1 minute read
Calling Leaders to Serve on the AYLA Board of Directors
Sign Up Now to Run for a Position!
Attorneys who wish to serve on the 2023-24 Austin Young Lawyers Association (AYLA) board of directors have until March 3, 2023 to submit a nomination form to run. Serving as a director on the AYLA Board represents a great way to gain leadership experience, shape the local legal community, and meet other young attorneys who roam outside of the confines of your own office and legal field. To be eligible for a board position, a candidate must be a current AYLA member and be 40 years of age or younger as of July 1, 2023. To be placed on the ballot, submit a nomination form signed by 10 current AYLA members to Debbie Kelly at debbie@austinbar.org by March 3, 2023. Nomination forms and additional information can be found online at ayla.org. Don’t miss this chance to get plugged into—and lead—your generation of Austin attorneys. AL