Aja Webber
Outdoor activities are essential for building healthy habits, and this Austin-based organization is showing kids how they can also form long-lasting relationships.
ith summer coming to an end and school starting back up, it’s time to #OptOutside and enjoy the last few weeks of Austin’s summer before cooler temperatures start to creep back into Texas. Plus, since adjusting to another new year will be a tough time for many kids, soaking up the sun these next few weeks will be so important. Luckily, Explore Austin can help! Founded in 2006, Explore Austin uses mentorship programs, leadership-based activities and outdoor adventure to empower youth to reach their full potential. Each member of the organization’s team is dedicated to the comprehensive wellbeing of all young people in the community. Getting outside and moving is essential to building and maintaining mental health for any age. According to the American Psychological Association, studies have even shown that spending time outdoors reduces
cortisol, a stress-inducing hormone. When cortisol levels are lowered, it can lead to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. Local organizations, such as Explore Austin, ATX Kids Club and Rock-About Climbing Adventures, recognize the importance of building healthy habits and long-term relationships. Because it’s vital to begin having a sense of community at a young age, some organizations will begin offering programs to students as young as sixth grade. “We believe that connecting with the outdoors is a great way for children to build self-confidence, a sense of adventure and an appreciation for the earth,” says Hannah Bruno, the marketing and events manager at Explore Austin. “The outdoors offers the perfect backdrop to teach valuable life skills like teamwork, resilience and strong communication.” Although Austin is somewhat of a hotspot for green spaces, there are factors that can make accessibility