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KMB: Xceleration Sports Performance Labs
Brant heads over to Spicewood to check out the latest workout tech at Xceleration with Matt Neel.
By Monica Brant
One aspect that I love about this collaboration with AFM is that it has allowed me to reconnect with so many wonderful people that I have had the privilege to know and work with in my past.
Founded by long-time renowned sports medicine trainer Matthew Neel, Xceleration Sports Performance Labs proves to follow in the same line for this Kick Mo’s Butt session.
Back in 2012, I was offered the great opportunity to meet up with Coach Neel and his (at the time, teenage daughter) to train and learn from his brilliant coaching style.

At the time, this training collaboration only happened for a few months, because not long after we began, I married and relocated to San Antonio to be with my new husband. However, I continued to perfect my skill set with those drills and, to this day, still perform them during my track sessions — nine years later!
Since I trained at Xceleration (which was an awesome facility back then), it has grown and developed into the premier speed-training location, not just for Austin, but for surrounding areas and the nation. In fact, it is my understanding that they have a waiting list for athletes at any given time of the year. The Xceleration coaches are determined to provide excellent coaching, which sometimes means taking less athletes at a time to provide for more quality instruction.
At any rate, I was really motivated to do this session and test out their state-of-the-art sprint tools and share with Coach Neel that I still knew how to do the drills he taught me all of those years ago!
My GPS brought me right to the location off Hwy 71 in Spicewood. It is easy to find and has plenty of parking. Of course, while on my way, I downed my favorite energy and focus pre-workout and was ready by the time I arrived.
After reconnecting and seeing the new parts of the facility, we got started on the session with some lunges and drills that would activate the right muscles for what we would be working on. After all, it is important to utilize the correct “mind-to-muscle” warmup exercises before any session.
We had a beautiful day to work with and, in the back of the facility, there is plenty of turf for some fun in the sun. After about 20 minutes of drills, we moved back inside and set up for the first of two super cool training systems that are unique to Xceleration and their speedtraining programs.

Warm Up Drills
Coach Neel explained these systems thoroughly, and I am sure I would not do it justice trying to share about it here in our short KMB feature — but I will say that I completely see why it would be so helpful, over time, to use their patent-pending training system.
It may not seem like much just working with two “exercises,” but these were highly specialized and took full effort to complete each rep.

For the first exercise, Matt had me try the 1080 Sprint which, according to the product’s site, is a portable resistance training and testing device for various exercises like sprinting, skating, swimming and change of direction movements. The site also states that this device uses intelligent variable resistance technology to provide a very smooth and controllable resistance. Ultimately, this tool is used to measure power, force, speed and acceleration — with high accuracy.
Once the belt is buckled around your hips, you are ready to go.
The resistance can be intense, but it can be altered depending on what the goal of one’s training is. Thankfully, they had an extra pair of cleat shoes for me to borrow, since regular running shoes aren’t exactly helpful as you try to grip the turf and push yourself forward against the force.

We did a handful of these sprints, measured my force, speed and foot placement and then moved on to the squat machine where another belt or harness is all that is needed.
This device, the Quantum Syncro, is really wild! It took a minute to adjust to the movement and understand how to maneuver through the unique squat.
Picture lifting your max without having ANY weight on your back or having to pick up weights and rack your bars! This was a miracle. I will do you a favor and not try to spell out exactly how the machine works, but it appears the training aspects are endless.
Coach Neel has a very calm demeanor but is excellent at helping coach through the movement, which is what the athlete needs at that very moment.

Quantum Syncro
At Xceleration, they have developed a proven method of teaching speed that has completely turned what was possible on its head. And they have the most decorated coaches working around the clock for their athletes.
“We have the unique ability to not only give any athlete explosive speed, but we are also equipped to precisely apply that speed to the specific sport. We are also able to tailor it to the individual position as well as teach game play, mental focus and visualization, proper and safe sports nutrition, injury prevention and corrective exercise.”
To say this was a fun session for me would be putting it mildly. I have a history of competitive sprinting and would love to compete again one day. Just to share, my PRs are the following: 100-meter 12.61, 200-meter 26.02, 400-meter 59.76 — all done in my 40s! All-out sprinting brings me great joy and, God-willing, I am determined to never give it up.
We have planned for me to come back to Xceleration in a couple months and try the systems again to see if I can better some of my numbers as the programs now have my name and stats entered. Plus, we will air that session via my YouTube Channel, LIVE on The Monica Brant Show and then end with an interview with Matthew Neel.

Be watching my social media for the upcoming date and tune to watch the fun!
In the meantime, you might need to get your name, or your child’s name, on the list for some training at Xceleration — and tell them Mo sent ya!
As for getting my butt kicked, I was able to walk away and, over the next few days, felt great. It was just enough of a workout that nothing especially hurt, but I could feel the intensity that the session generated — it was perfect!
Also, my new website has officially launched and is currently offering virtual body weight sessions. Visit www.monicabrant. com to book your first session — all from the comfort of your own home.
Stay fit and love life!
Monica Brant | IFBB Fitness Olympia & International Fitness Cover Model To contact Monica Brant, find her on the following social media platforms: FB: @MonicaBrantFanPage | IG: @OfficialMonicaBrant Official site: www.monicabrant.com (currently under construction)/www.themonicabrantshow.com