Austin Fit Magazine February 2022: The Imagination Issue

Page 64


Kara Reynolds

HOW RUNNING A MARATHON CHANGED MY MINDSET n Running marathons is not only great for maintaining

and challenging your physical stamina but also for giving you a change of pace in your approach to life.


hen you hear the word “marathon,” what comes to mind? Completing one of these races has long been held as an enviable fitness achievement. Some may see it as close to impossible, but as a mom of four beautiful children and a finisher, I’m here to tell you that it is doable — even with young children. Here are four ways running a marathon changed my mindset about life.

children need to remain physically active throughout the day, and even older kids need an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise daily. Without it, their young muscles and bones won’t develop the way they should. Furthermore, childhood obesity rates continue to climb, and the extra weight doesn’t get easier to shed with age. I reveled in training with my children. I couldn’t take them with me on my longer runs. However, we spent many a pleasant afternoon practicing sprints at the playground and rest days taking turns pushing the stroller around the local park. I wouldn’t trade that time spent laughing with my littles for the world. I also instilled the unspoken message that moving your body is fun — a habit that will continue to benefit their health way into old age.

Showed My Kids That Play Time 001 IMatters

Play is fluff, right? It’s like dessert. Yes, it’s lovely if you have it at the end of a delicious meal, but it isn’t necessary to still enjoy the main course. Hogwash. Running a marathon taught me that play isn’t an accessory to the rest of your existence. Play is life. Even though my “recess” took considerable effort, it was nevertheless necessary to move my body daily. The new World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines say even adults need 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity each week to maintain positive health. Play for children is even more vital. Preschool-aged


I Gained a New Appreciation for My

002 Body and Its Abilities

Becoming a mom is tough — what they say about childbirth pain is real. However, you forget it soon afterward. Plus, you have time to recover between kids. I had at least a good year between each of my babies. When I was training for a marathon, I only had a day or two to recover between long runs. There were many mornings I woke up sore, climbed out of bed with a groan


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