Monica Hand
ALTERNATIVE ADULT BEVERAGES n Looking for a few ways to indulge without alcohol? Check out these non-alcoholic finds for your next holiday Zoom happy hour.
hen the pandemic first hit, alcohol sales rose dramatically, next to hand sanitizer and toilet paper. Life seemed to require a few cocktails to take the edge off of 2020. Now, many people are realizing their uptick in alcohol consumption may actually be more harmful than helpful when it comes to personal anxiety and physical health. Replacing happy hour with a healthier choice, even just every now and then, is a habit many are hoping to adopt. As this sober-curious niche of consumers is growing, companies are taking notice and creating experiences and products to meet the demand. Whether you’re sober, interested in adopting the lifestyle or looking to shed a few pounds, take a look at our round-up of alternative adult beverages and try one one of these special, holiday mocktails.