2 minute read
A Message from Judge Amy Clark Meachum
What You Need to Know in 2023
We are excited to celebrate the new Travis County Civil and Family Courts Facility (CFCF). The CFCF is an effective, functional, and modern building that will better meet the needs of Travis County.
We also want to share our plans for the new year. Starting on Feb. 6, 2023, ALL contested civil and family court hearings and trials will be in-person at the CFCF—except where all lawyers and all parties have agreed to be virtual and notified Court Administration. Emergency Duty Court will remain virtual for now. Submission Dockets will continue for agreed orders. We look forward to seeing lawyers and litigants in person in February, except in the cases where everyone has agreed to be virtual. We will be tracking the agreements, studying the data, and following the emergency orders and proposed laws while ensuring an accessible, fair, and just court system for all.
In addition, the judges are working with the Austin Bar Association on scheduling several CLEs in the new year to communicate our plans, listen to your ideas, and answer your questions. This is an exciting moment to be a part of our Austin legal community, and we look forward to seeing you (in person) soon! AL

Judge Amy Clark Meachum has served as the presiding judge of the 201st District Court since January 2011. She is also the Local Administrative District Judge for the Travis County Courts.