive Leander, TX 78641 832.876.3500

Categories: Odor Control, Mold- Testing & Remediation

Return Valets, LLC

Scott Nordhaus 710 Windsong Trail West Lake Hills, TX 78746


Category: Package Management

Ryan, LLC

Garland Rasberry 100 Congress Avenue

Austin, TX 78701


Category: Tax Consultants

Surface Experts of Austin Casey Eastberg

11410 Pencewood Drive

Austin, TX 78750


Categories: Bathtub/Shower/ Sink-Repair & Refinishing, Counter Tops

The Phoenix Staffing

Bry Carter 7995 W Molly Drive Peoria, AZ 85383 623.692.9086

Categories: Staffing Services, Employment Services

The Urban Foresters

Miles Michinock 12703 Stafford Rd Stafford, TX 77477 832.302.4762

Categories: Tree-Insect & Disease Control, Tree-Maintenance Service

Total Pressure Washing

Amanda Fernandez 801 S Hwy 183 Suite 1311 Leander, TX 78641


Categories: Pressure Washing, Window Cleaning

TriStar Commercial LLC

John Barney 8863 Anderson Mill Road Unit 118 Austin, TX 78729


Categories: Security Systems, Alarm Systems & Service- Security

USI Insurance Service

Brock Grabarkewitz

7600 N Capital of Texas Hwy Suite 200

Austin, TX 78731


Categories: Insurance, Risk Management

Verintegra Inc.

David Pate

8911 N Capital of Texas Hwy Suite 4200

Austin, TX 78759


Category: Security & Surveillance

512-296-2671 SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE • Automatic Gates • Telephone Entry • Radio Controls • Video Security • Ornamental Iron • Wood Fencing • Rails • Refurbishing • Powerwashing • Replacement Remotes 2023 / SUMMER / 19
Perimeter Security Specialists


2023 TAA ONE Conference and Expo, and April 2023 Board of DirectorsMeeting

The 2023 TAA ONE Conference and Expo and the April 2023 Board of Directors meeting was held in Fort Worth, TX. Here are some highlights from the April 2023 meeting.



Matthew McConaughey was the featured keynote this year – with a discussion of his career and new book Greenlights .

The Stars of Texas Awards Gala and 60th Birthday celebrated the Professional of the Year Award winners and announced the 2024 Conference Co-

Chairs – including Austin’s very own Chelsea Kneeland of J Turner Research. Co-Chairing with Chelsea will be Casey Koon of Madera Residential from Ft. Worth.

The ONE Conference featured over 75 educational sessions and 448 booths in the Expo, both records!

EXPO The Conference kicked off with record-setting attendance with the kickoff party at Billy Bob’s Texas.


NAA now represents:

• 11,833,823 units

• 15,561 supplier members

• 89,919 total members

• 141 State, Local and Global Affiliates AUSTIN



Thank you for taking part in RPM Careers Week! Your enthusiasm for the residential property management (RPM) industry helped bring together 1,105 submissions from communities across the country.

Let’s give a huge shoutout to the RPM industry and our daily challenge winners.

• Dream Team Monday: 361

• Maintenance Tuesday: 322

• Thank a Teammate Thursday: 265

• Why I Love My RPM Career Friday: 157

To stay in the know with RPM Careers, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.




The National Apartment Association visited Washington, DC for the annual Advocate conference.

Austin delegates visited with members of the 118th Congress to urge members to pass critical legislation around housing affordability. NAA is urging congress to:

• Oppose federal efforts to interfere into the landlord-tenant relationship and use carrots (not sticks) to increase rental

affordability and housing choice for renters

• Improve the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program to attract and better serve private sector rental housing providers

• Incentivize local governments to lower barriers to development and increase the supply of rental housing

• End the CARES Act 30-day notice-to-vacate requirement for federally-backed and federally-assisted housing

Largest Net Growth in Supplier Count from April 2022 to April 2023 (All Affiliates) Growth Apartment Association of Greater Dallas 85 Rental Housing Association of Utah 77 Austin Apartment Association 61 Washington Multi-Family Housing Association 45 Virginia Apartment Management Association 42 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 2022-aaa-aln-ad-3.5x2.pdf 1 2/18/2022 9:06:53 AM
Anzer Gul Afghan, CAMT, CPO
2023 / SUMMER / 21

September 27-28, 2023

Loews Ventana Canyon • Tucson

Ready for a breakthrough? This is the event.

Cultivate is a new, groundbreaking event that will bring together VP- and senior-level leaders for two days of high-level peer conversations, discovery and networking. You can expect a unique, collaborative experience that will change the way you lead yourself, your staff and your enterprise.

And the takeaway? Concrete, real-world solutions you can implement immediately. The full schedule of sessions is now available take a look to see what you can expect at this transformative retreat experience.


FAIR HOUSING TRAINING for Maintenance Professionals

How can this potential oversight result in a fair housing claim? Considering that maintenance professionals are often the first team members who arrive after a maintenance call comes in, and they interact with residents on a regular basis, it stands to reason that they too require fair housing training.

In this article, we will briefly discuss the different interactions that maintenance professionals may encounter as they go about their duties, along with the fair housing implications for each. We will focus on these common situations:

• Workplace relationships

• Side jobs

• Steering

• Reasonable accommodation/modification requests

Workplace Relationships

It is important to emphasize to maintenance professionals that socializing with residents outside of work is not recommended. Spending a substantial amount of time with residents outside of work can come off as favoritism and may lead to allegations such as sexual harassment. In relation to sexual harassment, a maintenance technician would want to be very careful never to come across as too friendly or make comments regarding a resident’s appearance. Therefore, a good general rule is to avoid socializing outside of work and to keep a strictly professional relationship with residents.

What about when a resident asks for a favor? Maintenance professionals should also be aware of the potential pitfalls of doing favors for residents. It can be seen as favoritism, or accidents can occur while helping a resident. This could include getting injured or even breaking an item in the process of rendering the favor. Therefore, maintenance professionals should politely turn down any such requests.

Side Jobs

Let’s face it; everyone enjoys making a little extra money. But what are the potential pitfalls of maintenance staff performing side jobs for residents? Similar to doing favors, problems may arise if a resident offers to pay an employee to help them move some things after work hours. What happens if something goes missing, the employee is injured, or something is broken? It would be difficult for the company to support the employee

as this wouldn’t be considered a work-related incident. A better policy and protection would be to avoid these situations altogether and instruct maintenance professionals to politely turn down the job offer.


Illegal steering can occur when someone is encouraged or discouraged from moving into a property, a certain area of the property, or even a specific unit. When could maintenance technicians find themselves in a situation that could lead to illegal steering? Consider this scenario: a prospect is walking around the community and sees a maintenance technician and asks, “Are there a lot of families here with children”? Seems innocent enough, but responding to this question can have severe fair housing ramifications. Maintenance professionals need to have a thorough understanding of the Fair Housing Act and avoid answering questions pertaining to the kind of people living within the property in a way that could violate any of the protected categories.

Reasonable Accommodation/Modification Requests

It may seem like there would be no need for a maintenance professional to have training when it comes to reasonable accommodation or modification requests, as these are handled by the office staff, right? Not necessarily. Remember that maintenance technicians typically are the first point of contact with most residents as they are clearly visible throughout the property as they attend to their many responsibilities. It is not uncommon for a resident to approach a technician regarding a preferred parking spot or a need for a modification in their unit.

Maintenance professionals should receive training on fair housing issues so that they don’t potentially discourage a resident and violate their rights and know exactly how they should respond.

We have reviewed just a few scenarios that maintenance professionals face on a daily basis. Maintenance professionals need to be trained in fair, equal, and professional treatment of residents. A thorough training program would include both written content along with scenarios to ensure a thorough understanding. Also, role-playing continues to be an excellent way to make certain that your staff knows exactly how to respond. Fair Housing training for everyone is paramount and will serve as a protection for both them and your company.

it comes to fair housing training, many housing providers sometimes overlook the need to train their maintenance staff along with everyone else.
2023 / SUMMER / 23

9 TIPS for a Trade Show Triumph: UNLEASH THE MAGIC!

You have secured your booth in the heart of the bustling trade show, adorned in vibrant Mardi Gras colors and glittering masks. Your attire is an exquisite ensemble of feathers, sequins, and boisterous spirit. With your noisemakers at the ready, you are poised for the grandest celebration of all—the 2023 AAA Trade Show. As you embrace the Mardi Gras enchantment, these captivating tips will enthrall attendees and transport them to a world of mesmerizing experiences. So, as the trade show day dawns upon us, let the festive spirit guide your steps, and may the revelry of Mardi Gras be with you!

1 Unleash the Carnival Buzz: Sprinkle your booth number across emails, invoices, social media, and marketing collateral leading up to the Trade Show.

2 Dazzle with Colors: Embrace the vibrant and eye-catching colors of Mardi Gras – purple, green, and gold – throughout your exhibit. From banners and backdrops to tablecloths and signage, create a visually striking booth that attracts visitors like moths to a flame. Let the festive atmosphere transport attendees to the lively streets of New Orleans, creating a captivating and immersive experience.

3 Dress the Part: Embrace the festive atmosphere by dressing up in Mardi Gras-themed attire. Incorporate the iconic purple, green, and gold colors into your outfits. Flamboy-

ant costumes or accessories like masks, beads, and feathered boas can add a touch of fun and attract attention to your booth.

4 Master the Art of Giveaways: Tap into the excitement of Mardi Gras by offering themed giveaways and prizes. Hand out beads, masks, or custom-made trinkets featuring your company logo. Host contests or raffles with Mardi Gras-themed rewards. The element of surprise and celebration will keep visitors engaged with your booth.

(hint: award drink tickets)

5 Get the Party Started: Add a touch of entertainment to your exhibit - Mardi Gras is known for its interactive and immersive activities. Design engaging experiences that allow visitors to participate actively. Consider hosting games, demonstrations,

or hands-on activities that provide a memorable and shareable experience while promoting your brand.

6 Capture the Moments: Set up a photo booth complete with colorful props, masks, and accessories. Encourage visitors to snap pictures and share them on social media using event-specific hashtags. This not only creates engagement but also spreads the joy and excitement of Mardi Gras beyond the trade show floor.

7 Jazz It Up: Infuse your booth with the soulful sounds of New Orleans jazz music. The toe-tapping rhythms will create an upbeat ambiance, transporting visitors to the heart of the Mardi Gras celebration. A curated playlist can work wonders in attracting attention and keeping spirits high.

8 Network like a Pro: Mardi Gras is a festival renowned for bringing people together. Use this festive atmosphere as an opportunity to network and forge new relationships. Attend after-show events, engage in conversations with fellow exhibitors, and exchange ideas to establish valuable connections that extend beyond the trade show.

9 Follow Up and Keep the Party Going: After the trade show ends, don’t let the momentum fizzle out. Follow up with leads and contacts you made during the event, sending personalized messages to reinforce the connection you made. Keep the Mardi Gras spirit alive by sharing photos and highlights from the trade show on your website and social media platforms.

2023 / SUMMER / 25
Laissez les bons temps rouler! “Let the good times roll!”

Can you find the King Cake Baby?

Embark on a Mardi Gras treasure hunt within these pages and spot all 13 hidden King Cake Babies. Seek them out to be crowned the King of Mardi Gras, and revel in the glory of your triumph!

Booths as of July 15th 2 S-D, inc. Construction Services 222 360 Painting 221 A&A Wrecker and Recovery 535 A&A Wrecker and Recovery 537 Advanced Exercise 350 Advanced Refinish, LLC 216 Affinity Waste Solutions 612 Aire-Master of Austin Metro 217 Ameristar Screen and Glass 341 Ameristar Screen and Glass 440 249 ApartmentRatings & SatisFacts 548 Aspen Group 549 Austin Apartment Association 316 Austin Apartment Association 519 Austin Energy 500 Austin Energy 502 Austin Water-Special Services Division 602 AZP Multifamily 506 Bar-B-Clean Central Texas 607 Belfor Property Restoration 630 Belfor Property Restoration 632 BlueLine Construction & Remodeling 615 Camp Construction 521 Camp Construction 523 Capital Land Design 628 Centex Construction 306 Central Renovation Solutions 448 Century HVAC Distributing 330 Century HVAC Distributing 332 Chadwell Supply 406 Chadwell Supply 408 Church Foundation Repair 634 CLOZZITS 648 Commercial Equipment Company 401 Comm-Fit 609 Complete Landscapes, Inc 441 Complete Landscapes, Inc 540 Contractors Inc 346 Contractors Inc 348 Dixie Carpet Installation, Inc 501 Dixie Carpet Installation, Inc 503 DoodyCalls 207 Elevated Construction 633 Elite Austin 635 Elite Austin 637 EnviroSpark Energy Solutions, Inc. 638 FIDUS Construction Services 208 First Onsite Property Restoration 442 Fit Supply 227 Flooring Warehouse 347 Foxen 650 Freedom Construction 231 FSI Construction 443 Gratr Landscapes 447 Gratr Landscapes 449 Green Garbology 236 Guardian Construction 312 Guardian Construction 314 HandyTrac Systems 200 HD Supply 603 Hentana Construction 355 Heritage Landscapes 206 Hines Pool & Spa 622 Hire Priority Staffing 320 Hire Priority Staffing 322 Impact Property Solutions 616 Impact Property Solutions 618 Infinite Capital Construction 513 Infinite Capital Construction 515 Integrity Paving & Coatings 300 Integrity Paving & Coatings 302 InterSolutions Staffing 541 Johnstone Supply - Austin 223 KeyTrak 507 Kings III Emergency Communications 220 Leaf Tree Services LLC 606 Lone Star Apartment Services 202 Lowe’s Pro Supply 113 Lowe’s Pro Supply 212 LSR Multifamily 626 Magic Make Readies 407 Marietta Drapery and Window Coverings 318 Massey Services, Inc. 308 Matrix Construction Services 402 Middleton Construction 326 Middleton Construction 328 Miracle Method of Austin 542 Mirror Mate 301 Moen 203 Mohawk Industries 247 MRI Software 641 Multifamily Utility Company 214 North by Northwest Commercial Landscaping 646 On Guard, Inc 629 PAVECON 229 Penn Apartment Staffing 508
Perma Pier Foundation Repair of Texas 334 Perma Pier Foundation Repair of Texas 336 Powerhouse Home & Commercial Services 509 Powerhouse Home & Commercial Services 608 PPG Paints 400 PS Landscapes, Inc 531 Qwikkit 228 R&S Overhead Garage Door of Texas 617 RA-Lock Security Solutions 219 Rasa Floors 241 Rasa Floors 340 Real Floors 642 600 Redi Carpet 307 Reliant Plumbing 547 Rent. 201 River Rock Lawn and Landscaping 740 Rodriguez Remodeling 240 Salt Services Co 742 Securitas Mobile Guarding 621 Servpro of Downtown and East Central Austin 620 Sherwin Williams 123 SkyFall Roofing & Exteriors 627 SmartWave Technologies 517 Snappt 303 Spectrum Community Services 209 Spot Be Gone Carpet Cleaning 732 Spot Be Gone Carpet Cleaning 734 Spot Be Gone Carpet Cleaning 736 Streamline Roofing LLC 546 Task Force Services 446 Texas Package Solutions 555 Texas Southwest Floors, Inc. 215 Texas True Roofing 533 Texscape Services 235 The Bug Master 543 The Container Store 613 The Liberty Group 243 The Liberty Group 342 The Phoenix Staffing 643 The Steam Team 527 The Steam Team 529 The Urban Foresters 226 Total Cleaning and Renovation Services 601 Total Cleaning and Renovation Services 700 UCS 623 Valet Living 309 Valor Fire Protection 343 VIMA Decor USA 237 Visual Marketing 409 WASH Multifamily Laundry Systems, LLC 640 Waste Logic 242 WithMe 213 WOW Total Cleaning & Restoration 403 Zillow Rentals 714 n Segmented Pressed Pilings - Concrete & Steel n Due Diligence for Budget & Acquisitions n Lifetime Transferable Service Agreement n Full time Employees n Serving Texas & Oklahoma n Perform Under-Slab Plumbing Repair n Utilize Tunneling Under Structure 888.898.3616 CHURCH 2023 / SUMMER / 27
SAVE THE DATE OCTOBER 12 PALMER EVENTS CENTER Experience a dynamic lineup of renowned speakers, industry experts, and thought leaders who will share their insights and strategies for success. Dive deep into emerging technologies, best practices, and cutting-edge trends that will give you a competitive edge in today's rapidly evolving multifamily landscape. AAA EDUCATION CONFERENCE Secure Your Spot!
2023 / SUMMER / 29
E V E R Y D A Y , W E R E D E F I N E T H E I N D U S T R Y S T A N D A R D Multi-Family Construction Commercial Construction Fire, Flood & Disaster Restoration Exterior & Interior Renovation Complete Roofing Services Service Operations OUR SERVICES 512-394-1111 CAMPCONSTRUCTION.COM A TRUSTED NAME SINCE 1978

AAA members have been busy raising funds and building kits filled with housing essentials for the Austin Community!

The Cornhole Tournament benefitting ECHO began at the For the Love of AAA event, was delayed and rescheduled for the Spring Maintenance Huddle. Teams had a blast playing, but most importantly, we were able to raise funds for a great cause. Thanks to all who participated and helped support ECHO - The Ending Community Homelessness Coalition!

AAA Community Service volunteers used the funds raised to shop for enough items to build 50 welcome home kits filled with essential home items for those exiting homelessness. The committee had a great time assembling these kits at the May 17 meeting. Volunteers then delivered the items to one of ECHO’s partnering organizations, the Hungry Hill Foundation.

Hungry Hill Foundation was beyond grateful for our support, and volunteers were honored to receive a heartfelt tour of their facility and community. Together, we’re making a difference and creating brighter futures.

The Community Service Committee will have many upcoming involvement opportunities with the 37th Annual Doc & Gayle Young Food Drive – now the Days of Care (DOC) Drive! Keep an eye on the AAA calendar for the kickoff event!

2023 / SUMMER / 31

FIRE Sprinklers


The maintenance and office staff were the first point of contact for residents seeking answers and solutions. One of the benefits of the storm was that it identified the properties’ vulnerabilities and where to make improvements.

The freezing temperatures and snow created numerous issues for properties, including:

• Loss of electricity and power

• Frozen water and sprinkler lines

• Property damages

• Increased electric bills

• High repair and remediation costs

Even when homes and properties are built to code, when electricity fails, insulation can only protect systems and pipes from the elements for a short amount of time. Frozen sprinkler lines became one of the most common, and most problematic, issues to arise from the winter storms. Because Texas typically does not see storms of this magnitude, many properties did not have adequate insulation because building codes did not require substantial insulation based on the state’s history of freezing temperatures. Additionally, without electricity, these communities lost access to heaters, air compressors and heat trace in sprinkler rooms.

As the temperatures began to rise, the full extent of the damages became more apparent with overflowing sprinkler systems and burst pipes. Unfortunately, many repair companies were dealing with an influx in maintenance requests, part shortages and difficulties navigating the dangerous roadways.

One of the greatest takeaways from the catastrophic storm was how to better prepare properties for weather-related issues, regardless of how “once in a lifetime” they may be.

So how can properties be better prepared in the future?

• Stay on top of routine maintenance. Maintenance teams need to ensure they are servicing and checking the various systems throughout the property, from A/C and heating units to sprinkler systems and power-operated systems. Don’t wait for a significant shift in weather to begin testing your systems; it may be too late!

• Don’t wait to prepare. Stock up on supplies like generators, salt for pathways, water and other necessities before bad weather is expected, as many of these essential items may be out of stock or difficult to find.

• Be aware of changes and shifts in weather, and keep residents up-to-date on what to expect and how to better prepare. Let them know how the maintenance and office

In the winter of 2021, Texas was faced with severe snowstorms, causing residents across the state to deal with power outages, frozen water lines and property damages.

teams are preparing for the storms, and how they can utilize them if needed.

• Develop partnerships with your systems’ service teams, as they may be your first call when problems arise. They can help you troubleshoot issues and hopefully get things up and running if they aren’t able to physically be there to do it themselves.

• Work as a team. If bad weather hits, roads may be inoperable, meaning communities may have limited team members on site. Maintenance and office teams should support each other by sharing information, lending a hand and communicating with residents.

• Pass on your knowledge. While we may want to forget the hardships, it’s important to share and document the successes and shortcomings of response efforts to best learn from our mistakes.

Key Takeaways:

• Winter storms can cause significant problems, including power outages, frozen sprinkler lines, property damage and substantial repair costs.

• While damaging, these storms identified the vulnerabilities in properties and where improvements need to be made.

• Don’t wait until storms are imminent to prepare. Maintenance teams should utilize off-seasons to test equipment and service systems.

• Office teams should be in regular communication with residents, updating them on hazardous weather condi-

tions and providing tips to help them handle weather-related issues that may arise.

• Teamwork between office and maintenance teams is vital to “weathering the storm.”

• We best learn from our mistakes, so take note of what worked and what didn’t to avoid future issues.

“How to Speak Maintenance” is a monthly series that focuses on teaching property managers and office staff how to better understand and appreciate the work and the value of the maintenance teams, eliminate conflict points that come up, and provide better customer service for our residents. Each episode features different topics guests. This episode, “Fire Sprinklers,” features:

ModelEasy Custom Models Poolside Furnishings Resident Lounges Business Centers Leasing Centers Outdoor Living Spaces Corporate Offices Clubrooms 972.385.3204 | UNIQUE solutions CREATING for your community. No Design Fees. Ever. 2023 / SUMMER / 33

AAA celebrated our maintenance heroes at our annual Spring Maintenance Huddle. The event was a casual affair held at the fun and laid-back Water Tank. Attendees were treated to tacos and brews. Over 300 AAA maintenance and supplier members signed up to toast our maintenance heroes. Here’s to all the hard-working maintenance personnel out there and we hope to see you at the 2023 Winter Maintenance Huddle!


Call About our FREE Custom Measure Screen Inventory Program Window Screens – Patio Door Screens w w w. a m e r i s t a r g l a s s . c o m PHONE 512.910.3050 • FAX 512.910.2003 Serving the Apartment Industry Exclusively Since 1989 need screens? $500 WINNER KYLE HILL WITH SOLEA CEDAR PARK 2023 / SUMMER / 35

to IDENTIFY FRAUD in Rental Applications

With the potential for fraudulent activities on the rise, it is crucial for industry professionals to stay vigilant and develop effective strategies to detect and combat rental application fraud. In this article, we will explore eight valuable ways to identify signs of fraud in rental applications. By implementing these techniques, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions, protect your property investments, and maintain the integrity of your tenant selection process.

Where to look for fraud in financial documents:

Documents with text alteration have been edited either by adding new information, typically numbers, names or addresses, or removing information such as expenses, liens, etc. This type of fraud is easy to produce with home office equipment and easily overlooked in the screening process.

1 Does the name on the document match the applicant’s ID?

It’s easier to alter a financial document

than it is a government-issued ID. Check for discrepancies as the document may be stolen.

2 Is the income statement accurate?

Inflation or deflation of income is also common practice these days.  Adjusted incomes can fraudulently grant the applicant approval to a unit they wouldn’t qualify for otherwise.

3 Is the income source correct?

Check out the listed business entity. Is the source a legal and real business entity? Do they have a phone number you can call or a location you could visit? An altered source of income can be a sign of criminal activity or be an entity created by the applicant to falsify income.

4 Is the document real?

Template Farms produce and distribute fake documents. This type of fraud is increasingly popular because of its accessibility.


Other application documents (References, background checks, criminal records)

5 Are the references listed legitimate?

References can be faked by friends, family, and hired companies. If your applicant rented from an apartment or property management company, Google the company or call them directly. If your applicant has a private landlord as their rental reference, it’s harder to verify. Typically,  you can tell if a reference is fake by looking up whether the given name on the application matches the property ownership or business registration.

6 Is your applicant who they claim to be?

Millions of people have fallen victim to identity theft, and the number is growing

each day. If you can’t meet your applicant in person, schedule a video chat to review the application. Does the person on the chat match the ID?  Do they answer questions they should know with ease?

7 Is your applicant a real person?

Synthetic fraud is a fake identity created from multiple sources, so check for inconsistencies. If multiple things  don’t match up, it’s an indicator that the applicant is using a synthetic identity.

8 Perform your own background and credit checks. Be sure to do your own criminal and credit checks with reputable providers and cross-check the rental application. They

can be the one source that the applicant cannot digitally modify before you receive the data.

Daniel Cooper is a Regional Sales Director at Snappt Inc. He has competed against the best athletes in the world, helped people look and feel their best, found families their dream homes, combated financial documentation fraud, and saved companies thousands of dollars and countless work hours.

AAA Engage AAA Engage

The Official App of the Austin Apartment Association

Connect with other members of the AAA and see the latest updates within the association. Receive important alerts, connect at events, and so much more!

w w w . a u s t i n a p t a s s o c . c o m Scan to Download Scan to Download 2023 / SUMMER / 37

Let the games begin! This fun event was a great exercise in team building with all of the games, teamwork and competition you loved from Field Day in school! This unforgettable day of games was our 2nd Anniversary of Field Day, thanks to our members who joined us to compete, cheer their team on, or to sponsor the games!

Big thanks to our event leads, Lauren Tuma with Emser Tile and Gus Villegas with Infinite Capital Construction!



to our award winners!

Winning Team award goes to: Rasa Floors

Most Spirited Team award goes to: Avenue5 Residential

Best Dressed Team award goes to: Infinite Capital Construction

Tissue Box Game award goes to: We Do Trash

5-Legged Race award goes to: Keller Commercial & Home Services, Inc

Ball Toss award goes to: Flooring Warehouse

Egg & Spoon award goes to: Rasa Floors

Brain Game award goes to: CWS

Flip Cup Relay award goes to: Infinite Capital Construction

Blind Cup Path award goes to: InterSolutions Staffing

Tug of War award goes to: North by Northwest Landscaping

Best Dressed
Most Spirit 2023 / SUMMER / 39

L e a r n M o r e : s a b r i n a @ a u s t i n a p t a s s o c c o m



Y o u r e x c l u s i v e q u a r t e r l y m e e t i n g s e r i e s d e s i g n e d t o f o s t e r k n o w l e d g e e x c h a n g e , n e t w o r k i n g , a n d c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h i n t h e A u s t i n m u l t i f a m i l y c o m m u n i t y N e t w o r k w i t h l i k e - m i n d e d p r o f e s s i o n a l s , p o t e n t i a l p a r t n e r s , a n d m e n t o r s f r o m d i f f e r e n t c o r n e r s o f t h e i n d u s t r y




C o n t r i b u t e t o t h e g r o w t h o f t h e c o m m u n i t y b y b r i n g i n g y o u r u n i q u e p e r s p e c t i v e t o t h e t a b l e G e t a c c e s s t o v a l u a b l e r e s o u r c e s , t r a i n i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d e d u c a t i o n a l s e s s i o n s


W e k i c k o f f o u r f i r s t - e v e r Q u a r t e r l y G r i n d o n A u g u s t 3 1 T h e s e m e e t i n g s a r e s c h e d u l e d i n v a r i o u s l o c a t i o n s a c r o s s G e o r g e t o w n , C e d a r P a r k / L e a n d e r , M a n o r , P f l u g e r v i l l e / R o u n d R o c k , K y l e / B u d a , a n d D r i p p i n g S p r i n g s , m a k i n g i t c o n v e n i e n t f o r a n y o n e t o p a r t i c i p a t e !

2023 / SUMMER / 41


The Austin Apartment Association’s annual Vegas Night event was a huge success, bringing together supplier partners and apartment industry professionals for an unforgettable evening.

None of this would have been possible without the support of our generous sponsors. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every sponsor who helped make the night a success. Their support is crucial to our efforts to build strong communities and promote a healthy apartment industry in Austin.

The event chairs also deserve special recognition for their tireless efforts in organizing the event. They worked hard to ensure that every detail was taken care of, and their dedication to the event is a testament to their commitment to the apartment industry.

Of course, we couldn’t have had such a fantastic night without the

attendees. Their energy and enthusiasm made the event come alive, and we are grateful for their support of our mission to build strong communities and create a strong apartment industry in Austin.

One of the highlights of the evening was the $500 CASH Prize Drawing, sponsored by A&A Wrecker and Recovery. We are excited to announce that the winner of the cash prize is April Delgado with RPM Living!

We hope everyone had a blast and made some great memories and connections. Thank you again to everyone who attended Vegas Night and helped make it a night to remember!



Event Chairs: Dedra Bouffard with The Liberty Group, Smyrna Gonzalez with Continental Properties and Aaron Leavitt with Greystar


Apex Multifamily

Blue Team

Crystal Clear Pools & Spas

Spot Be Gone Carpet


Texas SW Floors

Valet Living

Verintegra Inc.

Waste Logic, LLC


Austin Hi-Tech Restoration

ECO Valet Trash

Middleton Construction

Surface Connection

Prize Winner: April Delgado, RPM Living

2023 / SUMMER / 43

Elevate Your Career!

AUG 30 - OCT 13

The onsite manager is a vital link between apartment residents and the community owners and investors.

This course includes » Industry Essentials » Financial Management » Legal » Resident Experience » Risk Management » Human Resources » Marketing » Property Maintenance » and so much more!

AUG 30 - OCT 13

The CAS program is ideal for new salespeople as well as veterans of the industry.

Suppliers are important liaisons to the multifamily housing industry. This program is designed as an opportunity for suppliers to hear the everyday challenges faced by the apartment manager customer. CAS candidates will also need to take the Supplier Success course to earn their credentials.

SEP 15 - 16

Earning your IROP gives you an "insider's view" of professional property ownership and management practices.


Designed for both new maintenance professionals and veteran employees.

Maintenance expenses are the single largest controllable element in any operating budget. This course is designed to give these professionals the knowledge and tools necessary to run an effective maintenance program.

Register today! professional-credential-programs Find Course Information &
a certification behind your name, you gain quantifiable expertise in your field, recognition and visibility that helps you stand out from your peers. Explore our programs
29 Questions? Email ¡Ofrecido enEspañol!
iROP program is ideal for ew or experienced independent rental owners.
TITANIUM SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR apartment association Austin Apartment Association EDUCATION SPONSORS Interested in becoming an AAA Education Sponsor? Visit to learn more!


Resident Retention (Virtual)

AUGUST 8TH 9am-11:30am

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Kim Brewer • Virtual

Early Member rate: $70, Member Rate: $80, Non- member rate: $105

Free for ACE Subscribers • CECs: 3

In this session, you will learn: The importance of the application process, keeping residents happy, and renewal incentive programs, effective application process to minimize evictions, ensuring resident satisfaction throughout the lease through incentive programs like: renewal gift options, early bid drawings and on time bonuses, renewal incentive programs don’t have to be expensive, but they can be highly effective. a selection of renewal gifts, early bird drawings, and renewal specials are just a few options.

Fair Housing for Maintenance

AUGUST 9TH 9am-11:30am

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Dedra Bouffard, CAM, CAS of The Liberty Group and special guest Courtland Audain • AAA Office

Early Member rate: $65, Member rate: $75, Non-Member rate: $100

Free for ACE Subscribers • CECs: 3

In this training, you will learn the General Fair Housing Laws, how Fair Housing Laws impact the service team, and how to avoid Fair Housing pitfalls.

Food for Thought:

Key Considerations for EV Charging on Your Multi Family Property

AUGUST 9TH 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: David Aaronson, Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions • AAA Office

Free • CECs: 1

In this Food for Thought, you will learn: how to calculate the number of ev charging stations your property needs, how ev charging financial incentives work, how to select the right ev charging products and accessories for your property, how property owners can generate additional revenue with EV charging stations, how to select the right partner and vendor for your EV charging needs.

NEW Fair Housing Friday

AUGUST 25TH 11am-11:30am

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Allison Mattocks/Hari Kaylan, Warren Kaylan Mattocks Law Firm

Virtual Free • CECs: 1

Join us bi-monthly on the last Friday of the month, for a FREE Q&A with rotating attorneys!

How to EXCEL during Budget Season

AUGUST 30TH 9:00 a.m-12:00 p.m

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Julie Irvin Hartman, Julie Irvin Hartman • AAA Office

Early Member rate: $70, Member Individual Class: $80, Non Member individual: $105

Free for ACE Subscribers • CECs: 3

In this session you will get a crash course on excel budget spreadsheets and more!





Course good for Education Tracks:


Orientation: 10am-11am

Course: 9am-1pm

Presented by: Sue Weston, The Susan

Weston Company • Virtual

CAM: Member rate: $930

Non-Member Rate: $1,115

CAS: Member rate: $655

Non-member rate: $785

Get 10% off your CAM or CAS registration with the ACE Subscription

CECs: 6

Certified Apartment Manager (CAM): The onsite manager is a vital link between apartment residents and the community owners and investors. Certified Apartment Supplier (CAS): This course is designed as an opportunity for suppliers to hear the everyday challenges faced by the apartment manager customer.


SEPTEMBER 21-22 8:00am-5:00pm

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Mitchell Bouzek, Commerical Swim • AAA Office

Early Member Rate: $375, Member: $385

Non-member: $400, Not eligible for ACE Subscription

CECs: None

In this session, you will learn techniques & skills required for proper pool operations.

Food for thought:

Property Insurance Claims

SEPTEMBER 6TH 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Michelle Cruff, Pearson Legal, P. C. • AAA Office

Free • CECs: 1

In this Food for Thought, you will learn about recent legislation, claims handling trends and best practices. They will also learn about insurance policy traps including appraisal provisions, arbitration clauses, and choice of venue / choice of law provisions to be aware of. They will learn about typical insurance causes of action, such as breach of contract, PPCA, and duty of good faith and fair dealing and bad faith claims handling.

YOUR CHANCE TO GROW AND LEARN Visit for more class info and to register. Questions? Contact AAA at (512) 323-0990 or email Be sure to check out the Education Calendar ( for the most up-to-date schedule of education. 46 / WINDOW ON RENTAL HOUSING

All Webinars are conducted by

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. CT Cost $29.99


Best Practices for Maintenance:

Excel/Outlook Basics

SEPTEMBER 12TH 8:30-11:30AM

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Julie Irvin Hartman, Julie Irvin Hartman, Ryan Vonier, Griffis

Residential • AAA Office

Early bird rate: $65, Member Individual Class: $75, Non Member individual: $100

Free for ACE Subscribers • CECs: 3

In this session you will learn: All the basics in Excel/Outlook for maintenance budgets and expenses.

Crime and Trauma Scene: What to do when there is a Death of a Resident

SEPTEMBER 13TH 9am-1pm

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Attorneys Allison Mattocks & Hari Kalyan, Warren Kalyan Mattocks

Law Firm and Christopher Brown, Emergency Cleaning Solutions

AAA Office

Early bird rate: $80, Member Individual Class: $90, Non Member individual: $110 Free for ACE Subscribers • CECs: 4

This course is designed to prepare owners, management, maintenance and on site personnel on proper and safest practices when dealing with a unit where blood, body fluids, or other biohazards have been discovered.

Property Management from A-Z

SEPTEMBER 14TH 9am-12pm

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Christy Sanchez, Magic Make Readies • AAA Office

Early Member rate: $65, Member Rate: $75, Non- member rate: $100 Free for ACE Subscribers • CECs: 3


Preparing the Annual Property Budget


Know your product! Using Design Thinking to Sell a Resident Experience


Mastering Maintenance: Building a Regimen for Maintenance Excellence

In this session, will focus on Fair Housing basics including what investors and on-site employees must know about protected classes, Fair Housing implications for marketing and advertising, and the complaint process. Great for first-time investment property owners, or new to the industry professionals!

IROP Credential (Independent Rental Owner Professional)


Course good for Education Tracks: Day 1-2:30pm-6:30pm Day 2-9:00am-4:00pm

Presented by: Mathew Hines, NAAEI Faculty • AAA Office

Early Member rate: $470, Member Rate: $480, Non- member rate: $550 Get 10% off your ITROP registration with the ACE Subscription • CECs: 6

Whether you are a new or experienced independent rental owner, earning your IROP gives you an “insider’s view” of professional property ownership and management practices.

Strength Finders Leadership (Webinar)

SEPTEMBER 20TH 10am-11am

Course good for Education Tracks:

Presented by: Stephanie P Helling CAPS®, CAM®, NAAEI Faculty

AAA partnering with SAA! • Virtual Early Member rate: $69.99, Member Rate: $99.99, Non- member rate: $200 (webinar +workshop)

Not eligible for ACE Subscription or for CEC’s

The Webinar will provide an overview and statistics of Strengths Based Leadership and what followers need most from their leaders. After the webinar, participants will receive a code and link to complete the Strengths Finder Assessment in


Fair Housing Ain’t FairIt’s Equal, 2023 Edition


Mitigating Conflict In Your Workplace by Building a Culture of Peace


Help! There’s Math in Marketing and it Mystifies Me

advance of the workshop. Results will be sent to each participant, as well as to SPH Services for review prior to the workshop. Participants should bring their results to the workshop.

CAMT Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technician (CAMT)

SEPTEMBER 25-29 9:00am-5:00pm

Course good for Education Tracks:

Brian Wilhite, NAAEI Faculty • AAA Office

Member: $975, Non-member: $1,170

Not eligible for ACE Subscription

CECs: None

This course is designed as an introduction for new maintenance professionals or as a refresher for the veteran employee, to give these professionals the knowledge and tools necessary to run an effective maintenance program.

QUESTIONS? Contact AAA at or (512) 323-0990.

2023 / SUMMER / 47
the code “16AAA” in the coupon field when registering for a $5 discount!

Mitigate Risk with NAA Click & Comply

NAA’s newest performance management and compliance software allows property management companies to consolidate processes and systems into one place for ease of use, transparency and communication for your teams.


Automate and trust that your properties are remaining compliant.


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Learn more or request a demo at
PRST STD U.S. Postage PAID WEBSITE 57k Users 749k Interactions 2:25 Avg Time Engaged per year per year MEMBERSHIP 320,000+ Rental Units 630+ Owners/Management Companies 1,200+ Rental Communities MAGAZINE B Y T H E N U M B E R S 84k+ Impressions per year 3:19 Avg Read Time 2.4k printed copies mailed per issue ONLINE & PRINT EMAIL NEWSLETTERS 47% Open Rate 4.8k Contacts 3% CTR 3.8k Industry Contacts A D V E R T I S I N G I N T E R E S T E D I N A D V E R T I S I N G W I T H A A A ? L E A R N M O R E A T A U S T I N A P T A S S O C . C O M / A D V E R T I S I N G A U S T I N A P A R T M E N T A S S O C I A T I O N per session

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