英文姓名 Austin E-mail adobe.tw@gmail.com 居住地 聯絡電話台北市0918-866-175 圖文傳播暨數位出版世新大學學歷 碩士畢業 2010/9~2012/6 商業設計系私立萬能科技大學大學畢業 2006/6~2010/9 Line ID lin.0 其他得獎經歷印刷相關證照設計相關證照 乙級網版製版技術士乙級廣告設計技術士6.中華民國92年全國廣告設計技能競賽優勝5.中華民國92年台北市技能競賽廣告設計職類季軍.4.網版美工印刷丙級技術士3.廣告設計丙級.乙級技術士2.中華民國90年全國廣告設計技能競賽優勝1.中華民國90年台北市技能競賽廣告設計職類冠軍


Auluxe E3 產品型錄設計

Powerful Auluxe APP Through the free Auluxe APP, unite and host the WAVE family devices all together. Select to stream from your favorite internet music services, internet radios or pocket list from your smartphone, and even wake up every morning to your favorite tune.
tracks, play and pause -
Wave your
WAVE E3, the first industry gesture control technology immerses completely in the music. With a simple wave of your hand the WAVE E3 responds to your Now,commands.youcontrol the music-no buttons, no fuss. With crystal clear highs, powerful bass, and the latest wireless streaming technologies, the WAVE E3 gives a front row seat to your favorite concerts, in any room, any time. The music is in your hand.
First ControlGestureApply a hand motion or light wave to start music Control volume, change all in hand with volume with motion hand cocktail party with total wireless multi-room
towards front to play / pause Wave left / right to skip forward / back AnyAnyAnywhere,Room,Song DJ your
Wave to Your Favorite Musician!
comfort and ease. Enhance

Regular MP3 High Resolution 24 bit / 192kHz
Streaming HD Music, Direct from Musician
Music Service and Internet Radio Stations
Enjoy studio quality sound with high resolution audio. The WAVE E3 is the perfect choice for hearing the newest streaming formats. Now you can hear high resolution music, in all it’s subtle nuances, just as the artist intended.
ConnectivityVersatile Rock-solid Wi-Fi connection works perfectly with all devices. Desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone support and more for both Apple and Android enthusiasts. We make it easy to set up with all your connections and listen to HiFi resolution audio.
Powerful Presence, Timeless Elegance Function and form combine to make the WAVE E3 your home’s entertainment center-piece. The elliptical shape creates one of the best sounding speakers possible, increasing the breadth and depth of the music, reducing distortion for a clear, life-like image. With its ebony glass top, rich colored wood base, and hi-end isolation feet, it’s also the perfect addition to your home décor.
The WAVE E3 makes finding and playing your favorite music effortless. Millions of songs are waiting for you via your preferred internet music services. All you can enjoy via Spotify, Tune In, Rhapsody net radio…all music services from web.

Supreme Sound in a Compact Size
Airplay Works with your Mac and all iOS device.
DLNA compatible Streaming music from your Mac/PC/NAS.
Unique elliptical shape increases the breadth and depth of sound, creating the most life-like sound possible.
Personal Alarm Set up your favorite wake-up tunes or sounds in mere seconds. Select from internet radio, web music or your playlists from devices
Friendly APP Direct and total solution to control all your WAVE family devices from one center device.
Tempered Glass Designed to ensure aesthetic appeal, style and refinement that is truly timeless.
Hi-end Isolation Feet
WiFi System Qualcomm dual band wifi (2.4G / 5G) means absolutely stable music streaming from all your devices.
Time Display Elegant LED displays the time.
The WAVE E3’s 2.1 system offers supreme Hi-Fi audio designed for the audiophile in mind. Producing 60W power output from 5 driver units, Enjoy crisp vocals and complex melodies from 2 hi-end full range drivers. Impressive highs add to the harmony while powerful bold room-filling bass adds impact and drama. All this from a compact system you have to see -and hear -to believe. Now you can listen to music that’s closer to the real studio recording or live performance than ever before with HD music ( up to 192kHz / 24bit ) playback support.
Wood Base Solid 20mm thick timber base for luxurious sound, allows the drivers to perform at their best.
DSP Digital Signal Processing. Extreme high resolution signal with absolute minimal distortion and latency from original signal.
Hi-end isolation feet reduce sound energy distortion during energy transfer, ensure crystal clear sound from this hi-end system.
Gesture Control Intelligent design, Convenient to use. Intuitive, simple hand gesture command allows you to control the functions that matter most.
Multi-room Link to WAVE family streaming 1 song in all rooms, or up to 10 different songs in every room.
2.1 Channel 2.1 audio system overcomes limitations of most small speaker designs, ensures lifelike sound that extends beyond the stage and into your home.

AW4021 Rated Output Power 60W, 120W Peak Power Connectivity WiFi / Airplay / DLNA Frequency Response 55Hz~28kHz Driver 2.75” x 2 Full Range Driver 1” x 2 Tweeter 4” x 1 Woofer Dimension W400 x H160 x D150mm

www.AuluxeAcoustic.com WAVE E3 Official FB Auluxe Headquarter 5F-3, No. 38, Sec. 2 Sanmin Rd., Banchiao District, New Taipei City 220, Taiwan (R. O. C.) Phone : +886-2-3234-7878 Email info@auluxeacoustic.com

Auluxe 網頁規劃與設計 https://www.auluxeacoustic.com/tw/

JS 外銷官網規劃與設計 https://www.jazzhipster.com

Auluxe BRAND COMMUNCATION extension guideline 2018.2 Auluxe 品牌規劃與 CIS 手冊設計
CONTENTS 01 歐樂司起源關於歐樂司 01 CIS精神 02 目標消費者 03 02 公司名稱組合 04 03 商標標語組合 05 04 顏色 06 05 文案字體 07 06 功能符號 08 07 獎項 09 08 品牌影像圖片 10 工藝與材質影像 11 產品影像 12 09 信紙樣板 13 名片 14 電子信箋 15 簡報 16 10 產品規格牌通路 17 櫃型展示背板 18 牆柱型展示背板 19 桌上展示 20 廣告選項 21 11 一般排版編排 22 電子詳情頁 23 電子規格 24 12 產品名稱組合 25 13 簡易品牌介紹 26 14 產品簡易規格 27 Auluxe品牌歷史成立於 個人居家音響精品期望可以傳遞觸動心靈,體會共鳴的Auluxe音響是陶冶心情的做成個人化、迷你化。Auluxe致力於製作完美的音響以挑剔而不容瑕疵的精神多位浸潤數十年音樂產業經驗的設計團隊強調的是自然美學及真實聲音的生成品牌啟蒙於1940年藝術和音樂蓬勃發展的年代2007年六月歐樂司以環保為前提,將高級音響的做工、細節、美學、質感 Auluxe History Auluxe is established in July, 2007. Inspired by the flourishing arts and music era in 1940s. Founded by acoustic enthusiasts, audio engineers and design experts in this industry. We devote ourselves to environmental friendly action, bring traditional HiFi profession personalized and minimized. Through deliver this premium audio experiences to inspire sensual pleasant bonding. Auluxe is a brand that touches unique feelings. 品牌簡介歐樂司創立起源 01 About Auluxe 歐樂司起源 01 所有的是覺呈現主軸為,北歐簡約禪意,並呈現出“ 自然原聲 心靈共鳴",表 達音樂與心念的契合。 Philosophy of CIS CIS精神 02 White-Collar, Managements Level or Professionals 35-45 Years Old Enjoy 圖片顯現生活美好的氛圍人像以西方人為主圖片有大量的流動空間,或自然的環境Auluxe影像表達出對自然與人文的愛身心平衡愛好自然注重品味喜愛音樂34-45歲白領工作人員,管理階層或專業人事SpiritualNaturalDecentMusicTasteLoverBalance Target Audience 目標消費者 03 公司網址不與LOGO組合,但可同時出現其他區域代理,以繁體簡體中文為例,可更換成相似的字體特殊市場可搭配該區域語言,輔助說明公司名稱品牌露出主要以英文組合和為主 02 Logo Combination 公司名稱組合 04 可翻譯成區域語言,如繁體、簡體中文範例標準色為背景,應用如範例淺色與深色背景,應用如範例以組合LOGO為優先,若受限才可單獨使用LOGO(不含標語)商標與標語以英文組合和為優先,但可視應用媒材分開使用 03 Logo + Slogan 商標標語組合 05 標準湖水藍為Pantone 312C 黑色為Pantone Black C 暖灰色為Pantone Warm 顯色配合印刷標準藍與暖灰色於CMYK上印刷數質有為調,以利實體後接近色票Gray,應用於裝飾色條、色塊 Pantone 312C Auluxe Blue R0 G168 B219 C90 M5 Y10 K0 Pantone Black C Auluxe Black R0 G0 B0 C0 M0 Y0 K100 Pantone Black 7C Auluxe Warm Gray R60 G55 B55 C75 M70 Y70 K30 04 Color 顏色 06 05 Font 文案字體 品牌历史 力于制作完美的音响。数十年音乐产业经验的设计团队,以挑剔而不容瑕疵的精神,致勃发展的年代,强调的是自然美学及真实声音的生成,多位浸润Auluxe成立于2007年六月,品牌启蒙于1940年艺术和音乐蓬 欧乐司音响,自然原声心灵共鸣 是Audio + 以传递触动心灵,体会共鸣的个人居家音响精品。细节,美学,质感做成个人化,迷你化。Auluxe音响是陶冶心情的。期望可Luxury之意,Auluxe欧乐司以环保为前提,将高级音响的做工, 品牌歷史 Auluxe 成立於 力於製作完美的音響。數十年音樂產業經驗的設計團隊,以挑剔而不容瑕疵的精神,致勃發展的年代,強調的是自然美學及真實聲音的生成,多位浸潤2007年六月,品牌啟蒙於1940年藝術和音樂蓬 歐樂司音響,自然原聲心靈共鳴 是 Audio + Luxury 之意,Auluxe 傳遞觸動心靈,體會共鳴的個人居家音響精品。細節、美學、質感做成個人化、迷你化。Auluxe音響是陶冶心情的。期望可以歐樂司以環保為前提,將高級音響的做工、 AULUXE HISTORY Auluxe is established in July, 2007. Inspired by the flourishing arts and music era in 1940s. Founded by acoustic enthusiasts, audio engineers and design experts in this industry. Auluxe Player, Pure Audio Luxury Auluxe implies Audio+ Luxury. We devote ourselves to environmental friendly action, bring traditional HiFi profession personalized and minimized. Through deliver this premium audio experiences to inspire sensual pleasant bonding. Auluxe is a brand that touches unique feelings. 大標題-英文: 全大寫 Helvetica Neue LT Std 55 Roman 小標題- 字首大寫 Helvetica Neue LT Std 65 Medium 內文- Helvetica Neue LT Std 35 Thin 其他區域,可用相似字體取代;若使用大級數標題可採用細體內文-小標題-大標題-簡體中文:內文-小標題-大標題-繁體中文:華康中黑體華康粗黑體華康細黑體方正蘭亭細黑體方正蘭亭細黑體方正蘭亭超細黑體 07 藍牙 NFC 觸控面板 多房系統音響 專屬APP 體感操控 USB擴充(或充電) 2.1 聲道 防水抗塵等級 Air Play Bluetooth NFC Touch PanelUSB Charge 2.1 ChannelWater and Dust Air Play 時鐘顯示免持擴音 鬧鐘 收音機 Multiroom APP Guesture Control Time DisplayHands Free Alram Radio 功能可以翻譯成區域語言慣用說法如功能符號不足,可以於符號下方加註文字顏色依據背景深淺可以採用黑色、白色或半透明功能順序以此排序為主產品功能符號可依據邊排的媒材,選用適合樣式搭配 06 Icon 功能符號 08

淺色、深色背景應用如範例特殊區域可刪除台灣精品獎項若為說明得獎紀錄,排列順序如範例得獎產品需搭配獎項同時出現 07 Award 獎項 AM2021 Dew BP5010 X6 AW6620 MB1 09 應用範例如通路形象、網頁首頁、展場形象燈箱、記者會首頁投影..等此圖片需搭配LOGO使用,並可搭配品牌簡介使用(詳13單元)可依據應用狀況,調整為暖咖啡色,單色調使用品牌介紹時,以此兩張圖片為主 08 Photography : Brand 品牌影像 10 可依據此風格,配合時代拍攝技法新增圖片可以淡化,做為文案背景可依據應用狀況,調整為暖咖啡色單色調使用介紹產品材質與高級工藝時,以此系列圖片為主 Photography : Handcraft & Material 工藝與材質影像 11 Photography : Product 產品影像 可視產品特色加入模特兒使用LOGO銘牌清楚呈現居家使用狀況呈現產品材質質感無過多裝飾物品背景簡潔空靈,產品凸出各項媒材應用產品影像情境 12 頁尾頁首版面適用於給媒體、客戶、消費者的書信、新聞稿等Word檔案,A4,邊界上2下2左3右3cmLogo+Slogan+1.5PT藍線公司名稱+地址+通訊方式+公司網址 + 通訊依據區域實際資訊調整頁尾資訊為配合跨國寄送,採用微軟正黑體,避免被不適當字體取代3PT藍線 09 Template : Letterhand 信紙 Auluxe Corporation 5F-3, No.38, Sec.2, Sanmin Rd., Banqiao District, New Taipei City 22067, Taiwan (ROC) Tel: +886-2-3234-7878 Email: info@auluxeacoustic.com AuluxeAcoustic.com 13 尺寸 9 x 5cm 紙張 細紋紙(各區域可選用霧面、有凹凸質感紙張取代) 正面 英文 + 英文官網QR Code 背面 區域語言 + 該語言別官網QR Code 資訊順序 職稱 姓名 手機 公司名稱 地址 通訊 Template : Business Card 名片 14 越豐達股份有限公司 auluxeacoustic.combritney@auluxeacoustic.com 歐音華商貿(深圳)有限公司 tel 0755-2730-8888 jasmine.sung@fy.jazzhipster.com.tw903britney@auluxeacoustic.com公司名稱可依據區域註冊名稱變動,如繁中簡中範例下方得獎紀錄,未來可再增加,若過長時可將獎項排成上下列電子郵件信箋上方藍線區隔,左LOGO,右公司資訊與通訊方式 Template : Email 電子信箋 15 結尾頁藍色背景加商標標題藍色;一般內文-黑色;標註或說明文-藍色;重點強調-藍色中英文字體細項說明,上標題下內文,或圖片與說明上下排列摘要說明,左側1/2藍色色塊或圖片,右側1/2文字簡報封面右側有專用圖騰,左側標題微軟正黑體(國際化、利於不被取代) Template : PPT 簡報 16 可翻譯成區域語言可依據規格牌現貨做尺寸調整型號、規格內文規格標題品名字體斜角面壓克力磚L型現貨壓克力牌上壓1cm厚壓克力材質品名、代號、功能符號、規格、產品OR內容914尺寸使用順位此項應用於實體通路,擺放於產品旁,輔助說明x4cmx6cmCode、LOGOHelveticaNeueLTStd35ThinItalicHelveticaNeueLTStd65MediumHelveticaNeueLTStd35Thin 10 Channel : Specification 通路產品規格牌 New Casa Rated Output Power Connectivity Bluetooth NFC Frequency Response Driver 2x1” Dome Tweeter 17

若下方有產品紙箱庫存空間,加LOGO浮水印每個層板情境最多應用一張,若展示產品項目過多,可不放最上方情境圖為該季主推產品背景一律使用提供的淺色木紋LOGO位置需依層板深度微調,避免視線遮檔LOGO依據擺設點賣場動線,依左或依右置放深灰色線依據與它牌相鄰位置,更改至上或下以做區隔此型適用於獨立櫃、櫥窗櫃背襯產品 Channel : Board 通路櫃型展示背板 18 資訊順序:藍色色帶依據通路踢腳板、裝修調整若主圖為淺色系,則採用淺色木紋延續至下方整體顏色與主圖趨近(可依主推產品變化)考量高度,於適合的層板下方位置重複LOGO當季主推產品圖,置放於第一層板與天花中間LOGO起始位置依通路實際裝潢,如商品架、線板等此型適用於落地牆面、落地柱面產品呈列背襯LOGO-主標題-層板-Slogan-得獎紀錄品牌故事- 藍色識別色 Channel : Column 通路牆柱型展示背板 19 Channel : Desk Display 通路桌上展示 LOGO牌、品牌故事相框、操作說明相框、真實植物固定物品品置於第一排;木質擺飾品適當添放搭配斜擺桌布,以層板或書籍排列出後高前低,橢圓系列需相鄰擺放,主推產長矩形桌型據剩餘空間決定是否擺放以層板排列出後高前低,橢圓系列需相鄰擺放,主推產品置於第一排,型錄依方正桌型 20 以當季主推商品專業照片編排落地式立牌、相鄰牆、柱面廣告以當季主推商品專業照片編排海報主推產品圖為次要選擇以藍色品牌廣告為主,若櫃台已有大面積LOGO,可以當季垂吊天花廣告 Display Options 通路廣告選項 垂吊天花廣告 落地式立牌 、相鄰牆、柱面廣告海報 21 下方標準色色條,公司網址依據Logo位置對齊置放Logo與邊界1/10距離,可依據底圖適當微調Logo配合照片構圖,可靠左、置中、靠右對齊置放以當季主推產品圖為主視覺規範適用於,寬W此型適用於海報、燈箱片、牆面小篇幅與電子廣告(FB、連播)45cm~200cm,長H70cm~160cm的文宣 11 Layout : General 編排 1/10W 1/8H 1/10W Logo 22 可翻譯成區域語言產品尺寸、包裝內容標示使用情境與規格表產品專業照片功能細部說明細部描述,每項主題需顏色區塊跳動產品功能符號經典橢圓音箱系列三大訴求產品名稱與廣告標語品牌形象與介紹內容順序字體、圖片均需遵守CIS規範此項適用於手機、桌機等滾軸式電子瀏覽媒材 Layout : E-Format Layout 電子詳情頁 23 符號、規格、顏色選項LOGO、產品專業照片、品名、區域語言別官網產品QR內容此項非實體通路用,實體通路之擺設規格牌,詳第9單元僅應用於信件、電子寄送,供經銷商、代理商初步了解產品CODE、功能 Layout : E Specification Card 電子規格 24 內文可更換為區域語言三功能需有適當區隔,避免閱讀困難第二列線調區隔可依據字長調整,0.5PT可應用於各項實體與電子文宣Helvetica主要前三項功能簡述Helvetica展品主推標語Helvetica產品名稱,可加入當地品項翻譯名稱NeueLTStd35Thin/華康細黑體NeueLTStd65Roman/華康粗黑體NeueLTStd35Thin/華康細黑體 12 Combination of Product Name 產品名稱組合 Auluxe E3 Modern Multiroom Home Theatre Gesture Control Powerful APP WiFi System Auluxe E3 醇之語 體感操控 人性方便 體感操控 專屬APP 多房音樂系統 25 是 Audio + Luxury 以環保為前提,將高級音響的做工、細節、美學、質感做成個人化、迷你化。之意Auluxe音響是陶冶心情的期望可以傳遞觸動心靈,體會共鳴的個人居家音響精品 是 Audio + Luxury 以环保为前提,将高级音响的做工,细节,美学,质感做成个人化,迷你化。之意Auluxe音响是陶冶心情的期望可以传递触动心灵,体会共鸣的个人居家音响精品 Auluxe implies Audio+ Luxury. Devote ourselves to environmental friendly action, bring traditional HiFi profession personalized and minimized. Through deliver this premium audio experiences to inspire sensual pleasant bonding. Auluxe is a brand that touches unique feelings. 內文可翻譯成區域語言簡體中文繁體中文英文內文居中邊排為優先,其次靠左對齊品牌以LOGO字體呈現非一般文字,可增加區域註冊名稱HelveticaNeueLTStd35Thin內文-華康細黑體內文-方正蘭亭細黑體 13 Brand Introduction 簡易品牌介紹 26

Philipsstraße 8., Aachen 52068, Aulux+4Phone9-247-16100339eGermany Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Rumah Susun Mal Mangga Dua No.15, Jakarta Pusa +6+6Phone2-21-61288802-21-6126001Auluxendonesia Auluxe Ch na Room 09 8 F, No.888 Wanhangdu Road Jing an District, +8PhShanghaone6-021-661-22550 5F 3, No.38, Sec. 2, Sanmin Rd. Banchiao District, New Taipe City 220, Taiwan R.O.C +8Phone86-2-3234 7878 Auluxe Taiwan www.auluxeacoustic.com Auluxe Bi 產品型錄設計系列
Mission of Auluxe
Power Total: 6W Bluetooth: 3.0+EDR, support A2DP Input: Micro USB Aux In Dimension: Ø86x H46 mm (Plastic mesh) Ø86x H43.5 mm (metal mesh) Battery Capacity: 850 mAhs Playback Time: Battery Charging Time: 2.6 hours X3Speci cation Unique managenmentCable Metal mesh model optionally available Waterproof rubber power switch cover Portable Speaker Milestone 2007. Auluxe is founded in Taipei by Germany and Taiwan founders. 2009. Dew,Ease,Raverie launch Europe and Taiwan Market 2012. Products launch Japan Market 2013. Auluxe collection launch Indonesia Market 2014. Youth series presents in 2014. Auluxe collection Auluxe Bi launch ChinaFlexibleMarketadjusting volume kob Unique rubber border protectionpower switch cover Power Total: 32W Bluetooth: 3.0+EDR(AVRCP/A2DP/HFP Input: Micro USB Aux Dimension: X5A Dimension: Ø80x H210 mm PlaybackBattery Time: 8~10 hours Battery Charging Time: Portable Speaker SpeciOurcationQuality Auluxe series receive notable global Awards from industrial product design over years. With simplicity Nordic aesthetics innovation in UI and sound performance. Auluxe balances realistic sound and nature, focusing on green sustainable value by creating attractive and functional products. Stream X6 MB1 Hidden aux-in and microusb port Hook design for optionalRubber power switch X5B Portable Speaker Speci cation Dimension: D60 X W60 x H180 mm PlaybackBattery: Time: 8~10 hours Battery Charging Time: Power Total: 10W Bluetooth: 3.0+EDR(AVRCP/A2DP/HFP Input: Micro USB Aux
Deriving from group of audio enthusiasts in audio industry, whom persist common value: Superior Sound enjoyment. Auluxe founders are all professional audiophiles and regularly taste ne wine with hi end stunning surround sound. These luxury habits are only for the high society, for the general rests are rather hard to enjoy such pure, natural, relaxing sound pleasure. Auluxe founders come up with same passion and desire to share this indulgence to greater music lovers but with affordable price. However, One Auluxe founder is diagnosed from severe depression during long business start-up stress. After several courses of music therapy form Dr. advice, this founder eventually nds pleasurable feelings back. This turns out a stronger support for music healing advantageous property. As well as continuing re ect Auluxe brand value in our product and service's promises. Dedication in provide fresh wellbeing, worthy and delightful environment.

X1 Outdoor Speaker Speci cation Power Total: 20W Input: DC in, Aux Bluetooth: 2.1 + EDR with A2DP/AVRCP Pro le/Support NFC Tech/Support aptX SBC audio codec BatteryDimension:Capacity: 2000 mAhs Playback Time: 8~10 hours Battery Charging Time: 2.6 hours The handy carrying Concept was from Flexible adjusting volume knob Placement design Speci cation Power Bluetooth:Total: 2.1+EDR, support A2DP/AVRCP/SPP, Active NFC Dimension:Input: W72 H161.6 D78 mm enhance bass qualitymaterials S1 Hi-Fi Speaker The iMAC and logo are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. Rubber power cover insulates rain and dust Multi-function keys.Easily rotate to backwards Power Bluetooth:Total: 3.0+EDR, support A2DP/AVRCP/ HFP Input: Micro USB Aux In Dimension: W96 x H180 D65 mm Battery PlaybackCapacity:Time: 8~10 hours Battery Charging Time: X6 Portable Speaker Speci cation Power Total: 2.1+EDR, support A2DP/AVRCP/SPP, Active NFC Input: Micro USB Aux In Dimension: W349 x H120.7 D129 mm Speci cation MB1 Bluetooth Speaker Elegance airport Nordic style ...make life better Hidden aux-in and microusb port Hook design for optionalRubber power switch X5B Portable Speaker Speci cation Dimension: D60 X W60 x H180 mm PlaybackBattery: Time: 8~10 hours Battery Charging Time: Power Total: 10W Bluetooth: 3.0+EDR(AVRCP/A2DP/HFP Input: Micro USB Aux

Speci cation Power Wireless:Total: AirPlay Wireless Input: Micro USB Aux Dimension: W349 H120.7 D129 mm MA1 Airplay Speaker Elegance airport Nordic style Speci cation Power SystemTotal:Type: 2.0 Channels Input: Aux In Dimension: W260 x H135 D130mm Speci cation Power Bluetooth:Total: 3.0+EDR, support A2DP/AVRCP/HSP/HFP/SPP Input: Aux In, DC Dimension: W250 H140 D130 mm Speci cation Rated Output Power: 14W Operating Voltage: (input) 100-240V~50/60 Hz,0.5A (output) DC12V1.5A System Type: 1.0 Channel DAB/FM/BT Speaker Dimension:Input: W265 H196 D94mm Speci cation Power SystemTotal:Type: 1.0 Channels Input: W200 H127 D115mm

SO enjoy the music with New Breeze. Let your life dancing on staff. Model No. AW3021 Speci cation System Type 2.1 Channels Rated Output Power Total 30 Watts at THD 10% Rated Output Power Frequency Range 40-20,000 Hz Weight 3.1Kg 6.83lb New Breeze Wireless Music System Recyclable Designed and Engineered by Auluxe Corporation. Assembled in China. Pure Audio www.AuluxeAcoustic.comLuxurywww.AuluxeAcoustic.comPureAudioLuxury Angora wool ber create pure natural sound. USBNFCBluetooth AlarmRadioHands-FreeEnhance bassAngora wool ber to create pure natural sound. USBNFCBluetooth AlarmRadioHands-FreeEnhance NEWbass BREEZE Wireless Music System NEW BREEZE Auluxe 產品彩盒設計
Designed in Germany. Assembled P.R Incorporating subwoofer for full bass extension in 2.1 channels is 30 Watts of power packed into table-top player for high delity sound. Auluxe New Breeze Music System combines not only o’clock FM radio, Bluetooth, but also with an USB connector, which could play most IOS devices recharge both Android IOS mobile Besides that, any music device, PC/NB, TV could connect New Breeze via Aux New Breeze also designed in NFC, that new and hot high tech function. With NFC, New Breeze let user very easy quick connect to Bluetooth.
Wireless Music System
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무선 음악 시스템 2013 Auluxe Corporation All Right Reserved. www.AuluxeAcoustic.comDesignedandenginee ed by Auluxe. Printed in China 본 설명서는 Auluxe Corporation의 서면 허가 없이 복제, 배포, 수정 또는 웹사이트 게시할 수 없습니다. AW4021 / Wireless Music System 사용 설명서 Retailer store stamp for guarantee certificate. 구입하신 영수증과 정품인증 스티커를 반드시 여기에 부착하여 주십시오. Auluxe E3產品使用手冊編排設計(多國語系之韓文編排)

Auluxe E3 구성품 1 Auluxe E3 조립 설명서 2 Auluxe E3 설정 3 1. LED 디스플레이 3 2. 네트워크 설정 3 3. 전원장치 연결 3 4. 스피커의 전원 켜기, 끄기 / 대기 모드 3 5. 초기 설정 4 5.1 WPS 모드로 WiFi 연결 4 5.2 WAC 모드로 WiFi 연결 (iOS/OS만 가능) 5 5.3 APP로 WiFi 연결 (Android만 가능) 6 5.4 웹 인터페이스로 네트워크 연결하기 7 6. 음악 재생 9 6.1 APP 음악 재생 9 7. iOS / OS device로 음악 재생 (iPhone / iPad / Mac OS) 9 8. 네트워크로 음악 재생 9 9. 다이렉트 모드로 음악 재생 9 10. 외부 오디오 장치로 음악 재생 10 11. 공장초기화 10 Auluxe APP 설명서 11 스피커 선택하기 11 음악 소스 12 알람 설정 13 설정 페이지 15 Auluxe E3 센서 설명서 16 Auluxe E3 제스처 설명서 17 목차 WLAN 주파수 대역 2.4GHz/ 5GHz WiFi 표준 802.11 a/b/g/n 보안 프로토콜 WPA2 거리 범위 약. 35-100m 실내 약. 100-300m 실외 전원 어댑터 출력 100-240V~50/60Hz1.5A 출력 24V 2500mA/60W 스피커 사양 ◎ 풀 레인지 2.75" (15W) x 2 ◎ 트위터 1" x 2 ◎ 우퍼 4" (30W) x 1 전체 출력 60W 주파수 범위 55 -16,000 Hz 온도 범위 0 40 C° 무게 4423g 크기 (WxHxD) 400 160 x 150 mm AULUXE E3 사양 한국어 1.뒤:DC IN: 주 전력 어댑터 소켓 (AC 24V,2.5A) 시스템을 자동으로 동작시키려면 전원 어댑터를 연결하세요. 2. AUX IN: 오디오 입력, 3.5mm 스테레오 소켓. 3. SET (RESET/ WPS Mode): I. WPS 모드를 활성화하려면 누르세요. II. 공장초기화 모드를 수행하려면 5초간 누르세요. 4. USB: 5V/0.5A 5. LAN: Wi-Fi네트워크 이외에 라우터의 LAN포트에 Ethernaet LAN을 연결하여 스피커와 연결하세요. 입출력 AULUXE E3 입출력AULUXE E3 구성품 전면 후면 상단 1. E3 2. 전원 어댑터, 전원 케이블 3. 사용설명서 DC IN AUX SET 1 2 3 54 2 01 02 한국어 한국어 DC IN 주의. WIFI 환경이 바뀌거나 라우터에 연결할 수 없다면, E3 스피커를 리셋 하세요. 5 초기 설정 * 라우터의 네트워크에 연결하기위해 SET (WPS) 버튼을 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한 WAC (IOS 만), APP(Andriod 만)또는 스피커 웹인터페이스의 네트워크 연결을 통하여 설정할 수도 있습니다. * 처음 설정할때는 설치과정동안 WLAN의 효율적 연결을 보장받기위해 가능한 라우터주변에 스피커를 놓으세요.그 뒤 WLAN 신호범위내에 스피커를 두시면 됩니다. 5.1 WPS 모드로 WiFi 연결 라우터가 WPS 버튼이 있다면, 간단하고 편하게 스피커를 네트워크에 연결할 수 있습니다. ◎ 라우터의 WPS 버튼을 눌러주시고 연결 확인을 위해 스피커 뒤 SET (WPS) 버튼을 눌러주세요. <주의> 라우터의 설명서 또한 참고하세요. Auluxe E3 설정 버튼/LED 디스플레이 상태 대기 흰색불빛 파란불빛빨간불빛흰색불빛깜빡임켜짐깜빡임깜빡임 15분동안 입력 신호가 없으면 대기상태.스피커는 아래동작에 전원이 2.1.켜짐:모션센서AUX음악 입력 3. Wi-Fi 음악 입력 4. 라디오 입력 볼륨 - / + 흰색불빛 깜빡임 볼륨 증가/감소 WIFI 연결됨 공장 초기화 WIFI 연결 해제 전체 메뉴 일시 중지 음소거, 하지만 음악은 계속 재생 선-입력 (AUX) 음소거 (AUX 모드) 초록불빛 켜짐 선 연결됨 WIFI / 라디오 WIFI 네트워크 검색 다이렉트 모드 활성화 일시정지 (WIFI 모드) 흰색불빛 깜빡임 초록불빛 깜빡임 짧게 누름 WPS 모드파란불빛 깜빡임설정 빨간불빛 깜빡임 5초간 누름 – 리셋 모드 (Breathing flashing light) 2. 네트워크설정 스피커는 WLAN으로 네트워크에 연결된다. WIFI 안테나는 네트워크 라우터로부터 신호를 받습니다. 3. 전원연결 제품의 DC IN 소켓에 메인 케이블을 연결해주세요. 4. 스피커전원 켜기끄기. 스피커의 전원을 켜고 끕니다. 전원을 연결하면 스피커가 자동 활성화됩니다. 스피커를 끄려면 전원을 분리해주세요. 대기모드시스템은 15분 동안 입력 신호가 없으면 대기모드로 진입합니다. 1. LED 디스플레이 이 제품은 네트워크에 이제 연결할 것 입니다. 그동안 LED는 빠르게 깜빡입니다. ◎ 일단 연결되면, LED 흰색 불빛으로 바뀝니다. ◎ 이 제품은 네트워크로부터 오디오 신호를 재생할 수 있습니다. ◎ 이 제품은 연결 데이터를 저장합니다. 따라서 다음에 재연결할 필요가 없습니다. 03 04 한국어 한국어 E3 E3 E3 E3 Auluxe E3 E3 주의. WIFI 환경이 바뀌거나 라우터에 연결할 수 없다면, E3 스피커를 리셋 하세요. 주의. WIFI 환경이 바뀌거나 라우터에 연결할 수 없다면, E3 스피커를 리셋 하세요. 이 제품은 네트워크에 이제 연결할 것 입니다. 그동안 LED는 빠르게 깜빡입니다. ◎ 일단 연결되면, LED 흰색 불빛으로 바뀝니다. ◎ 이 제품은 네트워크로부터 오디오 신호를 재생할 수 있습니다. ◎ 이 제품은 연결 데이터를 저장합니다. 따라서 다음에 재연결할 필요가 없습니다. 이 제품은 네트워크에 이제 연결할 것 입니다. 그동안 LED는 빠르게 깜빡입니다. ◎ 일단 연결되면, LED 흰색 불빛으로 바뀝니다. ◎ 이 제품은 네트워크로부터 오디오 신호를 재생할 수 있습니다. ◎ 이 제품은 연결 데이터를 저장합니다. 따라서 다음에 재연결할 필요가 없습니다. 5.3 APP으로 WiFi 연결 (Android 만) Android 디바이스: 스피커를 네트워크에 연결하기 위해 안드로이드 버전 앱을 사용할 수 있습니다. (예. Android Phone / tablet) ◎ Auluxe 앱을 실행하세요. ◎ E3 네트워크 설정을 위해 “+”를 누르세요 ◎ WiFi 네트워크를 선택하고 비밀번호를 입력하세요. ◎ E3의 이름을 선택하거나 생성하세요. ◎ 설정 완료를 위해 또는 다른 플레이어 설정을 위해 “All Set”을 누르세요. 5.2 WAC 모드로 WiFi 연결 (iOS/OS만) iOS / OS 디바이스: 스피커를 네트워크에 연결하기위해 WAC을 사용할 수 있습니다. (예. iPhone / OS tablet) ◎ iPhone의“Setting”메뉴로 들어가주세요. ◎“Wifi”로 연결을 선택하세요. ◎ 몇 초 걸릴 수 있습니다.“Set up new Airplay Speaker”가 나타날 것입니다. 모델선택에서“Auluxe E3”를 선택하세요. ◎ 네트워크 공급자를 선택하시고 비밀번호를 입력하세요 ◎ 스피커 네트워크설정을 완료하기위해“Done”을 클릭하세요. 05 06 한국어 한국어

E3E3 E3 주의. WIFI 환경이 바뀌거나 라우터에 연결할 수 없다면, E3 스피커를 리셋 하세요. 이 제품은 네트워크에 이제 연결할 것 입니다. 그동안 LED는 빠르게 깜빡입니다. ◎ 일단 연결되면, LED 흰색 불빛으로 바뀝니다. ◎ 이 제품은 네트워크로부터 오디오 신호를 재생할 수 있습니다. ◎ 이 제품은 연결 데이터를 저장합니다. 따라서 다음에 재연결할 필요가 없습니다. 5.4 웹인터페이스로 네트워크 연결하기 만약 WPS / WAC APP 통해 네트워크 연결이 불가능하다면, 스피커의 웹 인터페이스를 사용할 수 있습니다. 인터넷 브라우저를 사용할 수 있는 무선네트워크 어댑터가 필요합니다. (예. Tablet PC / ◎Smartphone).스피커의전원을켜고“Auluxe E3 XX-XX-XX”를 검색하세요. 노트북 / 스마트폰 상의 사용가능한 WiFi 네트워크 목록을 여세요. <주의> 스피커의 SSID의 XX-XX-XX는 각 스피커의 MAC주소의 6글자를 나타냅니다. ◎ 웹 브라우저를 실행하고 주소창에 입력한 뒤 ENTER를 누릅니다. ◎ WLAN의 웹인터페이스가 나타납니다. ◎ 사용가능한 스피커들 목록에서 구분지을 수 있는 스피커의 이름을 작성하세요.(예. “라운지”) ◎“network name”메뉴에서 사용가능한 네트워크를 검색하고 스피커에 연결할 네트워크를 선택하세요. ◎ 만약 네트워크라우터가 IP 주소를 할당하지않으면, DHCP 기능을 끈 뒤 IP 주소를 아래에 수동으로 입력합니다. ◎ 그 뒤 필요하다면 네트워크키를 입력하고“CONNECT”버튼을누릅니다.07 08 한국어 한국어 6.음악재생 음악은 아래모드로 재생가능합니다. ◎ Wifi 네트워크모드 ◎ Wifi 다이렉트모드 ◎ 라디오 모드 ◎ AUX 선 입력 모드 6.1 Android/ Apple smartphone/ tablet PC 에서 Auluxe 앱 설치하기 tablet PC or smartphone에서 음악 재생 제어 기능을 사용하기 위해서, 첫째로 tablet PC/ Smartphone 상에 Play Store (Android) or App Store (Apple)에서 구매 가능한 관련 앱(Au luxe)을 설치해야 합니다. 7. 디바이스에서 재생 (iPhone / iPad / Mac OS) ◎ WiFi 네트워크에 스피커를 연결합니다.“5. 초기설정”장의 설명을 따릅니다. ◎ 만약 디바이스가 iOS or OS라면, 라디오모드로 음악을 재생할 수 있습니다. i디바이스에서 아이콘 찾아 음악을 재생하세요 . 8. 네트워크로 재생 ◎ WiFi 네트워크에 스피커를 연결합니다, “5. 초기설정” 장의 설명을 따릅니다. ◎ 스마트 디바이스를 같은 네트워크에 연결하고 관련 DLNA 앱을 실행합니다. ◎ 앱이 일단 실행되면, 음악재생을 위한 미디어 서버 (DLNA 서버)를 선택합니다. 그 뒤 (DLNA 플레이어) 음악이 재생될 스피커를 선택합니다. 주의: 한 개 이상의 스피커를 선택할 수 있습니다. 그 앱의 세부사항을 참조하세요. 앱은 아래 재생옵션을 제공합니다: 이파티모드앱으로 여러 스마트디바이스가 스피커에서 재생되는 공유된 재생목록을 추가합니다. 이멀티-존모드앱으로여러스마트 디바이스가 다른 스피커에서 재생되는 다른 재생목록을 추가합니다. 멀티-룸 모드 이 앱으로 몇몇 스피커는 그룹을 형성하고 그 그룹의 모든 스피커에 스마트디바이스로부터 재생 목록의 음악이 재생됩니다. 9. 다이렉트 모드에서 재생 1. 스피커의 전원을 켜면 자동적으로 다이렉트 모드로 진입합니다. 2. 다이렉트 모드 진입을 위해 SET (RESET/ WPS MODE) 버튼을 5초 누릅니다. 09 10 한국어 한국어 AULUXE APP 설명서 스피커 선택하기 음악 소스 Music Play Page Music Source PageSpeakerGroupingPageListSpeakerPage BackwardAlarmSpotify Internet Radio SettingGroup Speaker Volume Control Group Group Speaker Status Music Station RandomPlay Repeating Play My favorite Music Source page Play Pause Forward Volume Playlist ◎ 네트워크에 따라 사용가능한 스피커 선택을 보여줍니다 ◎ 재생 또는 그룹 만들기 가능한 스피커를 의미합니다. ◎ 스피커가 재생중임을 의미합니다. ◎ 그룹 만들기를 원하는 스피커 클릭 ◎ 그룹 만들기 확인을 위한 “Done” 버튼 누르기 ◎ 볼륨 조절을 위해 원으로 돌리세요. ◎ 타이틀에서 그룹 스피커 개수를 확인할 수 있습니다. 음악 소스: 폰 뮤직 / 넷 뮤직 / 뮤직 스테이션 / 스포티파이 / 인터넷 라디오 ◎ 재생을 위해 음악 소스 중 하나를 선택합니다. ◎ 만약 인터넷 뮤직 소스를 선택했다면 (넷 뮤직 뮤직 스테이션 스포티파이 인터넷 라디오), 인터넷 연결을 먼저 확인해주세요. ◎ 음악 소스 중 하나를 선택했을 때, 시스템은 Auluxe 음악 플레이어 페이지로 들어갑니다. ◎ 음악 목록의 선택은 랜덤 재생 반복 재생 / 즐겨 찾기가 있습니다. ◎ 선택된 재생목록 보기 11 12 한국어 한국어 Alarm Page Alarm setting EditOn Off Add New Active the Alarm Page SettingAlarm Page Alarm ring tone selection Page Phone Music Net Music Music Station Spotify Internet Radio 알람 설정 ◎ 알람 설정을 위해 알람 설정에 들어가세요 ◎ 알람을 활성화 하려면 시계를 누르세요. ◎ 알람을 다시 설정하거나 지우려면 Edit을 누르세요. ◎ 버튼을 눌러서 새로운 알람을 추가하세요. ◎ 알람 이름 짓기 ◎ 알람 시간 설정 ◎ 알람 날짜 설정 ◎ 알람 벨소리 설정 ◎ 즐겨찾기 벨소리 설정 13 14 한국어 한국어
설정 페이지 ◎ 선택한 스피커 시스템 보기 및 업데이트 ◎ 선택한 스피커를 위한 시스템 업데이트 ◎ 이름 재설정 ◎ 네트워크 정보 ◎ 시스템 버전 및 업데이트 ◎ 자주하는 질문/답변 ◎ Auluxe 웹사이트 ◎ 다른 WiFi 수동 설정 SpeakerWebsiteTool About Speaker setting FQA Setting Setting Page Setting Page 센서 지역 손짓주의: 제어를 사용하기 위해, 로고에 불빛이 들어오는 지 확인하세요. 불빛이 들어오지 않으면, 대기 상태에서 작동을 위해 센서 위에 손을 흔들어 보세요. 명령이 인식되지 않으면, 센서 중심에 손이 있는지 확인하시고 천천히 다시 시도해 주세요. 센서 AULUXE지역 E3 센서 설명서 AULUXE E3 센서 설명서 10cm10cm 15 16 한국어 한국어 볼륨 조절 이전곡 다음곡 (Wifi 모드만) 재생/일시정지(Wifi 모드만) 재생/음소거(AUX 모드만) 볼륨이전곡감소 볼륨다음곡증가 AULUXE E3 제스처 명령 음소거 1. 본 설명서를 읽어 보세요. 2. 본 설명서를 보관하세요. 3. 모든 경고문에 유의하세요. 4. 모든 지침을 따르세요. 5. 경고 화재 및 감전의 위험을 줄이기 위하여 본 기구를 비 또는 습기에 노출시키지 마세요. 6. 마른 헝겊으로만 닦아주세요. 7. 통풍구를 막지 마세요. 제조업체의 설명서에 따라 설치하세요. 8. 라디에이터, 난방 기구, 스토브 또는 기타 기구와 같은 열을 발생시키는 열원 근처에 설치하지 마세요(증폭기 포함). 9. 안전을 위해 만들어진 유극 또는 접지형 플러그를 훼손하지 마세요. 유극 플러그는 서로 다른 폭을 가진 두 개의 날을 가지고 있습니다. 접지형 플러그는 두 개의 날과 한개의 접지 단자가 있습니다. 넓은 날과 세 번째 접지 단자는 안전을 위해 제공된 것입니다. 만약 제공된 플러그가 고객님의 콘센트와 맞지 않을 경우 전기기술자와 상담하여 구식 콘센트를 10.교체하세요.특히기구에서 나오는 부분의 플러그나 콘센트 부분이 밟히거나 끼지 않도록 보호하세요. 11.제조업체가 명시한 부속품/액세서리만 사용하세요. 12.제조업체가 명시한 카트, 스탠드, 삼각대, 브라켓 또는 테이블만 사용하고 기구와 함께 판매될 수 있습니다. 카트 사용시 카트/장비가 함께 넘어질 수 있으므로 부상을 입지 않도록 주의해 주세요. 13.번개가 치거나 장기간 미사용시 장치의 플러그를 빼주세요. 14.모든 서비스는 인증된 서비스 직원에게 의뢰해주세요. 전원코드 또는 플러그가 손상되거나 액체 또는 물체가 장치에 떨어지거나 비 또는 습기에 노출로 인해 장치가 손상되어 정상 작동되지 않는 경우 서비스가 필요합니다. 15.뒷판에 표시된 전력원에 해당하는 유형에서만 제품을 작동하세요. 외부 전원 공급 장치를 사용하는 제품의 경우 분실되거나 손상된 경우 정확한 교체품을 사용해 주세요. 배터리 전원을 통한 작동은 사용 설명서를 참조하세요. 16.다음 조건에서는 벽면 콘센트에서 본 제품의 플러그를 뽑은 후 인증된 서비스 직원에게 서비스를 의뢰해 주세요: a. 전원 코드 또는 플러그가 손상된 경우. b. 액체가 쏟아졌거나 물체가 제품에 떨어졌을 때. c. 제품이 물 또는 비에 노출되었을 때. d. 제품이 작동 설명서에 따라 정상적으로 작동하지 않는 경우. e. 제품이 떨어지거나 손상을 입은 경우. f. 제품이 성능에 큰 변화를 보이는 경우. 17.본 제품은 촛불과 같은 화기에서 멀리 떨어진 안전한 곳에 두세요. 18.기구는 튀거나 떨어져서는 안되며 액체로 채워진 화분과 같은 물건을 기구 위에 올려 놓지 않아야 합니다. 19.부품 교체 시 서비스 기술자가 제조업체가 지정한 교체품 또는 원래 부품과 동일한 특성을 가지고 있는 부품을 사용하는지 확인하세요. 승인되지 않은 교체는 화재, 감전, 기타 위험을 초래할 수 있습니다. 20.서비스 완료 시 서비스 기술자에게 제품이 올바른 작동 상태를 확인하는 안전 점검을 요청하세요. 21.권장 작동 온도 범위는 5℃ 40℃ (41℉ 104℉)입니다. 22.경고 주요장치는 꺼짐 상태에서도 꺼지지 않지만 회로는 꺼집니다. 23.전원 코드 플러그는 차단 장치 역할을 하므로 접근하기 쉽게 유지해야 합니다. 본 제품은 재활용할 수 있습니다. 이 기호가 부착된 제품은 일반 가정 쓰레기와 함께 버릴 수 없습니다. 제품의 수명이끝나면 전기 전자 기기의 재활용을 위하여 지정된 취급소로 가져가세요. 반환 및 취급소에 대한 자세한 사항은 지방당국을 통해 알아보시기 바랍니다. 유럽 전자전기장비폐기(WEEE) 지침은 토양 폐기물의 양을 획기적으로 감소시킴으로써 지구 및 인체 건강에 영향을 미치는 환경 영향을 줄이기 위해 시행되었습니다. 중고 제품의 재활용을 통해 책임감 있게 행동하세요. 아직 사용할 수 있다면 기부하거나 판매를 고려해 보십시오. RISK OF CAUTION 17 한국어 08:0108:0007:59 07:5807:5908:00 08:3008:2008:10 07:5008:0008:10 E3 Decimal digit increaseDigit decimal decrement Setting confirmed Note. Stop the gesture movement, you can jump out of the time setting Double press the “Set” button to start the time setting Clockwise rotation numbers increased by one Counterclockwise rotation numbers decreased by one DC IN AUX SET시간설정을 위해 제품 뒷면에 위치한 “SET”버튼을 연달아 두번 눌러주세요 10분씩밀듯이왼쪽으로1분씩손동작을반시계방향으로하면감소합니다.손동작을하면감소합니다. 오른쪽으로 손동작을 밀듯이 하면 10분씩 1분씩손동작을시계방향으로증가합니다.하면증가합니다. 시간설정 설명서 시간설정 모드가 끝나면 동작을 멈춰주세요.손동작을 그림의 화살표 완료됩니다.움직이면방향대로설정이

使用說明書/ 使用說明书/ 取扱說明書 Instruction Manual/ Benutzerhandbuch BD1020 Z2 Bluetooth Speaker Designed and Engineered by Auluxe Corporation. © 2014 Auluxe Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in China. This manual may not be reproduced, distributed, modified or posted to websites without the express written permission of Auluxe Corporation.Auluxe Bi Z2產品使用手冊編排設計系列

ENGLISHTroubleENGLISH Shooting Touch panel is not working properly. The sensitivity of touch panel might be affected by moist. Make sure your hand is dry when operating Z2. The sound comes out from Z2 is distorted when playing with Bluetooth. Transmission of Bluetooth can be affected by microwave or other wireless signals. When streaming music via Bluetooth, please make sure Z2 is not near to the electronic devices like laptop, monitor, or microwave. In addition, the optimal distance of Bluetooth transmission is about 8 meters. NFC tag cannot trigger Bluetooth pairing. Go to the setting page of your smart phone and make sure NFC function is turned on before tagging.
How to connect the product Touch-panel operation interface Power Switch. Click this button to switch ON the machine. Press again to power off. Hands-Free. Pressing this button when the cell phone is showing an incoming call will activate Hands-Free function, for the user to make the call in Loudspeaker Mode. (Press again to terminate the Clickcall.) this button for 2 seconds to activate Bluetooth mode; when blue light is ashing, the machine is entering in pairing mode. The user then activates the Z2 device of the cell phone for paring with a Bluetooth device. the machine is connected successfully when blue light turns steady and the system is ready for playing back Pressmusic.this button to decrease volume while playing music or in Hands-Free mode. Press this button to mute the sound output while playing music or in Hands-Free mode. Press this button to increase volume while playing music or in Hands-Free mode.
The NFC function enables your Android smartphone to fast pair with Z2. 1. Switch on the NFC function of your Android smart phone (if available). 2. Move your smartphone above the "N" logo of Z2. 3. when a warning window pops out on your phone,select” connect” or”con rm/ok” to complete the NFC connection.
4. You may also disconnect your device with Z2 via NFC function. Please repeat step1~3 to disconnect the device.
AC100 - 240V / 50 - 60 Hz(Input) DC15V2A(Onput) Operating voltage 10 Watts x 2 0 - 40 C 70 -18,000 Hz 2.0 Channels BT Speaker 250 x 140 x 130 mm 1.837 kg Rated output DimensionsTemperaturepowerrangeFrequencyRangeSystemType(WxHxD)Netweight Speci cation ENGLISHENGLISH DC IN AUX IN Bluetooth Switch ON the unit, Power On Connect the power cord to “DC in” on the rear panel of the speaker system. Connect the power supply unit to a power socket. 3.5mm AUX in Connect the 3.5mm audio line to the “AUX in” socket on the rear panel of the speaker system, with the other end connected to the Earphone Output jack of your desk-top PC, NB, or any other music player. (This audio line is not needed if Bluetooth is used for playing music.) Bluetooth music transmission A light touch of this button for 2 seconds to activate Bluetooth mode on the unit. You then activate the BT pairing function on your smart phone to search/connect with the “Z2” ; Then you can stream your favorite music via the Bluetooth connection. Getting to know your product Features Touch PanelNFC Hands-FreeBluetooth How to connect the product 542 3 Open the box and check for the following items One power adapter2 One remote controller4 One 3.5mm audio line3 One instruction manual5 The host machine - Z 21 1 Aux in ENGLISHENGLISH 【 Precautions 】 Effective distance for the Bluetooth receiver is 10m maximum in an unobstructed range; it may be reduced due to obstacles between transmitter and receiver. 【 Out of range or signal interruption 】 When the device is out of the range of the Bluetooth receiver, or when any obstacle gets in the way of transmission, the connection may be interrupted. To avoid interruption, please follow these instructions: 1. Make sure that the effective range of 10m is not exceeded, and that no obstacle gets between the portable device and the receiver. 2. In case the portable device is moved out of the range, moving it back into the range will resume the Bluetooth connection again. 3. In case the separation from the range is too far and the connection cannot be resumed automatically, press the Bluetooth function key for 2secs to activate pairing function on the unit,then to have your smart phone to re-connect with Z2 device.

VC1000 Conference All-in-one 360°Camera 聲動視界 傳遞完美 360° 全景視訊會議攝影機視訊/語音雙重合一360°環繞全景 4K高清1080P AI影像/聲音智能辯位 8種影像模式支持多場景 聲音立體清晰淇譽聲學調校 回音消除降噪技術 中小型會議適用4-5米拾音 會議平台兼容多種 4K 8 1080P 一鍵靜音 surround360°viewAll-in-one 8 Display Modes4K 1080PHD Image/SoundAIDetection Jazz SurroundAudioTech AI DSP AEC/AGC/NRfor Far Pick-upfield Compatible with UC Platform Easy to Mute JS VC1000 產品型錄設計系列

8 種影像模式 8 Display Modes 全景/分格模式 全景模 式 四分格模式 全景/聽聲辨位模式 Composed Mode Body Fit Grid mode Speaker Mode 平移模式 個人聽聲辨位模式 簡報模式 上下模式 Translation Audio Fit Presentation mode TopDown Mode 360°panoramic wide-angle view Image/Sound AI Recognition 影像 / 聲音 AI 智能辯位 配 置 1/2.7 像呈現提供4K超高清影絕佳光學精準性,鏡頭, 360°環繞全景 親臨會議 一般畫質 4K 畫質360° 0° 315° 270° 225° 180° 135°45° 90° Remote Video Conferencing from now on without fear 視訊/語音雙效合一,360輕巧便攜,隨插即用 ° 宛如置身同個會議室,提供您視訊會議最佳方案環繞全景,高品質清晰通話 4顆智能廣角鏡頭4顆全指向性麥克風3瓦喇叭單體式遠端視訊會議 從此無所畏距 產品型號 VC1000 額定電壓 12V 1A 影像輸出影像輸入感測器類型消耗功率 1/2.712W USB2.01920*1080@30fps4992*928@30fpsCMOSUSB-C 產品尺寸 63.6mm * 63.6mm * 182.3mm 全指向性麥克風*4 產品重量 447g 顏色 經典銀 麥克風連接方式 2.25吋全音域喇叭產品規格揚聲器 Product Specification 兼容多種會議平台兼容MicrosoftTeams、Zoom、Webex、Google Meet、CompatibleSkype等主流會議平台withUC Platform Perfect delivery of high quality call information 高品質通話 資訊完美傳遞 淇譽聲學演算技術, 降噪、消除回聲 功能,可降低環 境 雜音, 自動增益功能 讓與會者不受距離限制,講話 音量 要的會始終穩定,讓多人通話品質穩定優異,讓您在重議上能更加專注 Microsoft Teams Cisco Webex Zoom skype

Copyright@Jazz Hipster All Rights Reserved JS VC1000 產品使用手冊編排設計系列

VC1000 是專門為視訊會議全新打造的 360° 全向視訊會議設備,為您提供簡易使 用、隨插即用之連接方式,您只需透過 Type C 與藝術氣息。為讓您在視訊通話中捕捉到更完美的影像及聲音,式尺寸設計,且全機外觀採用經典銀鋁合金外殼設計,為您的桌面增添優雅質感為讓您在家中、辦公室隨處都能輕鬆使用及獲得極佳的通訊體驗,特別採用便攜通體驗。以確保攝像頭及音頻功能使用。簡易的使用方式為您提供更豐富的視覺及雙向溝筆記型電腦,同時為確保完整的功能體驗,請額外接上產品搭配的電源適配器,傳輸線連接至您的桌上型電腦、 VC1000採用4個 全向性麥克風和淇譽音頻調教算法,精心為您打造更優質的通話體驗,包括360 遠距拾音和最佳的回聲消除及環境降噪功能,此外更具備 4 個 4 K FPS 魚眼攝像 頭,可同時提供最佳的360°全景影像,同時搭配VC1000 Studio提供8種不同的影 像模式供不同的使用場景使用。VC1000讓您始終保持專注在您的談話中,更好的 將聲音及影像傳遞給對方。 01 ● 概述 視訊會議設備 02 ● 包裝內容物 Quick Start Guide USB TypeA 至 TypeC (1m) 使用手冊插頭12V 1A 適配器 LOCK OPE 03 鏡頭 DOA 模式 USB 接口 DC揚聲器接口 ● 音箱外觀說明(側面) 04 環形指示燈觸控按鈕麥克風 ● 外觀說明 (上面) 05 產品型號 VC1000 額定電壓 12V 1A 影像輸出影像輸入感測器類型消耗功率 1/2.712W USB2.01920*1080@30fps4992*928@30fpsCMOSUSB-C 產品尺寸 67.55 *(h) 182.55 mm 全指向性麥克風 *4 頻率響應 : 200Hz – 8KHz 靈敏度 -26 dB +/- 3dB 產品重量 474g 顏色 經典銀 麥克風連接方式 2.25 靈敏度吋全音域喇叭 79 +- 3dB SPL at 1m/1W 最大輸出功率 : 3W 頻率響應 : 100Hz – 20KHz 揚聲器 ● 產品規格 06 1. 將開機VC1000 產品連接上 12V 1A 電源適配器使裝置開機, 若僅使用 USB-C 連接而無接上電源適配器,僅能使用攝像 頭功能。考量到桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦 USB 電源供應之差異, 使用上能仍建議您必須接上 12V 1A 電源適配器。 電源適配器 USB ● 如何使用 07 下分鏡),長按模式切換按鍵,選擇需要輸出的顯示方式(構成、對焦、分格、簡報、發言者、上2.切換模式 3 秒可進入 DOA 模式(通用模式/發言者模式) 打開3.進階設置 VC1000 Studio 可針對 VC1000 攝像頭功能做出進階設置,如影像模式、對焦 麥克風啟動,指示燈顯示白色,環形位置及進階設置等效果。 LED 表示發言者聲音方向。 使用會議軟體(如4.接上會議軟體Microsoft Teams Zoom Webex Google Meet Skype等), 接入會議時,此時藍燈常亮 08 表示發言者聲音方向環形表示麥克風啟動指示燈顯示白色LED 6.關機5.麥克風靜音輕觸麥克風按鍵可開啟/關閉麥克風功能,指示燈顯示紅色時表示麥克風靜音。設備斷電即關機。 09 請於電腦系統正確設置輸出裝置為JS VC1000 Audio裝置,即可正常使用Speaker 請於電腦系統正確設置輸入裝置為播放音樂。JS VC1000 Audio裝置,即可正常使用錄音/通7.音頻輸入/輸出話功能。 本軟體(軟體功能描述:VC1000 Studio)是一個虛擬相機, 需搭配VC1000設備使用, 可做多樣 安裝本軟體(化的設置及操作,也可支持各種通訊平台及情境應用。 VC1000 Studio)後,連接上VC1000設備,在一般的會議平台設定選 項上,會顯示JS VC1000 Camera JS VC1000 Audio(Speaker)、JS VC1000 Audio(Microphone)等三種影音裝置。用戶選擇Studio Camera,本軟體可配合各 系統需求:種會議平台及場景做應用。 OS:Windows 10 以上or Mac OS 10 0 以上 CPU:Intel i5 4 core 以上 DDRAM:4G 以上 HDD:32GB 8.軟體使用以上 10 本PC軟體支援線上更新,通過Help的〔Check Update〕功能,可前往Software & Firmware的下載頁面,下載更新不同的 VC1000 Studio 版本及 VC1000韌體。 用戶下載最新韌體後,軟體會再次確認用戶是否針對 VC1000 進行設備更新,用戶 同意後,會通過USB對產品進行更新。 9.韌體更新 11 單元 Un t 鉛 Pb 汞 Hg) 鎘 (Cd) 六價鉻 Cr+6 多溴聯苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 PBDE) 外殼 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○電焊線喇印刷電路板叭材錫源供應器 設備名稱 視訊會議攝影機 • 限用物質及其化學符號型號:VC1000 Restricted substances and its chemical symbols 使用手冊版權、商標、字號屬於淇譽電子股份有限公司及其關聯方所有;使用手冊內容如與實際產品不一致,以實際產品為準。 備 考1: 超出0.1wt%及超出0.01wt% 係只限用物質之百分比含量。 超出百分比含量基準值 Note 1:"Exceeding 0.1 wt %"and“exceeding 0.01 wt %"indicate that the percentage content of the restricted substance exceeds the reference percentage value of presence condition. 備 考2:〝○〞係指該項限用物質之百分比含量未超出百分比含量基準值。 Note 2:〝○〞indicates that the percentage content of the restricted substance does not exceed the percentage of reference value of presence. 備 考3:〝—〞係指該項限用物質為排除項目。 Note 3:The〝—〞indicates that the restricted substance corresponds to the exemption. ● 限用物質含有情況標示聲明書 12 ● 安全資訊 1. 減少電磁波影響,請妥適使用。 2. 避免 3 歲以下兒童單獨使用此裝置。 3. 避免兒童或寵物咀嚼或吞下此裝置及配件。 ● 法律資訊本手冊委由淇譽電子科技股份有限公司印製。淇譽電子科技股份有限公司對本手冊因印刷錯誤、因資訊、因程式或設備之改良而進行的修改,恕不另行通知。前述更動將納入本使用手冊之後續版本。所有圖片僅供功能說明參考,請以實物為準。在此所述之所有產品和公司名稱為各自所有者的商標或註冊商標。未經明示授予,他人不得任意使用。 13 VC1000 14 親愛的客戶 感謝您選購 VC1000 購買發票」,即開始享有各項售後服務。資料卡」並「加蓋經銷商店章」,「或是保留視訊會議攝影機,請填妥「客戶服務

JS 產品使用手冊編排設計i寶貝智慧音箱系列中華電信

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CS1 SpeakerConferenceSlimPhone360 DSP AI AI DSP for AEC, AGC, NR 智能回音消除技術,超清降噪 360° Degree Far Filed Voice Pick up 全方位5米拾音,多人會議收音更清晰 Full-duplex Double Talk 全雙工智能語音技術,即時溝通不延遲 Easy to connect 隨插即用,無須驅動 Slim Design 極致纖薄設計,攜帶輕巧好收納 JS Audio Surround Tech 淇譽獨家聲學調教,呈現清晰人聲 Fast Charge 支持 USB-C 快速充電 Works with CS1 SLIM CONFERENCE SPEAKER PHONE 底部貼紙要另外貼 精品盒外套 精品盒內托白盒 内衬产品卡纸 USBTYPE USB TYPE conferencingandconnectivityAll-in-one speakerphoneintegratedwithmultiportUSB-C5-in-1 数据连通与会议一体化 合集成式免提电话拥有多端口 兼具連線與會議功能的多合一產品 整合免持聽筒功能的五合一 USB-C 多連接 6 1 8 5 JS CS1 Silm 產品使用手冊編排設計包裝彩盒與牛皮紙盒

會議通話揚聲器 ● 產品規格● 可搭配 Jazz Connect APP 一鍵調整 掌控全場 產品型號 CS1 Slim 輸出功率 3W(RMS) 充電時間音樂播放時間通話時間電池 CR18650 2400mAh TBCTBCTBC USB2.0和藍牙 5.0 藍牙版本 Bluetoot Dual 5.0 + EDR 喇叭單體 2.5 全向麥克風*4吋全音域喇叭 產品尺寸 132 * (h) 35 (mm) 黑灰顏色產品重量 450 g淇譽會議音箱麥克風連結方式 CS1 Slim 官方網站 https://CS1 Slim.com CS1 SpeakerConferenceSlimPhone 服務電話:歡迎隨時聯絡我們。如有任何疑問、詢問訂購方式 0800-021-189 服務時間:每周一~週五 (9:00-18:00) Works with ● 讓世界的距離變得更近,聲音的傳遞變得更完美 ● 超遠距音質清晰不斷訊 ● 七大特點 CS1 Slim 的通訊體驗。讓你在家中、辦公室隨處輕鬆使用,獲得極佳式專業商務免提電話,是一款採用優雅商務外型設計的攜便 CS1 Slim 擁有清晰的語音質量,配備 4 個全向 精心為您打造更優質的通話體驗,包括性和淇譽音頻調教算法, 360 度遠 距 5 特別是在淇譽原聲調音,話中,更好的將聲音傳遞給彼此。及環境降噪功能,讓你始終保持專注在你的談米拾音和最佳的迴聲消除 CS1 Slim 為通話或音 讓您更加享受及喜愛。樂呈現身臨其境的音場效果, 噪級回聲消除技術,讓您溝通更加順暢便利!獨家設計遠距麥克風拾音範圍,搭載全雙工降 360 DSP AI ● 輕薄圓潤易攜帶 結合家用及商用特徵於一身, 輕巧帶著走

Standard Logo (Gradient Color) GradienBlue left = CMYK 45,5,0,0 GradientBlue right = CMYK 90,45,0,0 電競產品設計印刷德國冰豹Roccat(接案)
Art.-No. ROC-11-310-AS ROCCAT™ Lua Tri-Button Gaming Mouse 4 250288 183100 GAmiNGTRi-BUTToNmoUse PRo oPTiC (R2) siDeNo-sWeATLiGHTiNGARCTiC2000DPiseNsoRBLUeLeDGRiPs MEETSSLEEK MIGHTY. 特徴 < Pro-Optic (R2) センサーにより250DPI~2000DPIまでの7段階に調整が可能 < V をイメージした左右対称な形状はどんな手にもフィットします < 青に輝くROCCATのLEDはゲーミングデバイスの雰囲気をかもし出します < ROCCAT™ ドライバーはゲーミングにカスタマイズされています < DPI 切り替えボタンによってセンサースピードの切り替えが容易です < 高品質の部品を使用しているので頑丈に作りこまれており、耐久性も十分です COMPACTOPTICALSENSORSIZE6 FUNCTIONSMOUSEL/RV-SHAPE CoRe GAmiNGPeRFoRmANCemoUse POLAR BLUE Art.-No. ROC-11-700-B-AS ROCCAT™ Kone Pure – Polar Blue Core Performance Gaming Mouse PRo-Aim (R3) LAseR seNsoR WiTH 8200DPi moUse BUTToN DUPLiCAToR ViA eAsY-sHiFT [+] Tm CUsTomiZABLe TRACKiNGTDCU:mULTi-CoLoRLiGHTiNGULTimATe 4 250288 126503 DRIVER & LIGHT INTEGRATED SOUND ROCCAT™ROCCAT16 FUNCTIONSMOUSE PRO-AIM 特徴 < 8200DPI(R3) レーザーセンサー < Easy Shift[+] キーで各ボタンに第二の機能を設定可能 < Omronスイッチの搭載によりクリック性能向上 < 32-bit 72MHz ターボコア V2プロセッサ搭載 < ROCCATTDCU:トラッキング・アンド・ディスタンス・コントロール・ユニットオリジナルのリフトオフディスタンスの調整機能を搭載 < 7 ボタンに加え、Easy-Shift[+] 設定可能な2Dチタンホイール < Koneから91%のダウンサイジングに成功したスリムボディ < ROCCAT™ Achivements Display クリック数を統計し確認することが可能(R.A.D) GET PURE. CoRe GAmiNGPeRFoRmANCemoUse Art.-No. ROC-11-700-O-AS ROCCAT™ Kone Pure Inferno Orange Core Performance Gaming Mouse PRo-Aim (R3) LAseR seNsoR WiTH 8200DPi moUse BUTToN DUPLiCAToR ViA eAsY-sHiFT [+] Tm CUsTomiZABLe TRACKiNGTDCU:mULTi-CoLoRLiGHTiNGULTimATe 4 250288 120648 DRIVER & LIGHT INTEGRATED SOUND ROCCAT™ROCCAT16 FUNCTIONSMOUSE PRO-AIM 特徴 < 8200DPI(R3) レーザーセンサー < Easy Shift[+] キーで各ボタンに第二の機能を設定可能 < Omronスイッチの搭載によりクリック性能向上 < 32-bit 72MHz ターボコア V2プロセッサ搭載 < ROCCATTDCU:トラッキング・アンド・ディスタンス・コントロール・ユニットオリジナルのリフトオフディスタンスの調整機能を搭載 < 7 ボタンに加え、Easy-Shift[+] 設定可能な2Dチタンホイール < Koneから91%のダウンサイジングに成功したスリムボディ < ROCCAT™ Achivements Display クリック数を統計し確認することが可能(R.A.D) GET PURE. CoRe GAmiNGPeRFoRmANCemoUse Art.-No. ROC-11-700-R-AS ROCCAT™ Kone Pure Hellfire Red Core Performance Gaming Mouse PRo-Aim (R3) LAseR seNsoR WiTH 8200DPi moUse BUTToN DUPLiCAToR ViA eAsY-sHiFT [+] Tm CUsTomiZABLe TRACKiNGTDCU:mULTi-CoLoRLiGHTiNGULTimATe 4 250288 196087 DRIVER MACROS& SYSTEMLIGHT INTEGRATEDTDCU FEEDBACKSOUND EASY-SHIFTROCCAT™TALKROCCAT[+FUNCTIONS SENSORPRO-AIMR3 特徴 < 8200DPI(R3) レーザーセンサー < Easy Shift[+] キーで各ボタンに第二の機能を設定可能 < Omronスイッチの搭載によりクリック性能向上 < 32-bit 72MHz ターボコア V2プロセッサ搭載 < ROCCATTDCU:トラッキング・アンド・ディスタンス・コントロール・ユニットオリジナルのリフトオフディスタンスの調整機能を搭載 < 7 ボタンに加え、Easy-Shift[+] 設定可能な2Dチタンホイール < Koneから91%のダウンサイジングに成功したスリムボディ < ROCCAT™ Achivements Display クリック数を統計し確認することが可能(R.A.D) GET PURE.

GAmiNGComPACTKeYBoARD oPTimUm PeRFoRmANCe ZoNe ComPACT mACRoiNDiViDUALLYTHUmBsTeR5moDeDUAL-AssiGNmeNTDesiGNNUmPADsWiTCHmACRoKeYsiNCLUDiNG3KeYsPRoGRAmmABLeFUNCTioN Art.-No. ROC-12-501-AS (JP) ROCCAT™ Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard 4 250288 190719 特徴 < 小型設計で最適なゲーム空間 < モード・スイッチ(数字パッドとゲームモード) < プログラム可能サムキー ×3 < 追加マクロ・キー ×2 < ゴースト防止機能 < キー高さ中で最適なキー入力 < メタルベースで堅牢な耐久性 < イルミネート・ステータス・キー ×6 < 滑り止め付きキーボード・フィート SIZE MATTERS. HERTZ Art.-No. ROC-12-716-AS (JP) ROCCAT™ Isku Illuminated Gaming Keyboard GAmiNGiLLUmiNATeDKeYBoARD 3 ZoNes FoR KeY DUPLiCATioN ViA eAsY-sHiFT [+]™ 36 ACCessiBLe mACRo KeYs iNCL. 3 THUmBsTeR KeYs 180+ PRoGRAmmABLe FUNCTioNs mACRo LiVe! ReC. 25+ FUNCTioNs AssiGNABLe To meDiA + HoTKeYs BLUe KeY iLLUmiNATioN WiTH 6 LiGHTiNG LeVeLs 4 250288 127166 特徴 < 3 つの Easy-Shift[+]™ ゾーンで簡単にキー・カスタマイズ < マクロ・キー ×36 + Macro ライブ! 登録ボタン < サムキー ×3、メディア&ホットキー ×8 < キーの高さ・・・中:高度なゴースト発生防止機能搭載 < ROCCAT™ Driver、音声によるフィードバック機能 < マクロが標準装備ゲーム、マルチメディア、オフィスアプリケーション用に < まとめられたケーブル配線 < キーボードの足を固定し快適な高さでゲーム < ROCCAT™ Talk® 機能をボーナスセット BE LEGEND. SET BONUSEASY-SHIFT[+] HERTZ POLLING RATE Art.-No. ROC-12-901-AS (US) ROCCAT™ Isku FX Multicolor Gaming Keyboard 3 ZoNes FoR KeY DUPLiCATioN ViA eAsY-sHiFT [+]™ 36 ACCessiBLe mACRo KeYs iNCL. 3 THUmBsTeR KeYs 180+ PRoGRAmmABLe FUNCTioNs mACRo LiVe! ReC. 25+ FUNCTioNs AssiGNABLe To meDiA + HoTKeYs BLUe KeY iLLUmiNATioN WiTH 6 LiGHTiNG LeVeLs GAmiNGmULTiCoLoRKeYBoARD 4 250288 189010 特徴 < 3 つの Easy-Shift[+]™ ゾーンで簡単にキー・カスタマイズ < マクロ・キー ×36 + Macro ライブ! 登録ボタン < サムキー ×3、メディア&ホットキー ×8 < キーの高さ・・・中:高度なゴースト発生防止機能搭載 < ROCCAT™ Driver、音声によるフィードバック機能 < マクロが標準装備ゲーム、マルチメディア、オフィスアプリケーション用に < キーボードの足を固定し快適な高さでゲーム < ROCCAT™ Talk :とボーナスセットで/ROCCAT™ Talk FX < ROCCAT™ Achivements Display (R.A.D) 使用頻度の統計を管理 SET BONUSEASY-SHIFT[+] HERTZ POLLING RATE LIGHT ‘EM UP. Art.-No. ROC-12-866-RD-AS (JP) ROCCAT™ Ryos MK Pro Mechanical Gaming Keyboard With Per-key Illumination 4 250288 167452 HERTZ THUMBSTER ANTI-GHOSTINGPER-KEY 特徴 < オールキー・イルミネート– 全てのキーが光りカスタマイズの 可能性が広がる < Easy-Shift[+]™ がより簡単に:ほぼ全てのキーに第 2 の機能 の割り当てが可能 < N キー・ロールオーバー による 高度なアンチ・ゴースト機能 < 32 ビット ARM Cortex プロセッサ ×2 + 2MB フラッシュメモリ < ROCCAT™ Achivements Display (R.A.D) 使用頻度の統計を管理 < メタルベースで堅牢な耐久性 < イルミネート・ステータス・キー ×6 < ロックオン・キーボード・フィート付き滑り止めベース BREAK OUT.

soLD 5.1 sURRoUND soUND GAmiNG HeADseT FULL ReALsURRoUND5.1 soUND WiTHmiCRoPHoNemUTe LeD TiP‘N‘ moViessoUND-PRoFiLesDesKCoNTRoLRemoTeFoR+GAmiNG Art.-No. ROC-14-501-AS ROCCAT™ Kave Solid 5.1 Surround Sound Gaming Headset 4 250288 189140 特徴 < リアル 5.1サラウンドサウンド対応 < フル装備のデスクトップ・リモコン < ミュート LED 付き雑音消去マイク < 堅牢・高耐久性エンジニアリング < コンパクトで折りたたみ可能な持ち運びに便利なデザイン < マイクブームは 360 度回転可能 < 全てのボリュームをリモコンからコントロール可能 < 「Movie」「Game」用のプロファイル切り替え VIBRATION CONTROL COMPATIBLE REAL SOUND XTD SPEAKERS GAGRANULARmiNGmoUsePAD NCReAseD GL D NG HARD’N’FLHARDssmmeBGRANULARsPeeDCoAToosTYoURmoUseTRACKiNGTALFoiLARToPeRATNGRANGeTRiKiNGsHAPePADANDsoFTBAseeXiBLe Art.-No. ROC-13-110-AS ROCCAT™ Sota Granular Black Gaming Mousepad 4 250288 190337 SURFACEMOUSE SPEED UP TO w h SOTA 特徴 < 動きを加速させるグラニュー(粒)状のコーティングがグリップ力とマウスの < 光やレーザーがねじ曲がって反射することがありません表面が薄い金属箔で覆われているので、この効果により < よりハイセンシなゲーマー向けな仕様になっていますハードパッドと超ソフトな基盤との融合となっており、 < 動作範囲を確保していますリスト部分をカットした凹み形状にすることでスマートな < サイズ:350 x 270 x 3mm < ハードタイプなので、クリーニングも容易です PRo-Aim (R3) LAseR seNsoR WiTH 8200DPi moUse BUTToN DUPLiCAToR ViA eAsY-sHiFT [+] Tm CUsTomiZABLe TRACKiNGTDCU:mULTi-CoLoRLiGHTiNGULTimATe CoRe GAmiNGPeRFoRmANCemoUse Art.-No. ROC-11-700-W-AS ROCCAT™ Kone Pure Phantom White Core Performance Gaming Mouse 4 250288 151413 DRIVER & LIGHT INTEGRATED SOUND ROCCAT™ROCCAT16 FUNCTIONSMOUSE PRO-AIM 特徴 < 8200DPI(R3) レーザーセンサー < Easy Shift[+] キーで各ボタンに第二の機能を設定可能 < Omronスイッチの搭載によりクリック性能向上 < 32-bit 72MHz ターボコア V2プロセッサ搭載 < ROCCATTDCU:トラッキング・アンド・ディスタンス・コントロール・ユニットオリジナルのリフトオフディスタンスの調整機能を搭載 < 7 ボタンに加え、Easy-Shift[+] 設定可能な2Dチタンホイール < Koneから91%のダウンサイジングに成功したスリムボディ < ROCCAT™ Achivements Display クリック数を統計し確認することが可能(R.A.D) GET PURE. GAmiNGsTeReo HeADseT PRemiUm sTeReo soUND FoR GAmes & mUsiC GUTsY BAss + CLeAR TReBLes 40mm DRiVeRs eARCUPs + miCRoPHoNe Noise-FiLTeRiNWiTHG Art.-No. ROC-14-600-AS ROCCAT™ Kulo Stereo Gaming Headset 4 250288 196001 SURROUNDSTUNNING SOUND. SLIM REMOTE NEODYMIUM CANCELLATION DESIGN 特徴 < ゲーム、音楽、VoIP 向け高音質ステレオ環境 < 40mm ドライバーで力強い低音とクリアな高音 < 雑音除去マイク + インライン・スリム・リモコン < 騒音遮へい機能付きの快適なイヤーカップ < マイクのアームを上げると自動でマイクが消音 < 金属強化のヘッドバンド、超軟性ヘッド・クッション

BIJOU MONTRE 寶爵型錄設計印刷瑞士錶(接案)


Mobile DRAM Specialty DRAM Code Storage Flash Memory Low Power SDR SDRAM Low Power DDR SDRAM Low Power DDR2 SDRAM Pseudo SRAM KGD KGDDDR3DDR2DDRSDRAMSDRAMSDRAMSDRAM Serial KGDNANDParallelFlashFlashFlash03 13 19 05 15 25 07 16 27 09 18 28 10 18 CONTENTS 01 www.winbond.com Mobile DRAM Low Power SDR SDRAM Low Power DDR SDRAM Low Power DDR2 SDRAM Pseudo SRAM KGD Winbond Electronics Corporation a leading supplier of semiconductor solutions to the consumer, computer, communications, and electronics product markets. With the latest Buried World Line technology, Winbond developed the mobile DRAM devices with a low IDD current value, which helps Winbond to extend mobile DRAM memory applications beyond the mobile phone and tablet market to areas of mobile consumer electronics and mobile communication. Winbond mobile DRAM devices support both x16 and x32 data widths. Major features for the families of products shown in the table below include the following: Sequential or Interleave burst High Clock rate Standard Self Refresh Partial-Array Self Refresh (PASR) Automatic Temperature Compensated Self Refresh Rate(ATCSR) Deep Power-Down (DPD) Programmable output buffer driver strength and Temperature sensor output (TQ). Please refer to the datasheets for specific features. They are ideal for portable multimedia players, eBook Readers, automotive applications, consumer electronics, gaming devices, and mobile devices. Please contact your local Winbond Sales Representative. 02Accountability Innovation Teamwork 擔當 創新 群效 Product Density I/O Ball count Type Dimension Remark LPSDR 128Mb 1Gb X16 54 BGA 8x9 JEDEC standard X16 60 BGA 8x9 JEDEC standard X32 90 BGA 8x13 JEDEC standard LPDDR2 256Mb 2Gb X16 X32 134 BGA 10x11.5 JEDEC standard PSRAM 64Mb- 256Mb X16 54 BGA 6x8 SDRx16_54BGA LPDDR2_168WFBGA LPDDR2_134 VFBGA DDRx16_60BGA SDR/DDRx32_90BGA 12 mm 11.5 mm mm8 mm12 mm10 mm8 mm 03 Mobile DRAM Low Power SDR SDRAM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive -25~85c -40~85cW987D2HBJX 4Mbit x32 90VFBGA W987D6HBGA 8Mbit x16 133 166 MHz 54VFBGA (SAC305) P 90VFBGA (SAC305) Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W988D6FBGX 16Mbit x16 1.8V 1.8V 133 166 MHz -25~85c -40~85c 54VFBGA W988D2FBJX 8Mbit x32 90VFBGA -40~85c -40~105c 54VFBGA (SAC305) (Q2/'14) W988D2FBJA 8Mbit x32 90VFBGA (SAC305) Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive 1.8V 1.8V 133 166 MHz -25~85c -40~85cW989D2KBJX 16Mbit x32 90VFBGA -40~85c -40~105c 54VFBGA (SAC305) P W989D2KBJA 16Mbit x32 90VFBGA (SAC305) Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W98AD6KBGX 64Mbit x16 1.8V 1.8V 133 166 MHz -25~85c -40~85c 54VFBGA S (Q2/'14) W98AD6KBGA 64Mbit x16 133 166 MHz -40~85c -40~105c 54VFBGA (SAC305) S (Q2/'14) (Q2/'14) W98AD2KBJA 32Mbit x32 90VFBGA (SAC305) 128Mb LPSDR (PKG) 256Mb LPSDR (PKG) 512Mb LPSDR (PKG) 1Gb LPSDR (PKG) P= Mass Production, (Time)= Samples (Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development (Ready Time), N= Not recommended for new designs Contact us: LPDRAM@winbond.com 04Accountability Innovation eamwork 擔當 創新 群效 05 Mobile DRAM Low Power DDR SDRAM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive -25~85c -40~85cW947D2HBJX 4Mbit x32 90VFBGA W947D6HBHA 8Mbit x16 166 200 MHz 60VFBGA (SAC305) 90VFBGA (SAC305) Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W948D6FBHX 16Mbit x16 1.8V 1.8V 166 200 MHz -25~85c -40~85c 60VFBGA W948D2FBJX 8Mbit x32 90VFBGA -40~85c -40~105c 60VFBGA (SAC305) (Q2/'14) W948D2FBJA 8Mbit x32 90VFBGA (SAC305) 128Mb LPDDR (PKG) 256Mb LPDDR (PKG) 06Accountabilit Innovation Teamwor 擔當 創新 群效 Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive -25~85c -40~85c P W949D2KBJX 16Mbit x32 90VFBGA W949D6KBHA 32Mbit x16 166 200 MHz 60VFBGA (SAC305) P 90VFBGA (SAC305) Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W94AD6KBHX 64Mbit x16 1.8V 1.8V 166 200 MHz -25~85c -40~85c 60VFBGA W94AD2KBJX 32Mbit x32 90VFBGA -40~85c -40~105c 60VFBGA (SAC305) P P W94AD2KBJA 32Mbit x32 90VFBGA (SAC305) 512Mb LPDDR (PKG) 1Gb LPDDR (PKG) Status P= Mass Production, (Time)= Samples (Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development (Ready Time), N= Not recommended for new designs All Winbond products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications. Contact us: LPDRAM@winbond.com 07 www.winbond.com Mobile DRAM Low Power DDR2 SDRAM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W978H6KBQX 16Mbit x16 1.8V 1.2V -25~85c -40~85c 168 PoP S(Q1/'14)W978H2KBQXW978H6KBVX 16Mbit x16 W978H2KBVX 8Mbit x32 333 400 MHz -40~85c -40~105c 168 PoP (SAC305) S(Q1/'14) S (Q1/'14) W978H2KBQA 8Mbit x32 W978H6KBVA 16Mbit x16 134 BGA (SAC305) Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W979H6KBQX 32Mbit x16 1.8V 1.2V W979H2KBQX 16Mbit x32 134 BGA S(Q1/'14) W979H2KBVX 16Mbit x32 W979H6KBQA 333 400 MHz -40~85c -40~105c 168 PoP (SAC305) S (Q1/'14) W979H2KBQA 16Mbit x32 W979H6KBVA 32Mbit x16 134 BGA (SAC305) S(Q1/'14) 256Mb LPDDR2 (PKG) 512Mb LPDDR2 (PKG) 08Accountability Innovation Teamwork 擔當 創新 群效 Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W97AH6KBQX 64Mbit x16 1.8V 1.2V W97AH2KBQX 32Mbit x32 W97AH6KBVX 64Mbit x16 W97AH2KBVX 32Mbit x32 W97AH6KBQA 333 400 MHz -40~85c -40~105c 168 PoP (SAC305) (Q1/'14) W97AH2KBQA 32Mbit x32 W97AH6KBVA 64Mbit x16 134 BGA (SAC305) Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W97BH6KBQX 128Mbit x16 1.8V 1.2V 333 400 MHz -25~85c -40~85c 168 PoP N W97BH6KBVX 128Mbit x16 134 BGA W97BH2KBVX 64Mbit x32 1Gb LPDDR2 (PKG) 2Gb LPDDR2 (PKG) Status P= Mass Production, (Time)= Samples (Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development (Ready Time), N= Not recommended for new designs All Winbond products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer the datasheet for details and specifications. Contact us: LPDRAM@winbond.com

09 www.winbond.com Mobile DRAM Pseudo SRAM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W966D6HBG 4Mbit x16 CRAM 133MHz-40~85c70nsW956D6HBC 4Mbit x16 CRAM-ADM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive 1.8V 1.8V -40~85c 54VFBGA W957D6HBC 8Mbit x16 CRAM-ADM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive 1.8V 1.8V -40~85c 54VFBGA W958D6DBC 16Mbit x16 CRAM-ADM 64Mb Pseudo SRAM (PKG) 128Mb Pseudo SRAM (PKG) 256Mb Pseudo SRAM (PKG) P= Mass Production, (Time)= Samples (Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development (Ready Time), N= Not recommended for new designs RoHS All Winbond products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer the datasheet for details and specifications. Contact us: PSRAM@winbond.com 10Accountability Innovation Teamwor 擔當 創新 群效 KGD Fully Cover all Consumer Application: Industy PDA/POS Pico Porjecter Smart TV Smart Grid Monitor System IP Cam…etc. Providing KGD serves to SiP customers with complete mobile DRAM product such as Mobile SDR Mobile DDR Mobile DDR2 pSRAM Provide Diversification of Low Power Consumption Product: Support DRAM density as: -LPDDR2: 256Mb to 2Gb -pSRAM: 32Mb 256Mb and support steable, lower power consumption for mobile application Wafer Level high Speed test: Up to mobile SDR 333Mbps, mobile DDR1 400Mbps, mobile DDR2 1066Mbps, pSRAM 266Mbps Winbond provides professional advices KGD customers, including SiP package bonding & power.thermal, mobile DRAM simulation…etc Excellent Quality Control: 100% Burn-In and Test, and qualification of AEC-Q100 TS16949 ISO9001/14001 OHSAS18001 for automotive customers Product Life Time and Strong Engineering Support: Owning 12-inch Fab to quarantee stable long term support with EFA/PFA capability Contact us: LPDRAM@winbond.com 11 www.winbond.com Specialty DRAM KGDDDR3DDR2DDRSDRAMSDRAMSDRAMSDRAM Density Speed Package 16 256Mb SDR 32 256Mb DDR 128Mb 2Gb DDR2 1 2Gb DDR3 1Gb GDDR3 GDDR3-2000DDR3-1600DDR2-1066DDR-500SDR-200 JEDEC SpecialstandardBGApackage support on SDR and DDR for portable devices. The products listed above may not be available for all regions. Please contact your local Winbond Sales Representative. 12Accountabilit Innovation / Teamwork 擔當 創新 群效 Interface x16/x32 SDR/DDR 8/x16 DDR2/DDR3 32 GDDR3 Support customized KGD solutions including RDL & wild range power domains I-temp/Automotive support on SDR/DDR/DDR2/ DDR3 products 13 Specialty DRAM SDRAM64MbSDRAM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W9864G2JH 2Mbit x32 3.3V±0.3V TSOPII 86 P-6/-6I/-6A 3.3V±0.3V -6/-6I/-6A 2.7V~3.6V -7 W9864G6JH 4Mbit x16 3.3V±0.3V TSOPII 54 P-6/-6I/-6A 2.7V~3.6V -7/-7S W9864G6JT 4Mbit x16 3.3V±0.3V -6/-6I/-6A/-6K TFBGA 54 P -5 S(Q2/'14) 16Mb SDRAM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W9816G6IB 1Mbit x16 VFBGA 60 P 2.7V~3.6V -7 W9816G6IH 1Mbit x16 3.3V±0.3V -5 TSOPII 50 P-6/-6I 2.7V~3.6V -7/-7I W9816G6JH 1Mbit x16 3.3V±0.3V TSOPII 50 UD(Q1/'14) UD(Q2/'14)-6/-6I 2.7V~3.6V -7/-7I 14Accountability Innovation Teamwork 擔當 創新 群效 128Mb SDRAM 256Mb SDRAM Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive -75/75I-6/-6I W9812G6JH 8Mbit x16 3.3V±0.3V TSOP 54 P-6/-6I/-6A/-6K-75 W9812G6KH 8Mbit x16 -5 TSOP 54 P S(Q2/'14)-6/6I Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive 3.3V±0.3V -6 2.7V~3.6V -75/75I W9825G6JB 16Mbit x16 3.3V±0.3V -6/-6I/-6A/-6K TFBGA 54 P P -75/75L-5 P= Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End life. RoHS All Winbond products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoSH compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications. Contact us: SDRAM@winbond.com 15 www.winbond.com Specialty DRAM DDR128Mb64MbSDRAMDDRDDR256MbDDRPart No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W9464G6JH 4Mbitx16 2.4V~2.7V -4 TSOPII 66 P P 2.4V~2.7V -4 S(Q2/'14) 2.5V±0.2V -5/-5I Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W9412G6JB 8Mbitx16 TFBGA 60 P 2.5V±0.2V -5/-5I W9412G6JH 8Mbitx16 TSOPII 66 P-5/-5I/-5K-6I W9412G6KH 8Mbitx16 TSOPII 66 P S(Q2/'14) 2.5V±0.2V -5/-5I Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W9425G6JB 16Mbitx16 2.5V ±0.2V -5/-5I TFBGA 60 P W9425G6JH 16Mbitx16 TSOPII 66 P 2.5V ±0.2V -5/-5I/-5A Status P= Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life. All Winbond products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoSH compliant packaging. Refer the datasheet for details and specifications. Contact us: SDRAM@winbond.com 16Accountability Innovation Teamwor 擔當 創新 群效 DDR2256Mb128MbSDRAMDDR2DDR2512MbDDR2Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive -18-3 W9712G8JB 16Mbitx8 1.8V±0.1V -18 WBGA 60-25-3 Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W9725G2JB 8Mbitx32 1.8V±0.1V TFBGA 128 P -3 W9725G6KB 16Mbitx16 1.8V±0.1V WBGA 84 P-25/25I/25A/25K-3 W9725G8KB 32Mbitx8 1.8V±0.1V WBGA 60 P-25-3 Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W9751G6KB 32Mbitx16 1.8V±0.1V WBGA 84-25/25I/25A/25K W9751G8KB 64Mbitx8 1.8V±0.1V -18 WBGA 60-25/25I 17 www.winbond.com Specialty DRAM 1Gb DDR2 2Gb DDR2 Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive -3/-3A-18 W971GG6KB 64Mbitx16 1.8V±0.1V WBGA 84 UD-25/25I-3 W971GG8JB 128Mbitx8 1.8V±0.1V WBGA 60 P-25/25I/25A/25K-3 W971GG8KB 128Mbitx8 1.8V±0.1V WBGA 60 UD-25/25I Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W972GG6JB 128Mbitx16 1.8V±0.1V WBGA 84 P-25/25I/25A/25K W972GG8JB 256Mbitx8 1.8V±0.1V -18 WBGA 60 P-25/25I Status P= Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life. RoHS All Winbond products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoSH compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications. Contact us: SDRAM@winbond.com

Leading the Serial Flash Market in unit sales and revenue, Winbond TS16949 certified AEC-Q100 qualified memories now support automotive applications. The automobile has transformed into the most sophisticated electronic device in the market. Digital displays in automotive dashboards provide more information about the car, and improve safety. Instant-on and real time 2D/3D image rendering is achieved with fast processors and SpiFlash memories. ADAS (Advanced Driver Assist Systems), comfort, entertainment, and navigation is now available in the center console and this is addressed with SpiFlash memories using small packages for space constrained systems and high density for advanced applications. contact Winbond for automotive datasheet and support. Serial Flash and WSON 6X5mm, USON 4x3mm, VSOP8 208mil, WLBGA8 Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status1,2 Automotive W25Q32FV Dual/Quad-SPI, QPI, 2.7V 3.6V 104 SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), N W25Q32JV Dual/Quad-SPI, QPI, DTR, Enhanced 2.7V 3.6V 104 SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), VSOP8 208mil UD UD W25Q32DW Dual/Quad SPI, QPI, Enhanced 1.65V 1.95V 104 SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, WSON 8X6mm, W25Q32FW Dual/Quad SPI, QPI, 1.65V 1.95V 104 SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, WSON 8X6mm, VSOP8 208mil, XSON8 4x4mm UD UD Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive EnhancedDual/Quad-SPI SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON TFBGA246X5mm,6X8mm
18Accountabilit Innovation Teamwor 擔當 創新 群效 P= Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life. Contact us: SDRAM@winbond.com Please Contact DRAM-KGD@winbond.com DDR3 SDRAM 1Gb DDR3 2Gb DDR3 1Gb GDDR3 Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status Automotive W631GG6KB 64Mbitx16 1.5V±0.075V WBGA 96-15/15I/15A/15K-12/12I/12A/12K W631GG8KB 128Mbitx8 1.5V±0.075V -11 WBGA 78-15/15I/15A/15K-12/12I/12A/12K-12 W631GU8KB 128Mbitx8 1.283V to 1.45V WBGA 78 -15/15I/15A/15K Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W632GG6KB 128Mbitx16 1.5V±0.075V -11 WBGA 96-15/15I/15A/15K-15/15I/15A/15K-12/12I-11 W632GU6KB 128Mbitx16 1.283V 1.45V -12/12I/12A/12K WBGA 96 P -15/15I/15A/15K-12/12I/12A/12K Part No. Organization Voltage Speed Grade Package Status1,2 Automotive W641GG2KB 32Mbitx32 1.8V±0.1V -12/-14 WBGA 136 P KGD Fully Cover all Consumer Applications: TV, STB, Networking, Storage, Printer, DSC/DV, GPS, Automotive…etc. Providing KGD services to SiP customers with complete DRAM product portfolio such as SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3. Wafer Level high speed test: Up to DDR3 1600Mbps, DDR2 1066Mbps, DDR 500Mbps. Winbond provides professional advices to KGD customers, including SiP package bonding power/thermal, DRAM simulation,…etc. Excellent KGD Quality Control: With AEC-Q100, TS16949, ISO9001/14001, OHSAS18001 certificates for automotive customers. Owning one 12-inch Fab6 to guarantee stable long-term delivery.
20Accountability Innovation Teamwork
Packages Winbond Industrial
擔當 創新 群效
Automotive Grade Memory IndustrialPlus AutomotiveGrade AutomotiveGrade RangeTemperature -40 ~85℃ -40℃~105℃ -40℃~85℃ -40℃~105℃ CompliantAEC-Q100Example No No Yes Yes Optional Optional Serial KGDNANDParallelFlashFlashFlash 21 Code Storage Flash Memory Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive W25M512JV Dual/Quad-SPI, QPI, DTR, Enhanced 2.7V 3.6V 104 SOIC16 300mil, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix) UD UD Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status1,2 Automotive W25Q256FV Dual/Quad-SPI, QPI, Enhanced 300mil, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix) W25Q257FV Dual/Quad-SPI,4-byteQPI, addressing 300mil, WSON8 8X6mm W25Q256JV Dual/Quad-SPI, QPI, DTR, Enhanced 2.7V 3.6V 104 SOIC16 300mil, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix) UD UD Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status1,2 Automotive W25Q128FV Dual/Quad-SPI,QPI, 2.7V 3.6V 104 SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), VSOP8 208mil W25R128FV RPMC,Dual/Quad-SPI,QPI,Enhanced 2.7V 3.6V 104 SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON VSOP86X5mm,208mil W25Q128JV DTR,Dual/Quad-SPI,QPI,Enhanced 2.7V 3.6V 104 SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), VSOP8 208mil UD UD W25Q128FW EnhancedDual/Quad-SPI,QPI, SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, VSOP8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm, 512Mbit 128Mbit256Mbit(64MB)(32MB)(16MB) 22Accountability Innovation eamwork 擔當 創新 群效 Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive EnhancedDual/Quad-SPI,QPI SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, 6X5mm, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), VSOP8 208mil EnhancedRPMC,Dual/Quad-SPI,QPIEnhancedRPMC SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, VSOP86X5mm,208mil DTR,Dual/Quad-SPI,QPIEnhanced SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, WSON8 8X6mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), VSOP8 208mil Dual/Quad SPI, QPI, Enhanced SOIC8 208mil,
(4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), VSOP8 150mil, VSOP8 208mil Dual/Quad SPI, Enhanced SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil W25Q16DW Dual/Quad SPI, QPI, Enhanced 1.65V 1.95V 104 SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, SOIC16 300mil, WSON 6X5mm, TFBGA24 6X8mm (4x6 Matrix), TFBGA24 6X8mm (5x5 Matrix), VSOP8 150mil, VSOP8 208mil, USON8 4x3mm, WLBGA8 64Mbit (8MB) 32Mbit (4MB) 16Mbit (2MB) 23 Code Storage Flash Memory Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive EnhancedDual/Quad-SPI SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm, USON8 2X3mm W25Q80DV Enhanced 2.7V 3.6V 80/104 SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm, USON8 2X3mm, P UD W25Q80BL Dual/Quad SPI, Fast EnhancedWrite, 2.3V 3.6V 50/80 WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm P N Dual/Quad SPI, Fast EnhancedWrite, SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm W25Q80BW Dual/Quad SPI, SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 4x3mm, WLBGA8 W25Q80EW Dual/Quad SPI, Fast EnhancedWrite 1.65V 1.95V 80 SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 4x3mm, WLBGA8 UD N Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive W25X40CL Fast Write, Dual SPI 2.3V 3.6V 104 SOIC8 150mil, VSOP8 150mil, USON 2X3mm, WSON 6X5mm, P N W25Q40CL Dual/Quad SPI, Fast EnhancedWrite, 2.7Vand3.6V 104 SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, P N EnhancedFastDual/Quad-SPIWrite, SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm,VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm, USON8 4x3mm W25Q40EW FastDual/Quad-SPIWrite, 1.65V 1.95V 80 SOIC8 150mil, SOIC8 208mil, WSON 6X5mm,VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm, USON8 4x3mm UD N 8Mbit (1MB) 4Mbit (512KB) 24ccountabilit Innovation Teamwor 擔當 創新 群效 Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive W25X20CL Fast Write, 2.32.7-3.6Vand3.6V 50/104 SOIC8 150mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm P N W25Q20BW Dual/Quad SPI, Fast EnhancedWrite, 1.65 1.95V 80 SOIC8 150mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm P N Dual/Quad SPI, Fast EnhancedWrite, SOIC8 150mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive W25X10CL Fast Write, 2.3 2.7and3.6V3.6V 50/104 SOIC8 150mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm P N W25Q10EW Dual/Quad SPI, 1.65 1.95V 80 SOIC8 150mil, WSON 6X5mm, VSOP8 150mil, USON8 2X3mm UD N Part No. Features Voltage Clock (MHz) Package(s) Status Automotive Fast Write, Dual SPI SOIC8 150mil, TSSOP8 173mil, USON 2x3mm 2Mbit (256KB) 1Mbit 512Kbit(128KB)(64KB) Status P= Mass Production, S (Time)=Samples (Ready Time), UD (Time)=Under Development (Ready Time), N=Not recommended for new designs All Winbond Flash products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications. = SFDP, Security Registers, Program/Erase Suspend/Resume, Word Read Quad I/O, Burst Read with Wrap, Non-Volatile & Volatile Registers, Complement Array Protection Contact us: SpiFlash@winbond.com 25 www.winbond.com Serial KGDNANDParallelFlashFlashFlash Parallel Flash Memory – W29GL Family Winbond's W29GL family of 3-Volt Page-Mode Parallel Flash memories are offered in densities from 512Mb to 32Mb and support industry standard interfaces, architectures and packages. They are drop-in replacements to the popular “x29GL” products available in the industry, with no firmware change. The W29GL family also offers faster program and erase times, which can improve production throughput and enable faster firmware updates. Winbond’s Parallel Flash products are ideal for a wide variety of applications requiring the higher performance of a parallel bus width and page mode operation. Parallel Flash The products listed above may not be available for all regions. Please contact your local Winbond Sales Representative. Code Storage Flash Memory 26Accountability Innovation Teamwork 擔當 創新 群效 Serial KGDNANDParallelFlashFlashFlash W29GL Page Mode Parallel Flash Family Package Options Special Features Wide Range of Applications 512Mb to 32Mb densities Compatible with Industry Standard x29GL products 2.7V to 3.6V operation; also supports VIO at 1.8V x8/x16 data bus configuration 70/90ns read access time, 25ns page mode access time Provides many sector protection mechanisms Offers additional security of code/data o -40 to +85 operation range Industry standard packages for 32Mb & 64Mb densities o 48-pin TSOP (Top/Bottom Boot) 48-ball VFBGA (Top/Bottom Boot) o 56-pin TSOP (High/Low Sector protect) o 64-ball LFBGA (Top/Bottom Boot, High/Low Sector protect) Industry standard packages for 128Mb to 512Mb densities 56-pin TSOP (High/Low Sector protect) o 64-ball LFBGA (High/Low Sector protect) Drop-in replacement of Industry Standard x29GL No firmware change needed Saves 40% erase time and 60% program time o Improves production throughput o Faster firmware updates Networking, Storage, Set-Top-Box, DSL and Cable modems Wireless routers, Digital TV, Industrial, Automotive PC peripherals, Printer, Mobile phones, Cameras and more
19 Code Storage Flash Memory SpiFlash® Memories with SPI, Dual-SPI, Quad-SP and QPI Winbond's W25X and W25Q SpiFlash Multi-I/O Memories feature the popular Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), densities from 512M-bit to 512K-bit, small erasable sectors and the industry's highest performance. The W25X family supports Dual-SPI effectively doubling standard SPI clock rates. The W25Q family is a "superset" of the 25X family with Dual-I/O and Quad-I/O SPI for even higher performance. Clock rates up to 104MHz achieve an equivalent of 416MHz (50M-Byte/S transfer rate) when using Quad-SPI. This is more than eight times the performance of ordinary Serial Flash (50MHz) and even surpasses asynchronous Parallel Flash memories while using fewer pins and less space. Faster transfer rates mean controllers can execute code (XIP) directly from the SPI interface or further improve boot time when shadowing code to RAM. Additionally, some SpiFlash devices offer the new Quad Peripheral Interface (QPI) supporting true Quad Commands for improved XIP performance and simpler controller circuitry. Additionally, new ultra-small form factor packages are ideal for space constrained mobile and handheld applications. Serial Flash The products listed above may not be available for all regions. Please contact your local Winbond Sales Representative. KGDNANDParallelFlashFlashFlash




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