The Illinois Lion, Lioness, Leo MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 3 - Issue 3, September 2015
too early to talk about them. So why would I change now? District 1-M will be hosting the first convention this year in Decatur, Illinois the weekend of October 14, 2015. Contact Governor Mendenhall for the details.
Council Chair Speaks:
Our MD-1 State Convention this coming May will be at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Springfield, Illinois on the weekend of May 20, 21 and 22, 2016. Convention Chairperson, Lion Sharon Peska from District 1-D and her committee are looking for suggestions with the planning of the convention that Lion Sharon told me would be outstanding.
Have you ever noticed, as we head into the fall months that they all end with ber. Is that ber as in burr? I have often wondered about that.
You will notice a new addition to the State Magazine this month, an article written by the Spouses of the Governors. It’s called “Spouses Speak”. It’s there to keep the Lions of Illinois informed about the projects and ideas of the most influential members of the Council. Please give it a read.
Well the Lion year once again is in motion and things are happening at an alarming rate. The District Governors are out visiting their clubs, explaining the District and State programs and working hard on improving on our sagging membership numbers. Of course membership is what our organization needs but a vital part of the membership equation is retention. We are very efficient at gaining new members; we just can’t seem to retain them very well. So what can a Lion do to help? Become an active member of you GMT at the District level. This team of Lions is out looking for new ways to improve our numbers, keep our numbers and show a positive growth at year-end. Last year, 3 of 10 Districts had a positive growth number. It would be a very successful year if we can keep that number up from last year and again match it with 3 more Districts in the plus for this year.
It’s Great To Be A Lion, CC Steve Anton Editorial: “Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.” This slogan of LCI touches my heart. We all joined Lions Clubs International to fulfill the needs of less fortunate; put smile o their faces and to make this world a better place to live for tomorrow. We help needy people in our communities without looking at their color, caste, religion, gender or nationality. When we meet as Lions, we are one happy family with only one goal in mind – TO SERVE. Many a times I thought myself – why can’t the entire world population think like Lions, Love like Lions and act like Lions and spread peace on earth?
Our GLT Team has been preparing our MD-1 MidYear Forum and they have new programs and seminars in the works for us. This committee is working very hard on the development of future leaders at the club, district and state levels. They also could use an influx of Lions interested in becoming part of the team. The Forum will be held on the weekend of November 14, 2015. Keep an eye out for further information as there are some changes currently being made.
Recently during promotion Chicagoland, we found out thousands of people who know and when we tell them what
On another note, I have found this to be very helpful when it comes to conventions. It’s never 2
of Lionsim in that there are nothing about us we do, they get
surprised and say, “Wow, awesome! How can I become a Lion?”
their belongings in paper or plastic trash bags. We intend to work with foster care caseworkers throughout the state and court system in order to give them the duffle bags as the child travels through foster care homes. Our initial goal is 50 duffle bags. We will kick this off at our 2 nd Council meeting December 5 and will focus on District M and expand to other Districts from there. As August 30th – September 5th is Children’s Dignity Week for Lions Club International, it is a perfect project for our group to announce and to hold a kick-off for this project for the 2015-16 year. We will be looking for ways to accept and distribute donations of duffle bags, but we also want to place some items inside, such as a stuffed animal and other special items. We have been advised that the best size is probably 32” for smaller children and 36” for older. To help fund the cost of this project, the partners-in-service will be putting together Christmas and all-occasion greeting card 10 packs for sale at Lions events. Watch for more on this exciting fundraising endeavor.
If we had the time like those missionaries, we could have promoted lionism throughout the world very rapidly; however, we all have to work for living or run our businesses and most of our time we spend at work so that we can feed families and spend some money for Lions activities. There are people who want to volunteer, work to help less fortunate, see smile on faces when they receive some help and make them breathe easily. In one way, Lions are visionaries and missionaries. Their vision is to see a beautiful world with peace and love to one another. No hate, no war and no argument to live a better life. We are the maginificent group of Lions, Lionesses and Leos who care, share and serve. -Austin D’Souza, Editor
The Spouses Speak……….
We will be featuring our project, along with other information, through this special section of the State Magazine. We will be featuring our progress to date, how many we have been able to help, and what you as fellow Lions can do to assist us. Watch for further information from your District, particularly from your District Governor’s spouse/partner-in-service. Let’s see how we can contribute to the dignity of a foster child by providing him/her with a safe place in which to story their special treasures.
“Duffle’s for Dignity” As partners-in-service of the 2015-16 Illinois Lions Service Project Council of District Governors, we assist whenever and wherever we can with our spouses’ activities in their year as Governor. In keeping with the Lions Club motto of “We Serve”, the District Governor’s spouses recently met with Lion Gail Anton, wife and partner-in-service for Council Chair Steve Anton, during the Council of Governor’s meeting in Morton, IL. We brainstormed on all sorts of ideas as to what we wanted to do for the year and ended up with an excellent service project – “Duffle’s for Dignity” collecting duffle bags for foster care children, which are durable and even more important they are collapsible and can be stored in a drawer or small space on arrival. Many of these kids have very few possessions and end up carrying
So who are the 2015-2016 Spouses? They are a group of wonderful caring people who want to reach out and help those in need. It is pleasure to introduce this great group of caring people: 1-A Lion Sue Zarada, 1-CN Lion Luanne Ragland, 1CS Lion Jerry Luter, 1-D Lion Marcia Meyers, 1-F Lion Mary Reading, 1-G Lion Marsha Hamilton, 1-H Janet Breckon, 1-J Lion Pam Fowler, and 1-M PDG Lion Jani Mendenhall. 3
Have questions email Lion Gail Anton at Or contact any of the spouses in your Districts.
event or concern of the community? Maybe, there are cultural organizations, school representatives, or other community groups that could share information or insight. And, let’s not forget our Lions’ resources. The District Governor or a member of the District Governor Team could discuss the latest district news. A District Chairperson could share information on a District Activity. And, LCI has many online programs such as the Lions Quarterly, International Program Videos, or other online resources.
Stay tuned for more info from us! We are just getting started……….
The Spouses of the 2015-2016 Council LEADERSHIP CORNER
is the third in a series of articles based on Your Club, Your Way. This pamphlet is provided by Lions Clubs International, DAYCYW EN 9/14. It is designed to help clubs customize your meetings to meet the interests of members and the needs of your community. It is available online at or by calling the District and Club Administration Division at 630-571-5466.
Clubs that are vital have members who are informed and energized. Think about hosting a program to enhance your meetings. -Jama Wahl, MD1 State GLT Chairperson
MEMBERSHIP CORNER: You Want To Start Something? There are times when the title of this article has been used almost as a dare to possibly incite a fight. This is not the case here.
Pages eight and nine of Your Club Your Way, focus on ideas for programs. Club members typically want meetings to be effective, worth their time, and informative. At general meetings, many clubs have a program. A program can be about a Lions activity or event as well as pertain to local issues and opportunities. Often, clubs have a program chairperson or assign the responsibility of arranging programs to a vice president.
Think about your own Lions Club. What do you like about it? Hopefully, your initial response would be your fellow members. You like being with them under most circumstances. Your club has good meetings. You have great participation at fundraisers and all members seem to have a good time. But, just maybe, the most meaningful thing that your club does is its service projects. It is here that your members live our motto: We Serve. They are working with their hands and feet, working toward the goal of providing real assistance to someone who truly needs it.
So, if you are the program chair or the VP in charge of programs where do you find ideas? First, ask your members. Members likely have connections within a community or through their jobs. Find out what topics are of interest to your fellow Lions. Try putting a post-it note in front of each Lion and give them no more than three minutes to write down program ideas. Collect the post-its, review the ideas, and make contacts for speakers.
Is there a town or community near yours that does not have its own Lions Club? Maybe you are already providing help to some of the people in that community because your club is closest to that town. Many clubs in Illinois are doing that.
Check the local headlines. What is happening in your community? Could a community or business leader make a short presentation on an upcoming 4
What if that town had its own Lions Club, just like yours? Some of the people (now Lions) would have the same experiences that you now enjoy as a member of your club. Their community would be receiving the services of their fellow townspeople. Am I asking that you consider the possibility of starting a new Lions Club in that nearby community? Yes, I am. You may ask: “How do we get 20 people together to reach the minimum required to charter a new club?” It may sound difficult, but should be considered.
The MD1 Lions Leadership Forum promises a few new twists this year. To be held at the Embassy Suites, 100 Conference Center Drive, East Peoria, Illinois on November 14th, the day of seminars and training will offer a Guiding Lion training as well as a CEP Facilitator Training (Club Excellence Process). Spaces for these classes are limited to thirty Lions each. Lions can register for one, both, or neither of these sessions as noted on the registration form. The spaces will be filled on a first come first served basis. (See Form on Page 11/12 – Last Page.)
When purchasing big ticket items, some people use the installment plan. If not the installment plan, they will charge it and then make monthly payments. Something similar to the installment plan could be used when starting a new Lions Club. Try starting a Branch Club. You don’t need to gather 20 people to do it. You could start with 6, 8 or 10 service minded individuals in that other community. They would be established as a “branch” of your club. Assuming that they become successful, they will attract other members and continue to grow. Once they reach 20 members, they can be chartered as their own, independent, Lions Club.
Also new this year will be The Leadership Exchange: Lions Gone Wild. PID Bud Wahl will facilitate the double session that will include presentations on communication, goal setting, effective meetings, creativity, diversity, conflict resolution, managing change, recognition, time management, and presentation skills. Attendees at this fast paced engaging session will be able to select from four of the ten topics.
Staring a Branch Club should be a source of pride for your club. This will be especially true if that club were to grow and become its own Lions Club. Check with your District GMT Coordinator for the details, and possible assistance, on starting a Branch Club. If you are not sure how to contact that Lion, ask your Zone Chairperson or District Governor. They should be more than willing to provide the needed information. Or, contact me. -Paul Gergolla, PDG MD-1 GMT Coordinator Phone: 630-858-8073
A panel of young Lions will share their insight and ideas on how to grow and keep new Lions in our clubs. Hear what they have to say and take a new idea or two back to your club. Other topics include Membership: Ask 1, Keep 1, Start 1; Transparency: What Does This Mean to your Club?; Virtual Lions Club Participation and Virtual Lions Community Help; and the 2017 Convention: Just Around the Corner in Chicago
Registration materials will soon be available. Watch the MD1 Website, the MD1 Newsletter, or check with your District Governor or MD1 Forum Representative for your district. If you have 5
questions, please contact Jama Wahl, MD1 GLT Coordinator, 815-822-3014, This will be a Lions day of learning that you will not want to miss!
MD1 Lions Leadership Forum Program Book Ads for the 2015 MD1 Lions Leadership Forum Program Book are a GREAT way to “get the word out” about service projects, fundraisers, and important info. Don’t miss the opportunity to -promote upcoming Lions activities and events
-thank a Lion or Lions Club for a job well done -celebrate your efforts to provide the best service to your community
PID Guðrún Yngvadóttir from Iceland have been endorsed by Lions Clubs International Board to be the next II Vice President. If she gets elected, she will be the first woman president of our association to set a new record & recognition for women.
Ads can be placed by individual Lions, Lions Clubs, or Districts. Half Page $30.00 Full Page $50.00 Please send your ad with remittance made payable to Lions of Illinois, Inc. to:
Multiple District 1 Appointment:
Lions of Illinois, Inc. Attn: SST Michele Faires PO Box 127 Hopedale, Illinois 61747 Ads are due to the State Office by October 1, 2015
PCC Dennis McMillan has been selected as MD1 Centennial co-ordinator by Council of Governors during their II Council Meeting held at Best Western, Morton, Illinois. He hails from District 1A Chicago Mount Greenwood Lions Club.
Cover Photos: 1. Elburn Leos Safety Camp 2. Lena Lions Cleaning High Way 3. District 1D Golf Outing Send your news, views and photographs to: Lion Austin D’Souza, Ph.D. e-Mail address:
99th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention Friday, June 24 – Tuesday, June 28, 2016 • Fukuoka, Japan Convention Registration and Hotel Reservation Form Deadlines • May 1, 2016: Deadline for advance registration and hotel reservation. Registrations after this date will be processed in Fukuoka • May 1, 2016: Deadline to receive a refund for a registration cancellation and a refund for a hotel room cancellation REGISTRANT INFORMATION Please type or print name as it appears on passport/photo ID. First Name ___________________________________ Family (Last) Name _____________________________ Badge/Call Name ___________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________________________ State/Province _____________________ ____ Postal Code ___________________________________ Country ________________________________ Daytime Phone ________________________________ E‐mail _______________________________________________________________________ ______ Lion: Club No._____________ Membership No. ____________ District _______ Title _________________________________ Lion Lioness COMPANION: First Name ______________________ Family (Last) Name _____________________________ Badge/Call Name _______________ ____ Lion: Club No._____________ Membership No. ____________ District _______ Title _____________________________
CHILD: First Name ______________________________ Family (Last) Name ______________________________ Age _________________
Alpha Leo
CHILD: First Name ______________________________ Family (Last) Name ______________________________ Age _________________
Alpha Leo
This is my/our first LCI convention.
Not my first convention, I’ve attended ______________
Letter of Invitation (If a visa is required for your country of origin) [Club number must be provided above to verify membership] The plenary sessions are presented in English with simultaneous translation Will you require a headset? �No � Yes PACKAGE A: Includes convention registration for each registrant listed above plus one (1) hotel room serviced by shuttle buses during convention. Before January 8, 2016: Reservation in delegation hotel After January 8, 2016:
I prefer my delegation hotel
Prefer hotel based on:
room rate of __________
if my delegation hotel is not available, next choice/preference _____________________ location near convention center
Arrival date ______________ Departure date___________________ Number of Guests in Room: __________ Number of Beds Needed Special Requirements:
Wheelchair Accessible
Other _______________________________________________________________________
The Hotel deposit is US$225 for a standard room and US$350 for a suite. The hotel deposit is not the rate but reserves the room. One hotel deposit per room, not per person Your deposit will be credited to your hotel bill at checkout. PACKAGE B: NO ROOM REQUIRED (Registration only for each person listed above.) OPTIONAL TICKETED EVENTS I/we plan to attend the following event(s): (Must be registered to attend) EVENT DATE/TIME FEE QUANTITY AMOUNT DUE Melvin Jones Fellow Luncheon June 27/ 13:30‐15:00 US $70 _________ $__________ District Governor/Past District Governor Banquet June 27/ 20:00‐22:00 US $125 _________ $__________ LCI 2016 Convention Smart USB FREE The LCI 2016 Convention Smart USB replaces the brochures, handouts, DVDs and more that you would normally carry back home. Enjoy this environmentally smart solution to easily organize and share information. PAYMENT: Full payment is required with this form. US currency only. Checks and money orders must be drawn on US banks. • Only Visa, MasterCard & Discover cards accepted. • Contact LCI for wire transfer instructions. REGISTRATION FEES Adult Child (17 and under ) Early (before January 8, 2016) US$130 US$10 Regular (January 9 through March31, 2016) US$180 US$10 Late (1 April, 2016 – onsite) US$200 US$10 Package A: Package B: Registrations: US$__________________ Registrations: US$__________________ Ticketed Events: US$__________________ OR Ticketed Events: US$__________________ Hotel Deposit: US$___225.00_________ Total Due: US$__________________ Total Due: US$__________________ Check Bank transfer/deposit (copy must be attached to this form) Visa MasterCard Discover Your name as it appears on the card _______________________________________________ Credit card must be in the name of the registrant. Card Number ___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐___‐____ Exp. Date ____‐____ Security code (3 digits) __________ Signature _________________________________________________________________________________ Mail form and payment to: Lions Clubs International Attn: Convention Division • 300 West 22nd Street • Oak Brook, IL 60523‐8842 USA • Allow 4 weeks for processing and mail delivery of your confirmation. Credit Card and Bank Transfer Payments can be faxed to: (1‐630) 571‐1689 (If you fax, please do not mail original) •Questions? Email us: . Please note: Lions Clubs International will be documenting the international convention for promotional purposes. Your participation may be filmed or photographed at this event. Your registration is your consent for use of these images by Lions Clubs International. CRHF2016.EN 5‐15
Please Join Us! Indiana Lions MD 25 are pleased to host the Midwest Breakfast At the USA/Canada Forum in Grand Rapids, MI! Friday, September 18, 2015 at 7:00 AM Registration begins at 6:30 AM Ambassador Ballroom Amway Grand Plaza Hotel Buffet Breakfast includes: Scrambled Egg Bar, Bacon, Ham, Assorted Yogurts and Granola American Fried Potatoes, Seasonal Fruit, Assorted Baked Breakfast Breads, Croissants, Muffins Coffee, Tea, and Juices $26.00 per person Contact us at or by phone (317)824-1024 _________________________________________________________________ Please return this portion with your payment to: Lions of Indiana, MD 25, 8780 Purdue Road, Suite 9, Indianapolis, IN 46268 no later than Wednesday, September 8, 2015 District ________________ State ________________________ Title:__________Name_____________________________________________ Email address:____________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed:______________________
he Abe Lincoln Hotel in Springfield, IL, site of the:
2016 State Convention May 20th through May 22nd, 2015 SAVE THE DATE and plan on joining us for some: FUN, FELLOWSHIP & FULFILLMENT! More to come next month! Rates for Convention = $99 + tax per night! RECENT REVIEWS for the ABE LINCOLN: “One of the best hotels ever!” We just returned from our stay in Springfield. We thoroughly enjoyed staying at this hotel. The staff was very friendly, the beds were extremely comfortable, and the location was perfect for visiting all of the historic Lincoln sites. We ate in the hotel restaurant three times during our stay. My husband said it was the best burger he ever had! I had the prime rib and it was excellent. Our server was Sean - very friendly and very prompt to attend to our every need! “Possibly the best hotel in town” I am in Springfield often and this is my favorite hotel. Clean, well-appointed, comfortable rooms. One deficit is the walls are thin and you can hear every word, sneeze and flush. Great breakfast buffet includes made to order omelette. Room service menu is quite limited and not the best, but it's good enough if you're exhausted or don't feel like venturing out of your room. There's always a conference or other activity so rooms book up, you'll need a reservation. Front desk staff could be friendlier, but otherwise good “One of the best hotels ever!” We just returned from our stay in Springfield. We thoroughly enjoyed staying at this hotel. The staff was very friendly, the beds were extremely comfortable, and the location was perfect for visiting all of the historic Lincoln sites. We ate in the hotel restaurant three times during our stay. My husband said it was the best burger he ever had! I had the prime rib and it was excellent. Our server was Sean - very friendly and very prompt to attend to our every need!
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum
Lincoln Home National Historic Site
Dana-Thomas House, a Frank Lloyd Wright ‘Hidden Treasure’
Lincoln Tomb & War Memorials Lincoln Memorial Gardens Lions of IL State Convention
I hope that you're having a wonderful summer. It's hard to believe that only a year ago we began Lions KidSight USA. Now it's my pleasure to offer you another update on our exciting initiative. The Lions KidSight USA Committee has been busy. From developing suggested standards for screening and forming partnerships with outstanding manufacturers like Welch Allyn Spot and Plusoptix, to launching our website and Facebook page, a lot has happened in the past year. Here's an overview of what's new with Lions KidSight USA:
Social Media – The word is out. Our Facebook page is more popular than ever, with over 900 likes and nearly 1,600 impressions every week. If you haven't already, take a moment to "like" the Lions KidSight USA Facebook page. It's a great way to keep up-to-date with the initiative and to share your club's screening activities with other Lions and your community. KidSight USA Website – Our website has also received a warm welcome. A lot of information and resources are already available, and more updates are on the way to make it even easier to use. Stay tuned! Data Management – Both the committee and LCI staff are working hard to research and implement a national data management system that will be easy for Lions in both clubs and districts to use. This is a big step that will help bring KidSight programs around the country together and help establish Lions as the leader in children's vision screening and screening data. We'll keep you posted on our progress. Fall Vision Screenings – As summer winds down, it's time to reach out to school districts and agencies to arrange fall screenings. Before you do, remember to make sure all of your equipment is clean and ready to go, all of your forms are updated with proper dates and that your supply is sufficient for the fall season. Special Thanks – I want to extend a special thanks to the Lions of Oregon and Colorado. I had the opportunity to visit to the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation, as well as the Colorado Lions KidSight Foundation in early June. Both programs are very active—last year Lions in Oregon screened 142,000 children, while Lions in Colorado screened 45,000—and I wanted to learn firsthand how they operate. While each program is unique in its approach, they are both doing wonderful work on behalf of Lions Clubs International and Lions KidSight USA.
As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, or if there is anything I can help you with, send me an email. And remember to share your success stories with us. We'd be honored to showcase your service on the Facebook page to let the world know what Lions are doing to preserve the sight of our children. Thank you for all you are doing for the children in your communities and for Lions KidSight USA. Sincerely,
Dr. Edward V. Cordes, PID Chair, Lions KidSight USA
If you could save a child’s sight with the press of a button, wouldn’t you? That’s the idea behind Lions KidSight USA, a new national initiative announced by Lions in the United States. Lions KidSight USA was launched to help ensure that children between the ages of six months and six years receive vision screening and professional follow-up care when needed. To accomplish this, KidSight USA will work with new and existing screening programs to get more handheld screening devices into the hands of Lions—and more kids in front of them. “KidSight USA is an important national initiative that will help families protect the eye health of their children,” said International President Joe Preston. “It builds on our proud history of saving sight and our belief that all children deserve to see the world clearly. With the help of Lions, we hope they will.” Lions KidSight USA wants to reach kids early because some vision problems can become permanent by age seven. But vision issues can be easily detected with hand-held screening devices that even generate the results on-site. With only a few minutes of training, Lions and volunteers can learn to screen the vision of a child.Lions in the U.S. currently screen more than 500,000 kids per year through state and local programs often known as “KidSight.” Lions KidSight USA wants to expand the number of screening programs so Lions can change the lives of even more children around the country. To learn more about this initiative or how you can become a vision screener, visit the Lions KidSight USA webpage. And share the KidSight USA flyer with your club today! - See more at:
Schedule of Events Morning
Registration: 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Seminars: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Seminars: 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Closing Session: 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. 11
Seminars & Activities This year’s MD1 Lions Leadership Forum promises a few new twists. A GUIDING LION training will be held for 30 interested Lions who register for this session. Also available will be the (CEP) CLUB EXCELLENCE PROCESS FACILITATOR Training for 30 Lions. Please note on your registration form if you wish to be involved in one or both of these sessions. These spaces will be filled on a first come first served basis. Please note: a Lion could participate in one, both, or neither of these sessions. LIONS GONE WILD will be a double session that allows Lions to select from ten topics and attend four minisessions. Topics include communication, goal setting, effective meetings, creativity, diversity, conflict resolution, managing change, recognition, time management, and presentation skills. We will also feature a panel on Engaging Younger Members as well as the latest on Membership Techniques, and MUCH MUCH MORE! There are no Friday Night Activities planned, but this might be a great time to have a reunion of your Council of Governors, RLLI group, or just a friendly dinner. Lions are a social group! Why not make some plans to renew friendships? Reservations for lodging at the rate of $99.00/night (plus tax) - which includes breakfast - can be made by calling the Embassy Suites at: (800) 362-2779 by October 23, 2015. To receive the discounted Forum group rate, let them know you are with the Lions of Illinois.
REGISTRATION FORM One Form Per Person Registration Fee is $25.00 per person and includes Seminars and Lunch
Please Make Checks Payable to Lions of Illinois, Inc. and mail to: Lions of Illinois, Inc. POB 127 Hopedale, IL 61747-0127 Completed Registration Form and Fee must be received by November 6, 2015
Total Enclosed in Cash Name: Club:
or Check No.
= $ 25.00
Phone or E-Mail: District 1-
Lion Officer Position:
Street Address: City:
Zip Code:
The following two sessions are limited to 30 participants. Please select your participation choice. to participate in the GUIDING LION training. to participate in the CEP Facilitator training. 12 Same day – Saturday evening, there will be Illinois MD1 PDG Association’s Annual Banquet at Embassy Suites, East Peoria with induction of New PDG’s of Illinois. –PDG Austin D’Souza, President MD1 PDG’s Assn.
The Lions Clubs of Arlington Heights, Barrington & Palatine Cordially invite you to join them at their 90th Charter Celebration Sunday, September 20, 2015 Invited guest:
indicate any food restrictions)
SAVE THE DATE! SUNDAY OCTOBER 18, 2015 TIME: 1 P.M. TO 6 P.M. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE RECEPTION FOR IPID BILL MC KINNEY (2013-2015) TO BE HELD AT: ST. MICHAEL’S HALL 1011 CHESTNUT ST., GREENFIELD, IL Need further information, contact: PCC Lydia Ellis - (618-980-7482) email:
Lion Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, International President
Concorde Banquets 20922 N. Rand Rd. Kildeer, IL 60047 Respond to: Lion Marianne Bailey PHONE: 847-550-9463
Annual Banquet and Induction of Immediate Past District Governors on November 14, 2015 at 6:30pm EMBASSY SUITES EAST PEORIA
$45 per person (Cash Bar) Make check payable to: Lions Club of Arlington Heights Reception Noon, Luncheon 1:00pm (Business Casual)
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA June 21-25, 2015
1. Reviewed the audit planning details for the June 30, 2015 financial statement audit for LCI and LCIF presented by representatives from Crowe Horwath, LLP.
Donor Services Audit; and a memorandum covering new procedures for the termination of temporary employees. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEE
2. Reviewed the memorandum covering a review of the Service Organization Report for Paylocity; the 1. Denied second vice district governor election complaints filed in District 108-LA (Italy), District 308A1 (Singapore) and District 322-E (India) and declared the following as second vice district governors in their respective districts for the 20152016 fiscal year: a. Lion Fabrizio Ungaretti - District 108-LA (Italy) b. Lion Jerrick Tay - District 308-A1 (Singapore) c. Lion Veena Gupta - District 322-E (India)
for failure to comply with the International Constitution and By-Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors. Declared that S. Arumugam shall not be recognized in the future as a Past District Governor by Lions Clubs International or any club or district, and that he shall not be entitled to any privileges of such title. 5. Declared the conciliator’s report filed in District 324-B4 (India) as inconsistent with the International and District 324-B4 Constitutions and By-Laws and therefore invalid. Affirmed the elections of the district governor, first vice district governor and second vice district governor held on April 26, 2015 for the 2015- 2016 fiscal year.
2. Upheld one second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 324- A8 (India), declared the second vice district governor election in District 324-A8 for the 2015-2016 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 20152016 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and ByLaws, and declared that the filing fee less US$350.00 shall be refunded to each of the Complainants.
6. Declared the decision of the conciliators to declare the second vice district election in District 301-D2 (Philippines) null and void inconsistent with the International Constitution and By-Laws and Board Policy and therefore invalid. Recommended that the yes/no ballot contained in the Standard Form District Constitution be utilized by District 301-D2 in the 2015-2016 year elections. Declared the conciliators decision related to the removal of the Respondent inconsistent with the international constitution and by-laws and board policy and therefore invalid. Upheld the decision of the conciliators that the Respondent violated the Multiple District Constitution and By-Laws.
3. Censured District Governor V.S.B Sunder for his unlionistic behavior and made him ineligible for a District Governor Team Excellence Award. Rejected the dispute filed in District 324-A1 (India) under the Constitutional Complaints procedure related to the 2015-2016 fiscal year district elections as improper. 4. Removed District Governor S. Arumugam from the office of district governor in District 324-B4 (India) 14
7. Revised the definition of Good Moral Character in Chapter XV of Board Policy Manual to prohibit membership to individuals who have been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude.
attendance and more emphasis on meaningful involvement in club activities. 4. Revised Chapter VII, Exhibit B. of the Board Policy Manual to also place less emphasis on strict club meeting attendance and more emphasis on meaningful involvement in club activities.
8. Revised the secret ballot process in Chapter III of Board Policy Manual to allow the process to be initiated by the presiding officer.
5. Amended Chapter IX, of the Board Policy Manual to allow a Coordinating Lion to be appointed when a potential new Lions country is identified instead of waiting for two clubs to be chartered.
9. Revised the District Governor Suspension Policy in Chapter XV of the Board Policy Manual to remove a redundancy in the policy and to amend the number of clubs required to request a review under this policy.
6. Made a housekeeping revision to correct a reference error in Chapter IX, Paragraph O.2.d. so the correct paragraphs were referenced.
10. Revised the Standard Form District Constitution in Chapter VII of the Board Policy Manual to correct a typographical error and update internal references.
11. Established a new Neutral Observer Policy, effective July 1, 2016, in Chapter XV of the Board Policy Manual.
1. Approved the FY 2015 4th Quarter Forecast, reflecting a deficit.
2. Approved the final budget for FY 2016 with a deficit of US$2,842,672.
1. Appointed Past District Governor Michael Bierwagen to serve as Coordinating Lion for District 123 (Russian Federation) for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, Past District Governor Mirela Grigorovici to serve as the Coordinating Lion for the Republic of Serbia on October 11, 2015 for the remaining months of the fiscal year and Past International Director Kalle Elster to serve as Co-Coordinating Lion for the Republic of Latvia and assist Past District Governor Fabian Ruesch during the 2015-2016 fiscal year. 2. Amended the DG Team Excellence Award application to require that districts also adhere to the association’s constitution and by-laws and policies in addition to meeting the requirements of the award.
3. Approved amending The Retirement Income Plan for Employees of the International Association of Lions Clubs (Plan) to offer terminated employees having vested benefits under the Plan the opportunity to withdraw their full Plan benefits in a lump sum in calendar year 2015. 4. Approved a change in board policy effective July 1, 2015 which requires district governors obtain approval from the Travel Department prior to ticketing any fare in excess of US$1,000. Airfare less than US$1,000 should be booked at the lowest logical standard or discounted fare by the most direct route for the authorized class of service and period of travel.
3. Revised Chapter V of the Board Policy Manual to place less emphasis on strict club meeting
5. Approved a change in board policy effective July 1, 2015 to provide eligible past international directors a minimum budget of US$1,200 annually. 15
8. Tabled one grant.
1. Approved policy empowering the International President to fill GMT and GLT Coordinator vacancies at the multiple district, single district and sub-district levels, when said vacancies are the result of the appointment body’s inability to come to consensus on a suitable appointment.
9. Extended the Core 4 funding priority status of Lions Quest until June 30, 2018, and Core 4 funding priority funding status of LCIF’s diabetes prevention and control program until June 30, 2017. 10. Approved a Core 4 disability grant in the amount of US$750,000, representing a portion of funding for the Lions-Special Olympics Mission Inclusion program in Brazil.
2. Approved policy prohibiting endorsed and certified candidates for international office from serving as GMT International Coordinator, GLT International Coordinator, Family and Women International Coordinator, GMT or GLT Constitutional Area Leader, GMT or GLT Area Leader and GMT or GLT Special Area Advisor.
11. Approved the renewal of the Lions Quest community partnership grants program in the amount of US$200,000. 12. Approved US$125,000 in funding for an evaluation of Lions Quest in Finland.
13. Approved a grant in the amount of US$5,000 for a joint LCIF/MD 111 low vision project in Cuba. LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE 1. Approved the formation of a 2015-2016 Family and Women Action Committee, of up to ten members, as appointed by Vice President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada and recorded with the LCI Executive Committee at their August 2015 meeting.
1. Approved the report of the LCIF Finance Committee. 2. Amended the articles of Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of Lions Clubs International Foundation, to reflect the revised LCIF Board of Trustees structure. 3. Deleted Chapter XVI of the Board Policy Manual, due to its redundancy to the LCIF Operations and Policy Manual.
MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Approved the formation of Branch Lions Clubs in Cuba and Myanmar, contingent upon receiving approval from appropriate authorities in each country.
4. Amended the Operations and Policy Manual of Lions Clubs International Foundation to reflect the revised LCIF Board of Trustees structure and other necessary housekeeping changes.
2. Approved a working group of Lions and/or Leos to work with the Membership Development Committee and staff to explore concepts and strategies to involve “episodic volunteerism” in Lionism.
5. Approved the 2015-2016 voting members of the Board of Trustees of Lions Clubs International Foundation. 6. Increased the humanitarian grants budget for the current fiscal year by an additional US$3.5 million.
3. Approved adding recent policy changes to policy manual, including the processing fee of US$100 assessed to club charter applications not approved by LCI, and requiring advance payment of US$30 for adding any additional charter members.
7. Approved 54 Standard, International Assistance and Core 4 grants totaling US$3,071,671. 16
4. Approved policy where any district Lions Clubs International has identified with a prior misapplication of the student membership program, and has more than 5% of total membership comprised of student membership, will have all campus clubs in that district, and all traditional clubs in that district with 25% or more student members will be placed in status quo, immediately after 45 days of the date of communication informing them of this review. 5. Approved the designation of MD60 under Constitutional Area I, effective July 1, 2015.
5. Approved a revision to the Board Policy Manual Chapter I changing all variations of “Youth Programs Department” with “Service Activities Division” to reflect current structure. 6. Approved a revision to the Board Policy Manual Chapter XXIII changing all variations of “Youth Programs Department” with “Leo Club Program Department” to reflect current structure. For more information on any of the above resolutions, please refer to the LCI Web site at or contact the International Office at 630-571-5466. HELEN KELLER Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, USA, in 1880, Helen Keller developed a fever at 18 months of age that left her blind and deaf. With the help of an exceptional teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan of the Perkins School for the Blind, Helen Keller learned sign language and braille. A few years later, she learned to speak. As an adult she became a tireless advocate for people with disabilities. And in 1925, she attended the Lions Clubs International Convention and challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." The Lions accepted her challenge and our work ever since has included sight programs aimed at preventable blindness. Helen Keller Day In 1971, the Board of Directors of Lions Clubs International declared that June 1 would be remembered as Helen Keller Day. Lions around the world implement sight-related service projects on Helen Keller Day.
6. Approved board policy changes that place less emphasis on strict meeting attendance requirements, allowing for more flexible participation in club activities. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE 1. Reduced the number of print editions to four per year for all official editions of LION Magazine beginning January 2018. 2. Eliminated the Order of the Lion medal. 3. Replaced the current awards section of Chapter XX of the Board Policy Manual with Exhibit A to the public relations report. SERVICE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE 1. Selected the 2014-2015 Leos of the Year. 2. Approved a revision to the Board Policy Manual transferring youth programs that are non-Leo related from Chapter XXIII to Chapter I. 3. Approved a revision to the Board Policy Manual Chapter XXIII deleting outdated information on the purposes of the Youth Programs Department. 4. Approved a revision to the Board Policy Manual Chapter XXIII renaming the chapter title from “Youth Programs” to “Leo Club Program” to reflect the current structure. 17
Annual Art Contest for Kids – Peace Posters
Each year, Lions clubs around the world proudly sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local schools and youth groups. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. For more than 25 years, millions of children from nearly 100 countries have participated in the contest. The theme of the 2015-16 Peace Poster Contest is "Share Peace." Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate. Peace Poster Contest Judging Each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme. Peace Poster Contest Awards International winners will be notified on or before February 1. One international grand prize winner will receive US$5,000 and a trip to a special award ceremony. Posters advance through several judging levels: local, district, multiple district and international. At the international level, jud ges from the art, peace, youth, education and media communities select one grand prize winner and 23 merit award win will receive a cash award of US$500 and a certificate of achievement. Peace Poster Contest Participant Information To learn more about the Lions International Peace Poster Contest, please view ourbrochure, contest rules and deadlines, call 630-203-3812 or contact the Lions Clubs Audio Visuals & Events Department. Member Resources To access member resources – including contest deadlines and instructions for ordering Peace Poster Contest Kits – please visit the Peace Poster Contest section of LCI Member Center.
Zone Chair Geoff Spaeth, along with District Governor Martin J. Reading, presenting PDG Molly Penny with a plaque from IPDG Steve Willett honoring her service to the District 1-F Lions during the 1st District Cabinet Meeting. 1F District Governor Martin J. Reading presenting PCC Mike Baumer with the 2013-14 Illinois Extension Award during the GLT Senior Leadership Training. Below: GMT Membership Summit lead by PDG Larry Spaeth, District Coordinato
Lion Darlene Smith and Morrison Lions Club President Keith Hamstra watch as children "guess" how many pennies are in the wooden pig bank at the first "Back to School Bash" sponsored by the Morrison Chamber of Commerce and held on Saturday, August 1st.
Bash Winner - President Keith Hamstra is shown with Kacie Roy, the winner of the wooden pig bank, by coming closest to the actual number of pennies the bank contained. Morrison Club secretary Bob Countryman also helped with the event and is our faithful club photographer.
Chicago Mexica Lions Club Celebrted District 1A Governor Ralph Zarada’s Birthday during their New Oficers Installation Dinner. Lions of Illinois Foundation Tootsie Pop Day's highest collection award was grabbed by Grant Township Lions Club this year. Photograph shows Zone Chair Geoff Spaeth, Trustee Don Borgwardt and Susan Spaeth.
Oak Park River Forest Lions Club celebrated their 95th Charter Anniversary with DG Ralph Zarada & guests.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel visited District 1A Lions Club Development Booth at Foreman High School, Chicago Cragin area. L to R: Far back PDG Dave Hansen, PID Dan O’Reilly, Joe Corna, Mayor Rahm, I VDG Ernie Lapid and MD1 e-Magazine Editor Austin D’Souza.
Mail checks, payable to “District 1BK” to: PDG John O’Brien 1500 Creekside Circle Minooka, Illinois 60447 Any questions: Or call or text 847-343-3580
with disabilities of various sorts; some 250 participants. The Day includes a DJ, carnival rides and lots
Burank Lions Club – 60 years and Bridgeview Lions Club – 40 years celebrated their total 100 years service at Mama Luizi’s Baquet Hall.
of good things to eat. It's our 14th year in hosting this service with the help of many "Friends of Lions".
Partial crowd at the Total 100 years celebration.
New Lenox Lions Annual Special Needs Day (as part of New Lenox' Proud American Days) held for those 21
In the picture Shah Jehan Qureshy Secretary, a guest, Saman Muneeb and Past President Huma Ahmed.
Two young new members - Anum Ismail and Afshan Hussain joined Chicago Rogers Park Lions Club on Saturday 21st of August, 2015 posing with District 1A Governor Ralph Zarada.
Some of 2017 International Convention Host Committee members had a meeting with LCI I Vice President Chancellor Bob Corlew, his wife Dianne and some LCI Convention Team at the Chicago Hilton hotel in August, 2015.
District 1A Governor installed Chicago Rogers Park office bearers at the Riza's Restaurant, Chicago. Club president Naveed taking oath from governor. His team of officers are in the picture.
Governor Elmer Ragland of 1CN who was unable to attend International Convention was installed by IPID Bill McKinney at the II Council Meeting held in Morton, IL. Next to him is his wife Lion Luanne.
Pakistan's Vice Consul Mrs. Saman Muneeb graced Rogers Park Lions 14th Charter Nite as a Chief Guest.
Governors, VDG’s and State Committee at the 2nd 22
Council Meeting in August in Morton, IL.
PID Russ Sarver, Lion Sue Sarver, ZC Gail Anton and Council Chair Steve Anton at the Council Meeting. Windy City Cyber Club from 1A held their book drive get-together at the Pinstripes at Oakbrook Mall.
Lion Michelle Faires, MD1 State Secretary & Treasurer addressing Council. Sitting CC Steve Anton Congratulations to four new members rom Chicago Windy City Lions Club (Noel, Jason, Natasha and Kerstin) who were inducted yesterday by District Governor Ralph Zarada and to their sponsors (Kristopher, Dane and Emily!)
MD1 VDG’s at their meeting after MD1 GLT Chair Lion Jama’s briefing at the council meeting.
23 Lions gathered at Butch Farbo's estate between Byron and Stillman to get to know each other better and learn about activities other clubs in the area have planned to serve their communities.
Oregan Lions Club Members renovating Lions Shelter at Ogle County Fairgrounds.
Some River Grove Lions Club members are having beer fun at their Annual Steak & Lobster Fundraiser in August.
Danvers Lions Club President Randy Martin, PDG (and sponsor) Ken Franz, and newly inducted Lion Kathy Otto
Young volunteers at River Grove Steak & Lobster Fund Raiser. Entire River Grove community took part in their annual event.
October 8 to 10, 2015
Photo Courtesey of Lions Clubs of Central Illinois facebook.
14 teams that played 18 holes with a total of 57 lions in attendance, there was a lot of fellowship and fun had all day long. Golf this year was a shot gun start at 9:30. There were brats available at the putting green for everyone. After the golfing was over all lions members gathered in the bar for a refreshment while waiting for dinner to be served. We had a great day and perfect weather. This was a great way to help District Governor Gary to get off to a great start.
Lena Lions held their highway pickup of the year along a 2 mile stretch of Highway 20 on Saturday August 8. L-R Dave Gruendler, Jerry Fox, Dave Hoffman, Don Strohecker, Jim Cox, Lee Wenzel, Mick Flynn and not pictured Jim Brenner.
Both group pictures show District 1D Lions gathering for their Annual Golf Outing. Double PDG of 1CS Larry McGuirre with current DG Vickie Luter at their Cabinet Meeting. The Lena Lions hosted the District 1D golf outing at Wolf Hollow in Lena on August 13, 2015. There were
Lions Members gathered around the grill for a fresh cooked brat. 25
Lena Lions Club Team that won 1st place l-r Joel Kaufman, Dave Gruendler, Michael Kasser and Mick Flynn.
1D hungry Lions waiting for Dinner after Golf outing.
1D District Governor Gary Meyer welcoming everyone.
Longest putt l-r Roland Caruso, Stacie Dixon, Pat Davis and Joe Serafini. Below: Closest to pin team of Governor Gary Meyer
Putting contest l-r 3rd place Jim Cox 2nd place Terry Cox and 1st place Michael Kasser 26
Closest to shot Polo Team
Longest put team from Lamboy
Helping with registration Lions Susie Gordon and Virgil Gordon
Longest drive l-r PID Russ Sarver, Global Leadership Team Lynn Meyers, Linda Johnson and Ben Clay. Nice legs PID Russ!
Below: Closest to pin team from Kirkland Lions
The Mattoon Lions Club has participated in the “Adopt A Highway� for several years now and the 27
group gathered on August 1 to continue this project. (l to r ) Lions and guest: Craig Henness, Leann Brackney, Gary Marquis, Don Gose, Michael Stopka, John Pugh, Jeff Nelson, John Doty, Jeff Standard, JC Doty, Randall Ross and not in picture Elmer Voudrie.
Left Column Below: Lions Del Haschemeyer, Bill Rider, Jim Hal and Ted Simms
Back Row: Ted Simms, Del Haschemeyer, Bill Armitage, Larry Buhr, Ron Williams, Bill Meisner, Larry Credille -- Front Row: Larry Baughman, Amy Baughman, Paula Rider, Don Porter, Bill Rider, Jim Hale, Trisha Laager, Carolyn Conover -- Not Pictured: Don Ferricks
Coordinators for the event, Anne Smith and Lion President Larry Baughman. STRASBURG Lions Club held their “All you can eat� Fish Fry on August 7 at the Strasburg Community Center. THIS IS DISTRICT 1M NEWS CATLIN Lions Club will hold their Fish Fry on September 5 in the downtown area instead of their park this year. Other activities are planned to make the event a must-attend occasion.
On Wednesday evening, August 5, members of the ATHENS Lions Club packed 66 bags with school supplies for the children of the Athens Community School District. Last fall the club donated all the funds it raised from the Menard County recycling project at the Athens Community Park. Anne Smith of Menard Community Services then used those monies and others to purchase the supplies. Supplies included crayons, pencils, pencil bags, pens, scissors, folders, binders, paper refills, and back packs. On Saturday, August 8, the supplies were distributed by the Lions. The Lions are proud to be part of this community project in keeping with their mission of "WE SERVE".
New Ridge Farim Lions Club held their first fundraiser on Saturday, August 15. The Spaghetti dinner and a movie event will help with their first community project to make the park better by 28
helping put in playground equipment, a good start on the Centennial Challenge for 2015.
cook lunch and dinner for two days for many residents and volunteers there, which was greatly
2VDG Lori Bennett attended the annual picnic on July 21, where she did the honors of installing the new officers and inducted new member, Lion Robert Martin. Pictured below are Immediate Past President, Bob Prater, sponsor, and Lion Robert Martin. GEORGETOWN Lions Club is proud to be a part of the annual Georgetown fair by volunteering many hours of service and providing an informational booth, invite prospective members, accept requests and talk about what Lions are all about. The Fair is a family-oriented event with many children's activities, and we help the fair stay alive by our service. We also contribute to the backpack project where children are given a new backpack full of school supplies to start the new year.
appreciated by all. The rest of the money raised will be making its way there soon. The center-point of all this activity was the United Methodist Church in Coal City, which has become a very well-oiled machine, unfortunately, for the second time in a too short of a number of years. Coal City still has needs and this Church would be a very good starting point to see what those needs are. Algonquin Lions fold their club’s BIG flag after marching it in the town’s Founders’ Day Parade. Below: Aurora Noon Lion Herb Steinmetz, past Club President (c) was among the members who talked with U.S. Rep. Bill Foster (DIll) (r) at a recent meeting at Luigi’s Pizza.
PDG Lion Nancy Rex presents a Melvin Jones Fellow Award to McHenry Lion Judy Bierman and a Progressive Melvin Jones pin to PDG Lion Bob Jackson. Both awards were donated through the generosity of McHenry Lion Darlene Jackson (r). At the end of June, the Darien Lions Club spent three days raising money by selling hot dogs, chips, and drinks (donated by Jewel in Darien) to acquire funds with which to help the victims of the tornado in Coal City IL. On July 6th and 7th, Darien Lions took a couple of grills and a bunch of food to Coal City IL to 29
American Legion Post 84 Commander Mike Eckburg presented Aurora Noon Lions who were veterans with appreciation coins when he visited a recent
Burr Ridge-Hinsdale-Oak Brook Lions pose with the sign advertising the Ice Cream Social the club hosts each summer. This year, it was an “island theme.”
meeting. Commander Eckburg also dedicated a new Lions’ flag and outlined flag etiquette for the Lions.
Villa Park Lion Christi Klein attaches a Lions pin onto
the vest of a new club member, her son Lion Kurtis Klein.
Visiting the New Berlin Lions Club at the Wisconsin State Fair, roasted corn booth. District 1-F 1st VDG Lion Barb Lahtinen & Trustee Lion Don Borgwardt. Lion Don was acting a little corny.
Elburn Leo Club held a Safety Camp in early August for 50 children ages 5 through 10. This free program is in its 3rd year and has been quite successful. Topics covered include: Drugs and firearms – Kane County Sheriff’s Department; Think First Injury Prevention – Delnor Cadence Health Systems; Basic First Aid – Elburn & Countryside Fire Protection District; Fire Safety – Elburn & Countryside Fire
Grant Township Lions Club members: Lions ZC Geoff & President Susan Spaeth and Lions Trustee Don & Rich Borgwardt with Lion 1st VDG Barb Lahtinen.
Left Column: Waterman Lion Ralph Johnson drives his antique tractor in the Parade of Power at the Waterman Lions Club Summer Fest and Antique Tractor Show held in July. Lion Ralph, who is in his 90th year, is still quite active in the club. He helps set up and take down tents for the fest. He helps with the Easter Egg Hunt, Back to School Picnic, and the Halloween Party. For LIF Candy Day, he solicits donations from semi-tractor truck drivers at the busy intersection of US 30 and IL 23.
Protection District; Railroad Safety – Operation Lifesaver; Roller skating safety – Barbed Wire Betties DeKalb Roller Derby Team; Weather safety – Kane County Office of Emergency Management; and 911 Awareness – DeKalb County 911 Dispatch.
Last month, Darien Lion Bill O’Malley took part in the RAGBRAI (Registers Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa). At the beginning of the ride, the bike front tire dips into the Mississippi River and in the Missouri River at the end of the ride. Lion Bill’s efforts gained $1,765 for the Darien Lions Club Foundation.
Waterman Lion PDG Lion Dave Stryker gets in the stern where he can steer the Montreal canoe loaded with Fishing Derby guests. Each year, Lions Clubs in the Southwest Region of 1-J, along with two clubs from near-by regions, arrange for a day of fun in the country for these handicapped guests and it’s greatly enjoyed by all.
Aurora Evening Lions at Arlington Park — work hard play hard!! Having fun with lots of fellowship.
District 1-J LIF Trustee Lion Ron Wigton presents Sandwich Lion Gary Lemke with a Lions of IL Foundation Fellow Award.
Bartlett Lions Club grilled & wrapped 3,000 hot dogs to serve with chips and ice cream at the club’s early August National Night Out.
Candy Day Jamboree Photos of District 1F at the Lake Zurich Lions Den A foursome from Naperville Noon Lions Club wanted to document the day at the 1-J Golf Outing. As evidenced by the light jackets, it was on the cool side in the AM but turned out to be a beautiful day for golfing. (l to r) Lions Steve Hertzberg, Chris Williams, Meghan Williams, and Lion Bill Wilson.
1F Candy Day Jamboree gathering 32
Lions of Illinois Executive Administrator PDG Mario Gumino at District 1F Candy Day Jamboree.
On Site Registration from 10 – 10:45 @ Shelter Shotgun Start @ 11:00 Putting Contest to follow Tournament Closest to the basket $5, Ace Pool $5, 50/50 $1 ticket or 6 for $5 LUNCH AVAILABLE Proceeds benefit Kirkland Lions and Community Projects
(includes heavy sweatshirts, scarves, hats, gloves, mittens, boots) We are accepting new or gently used coats of ALL sizes, hats, gloves, scarves, and mittens to be given to residents of our community who are in need of warm clothing. WE WOULD ESPECIALLY APPRECIATE CHILDREN’S COATS, SNOWPANTS, ETC. If donating a gently used coat, please be sure it is clean and the zipper (if there is one) works. You may drop off any of these items at the Kirkland Village Hall and the Alpine Bank – Kirkland Branch during regular business hours. Distribution of clothing items will be through the Kirkland Food Pantry. Located at the Lutheran Church in Kirkland, their hours are 10am-noon on the first Tuesday and third Saturday of each month. If emergency clothing is needed at another time, please contact Jean Royalty at 815-522-4452 or 815885-4035, or Wanda Karolus at 5223853 SEPTEMBER DISTRIBUTION September 4th, 11th & 18th 12:00PM-2:00PM September 25 - 3:00-5:30PM
Algonquin Lions Clubs 6th Annual Bags Tournament at BWW net approx $8,000 in funds raised in which the majority of the monies raised goes to fund our Ted Spella Education Scholarship Fund Award and to the Algonquin/Lake in the Hills Food Pantry.
Photos shows tournament action, Lions Daneillo, Sigrist and Glogowski with the tournament bracket and 3 winning teams along with (L to R) Lions Marto, Cygan, Sigrist, Glogowski and Daniello.
The Buffalo Wild Wings management team on staff during the tournament are shown in front.
34 MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine. Edited & Published by PDG Austin D’Souza for Lions, Lionesses and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail address: