2 minute read
Great Things to Come in 2023
Onward and Upward with the Austin Bar
We are halfway through this bar year, and we have some great events coming, including the 20th Anniversary Austin Bar Foundation Gala on Jan. 28 at the Austin Marriott Downtown. Our theme this year echoes our theme from the inaugural year: a Masquerade Ball. We will be presenting the Distinguished Lawyer Awards to some impressive attorneys, including, Judge Lora Livingston, Bobby Taylor, and Judge Lee Yeakel. For the first time, instead of a live auction, we will have a raffle, with a grand prize of $10,000. The Foundation Gala funds the important projects of the Austin Bar Foundation, and the operation of the Foundation. You can find information on how to buy Gala tickets and raffle tickets at austinbar.org.
In addition, as we look towards a new calendar year, I want to remind you that starting Jan. 10, the Texas Legislature will be in session. While we don’t necessarily talk about the legislative session as much as we talk about the courtroom, I encourage you to keep track. The hearings are public and can be found online at capitol.texas.gov. If you’re the type of person who still has cable, like I do, you can watch the floor debates of the House and Senate and keep track of what is happening in real time. If you ever want to know what is happening and why, let me know and I am always happy to discuss. Good governance is important, both for the Austin Bar and for the State of Texas. AL