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Robert W. Calvert American Inn of Court and Austin Bar Association Partnership a Smashing Success
On Friday, April 12, 2019, a seminar room full of lawyers enjoyed a collaboration between the Robert W. Calvert American Inn of Court and the Austin Bar Association titled Honoring Professionalism and Civility as a Lawyer: A Half-Day of Free Ethics CLE for Austin Area Lawyers, Featuring Claude Ducloux, Patrick Keel, Judge Elisabeth Earle and Judge Eric Shepperd.
Claude Ducloux’s presentation, titled Creating Strong and Effective Client Relationships: The Art of Collaboration and Communication, started the free, three-hour CLE off with a high-energy and high-yielding review of ethical issues and client communication keys as can only be shared by Mr. Ducloux. Patrick Keel’s presentation of Mediation Ethics generated discussion about candor to a mediator and the critical analysis of advocacy and ethical obligations through the mediation process. Judge Earle and Judge Shepperd engaged the group in a discussion of Why Civility Matters to the Court, filled with shocking examples of situations involving a lack of professionalism and civility, along with shining stories exemplifying why professionalism and civility matter to the court.
In 1989, the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals promulgated the Texas Lawyer’s Creed to renew the spirit of professionalism and support the spirit of civility in lawyer conduct. The Creed’s preamble includes:
“The conduct of a lawyer should be characterized at all times by honesty, candor, and fairness. In fulfilling his or her primary duty to a client, a lawyer must be ever mindful of the profession’s broader duty to the legal system. The Supreme Court of Texas and Court of Criminal Appeals are committed to eliminating a practice in our State by a minority of lawyers of abusive tactics which have surfaced in many parts of our country…. The desire for respect and confidence by lawyers from the public should provide the members of our profession with the necessary incentive to attain the highest degree of ethical and professional conduct.”
The support of ethical, professional, and civil practices is a core principle of both the Robert W. Calvert American Inn of Court and the Austin Bar.
The free seminar was offered to support, encourage, and celebrate true professionalism and civility—values which should be celebrated throughout one’s life, not just for a day. AL