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The Fresh Start Initiative
Juvenile Record Sealing Training and Legal Clinic
The Fresh Start Initiative: Juvenile Record Sealing Training and Legal Clinic was a great success. More than 50 attorneys trained to seal both juvenile offense records and adult arrest records, and 300 people were assisted in a pro bono clinic held on Feb. 29, 2020 at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church.
The Fresh Start Initiative was created to help former juvenile offenders seal their juvenile records and to train attorneys so they can offer this service in their practices and pro bono services independently of the clinic.
AYLA’s partners in this project were the Travis County District Clerk’s Office, Travis County Law Library, Juvenile Public Defender’s office, District Attorney’s office, Juvenile Probation Board, Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas, and Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas. This project was made possible by a grant from the Texas Young Lawyers Association. AL