Cindy Present
AN ODE TO THE SOUNDS OF NATURE n AFM’s Cindy Present takes a dive
into how the mere sound of the outside world can do wonders for the body and mind.
ying horizontally in my chair, I hear the amazing whisper of the trees. I can sense them towering above me, grounded in strength and branching in protection. I imagine the view of sunlight streaming through every leaf and limb — light, bright and then diminishing to a translucent stream. In the distance, the soothing sound of water centers my mind. With a bubbling, gentle flow, the water moves tenderly through its passage. The ripple effects of its tranquil movement soothe my soul. I visualize its bluegreen essence, its steady movement with no boundaries other than shorelines embracing the course. The chirp of a bird catches my attention, bringing me to the present. Then, I realize an opposite chirp — two birds now harmonizing in communication, one repeating the other. The birds’ chatter, the babbling of the stream, the stir of the breeze — a natural symphony that keeps my mind mesmerized, treasuring the natural distraction and drawing to this very moment in time. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and remove my left earbud.