3 minute read
Snacks and Book Chats
TCWLA and Law Moms Out Loud Come Together
The Travis County Women Lawyers Association (TCWLA) and Law Moms Out Loud partnered on a book club event that highlighted Austin attorney and author Chandler Baker. We discussed Baker’s books, Whisper Network and The Husbands.
TCWLA started a book club several years ago to provide members an opportunity to read personal development books and the space to discuss them with other attorneys sharing similar interests. Each meeting has been a productive discussion and a safe space for vulnerability and growth.
Law Moms Out Loud produces a podcast series that highlights powerful women with interesting stories. Its mission is to help lawyer moms grow as moms, lawyers, and people. The potential synergy between our two groups led us to this collaboration.
At our event, Law Moms Out Loud creators Kate LincolnGoldfinch and Hannah Hembree Bell interviewed Baker live as a guest on their podcast, while the book club served as the “studio audience.” After the live podcast portion of the evening (it was so much fun!), we hung around to chat and visit with Baker, a local Austin law mom. She graciously discussed her journey as an author and answered our many questions about her inspirations and future goals. (There may have been more than a few of us having fan-girl moments!)
Although this book pick was a departure from our usual nonfiction, this collaboration gave us an inspiring opportunity to meet a local Austin, New York Times bestselling author and special gem, learn from her journey, and celebrate her success. Watching the Law Moms Out Loud in action was a real treat. Watch for lots more to come from these powerhouse ladies!
Several aspiring authors were in the group. Baker encouraged them to keep writing—every day— just keep writing. This advice pretty much reflects the mantra of these two amazing groups of lawyers. We keep working and improving every day, simply by keeping at it every day.
We also know that when women get together, amazing things happen. While chatting after the event, Hembree Bell and Baker hatched a plan and hosted a free write-in for NaNoWriMo (IYKYK) in November, which was a big success. If you or anyone you know is an aspiring writer and would like to know about future events, email hannah@ hembreebell.com for more details.
You can listen to Baker’s Law Moms Out Loud episode wherever you access your podcasts. If you are interested in the TCWLA book club, including seeing our past and future book selections, you can find more information at http://tcwla.org. Come join us! AL

Kate LincolnGoldfinch, Hannah Hembree Bell, Leslie Dippel, Sherine Thomas.

The group is all smiles after the fun-filled event.
Leslie Dippel is a past president of the Austin Bar and serves as the director of the Civil Litigation Division at the Travis County Attorney’s Office.