July / August 2013

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Health News from KVUE

Dental Guide: Austin’s Finest

Got Allergies? We’ve Got Help

JULY/August 2013

4 Product Brad Kennington COO of Cedar Springs Austin busts eating disorder myths and misconceptions, pg. 12

“Must Haves” for Your Best Skin

Daniel Baldwin Shedding Light on Addiction

Texas Legislature Debates Eating Disorder Insurance Coverage

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COntents J u LY / Aug u s t 2 0 1 3

A u s t i n MD m A g A z i n e J u LY / Aug u s t 2 0 1 3



Angela Strickland & Aman Bandali MARKETING AND EVENTS DIRECTOR:

Martha Morales ART DIRECTOR:

Andrius krasuckas ASSOCIATE EDITOR:





Jeana Bertoldi lauren Bolado Ann Choi Meredith davis hannah neumann Jaime netzer tim valderrama Steve dement



tyler lackey gregg Cestaro laura reed 2E photography Joshua david photography Brian Fitzsimmons kreutz photography Calvin leong-wong

08 PeoPle: tHe teXas BalDwiN BrotHer daniel Baldwin talks hollywood, addiction, and turning the hill Country back into a film mecca

14 coVer story the texas legislature recently debated a bill that would’ve drastically changed insurance coverage of eating disorders

54 #aMDlauNcHParty Austin Md re-launched in style—and we’ve got the photos to prove it


departments 08 20 30 38 44 46 54 58 62


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publisher’s Letter

JUly/August 2013 MEET OUR TEAM


e at Austin MD are so excited because the launch party was a huge success, our second issue of the magazine is out, and the new direction we have chosen to go has been working out very well. We have amazing editors, photographers, a designer and sales associates on staff who have worked very hard everyday to make this issue amazing. We love hearing people express their excitement for our endeavors, so we want to work very hard to bring the best to the table. We want to be a reliable and helpful resource for health and wellness news and information for the wonderful community of Austin. So we would like to thank everyone who has been faithfully supporting us with such grace and generosity, for believing in this magazine and the great potential it has. We’ll be having another event in September, so please keep a lookout for announcements and updates that will be made on our social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter. We’d love to hear what you think of our latest issue and we look forward to meeting you soon at our upcoming event. For more information about Austin MD and to see our articles electronically visit our website at www.austinmdmagazine.com! Co-Owner(s): Angela Strickland & Aman Bandali


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Angela Strickland Co-Owner

Aman Bandali Co-Owner



Martha Morales Marketing and Events Director

Andrius Krasuckas Art Director andrius@austinmdmagazine.com


Jaime Netzer Associate Editor

Ariel Min Editorial Assistant



W. Tyler Lackey photographer/Designer

Lauren Bolado Editorial Assistant



Daniel Baldwin in an interview with Austin MD Magazine, discusses his newest project filmed in San Antonio, Texas


Daniel Baldwin Changes the Conversation Recovery comes to south central Texas

By lAuren BolADo, Photography by Tyler Lackey


n a recent interview with Daniel Baldwin and SOBA Recovery Center, Austin MD learned about the link between the film industry, drug and alcohol addiction and mental health—and what Baldwin is doing to help. Baldwin, well known from his role as Detective Beau Felton on the popular NBC series Homicide: Life on the Streets, currently lives in south central Texas, near Canyon Lake. Originally from Massapequa, New York, Baldwin says he loves Texas’ laid-back lifestyle. “It’s so beautiful here. I have two little kids, it’s a great quality of life. I get here and it’s winter time, and it’s 65 degrees!” said Baldwin, who is pleased to feel at home and not have to deal with the hassle of flying between Los Angeles and New York. Baldwin, now a local, is interested in resurrecting the film industry in south central Texas, noting that increased filming benefits the economy in multiple ways. First, there are the jobs created for crew and behind the scenes personnel. But also, if a production is being filmed in Austin, Baldwin explains, the wardrobe is not going to be flown in at extra baggage cost. Instead, stylists will head to Austin boutiques and buy their wardrobe, crew members will nosh on lunch at local eateries, and actors will rest at local hotel rooms. Austin was once a movie-making city. Scenes from unlikely films such as Hope Floats, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Friday Night Lights, and Michael were shot in Austin, though many would not know it. “In the mid to late 80’s and early 90’s, Austin had become a hotbed,” Baldwin reflects. “I thought Austin was going to be China, you know, the sleeping giant of the film industry.” But, he adds, “There was a slough off in the

Not for the faint-hearted, this movie delves into

addiction and tragedy, focusing on the traumatic circumstances that induced addiction in a man’s life.

economy, obviously, things that predicated not shooting as many films—anywhere. And I think Texas and Austin were affected by that.” Today the economy in Texas, in comparison to other areas of the country, is thriving. The problem now is the state the state’s disinterest in doling out incentives to would-be filmmakers. Neighboring states, such as Louisiana and New Mexico, are offering incentive programs Texas is not willing to offer. Independent filmmakers are being provided with extra funds on top of their budget to shoot in other states, taking great opportunities for economic stimulation with them just across state lines. With some creative thinking, state and local politicians could come up with ways to provide those incentives and make south central Texas once again a movie-making mecca. “We need Austin and San Antonio to play ball now,” said Baldwin. Baldwin is playing ball himself, working on a new film about addiction called The Wisdom to Know the Difference, which was shot and edited by Bauhaus Media Group, in San Antonio. “The title of this movie is the third stanza of the Serenity Prayer: ‘Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference,’” Baldwin tells us. “I am hoping to catch the attention of anyone that’s been in or out or still in the program. I want them to see it and give it to someone else who needs to see the film.” Baldwin, who has publicly battled substance abuse, wrote this story loosely based on a man he once knew. The storyline details the life of a recovered addict and his journey of helping others through their addictions. Not for the faint-hearted, this movie delves into addiction and tragedy, focusing on the traumatic circumstances that led a man on a path of addiction.

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PEOPLE Baldwin plays the lead character, with a starstudded supporting cast including his brother, Billy Baldwin, Lou Diamond Phillips, Myra Leal and Burton Gilliam, among others. “This film has a budget of $60,000. Any one of the top three actors in this film makes over that just to be in a movie. They were willing to do this film because they care. They care about the issue, and we all hope this will reach someone who really needs to hear its message,” Baldwin explains. California-based SOBA Recovery Center is the executive producer of the The Wisdom to Know the Difference and is working with Baldwin to spread information to the people of Texas and the rest of the nation about addiction and recovery. “Daniel, after years of substance abuse and failed recovery attempts, found SOBA and sobriety. We are pleased that he is now working with us to spread our common message,” says Greg Hannley, CEO and founder of SOBA Recovery Center. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, about 40 million Americans meet the medical criteria for substance addiction involving nicotine, alcohol and drugs. That is more than people with heart conditions, diabetes, or cancer. In a study of 67,500 people in 2011, results showed that 21.6 million Americans (8.4 percent) needed treatment for a problem related to drugs or alcohol, but only about 2.3 million people (less than 1 percent) received treatment at a specialty facility. Austin MD gets a sneak peak of The Wisdom to Know the Difference at Bauhaus Media Group in San Antonio, Texas


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“We need


and San Antonio to play ball now”

“The problem is health insurance runs out on people in treatment before they are ready to leave,” Hannley explains. “Patients who stay in a recovery facility for a year or more have significantly lower relapse rates than those who only stayed for 30 days to six months. We had to get creative, but we found a way to keep people in treatment for the amount of time they needed to break their addiction and to stay sober when they leave here.” According to a study done by the National Institute on Drug Use in 2011, the largest population to report illicit drug use was young adults aged 18 to 25. The highest percentage within that age range to report drug use in the previous month was the late teens to early twenties (1820), with 23.8 percent. “The people we have at the main facility are mainly younger, and most are addicted to some form of Opiates. It’s highly addictive, and a hard habit to kick. The withdrawals are intense, and the emotional toll it takes on a person and on their loved ones really affects the patients selfesteem,” says Hannley. “It’s a long process, first we have to get the patient detoxed,” said Hannley. “That’s when we find the core issues that are driving the substance addiction. Very rarely, almost never actually, is there an addict that does not have an underlying issue. At that point, we diagnose the issue and work through it. Sometimes patients think they are cured. They believe they feel better and they

don’t need medication anymore for their disorder which sets back their recovery, but it’s a lesson they need to realize. The medication is the reason why they feel better.” Many people with mental disorders self-medicate with either alcohol or drugs to reduce the symptoms of their illness. Such disorders include bipolar disorder and depression, but the list could go on and on. It is with the understanding that addiction always has an underlying cause that SOBA uses a “one size does not fit all” model in its treatment programs. One-on-one therapy is used to teach the patient how to manage their life and stress. If the underlying issue, whether it be a mental disorder, traumatic life event, stress, pain, etc., is worked through, the likelihood of remaining

21.6 million

Americans needed treatment for a problem related to drugs or alcohol, but only about 2.3 million people received treatment at a specialty facility

drug-free after leaving the recovery facility increases exponentially. SOBA’s main facility is located in Malibu, but a Texas location is soon to come. “We are in the process of opening a San Antonio location. For such a large city to only have one in-patient recovery center is not working,” Hannley says. Hannley can trace his family back to Texas, to the original Browns for which Brownsville is named. He is pleased to be bringing recovery services to Texas and looks forward to opportunities elsewhere in the area, including, possibly, Austin. If you or someone you know is battling a substance addiction, call the SOBA 24- hour helpline at 866-547-6451.

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Brad Kennington, licensed therapist at Cedar Springs, shares his thoughts on eating dirorders

Cover Business Story

No Body is Perfect: Understanding Eating Disorders As the Texas legislature evaluates a bill classifying eating disorders as a mental health disease and therefore mandating insurance coverage, advocates call for a better understanding of eating disorders. Writer: Ann Choi Photogr apher: Gregg Cestaro


everal terms are used to diagnose eating disorders. Any form of psychological instability expressed as an abusive eating habit can be labeled as an eating disorder. Others define the illness as eating or fitness habits disruptive enough to hinder one’s quality of life. Doctors will diagnose patients who show more defined symptoms with one of three terms: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. However, another term, “Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified”, is used to diagnose the many indefinite symptoms of eating disorders. Defining what an eating disorder is not, on the other hand, is a little easier. “It’s not just a rich or white or female disease; it’s a human disease,” Brad Kennington, a licensed therapist and the Chief Operating Officer at Cedar Springs Austin, said. Cedar

Springs Austin is the only eating disorders facility that provides partial-hospitalization eating disorder treatment in Austin. Kennington said the notion that only white affluent females have eating disorders comes from the lack of studies done on other racial or socioeconomic groups and insufficient understanding of what eating disorders are. “Eating disorders affect people regardless of their age, race, financial or social status,” he said. He adds that the idea that eating disorders are a female problem is a myth—males develop eating disorders too. “A 2007 Harvard study showed that 25 percent of anorexics and bulimics are male and 40 percent of binge eaters are male,” Kennington explains. According to National Institute of Health, more than 11 million Americans suffer from a varying degree of eating disorders, with the number steadily increasing each year. Eating

disorder patients show higher mortality rates than any other psychiatric disease including Alzheimer’s disease, autism and schizophrenia. The mortality rate for anorexia or anorexia-related diseases is 12 times higher for females aged between 15 to 24 than all other causes of death, according to the South Carolina Department of Health. Advocates and experts in the field stress the importance of dispelling the stereotypes of eating disorders in order for one to seek proper treatment. However, the misguided stigmas on eating disorders and the financial burden of affording treatments are driving patients away from receiving help they need early, if at all. “People think that because [an eating disorder] is a psychiatric disease, you can just get better on your own,” Sarah Weber, an eating disorder specialist at University of Texas

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Cover Story

The idea

that eating disorders are a female problem is a myth-males develop eating disorders too

The staff at Cedar Springs is dedicated to making nutritious and tasty food for patients

at Austin Counseling and Mental Health Center, said. “But eating disorders not only hurt your mind. They also cause brain damage and heart failure,” she added. “You can’t fix your brain and heart on your own.” Several factors, both nature and nurture, can trigger eating disorders. “It is said in the [eating disorders] field that genes load the gun and the environment pulls the trigger,” Kennington said. One recent study by University of San Diego School of Medicine suggests that certain changes in neural circuitry results in restricted eating in those suffering from anorexia and overeating in those suffering from bulimia. The environment puts equal, if not more, susceptibility on individuals, than the wiring of genes. “It’s not about food, fat or fitness. It’s about feelings,” Kennington said. Eating disorders often occur as a coping mechanism during a change of environment or unstable relationships. Individuals undergoing times of transition such as adolescence,


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loss of job, loss of a family member or divorce are more likely to develop eating disorders. “Eating disorders for patients become a way to regulate strong, negative feelings,” he added. “their eating disorders become their coping mechanism and a confidant. It becomes part of their identity.” Kennington said treating eating disorders is particularly challenging because people with eating disorders believe their illness meets their needs. Their destructive view of food and the process their body uses to cope with changes or stress on a daily basis is inseparable. “I had a patient say to me, ‘my eating disorder needs me, Brad,’” Kennington said. People suffering from eating disorders have a higher relapse rate than other substance abusers, such as alcohol or drug users. Unlike substance abuse patients who must altogether avoid the substance in order to recover, eating disorder patients have to engage daily with their substance of abuse: food. Kennington said our society is much more recovery-friendly towards people with addic-

tions than people with eating disorders. More people are informed of the gravity of substance abuse and have access to treatments, while eating disorders are not as openly discussed. In addition, the message of being attractive and unrealistically thin is deeply embedded in our media. “Our culture’s obsession with dieting and all the images we see of perfect, albeit airbrushed, images of men and women pressure us to achieve the unachievable: physical perfection,” he said. Ironically, super foods such as energy drinks or diet supplements such as prepackaged meals or low calorie food contribute to a culture of developing unhealthy relationships with food. “Our food system is broken,” Weber said. “It’s contributing to people being anxious and paranoid about their food intake.” Weber explains the food system, which is taking on two extreme directions. Diet products and energy drinks that promise low calories and high energy are unnatural and chemically processed, and quickly gaining

Cedar Springs provides patients a place to learn to cope with their struggles in a healthy and constructive way

Eating disorders

become a way for patients to regulate strong, negative feelings popularity. Meanwhile, junk and fast food get unhealthier and more affordable. “Instead of being in the middle, we have these outlying categories where people don’t have access to food that is real—food that is grown out of ground,” she said. According to a recent survey by United States Department of Agriculture, food deserts, where residents, especially those with low income, lack access to distributors of healthy food such as grocery stores or farmers markets, are growing both in rural and urban areas nationwide. “Few people can figure out how to be in

the middle like we used to be 100 years ago,” she added. Eating disorders take a toll on patients psychologically, physically and beget other illness such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorders and heart failures, if not treated properly or early. The treatments, however, are costly and often are not covered in insurance policies. According to South Carolina Department of Mental Health, the cost of eating disorder treatments can range from $500 to $2,000 per day. Patients who need hospitalization or inhouse treatment can spend around $30,000

per month, for up to six months. The cost of outpatient treatment, which requires visiting an eating disorder facility on a regular basis, can run up to $100,000 until full recovery. Unlike other psychological diseases, eating disorder patients require close physical monitoring due to strains that are put directly on the body. “The treatment is expensive not because it can be, but because it has to be,” Weber said. Cedar Springs Austin’s 10-hour or 6-hour partial-hospitalization programs include psychiatric treatment such as counseling, group therapies and fitness sessions as well

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Cover Story

It’s not just a rich or white or female disease; it’s a

human disease

Brad Kennington and the employees of Cedar Springs enjoy helping people overcome their disorders

as physical treatments like vitals monitoring and meetings with dieticians. In Texas’s 83rd Legislative session, Rep. Garnet Coleman (D-Houston) authored a bill that would recognize eating disorders as mental illness mandating health insurance coverage. Last session, HB 3227 passed the Texas House floor; the furthest the bill has gone in Rep. Coleman’s 16 attempts to pass it, according to The Austin American-Statesman. Opponents of the bill argue against it because it mandates businesses to pay for a treatment in addition to the required changes taking place under the Affordable Care Act. “By requiring coverage for eating disorders, the bill could increase costs to employers, raise insurance premiums and copays, and reduce wages. Ultimately, a new mandate


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could add to the growing number of uninsured individuals in Texas,” the HB 3227 witness statement reads. Texas Association of Business and National Federation of Independent Business were registered as opposing witnesses but did not testify at the hearing of the bill. Representatives from each group could not be reached for a comment. Mara Gittess, an eating disorders specialist and certified counselor based in Houston, testified before the Texas House Insurance Committee. Gittess said many professionals in the field such as the National Eating Disorders Association, Texas Children’s Hospital and Texas Medical Association supported the bill. Supporters argued that the bill would rec-

ognize the severity of eating disorders and the gravity of the results of this disease, ultimately encouraging treatment. “80 percent of those who have accessed care for their eating disorder do not get the intensity of treatment they need to stay in recovery,” Gittess said in an e-mail interview. Patients with eating disorders need an average of three to six months in in-house treatments; three to five years are needed for patients to fully recover. Gittess argued that the bill would not only provide proper, full treatments but also prevent further physiological damage and the larger cost of an extensive hospital stay due to an unrelated disorder. “The bill would save numerous lives,” she added.


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Golf: Tee-Time Benefits


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Why You Should Drop Everything & Go Play Golf After Reading This by Jaime Netzer

images from Shutterstock


hink of your most cherished hobby. Now put it to this test: Is it good for your health and your social life? If golf is your diversion of choice, you may have been able to answer yes to both questions. The sport, which dates back to the middle ages, remains ever-popular in this country, and in Texas specifically: according to the Texas State Historical Association, 6 million golfers call the Lone Star State home, and Austin alone boasts more than 30 active courses, several professional associations, and a community more than willing to brag about the benefits of their leisure-time love.

Golf & Your Health While it’s common knowledge that golf is good for you, you might be surprised at just how good: According to Shapefit, a 190-pound golfer electing to wheel their clubs will burn

431 calories per hour of golfing. Should that golfer carry them instead, the caloric burn jumps to nearly 500 calories per hour. Eddy Davis, an artist and local golf professional for the city of Austin, even used golf as a part of his recovery from lymphoma. “Post stem cell transplant recovery, I would walk to a local municipal course and hit golf balls,” Davis says. “Fresh air, sunshine and friendship—this was my physical therapy.” And sunshine, in moderation, is also a health benefit, says Rob Watson, an MD and Chief Medical Officer at Scott & White Healthcare, himself an avid golfer. “While you should always wear sunscreen, limited exposure to sunlight can help maintain vitamin D levels,” he explains. Plus, golf is social, so players are more likely to keep their commitments. “I remember times when I didn’t want to get out of bed, but my golfing buddies would call me up and

make me come out and play,” Davis says. “It didn’t matter how I played; it was simply their way of making sure I stayed active.”

Golf & Friendship Those buddies Davis refers to also did more than just play a few rounds with him—they rallied to support his battle and recovery. “When things were at their worst, members of my golfing community came together and contributed to a medical fund to handle the travel, lodging, co-pays, food, gas and numerous other expenses that accompany chemotherapy and stem cell transplant treatments. Although it may not have covered every expense, it did give me piece of mind to concentrate on what I needed to do to beat lymphoma.” That generosity is in line with the spirit of the sport—other Austin golfers say the bonds they’ve forged on the course are unique, and lasting.

GETTING STARTED IN THE GAME OF GOLF By Kyle Jerome Getting started in the game of golf is much like getting started in any other hobby. The hardest part is getting started. But once you’re on your way in this great game, the rewards can be endless. Here are some helpful suggestions to get you started. EQUIPMENT

heavy and/or too long can cause swing faults. Second, have a golf professional at your local golf course fit you for your clubs. He/she can make sure you have the correct shafts and the lie angle fits you correctly. Again, proper fitting clubs can help you avoid swing faults and accelerate your improvement.

Golf can be an expensive game depending on how severely the golf bug bites you. When starting out, used clubs will work fine. There are two important things to remember when buying clubs. First, men should use men’s clubs, women should use women’s clubs and children should use Jr. clubs. Length and weight are very important when it comes to golf clubs. Clubs that are too

Starting the game of golf with good instruction is very important. An instructor who can show you the correct set-up and swing fundamentals is crucial so you don’t waste time correcting bad habits later on. You should choose a professional instructor who is experienced and teaches each person individually, not a method or a system. This will be one of


the most important decisions you make in taking up this great game. HAVE FUN! If the level of your golf game doesn’t determine whether you pay your bills or not, don’t take it too seriously! Start out having fun and don’t worry about your score. Take satisfaction in seeing improvement over time and enjoy the game with family and friends. You can set small, attainable goals and have fun trying to reach them. Golf is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, spend time with family and friends, further business relationships or for some, spending a quiet afternoon alone with their thoughts. Now get out there and enjoy the greatest game in the world!

For more info: Kyle Jerome is the owner and instructor at The Academy of Golf Dynamics, Inc. in Austin, TX. Find them online at www.golfdynamics.com

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“Conversations during the 4+ hours one spends with strangers and friends on a golf course often brings out a more intimate understanding of who they are as individuals,” says Eddie Nunez, a retired Motorola executive who runs the Central Texas Golf Association. “More times than not I walk away from a golf course having gained a new friend.” Another Austin golfer and founder of Austin Golf VIP Card, Sean McGregor, agrees with Nunez. “I normally feel like I know a person much better from one day of having fun on a golf

studies have repeatedly shoWn aging adults are healthier With better longevity if they maintain their

Social connectionS

course than several surface level interactions just because whether they are a good or bad golfer, you get to see them handle so many spontaneous moments of excitement and frustration,” McGregor says. “You will see a better representation of a person’s character from a round of golf rather than any rehearsed sales pitch.”

Those intimate, genuine bonds can circle back again to your health, both physical and emotional. Dr. Watson explains, “studies have repeatedly shown aging adults are healthier with better longevity if they maintain their social connections,” Watson says. “Unlike many sports, golf can be played by individuals of almost any age.”

get your BUsiNess sWiNgiNg By JaiMe Netzer You’ve read the evidence, and you’re convinced: Golf is good for your waistline and your soul. But the sport can also benefit your pocketbook—just ask Sean McGregor, founder of the Austin Golf VIP Card and AustinGolfEvents. com. McGregor, who earned his MBA from Texas Tech in 2007, has made golf his livelihood, and says the sport is good for business precisely because it has so little to do with business. “Golf is a great way to strengthen business partnerships because you get away from the office or deal and build a relationship on a personal level instead of with their ‘business persona,’” McGregor says. “When playing a round of golf business isn’t typically discussed until the last few holes or even until after the round because no one wants to have a business


deal go poorly on the 3rd hole and have to handle three hours of awkwardness.” And if you’re uncertain about the strength of a potential business partnership, golf can reveal character the way a board meeting never could. “You can learn a lot about an unknown person’s personality and character during a round of golf that you wouldn’t necessarily pick up on in a business meeting, when their guard is most likely up,” McGregor says. “In the four hours it takes to play, you can get a feel for if the person is comfortable or uncomfortable around strangers, honest or dishonest, competitive or noncompetitive, able to handle pressure or folds like a lawn chair—and whether they are emotional or even-keeled.” And when you do find someone you click with, the

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friendships forged on the course make business anxieties easier to swallow. “If you end up becoming golfing buddies with a business associate, you will find meetings will be less stressful and settled much quicker because you both would rather talk about the last time you played instead of business details,” McGregor says. McGregor’s Golf VIP Card offers local golfers both valuable discounts and access at nine private courses, while his website, AustinGolfEvents.com, showcases a free and comprehensive listing of golf events in and around the Austin area, including information on golf tournaments, clinics, demo days, skins games, and golf-related social events. Find out when and where you can tee off at AustinGolfEvents.com, and check out the Austin Golf VIP Card at austinGolfVIP. com.

sean McGregor mixes business and pleasure to great benefi t on the golf course

photo by W. tyler lackey


under real course conditions at Nicklaus designed private practice hole course. 3:1 (or lower) student teacher ratio. Rated by Golf Magazine as one of America’s Top 25 Schools.





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5 Ways

Getting out of the house and enjoying fresh air encourages a healthier and more active lifestyle

to Get Back Your Health!

Do you want to live longer and healthier? It only takes a five basic lifestyle changes to lower the chances of experiencing many age-related diseases and to stay active and independent longer. By Tim Valderrama


Water Water is a great tool for losing weight. Hydration is key to overall good health, especially in summer. Drinking one glass of water before each meal can prevent overeating as well as promote self-control. If you drink a glass of water before each meal, your metabolic rate will increase and it will help your food get out of the stomach quicker to promote healthy digestion rather than sitting and hardening, causing a longer stay in the GI tract, which will eventually lead to adipose fat. Remember water makes up more than 70 percent of our bodies in males and females and it purifies the body from toxic products (cosmetics, food, beverages, etc.). Water is released from your body constantly so try to replenish it by drinking water throughout the day. Tip from a trainer : Keep a reusable bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk or in your bag.


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image from Shutterstock, tim Valderrama photo by Steve Dement



Get up and stretch


Sitting for long periods of time contributes to the risk of heart attack and stroke. Those who sit a great deal also have lower life expectancies of up to 40 percent, according to the Sidney School of Health. Stretching is very important but it’s important to start at a slow pace to improve over time. Try setting a goal to touch your toes. If you can only get half way down, you have a limited flexibility. Your flexibility will improve slowly, if you stretch regularly. It is important that you do not cold stretch. Before stretching, warm up with light walking around the office for couple of minutes to warm up your muscles. When you start doing your stretches, don’t bounce. Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears in the muscle. These tears leave scar tissue as the muscle heals, which tightens the muscle even further, making you less flexible and more prone to pain. Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds. Expect to feel tension while you’re stretching, not pain. If it hurts, you’ve pushed too far to quick. Repeat each stretch two or three times a day. Overtime, stretching will improve your posture, blood flow and decrease aches and pain.

Pedometers are perfect way to track your activity in the office during everyday activities. They range in price from $5 and up, but before you buy one check with your workplace. Some companies sponsor walking programs and give out pedometers for free. Taking 2,000-2,500 steps is about a mile. The average American needs to take about 5,000 to 10,000 steps per day to lose weight. Why do more cardio at the gym, when the pedometer keeps a record of your steps? Remember, this counts as a activity. Whether you are trying to lose weight, maintaining your weight or improving your health, walking is a great way to keep an active lifestyle easily. The benefits of walking include reduced blood pressure and weight loss, as well as increased energy, mobility and muscular strength. Pedometers are useful because they can motivate you to walk further and track your daily mileage to ensure you get the exercise you need, even when you’re too busy to make it to the gym.

Tip from a trainer: Use a Swiss ball to sit on at work to keep circulation flowing throughout the body! 3

Sleep Not getting enough sleep can cause stress and worry. Your immune system relies on sleep to stay healthy and defend your body against foreign or harmful substances. For example, if you’re sleep deficient, you may have trouble fighting infections. Certain medical conditions have been linked to sleep disorders. These conditions include heart failure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke or transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke), depression, and ADHD. If you have or have had one of these conditions, ask your doctor whether you might benefit from a sleep study. When you’re well-rested, it’s much easier to keep your emotional balance, a key factor in coping with job and workplace stress. Tip from a trainer: Try keeping a sleep schedule and aiming for 8 hours a night. The total sleep missed is called your “sleep debt.” For example, if you lose 2 hours of sleep each night, you’ll have a sleep debt of 14 hours after a week.

Tim Valderrama The CEO and fitness expert of Austin Executive Fitness has been in the fitness industry for the past 15 years. Tim graduated from Texas State University with a degree in Exercise Science. He has been featured in Austin Fit Magazine as one of the Top trainers in 2010 and 2011. He is a fitness expert for National Academy of Sports Medicine and works on various case studies. With more than 10,000 hours dedicated to personal training, he constantly stays busy working with Austin top executives by helping them channel their stress through proper nutrition & exercise.

• 2012 Austin

Fittest Fitness Pro Contender, 2011 Fittest Fitness Pro Contender

• 2011 Austin Fit

Magazine Best Trainers, 2010 Austin Fit Magazine Top 10 Trainers

• 2011 Nasm Subject Matter Expertise, 2012 Expertise academic-focused programs

Tip from a trainer: Find ways to increase your steps, such as parking at the farthest parking spot, using the stairs instead of elevators and walking to grab lunch instead of driving. 5

Unplug social media Imagine for a moment sitting in your dining room with absolutely no electronic devices around you. The noise of the social media universe is nonexistent, you are not shuffling emails or reading posts and tweets. Rather, you are left to your thoughts and nothing more. Try reading one of the many books you never finished, or better yet, go for a walk in the neighborhood and experience the world around you without having a cell phone in your hand. Enjoy time with friends, family or just yourself, and work on those interpersonal skills. Television and social media are distractions. They can distract you from working out, enjoying your day and getting your much-needed rest. Don’t distract yourself from your health and well being, do something about it. The world is out there, don’t miss out by being stuck on the couch. Tip from a trainer: Turn all media off after 8 or 9 pm. Read a book or magazine to get your body ready and relaxed for bed. You’ll sleep and dream better.

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Fit Company Challenge of the Fittest Once per year, a select group of passionate leaders are invited to ignite excitement about fitness in the business and medical communities, push their physical limits, and inspire others by leading by example. On May 5th, these leaders came to the TownLake YMCA and challenged their fitness through three courses to determine who are the fittest, most inspirational, and most influential business leaders in Austin. A Special Contribution to Austin MD Magazine

Fittest Exec 1st Place:

Biggest fitness accomplishment: Third Place,

Age-Group in 2012 Kerrville Olympic Triathlon (First Tri!) Weekly fitness routine:

Running 2-3 days Cycling 1-2 days w/ Elbowz Racing Swimming 1-2 days Gym 1 day w/ Brian Acosta, Raw Power Gym Black Swan Yoga when I can!

Justin Fischer Q2ebanking, Inc.

Biggest fitness accomplishment: Making a

comeback from major knee surgery a few years ago. I had to lose the 50lbs that I gained and find a new purpose to train. Weekly fitness routine:

I have 3 or more workouts a week: Dynamic strength, HIIT, and circuits. Plus fun activities like soccer, martial arts and playing with the kids.

Fittest Exec Runner-up:

Colin A. Bell Bell Wealth Management

Boneshaker Project

Biggest fitness accomplishment: I completed

my first decathlon in May. The decathlon is a track and field competition that consists of 10 events and is held over 2 days. My goal is to get 2 to 3 track workouts in a week, plus lots of medicine ball work, and some cross training (swimming or indoor rowing).

marathon personal record in October 2013. Weekly fitness routine:

Why you stay fit: Staying

Mostly involves running at various distances and speeds--depends on my race schedule (usually 50 70 miles per week).

Photos by: Gregg C. Cestaro, Laura Reed, 2E Photography

Weekly nutrition plan:

I don’t have a set nutrition plan. But I always eat breakfast before I train. I love cereal, cottage cheese and fruit. Yum!

win Fittest Entrepreneur and last Friday, I ran a 5:10 1500 meters at Luke’s Locker All Comers Track Meet. Weekly fitness routine:

Why you stay fit: Staying fit and feeling good is important to me. If I don’t work out, eat right, and get enough sleep, I don’t feel good. It’s that simple.

Weekly nutrition plan:

Fittest Entrepreneur Runner-Up:

2 days per week of sprints/ running with Outright Fitness and 2 days per week at Atomic Athlete with weights. 1 day at home doing core. Smoothies in the morning, fruits, almonds/walnuts and lean meats during the day. More protein at night via shakes or fish. Why you stay fit: It’s simply something I have to do. It’s a very important cog in the wheel of my business and family life. I can’t live without it!

Weekly nutrition plan:

I fuel myself with whole foods for the most part. I eat high quality foods frequently throughout the day. And I drink lots of water.

Biggest fitness accomplishment: I ran a 2:46

The Bidding Network

Biggest fitness accomplishment: I was proud to


Sun = 4hr bike ride, Mon/ Wed = 1 mile swim & 1 hour on a spin bike, Tues / Thurs = Team Rogue run, Fri = easy 1 hour swim, Sat = Team Rogue run

Other Awards: Overall 1st

Place - Males

Weekly fitness routine:

Why you stay fit: Life is

Weekly fitness routine:

Mark Cunningham

Sarah Boyd

Biggest fitness accomplishment: I recently quali-

fied for the 2014 Boston Marathon. Am I going to run it considering what just happened? Hell yes!

me out of trouble and has the added bonus of allowing me to eat whatever I want.

Why you stay fit: It’s a

busy life, among network, peers, competition. Fit body + mind=sharp. Promoting healthy futures, it’s key to lead from the front!

Fittest Entrepreneur 1st Place:

Why you stay fit: It keeps

am eliminating processed foods from my diet. At Boneshaker Project, we help kids get fit and live healthy lifestyles. Eat whole foods!

I try to eat clean 6 days a week and have 1 cheat day. I mostly consume protein, veggies, water and supplements.

Riley Gerber

Eat relatively healthy, but nothing too crazy. On the weekends, I enjoy visiting new restaurants and exploring different types of food.

Weekly nutrition plan: I

Weekly nutrition plan:

about choices and balance. Being physically and mentally balanced is key to being the best employee, husband and dad that I can be.

Weekly nutrition plan:

fit helps me live life to its fullest - working hard, playing hard with my sons or with friends, and appreciating what life offers.

Nathan K. Smith, Austin Tenant Advisors

Biggest fitness accomplishment: Finished Iron-

man Florida in a little over 10 hours. Weekly fitness routine:

Julie Stansberry Julie Stansberry Art

Run 2-3 times and bike 2-3 times. Cross fit type work-

A u s t i n MD m a g a z i n e . c o m


Fitness outs. I’m a big believer in short, high intense workouts. More bank for the buck! Weekly nutrition plan:

Mostly healthy, balanced diet. Lots of green smoothies, however reward myself with pizza and wine. Don’t consume more calories than I burn. Why you stay fit: Source of

inspiration and confidence both professionally and personally. Hope to inspire my family and have the energy to play with my kids.

Biggest fitness accomplishment: My biggest

Fittest Doctor 1st Place:

fitness victory is placing first in the opens division of the Spartan Beast Race, a 13 mile rough terrain obstacle race. Weekly fitness routine:

Most sessions are a mix of high endurance and body weight/resistance. Ex. 5mi run, 100 burpees, 100 pull-ups, 50 tire flips, 100 push-ups, Etc. Weekly nutrition plan:

Super greens smoothie 3 times daily. Everything else whole, minimally processed foods. Organic, high protein, whole grain, fruits and veggie. Why you stay fit: Keeps

my spirit balanced, mind clear and body strong. As a trainer I need to be a good example for my clients.

Weekly fitness routine:

Sweat, strengthen, stretch & get out of breath ~1 hour most days of the week! Start low & go slow to avoid injury! Challenge creates Change! Weekly nutrition plan:

Tim Zeddies, Central Austin Psychology

Other Awards: Overall

2nd Place - Males Biggest fitness accomplishment: 2012 & 2013

Fittest Doctor in Austin 2012 Austin Fittest, 40-49 male division - 2012 Austin 3rd place in age group Warrior Dash

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, dehydrated vegan soups, protein bars, and Visalus protein shakes. Egg whites or seafood a few times a week. Why you stay fit: It is

easier & cheaper than reversing a deconditioned, unhealthy body. Plus, I enjoy more energy, a clearer mind, & a more functional body. Fittest Doctor Runner-Up:

Weekly fitness routine:


Biggest fitness accomplishment: 2013 Boston

Marathon. I train with Valerie Hunt at RUNATX/CrossFit&Fearless. Track/speed workouts 2xweek, CrossFit 2xweek, long runs (10+miles) 1xweek Weekly nutrition plan:

Food is fuel. Make sure its going to give what’s best for your body and brain - keep it clean, fresh and healthy. (Then a touch of wine!) Why you stay fit: Being healthy & strong is a longterm investment. It helps me mentally as much as physically to be at my best in all areas of my life.

Fittest Fitness Pro 1st Place:

Robyn Pettinger CrossFit REP

Other Awards: Overall

2nd Place - Females Biggest fitness accomplishment: I came in sec-

ond place in my age group at Austin Fit Magazine’s Austin Fittest competition among many of Austin’s top fitness professionals.

Why you stay fit: I stay


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me feel great, and I’ve enjoyed the people I’ve met in exercise classes and in the wider Austin community.

fit so that I can do all the active things I want to throughout my entire life and be a positive role model for others.

Weekly fitness routine:

I work out with my trainer, Melissa Merritt Coker 3-4 times a week for targeted weight training, cardio 5-6 days and boot camp every Sunday.

Why you stay fit: Staying

Bryan Jepson MD, Integrative Sports and Wellness Medical Center; First Choice Emergency Room

Biggest fitness accomplishment: I finished my

fit helps my stamina on the job but more importantly I want to teach my son the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Fittest Lawyer 1st Place:

first marathon attempt last September in a time of 3:21. My second marathon? Boston 2014! Bucket list item. Weekly fitness routine:

It depends on what I’m training for. Right now, I’m doing triathlons so I try to swim 2-3 times, run 2-3 times and bike at least twice.

I try not to get too much into a routine, honestly. I vary the time and length of the workouts and try to keep it fun (CrossFit for me!) follow clean eating guidelines and add Advocare supplements to fill in the gaps. I try to keep it simple.

Finkfit LLC

Why you stay fit: It helps

Weekly fitness routine:

Weekly nutrition plan: I

Paul Fink,

3000 calories or so per day. My diet consists of almonds, non-fat greek yogurt, fruits and vegetables, and lean meats.

the fittest doctor challenge 7 months after giving birth to my son.

aim to eat clean, lean protein 5-6 times a day, lots of green veggies. I try to limit cheat meals to once on the weekends only.

Weekly nutrition plan:

Weekly fitness routine:

Biggest fitness accomplishment: Competing in

Weekly nutrition plan: I

Mon–Legs @ Dane’s Body Shop, Tues–upper body strength, Wed–personal training w/ Dane Krager, Thur–off, Fri–upper body @ Dane’s, Sat–track, Sun–off

Suzanne McGinnis

Staci Hix-Hernandez Scott & White Plastic Surgery

Weekly nutrition plan: I

Dr. Melissa Cady D.O., www.ChallengeDoctor.com

Other Awards: Overall

Top Score - Females Biggest fitness accomplishment: Remaining

fit my entire life despite medical training and other distractions is my most meaningful fitness accomplishment.

try to eat generally healthy all of the time--lots of fruit, veggies. I don’t smoke, drink alcohol or coffee and try to limit junk food. Why you stay fit: Exercise, especially endurance training, is a great way to manage stress and create balance. Being in shape makes life sweeter for me.

Nicholas Pritchett, Carlson Law Firm

Biggest fitness accomplishment: I finished my

longest adventure race, ran two half marathons, started CrossFit, and learned double unders - all firsts for me. Weekly fitness routine:

I do CrossFit four days per week, run, and you can usually catch me at the track on Tuesdays doing the military PT test with a local group.

Photos by: Gregg C. Cestaro, Joshua David Photography, Brian Fitzsimmons, Kreutz Photography, Calvin Leong-Wong

Weekly nutrition plan:

Weekly fitness routine:

I stick to a paleo diet plan with the addition of some dairy.

Mon, Wed, Fri - 4000 yard master’s group swim. I run 40-60 miles per week, and bike at least three days per week for a total of 6 hours. I strength train at a local gym on Thursday mornings.

Why you stay fit: It’s a great way to have fun and meet like-minded people - my CrossFit buddies and I usually make a whole day out of races on the weekends.

I try to eat as many whole foods as possible, avoiding processed meats and cheeses. I do not really pay attention to calories, but avoid foods that are fried or high in unhealthy fats.

Lori O’Connell,

I stay energized to work hard for long hours and to manage stress. I also stay healthy as a positive example for my two daughters and to be able to enjoy playing with them.

Biggest fitness accomplishment: The Tough

run about 5 times a week, at least once being 10 miles or more. Sometimes I change it up with elliptical work and core strengthening. Weekly nutrition plan:

I don’t follow a diet but focus on fruit, salads, carbs & protein. I have a sweet tooth and sometimes need to run more if I overindulge! Why you stay fit: It helps relieve stress and gives me more energy for my family and my career. It helps me stay healthy both mentally and physically.

Fittest Lawyer Runner-Up:

The Law Office of Jessica M. Warren, P.C.

Biggest fitness accomplishment: For me, it’s not

the races or competitions. It’s the difference it made in my life when I decided fitness would be my focus EVERY day.

Carlson Law Firm

Why you stay fit: My 3 kids are pretty active and I like to be able to participate on the court, track, and field with them and it’s a great way to spend time with them.

Weekly nutrition plan:

Why you stay fit: Fitness enhances everything...from work to enjoying time with family & friends, I’m confident and at my best.

Fitness and wellness have transformed my understanding of what’s possible. Following a traumatic injury, at age 10, I set a path for pioneering innovative solutions. Aligning myself to physical movement gave me a template to foster the truth of who I am, navigate out of crisis, institute recovery, live joyfully in relationships and work, and most importantly, serve people. Most Influential Leader:

people like to win. Being successful in business or on the basketball court, they are both rewarding. It’s a great way to build teams and relationships outside of the core business activities.

Weekly fitness routine:

Mondays and Fridays are heavy weight training. Tuesdays and Thursdays are heavy cardio. Wednesdays -- heavy weights and cardio.

Most Inspirational Leader:

Top reason living fit helps you as an executive: Life is competitive,

Squats and deadlifts.

Supplements and protein shakes surround my workouts. I try to drink 100 ozs of water every day. I love fruits and veggies for snacks.

Steven Walden


Workout you hate:

Amanda Lewis

tively impacted your life:

Tom Lacy

Weekly fitness routine:

Weekly fitness routine: I

How has fitness posi-

I’m 85 – 90% Paleo. My weaknesses are red wine, tequila and dark chocolate. (I offer no excuses. We all have weaknesses.)

physically fit means I can undertake most any physical task required of me and conquer most any obstacle that stands in my way.

Run/Walk my dog 5-7 times a week. 3-4 miles of interval type running/walking. Lift weights a few times a week – some light, some heavy.

Mudder in Dripping Springs in April and the Austin Marathon in February. They were both very challenging in different ways.

Weekly nutrition plan:

Why you stay fit: Being

Weekly nutrition plan:

Why you stay fit: So that

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

Fittest over 50:

Scott Spann, MD Westlake Orthopedics

Biggest fitness accomplishment: 2010 Carlsbad

Triathlon - ranks in the World’s top 5 Longest Running triathlons. How has fitness positively impacted your life:

David Thomas Compass Learning

In the fall of 2005, a cycling accident left me a quadriplegic. By harnessing my determination, competitive spirit and medical expertise, I forged a path to a recovery that has been called “miraculous” by the community. I walked into the operating room less than a year after my accident and began the journey back to reclaiming my work and my life.

Patti D. Hill Penman PR

1st Place: The Carlson Law Firm

Patti D. Hill Penman PR

Biggest fitness accomplishment: 1998 - 1st

Texas AIDS Ride, 600 miles over seven days. 2012 finished 40th in the 2012 CrossFit Open. 2013 - three Fit Company awards. Weekly fitness routine:

Ride, CrossFit, Ride – two / three days a week Ride, Row – one / two days a week, Play – two / three days a week.

Michelle Ewalt

Team Members: Nicholas Pritchett, January Turner, Steven Walden, Francisco Morales

Team in Transition

Biggest fitness accomplishment: The exhilara-

tion of being part of a collaborative team – to be at our individual and collective best. It creates “wins” for everyone.

2nd Place: Padgett Stratemann

Team Members: Gabi Groom, Gregg Kosterlitzky, Damien Silva, James Gaston

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Protecting Yourself Against Skin Cancer This Summer Keeping it safe while maximizing the fun Special to Austin md


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image from Shutterstock


ow that summer has started, many of us here in Central Texas are starting to think more about skin protection. Skin cancer is widely known as one of the most common form of cancer in the U.S. So when it comes to protecting your skin from it, there are a few things to consider as you’ll be out enjoying the sun this summer. “The majority of sun exposure occurs in the summer and so does the majority of damage to your skin,” said Susan Pike, M.D., board-certified plastic surgeon and medical director at the Cosmetic Surgery Center at Scott & White Healthcare-Round Rock.

Healthcare – Round Rock, “the most common skin cancers are squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas.” “When they’re caught early and treated, they rarely cause further problems,” Hix-Hernandez said, “they’re not always easy to detect, but if you have any kind of abnormality on your skin that doesn’t go away within two weeks to a month, you should see your doctor and get it checked.” The most serious form of skin cancer is melanoma. Melanomas are often found on skin that is newly exposed to the sun like the backs of men, and on the backs or legs of women.

Spotting the signs of skin cancer

Your topline of defense against skin cancer and keeping your skin healthy is to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin. Apply it at least a half an hour before going out in the sun, and reapply it every two hours – even more frequently if you’ve been sweating or swimming. Dr. Hix-Hernandez explains that a physical sun blocker in your sunscreen is ideal. “Something with zinc oxide is best and go for an SPF 50 or higher depending on the amount of time you’ll be in direct sunlight. You need to be vigilant about reapplying.”

No matter what type of skin you have, you should be checking your skin regularly for signs of skin cancer. The first place to check is any area that is exposed the most: your face, neck, ears, hands, back and legs if you’re at the lake often. Don’t forget about your arm if it hangs out the window while you’re driving. Balding men should check their scalps. According to Staci Hix-Hernandez, M.D., board-certified plastic surgeon at the Cosmetic Surgery Center at Scott & White

Your No. 1 defense: Sunscreen and protective clothing

Reversing summer skin damage A brand new study out in June of this year found that regular sunscreen use protects against photoaging: the wrinkling, spotting and loss of elasticity caused by exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. “Come fall, you will have been exposed to a lot of UV rays despite wearing your sunscreen,” said Dr. Pike, who recommends patients consider skin care regimens that repair damaged skin once the weather starts to cool off. “Rejuvenative treatments can be an option to restore as well as help keep your skin looking its healthiest.” Dr. Pike added, “Peels and laser treatments can also be an additional way to improve your skin. This type of rejuvenation can be done in a 30- to 45-minute office visit and helps get rid of the telltale signs of summer sun, reviving the skin and removing damage caused by summertime fun.”

If you have any kind of abnormality on your skin that doesn’t go away within two weeks to a month, you should see your doctor and

get it checked What to look for: To determine if an unusual mole may be melanoma or any other skin cancer, you can follow the A-B-C-D-E guideline developed by the American Academy of Dermatology: A is for asymmetrical shape. Look for moles with irregular shapes. B is for irregular border, meaning that the mole has indentations and cauliflowerlike borders. C is for changes in color. If the mole is more than one color or is uneven in its shading. D is for diameter. Look for new growth in a mole larger than about 1/4 inch – think a pencil eraser. E is for evolving. Look for changes over time, such as moles that grow in size or that change color or shape, or if they itch or bleed.

For more Info: Susan M. Pike, M.D., and Staci HixHernandez, M.D. are part of a team of board-certified plastic surgeons at The Cosmetic Surgery Center Scott & White Healthcare-Round Rock located at 425 University Blvd. Email CosmeticSurgery@sw.org or call 509-8550.

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4 Product “Must Haves” for Your Best Skin

As we age the production of collagen and elastin slows down. Collagen and elastin keeps the skin strong, flexible, and resilient. To prevent premature skin aging, add these easy steps to your beauty regiment. Special to Austin MD from Serenity Creek Medspa





Use a retinoid

Add Vitamin C to your skin

Inspect your eye cream

Always apply sunscreen

L-ascorbic acid, or Vitamin C, is a great source of antioxidants for healthy skin. Vitamin C is being added to more and more skin care products for its antioxidants and anti-aging properties. This antioxidant-filled product helps protect skin cells and skins support structure from UVrelated damage. With Vitamin C in your skin care regimen, the appearance of sun-damage is minimized, which leaves a more youthful, radiant skin. Additional great benefits that Vitamin C provides for our skin include: strengthening the skin’s barrier, reducing inflammation, promoting collagen production, and boosting the efficiency of sunscreen. With all the great benefits of Vitamin C, why wouldn’t it be included in your skincare regimen?

The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate; therefore, the signs of aging start to affect this area first. Skin around the eyes is very sensitive; this is why your facial creams, gels, serums, or lotions cannot be used on the eye area and will be too intense for around the orbital rim. When searching for an effective eye cream, you want to take a look at the ingredients. The product should have one or more of these ingredients: Vitamin C or E, hyaluronate, Retinol, and/or peptides. Vitamin C and E provide antioxidants safely to the eye area. Hyaluronate helps to hydrate and moisturize the area without the oil as well as plumping fine lines. Retinol reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Sunscreens should help protect against the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation from reaching the skin. There are two types of ultraviolet radiation, UVA and UVB. Sunscreens vary in the ability to protect against UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays cause skin damage, aging, and can cause skin cancer. UVB is the chief cause of the skin’s reddening and the sunburn. These rays tend to damage the skin’s more superficial epidermal layers. These short waves play a major role in the development of skin cancer, tanning, and photoaging. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is the measure of a sunscreen’s ability to prevent UVB from damaging the skin. Here is what that number on your sunscreen means: if it takes 20 minutes for your unprotected skin to start turning red, using an SPF 15 theoretically prevents the reddening 15 times longer, about 5 hours. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect the skin against both UVA and UVB rays. For more information about sunscreen go to www.skincancer.org

Retinol is made from vitamin A; it boosts collagen production and plumps the skin, which improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Skin tone, any skin discoloration, and breakouts are improved with retinoids. Retinoids come in different forms. Overthe-counter retinoids are the weakest and minimally improve skin. Medical grade retinoids (prescriptions or sold at doctors’ offices) are more effective and come in higher percentages to help slow down the aging process. Tretinoin is another form of Vitamin A and used for antiaging as well as an acneic treatment. Retinol 50 EmoluGel 0.05%: $74- Young Pharm Retinol Facial Repair: $55- Revision Skincare Treteinoin 0.05%: $60- Obagi Skincare

C-Mollient Gel: $76- Young Pharm Vitamin C Lotion 30%: $95- Revision Skincare

CEGA Eye Area $54- Young Pharm Teamine Eye Complex: $68- Revision Skincare Teamine Eye Concealer: $60- Revision Skin Care Youth Eye Complex: $95- iS Clinical

Intellishade SPF 45: $48- Revision Skincare MelaShield SPF 30: $50- Serenity Creek Medical Skincare SunShield SPF 50: $48- Obagi Medical Skin Care

For More Info: Visit Serenity Creek MedSpa’s website at www.serenitycreek.com.


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Rock the Rouge: 3 Lip Colors that Whiten Teeth By Meredith Davis, Founder of Austin Beauty Guide


trip to the dentist can get expensive, so if you can’t afford to whiten on the regular, then I suggest you fake it til’ you make it. A brighter smile can come packaged in your favorite brand of lipstick; it’s just a matter of choosing the right color. Like most makeup tricks, the right shade of lipstick can disguise a stained smile and although you may not be able to afford cosmetic dentistry, you can treat yourself to a new lip lacquer. The trick is to choose a color with cool undertones; think blue, red and pink. Jewel-toned colors will counteract the yellow in your teeth and will naturally present a whiter smile. Warm colors have a natural gold or yellow undertone to them, which will only enhance the very thing you are trying to avoid. The best option is to choose a deeper color with a blue undertone that will reveal a stark contrast in colors. To make your search easier, here is a list of my top picks for cool colors. Perfect your pout and brighten your smile with one of these cool-toned hues.

For More Info: Meredith Davis (@MsMeredithDavis) is the Founder of Austin Beauty Guide. For more beauty tips, local resources and information on the must-have products or trends of the season, visit AustinBeautyGuide.com.

images from Shutterstock

It’s just a matter of choosing the right color

Rich Red

Deep Berry

Bright Pink

Red lipstick is not only festive, but it can also make your teeth look whiter. A blue-based red can work wonders for your smile. This works well with those who have pink undertones in their skin, but if your complexion is more olive, then stick to a true red. If your goal is to brighten, then steer clear of orange-reds and coral reds. These will enhance the yellow in your enamel.

Rich in color, jewel-toned lipsticks come in the form of berry hues with a hint of blue and purple notes. Just like reds, berry lipsticks come in various shades. From a bright plum to a deep purple, berry is another great color to distract from the natural shade of your smile. Berry shades can add flare to your summer style and offer variety to your lipstick collection.

Alternatively, pink is also a cool-toned color that can fake a brighter smile. As long as you stick to a cool rosy pink or lavender, you will lift the color of your enamel a shade or two. Again, warm pink with neutral undertones in coral or peach is not the best choice. It will only blend with the neutral color in your teeth and will not perk up your pout.

Product Suggestions: Clinique High Impact Lip Colour, Red-y to Wear, $15 NARS Pure Matte Lipstick, Vesuvio, $26 MAC Lipstick, Ruby Woo, $15 Lip Lust Lipstick in Bombshell, $18

Product Suggestions: L’Oréal Paris Infallible Le Rouge, Enduring Berry, $9.99 Smashbox Be Legendary Lipstick, Vivid Violet, $19 Buxom Big & Healthy Lip Stick, Shanghai, $19 Lip Lust Lipstick in Drama Queen, $18

Product Suggestions: MAC Lipstick, Embrace Me, $25 Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Lipstick, Pink Celebration, $34 Maybelline ColorSensational Lipcolor, Fuschia Fever, $7 Lip Lust Lipstick in Flirt, $18

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Homemade Deodorant We found this amazing all natural recipe for homemade deodorant on Renee Tougas’ blog named Fimby. We love Renee’s family-style blog. If you want see more of the fantastic recipes and other family related posts visit http://fimby.tougas.net. By Lauren Bolado

Homemade Deodorant Ingredients: 3 tbsp cocoa butter with jojoba oil 3 tbsp baking soda 2 tbsp cornstarch 2 tbsp coconut oil 1/4 tsp vitamin E 5 drops each of clove, rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus - these are simply suggested oils that smell nice together. Use whatever you like. 5 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract, natural preservative (optional)

How to do it: In a sterilized pan melt all the ingredients, except essential oils and GSE, together over low heat on stove.


Remove from heat, add drops of essential oils and GSE, if using. Stir well with whisk.



Pour into sterilized glass jar.

To apply, simply rub some between your fingers and massage onto your skin.


Store in a cool place to prevent melting. If it starts to get a little runny due to the heat and humidity, you can mix in more baking soda to firm it up.


DIY products provide reassurance that no harsh or dangerous chemicals are used on your skin


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Smart Out There

Protect your body from heat-related illness by Dr. VAN Roekel


ne of the best things about living in Austin is the number of outdoor activities; one of the worst things is the summer heat. As a fitness fanatic, my workouts always seem more difficult when the temperature skyrockets in July and August. Have you ever felt light-headed or sick after being outside during the brutal summer months? If your answer is yes, you could have been affected by a heat-related illness. Heatrelated illness is a condition that occurs when heat exposure exceeds the body’s capacity to cool itself, resulting in a higher body temperature. This can cause heat cramps, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Common risk factors of heat illness include age, physical condition and heat acclimatization. Environmental factors such as the amount of direct heat and sun exposure, humidity level, and air movement can also have an impact. It is essential to drink enough water to stay hydrated, and remember that coffee, tea and alcohol can dehydrate the body. There are also several medications, such as antihistamines, some blood pressure medications and stimulants like Adderall,


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Dr. Van Roekel graduated from Michigan State University and completed his medical education at Des Moines University in Iowa. He completed his emergency medicine residency at the University of Louisville School of Medicine in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Van Roekel joined First Choice Emergency Room in 2009. He is board certified in emergency medicine.

which can affect the body’s heat tolerance. A summer bike ride or long-distance run can easily cause cramping in your calves or quads, which could be a sign of heat cramps. Symptoms include painful involuntary spasms of the muscles with profuse sweating. With any of these symptoms, individuals should stop physical activity and rest in a cool environment. Hydrate by drinking an electrolyte beverage or water, and gently stretch the muscle involved. We all want to spend time by the pool during these hot summer days, but we have to be conscious of our sun exposure. Heat rashes, which are small bumps, welts or hives caused by sun exposure, as well as sunburns are common this time of year. For heat rashes, rinse the area with water, rest in a cool environment and drink fluids. If you have a sunburn that develops blisters, you may want to seek medical attention as this could be a second-degree burn. Spending long days working in the summer heat can result in heat exhaustion, which is typically due to dehydration and a continued loss of fluids from sweating. Heat exhaustion can be characterized by extreme sweating, thirst, weakness, fatigue, nausea and headache, with a normal or slightly increased body temperature. When these symptoms arise, move the individual to a cool shaded environment, loosen

their clothing and elevate their legs. If they are alert, slowly give them fluids and spray with a cool water mist. If the individual is not rapidly improving, call for medical attention as a significant percentage of these people will need IV fluid therapy. One of the most serious heat-related illnesses is heat stroke, when the body’s internal mechanism fails to regulate its core temperature. This can be a life-threatening condition that can result in confusion, decreased concentration, delirium, seizures, organ failure and coma. People suffering from heat stroke have an increased pulse, core body temperature typically above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, red, hot and dry skin due to impaired sweating mechanisms, and altered mental status. If these symptoms arise, move the individual to a cool, shaded area and immediately call for emergency medical help. To avoid heat-related illnesses, it is crucial to stay hydrated this summer and throughout the fall. Make sure you are prepared by dressing in proper clothing and always carrying water with you. And of course, don’t forget the sunscreen!

To avoid heat-related illnesses, it is crucial to

stay hydrated this summer and throughout the fall

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Dr. Amin Mery discusses a problem for many Texans: allergies


Dr. Amin Mery of Hill Country Allergy Beyond Allergies and Asthma


by Jaime Netzer, Photography by Tyler Lackey

r. Amin Mery wasn’t always certain he wanted to be a doctor. “I always knew I wanted to help people,” he says, “I just didn’t know in what capacity.” Dr. Mery took pre-med courses during his time at University of Texas, after which he started his first year of medical school. Dr. Mery, who had always been the kind of student who could maintain a 4.0 GPA simply by attending class and then studying the night before, found himself suddenly and completely overwhelmed with the coursework. “Imagine trying to memorize the phone book,” Dr. Mery says with a laugh. “For every class, for every test. The sheer volume of material is amazing.” To clear his head, he spent the summer after his first year of med school backpacking through Europe. Along the way, he met two Canadian backpackers, one a med student and one a doctor, who inspired and encouraged him. They reminded him that he was finishing the hardest part now. Soon, Dr. Mery would be doing what he most looked forward to: interacting with patients. “I came back refreshed and ready to go,” Dr. Mery says. A short time later, Dr. Mery completed his medical degree at the University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio. A native Texan, Dr. Mery went on to residency at Brackenridge Hospital of Austin, and to a fellowship in adult and pediatric allergy and immunology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. There, he performed research in mast cell biology, a critical component of allergic disease. The body’s immunological systems and defenses have always fascinated Dr. Mery. He explains that in med school, he had to make the choice to cut or not to cut, and chose “not to cut”—not to train to be a surgeon. “I was more interested in the development of personal relationships with my patients and loved the social interactions that long-term

care allowed,” Dr. Mery explains. “The internal medicine and allergy pathway requires that I have a broad knowledge in many disease states and that is another reason I enjoy my path to caring for people.” Dr. Mery, on the other hand, craved that interaction. Although he was fascinated by many aspects of disease states, he wasn’t certain about which path might be the best for him. It was the advice of an unlikely mentor—a medical resident who was actually a physician from Bosnia and Herzegovina—that led him to his specialty in allergy and asthma. “He took me under his wing, and said I reminded him of his best friend back in Bosnia. He guided me to the immunological component of disease states,” Dr. Mery remembers. The enthusiasm is tangible in Dr. Mery’s voice as he explains the immune system. “The immune system is a fascinating organ,” Dr. Mery says. “The immune system is your body’s attempt to fight the outside world that’s harmful but accept the outside world that’s harmless—so it’s a constant struggle. It’s almost like a separate nervous system or a separate brain.” At his practice, Dr. Mery deals with allergies and asthma, but he explains that his job is more complex than many people assume. “We also treat sinusitis, hives and rash, immune deficiencies, a whole litany of things that the general population doesn’t recognize,” he says. Are the immune systems of Austinites under particularly harsh attack, as local talk seems to indicate? Are our allergies here really worse than anywhere in the country? “Yes and no,”Dr. Mery says, “Austin is up there, but if you look at certain categories, other cities are actually worse.” What does make Austin unique, he says, are its three allergy seasons, including fall and spring and the nasty Cedar winter season. Plus, he adds, “You have an outdoors-friendly city and an outdoors population.” That, plus all of Austin’s gorgeous lakes and rivers, can add up to a deluge of stuffy noses and runny eyes.

The immune system is your body’s attempt to fight the outside world that’s harmful but accept the outside world that’s harmless-so it’s a

constant struggle

A u s t i n MD m a g a z i n e . c o m



ASK THE DOCTOR “Is it Possible to Get Oral Cancer From Oral Sex?” by Dr. Michael Moossy

Dentists have an important role in detecting and referring patients for

oral cancer

because other health care professionals do not check this area and oral self -examinations are not normative


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ore recently studies have found that there is a connection between Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Oral Cancer. Traditionally, this relationship has not been emphasized. I was compelled to dedicate this month’s question, solely, to explaining the implications of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and its association with oral cancer.

I’ve heard that I can get oral cancer from oral sex. Is that true? Recently, Michael Douglas made the brave decision to speak out about his diagnosis with oral cancer. His personal disclosure could not have happened at a better time. Oral cancer is a rare type of cancer, but until now it has not gained tremendous attention. Douglas revealed that he didn’t have any of the typical risk factors such as smoking, oral tobacco use or genetics. Currently, many empirically validated studies on HPV highlight that it is a common virus in which most people don’t show any signs or symptoms. HPV is a group of viruses that includes more than 100 different strains or types and is the most common sexually transmitted virus. The American Social Health Association (ASHA) reports that 75% or more of sexually active Americans will contract HPV sometime in their lives. Thus, making it difficult to diagnose. The difficulty with HPV is that it can be passed through the body without knowing it. In some instances, HPV can turn into warts or lead to cancers such as cervical dysplasia in women or throat cancers. Michael Douglas believes his oral cancer was caused by having oral sex with someone carrying HPV. His revelation has helped to bring awareness to this rare, but pervasive issue. The Oral Cancer Foundation reports that more than 34,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. Of those 34,000 individuals, only half will be alive in five years. Oral cancer will cause over 8,000 deaths killing roughly one person per day. Studies suggest that HPV can be linked to 60-80% of oral cancers in the upper throat region. Unfortunately, these types of oral cancers cannot be easily detected by primary care physicians. This highlights the crucial role of dentists in early detection of oral cancer, and referral for treatment could mean the difference between life and death, as noted by the staggering statistics above. Dentists have an important role in detecting and referring patients for oral cancer because other health care professionals do not check this area and oral self -examinations are not normative. A number of people who have no other risk factors except for testing

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Dr. Michael Moossy DDS General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr.Moossy is a native texan who received his undergraduate degree at St. Edwards University in Austin. He has since gone on to attain his DDS at University of Texas dental branch in Houston. Dr.Moossy currently maintains a private practice in Austin, Texas and has been in practice for 14 years. He is also a member of the ADA, AGD, TDA, CADS.

positive for HPV develop oral cancer earlier, specifically in their 30s to 50s. Landmark research conducted by the John Hopkins Oncology Center and confirmed by other well-known investigators has shown a strong correlation between HPV and certain types of oral cancer. Traditionally, oral cancers have been found on the floor of the mouth or lateral tongue. Cancers caused by HPV infection have prompted some changes in locations of lesions to the posterior palate and tip of the tongue. The HPV vaccine is a strong weapon in prevention. These safe, effective vaccines are available to protect females and males against some of the most common HPV types and the health problems that the virus can cause. Like most vaccines, this vaccine is aimed at prevention rather than treatment or cure of the acquired virus.

What HPV vaccines are available in the United States? Two HPV vaccines are licensed by the FDA and recommended by Centers for Disease Control. These vaccines are Cervarix (made by GlaxoSmithKline) and Gardasil (made by Merck). As always, please consult with your healthcare provider to see if this a viable option for you.

Are the HPV vaccines safe and effective? FDA has licensed the vaccines as safe and effective. Both vaccines were tested in thousands of people around the world. These studies showed no serious side effects. Common, mild side effects included pain where the shot was given, fever headache, and nausea. As of July 2012, approximately 46 million doses of HPV vaccine were For distributed in the United States. As More Info: visit with all vaccines, CDC and FDA continue to monitor the safety of these vaccines very carefully. These vaccine safety studies continue to show that HPV vaccines are safe.

drmoossy.com to find out more about general and cosmetic dentistry.


shalloW Water

diViNg dangers

Prevent spinal cord injuries by playing it safe By JiM BerGaMo, KVue aNcHor aND HealtH rePorter


ustin MD and KVUE have partnered to bring our readers and viewers vital health information through multiple channels—watch KVUE news for important health information from Austin MD, and read health reporter Jim Bergamo’s expert advice in his new column. Bergamo, who has been in the business for thirty years, graduated from Louisiana State University. His first job was as a sports anchor and reporter, and he eventually landed gigs as a sideline reporter for ABC and anchoring ESPN’s Sportscenter. He has also worked as a news reporter during such major events as the Oklahoma City bombings and the 2000 Bush-Gore election, during which he was working in Miami. With KVUE since 2006, Bergamo is thrilled to call central Texas home. This month, Bergamo tackles a danger present for local aquaphiles of all ages: shallow diving and its potentially disastrous consequences. Doctors say more than 1,000 serious, spinal cord injuries occur nationwide each year, because people dive into water that’s too shallow. 28-year-old Reece Whitteker will never forget the night of March 21, 2011. He and friends were at Lady Bird Lake near Deep Eddy Pool. “A couple of my friends ended up jumping in the water,” said Whitteker. But it was not in the middle of the day. “It was at nighttime,” he said.


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Whitteker admits he couldn’t tell how deep the water was, but he dove in anyway. The water was just four feet deep. “I dove in head first which put a 12-centimeter gash in my head which required 14 staples,” said Whitteker. More importantly, he fractured three vertebrae in his neck and was now a tetraplegic. Doctors say the vertebral bones serve two purposes. They help us remain erect while standing, but they also protect the bundle of nerves that make up the spinal cord. “So when people are diving into shallow water, the main risk is they can break the bone,” said Juan Latorre, M.D., the Medical Director of the Spinal Cord Injury and Amputee Program at St. David’s Rehabilitation Hospital. “If the bone displaces and it affects the spinal cord, then someone can become paralyzed.” “I had a very small, one-day pity party for myself,” said Whitteker. “I guess you could say I asked ‘Why, why, why?’” Whitteker says the very next day he decided he wasn’t going to let his spinal cord injury negatively impact his life. He began physical and occupational therapy at St. David’s Rehabilitation Hospital. He’s now self-sufficient—living, cooking and driving by himself. Whitteker is also a member of the Texas Stampede, a wheelchair rugby team that competes nationally. He says it helps him promote one of his two messages: First, there

is life after a serious spinal cord injury. His second message is simple: When it comes to diving, just a little forethought might prevent that injury from ever happening. “All it takes it one second of not thinking how deep that water is or being able to see the bottom and you can get yourself in trouble,” he said. The Texas Stampede is always looking for volunteers, including support staff, referees and classifiers. To help the team head to national competition, you can donate—find the link on their Facebook page by searching “Texas Stampede Wheelchair Association.” Additional information on the Texas Stampede can be found at fearthesteer.com and information on St. David’s Rehab Hospital at www.stdavidsrehab.com.

Jim Bergamo kVue anchor and health reporter

Over the past 30 years, Jim Bergamo has split his journalistic career between news and sports. Bergamo, who says there’s nothing more beautiful than burnt-orange Austin sunset, has been with KVUE since 2006. KVUE, which is the city’s ABC station, is home to Bergamo and co-host Quita Culpepper’s 5 pm broadcast, which is the top-rated 5 pm program, according to the latest Nielson ratings.

For more inFo: Catch on KVUE’s 5 pm broadcast and follow him on Twitter: @JimB_KVUE

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beautiful inside and out work of rebuilding a lagging sex life. In the first part of Beautiful Inside & Out, Gena offers an intimate portrait of her early years growing up in Duluth, Minnesota with just her mother and older brother and sister. She discusses her early entrance into modeling and acting, her first marriage, the birth of her first child—all while suffering from undiagnosed and utterly debilitating thyroid disease. She also recounts the joy of finding her soul mate in her second husband, hockey player Cale Hulse. (A perfect match, she says, as he didn’t care about television and

Gina Lee Nolan Pens Book about her Battle With Thyroid Disease By GiNa lee NolaN, Mary sHoMoN aND atria BooKs.


You might remember actress Gina Lee Nolan from her days as a Baywatch lifeguard—running across a beach in that iconic red swimsuit, the beaming picture of health and Hollywood glamour. But the truth is, while Lee Nolan looked amazing, she felt awful. She found herself working out twice as hard as her cast-mates, but still gaining weight. She was tired, experiencing brain fog and joint pain. Her doctors mistakenly diagnosed her symptoms as depression, but the antidepressants did nothing to relieve her symptoms. Finally, decades later, Lee Nolan was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, the autoimmune condition where your immune system attacks a body part—in Lee Nolan’s case, the thyroid. After working closely with doctors to stabilize her condition, Lee Nolan found herself eager to share her experiences, both as a way to raise thyroid awareness and in order to encourage other sufferers to be empowered and informed. The result is Beautiful Inside & Out: Conquering Thyroid Disease With A Healthy, Happy, “Thyroid Sexy” Life, due out in October. The book, which was co-authored with Mary Shomon, a thyroid advocate and New York Times best-selling author of The Thyroid Diet Revolution: Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss, discusses diagnosing and treatment of thyroid disease. The following preview is courtesy of Atria Books. Public perception is that thyroid disease is associated with middleaged women, weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, depression, and low sex drive—but Gena and Mary are creating a new openness about the thyroid. Together, in Beautiful Inside & Out, they are validating the importance of being a squeaky wheel when it comes to your health, and that it’s not only acceptable to go public with your own stories of being dismissed or ignored by conventional medicine, but it just might be your sacred duty. Reading Beautiful Inside & Out feels like you’re out with your best girlfriends for a glass of wine or mug of hot, soothing tea. We all know the glorious feeling of being with our wiser girlfriends who have been through a challenging experience and are happy to shepherd us through it—to share their knowledge so we don’t have to go through it alone. Gena and Mary will tell you honestly about the twists and turns, the shortcuts and the heartaches, the tips about everything from finding a great doctor to dealing with sparse eyebrows, about going gluten-free, and the challenging

she didn’t care about hockey!) In a frank, refreshing, no-holds-barred manner, she details what it was like to feel exhausted and bloated all the time, and how her friends, family, and doctors thought she was a hypochondriac. Her girlfriends and family begged her not to talk endlessly about her symptoms during “Girls’ Night Out” or at family functions. It was only after the birth of her third child, daughter Stella, that Gena finally got the diagnosis that she has thyroid disease, and began the long road toward regaining her health and positive attitude—and ultimately became an advocate and “face” for a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. In the remaining sections of Beautiful Inside & Out, Gena and Mary go over innumerable topics and issues, including the different types of thyroid conditions and symptoms, the risk factors to look for, and the tests you need to ask for, even if your doctor doesn’t think they’re necessary. They talk about various medication options as well as the supplements and diets that may be helpful. They illustrate the importance of getting good quality sleep, and managing thyroid disease during pregnancy. They tell you what you should and shouldn’t do when dealing with your doctor, and offer tips on mindful eating, getting fit, and how to obtain a better sex drive. They also include a “Lazy Girl’s Guide to Beauty” in which they give advice on everything from taking care of puff y eyes, sparse eyelashes, brittle hair, to making sure you take time for yourself to beautify and rejuvenate. Also included in Beautiful Inside & Out are invaluable sidebars, resources, and fi rst-person stories and quotes from experts and fellow thyroid patients.


beautifuL insiDe & out feels like you’re out With your best girlfriends


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a uniQue approaCh to dyslexia By Dr. PHyllis BooKs & JeNNiFer roBeaNult


r. Phyllis Books is an Austin-based doctor, healer and mother who also trademarked a natural, non-drug intervention procedure for those suffering from dyslexia, learning differences, ADHD, head traumas and various chronic health problems. The system is called Books Neural TherapyTM , and it’s a structural and neurological repatterning technique that aims to rehabilitate, rather than compensate for, learning differences. In other words, Dr. Books maintains that through her system, her patients can often reverse dyslexia and other learning differences permanently. The technique incorporates gentle physical body alignment, which Dr. Books has found dramatically improves neurological function, with learning and behavior strategies. Says one parent of a patient: “Without medication and with Dr. Books’ treatment, he’s back to his loving and caring personality. He also feels better about himself. He has more confidence.” Dr. Books, a licensed chiropractor who also holds a masters in interpersonal communication from the University of North Texas, wrote a book about her technique and experiences called Reversing Dyslexia, available for purchase on Amazon. The following passionate excerpt is taken from the introduction to the book. I embrace the beautiful but tattered souls of my young patients every day as we do our reading, writing, marching, and physical activities together. Dyslexic children come to me with broken hearts, lacking confidence and wondering if they will ever be able to learn like other kids. Most of these children are burdened by a sense of shame, wilting from the fear of disappointing their parents, their teachers, and themselves. Dyslexia keeps them down, their talents trapped beneath a mountain of humiliation.

For more inFo: To learn more about Books Neural Therapy, visit www.drphyllisbooks.com.

The label of dyslexia can become a painful cloak to wear day in and day out. It can kill a child’s motivations and creativity. Watching a child’s innocence and joy be replaced by hesitation, embarrassment, and defeat breaks a parent’s heart. Parents don’t want to fail or give up on their children. Doing so would go against the deepest parental instinct, which is to nourish and protect the young. I understand firsthand how the spirit of a child can be crushed by a learning disorder. Thankfully, I also know the incredibly freeing and empowering experience of watching a child overcome such obstacles— the feeling that says, “I did this! today I am king of the mountain. I really am in charge of my life and I really can create the life I want. What else have I been told is impossible but really isn’t?” My desire to bring this experience to others led me to write this book. I wrote this book to dispel the myth that dyslexia is permanent. The idea that learning disorders are unchangeable is simply untrue, and it harms children. It affects relationships and families, and undermines productivity and the ability to make a living. As a society of taxpayers, we are all paying the price of this mistaken idea in one way or another. I also wrote this book to open minds to a new way of looking at dyslexia, to create empowered advocates for dyslexic kids, and to make sure individuals get the help they need to dismantle the problem of dyslexia for good. Most of all, I wrote this book to help free the human spirit—the spirit that still lives inside every dyslexic person and begs to be unchained.

the label of


Can beCome a painful Cloak to Wear day in and day out

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Beat the Heat How to keep your kids safe in scorching Texas summer special contribution to Austin MD by Citizen Generation’s Catherine Marlen


chool is out, the heat is in, and summer is officially here. At Citizen Generation, we love to combine having fun and giving back as often as possible. We’re excited to share a variety of fun activities for you to do with your children this summer, from swimming to crafts to volunteering and more. It’s never too early to begin teaching children about philanthropy. No matter what age your kids are, there’s sure to be something for them to get involved with and give back. Austin is full of opportunities to give back and offers many options to include kids of all ages.

Start ‘Em Young To get your little ones involved, even those as young as three years old, check out the nonprofit organization Little Helping Hands. Since June of 2009, Little Helping Hands has been organizing a variety of volunteer opportunities for families to partici-


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pate in together. Their mission is “to engage young children and their families in community service and inspire lifelong volunteerism.” By partnering with many different organizations, Little Helping Hands teaches children the importance of giving back. Through Little Helping Hands, children have a chance to support causes that benefit the environment, elderly care, youth development, animal welfare and much more. The Austin Museum of Art 1 offers family activities throughout the summer and also has a volunteer program for teenagers. The Teen Volunteer Program is open to those who are between the ages of 13 and 18. They will volunteer at The Art School by assisting the instructor before, during, and after the children’s art class. The museum has multiple programs for families to attend, including Second Saturday’s and Family Drop-In Tours. The second Saturday of every month consists of hands-on workshops, performances and opportunities

to meet local artists. The museum recommends these activities for children between the ages of two and eleven. For ages three to six, the Jones Center offers a special 30-minute family tour featuring discussions, exploration and hands-on activities. These tours occur on Thursday and Friday at 11:00 a.m. while the summer exhibitions are on view and are free with museum admission.

Keep Your Cool Kids of any age know that summers in Texas are hot. Give them experience in helping those who are less fortunate by working with Family Eldercare to provide fans to those who need relief from the heat. This year marks the 23rd annual summer fan drive. There are many ways to get involved with the fan drive, including donating a fan or funds, forming a fan drive team or sponsoring a fan drive. A favorite activity of many kids and parents during the summer is swimming. Some of the

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Take this opportunity to teach them about what it means to help others and



give back


local favorites include 2 Krause Springs, Deep Eddy Pool, Barton Springs Pool, 3 Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve and Blue Hole. For a little more exploring, head downtown to Lady Bird Lake and rent a canoe or stand-up paddleboard.

Get Creative For the days when it’s too unbearable to step outside in the scorching sun, try a fun and easy activity at home. Find random acts of kindness to do together, such as baking cookies 4 for a neighbor or collecting nonperishable food items from the pantry to donate to your local food bank. Create homemade cards to send to grandparents or other family members. There are many wonderful programs that allow you to adopt a soldier 5 and

send them letters or care packages. You can also sponsor a child from another country, or animals such as kangaroos or elephants. To teach your kids more about Texas history, take a trip to the Bob Bullock Museum and then cool off inside the IMAX Theatre. Be sure to visit the capitol and then enjoy a picnic lunch on the lawn. For a sweet treat, stop by Big Top Candy Shop on South Congress or one of the Amy’s Ice Cream locations 6 . Although they can drive you crazy at times and you may find yourself counting down to the first day of school, remember to enjoy the time you have with your children. Take this opportunity to teach them about what it means to help others and give back. Beat the heat this summer and make new memories with 5 the ones you love.



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Invest in Yourself Use city resources to boost your business By Joy Miller, City of Austin - Small Business Development Program

For More Info: Contact


he City of Austin makes it easy and affordable for area entrepreneurs to invest in themselves and enhance their business savvy. The mission of the Small Business Development Program (SBDP) is to foster job creation and support the growth of new and existing businesses by providing capacity building information, tools and resources. We provide counseling and assistance to small businesses. Our focus, as our name implies, is to develop and empower small businesses in order to strengthen their business capability and survivability. Through an agreement with the University of Texas Professional Development Program, SBDP offers nearly 60 classes annually in the areas of marketing, finance, accounting, social media, and human resources. Classes include options with small business appeal, such as “What is a Marketing Plan and Why Your Business Needs One,” “Using Social Media to Promote Your Business,” and “Fran-


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Joy Miller, at affordablyaustin.com.

chise 101.” With a general cost of $35-$45 ($85 for a full day of QuickBooks using laptop computers provided by the City of Austin), these classes are a bargain. Each class is taught by an instructor with business experience and is designed with the small business owner in mind. Completion of any six classes qualifies for a Business Success Skill Certificate awarded by UT and recognized by Mayor Leffingwell and the City Council at one of its bi-annual graduations. The city recognizes the investment small business owners make to prepare themselves to start and run their small businesses effectively. Two very popular orientations offered by SBDP staff at no cost are: BizAid Business Orientation, a weekly overview covering Austin area resources available to small businesses and ques-

tions to answer before starting a business, i.e., the basic elements of a business plan. BizOpen, offered bi-weekly by SBDP staff or online at www.AustinSmallBiz.org, to provide guidance about navigating the City of Austin’s development processes. Additionally, SBDP partners with other local and area entities to deliver classes and informational events on topics such as importing and exporting, opening and running a second location, issues women business owners face, crowd-funding your small business, and more. Parking is free at all our classes and secure registration is easy on our website, www. Aust i nSma l l Bi z . org. Check out our classes and events calendar and start building your entrepreneurial knowledge today. SBDP is here to help.

SBDP offers

nearly 60 classes annually in the areas of marketing, finance, accounting, social media, and human resources

image from Shutterstock



Ramirez explains, “I have been with the company for about one hen I walked into Ernesto Santillan’s office, foundmonth now, and I have done anything from organizing music, food er and owner of year-old business management and other logistics for a Sunset Yoga series on top of Whole Foods to and marketing company VESS Consulting, I was helping one of our clients get a new air conditioning system installed not expecting to be greeted by three faces, Ameriin their home.” Ramirez continues, “No task is too big or too small for cana music, dim lighting and a wine refrigerator. us to help our clients with. We treat all concerns with the same level of “Wow, you guys sure are cozy in here,” I say. attention and urgency.” “We like to work together in a relaxing space,” Drew Davis, office Davis adds, “VESS is about growing businesses, but also allowing manager of VESS Consulting, said. “These close quarters are perfect business owners to focus on the bigger picture. We like to be relievers for maximizing communication within our team and flushing out our of stress, and we’ve found that a lot of the day-to-day managerial stuff creative ideas together.” can cause the most stress for entrepreneurs.” I sit down on the office couch with Santillan to learn more about As stated earlier, VESS is a business management and marketing what VESS Consulting is all about. firm. The management of businesses is VESS Consulting hit the ground a big part of what they do, but the comrunning with a strong circle of Austin pany certainly carves out time to declients. Last summer, the company repvelop strong marketing strategies and resented Immigration Attorney Raul events for their clients. Garcia, Criminal Defense Attorney Some of VESS Consulting’s clients, David Ramos, Chiropractor Dr. Arturo such as Chiropractor Dr. Arturo EspiEspinoza, and two of Austin’s favorite noza and yoga studio Blue Honey Yoga, restaurants – the trendy eastside eathave allowed VESS to tap into one of ery Papi Tino’s and the eclectic Austin the greatest passions of Austin resistaple Maria’s Taco Xpress. All of these dents – health and wellness. companies are still current clients of With Dr. Espinoza, VESS Consulting VESS Consulting. has utilized one of their strongest skills, “The important thing to note is that networking, to establish relationships we only represent one type of each with local gyms and fitness organizabusiness,” Santillan explains. “Yes, we tions. Dr. Espinoza’s nephew, Dr. Abiel have two attorneys. But these attorneys Gonzalez, specializes in sports chiroprovide different types of services. The practic, and VESS Consulting has been same thing goes for our restaurants. working diligently to educate the comThe reason why we only represent one munity about his expertise. type of each business is so we can reBlue Honey Yoga is an example of an ally brand them as experts in their field. event-heavy client. Within four months We know we represent some of the best of working with Blue Honey, VESS has businesses in Austin, and we want AusSpecial Contribution created a Vino & Vinyasa night that tin to know that all of our clients are the to Austin MD, benefits a different non-profit each time. best at what they do.” PHOTOGRAPHY by Tyler Lackey This event combines heart-healthy wine VESS now represents 13 businesses, with yoga to create a social night that almost tripling their clientele in the last contributes to personal wellness. VESS 12 months. also partnered with Whole Foods to create a Sunset Yoga series where “Why do you think your company has grown so quickly?” I ask. Blue Honey Yoga instructors provide free yoga every week on top of Office Manager Davis, who has been working diligently alongside Whole Foods. Each Wednesday in June and August, different local muMarketing Assistant Regina Ramirez throughout the interview, chimes sicians come out to accompany an hour-long class of relaxation. Local in. “VESS offers something to business owners that we have yet to see vendors also contribute treats for the attendees, really combining the eleother marketing and/or management firms offer. We are an all-inclusive ments of health and wellness with a strong sense of community. company. In addition to creating and executing a marketing plan for our VESS Consulting has also worked with RunTex on several events, clients, we literally take care of everything a business owner doesn’t have including a 5K event in March that benefitted the Anti-Defamation the time or the desire to handle. We’ve found this to be extremely appealLeague. For this event, VESS partnered with the Sheriff’s Office to creing, and all of our growth up to this point has been via word-of-mouth.” ate a 5K run promoting fitness and anti-bullying for kids. So just what type of tasks can a business owner expect VESS ConThese are just a few of the many community events VESS Consultsulting to take on?

Growing Local Business and KEEPING Austin

Healthy Vess Consulting uses its networking skills to reach out to the community through special events.


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Santillan helps companies with health related events like the Sunset Yoga series at Whole Foods

We have non-profits and other communityoriented organizations attached to

every event that we organize

ing has brainstormed and executed for their clients since first opening. “We have non-profits and other community-oriented organizations attached to every event that we organize,” Santillan says. “One of the reasons why we love putting on events, and put on so many, is because events really provide our clients with an opportunity to engage with the surrounding community and partner up with other groups that are giving back to the area and working to make Austin a better place.” VESS is about to hire a fourth member to their close-knit team, which leads me to wonder what kind of growth VESS Consulting is anticipating in the coming years.

“We are a small firm, and we intend to stay that way,” Santillan says. “We consider all of our clients friends, if not family, at this point and care about not only the growth of their businesses, but also their wellbeing. We want to expand VESS Consulting in the years to come, but never to a point where we lose that connection with our clients.” If you are a business seeking to hire on a management and marketing company like VESS Consulting, a local vendor interested in donating or sponsoring VESS Consulting events or a non-profit looking to partner up with VESS Consulting to create a new event, visit the VESS Consulting website at vessconsultinggroup.com or contact Office Manager Drew Davis at drew@vessconsultinggroup.com.

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Ask the Expert -

Security in the Workplace John Dyess, Dyezz Surveillance with special guest expert Joel Capenter, Sponte Worldwide Security Solutions


urveillance with Access Control, video Surveillance and panic alarms are a must for any corporate or medical environment. Having these security solutions puts you and your employees in the know and prepare the company for anything that might or could happen. A secured office place is a place where your patient and employees can feel safe. Security is a great way to keep inventory control and to make sure that the patient is being treated like they should. Below are some common questions we get about how to maintain a safe work environment. Q: What is the number one threat business face today? A: In a lot of cases, it is themselves first and then the existing threat. What I mean by that is the inability to recognize or refusal to accept a threat presence is like putting your head in the sand and hoping the threat will somehow go away. Of course it most often does not. Most businesses and people oper-

ate off of 3 concepts: 1) Ignore the Threat 2) Place the burden on Liability Insurance 3) Deal with the Threat A business MUST start with 360 degree operational security to ensure protection of assets and infrastructure. This is physical, IP and internal security. Theft is not always coming from outside the perimeter. A good start would be to install a reliable video surveillance system. Use CCTV systems not only for reactionary response, but for advanced detection and crime deterrents. Properly trained personnel can quickly identify an incident before it takes place. With business security employees are a company’s greatest asset. Companies have to learn how to offer a safe work environment and OSHA requires it. Workplace violence is a very real risk for businesses and is most likely the biggest threat. A highly credentialed personal protection firm on retainer is the best solution for any human resource manager with a heavy focus on de-escalation

and non-incidents is a small price to pay when looking at the worst case scenario. Q: Can you name some ways to avoid threats? A: The newest concept is convergence security e.g. a company with broad solution based services. Companies have to move away from this normalcy bias concept of hiring an IT specialist and now their security is 100%. One major way to avoid threat is by taking a proactive approach to security solutions. Seek expert advice on how to deal with you particular situation. Understanding that you don’t have all of the answers regarding security is a strength. Threats don’t just appear, most often victims are chosen for a reason. It’s the difference between making yourself a ‘Hard’ or ‘Soft’ target. Q: How much can someone expect to pay? A: Every situation is different based on several factors including threat level and the scope of the project, but in the end one thing is for certain, you get what you pay for.

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Launches With A Huge Success #AMDLaunch #party #beautifulevening By Hannah Neumann, PHOTOGRAPHY by Gregg Cestaro and Tyler Lackey


here was no better way to spend a hot, yet breezy Thursday evening than on the Wet Deck of the W Hotel. Approximately 200-300 Austinites filled the outdoor pool deck of the prestigious and glamorous W hotel with owners Angela Strickland and Aman Bandali to celebrate the launch of their new publication, Austin MD Magazine. With the goal and vision of telling stories of medical success and inspirational messages to others, Austin MD had published their first issue of the magazine on May 15, just weeks before the event. The launch party, hosted on May 23, offered complimentary champagne, delicious treats catered by The Cupcake Bar, and gift bags provided by Serenity Creek Medspa for the guests. Guests


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took part in a silent auction, with proceeds benefiting SpineHope, a nonprofit organization that provides spinal surgeries to children around the world. As the evening wore on Bandali gave a speech, telling guests a little about himself, the publication and his partnership with Strickland, who he proudly introduced to the crowd. Strickland introduced herself and the magazine before thanking everyone for coming, and directed their attention towards a sneak preview of Valenzuela Fashion’s Resort Line. Shortly after the event ended, hashtags, status updates and pictures from the party began popping up on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Filled with enthusiasm, guests commented on looking forward to the magazine’s next issue and reminisced about a great evening.

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Gala del Museo



Anniversary Celebration Another Success! PHOTOGRAPHY by Erika Rich


ver 400 guests joined Mexic-Arte Museum on May 5, 2013 to celebrate twenty-nine successful years. Following the cocktail hour, generously sponsored by Patron Tequila, and the festive sounds of the Mariachi Relampago, guests were seated in the Four Seasons Ballroom. The evening began with the colorful and rhythmic dancing of the Danza Azteca Guadalupano followed by the vocal stylings of Dr. Gerardo A. Ramos. Mexic-Arte Museum presented the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Arts and Humanities to Francis-


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co de Paula Leon Olea, a prestigious musician, philosopher, literary author and businessman. He is now the president and chairman of the Board of Giordano Bruno University. Mexic-Arte Museum also honored Sam Coronado with the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Visual Arts. He is a one of the co-founders of Mexic-Arte Museum and the Serie Project in 1993, a non-profit organization with a mission to create and promote serigraph prints created by Latino artists and others in a workshop environment. He is a professional visual artist and Professor at Austin Community College in the Visual Communication Department.



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Dr. Daniel Frederick


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present’s its first ever Guide to Austin’s

Top Dentists We know you want to know more about your health care professionals. This section will give you a glimpse into not only what services these dentists offer, but more about who they are when they aren’t making your teeth healthier. We hope you enjoy the introduction! 58

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Rose Dental Group By Lauren Bolado Photography by Tyler Lackey


ose Dental Group is committed to maintaining your oral health. With three convenient locations, extended hours on weekdays and Saturdays, and highly skilled and dedicated doctors, Rose Dental Group can assist you with many oral health issues or concerns. Dr. Sergio Escobar and Dr. Rollin Sarradet opened the premier dental practice, Rose Dental Group, in 1995. The name Rose was used to combine first two letters of each of the coowner’s first names. The goal for Dr. Escobar and Dr. Sarradet was to provide excellent dental care to the people of Austin while enriching the community through volunteering and community events. As a practice, Rose Dental believes that preventive care and education are the keys to optimal dental health. Focused on “dental health care,” rather than “disease care,” each exam is thorough – checking the overall health of your teeth and gums, enhanced oral cancer screenings and taking x-rays when necessary. ”What sets us apart is our commitment to the patient, and to the community. We believe that generosity and interpersonal relationships allow us to provide excellent dental service,” said Dr. Escobar, co-owner of Rose Dental Group. Rose Dental doctors and employees believe in giving back to their community by

partnering with different non-profit organizations and volunteering every month. Dentists with a Heart is an annual nonprofit event that Rose Dental provides for the community. For one day, they provide free dentistry to the community, providing services to over 100 people including cleanings, exams and palliative care. The next event is scheduled for July 20, 2013 at the Northwest Austin location on Angus Rd. For more information on Dentists with a Heart, visit www.rosedental.net or call 512-795-9643. Rose Dental Group has developed a set of beliefs, values and commitments from their constitution, which builds a foundation to guide the practice and employees to a higher standard of care. Included in the constitution are key values such as discipline and integrity, innovation and of course, southern hospitality. “We treat everyone as if they are a guest in our house,” said Dr. Escobar. At Rose Dental Group, you can leave all your dental fears at the door. They offer each patient a comfort menu which includes cozy

warm blankets, neck pillows, warm towelettes and earphones to ease any anxiety patients may experience and provide the best possible experience. In a review on Demandforce, a platform for consumers to review companies and businesses, an unidentified patient said, “I have been coming to Rose Dental Group for 20 years, I would guess. I have moved from Austin to Belton and continued to come back home to Rose Dental. Now we are retiring in Montgomery, Tx and I am still driving to Rose Dental, a three-drive. Their excellence and commitment to patients is superb.” With 14 dentists and one oral surgeon, in the three locations, Rose Dental Group has a doctor for all of your dental needs. From pediatric dentistry to Endodontics to oral and maxillofacial surgery, Rose Dental Group has the experience and skills for your long term dental care needs. The structure of the practice includes a Doctor Care Team for each doctor. Each team consists of two hygienists, two dental assistants, a treatment coordinator and front desk liaison, providing individual-

ized, high quality service. VELscope® Oral Cancer Screening is a truly remarkable procedure available at Rose Dental. The early cancer detection capabilities of this tool can save numerous lives. “This technology allows us to detect oral cancer much earlier. Early detection is critical in oral cancer, or any cancer, to increase survivability and a complete resolution of the cancer,” says Dr. Sarradet, co-owner of Rose Dental Group. It is widely believed that only heavy smokers and drinkers over the age of 50 are likely to get oral cancer, but recent studies have shown this belief to be inaccurate. Actually, about 25 percent of diagnosed oral cancer patients are young and abstain from both these practices. Oral cancer is often deemed the “forgotten disease,” because it kills more people than testicular cancer, cervical cancer and cancer of the brain each year, although it is publicized much less than the others. Each year, more than 30,000 Americans contract oral cancer, and only 57 percent of these people will live for more than five years

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without treatment. The best way to survive oral cancer is to catch it early on and start a treatment process. One of the biggest difficulties in diagnosing oral cancer is that its symptoms look similar to symptoms of less serious problems. The VELscope® System affords the dentist important insight as to what is happening beneath the surface. Healthy areas beneath the surface of the soft tissue show up green, and the problem areas become much darker. A biopsy of the concerning area is then taken and tested for cancerous cells. The VELscope® is a great tool in the early recognition of cancer, increasing the likelihood of successful treatment. For more information about VELscope® please contact Rose Dental Group. Another procedure available to Rose Dental is the revolutionary procedure called CEREC®. This procedure is a noninvasive, economical alternative for people who need ceramic restorations. The restorations produced by CEREC® are proven to last for over 5 years, but recent research indicates that most CEREC®-created restorations last for more than 10 years. “This technology creates the restoration unlike before when restorations were made by hand, which has increased precision, ac-

curacy and reduced the number of patient visits required. We know patients have busy schedules, so using a one day procedure such as this is very helpful,” Dr. Sarradet explains. The first step in the procedure is to prepare the tooth. The dentist removes all tooth decay. Next, an impression is made using a covering of titanium dust. This dust allows the camera to take a highly detailed picture of the tooth. The image is transposed onto the computer screen, allowing the dentist to view the tooth from every angle and design the final restoration. Within 15 minutes, the full crown, onlay, overlay, or veneer is complete. The restoration is made of compressed, rather than laboratory-layered, porcelain, which enhances strength and durability. The quality of the results is the same as the laboratory-generated restoration, but a great deal of time and money is saved. Many people desire a brighter, whiter smile. Surface stains can result from poor brushing technique, food residue, coffee or tea, tobacco use, etc. Rose Dental has many options to correct this very common concern. “Teeth whitening is one of the easiest, least invasive treatments available today,” Dr. Sarradet says, “no irreversible changes are done to your teeth.”

Rose Dental offers an innovative treatment called Zoom!® among its many whitening options. Zoom!® is a bleaching process that lightens the dentin and enamel of the teeth. The active ingredient in Zoom!® is a hydrogen peroxide component (25%) in the gel. When hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth, the peroxide component breaks down into tiny oxygen bubbles. It is these bubbles that eliminate yellowing and staining. As with any whitening system, the post-treatment results can vary according to the degree of staining and the condition of the teeth. A consultation with the dentist prior to treatment will provide information as to what kind of results Zoom!® can provide in specific instances. Zoom!® is only applied to healthy teeth and gums. If tooth decay or gum disease is an issue, these need to be controlled before the bleaching treatment is performed. Extended hours have been added to the South Austin location to provide all comprehensive dental needs, including urgent care to Austinites in the evenings and weekends. The office is open on Mondays from 8 am to 5 pm, Tuesday thru Friday from 8 am to 10 pm, and Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm. Call 512-288-4447 or visit their website at www. rosedental.net/ for more information.

The convenient locations include: Northwest Austin 11615 Angus Rd, Ste 210, Austin, TX 78759 (512) 795-9643 South Austin 6211 W. William Cannon Dr., Austin, TX 78749 (512) 288-4447 Round Rock 893 N. I-35, Ste 200, Round Rock, TX 78664 (512) 310-9374


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Moossy General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Avery Ranch Dental Special to Austin MD Magazine

Special to Austin MD Magazine


r. Michael Moossy has a unique approach to dentistry: He believes in what he’s coined the “Moossy experience,” in which the office revolves around the patient and making sure they receive the best services. This individualized and preventative approach has made him a stand out among Austin dentists, but don’t take his word for it, he has fantastic reviews online. Dr. Moossy is a native Texan who received his undergraduate degree at St. Edward’s University in Austin. He attained his DDS at University of Texas dental branch in Houston. He now maintains a private practice in Austin which has been experiencing great growth since 1988. He is also a member of the ADA, AGD, TDA and CADS. Dr. Moossy strongly believes in helping others. In the past he has shared his time and dental skills with children at two orphanages in Mexico and looks forward to participating in similar opportunities. He is also active in helping the Austin community by donating time to care for the dental needs of local artists through St. David’s program, Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM). When not practicing dentistry, Dr. Moossy mountain biking, or since he’s newly married, enjoying quality time with his new wife. He believes in the importance of an overall active, healthy lifestyle, which he passes on to his patients. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Moossy and his team, visit his office located at 4200 N. Lamar, Ste. 145 or call 512-459-5437. For more information visit www.drmoossy.com.


r. Lowery loves being a dentist because she loves to see her patients’ smiles—and their confidence— transformed. After even a simple procedure, she explains, her patients’ entire demeanor changes. As a dentist committed to professional excellence in addition to a compassionate practice, she has earned numerous accolades in the field, including the 2012 Patient Choice Award, the Top Dentist Award, inclusion in the 2012 Latin American Who’s Who Magazine, as well as the UT-Health Science Center of San Antonio’s 2003 Excellence in Clinical Dentistry Award. Dr. Lowery has her D.D.S. from The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude. She earned her Bachelors Degree in Microbiology from the University of Texas at Austin, where she graduated with High Honors. Dr. Lowery also has earned the prestigious Accreditation by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry for Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry. As the owner of Avery Ranch Dental, Dr. Lowery wants you to feel, from the moment you first call her office, that you’ve found your dental home. She takes pride in her exceptionally caring, gentle staff. Find out what Avery Ranch Dental can do for you! We provide a full range of dental services, including: Invisalign, porcelain veneers, implant dentistry, sedation dentistry, zoom whitening, smile makeovers, tooth-colored fillings, endodontic treatment and same-day cerec crowns. We can’t wait to see your beautiful, healthy smile! Visit Avery Ranch Dental at 15004 Avery Ranch Blvd., Austin TX. or find them online at www.averyranchdental.com.

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Anthony Mendez, DDS By Hannah Neumann


nthony Mendez is a General and Cosmetic Dentist in Austin, Texas who is focused on maintaining the highest caliber of patient care. In addition to a warm and friendly atmosphere, Dr. Mendez and his staff strive to provide each patient the most effective, pain-free and pleasant experience available. Dr. Mendez graduated from Baylor College of Dentistry and currently serves on the Baylor College of Dentistry Alumni Board. After working for three years in Dallas, Texas as an Associate Dentist, he returned to Austin in 2007 and acquired the established practice of Dr. Edgar Harris when Dr. Harris retired. He is a member of the Capital Area Dental Association, Texas Dental Association, American Dental Association and the Austin Chapter of the Seattle Study Club for dental health professionals. While the State of Texas requires a minimum of 12 hours continuing education annually, Dr. Mendez routinely attends 100 hours or more to far exceed regulatory demands. Dr. Mendez and his team provide a pristine, sterile and safe environment with state-of-the-art sterilization equipment and go beyond American Dental Association and OSHA specifications. Patients that choose Dr. Mendez rest assured that he is constantly staying abreast of the latest in dental technology advancements. Utilizing leading-edge tools such as DentalVibe, IntraOral Cameras, Digital X-Rays (90% less radiation) and the Isolite System for enhanced treatment comfort and information, Dr. Mendez and his staff are dedicated to patient health and education. Patients routinely comment on how pleasant their experience is, the confidence they feel toward Dr. Mendez and his team and the warmth and friendliness from the whole staff. Patients come back year after year and become part of the Anthony Mendez DDS Practice family!


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Our office 7320 North Mopac (Loop 1) Expressway, Suite #200, Austin, Texas, 78731

Hours Monday 7:30-4:30 Tuesday-Thursday 7:00-4:00 pm

Contact Call us for an appointment today! Phone: 512-345-5885 or visit our website : www. youraustindental.com.

PHOTos by W. Tyler Lackey


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in a Modern American setting Goi Ga-

VietnaMeSe cHicKen Salad pickling the veggies ½ head of cabbage thinly sliced 1 carrot julienned ½ small red onion thinly sliced ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup vinegar 1 ½ cup water Pinch of salt hoW To do iT

For diners looking to avoid greasy hamburgers and dishes drowned in butter, there may be an option you hadn’t considered: Vietnamese food. By JeaNa BertolDi


hoNatic, a restaurant in north Austin and soon in south Austin, offers Vietnamese food in a fast-casual setting. The original location opened in 2011 after owners Pat and Sara Lee had the idea to make Vietnamese food more accessible to people who aren’t familiar with it. “When we set out to do PhoNatic, we wanted to mainstream Vietnamese food, pho in particular, and educate people who haven’t had Vietnamese food,” Pat Lee said. But retaining the original flavor was just as important. Pat Lee, who was born in Vietnam, wanted to offer the kind of food that his mother and grandmother made for him when he was growing up. Since the conception of PhoNatic, the Lee family’s goal has been to retain the authenticity of flavors in a setting in which most Americans might feel more comfortable. “You can have both,” Pat Lee said. “You can have the great atmosphere and also have the authentic food.” Offering healthy dishes is another priority. For customers looking to cut down on


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Place water in a small sauce pan and bring to a near boil. Remove from heat. Add sugar, vinegar and salt. Stir until salt and sugar dissolve. In a mixing bowl, combine cabbage, carrots, and red onion. Pour vinegar and sugar mixture over cabbage mixture and refrigerate at least 24hrs. cooking chicken 1 large chicken breast Pinch of salt hoW To do iT

carbs, PhoNatic provides the option of ordering a meal carb-less, with the same proteins as the traditional dishes, only served over a salad instead of rice or noodles. The restaurant strives to retain quality of the food by controlling which ingredients go into their dishes. “We use very low sodium in everything we make,” said Sang Doan, the assistant manager at PhoNatic, “And we avoid processed sauces.” The restaurant uses its focus on quality ingredients to appeal to families. “Our concept and our food are very family-friendly,” Sara Lee said. As for the future of PhoNatic, the Lees are hoping to continue to expand. In addition to the new south Austin location, they are planning on opening another in Cedar Park in October. They are also looking into sourcing local ingredients for their menu. The Lees’ ultimate goal is to make Vietnamese food as popular as other Asian cuisines by offering flavorful food. “We want you to leave happy,” Pat Lee said.

Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Then add chicken breast and salt. Boil for about 20 minutes. Remove chicken and set on plate to cool. Once chicken has cooled, shred chicken with your hands length-wise and reserve. Fish sauce dressing 3 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons fish sauce 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon sambal chili 1 cup hot water hoW To do iT Combine water and sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Add all other ingredients and stir well. Set aside. assembling and garnish 1 teaspoon finely minced garlic 2 tablespoons canola oil 1 tablespoon fried shallots 1 tablespoon crushed roasted peanuts 1 tablespoon chopped basil hoW To do iT Heat canola oil and add garlic. Sauté until garlic turns light brown. Remove from heat and let cool.Put cabbage mixture into a thick plastic freezer bag. Seal bag, cut small incision on one corner of bag and squeeze out as much moisture from mixture as possible. Remove contents from bag and set on a serving plate. Mix with the canola and garlic mixture. Next, add chicken to cover salad mixture. Top with shallots, roasted peanuts and basil. When ready to serve, pour dressing over salad. Goi Ga is ready to enjoy, especially on a hot summer day!

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