3 minute read
The Austin Bar Foundation is Amazing!
Supporting the Good in Our Community
During my time as a lawyer, I have learned a few truths about our profession. Here are three:
First, as a whole we do some amazing things. Now, I’m not talking about “amazing” as used in the context of your typical Insta Reel or TikTok, such as “OMG, that Original Petition was totes amazing!” I’m talking about “amazing” in the context of changing lives, transforming communities, and doing things for the greater good—things that would force the average Insta-phile to right-click and utilize the synonym feature of Word in an effort to express their level of astonishment and properly describe their truest feelings of bewilderment.
Second, for all of the stupendous acts of near-heroism performed by members of our community on a regular basis, we do so most often with the knowledge and expectation that the accomplishment will be done in relative anonymity. Recognition appropriately goes to the client, mission, or the greater good for which we serve—and that is the way it should be.
Third, in consideration of points one and two above, we are remarkably amazing at recognizing the exceptional within our community. The best part is that we do so most often in a way that further precipitates future good work.
For an example, look no further than the Austin Bar Foundation and its purpose, which is to “promote and encourage activities in the furtherance of justice and legal education through the sponsorship and encouragement of legal research, publications, institutes, forums, and the establishment of scholarships.” Through two of its programs, the Fellowship Program and the Annual Bar Foundation Gala, we recognize the best of the best within the Austin legal community and simultaneously raise money to further the purpose of the Austin Bar Foundation.
The Austin Bar Foundation has been awarding grants to legal-related programs that serve the greater Austin community since 2012, and has nearly reached $200,000 in total giving. Last year’s grants sent 55 children to the YMCA’s Texas Youth and Government program, which aims to help students gain skill and confidence to succeed in college, career, and life in general. They also assisted Vecina’s Project ReUnite in expanding the representation to help release children in immigration detention.
A few of you may be wondering what exactly the Austin Bar Foundation’s Fellows Program is. I am glad you asked! It is an honorary society of Austin-area attorneys, judges, and legal scholars who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to the highest principles of the legal profession and to the welfare of the Austin legal community. If you are interested in learning more about the Fellows program, go to: austinbar.org/?pg=fellows.
If you’re wondering what a gala is, I can’t help you. What I can tell you is that more information about the 2023 Austin Bar Foundation Gala will be available soon! We can’t wait to see you there as we honor some outstandingly amazing lawyers and raise money for an equally amazing cause! AL

David Courreges, immediate past president of the Austin Bar Association and chair of the Austin Bar Foundation, is the senior corporate counsel and director of legal and compliance for University Federal Credit Union and a graduate of St. Mary’s University School of Law.