September / October 2013

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septemBer/ octoBer 2013

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GoVerNor? her fIght for woMen’s health BaCHeLorS & BaCHeLoretteS

Start tHe BIDDING! tHe atHLete’S BoDY:

a CLoSer LooK

WENDY DAVIS is considering a bid for governor! She shares what motivates and inspires her policies on pg. 9

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profiles 09

WiLL Wendy run?

A u s t i n MD m A g A z i n e sePtemBeR/octoBeR 2013

Wendy davis, possible 2014 gubernatorial candidate for the state of texas, and other local politicians weigh in on how their healthcare policies have been influenced by their own personal experiences


angela Strickland & aman bandali ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE:

rachel escobar



the Body on sPorts

andrius krasuckas

area athletes and an expert doc weigh in on the punishment their body takes from their sport—and how to protect your own body



lauren bolado


Let us introduce you


hannah neumann



Jeana bertoldi lauren bolado Meredith davis hannah neumann Jaime netzer tim Valderrama

our first-ever date a doc auction is around the corner: Meet our eligible bachelors and bachelorettes




tyler lackey ivonne Perla Photography erickson Photography Jonathan garza Photography catherine Marler Jen bertrand genesis escobar deleigh hermes


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PUBlisHER’s lEttER

sePteMber/oCtober 2013 MEEt oUR tEaM


all in Texas means back-to-school for the little ones and back-to-sports for the rest of us who spent the summer hiding from the heat in either the AC or the pool! Before you lace up your sneakers, first take a look at our profi led athletes (pg. 18) for the gritty details about how their sports shape their bodies, and then seek out ways to help protect your own, whether you’re avoiding a knee injury (pg. 22) or asthma (pg. 48). Our cover story this month is one we’re particularly proud to feature: we got the chance to speak with Sen. Wendy Davis, who is considering a bid for governor, and do a photoshoot with her at the capitol! On pg. 9, learn more about how Wendy Davis’ personal history has affected her policy platforms—and then keep reading for three more politicians’ health-related stories. At Austin MD, fall also means that our first-ever Date a Doc Auction is right around the corner. September 28th at Ballet Austin, we’ll be auctioning off the Austin medical community’s most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes for charity—come and bid on a date or simply enjoy the evening’s festivities, from live art to a DJ to delicious complimentary appetizers and beverages! For more information, visit our Facebook page, facebook. com/austinMDMag, or Co-Owner(s): Angela Strickland & Aman Bandali


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angEla stricKlanD co-oWner

aman banDali co-oWner

rachEl Escobar account executiVe

anDrius KrasucKas art director

JaimE nEtZEr aSSociate editor

laurEn bolaDo editorial aSSiStant

w. tylEr lacKEy director oF PhotograPhy

hannah nEumannn eVentS intern

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Why They

Stories by Lauren Bolado and Jaime Netzer Photography by Tyler Lackey Makeup by Laci Fletcher Special thanks to the Driskill Hotel

Wendy Davis met with Austin MD in her capitol office

Even the broadest healthcare reforms have the potential to affect just one person in a tangible way. Health care is debated constantly by the people who shape Texas laws—who needs access? How should we change the system?— and the consequences are real and far-reaching. So we at Austin MD were curious: What drives these politicians to vote the way they do about health policies? We spoke with four politicians at different stages of their careers and from different Texas cities. We sat with these politicians, took their photos, got to know them. And what we learned surprised us: Every one of them saw a connection between their personal histories and the policies they’ve supported or the legislation they’ve introduced. Because what is health care, after all, if not personal? Their stories moved us, made us laugh and amazed us. Read on to discover why your Texas representatives feel the way they do about health care policies.

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Wendy Davis Considering A Bid for Governor, Fighting for Women’s Health |

endy Davis can’t help but care passionately about two causes—education and women’s health care— because her own personal history led her directly to them. “The nice thing about being in elected office,” Davis says, “is you can’t escape, and you shouldn’t want to escape, the life experiences that brought you there. And you can’t help but view your own personal filter as the way you think things ought to be.” For Davis, that means fighting for education because of the pathways afforded to her through her own schooling: After becoming the first person in her family to graduate from college, Davis went on to earn a law degree with honors from Harvard Law School. But it also means fighting for women’s access to health care, “because of the opportunity that opened up for me because I could control my own health care and make decisions about my life and my future through health care that equipped me to be successful.” At eighteen, Davis married. By nineteen, she was divorced, and mother to a young daughter named Amber. Davis relied on Planned Parenthood exclusively to provide her health care. “I was a young teenage mother and I understood that that was really all that I could handle in terms of working and my responsibilities


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by Jaime Netzer

to her, and I started going to the Planned Parenthood in Fort Worth,” Davis says. “That’s where I received my family planning care, my contraceptive care. The only health screenings I received for several years were through that clinic because I was uninsured.” Because Planned Parenthood allowed a sliding scale payment, Davis paid a nominal amount for these services. “I think I would pay like $12 or $13 for a full exam and for contraception,” Davis says. “So it was a really wonderful resource for me, and I know that if it hadn’t been there I very likely could’ve become the young mother of more than one child, and if that were the case I probably wouldn’t have had the opportunities to get an education and to improve my life that I had.” Because Planned Parenthood changed Davis’ life, she has in turn fought to protect it and to advocate for women’s health care and choice alike, now famously holding a tenhour long filibuster that temporarily blocked Senate Bill 5, which has created new abortion regulations in Texas, mandating that a doctor who performs abortions has admitting privileges at a nearby hospital and forcing clinics to follow the same standards as surgical centers. “I think that regardless of where people stand on the issue of abor-


Sen. Davis has two grown daughters, shown here in a proudly displayed photo in her office

tion, everyone can agree that we want to reduce the number of abortions in this country,” Davis says. “I believe the best way to do that is through preventing unplanned pregnancies, and that’s what Planned Parenthood does best. The vast majority of its work takes place in the family planning, well-women, and cancer screening arena, and it’s a shame that they’ve been used really as a political pawn for people’s campaign credentialing and sadly women, and our ability to stop unplanned pregnancies, get hurt in the process.” Davis has also fought for other pressing women’s health care issues, passing most recently a bill allowing rape victims to track their rape kits through the system. This legislation followed up previous bills passed, the first one dedicating $11 million to relieving the backlog of around 20,000 untested kits across the state of Texas. “The city of Fort Worth had gotten a grant from the federal government to go through their backlog and try to clear it, and when they tested their backlog of kits they were able to solve five unsolved rapes,” Davis says. “That was a pretty profound statement about what the opportunities were if we were able to get those kits tested all over the state.” Further legislation was passed to help ensure that each hospital in the state was prepared to collect the kits in the first place. Davis became aware of this problem through the Dallas-Morning News, where she read a story about a young woman who was raped. When the woman went to the hospital to get a kit, she was turned away, because the hospital didn’t have the resources. “She became a strong advocate for making sure that all hospitals, regardless of where a woman goes, have the ability and the training to do that. We passed a bill this session working with the Hospital Association to make sure that we are providing them the resources to actually have the trained personnel that they need,” Davis says. “It’s very important that it be collected and maintained appropriately because from an evidentiary standpoint, you have to have a proper chain of custody or the whole case falls apart.” The young woman came to Austin to testify in support of Davis’ bill. “It was very powerful, very emotional testimony, as you can imagine,” Davis says. Being a mother also influences Davis’ perspective on women’s health. “For me, it’s about thinking about the future, thinking beyond where I am and what I’ve been able to do, thinking to that next generation and making sure that opportunity is available to them,” she says. “I can’t help but view Texas through the eyes of my own daughters, and the experience that they’re having and the experience I want to see them have. I know that they have possibilities in front of them because they were raised in a situation that allowed and afforded opportunities to them that many girls don’t have—and I want to see everyone have the same opportunity to thrive.”

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Rico Reyes A Personal Battle, A Public Dream | Harvard graduate, former Marine, loving husband and father to two young girls, Rico Reyes stands for his three pillars of “The American Dream”: public education, healthcare and middle class jobs. He proudly says that he will voice the realities of healthcare in America if elected to the Texas House of Representatives for District 50 in November of this year. “We are too well off as a nation to not focus on three fundamentals: public education, healthcare and middle class jobs. In order to work that middle class job, you have to be educated and healthy,” Reyes says. An Austin area native, Reyes knows first-hand the importance of healthcare. His grandparents were reliant upon Medicaid and Medicare for their health care in their old age. The product of a humble upbringing, his grandfather, who suffered from hypertension and eventually had a stroke, found community programs to be their only saving grace. His mother, who worked for the state, suffered from colon cancer. Her good insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield was a necessity to get the care she needed, but regardless, the bills came and Reyes then realized just how fortunate he and his family had been to live in this country and to possess quality health insurance. Then, in a life changing moment, Reyes was told his dear wife Natalie, who he met when he was just 12, had breast cancer. Reality set in when bills arrived that were the size of mortgage payments. Reyes realized that for some people who are diagnosed with serious health problems the reality is that they will no longer be able to fund their children’s college tuition because all their savings are gone.


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by Lauren Bolado

For others, taking care of elderly parents is no longer feasible. For the unfortunate people with no savings and no health insurance, their stories don’t always have a happy ending. “It’s easy to be principled when you’re not the one who has to live with the consequences, when it’s not your wife who is going to die, when it’s not you who is facing eternity and realize you are not going to be there to raise your children, or to watch your child suffer and fade away because a politician didn’t accept federal funding,” Reyes says. Reyes and his family were lucky enough to have healthcare and savings during his wife’s treatment. Even more so, the family was fortunate that the cancer treatment was successful and his wife is in good health. Reyes notes that their fight with cancer was tough at times, but their prayers were answered, and he decided at that point that he wanted to help other families in similar situations and carry their message to whoever will listen at the capitol. “It made me so aware of the haves and have nots in this world,” Reyes says, reflecting on seeing families in tears, knowing their reality was grim. “I know that that’s the way the system works. And I know they would be overwhelmed if we just gave away healthcare for free. But this experience brought into sharp focus for me the need for healthcare for everyone.” With such a complicated system, there is no easy way to solve our nation’s health care problems. Reyes believes some simple steps that will point us in the right direction include promoting preventative care, equal opportunities for quality education and properly funding programs such as CHIP, Medicaid and Medicare.


Donna Campbell From the ER to the Senate Chamber | onna Campbell is both a practicing emergency room physician and an elected state senator, representing the 25th district of the state of Texas. And, she says, the two have more in common than you might think. As a young woman, and at her mother’s urging, Campbell first attended nursing school, but found herself yearning for more. She explains that nursing is “the service and delivery of patient care,” while medicine gets to the root of the problem: “Being a physician does encompass that service and delivery but the primary aspect is knowing the pathophysiology to get into the details of what’s wrong. What is the problem, and what is the solution? The solutions are directed back at the cause, and that seemed like a better fit for me because I’m always asking questions.” That natural curiosity extended beyond medicine to government, too. Campbell had long been an active citizen and strong conservative, and when she saw an opportunity to fix the problems she saw around her, she went for it, becoming, in 2012, the first person in Texas history to defeat an incumbent Republican senator in a primary election. She says some of the same principles that motivate her career in medicine are a natural tie-in with her career in politics. “It’s still service-oriented,” Campbell says. “We have such a responsibility in government—there are so many true problems in the state of Texas, and we’re taking care of 26 million people, so obviously there’s a variety of problems.” But in the government, as opposed to the ER, everything moves slowly, Campbell says. “In the E.R. once you diagnose the problem, you fix it quickly,” Campbell says. “In the Legislature, you may

by Jaime Netzer

diagnose the problem quickly, but fixing it takes a lot longer. It’s a much more deliberative approach with lots of input from others—in the case of the Senate that means getting 21 people on board to meet the two-thirds rule. Well, in the E.R. you don’t get that long. There’s already another patient waiting.” A devout Christian, Campbell has long advocated for pro-life legislation. But seven-and-a-half years ago, something happened that she calls an “affirmation.” While working a shift at Columbus Hospital in the ER, a young woman came in who had gone into emergency labor. The baby was up for adoption, and suddenly, Campbell had a new daughter. Campbell met the mother, because she wanted to thank her. “I told her, ‘You had a choice to make, and you chose life and you will always be blessed for that choice. And by you giving life, God used you to give a gift that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise— and I will always take care of her.’” Campbell has also put forth legislation affected by her career as a doctor, filing a bill to bring more transparency to the Texas Medical Board and ensure due process for physicians when a complaint is levied against them. Her hope is to help prevent frivolous complaints, put more focus on the real complaints, and give physicians the same due process other professionals are guaranteed. Other areas where Campbell wants to focus her efforts to ensure the quality of Texas health care include mental health and the creation of more resident GME slots to ensure doctors who are trained in Texas stay in Texas. And women’s health, in general, is important to Campbell: “As a member of the Legislature, I will continue to make funding for women’s health a priority and to add providers in rural areas.”

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Leticia Van de Putte Medical Professionals can Change the Dynamic | s a practicing pharmacist in San Antonio, Senator Leticia Van de Putte says healthcare is a main focus for her as a legislator. Since 1999, Van de Putte has been the Texas senator for district 26, speaking for and representing a very large portion of Bexar County that includes San Antonio. Van de Putte is a San Antonio native and says her drive for healthcare and for politics stems from her experiences as a pharmacist in the community. As a child, Van de Putte spent her time at a pharmacy her grandfather owned named Botica Guadalupana in what is now Market Square in downtown San Antonio. She recalls memories of people lining up in the pharmacy, waiting to speak to her grandfather about all their medicinal questions for items even as common as headache relievers. When she asked her grandfather one day why he does not take vacations, he simply replied, “My whole life is a vacation. What could be better than being here helping people?” It is this dedication to helping people that inspired Van de Putte to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and become a pharmacist. She now owns and works a pharmacy in San Antonio named the Loma Park Pharmacy and Medical Clinic. Working at the pharmacy allows her access to her constituents to get a first-hand look into the lives that are affected by the policies she either supports or works to change. “Good policy is what we want for good outcomes,” Van de Putte says. And the key to good outcomes, according to Van de Putte, is preventative healthcare. For example, she is taking steps to change immunization protocol for children with a program named the Texas Two Step, encouraging and enforcing full


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by Lauren Bolado

immunization for children by their second birthday. Other preventative care policies she is working on include childhood obesity, newborn screenings, lead registry and standards for ambulatory care services. Van de Putte’s work in childhood obesity has resulted in a program named “Move It.” With this program, San Antonio’s childhood obesity problem has decreased by 6 percent. Children are important to Van de Putte. As a mother and as a grandmother, she understands the importance of health and wellness for kids. Women’s health surrounds Van de Putte as a pharmacist, a woman and as the mother to a practicing gynecologist. For Van de Putte, a sad fact is that most states provide one year of healthcare for new mothers, whereas Texas provides only 60 days postpartum medicare. New moms need the year to get “well-woman checks” and get information about family planning, in order to space out her children, ultimately saving the state money. Getting the opportunity to have help plan their family can prevent a young women from having a repeat pregnancies, allowing them to pursue an education or career. Including healthcare professionals in all levels of decision making, she says, is crucial in promoting health, rather than health care. City officials can promote health, for example, with immunizations, walkable streets, public parks, communities, by their zoning and planning, that promote exercise and wellness. “Millions of people in Texas have health care that is governed by state purchasing, and you have got to have those prudent folks who understand the system. There are very few small business people as well. You really need those backgrounds in a group to affect policy, because it changes the dialogue at the table,” Van de Putte says.

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Anatomy of an Athlete From Professionals to Newbies, Injuries are Universal By Lauren Bolado, Special Expert Medical Contribution by Dr. Scott Welsh Photography by Tyler Lackey

Roderick Babers Football Player Roderick “Rod” Babers was born in 1980 in Houston, started playing sports at 13, and never looked back. He was recruited by UT in 1999, among a recruiting class that included USA Today National Defensive and Offensive Players of the Year Cory Redding and Chris Simms. By his senior year Babers was a key member of the Longhorn defense, and his efforts helped the Longhorns finish 12th in the nation in total defense and 7th in the nation in scoring defense in 2002. And then the NFL came calling. Babers was drafted 123rd overall by the New York Giants in the fourth round, and played for years on various teams. Since retiring from the NFL, Babers now calls Austin home, and hosts a sports talk radio show on “The Sports Buffet,” airing each weekday from 4 - 7 p.m. on KVET 1300 AM in Austin.


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Doctor says: “Football players are at risk for a multitude of injuries, including shoulder dislocations, AC separations, labral tears, cervical spine injuries, concussions, ACL / MCL tears, meniscus tears, fractures, and ankle injuries. Though it can seem like quite a dangerous sport, proper tackling techniques, prophylactic bracing, grass playing fields, and proper gear can lessen the incidence and severity of these injuries.”


Ashley Glifix Ballerina I grew up in Warrenville, Ill. (a suburb of Chicago). I sang and danced my way through childhood and began my preprofessional ballet training at age 12. In pursuit of my dream, I left home at 17 to join the Alabama Ballet, and subsequently joined Ballet Austin. This is my 12th season with the company. What are some common dance injuries? Most dance injuries tend to be from chronic overuse and affect muscles and connective tissue. But, as with all high intensity activities, there is always the risk of acute sprains and fractures. Preventing injury and Maintaining Strength during the Off Season: Stretching and strengthening is imperative for preventing injuries. I try to keep my body in balance. I also try to stay ahead of the inflammation response. I use ice a lot! Pilates, Gyrotonic, Alexander Technique, regular yoga practice, cardio cross-training on an elliptical, massage, rolling out on a foam roller, physical therapy and conditioning exercises using light weights and Thera-Bands are all part of my regimen to stay injury free and also keep in shape during the off season. Some dancers also find swimming to be beneficial. Advice for young dancers: It is so important to begin caring for your body at an early age. Often, we wait until we have an injury to start paying attention to what our body needs. I think it is good to listen to your body and speak up at the first sign of pain. Talk to your teachers. They can help you assess if you are heading towards an injury because of how you are working, or perhaps a limitation in your body. If you are proactive, you can change the way you approach your technique and discover stretches and exercises that benefit your unique structure and help you stay balanced.

Doctor says: “Dancers are especially prone to foot and ankle injuries such as sesamoiditis, hallux rigidus or limitus, bunion deformities, plantar fascia problems, shin splints, ankle impingement, Achilles tendonitis, and FHL tenosynovitis. Hip and knee injuries are also common among dancers.�

For More Info: Dr. Scott Welsh is an Austin-based board certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knee injuries. Find more information or schedule an appointment at

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Ryan Rodebaugh Baseball Player From a baseball loving family, Rodebaugh followed in his father’s footsteps to play baseball. He and his father even play the same position: pitcher. Rodebaugh was born on March 30, 1989 and his family moved to Georgia from Toledo in search of year-round baseball playing weather. He later attended Kennesaw State University and now plays for the Round Rock Express. What does your specific sport do negatively to your body? I don’t think the actual sport does anything negative while you’re playing so much as the wear and tear of a long season. It’s important to stay on top of aches and pains and take care of problems in “pre-hab,” as we call it. Rehab is when you’re coming back from an injury and “pre-hab” is to hopefully prevent an injury. Have you had any recent injuries you’d like to tell us about? I had an oblique injury last year. It was just from the wear and tear of the season and just grinding it out. Stuff like that happens occasionally. You do the stuff in the training room and do the treatment to get back out on the field as soon as you can. Do you have any advice for beginners in your sport? Listen to your coaches and know when to stop. Know when it’s soreness versus actual pain and discomfort. How do you maintain your physical strength and endurance during off time? During season, I try to get a total body workout, whether it’s upper body and lower body or just one day of total body workout in the weight room once a series, so every four days or so. I try to get a total body workout to maintain strength throughout the year.

Doctor says: “Common injuries in baseball players include rotator cuff tears, biceps tendon injuries, and labral tears. Be careful with your young athletes, as adolescent throwers are particularly prone to growth plate injuries of the shoulder. Shoulder stretches, rotator cuff and core strengthening, and proper throwing mechanics can prevent most injuries to the shoulder. Ankle sprains, ankle fractures, meniscus tears, and labral tears of the hip are also commonly seen.”


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Caitlin Reedy Soccer Player I am 23 years young living in the beautiful Austin, Texas, but I grew up in the Dallas area. I played all kinds of sports—soccer, basketball, softball, track and cross country. Sports have always been a big part of my life. The reason I pursued soccer so much was because I was naturally good at it. What part(s) of the body do athletes in your specific sport most commonly get injured? Since soccer is a sport that is greatly focused on the lower body, I would say any injuries involving the legs, feet, ankles are definitely the most common. With women’s soccer you see a lot of ACL tears, as well as other ligaments tearing. But with there being such a high level of contact within the game, you have to worry about broken bones as well. What do you think is the key to avoiding being injured? Any specific stretches? Stretching can be a difference maker, with tearing or not tearing something in the game. But there is another thing that I think plays a huge factor in injuries: confidence. There are so many times when I have seen players going into tackles tentatively and not 100 percent and the majority of the time they end up being injured. Be confident and sure of yourself. How do you prepare your body for your sport? I think the most obvious answer of how a soccer player prepares their body is running. There is constant moving and almost no rest during the 90-minute game and it can be very tiring. It is important to be able to run sprints and long distances and that is a great training method. But I think the type of fitness that helped me the most was jogging around a field and every minute work in a short 20-second sprint and then go back to jogging.

Doctor says: “Soccer players are very susceptible to ankle sprains, ankle fractures, ACL tears of the knee, meniscus tears, and soft tissue contusions. Ankle injuries can be reduced by a pre-season strengthening and balance program. Prophylactic bracing or taping is also helpful at reducing the severity of injuries. The incidence of ACL tears can also be decreased by an ACL prevention program.”

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3 Ways to Prevent Knee Injuries

Knee Problems? Try using Exercise, Foam Rollers and the Right Shoes to Keep your Knees Happy Special Contribution to Austin MD By Tim Valderrama


ou start out on a run, the sun is shining, and you’re feeling both pride and exhilaration. Then, minutes or even seconds in, all you feel is the pain in your knee. There’s no arguing that running and other exercise can be tough on your body, but pain is not your fate: Knee injuries can be avoided through preventative measures. The most common knee ailment is runner’s knee, which is an overuse injury. Runner’s knee has several different causes, but is most often due to irritation in the nerves around the kneecap, which occurs when the leg bends, as in running, jumping, biking and even walking. Most running injuries happen when you push yourself too hard, taking that extra lap or scaling that extra hill. Over time, the cartilage on the kneecap can wear down. All of your well-intentioned efforts in exercise and cardio can therefore lead to pain around the kneecap. Also called Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrom (PFPS), the frustrating news for athletes and active Austinites is that runner’s knee is most frequently treated with rest. But the injury can likely be avoided in the first place if you build up strong muscles around your knee and in your thighs, and keep your feet supported with high-quality shoes. Here are three ways to prevent knee injuries before they happen: 1


Building up muscle around your knees and thighs will help with knee pain


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In order to both speed up recovery and prevent injury, you must build the strength of the knee and surrounding muscles via exercise. According to, to work properly, the leg needs three things: strength (power and endurance), movement (joint range and muscle length) and stability (control, balance and proprioception). Lack of any of them can cause problems and pain. As with any injury prevention program, strengthening of the muscles surrounding the knee is important. The problem is that any knee injury will likely affect the contraction of leg muscles. According to, this causes problems, including: Weakness, which limits either the instantaneous strength of the muscle or the endurance how long the muscle can work for. Tightness, which limits how much the leg can move.

images from Shutterstock, tim Valderrama photo by Steve Dement

What happens as a result of this tightness and weakness is a muscle imbalance, where some muscles don’t work hard enough and others try to work too hard, in order to compensate. How to fight this? Try any knee-specific exercise including strengthening, stretching, balance and control exercises, like lateral squats, body weight lateral lunges and wall squats. All of these will help strengthen your knee! 2

Key Points for Specific Foam Roller Exercises

1. Roll back and forth across the painful or stiff area for 60 seconds. 2. Spend extra time directly over the knot or trigger point itself. 3. Roll the injured area two to three time a day. For prevention of injuries, two to three times a week is recommended. 4. Avoid rolling over bony areas. 5. Always stretch the area following foam rolling.

Foam roller If you’re still feeling the ache, another great way to attack a troublesome muscle knot is direct pressure on the IT-Band. Clint Verran wrote an insightful piece for, which is excerpted here: “A well-trained massage therapist can effectively apply pressure to break up and relieve muscle knots. These knots are pesky. It typically takes several treatment sessions to fix a well-placed knot. To make matters worse, these sneaky knots are famous for recurring again and again when you are least expecting it. The best way to eliminate and prevent muscle knots is the foam roller. The foam roller is a firm foam log that is six inches in diameter. Use the roller against the muscle knots with your own body weight to generate the direct pressure. Imagine using a rolling pin to roll out lumps in bread dough. A foam roller is an inexpensive, yet highly effective way to treat and prevent the most common injuries seen in runners. Foam rollers can be purchased at sporting goods stores or ordered online for less than $25. A few minutes a day can help keep you on the road for years to come and prevent injuries.” Verran also offers more specifics on how to use a foam roller with this handy list, found at


Shoes Last but not least, don’t forget that what you put on your feet can have a huge impact on your knees and other joints in your leg. Shoes are the foundation to the bio-mechanics of how we walk. It’s important to change them every 6 to 9 months, depending on your level of activity. In general, most experts will suggest changing your running shoes every 300 to 400 miles, but let your body tell you when it’s time: it will know when there is little or no cushioning left in your shoes. The experts at outdoor retailer REI had this advice to offer about replacing shoes: “If you notice any aches or pains in your feet, legs, knees, hips or back after you’ve worn your shoes, it’s a good sign that you need a new pair. Other signs include friction or blisters in unexpected places, which means your shoes have stretched and your feet are moving around too much. It’s a good idea to have two or three pairs of walking or running shoes that you can alternate using. You’ll find they’ll last much longer in the long run—or walk, as the case may be.” Using these three ways to prevent knee pain can help keep you both healthy and active. Of course, if you experience knee pain, the first thing you should do is see a doctor.

Don’t forget that what you

put on your feet

can have a huge impact on your knees and other joints in your leg

Tim Valderrama The CEO and fitness expert of Austin Executive Fitness has been in the fitness industry for the past 15 years. Tim graduated from Texas State University with a degree in Exercise Science. He has been featured in Austin Fit Magazine as one of the Top trainers in 2010 and 2011. He is a fitness expert for National Academy of Sports Medicine and works on various case studies. With more than 10,000 hours dedicated to personal training, he constantly stays busy working with Austin top executives by helping them channel their stress through proper nutrition & exercise.

• 2012 Austin

Fittest Fitness Pro Contender, 2011 Fittest Fitness Pro Contender

• 2011 Austin Fit

Magazine Best Trainers, 2010 Austin Fit Magazine Top 10 Trainers

• 2011 Nasm Subject Matter Expertise, 2012 Expertise academic-focused programs

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staY strong,

ryde on Austin’s New Indoor Cycling Experience By Jeana BertoLdi

AIMEE ALLEN’S FITNESS AND NUTRITION TIPS Advice to Keep You in Top Cycling Shape 1

Don’t be afraid to try something new. You might feel intimidated at first but end up loving it. 2

Don’t let people talk you out of something you want to do. Someone might initially be discouraging of your desire to try something, but only you know what’s best for you. 3

Listen to the needs of your body, both when exercising and eating. 4

Your everyday choices are what count: Try to make the choices that benefit you the most. 5

Be as consistent as possible: Doing well one day is great, but you also have to follow up the next day.


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photography by tyler lackey


or Austinites looking to spice up their workout routine, PureRyde offers an exercise experience unlike any you’ve had before. The studio, located at 5th Street and Pressler, intertwines enthusiastic, high-energy instruction with hard-core, full-body workouts designed to blast calories while sculpting legs, arms and core muscles. PureRyde uses RealRyder Fitness bikes which utilize cutting-edge core technology and provide a “build-and-burn” cycling experience that burns an average of 20 percent more calories than stationary bikes in other facilities. For those not used to taking spin classes, the initial experience can seem a little intimidating, but the PureRyde instructors guide newbies through every step. From the moment riders walk in the door, they receive personal care and attention regarding proper footwear and attire, bike seat adjustment, proper mechanics for “clipping in” to the pedals and basic operation of the bike. The initial warm-up begins once all riders are set up properly – then get ready to sweat as the instructor ramps up the intensity and keeps you pedaling while offering words of encouragement to make the workout enjoyable. As with any high-intensity workout, the PureRyde experience would not be complete without upbeat tunes to keep riders energized. The instructors play a variety of popular hits throughout the 50-minute class and even offer clients the opportunity to request songs via email, Twitter and Facebook. “Music plays a key role in the choreography and creation of the studios energy,” says instructor and PureRyde Operations Manager Aimee Allen. PureRyde offers Pure Tunes that are changed

regularly and available on the company’s website, In addition to helping clients reach their fitness potential, PureRyde also aims to connect with the larger Austin community by offering local products, such as JuiceLand juices, and partnering with multiple local businesses such as The Long Center and Whole Kids Foundation for charity events. Co-owners and fitness entrepreneurs Kelle Ilitch and Laura Cronberger are devoted to giving back to the local Austin community. “There’s not a week that goes by that we don’t try to figure out how we can be more involved in this community,” says Ilitch. The pair chose Austin as the location for PureRyde because of their love for the city and its passion for fitness and health. Cronberger says, “The organic feel of Austin was one of many reasons they wanted to start this business here.” “The great energy of Austin went hand-inhand with the studio concept,” Ilitch adds. To sign up for a class at PureRyde, visit their website at or call 512-4747433. Other tips: Be sure to arrive 15 minutes early, wear proper cycling gear (padded shorts can be helpful) and bring a narrow water bottle (the cup holders are made to fit classic cycling bottles). Parking is free in the Pressler garage. To get involved with PureRyde’s charity events, you can visit their website for a complete listing of opportunities.

There’s not a week that goes by that we don’t try to figure out how we can be more involved in the


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stayin’ alive anD heart healthy New Approaches to CPR By Jim BerGamo, kVue anchor and heaLth rePorter

hAnds-only cpr: Saving Lives while Singing Tunes The American Heart Association’s Hands-Only CPR at this beat of “Stayin’ Alive” can more than double or triple a person’s chances of survival. According to the American Heart Association, Hands-Only CPR has just two easy steps: “If you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse, (1) Call 9-11; and (2) Push hard and fast in the center of the chest to the beat of the disco song “Stayin’ Alive.” IT WORKS FOR TWO REASONS: 1 the song is often easier for people to remember in times of stress than a complicated series of counting. 2 The Bee Gees “Stayin’ Alive” is more than 100 bpm, which is the rate you should push on the chest during CPR.

leArn more: Master the Technique Visit to watch the Hands-Only CPR instructional video and share it with the important people in your life. Also, be sure to find a CPR class near you.


t’s September, which means Austin students are getting back into the swing of school routines. Where there are sports, there is the chance of injury, but while injuries can never be prevented, area schools are doing the next best thing: being prepared. Heart Hospital of Austin offers CPR and AED training to several area schools, and Hyde Park Baptist High School coaches and teachers have taken advantage of that instruction. Ryan Hull is looking forward to his senior year at Hyde Park High School both in the classroom and on the baseball field. The unmistakable ping of bat hitting ball is a sure sign Hull is making correct contact. But just a few hundred feet away, the sound of an Automatic External Defibrillator or AED could be heard. Many of Hull’s coaches and teachers were getting hands on CPR and AED training from nurses with Heart Hospital of Austin. “We deal with so many students every day, both on the field and in the weight room, and in the halls of the school,” says Dean Campbell, the Hyde Park athletic director and head football coach. “Even though we have a full-


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time nurse, you never know when or where a situation might occur.” “It can happen anywhere,” says Virginia Remeny, a cardiovascular nurse specialist and education coordinator at Heart Hospital of Austin. Remeny says only about 30 percent of all cardiac arrest victims receive bystander CPR. More than 80 percent of cardiac arrests occur outside of hospitals,” Remeny says. “The more people we have trained, the better those people are going to have a chance of surviving.” Not all cardiac arrests can be fi xed with a shock. The AED helps analyze the victim’s heart rhythm. It gives coaches and teachers critical information they can pass along to the school nurse. “When they call me to respond they’re going to have assessed the situation accurately, and I’ll be able to be more prepared,” says Julie Cox, the Hyde Park HS campus nurse. The training makes Hull more confident that his coaches, teachers and staff will know what to do if and when a cardiac episode happens to him or his classmates. “It’s

very reassuring knowing all your teachers and coaches are trained,” Hull says. “They can respond in the fi rst few minutes, the most important minutes, of the cardiac arrest. It lets you not have to worry about that and focus on the game more.” Visit http://www.hearthospitalofaustin. com/connect-learn-interact/aed-communityprogram for more information on Heart Hospital’s AED and CPR training.

Jim Bergamo kVue anchor and health reporter

Over the past 30 years, Jim Bergamo has split his journalistic career between news and sports. Bergamo, who says there’s nothing more beautiful than burnt-orange Austin sunset, has been with KVUE since 2006. KVUE, which is the city’s ABC station, is home to Bergamo and co-host Quita Culpepper’s 5 pm broadcast, which is the toprated 5 pm program, according to the latest Nielson ratings.

For More InFo: Catch on KVUE’s 5 pm broadcast and follow him on Twitter: @JimB_KVUE

image from shutterstock


Comparing Neurotoxins Neurotoxin Basics Botox



Manufacturer Allergan FDA Approval 2002 Cost (per unit) $8 - 14 See results in 4 to 7 days Results will last 4 months Rewards Program Yes

Medicis 2009 $3 - 6 5 to 7 days 3 to 4 months No

Merz 2011 $7 - 12 7 days 3 to 4 months Yes

How many units do you need? The number of units varies, depending on… 1

Location of injection 2

Where do you need Botox? Female Forehead Eyebrows Crow’s Feet Between eyebrows

10-20 units 2-5 units 10-15 units 5-25 units

Gender 3

Which Technology is Best for You? Special Contribution to Austin MD by Serenity Creek MedSpa


illions of men and women of all skin colors and ethnicities have realized the benefits of being treated with a neurotoxin (botulinum toxin type A). Thanks to these technologies, you are able to smile, frown and look surprised without those stubborn age lines. After receiving neurotoxin treatment, you’ll still look like you—only more refreshed, more radiant. The lines on your face actually result from muscle movement and the passage of time. When powerful muscles contract, they draw the muscles together, causing the skin to fold or furrow. As we age, skin becomes less elastic and those folds or furrows results in stubborn lines. Frown lines are dynamic lines caused by overactive muscles; they can be treated with neurotoxins.


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How, you might ask? Neurotoxins, produced by Clostridium botulinum, are incredibly potent. Seven serotypes exist, and each works slightly differently on a small molecular level. They block release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic terminal, creating local paralysis of that muscle fiber that one neuromuscular junction was going to innervate. In other words, neurotoxins erase the effects of time because the botulinum toxins block the signals that would normally tell your muscles to contract. If you’ve given thought to neurotoxins, you might be interested to know that you now have two other options in addition to Botox. Both Dysport and Xemoin provide similar results, but each has its own unique attributes. Contact Serenity Creek MedSpa for more information on these or any services.


Aesthetic Judgment; meaning, more specifically how much facial expression you want to retain

Forehead Eyebrows Crow’s Feet Between eyebrows

10-30 units 2-10 units 10-20 units 10-30 units

Approved Uses of Botox 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Frown lines Crossed eyes Eyelid Twitching Severe sweating (hyperhydrosis) Neck muscle contractions

“Off label” uses of botulinum toxin: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Forehead lines Crow’s feet lines Eyebrow lift Neck lift

5. Lip lines 6. Gummy smiles 7. Teeth grinding 8. Eyelid spasm 9. Facial spasms 10. Vocal cord disorder 11. Neck Pain 12. Back Pain 13. Overactive bladder 14. Juvenile cerebral palsy 15. Involuntary twitching 16. Chronic headaches

Interesting Botox Stats



$ billion



in net sales from Botox in 2010 Worldwide

According to ASPS statistics, the national average spent on Botox in 2012

procedures have been performed since 2002

For More Info: Serenity Creek Med Spa is a state-of the-art facility providing cosmetic services for your aesthetic improvements of the face, body, and skin. Find out more at or call 512-419-0303.

image from Shutterstock

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omen come in all shapes and sizes. Just like no two people are alike, no two bodies are alike. Since everyone is unique in their own shape, it’s important to know your body type and dress to flatter your figure. The key is to know your proportions and learn to accentuate your most flattering features and hide your problem areas. Fashion can be used as your greatest tool if you know how to make it work for your figure. Women’s shapes can be classified into four main body types: pear, apple, rectangular and hourglass. Keep reading to find out what your figure is and how you can find fashion that flatters.

Fashion that

Flatters How to Find Clothes that Play up Your Shape By Meredith Davis, Founder of

Rectangular Nearly half of all women have a rectangular figure, which is when your shoulders, waist and hips align and are a similar width. Since your upper and lower half are a similar size, you don’t have to minimize any body features. Your arms and legs tend to be your best asset, and the key with a rectangular shape is to create curves where they don’t exist and show off your slender limbs. You want to avoid looking lanky or boyish, so your best bet is to cinch your waist with a belt or dress that wraps. Wear detailed tops to draw attention to your chest; scoop neck or sweetheart tops will create curves, while tops with collars or ruffles will flatter your torso. Wear dresses with ruching to cinch in your waist, and have fun with colorful bottoms. Your legs are your greatest asset, so stock up on mini skirts and bright tights to make the most of them.

Pear Roughly 20 percent of women have a pear-shaped figure, which is when your hips are wider than your shoulders. Pear-shaped body types are bottom-heavy so it is important to make your lower half look slimmer and draw attention upward. Your goal is to emphasize your waist and add volume to your shoulders and upper body. Don’t wear clothing that will draw attention to your hips, such as cargo pants or printed skirts. Try a-line skirts in dark colors or opt for pants, skirts and dresses with a wide hem to balance the hips. Detailed tops will flatter your upper body; look for tops with ruffles or a boat neck, square or cowl neckline. Your best asset is your shoulders and arms, so show them off with a strapless dress.

Apple On the flipside of pear, is an apple-shaped figure, which is a rounder shape that is fuller on top with narrow hips. If you have this body type, your best feature

Photo by Lucas Curvis

is your legs. Wear shorter skirts to show off your legs and draw attention away from your midsection. You also want to create the illusion of a smaller waist; wear belts at the smallest part of your waistline to cinch it in. To conceal love handles, opt for tops that drape or empire tops and dresses. Your goal is to find fashion that lengthens your midsection. A good v-neck top can go a long way in elongating your torso, so make sure you have a good bra that offers lift and support.

Hourglass If you’re lucky enough to boast an hourglass figure, then you’re one of the few. Less than 10 percent of women have equal hip and bust widths with a narrow waist. Your goal is to tastefully show of your curves and not to flatten them. Don’t hide your shape with baggy clothing. Find fitted dresses that work for you and wear a belt at the waist to enhance your hourglass shape even more. Try wrap dresses that will not only show off your figure but will enhance your bust too. Opt for skinny or straight leg jeans to highlight your legs, and go for a high-waisted skirt to show off your hips. Thin fabric is your friend, so flirt with lightweight styles. Remember—your figure is the most flattering, so don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with your style!

For More Info: Meredith Davis (@MsMeredith-Davis) is the Founder of Austin Beauty Guide. For more beauty tips, local resources and information on the must-have products or trends of the season, visit

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BEaUTY This chocolate face mask is packed with antioxidants—and edible!

Homemade Chocolate

Face Mask Ingredients: ½ cup cocoa powder ½ cup honey 2 tbsp oatmeal for dry skin OR besan (flour made from chickpeas) for oily skin 2 tbsp cream for dry skin OR curd for oily skin

How to do it: Mix all the ingredients (dry skin – cocoa powder, honey, oatmeal and cream) or (oily skin – cocoa powder, honey, besan and curd) in the blender until it forms a thick, brown wellblended batter.



Wait about 5 minutes to let it settle.

Put your hair in a ponytail so that it doesn’t touch the face while the mask is on.


Apply evenly all over the face (except the eyes, lips and nostrils) and let dry for 15 to 20 minutes.


Wash off with lukewarm water and pat the skin with a soft towel to dry it.


Cocoa is a powerful antioxidant that will tighten and smooth aging skin: According to a recent study published by Chemistry Central Journal, the antioxidant power found in dark chocolate and cocoa powder was equivalent to or higher than that found in some other socalled “super fruit” powders or juices, including acai berry, blueberry, cranberry and pomegranate. Paired with the ingredients below, this cocoa face mask can brighten and soften dry, rough or irritated skin. Plus, it’s edible! We found this recipe on the Indian Makeup & Beauty Blog, but it will produce fantastic results on all skin types. By Lauren Bolado 32

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image from Shutterstock



for a Date Allow Austin MD to introduce you to some of this city’s most eligible medical professional bachelors and bachelorettes. These charitable docs will be up for auction at our first ever

Date a Doc Auction September 28. Learn more about them here, and come to the event ready to bid. To get tickets to this exclusive event, visit our website,

Let the bidding begin! Photography by Tyler Lackey

Why did you pursue a career in medicine? I initially was going to continue my career in the Marines, but I decided after 4 years that I wanted to help people. Helping people that come to the clinic in pain is the most rewarding part of my career. What’s special and unique about your practice? We have the saying, “One patient, Multiple Solutions” at Absolute Life. We are a complete wellness center, offering sports and family chiropractic care, rehabilitation, nutritional counseling, massage and acupuncture all in one clinic. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause.


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Wounded Warrior Project is my choice for non-profit organization to contribute to. Military Veterans are dear to my heart, not only because I served in the Marines, but also because of the sacrifices they endure on a daily basis. I have served in Iraq, where I witnessed Marines suffering from gunshot wounds, RPG fire, etc, so this is a great opportunity to give back to them. They are the true heroes of society. What do you look for in a romantic partner? I mainly look for someone that is motivated about their career and somewhat independent. My practice takes a lot of my time, so it is important for me that my partner understand and support the time commitments associated with owning a practice.

Dr. Daniel Shaddock, D.C. Absolute Life Wellness Center, Inc. - Owner/CEO Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Heather Byers, MD Resident at University Medical Center Brackenridge Obstetrics & Gynecology Department brackenridge Astrological Sign: Aries

What’s special and unique about your practice? Obstetrics & gynecology is extremely unique within medicine. It is one of the few fields that combines medicine and surgery, and that follows a patient over the course of a lifetime. A doctor I worked with as a student used to say obstetrics & gynecology was for doctors who liked surgery, medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, emergency medicine and politics because the field incorporates all of those. And its true! Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause. Trickle Up provides resources to people living on less than $1.25 a day to take the first steps out of poverty. Its entrepreneurial mission focuses on leadership, innovation, partnership and community. I got involved with this group after working directly with

What do you love most about your job? I love that every day I get to create a personal connection with my patients and that I can help them get healthier. It’s very rewarding when you can change things for someone and make them more confident with their smile. Why did you pursue a career in dentistry? I love it because it involves an artistic component to it; we use our hands to sculpt teeth and create more appealing smiles. I love taking care of people and love the reward of improving someone’s smile and confidence. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate about this cause. Many Texans cannot afford the insurance they need in order to maintain healthy teeth and

gums. Manos de Cristo is the only low-fee, full service dental clinic in Austin. As such, it bears the enormous responsibility of offering the best care possible to the most vulnerable among us: children, Hispanics and families who lack the resources to meet their dental needs.

people in South Africa who never knew how they were going to buy their next meal. For me, this was a searing example of how difficult it can be to break the cycle of poverty. But I also saw that even the tiniest amount of resources, enough to raise someone above extreme poverty, could reveal an incredible amount of creativity, entrepreneurial zeal and health. This not only gives people a life beyond just trying to survive, but strengthens the community as well. What’s your idea of an ideal date? A date is a time to enjoy each other’s company. Everyday issues and problems can be discussed at a separate time. An ideal date should be an evening with plenty of laughter, interesting conversation and an element of discovery. An ideal date should seem fresh and exciting, whether it’s the first or fiftieth date.

Winelle Bonilla, DDS Rose Dental, Doctor of Dental Surgery Astrological Sign: Aquarius

What do you look for in a romantic partner? I am a very positive, energetic, adventurous, funny and down-toearth gal. I enjoy simple things in life so I am looking for someone who can complement this. Someone who is very affectionate and thoughtful, family-oriented and that can be my best friend and partner in crime. I am attracted to confident, independent and open minded individuals. Someone who is ambitious and works hard but never forgets to have fun and enjoy themselves. I want someone who is not afraid to live life.

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Thomas Martens, MD

Pamela Sears, RN

Luke Padwick, MD

Serenity Creek Med Spa & Union Treatment Centers Astrological Sign: Pisces

RN at Biosense Webster and Clinical Account Specialist Astrological Sign: Virgo

Austin Emergency Center (North and South locations)- Founder and Staff ER Physician Astrological Sign: Leo

What do you love most about your job? Helping people achieve and enhance their beauty as well as help patients get better and back into their workplace. Why did you pursue a career in medicine? To help people feel better, get better and look better. What’s special and unique about your practice? The lovely ladies I work around are always fun and have great energy. Our patients become more than patients to us; they become friends, inspiration, and motivation as professionals and people. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause. I have chosen to benefit I picked this organization because the founder is a patient of ours who is such a joy to be around and a great inspiration. It is amazing to see someone who has been through so much at a young age have such enthusiasm and excitement at all times. What’s your idea of an ideal date? Going to a nice restaurant for a great dinner and wine, then going out to listen to live music.


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Why did you pursue a career in medicine? When I was in high school, I watched a friend die from cardiac arrest due to a congenital heart defect. I knew at that moment I wanted to pursue a career in medicine so that I would never have to feel so helpless while watching someone suffer. I was fortunate enough to have a family physician direct me to the rewarding career of nursing. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause. I have chosen to support the Livestrong Foundation for cancer research. My father passed away with malignant melanoma after many years of treatment and ultimate suffering. There are so many lives that are affected every day from the devastation and suffering that cancer causes. I feel passionate about supporting cancer research so that we can continue to take steps toward finding a cure. What do you look for in a romantic partner? I look for a man who has a positive and optimistic outlook on life. Someone who is confident and secure in who he is and what he wants. He loves to laugh and laughs often. Physical attraction and chemistry are important but I truly believe mutual respect and admiration are the base for any good relationship.

What’s special and unique about your practice? Austin Emergency Centers are modern, concierge-level, full-service, freestanding emergency rooms. In emergency medicine, we are used to seeing all of our patients come into the ER in pain, anxious and generally miserable. Often, they are then faced with long waits, prolonged pain and an entirely unpleasant ER experience -- which only compounds the distress that they have come to the ER for in the first place. At Austin Emergency Center, our goal is create an efficient, visually soothing, minimally-stressful ER experience. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause. I have chosen Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas. I was a Big Brother while I was in medical school and really enjoyed the experience. I think the presence of role models in my family has had a great influence on my life. I think Big Brothers attempts to create this role model experience. What’s your idea of an ideal date? A fun bike ride (mountain or road), and after cleaning up, a nice dinner at a romantic Austin Italian restaurant, with a couple of glasses of red wine.

Jessica Best, MD Resident Physician at University Medical Center Brackenridge Emergency Medicine Department Astrological Sign: Scorpio

What do you love most about your job? I love coming to work with a blank slate and not knowing what the day will bring. There is plenty of patient variety throughout my day, and when my shift ends, my work is done. I enjoy having a very healthy work-life balance. What’s special and unique about your practice? I chose my specialty because I love the fastpaced nature of the emergency department. I enjoy treating young, old, rich, poor, black, white, and everything in between. I love emergency medicine’s general mantra of “anybody, anywhere, anytime.” Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause.

Why did you pursue a career in medicine? Originally, my parents coerced me into it. My father is also a physician (retired now) and I grew up in a third world country (Nigeria). I had first hand experience with terrible tropical and nutritional diseases and witnessed the powerful effect of medicine to be compassionate and provide treatment for sick people.

I have chosen Global Health Innovations as my non-profit organization. Their focus is to design, implement and manage medical programs focused on providing solutions to save lives. Global Health Innovations will help to fund a lifelong project I plan to start this fall. I will be traveling to Malawi, Africa to help build emergency medical services and triage protocols at Daeyang Luke Hospital. This hospital serves a community of 70,000 individuals with very limited resources. What do you look for in a romantic partner? My future partner needs to be honest, kind, compassionate, driven and make me laugh every day. I hope to find someone who wants to share many adventures together and travel the world!

Okem Okpara, MD Austin Emergency CenterDirector of Far West location Astrological Sign: Virgo

Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause. I have chosen to support the International Justice Mission. As mentioned earlier, it stems from my childhood days growing up. While I was most likely middle class in Nigeria, there was definitely severe poverty all around me. And all of the things we take for granted here, are luxuries a majority aren’t fortunate enough to have in Nigeria. All one has to do is listen to the news and you’re bombarded with stories or war and refugees, global warming and natural disasters, severe poverty and malnutrition with its associated diseases. What’s your idea of an ideal date? One where I’m oblivious to how quickly time flies doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing. What do you look for in a romantic partner? Intelligence, confidence, sense of adventure, and most importantly the ability to be reasonable and not dramatic!

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Brendan J. MacKay, MD Texas Orthopedics, Sports & Rehabilitation Associates, Orthopedic Surgeon Astrological Sign: Pisces

What do you love most about your job? Everyone needs their hands. It is very gratifying to fix problems that can have a profound effect on people’s daily quality of life. Why did you pursue a career in medicine? I come from a family of nurses. My interest was peaked at a young age as I heard my grandmother, aunts and mother talk about their work experiences. As I went through school, I enjoyed science and my volunteer experiences in local hospitals. Medicine seemed to be the best way to combine my academic interests with a people-oriented career. What’s special and unique about your practice?

Why did you pursue a career in medicine? I come from a family of three pharmacists and a nurse so the medical profession is in my blood. Growing up in a pharmacy where my dad was an integral part of the community, I saw first-hand what it meant to take care of patient’s medication needs and the respect he gained from the community. It sounds cliche, but I wanted a career where I could make an impact on people’s lives, so I went back to my pharmacy roots. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause. I have chosen to support the Texas Chapter of the ALS Association. I am passionate about this organization because my business partner, fellow pharmacist, and friend, Adam Metcalf and his family have been deeply impacted by ALS. Three of his family members, including his mother are currently living with ALS. Not only does it ruin the lives of those diagnosed but the family that surrounds them are impacted immensely. Adam and I would like to continue the mission to raise awareness and funds for the fight against ALS and hope for a day when ALS is a disease of the past. What’s your idea of an ideal date? Something fun and/or adventurous! It’s important for me to be with someone that can let loose and have a good time. I am a foodie and love live music—a date including those would ideal.


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Jana Downing, Pharm D Hill Country Apothecary; co-owner Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

In addition to my orthopedic surgery residency training, I completed a fellowship in hand, microvascular and peripheral nerve surgery. This allows me to treat complex acute and chronic traumatic orthopedic problems as well as team with other surgeons to treat conditions across a wide variety of subspecialities. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why you are passionate this cause. My nonprofit is the Arthritis Foundation. Approximately twenty percent of the American public suffers from arthritis. Arthritic conditions affect people of all ages and cultures and can result in significant pain and disability. The Arthritis Foundation is dedicated to the prevention, control, and cure of arthritis and related diseases.

Christopher R. Kahlden, DDS Rose Dental Group – Associate Dentist Astrological Sign: Leo

What do you love most about your job? I love working with people and having the ability to impact their lives in a positive manner. What’s special and unique about your practice? The level of customer service we strive for. I think service takes a backseat in many medical settings, but not at Rose Dental. We literally discuss customer service at every single morning meeting. I really believe that makes us unique. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose. I chose The Salk Institute for Biological Studies. To get an idea of what they do, here’s an excerpt from their website: “Focused both on discovery and on mentoring future generations of researchers, Salk scientists make groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of cancer, aging, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and infectious diseases by studying neuroscience, genetics, cell and plant biology, and related disciplines.” And these guys use donations both efficiently and responsibly, receiving an “A” rating from Charity Watch. What’s your idea of an ideal date? I guess my idea of an ideal date would be casual and fun. Don’t get me wrong, I would be just as excited as anyone else to do something spontaneous and extravagant, but that involves a fair bit of pressure and high expectations. Great conversation (preferably filled with lots of laughter) over good food is always a good time for me.

What do you love most about your job? I get to create living, breathing sculptures Why did you pursue a career in medicine? So I could help people be the best they could be. What’s special and unique about your practice? I help people realize the sculptures they can become to let themselves be seen. Tell us about the nonprofit you chose and why

you are passionate this cause. I chose to benefit Safe Place. It’s important to empower women to see beyond what their emotional abusers want them to see. They need a safe environment to blossom. What’s your idea of an ideal date? Casual, with a little bit of activity that allows for communication and not passive distraction. What do you look for in a romantic partner? Thoughtfulness, intelligence, humor and creativity.

Shirat Ling, D.O. Physician Artist at Innate Beauty Medical Spa Astrological Sign: Capricorn A u s t i n MD m a g a z i n e . c o m




gives back

Volunteer Opportunities for Helping Austin Women

SPecial contribution to auStin Md by citizen Generation’s catherine marLen

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power


hether you are a woman or a man, you know that the female gender is a gentle yet strong, crazy yet caring, intelligent and powerful group. At Citizen Generation, our mission is to create the habit of giving through philanthropic experiences and community programs. We want to cultivate donors for life for the betterment of their communities and the world. Following this month’s theme of women’s health, we would like to share with you ways in which you can help women throughout the Austin community. Citizen Generation loves giving back to all kinds of nonprofits that are working to better our community, from those that focus on


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animals to children and more. As a team of young women ourselves, we particularly enjoy finding ways to empower women. Citizen Generation is made up of four programs: CharityBash, CharityLadies, CharityLunch and CharityVolunteers. Our programs allow us to benefit a variety of central Texas nonprofits, and CharityLadies allows us to focus solely on women. CharityLadies provides opportunities for women to empower other women. To participate, attendees bring items to donate to the selected women-oriented beneficiaries. The event is then centered around a woman entrepreneur, who provides a presentation and discussion about business. By attending a CharityLadies event, you

have the chance to meet other like-minded women, have fun and give back to the community all within one event. Our last CharityLadies event was hosted at Painting With a Twist, where attendees had the opportunity to mingle with one another while turning a blank canvas into a beautiful painting. Each woman was asked to select an item from a provided list to bring as a donation for our beneficiary, Caritas of Austin, a group that provides a service continuum for those experiencing poverty that begins with a safety net and links them to resources to achieve self-sufficiency. We collected $100 in gift cards and 54.2 pounds of hygiene products that were donated to Caritas. If you’re interested in supporting women throughout Austin, below are resources for

photography by catherine marler, Jen bertrand, genesis escobar and deleigh hermes

austin is full of strong anD

poWerful Women

who are leaDing the way there are many ways to give back to austin area women

to create, nurture and transform.” ~Diane Mariechild some great places to get started! All of these organizations are doing wonderful work to help women and are looking for support through volunteers. 1 Con Mi MADRE: “A non-profit organization whose mission is to increase the representation of Hispanic women in post-secondary education through a focus on education and social support services to girls and their mothers.”

Saint Louise House: “Founded in 2000 to address the drastic shortage of safe housing and supportive services for homeless women and children, we provide deeply affordable and supportive housing for low-income home2

less women and their children with the goal of helping families develop long-term stability. Saint Louise House has grown from five apartments in 2001 to two 24-unit apartment complexes and the capacity to serve 46 families.” Posada Esperanza at Casa Marianella: “The goal of Posada is to create a nurturing environment for the children while their moms work to achieve self-sufficiency.” 3

4 Women’s programs at Austin Recovery: Austin Recovery offers both short-term and long-term programs for women who are struggling with addiction. Austin Recovery is in need of volunteers with various skills in several different areas.

There are many other great organizations, such as the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Girl Scouts of Central Texas, who are always in need of volunteers. Be sure to call ahead and check with the organization to see what volunteer opportunities are available! Austin is full of strong and powerful women who are leading the way. Join Citizen Generation in creating the habit of giving, empowering women and supporting the growing needs of Austin. Together we can do it! For More InFo: Citizen Generation seeks to create the habit of giving through philanthropic experiences and community programs and to cultivate donors for life for the betterment of their communities and world. Learn more online at

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Are there any special dental concerns that I should be aware of as a pregnant patient? Yes: Due to the varying hormone levels of a pregnant woman, your teeth, gums and overall oral health are definitely affected. Therefore, it’s extremely important to notify your dentist if you are pregnant or believe you may be pregnant. For instance, dental x-ray radiation can potentially be harmful to your unborn child, so x-rays should be kept to a minimum. Dentists do protect the abdomen with a leaded apron so risk is very minimal. However, to be safe, radiation should really be kept to emergency situations only. High doses of radiation can cause growth and development changes in babies’ rapidly growing cells. We also suggest getting in with your dentist prior to getting pregnant, if possible, so that your teeth can be professionally cleaned and gum tissue examined prior to the pregnancy. It’s recommended that any oral health concerns/necessary treatment be addressed prior to pregnancy. Opinions differ on whether or not it is safe to have dental treatment performed while pregnant. Many dentists think that the only safe time is during the second trimester. However, every patient and situation are different, so it’s a good idea to check with your OB-GYN regarding your specific case. Also, we’ve encountered cases in which a patient has struggled to get pregnant due to an increase in bacteria found in the mouth, but then once optimal oral health was achieved, they became pregnant. This happens because oral bacteria moves through the bloodstream, contributing to problems conceiving. The link between oral health and overall health cannot be denied! In addition, the rise in hormone levels during pregnancy causes gums to swell, bleed, trap food, increasing ir-


image from Shutterstock

Ask the Doctor:

Women & Oral Health

How Hormones can Affect Your Gums, Teeth & More By Dr. Michael Moossy

ritation in gum tissue and making it more important than ever to have regular dental cleanings. Research shows that increased hormone levels put you at a higher risk for periodontal disease and tender gums with increased bleeding—a condition known as Pregnancy Gingivitis. The bacterium that causes gum inflammation can actually get into your bloodstream and target the fetus, potentially leading to increase chances of having a pre-term labor and/or low birth weight babies, neither of which are safe for your child. It is also not a good idea to use teeth whitening products while pregnant or nursing, as there aren’t enough studies out there to prove that the chemicals used in whitening products are safe for the unborn child. Whitening products can also cause gum sensitivity during a time when your gums are most likely more inflamed than usual therefore causing further irritation.


Are there hormonal changes that occur, other than with pregnancy, which can affect your oral health? Yes, there are five situations in which changing hormones can cause women to be more susceptible to oral health problems. Those are puberty, monthly menstruation, use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy and menopause. Some symptoms that may occur orally that are reflective of these situations are tender/swollen gums, increase in canker sores, altered taste, burning sensation in the mouth, greater heat and cold sensitivity when eating and drinking, as well as decreased salivary flow that can result in dry mouth. Dry mouth can lead to periodontal disease due to the absence of saliva, which should moisten and cleanse the mouth, therefore neutralizing acids produced by plaque. Without the proper saliva production, cavities are more likely to occur.


Dr. Michael Moossy DDS General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Moossy is a native Texan who received his undergraduate degree at St. Edwards University in Austin. He has since gone on to attain his DDS at University of Texas dental branch in Houston. Dr. Moossy currently maintains a private practice in Austin and has been in practice for 14 years. He is also a member of the ADA, AGD, TDA, and CADS.

For More Info: Visit to find out more about general and cosmetic dentristry.

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Aligning the Body with the Mind A Unique Approach to the Common Problem of Dyslexia By Jaime Netzer


yslexia affects anywhere between 10 to 20 percent of our population—maybe more. People under its grasp are intelligent, even brilliant people: A recent Daily Mail article noted that many executives at the very top of business are dyslexic, because they are “often astute at creating ideas and have remarkable vision.” Plus, “their work ethic to overcome their issue often sets them apart.” But as young students, these future leaders can often feel frustrated, misunderstood and even defeated. Dr. Phyllis Books, an Austin-based dyslexia and learning disability specialist, is working hard to change that. Dr. Books approach is so different that it is perhaps best to let her clients speak about her unique skill set. Says one client, “Watching Phyllis treat my son with such tender loving care, I feel a hope for him that I hadn’t allowed in years. Her commitment and expertise are a gift.” Says another, “She’s a combination of a brain surgeon, a therapist and Mother Theresa.” Dr. Books’ unique path began in education—her first two colleges degrees are in education, and her mother was a teacher. Dr. Books says the questions that first led her to explore her current field were planted in her mind while studying education 20 years ago. Before graduating college, she was assigned to a second-grade classroom in Michigan. The children enrolled in the class were the children of the professors and graduate students in Dr. Books’ program. But there was a problem:


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“These kids were well nourished; their parents were smart and motivated to learn,” Dr. Books says, “but for some reason which no one could explain to me, some of these kids couldn’t read no matter what methods we tried. That experience gnawed at me for twenty years.” She then pursued a masters degree in communication, afterwards teaching and consulting at corporations. She was satisfied with her career, but the questions from her experience in Michigan remained in the back of Dr. Books’ mind. Suddenly, she found herself wanting more. “One day, an idea landed in my head about becoming a chiropractor,” Dr. Books says. “It was something I never consciously considered in my life. And I wasn’t really interested in changing careers. Within two years, however, I found myself back in school learning neurology and biology and how the communication systems within the body are working together on our behalf all the time.” She explains that in the early 1980s, chiropractic was one of the only avenues to study neurology without becoming a doctor. “It was the neurology and how the brain worked and where the communication breakdowns were happening that fascinated me so much,” Dr. Books says. And it was then, after Dr. Books learned biology, neurology and immersed herself in the burgeoning field of neuroscience, that she felt she started to understand why the children she had seen 20 years ago were having trouble learning. “Once I could figure out how the communication worked within the brain and within various body systems (endocrine, neurological, etc.), then could I see where the “communication glitches” were occurring in the kids,” Dr. Books says. “The light bulbs started going off in my head.” Dr. Books’ unique combination of skills and background led her to develop and trademark a natural, non-drug intervention procedure for those suffering from dyslexia, learning differences, ADHD, head traumas and various chronic health problems. The system is called Books Neural Therapy™, and it’s a structural and neurological re-patterning technique that

Dr. Books

for his team. That improvement in sports has held, and his coach and teammates couldn’t be more thrilled for him and for the team. Jim now comes in to Dr. Books’ office for “tune ups” every few months. “He has learned to listen to his body, and he knows when things are quite right,” Dr. Books says. “Just one time, and he’s right back on track.” She explains that once the body and brain are connected properly and know what “normal” feels like, it’s easy to notice when something is slightly off, and it’s easy to get it right back on track. “Jim is off to college now and confident he can read all those assignments on his own and become successful,” Dr. Books says. Dr. Books says her background in education, communications and chiropractic practice led her directly to her approach to working with dyslexia. “There is a natural and inherent order in how the brain develops,” Dr. Books says. “If we force kids to do tasks where a particular part of their brain hasn’t developed yet, of course, they will fail. Or they will find a “detour” way of accomplishing the task. The kids end up thinking they are stupid or “un-teachable,” but really, we presented the material at the wrong time for the inherent order of their brain development.” Instead, Dr. Books posits that in order to reverse dyslexia, it is enormously helpful to understand how the brain works and to know when different parts of the brain “come on.” “We simply follow the natural order of brain development, engage the other body systems that work together with the brain, and retrain the brain in neurologically correct sequences,” Dr. Books says. “And then, voila, you have a child whose eyes light up as they realize, yes, I can do this. I can do this really, really well!”

maintains that through her system, her patients can often reverse dyslexia and other learning differences permanently aims to rehabilitate, rather than compensate for, learning differences. In other words, Dr. Books maintains that through her system, her patients can often reverse dyslexia and other learning differences permanently. The technique incorporates gentle physical body alignment, which Dr. Books has found dramatically improves neurological function, with learning and behavior strategies. And the technique boasts success stories aplenty: Take Jim. Jim was 17 when he first came to see Dr. Books. He had been in tutoring his entire school life. He refused to read aloud, even if it meant taking an “F” for the day. His mother read most of his material to him in the evenings, so he could attempt to do his homework. Of course, this meant his mother was occupied each and every evening for 12 years, too. Within three weeks of Books Neural Therapy™, John improved three grade levels in reading and five grade levels in spelling. Two months later, during basketball season, his athletic prowess suddenly kicked up a notch, and one night, he scored 20 points

Upcoming Events: Join Dr. Books Sept. 17 from 7 - 9 p.m. for a public demonstration, “New Strategies for Success with Dyslexia,” or on Oct. 29 from 6 - 8:30 p.m. for a book signing. Both events are at Casa De Luz, 1701 Toomey Road. Contact Dr. Books at, by phone at 512-331-0668, or at her Austin office, 13740 Research Blvd, Suite M-1.

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Tips How to to Earn an A in Wellness Special Contribution to Austin MD by Scott & White Healthcare


s another summer winds down and a new school year has begun, it’s important to get back into the school-time swing. You’ve helped your child select their supplies and clothes for the new year, but have you done the homework you’ll need to help them stay healthy? Dr. Brandon Browne, M.D., Emergency Medicine physician at Scott & White Hospital – Round Rock, has some advice to help prepare your student for a healthy school year: Make sure your child understands the importance of proper hand washing, with soap and water, before eating and after using the restroom. A good rule of thumb for the length of washing time is to hum the “Happy Birthday” song twice to themselves—this is approximately 20 seconds— while scrubbing and rinsing. Sanitizing gel can be used, but only if children are old enough to not ingest the gel by eating or licking it, which could give


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them alcohol intoxication or even poisoning. While sharing is a great concept, children should be taught not to use friends’ combs or brushes, nor share their own. This can cause the spread of head lice, which is more common during the school year. Anywhere from six to 12 million children are affected by the insects each year, though people of any age can get head lice, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most important, have you made sure your children’s vaccinations are up-to-date? Check with your healthcare provider to see what the requirements are for schools in your area. Have you filled out all the health forms required by the school? Are your own emergency numbers current? Does your child have a special health concern that needs to be discussed with the school? Do you have a plan in case of emergency? “School is the perfect environment for illnesses like colds, flu, strep throat, and even meningitis to

image from Shutterstock

spread quickly,” Dr. Browne says. “Teaching good habits now can reduce their risk of becoming ill or spreading illnesses, and promotes a healthy lifestyle that will stay with them as they grow up.”

“My Tummy Hurts”: Common Causes and Cures for Kids with Stomach Trouble Approximately 10 to 15 percent of children ages five and up have abdominal pain. Although parents can usually tell if their child’s caught a stomach bug – he or she’ll have vomiting or diarrhea that lasts 24 to 48 hours. But you should know these other common causes of tummy trouble, and how you can help them feel better especially as kids head back to school in the coming weeks.

Nervous Tummies / Back-to-School With Central Texas kids heading back to school soon they, much like adults, will experience stress, which then affects their tummies causing discomfort and sometimes pain. Parents will often call in to the Scott & White clinic to talk about what’s going on--we usually see a spike of calls in September. What happens is kids feel the stress of school and they end up holding their bowel movements until they get home, as well as eating poorly at school, and dealing with bullying. “This all contributes to these tummy troubles,” said Ashis Barad, M.D., Pediatric Gastroenterologist at The McLane Children’s Hospital at Scott & White.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome What it feels like: In addition to general abdominal pain (which frequently occurs at night), a child with IBS usually has bloating and gas. He or she may also have diarrhea or constipation.

What’s going on: IBS is a cousin of functional abdominal pain. It’s more common in adolescents, but some younger kids do get it, particularly if they have a family history of the disease. They tend to have overly sensitive intestines that spasm in response to certain foods and stress. There’s no specific test for IBS, but doctors may do some tests to eliminate other possibilities.

How to Help Keep Tummies Calm: Pack a Healthy Lunch and Snacks Dr. Jennifer Helmcamp, M.D., Pediatrician at Scott & White Clinic in Round Rock says when you shop for school supplies get plenty of fruits and vegetables for healthy snacks, and to pack your child’s lunch and get your child involved in preparing the snacks and lunch at least three days per week. “Pack apples and peanut butter to add in some good fat, or some whole grain crackers and cheese,” said Helmcamp. “Remember to get in some daily exercise, go for a walk after dinner, because what schools offer now is simply not enough.” And no cupcakes! Dr. Helmcamp says that parents will often send a box of cupcakes to school with their kids and suggested a good quality, lower sugar homemade bran muffin instead, sweetened with fruit; or packing a single serving apple sauces or trail mix without the chocolate chips. Raynelle Shelley, Registered Dietitian at Scott & White Clinic in Round Rock added, “If there’s no refrigerator at school to keep your child’s lunch cold, put a frozen bottle of water in their lunch box to keep meats cool. And don’t skip meals, if kids don’t eat they can’t think! Keep celery and other fresh veggies on hand for when they get home from school as well. Kids shouldn’t go more than four to five hours without eating.”

You’ve helped your child select their supplies and clothes for the new year, but have you done the homework you’ll need to help them

stay healthy?

Does my child have ADHD? According to Dr. Arti Lal, Pediatrician at Scott & White’s Cedar Park West Clinic, “ADHD is a specific complex neurodevelopmental disorder seen in children as well as adults. Symptoms usually begin before age six, but can present later in some cases. The complexity arises from the fact that unlike so many illnesses there is no “garden variety.” Every child is unique needing a detailed and thorough analysis for diagnosis.” Some of predominant features of ADHD include: Inability to stop and think before acting, to wait one’s turn while playing games, or conversing with others. Excessively fidgety, restless and “on the go, younger children may show excessive climbing or running. This tends to decline with age. Fail to reveal persistence or “stick-to-ittiveness” when doing uninteresting tasks and being unable to stay on task unless supervised. Difficulties with working memory: unable to remember things that will help them accomplish tasks in the near future, lose track of the goal of their activities, seem to have little hindsight or foresight, and problems with time management. Difficulty controlling emotions and regulating them makes ADHD children come across as quick tempered and easily frustrated. They find it difficult to create motivation unless there is an immediate reward.

For More Info: Contact Scott & White Healthcare-Round Rock, located at 425 University Blvd. Email or call 512-509-8550.

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T Keeping Asthma in Check How to Be Prepared & Prevent Flare-Ups By Dr. Amin Mery & the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI)

hat first day backto-school can prove exciting for children and parents alike—but it can also cause worry if your child is an asthma sufferer. There are many steps you can take as a parent, in order to lessen your own concerns and those your child might have.

What is Asthma, Exactly? There are an estimated 17 million people in the U.S. with self-reported asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease marked by wheezing, chest tightness, cough and/or shortness of breath. Consult a physician if you or someone you know has the following symptoms: Coughs a lot during or after exercise Has shortness of breath Wheezes while breathing Has a tight feeling in the chest Asthma symptoms are caused by the constriction and the inflammation of the airways. Constriction and inflammation of the airways and increased mucosa make it difficult and sometimes impossible to breathe.

What causes asthma? Allergens, irritant, respiratory infections and/or exercise can trigger asthma symptoms. Asthma is often placed in different categories according to symptom “triggers”: Allergic Asthma is triggered by allergic reactions to allergens such as pet dander, dust or dust mite, mold or pollen. Seasonal Asthma is triggered by seasonal allergic reactions to allergens such as trees, grasses or weeds. Non-allergic and Allergic


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images from Shutterstock, Amin Mery photo by Tyler Lackey

Asthma are triggered by irritants in the air that you breathe such as tobacco smoke, wood smoke, room deodorizers, fresh paint, perfume, etc. Exercise-induced Asthma is triggered by exercise or physical activity. Nocturnal Asthma can occur in a patient with any type of asthma, though the asthma symptoms will increase or worsen at night. For treatment, it is important to recognize asthma “triggers.” Airway inflammation may always be there, even when you are seemingly symptom-free.

How to Prep For Your Child Heading Back-to-School Make sure to do your own homework on asthma before your child starts school. Make sure asthma medications are taken as prescribed, even when your child is well, so that doses aren’t missed. Skipping medications can lead to increased symptoms, which often results in less time learning. Also make sure your child’s medications are well understood—if you have questions, ask your doctor or specialist. Ways to be prepared: Tour the school to identify potential asthma triggers. Talk with your child’s teacher(s) and other relevant school personnel (such as sports coaches and school nurses) about your child’s condition and treatment plan. Make sure all relevant school staff is aware of your child’s condition so they are prepared to help if your child is in need. This requires an asthma action plan that delineates these things to both the parent and teaching/nursing staff.

Be sure to do your own homework on


before your child starts


Once Classes Have Started Schools are filled with potential asthma triggers—make sure you know exactly what triggers your child has. Defining potential triggers, such as allergic triggers and exercise that may be encountered during school, can help prevent episodes from occurring in the first place. Common asthma and allergy triggers in the classroom include: Dust mites Mold Chalk dust Animal dander

Getting Active Recess, gym time and afterschool sports practice are all part of what make children love their

Dr. Amin Mery Dr. Amin Mery, a Texas native, is board certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology as well as the American Board of Internal Medicine, and he is a member of American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

For More Info: Visit Hill Country Allergy at

time in school. But for children with asthma, physical activity can prove to be dangerous, and filled with potential triggers. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAI), children with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction may complain about participating in physical activities. However, it is very important for children to stay active, so work with school staff to develop strategies to keep your child symptom-free while exercising. These may include: Using a short-acting inhaler 15 minutes prior to exercise. Drinking plenty of water before, during and after exercise. Choosing sports that are less likely to trigger symptoms.

Keeping your child’s asthma well-controlled will keep your child in school and participating in activities that further his or her educational experience. Know the causes of asthma triggers and how to avoid and treat them. As a parent, be sure to understand which medications your child needs and how to use them. Check to make sure they are taking them as prescribed, as asthma can act up at any time. Remember there are other treatment options besides medicines that can help manage allergic asthma, like avoidance measures and immunotherapy (allergy shots). While asthma is a chronic disease, it can be managed and controlled with appropriate treatments.

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hill country

Apothecary New Austin Business Brings Back Old Pharmacy Traditions By Jaime netzer

owners Jana downing and adam metcalf are both the children of pharmacist fathers


magine a drug store in which the pharmacist steps from behind the counter to speak at your side, taking care to explain your medication, and to answer your questions. A beautiful, airy space in which you can, should you happen encounter a line, enjoy a juice or coffee bar while you wait for your prescription to be filled. A place where you can browse a large selection of nutraceuticals and nutritional supplements, in addition to your usual prescription needs. It may sound like a dream, or a memory of pharmacies long gone, but Austin pharmacists Jana Downing and Adam Metcalf are setting out to make this dream a reality for Austin this fall, with the opening of their new pharmacy, Hill Country Apothecary, in November. “Hill Country Apothecary will specialize in custom medications that cannot be offered at your regular retail pharmacies,” Downing says, explaining what will set her business apart. “By working with the patient, physician, pharmacist triad we will be able to fit the

unique needs of patients. Our focus will be on overall health and wellness.” The son and daughter of pharmacist fathers, both Downing and Metcalf saw firsthand the effect their fathers’ work had on their respective communities. Metcalf told the Lake Travis View, “Jana and I both grew up as pharmacy rug rats. We have seen the difference our families have made in their cities. And we still believe that pharmacy is an important part of the community. Metcalf wants Hill Country Apothecary to be more than just a place to pick up medication—he wants it to be a space for the community to

we want

our pharmacy


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to be a place they can come to feel like they are treateD as inDiviDuals anD not just another customer stanDing in line for their prescription

gather. “We want people to come and hang out and play cards or talk about politics. Jana and I believe that Lakeway and the surrounding community will support this idea. We want to contribute to the area we live in.” In addition, Downing adds that she and Metcalf want their customers to rely on them for their unique health and wellness needs. “We want our pharmacy to be a place they can come to feel like they are treated as individuals and not just another customer standing in line for their prescription. The atmosphere will not be a dull, drab environment that is nothing but aisles of products. We will have WiFi and a juice bar available to them that they can enjoy in a relaxing yet modern looking atmosphere.” To achieve this goal, Downing and Metcalf are working with locally-based MF Architecture to ensure the pharmacy looks as different as it feels. Check out the difference for yourself starting in November at 1310 Ranch Road 620 S., and until then, find Hill Country Apothecary online at

photography by tyler lackey


Changing the Rules The newest edition of the DSM-V brings major shifts to the field By Jeana Bertoldi


he DSM-V, the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, came out on May 18 of this year, almost two decades after the release of the DSM-IV in 1994. Often referred to as the “psychiatrist’s bible,” the manual includes many changes— some of which are proving to be controversial—to the rules that govern how mental health practitioners evaluate and diagnose their patients. One of the most contested changes in the newly updated manual, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is the reclassification of Asperger’s syndrome as a sub-category of autism spectrum disorder, essentially combining all related disorders into one “catch-all” disorder. According to Patrick DeChello, social worker and doctor of clinical psychology, some Asperger’s advocacy groups are upset with the alteration. “They’ve lost their identity,” DeChello says. “They want to stay individualized.” There is also concern among Asperger’s advocates that they could lose money for treatment and research since the syndrome is no longer considered distinct from any related disorders. Another controversial change raising questions is the elimination of the bereavement exclusion, meaning that someone having recently suffered a significant loss (for example, the death of a spouse) can be diagnosed with major depression. Some are concerned that this shift will not allow those who have lost someone enough time to grieve. “Before it was seen as a normal human happening to grieve when you lose someone you love,” DeChello says. “Now you can be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness.” It’s not just changes to individual disorders that are provoking questions, though: the DSM-V has done away with the five axes, which in previous

editions provided practitioners with perspectives from which to consider their patients. For example, Axis I referred to a principal disorder that needed immediate attention, such as a major depressive episode, while Axis III brought medical or neurological problems into the picture. The axes have been included in the DSM since 1973, but the DSM-V has taken a different approach and eliminated them altogether, a move that, according to DeChello, has “changed the whole space” of mental health diagnostics. “That’s got a lot of people on edge because they don’t know how to differentiate now,” DeChello says. Other changes in the DSM-V include the addition of behavioral addictions, specifically gambling, the requirement that someone has to have acted upon their urges to be diagnosed as a pedophile, and the merging of all eating disorders into one category. The manual now also includes cultural consideration—meaning practitioners must consider a patient’s beliefs and background and cannot make a diagnosis based on something that the patient does for cultural reasons. For example, if someone fasts for a religious cause, that person cannot be diagnosed with an eating disorder based upon that action. DeChello also says that the DSM-V is different in that it focuses more than previous editions on the way medical illnesses or prescription drugs can affect psychiatric disorders, which will in turn require more coordination of treatment between medical doctors and psychiatrists. “It’s a team approach now, but medicine is going to be a bigger part of it than it has been,” DeChello says.


is different in that it focuses more than previous editions on the way medical illnesses or prescription drugs can affect psychiatric disorders


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Cover of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, (Copyright ©2013), is reprinted with permission from the American Psychiatric Association. All Rights Reserved.


The Reason I Jump Inside the Autistic Mind


By Jaime Netzer

s translator David Mitchell explains in his introduction, the thirteen-year-old author of The Reason I Jump invites you, his reader, to “imagine a daily life in which your faculty of speech is taken away.” He then asks you to go further, imagining that you’ve also lost “the editor-in-residence who orders your thoughts.” It’s a powerful thought experiment, and what follows in the next 135 pages of the book is equally powerful: The Reason I Jump provides an unparalleled, warm, often funny glimpse of the inner voice of a child with autism. Naoki Higashida was only a middleschooler when he began to write The Reason I Jump. Autistic and with very low verbal fluency, Naoki answered the questions he imagined others most often wonder about him: Why do you talk so loud? Is it true you hate being touched? Would you like to be normal? Higashida’s writing technique is as novel as the book itself: Using an alphabet grid to painstakingly construct words, sentences and thoughts that he is unable to speak out

Author Naoki Higashida uses an alphabet grid to construct words

loud, he answers even the most delicate questions—the kind people wouldn’t like to ask out loud. A particularly poignant answer is that to the title question, “What’s the reason you jump?” Higashida answers: “When I’m jumping, it’s as if my feelings are going upward to the sky.” Upon its publication, The Reason I Jump became a phenomenon in Higadshida’s native Japan, and Higashida is now a well-known autistic blogger and writer. Award-winning novelist David Mitchell and his wife KA Yoshida came across the book and read it in Japanese. They felt as if their own son, who is autistic, was talking to them about what was happening inside his head. They understood him better. Writes Mitchell in the book’s introduction, “It is no exaggeration to say that The Reason I Jump allowed me to round a corner in our relationship.” KA soon discovered through web forums that she wasn’t the only parent frustrated by the lack of an English translation of The Reason I Jump, so together she and Mitchell set to work to create one. The book follows a question and answer format, and is interspersed with beautiful, intricate drawings. The Times’ Andrew Solomon called the book a Rosetta stone: “This book takes about 90 minutes to read, and it will stretch your vision of what it is to be human.” And Solomon is right: The reader closes the book feeling a greater sense of both knowledge and empathy, but also walks away from The Reason I Jump feeling entertained—in between the questions, Higashida weaves in small, fictional stories that are well-crafted and moving, proving that in addition to being a great nonfiction solver of mysteries, Higashida has a talent for crafting fictional mysteries of his own.

This book takes about 90 minutes to read, and it will stretch your vision of what it is to be


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Almost A n o r e x i c The Dangers of Unhealthy Relationships with Food By Jenni Schaefer and Jennifer J. Thomas


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wish I had a touch of anorexia.” Authors Jennifer J. Thomas, Ph.D., and Jenni Schaefer hear this all the time. Why does a serious, life-threatening illness with one of the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric disorder inspire such cachet? Data suggest that the flip side of our national obesity epidemic is a serious problem with disordered eating. Aside from the 1 in 200 adults with fullblown anorexia, a shocking one in 20 adults (or 1 in 10 for teen girls) exhibit key symptoms of anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder but never address the issue because they don’t fully meet the diagnostic criteria. Thomas is an assistant professor of psychology in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and on staff at Massachusetts General Hospital specializing in eating disorders. Schaefer, who battled anorexia herself, is chair of the Ambassadors Council of the National Eating Disorders Association and an internationallyknown author of Life without Ed}and Goodbye Ed, Hello Me. Drawing on case studies and the latest research, ALMOST ANOREXIC: Is My (or My Loved One’s) Relationship with Food a Problem? combines the clinical expertise of Thomas along with Schaefer’s personal recovery story to help readers understand and overcome “almost anorexia” and live normal, healthy lives. The following excerpt is provided courtesy Hazelden Publishing and Harvard Health Publications. The book is available for purchase online at Basing much of your self-esteem on shape and weight causes you to view the world through Ed (eating disorder) glasses. Eye-tracking research suggests that when individuals with almost anorexia and other officially recognized eating disorders look at photos of themselves, they tend to spend more time looking at body parts that they think are “ugly” than parts they think are “beautiful.” Hyper-focusing on perceived flaws, they tend to formulate an overall judgment of themselves that is both harsh and critical, and they later recall and ruminate about these imperfections. Once they have developed this critical view of their bodies, it can be difficult to change. To illustrate this concept, take a look at the ambiguous picture created for this book by artist Emily Wierenga to the left. (You can also download this figure at Do you see a thin or a large woman? The figure is designed to be either one. If at first you see the larger woman whose body is positioned sideways facing to the right, it may be difficult for you to change your perspective and to see the thin woman whose body is facing forward with her head tilted up toward the left. To help you distinguish between the two, note that the thin woman’s nose is raised higher, more smugly, and is actu-

Images courtesy the authors and Hazelden Publishing

ally the ear of the larger woman, who appears melancholy with her arms folded across her chest. The feather hat on the upper left belongs to the thin woman and also serves as a ponytail for the large woman. Wierenga, who herself recovered from anorexia nervosa and co-authored the body image book Mom in the Mirror, designed the thin woman’s regal robe to represent the large woman’s layers of flesh. She told us, “In a society that equates thin with beauty and beauty with love, we long to be thin, and so we hide. Beneath layers of guilt and shame, not seeing ourselves for the royalty that we are.” Just like the thin/large woman, our own bodies can be ambiguous figures—one day looking slim and svelte, the next day covered in rolls of fat. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to let this image dictate whether we should feel pride (like the thin woman) or shame (like the large woman). You may have found that, once you started seeing the ambiguous picture one way (that is, as either thin or fat), it was difficult for you to change perspectives. Just as you can get locked in to viewing the ambiguous figure one way, individuals with almost anorexia get locked in to viewing themselves as “ fat.” Their perception can be difficult to change, mainly because they begin to en-

gage in behaviors that serve to maintain their negative self-view. As in a game of hide-and-seek, those with almost anorexia often alternate between avoidance, which is a desperate attempt to hide perceived flaws, and body checking, which is nearconstant vigilance for any weight and shape changes. Are You Hiding Your Body? A negative relationship with your body can be like living in a prison whose rules dictate what you can and cannot do. Don’t let anyone take your photo until you lose weight. Don’t go to that party, because you look horrible in dress clothes. Those with almost anorexia and other socially recognized eating disorders are significantly more likely than healthy individuals to engage in avoidance behaviors, such as refusing to be weighed, averting their eyes as they walk past reflective surfaces, and wearing baggy clothes to disguise their shape. Avoidance behaviors can be subtle, such as making yourself sit or stand in a certain way that you think will make you appear thinner— whether in photos or in real life. These behaviors can be incredibly impairing too. Dr. Thomas has worked with patients who dress in the dark, rarely shower, or won’t even get out of bed on “ fat” days.

Signs of Disordered Eating By Cedar Springs Austin Disordered eating behaviors impact both men and women and stand in the way of the healthy experience of physical, emotional, social and spiritual development and prevent the sufferer from living a full life. Some signs that indicate the possible development of an eating disorder include:

Secretly bingeing on large amounts of food

Constant adherence to increasingly strict diets, and the desire to restrict food intake regardless of weight

Weighing or body checking several times a day

Habitual trips to the bathroom immediately after eating

Hoarding large amounts of food Using laxatives, diuretics or diet pills to lose weight Exercising compulsively, often several hours per day or when ill or injured

Using prescription stimulant medications (like Adderall) and/or illicit stimulant drugs (like cocaine) to suppress appetite Despite different symp-

toms, eating disorders share common roots that depend on genetics, environmental factors, medical history, life experiences and the presence of cooccurring psychiatric and addictive disorders. Common behavioral changes associated with having an eating disorder are: Withdrawal from friends and family Avoidance of meals or situations where food may be present An intense preoccupation with weight, body size or shape, or specific

As in a game of hide-andseek, those with almost anorexia often alternate between avoidance, which is a desperate attempt to hide perceived flaws, and body checking, which is nearconstant vigilance for any weight and

shape changes

Jenni Schaefer Author Jenni Schaefer is an internationally known author and speaker whose work has helped change the face of recovery from eating disorders.

aspects of one’s appearance Obsessing over calorie intake and calories burned via exercise, even as one may be losing significant amounts of weight This list was compiled by Emily Mastrangelo, clinical assistant at Cedar Springs Austin. If you would like more information about eating disorders or to schedule an assessment, please visit or call 512.732.2400 or 877.755.2244 to speak with a member of the Cedar Springs Austin staff.

Jennifer J. Thomas Author Jennifer J. Thomas, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of psychology in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She specializes in eating disorders at Massachusetts General Hospital.

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She’s The


Austin is ranked the

The Health of WomenOwned Businesses

number one

Special Contribution to Austin MD By City of Austin Small Business Development Program

hottest place to launch your business


ccording to a report commissioned by American Express, the number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. has grown since 1997 by 59 percent, to 8.6 million. Nationally, women-owned firms are generating more than $1.3 million in revenue and employing nearly 7.8 million people. More specifically, Texas has seen a 93 percent growth rate in Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBEs), second only to California. How does this translate for the local market? It is good business to be a woman in business, especially in Austin, Texas. The capitol city prides itself on supporting its reputation as one of the friendliest cities in the nation for small businesses. According to the latest ranking by GoodApril, Austin is ranked the number one hottest place to launch your business. Through economic development initiatives targeting growth, the City of Austin dedicates itself to improving conditions for small businesses through the Small Business Development Program (SBDP). With a mission to foster job creation and support growth of new and existing businesses, SBDP provides capacitybuilding information, tools and resources, along with business assistance counseling to empower small business owners. With the assistance of the City and other helpful organizations, it is no coincidence that women entrepreneurs are establishing businesses throughout the Austin metro area. Why are so many women choosing to be their own boss? One local entrepreneur, Patti Winstanley of Aztec Promotional Group, LP, notes that, “being your own boss can be amazing and challenging. There is something to be said for being the person that gets the monthly check, and being the person others depend on for theirs.” Winstanley focuses her entrepreneurial spirit to find success in all as-


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Patti Winstanley, President of Aztec Promotional Group, advocates for women in business

For More Info: For small business assistance, contact: City of Austin: Small Business Development Program (SBDP), email:, 512-974-7800 Small and Minority Business Resources (SMBR), 512-974-7645 Other: Women’s Business Council – Southwest 512-694-2556 Women’s Business Center 512-928-8010

pects of her life. “In the corporate world, my role was defined. As a business owner, I have to constantly decide where we will put our energies and how much bandwidth we have to take on the next project. Having mentors and a supportive family allows me to work on my business instead of in my business, which makes for a healthy balance.” The robust health of small businesses positively reflects the overall economic conditions for such a unique city like Austin. As a growing segment, women-owned businesses are a unique contributor to the small business climate. The National Women’s Business Council notes that women­ -owned firms grew 44 percent from 1997 to 2007, twice as fast as their male counterparts. Similarly, the U.S. boasts there are 7.8 million women owned businesses in the U.S. and 88 percent of these are small businesses. Overall economic viability increases as women entrepreneurs play a more fundamental part in rebuilding the middle class. Room for future small business growth will stem largely from the entrepreneurial spirit and determination of women.

images from Shutterstock and Aztec Promotional Group


sports meDicine & security a radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) card can provide effective security and risk management

Keeping your Practice Safe SPecial contribution to auStin Md by dyezz surVeiLLance


e all know the importance of security in today’s society, but when it comes to Sports Medicine and Pharmaceuticals, the stakes are even higher. As a medical provider, one must take into account the potential liability of controlled drugs and narcotics. Not only is there potential for an intruder gaining unauthorized access to your facility, but one must take a candid approach to security from internal loss as well. We’d all like to believe that every individual within our company or team is of the highest integrity, but to be naïve is to make yourself and your organization vulnerable to a host of liabilities. For doctors, especially sports medicine practitioners, the need for security is vital: Doctors are considered legally responsible for the safe custody of medicines. Electronic access control systems can provide a reliable, cost-effective solution to many security concerns while enhancing accountability in an organization of any size. In many cases, these access systems can be integrated directly with building security and video surveillance to create a truly comprehensive security solution. Furthermore, instead of issuing and keeping track of ‘keys’, a single electronic Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Card or key fob can provide an organization with much more effective security and risk management. Each RFID Credential is unique to the user and can be completely controlled by one easyto-use computer interface. Schedules, access

John dyess is the founder of dyezz surveillance

electronic access

control gives an organization the ability to perform full auDit reports, showing what Door or cabinet was openeD by whom anD at what time groups, audit tracking and ‘instant changes’ are just a few features that make electronic access control such a valuable investment. By electronically controlling locks and credentials, there is no need for costly locksmiths whenever an employee leaves or keys are lost. For enhanced security, there are options for “multiple factor” or “miometric security”. Access cards and key fobs are tangible, and as such can be lost, stolen or given away. With a “two-factor” security control, the individual must swipe their card and enter a 4-digit PIN code that is programmed to the card. For an even higher level of security, biometrics utilize fi ngerprint and even retina scanners, ensuring only authorized

persons have access to sensitive areas. Electronic access control gives an organization the ability to perform full audit reports, showing what door or cabinet was opened by whom and at what time. Having this information, coupled together with building security and video Surveillance, gives Medical Providers a comprehensive security solution that meets all FDA and DEA Regulations while providing full accountability and peace of mind. For more information or a complimentary Security Consultation & Evaluation, contact Brodie Owen – Design & Security Specialist – Dyezz surveillance & Security, INC., at 512-331-2788.

For More InFo: Dyezz surveillance and Security has been providing the highest quality of installations and service for video surveillance systems, burglar and fire alarms, access control systems covert surveillance, bug detection, intercom systems, and home automation since 2001. Visit or call (800) 370-2762.

image from shutterstock, John dyess photo by adam moraz

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CharityBash with Citizen Generation and Tidbits By Hannah Neumann Photography by Erickson Photography and Jonathan Garza Photography


n August 15, Citizen Generation paired with girl-about-town website Austin Tidbits for a CharityBash event which benefited the Animal Trustees of Austin, whose mission is to provide affordable treatment for all pets, while also presenting Tidbits’ “10 Female Philanthropists You Don’t Know Yet!” The event, held at Fiat of Austin, began at 7 pm. Guests enjoyed complimentary swag bags and snacked on delicious appetizers from Tiny Pies, while also sampling a variety of beverages provided by Deep Eddy Vodka and Tuaca Liqueur. Other highlights included a raffle by Blackfinn Ameripub and entertainment by DJ Johnny Bravo. The up-and-coming female philanthropists introduced at the event came from 10 Austin organizations: Celeste Lockin—Kendra Scott Chelsea Johnson—Flatwater Foundation Kirsten Dickerson—Raven + Lily Alexis Lanman—La Condesa, Malverde, Sway, Art City Austin Laura Davis—Crawl for Cancer Maren Curtis—BAZAARsocial, Citizen Generation Taryn Davis—American Widow Project Leslie Bailey—Baileys Bikers Kristina Jakstas—Austin Pets Alive! Courtney Clark—Animal Trustees of Austin

Said Citizen Generation’s Catherine Marler, “We are very thankful for these 10 women and all that they have done. There are so many people working to make a change in our community and world, and these women are paving the way for that change to happen.”


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Coming Soon November Hill Country Apothecary is excited to provide the City of Lakeway with a contemporary personable and innovative pharmacy

Hill Country Apothecary 1310 RR 620S Austin, TX. 78734


Joe Luis Altamirano

in Concert A Night of Music in Support of Mentorship By Hannah Neumann Photography by Ivonne Perla Photography


ith an intimate and moving performance by international piano sensation Jose Luis Altamirano, hundreds of Austinites filled the Mexican American Cultural Center for the Crossroads Concert Benefit Gala to enjoy the unique performance and support a great cause. The concert, made possible by the Edgar and Linda Perry Foundation and through the generous contributions of the event’s sponsors, was hosted by The Crossroads Scholarship fund, a non-profit organization aimed at raising money to provide scholarships and a mentorship program for Austin students who are overcoming various challenges in life and

designed to inspire and empower them to pursue higher education aspirations. At the event, which took place on July 12, guests sipped wine and cocktails provided by Modern Panda PR and the Rebecca Creek Distillery, enjoyed appetizers from Blackfinn Ameripub and Mighty Bird Restaurant, and bid on a variety of silent auction items including paintings, jewelry and beauty packages. “The money raised will be used to help young Austin students break the generational cycle of poverty, by providing them with an annual scholarship and a trained mentor that will help them be successful,” says Alex Torres, President of Crossroads Scholarship Fund. The event’s goal was to raise $10,000.

With final proceeds totaling approximately $9,200, the Crossroads Scholarship Fund is currently taking donations to help them reach their goal. Once the scholars enroll in college and accept the scholarship award, they commit to continue their mentorship throughout their college career. The organization increases the likelihood of success for students who come from underprivileged backgrounds. All donations to the fund are tax-deductible due to its 501(c) classification under the Austin Community Foundation. To donate to Crossroads Scholarship Fund or for information on how to become a mentor, contact:

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14809 Falconhead Grove Loop Bee Cave, TX 78738


Five Floorplans to Choose From

austin’s best boDy


Your Body Takes a Beating: Let These Pros Help with Prevention and Rehabilitation by Jaime netzer and Lauren BoLado PhotograPhy by tyLer Lackey


sPEcialists GUiDE

by Jaime netzer


r. Scott Welsh isn’t afraid of a complicated problem or injury—in fact, he says, that’s what he loves most. In addition to the pride he feels seeing patients get back to an active, healthy lifestyle, Dr. Welsh loves to wrestle with a problem others have failed to solve before: “Physical therapists and other surgeons often send complicated patients to me for second and third opinions when their patients are not doing as well as they expect,” Dr. Welsh says. And Dr. Welsh certainly has the training and experience to help make patients feel better. After earning a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois and a medical degree from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, he completed his orthopedic surgery training at Michigan State University. He then completed a fellowship in sports medicine at the University of South Florida/ Florida Orthopedic Institute, specializing in arthroscopic procedures and cartilage regeneration techniques. Board certified in orthopedic surgery, he has also worked as the team physician for the University of Tampa, University of South Florida and the Tampa Bay Lightning professional hockey team. Dr. Welsh has a holistic approach to treating patients, looking at the whole person in search of other factors that may be contributing to one’s musculoskeletal complaints. Because multiple surgeons overlooked his career-ending spine fracture, which went undiagnosed for over a year, Dr. Welsh takes extra time

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with each patient to ensure that they fully understand their diagnosis and that all of their questions are answered. He says this injury has deeply affected the way he practices. Also interested in cartilage regeneration and stem cells, Dr. Welsh offers the latest advances in orthopedics, but with a conservative approach. He is currently researching the use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to treat joint damage in the knee, ankle and shoulder. Central Texas Orthopedics has been us-

ing stem cell injections for two years, and Dr. Welsh tries to exhaust all nonsurgical measures prior to considering surgery. to Learn More about what Central Texas Orthopedics has to offer, visit, call 512-322-9163, or visit their office at 7900 FM 1826, Ste. 120.

Brad Fullerton, MD PROLOAUSTIN by Jaime netzer

meniscus tear before Prolotherapy

meniscus tear after Prolotherapy

to Learn More about Dr. Fullerton, Prolotherapy, or to schedule an appointment, visit, email, call 512-347-7246, or visit their office at 2714 Bee Cave Rd, Suite 106.

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sPEcialists GUiDE

he inspiration for the team at ProloAustin comes from Paul Brand, MD, who said, “The best physicians are the humblest ones, those who listen closely to the body and work to assist it in what it is already instinctively doing for itself.” And listening and assisting is precisely what Prolotherapy/Regenerative Injection Therapy is all about. Dr. Fullerton enjoys treating tendon and joint problems throughout the body, such as ankle/knee/shoulder instability, meniscus tears, rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow, low back pain and sciatica. Even when patients have been told surgery is their only option, ultrasound guided Prolotherapy/PRP treatment can be curative. The key to regenerative techniques is not necessarily the newest, most high-tech intervention or medication. Instead, the key is being able to listen to what the body is saying. This takes time, an open mind, extensive anatomic knowledge and hands-on experience with patients. All of these aspects set ProloAustin apart from its colleagues. At the helm of ProloAustin is Dr. Brad Fullerton, who is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR). He earned his medical doctorate from the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, and completed his PMR residency at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently on faculty for the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation musculoskeletal ultrasonography courses, serves as President-elect of the American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine, and teaches internationally on diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound and regenerative injection techniques, like Prolotherapy. Dr. Fullerton started treating patients with these techniques in 1999 and quickly realized this is the future of musculoskeletal medicine. Because this country’s medical system does not encourage this approach, Dr. Fullerton explains, he had to start a unique medical setting at ProloAustin.

And the setting is unique—most importantly, in terms of the kind of patient care delivered. “The statements we most commonly hear from patients are, ‘I’ve never had such a thorough exam by a doctor,’ or ‘Thank you for spending so much time on my problem,’” Dr. Fullerton says. “We are a joyful and optimistic office. It’s fun to solve problems with our patients.” The complete range of offerings at ProloAustin are intended to help patients suffering from a wide range of musculoskeletal issues. Dr. Fullerton offers his top three best tools for diagnosing musculoskeletal injury/pain: Time spent listening intently to the patient A detailed examination that considers the entire body, rather than only the one joint that has pain Detailed imaging that can see tissue in motion and under stress, called a diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound and performed by the same physician who integrates that imaging with the patient’s story and exam. Following a proper diagnosis, the best treatment for musculoskeletal injury/pain is one that stimulates the body’s normal healing—Prolotherapy, also known as Regenerative Injection Therapy. Our most common form of Prolotherapy uses your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Fullerton is also active in the Austin volunteer community. He regularly donates his medical services to Project Access (through the Travis County Medical Society) and the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM). He also has a special connection to Lima, Peru. In medical school, he traveled extensively through Peru with a friend, thinking, as he says, “this was a once in a lifetime experience.” But in 2010, his family traveled there to work with his church and a community of children who had been separated from their parents. Th is experience rekindled his love for Peru and Dr. Fullerton has returned there to train physicians in Prolotherapy (and visit the children). He recently hosted a Peruvian physician for a week of further training in these techniques.


austin’s best boDy Docs

Gordon Marshall, MD GREATER AUSTIN ORTHOPAEDICS by Jaime netzer

sPEcialists GUiDE

r. Gordon Marshall loves Austin and all of its athletes, from the pros to the fitness enthusiasts. “We live in a city of serious competitors in every age group, accompanied by weekend warriors, and older folks that just want to stay active,” Dr. Marshall says. “Very few of us expect to be pain free in regards to our activities, but we all want to know when we can get back to doing what we love.” And getting patients back in shape is also what Dr. Marshall does best. He spent three years in the US Army as a medical corpsman, and it was then that he decided he wanted to be a doctor. Dr. Marshall attended Louisiana State University and went on to Tulane University for medical

school. His interest in orthopedics started in the Army at Fort Benning, Ga., where the Army has its only paratrooper training school. These days, his patients are more often athletes than soldiers, but no matter who he is treating, Dr. Marshall takes pride in Greater Austin Orthopaedics’ approach to patient care, which he says is “compassionate, caring and very straightforward.” He adds, “It’s important to me that patients have an understanding of what’s causing their pain, and an expectation that I will do everything in my power to help them get through their problem, be it surgery, physical therapy, medication, or sometimes time and a prayer.” He loves the daily challenges of his job— seeing patients with complex problems, making a diagnosis, and following a patient through to the end of their treatment. “Getting patients back to what they love is what I enjoy most about this job!”

Stephen Rose, MD GREATER AUSTIN ORTHOPAEDICS by Jaime netzer

atients come to see Dr. Stephen Rose for problems both big and small. And he pays special attention to each patient, no matter the size of the issue: “No problems are insignificant and we respect that each problem uniquely affects a patient,” Dr. Rose says. He adds, “The office is designed to evaluate and treat the patient and their problems in caring, considerate atmosphere. Our staff is amazingly considerate and are committed to helping patients obtain a good outcome.” In addition to being considerate, Dr. Rose is well qualified: After completing his undergraduate degree at Michigan State University, he went on to Medical School at Wayne State University. He completed his orthopaedic residency at Brooke Army Medical Center a hand surgery fellowship at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where we worked with wounded military service members. He is


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to Learn More about Dr. Marshall, visit or call 512-401-8400 (North location, 12701 FM 620 ) or 512-326-2800 (South location, 4310 James Casey, Suite 3-C).

board certified—and recertified—with a certificate of added qualification in surgery with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. He’s also a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. His office provides care covering the vast majority of orthopaedics, including sports medicine, spine surgery, adult joint reconstructive surgery, trauma care, hand and upper extremity care and reconstruction for all ages. And while all of this expertise makes Dr. Rose a confident, skilled surgeon, it is the connection to his patients that he views as the best part of his job. “The most rewarding aspect of my practice is seeing people through their conditions,” Dr. Rose says. “Working with them as a team to obtain their best possible result.” to Learn More visit or call 512-401-8400 (North location, 12701 FM 620 ) or 512-326-2800 (South location, 4310 James Casey, Suite 3-C).

Dr. Daniel Shaddock, D.C. ABSOLUTE LIFE WELLNESS CENTER, INC by Lauren BoLado

sPEcialists GUiDE

fter serving in the Marine Corps for four years on active duty, Dr. Daniel Shaddock graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and was then accepted into the doctorate program at Texas Chiropractic College in Pasadena, Texas. Dr. Shaddock received his Doctor of Chiropractic in late August of 2010 and opened his practice, Absolute Life Wellness Center, INC. “One patient. Multiple Solutions,” is the motto at Absolute Life. As a complete wellness center, Absolute Life offers an abundance of services such as sports and family chiropractic care, rehabilitation, nutritional counseling, massage, Spinal Decompression Therapy, acupuncture, Graston Technique, weight loss and Kinesiotape—all in one clinic. “I love the feeling when a patient is so grateful that we took the time to diagnose his/her problem, and effectively provide a treatment plan in order to help the patient overcome their symptoms,” Dr. Shaddock says. “I make it a point in my practice to provide superior patient care on a daily basis.” Absolute Life strives to provide a casual and comfortable environment for the employees and patients. Many times you will see patients interacting with each other and laughing with the staff. At Absolute Life people know that they are going to be treated well, just by the atmosphere and the greeting they receive by the office manager, Yazmin Sosa. It is not uncommon to have three-time Olympic athletes in the clinic along with other professional athletes at any given time having conversations with other patients, and that low pressure environment is the goal for the staff at Absolute Life. “We are not your average Chiropractic clinic that “cracks” your back and you are out the door,” Dr. Shaddock says. “We treat people right and don’t push people on crazy treatment plans, which is exactly the way alternative medicine should be. I work closely

with many doctors throughout the South Austin area to ensure a well-rounded treatment for my patients.” Athletes from all around the world find rescue from pain at Absolute Life Wellness Center. Athletes from a wide range of sports have sought after relief from sports related injuries and pain with Dr. Shaddock, including six US Track and Field Olympians, an Olympian from Liberia and an Olympian from Jamaica, along with other professional athletes. With a large range in services and so many patients wracked with pain, it seems that Dr. Shaddock would have little to no time to donate for charitable purposes, but he does. Absolute Life is the preferred wellness center for the Austin Independent School District, which Dr. Shaddock attends many events to provide services to children.

Dr. Shaddock has also been selected to be a bachelor in the Date A Doc Auction with Austin MD Magazine, in which he will be auctioned off for a charity of his choice. Dr. Shaddock has chosen to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, which is a cause that is important to him due to his time in the Marines as a combat veteran. You can read more about Dr. Shaddock and his participation in the auction on pg. 34. to Learn More about Dr. Shaddock, Absolute Life Wellness Center, or to schedule an appointment, visit www., email, call 512-280-6103, or visit their office at 1807 W Slaughter Lane, Suite 450.

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austin’s best boDy Docs


sPEcialists GUiDE

by Jaime netzer

ean Chen was named a “Top Doctor” in Austin Monthly for 2013. He values a sense of teamwork between the patient and doctor, and encourages a sense of camaraderie in his office. “The patient’s goals are our first and foremost concern. Whatever the optimum treatment may be, it needs to be a collective decision between the patient and doctor,” Dr. Chen says. “As long as that communication is maintained, then it is much easier to meet the patient’s expectations and have a great result!” As for his office at Greater Austin Orthopaedics, he says that the particularly warm, closeknit work environment helps put patients at ease. The staff embraces the challenges and hard work in taking care of orthopedic patients. “They appreciate being a part of the team that strives to provide a better quality of life for our patients,” Dr. Chen says. “The success stories truly are rewarding for all involved.” Dr. Chen’s own success story starts at UCLA, where he obtained a BS in Kinesiology from the Honors college,

graduating Magna Cum Laude. From there, he attended Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, graduating with Alpha Omega Alpha Honors. He completed his internship and residency at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, and has been practicing in Austin since 1999. Board certified In Orthopedics with a Subspecialty certification in Sports Medicine through the American Board of Orthopedic Surgeons, he is also a member of the American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), Texas Orthopedic Association (TOA) and Travis County Medical Society (TCMS). His office covers a wide range of orthopedic problems, and he says there’s no greater reward for him than a patient’s success: “My greatest enjoyment in orthopedics is seeing the patients achieve their functional goals, whether it be pain relief, return to sports activities, return to their previous lifestyle,” Dr. Chen says. “The patients are grateful and that, to me, is the greatest satisfaction!” to Learn More visit or call 512-401-8400 (North location, 12701 FM 620 ) or 512-326-2800 (South location, 4310 James Casey, Suite 3-C).

Christopher Horan CERTIFIED ROLFER by Jaime netzer

f you’ve never heard of Rolfi ng, let Certified Rolfer™ Christopher Horan introduce you to the only process that has allowed him to be completely pain-free. After a surgery on his elbow years ago, Horan tried every technique in the book for pain management, but it was Rolfi ng that changed his life. “I can empathize with my clients because I came to Rolfi ng as a client.” He was so convinced that he set out to pursue Rolfi ng as a career.


Horan has a bachelor’s in Business Management from the University of Washington, and graduated from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in December of 2009. Christopher consistently broadens his skills by training extensively year-round on advanced techniques. So what exactly is Rolfi ng? Rolfi ng® Structural Integration is an integrative manual therapy, meaning that it is hands-on, and that Horan is not limited to a specific set of techniques or tissues he can work with. People come to Horan who are in pain, both acute and chronic, and he works with all of their tissues (bones, nerves, arteries, ligaments, muscles, organs) to free up tissues

sPEcialists GUiDE

hile training for the Marine Corps Marathon, Dr. Todd Smith broke his leg, ending his running year. He showed up to the office on crutches, surprising his patients. “The broken leg really gives a bone doctor like me perspective as what my patients go through with the injury and recovery,” he says. An avid athlete, Dr. Smith is now in physical therapy and aims to complete both the 3M half-marathon in Austin in January and the full Austin marathon in February. Dr. Smith, who has worked in orthopaedic surgery for 13 years and been in private practice for eight, earned his M.D. at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, and then went on to complete his orthopaedic surgery residency at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He completed orthopaedic sports medicine fellowship training at the University of Miami, where he worked with NFL players and other major athletes. In Austin, his office offers non-surgical bone and joint care, casting, bracing, physical therapy, injections, the latest arthroscopic surgical interventions for those that need

surgery, and treatment for all types of broken bones. “It is very rewarding to see an athlete back on the field after a major reconstructive surgery,” Dr. Smith says. “I know the hard work that person put into their rehab and the pain and frustration they went through to reach that goal of getting back out and competing. I am always proud of my patients when they achieve their goals.” But it’s work he completed in Port-auPrince, Haiti that perhaps most inspires Dr. Smith. In 2010, after a tragic earthquake, he helped to organize a team of doctors, nurses, physical therapists and volunteers to help in the sustained relief efforts. “We traveled to Haiti eight months after the earthquake and were still overwhelmed with injured and sick patients that had been untreated,” Dr. Smith says. “We saw patients and did surgery 16 hours per day, seven days a week. It was the hardest work I have ever done, in the toughest conditions possible.” to Learn More visit or call 512-401-8400 (North location, 12701 FM 620 ) or 513-326-2800 (South location, 4310 James Casey, Suite 3-C).

that might be restricted, so that their body can function appropriately and without pain. “I also work with their bio-mechanics and talk to them about how the things in their everyday life might be contributing to or causing their pain in the fi rst place,” Horan says. Horan works with all different kinds of body tissues, and has a unique technique of following the tissues to fi nd the source of an issue. “I look at each client through a broad spectrum of fi lters—such as tissue restrictions, posture, biomechanics, office ergonomics, and everyday body usage—to ensure their issue is completely resolved,” Horan says.

For Horan, the best part of the job is hearing what a difference his work makes: “It means the world to me that I consistently receive emails and letters from clients who’ve been struggling with some such pain for years and years and gone to many other practitioners to no avail and now the pain’s gone because of the work that we’ve done in my office.” to Learn More visit, or visit Austin Rolfing at Merritt Wellness Center, 5750 Balcones Drive Suite 106, 512-934.3757.

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Hillside Farmacy Locavore Menu Boasts Global Appeal

By Jade Mathews

Hillside Farmacy Polenta:

Soft Polenta with white beans and roasted vegetables Created by C.D.C Tanya Harrin

Leek, garlic and wine broth

Roasted Vegetables ½ cup of the reserved olive oil 2 tablespoons chopped garlic 4 tablespoons of your favorite herb 2 cups graffitti eggplant 2 cups zuchinni 2 cups yellow squash 2 cups baby onions

2 tablespoons olive oil 4 leeks 2 large carrots 8 cloves garlic 2 cups white wine sprig of fresh thyme 4 cups of water


oused in a spectacularly refurbished historic building in East Austin, this eclectic farm-to-table eatery showcases a locavore menu with Stumptown coffee, fresh breads and oysters, plus a full bar and a retro soda fountain with a great story behind it. Hillside Farmacy opened its doors in March 2012. Owners Greg and Jade Mathews, Mick Spencer, and Sonya Cote learned that the building on the corner of East Eleventh Street and Rosewood Avenue was available. Upon meeting the owners of the building, they learned it once was owned by the only AfricanAmerican pharmacist in Austin who owned and operated out of his own building at that time, the Hillside Drugstore. A framed black-and-white photo of Doc Young still hangs on the wall of Hillside Farmacy, and a soda fountain was installed behind the counter in homage to his daughter Yvetta. “Hillside Farmacy seemed like the perfect name,” Mathews says. “We source local farm produce and wanted to keep this amazing part of East Austin history alive.” Try the Vegan Polenta recipe below for a meal that’s both hearty and healthy. The polenta will fill you up, while the confit cherry tomatoes are a gift that keeps on giving— reserve the oil used to cook them; it is delicious! Try the Vegan Polenta recipe below for a meal that’s both hearty and healthy. The polenta will fill you up, while the confit cherry tomatoes are a gift that keeps on giving—reserve the oil used to cook them; it is delicious!


A u s t i n MD m a g a z i n e . c o m

How to do it:

How to do it:

Slice the leeks, carrots and 1 garlic sweat them in olive oil with the thyme

Dice the vegetables then toss in the olive oil, garlic and herbs

Until the leeks are translucent add the wine and reduce until it is about ½

Roast in a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes until golden brown season with salt and pepper



Add the water and simmer for 1 hour



White bean puree


1 14 oz can of Great northern white beans ½ cup olive oil (reserve) 3 cloves garlic 4 sprigs fresh thyme

1 ½ cups polenta 4 ½ vegetable broth How to do it: Boil the broth slowly stir in the polenta stirring continuously with a wooden spoon to avoid lumps. Cook for 5 -7 minutes

How to do it:

Confit cherry tomatoes

Add the white beans and puree until smooth season with salt and pepper

1 cup of cherry tomatoes 5 cloves of garlic sprig of rosemary, thyme and oregano ½ cup Olive Oil

In a food processor puree the garlic and herb with half of the oil until smooth



Sweet balsamic reduction 1 cup Balsamic Vinegar

How to do it:

How to do it:

In a saucepan place the tomatoes, herbs and garlic cover with olive oil

reduce the balsamic by on low in a saucepan unitl ¼ cup let cool

Cook over a very low heat for 1 hour until the skins just start to split, do not boil

Combine all cooked ingredients as shown in the photo, drizzle with sweet balsamic reduction to finish. Enjoy!



Let cool to room temperature reserve the oil its delicious




Photography by Tyler Lackey

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