Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 2 Languages – Kannada & English. Publi

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Sweezal Furtado Barkur Honored with Prestigious Aadhvika Award

Kishoo Barkur- Nov13, 2024

Bengaluru, November 13, 2024Sweezal Furtado Barkur, the reigningMissGlobal India2024, has been awarded the prestigious Aadhvika Award for Best Woman Champion of Culture. The award, installed by the Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), recognizes

women achievers who have made significant contributions in their respective fields.

Sweezal,anative ofBarkur, residing inBengakuru,receivedtheAadhvika Award from Sripad Yesso Naik, the Minister of State for Power and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, on November 8th at the 18th PRCI Global Communication Conclave.

Sweezal's journey from a small-

towngirl tothecovetedtitleofMiss

Global India 2024 is a testament to her dedication, talent, and unwavering commitment. Known for her grace, intelligence, and passion for social causes, Sweezal has been using her platform to advocate for education and women's empowerment.

"I am truly honored to receive the Aadhvika Award," said Sweezal. "This recognition is a testament to the hard work and support of my family, particularly my mother, SavithaFurtadofromBennekudru in Barkur. I hope my journey can inspire young women across India to pursue their dreams andmake a positive impact onthe world."

Sweezal's talents extendfarbeyond her striking appearance. She is a gifted dancer, andherperformance to"NachMeriRani"evencaughtthe attention of singer Guru Randhawa. Herprowess inpoetry recitation has

alsoearnedheraccolades,including advancementtothenationallevelin the Kavita Trust Poetry Recitation competition in2019.

Currently a third-year BBA student in Entrepreneurship at St. Joseph's College ofCommerce in Bengaluru, Sweezal seamlessly balances her academic pursuits with her passion for modeling and fashion. This multifaceted approach to personal development has undoubtedly contributed to her success in the pageant world.

Sweezal's aspiration is to represent India in the upcoming International MissGlobal Competition, where she aimstomakeasignificantimpacton the global stage. Her journey from local cultural programs to international pageants serves as an inspiration to aspiring models and youngwomen acrossIndia.

"Sweezal's achievement is a testament to the talent and potential ofyoungwomen inIndia," said Geetha Shankar, National President PRCI. "Her dedication to social causes and her ability to balance academic and artistic pursuits aretrulycommendable. We areproud torecognize herasthe

The Poor cry out to Us: Do we respond?

producing some of the richest persons intheworld, thefactisthat

About amonth ago, on15 October, the 2024 Global Hunger Index was released. India ranks 105out of 127 countries; with ascoreof 27.3, India hasalevel of hunger thatis serious. On that day, a World Bank report stated that “almost 129 millionIndiansarelivinginextreme povertyin2024,onlessthan$2.15 (aboutRs181)aday.”Thesearehard facts by independent agencies, which the Government of India is unable to find fault with. These statistics should not surprise anyone: whilst India boasts of

millions of Indians still do not have access toroti- kapdamakhan(food-clothing-shelter), clean drinking water and the other basic amenities of life. Theirs is a journeyofsurvival,struggling toeke out aliving!

SoastheUniversal Churchobserves theVIIIWorldDayofthePoor, the one consideration which must be uppermost in the hearts and minds of every disciple of JesuQs is ‘the poor cry outto us: do we respond?’ If we do so, it is important that we analyse the nature of our response.

Pope Francishasbasedhismessage this year on the theme, ‘Theprayer ofthepoorrisesuptoGod’(cf. Sir 21:5) . He says,“TheWorldDayof thePoorhasnowbecomeafixture foreveryecclesialcommunity.Itisa pastoral opportunity not to be underestimated, for it challenges everybelievertolistentotheprayer ofthepoor,becomingawareoftheir presence and needs. It is an opportune occasiontoimplement initiativesthatconcretelyhelpthe poorandtorecognizeandsupport themanyvolunteerswhodedicate themselves passionately to those mostinneed.Wemustthankthe Lord for the people who make themselvesavailabletolistentoand

supportthepoorestamongus”.The message ofPope Francisishisusual incisive style. For him, the cry (their prayer) of the poor, has a message for all of us! Just as God does, we need to listen to their prayer; but God also wants us to respond proactively and help alleviate their poverty.

The first of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to ‘End poverty in all its forms everywhere’-something thathasto beachieved by 2030! That isindeed a tall order – but if there is the politicalwilltodoso,thatseemingly ideal goal, can certainly be realised. In the context of this goal, the UN says,“In2020,thenumberofpeople livinginextremepoverty(livingon lessthanUSD2.15aday)roseto 724million.Thoselivinginextreme povertystruggletofulfilthemost basic needs (health, education, access to water and sanitation)”; adding, “Eradicatingpovertyinall its forms remains one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. While the number of people living in extreme poverty droppedbymorethanhalfbetween 1990and2015–from1.9billionto 731 million – too many are still

strugglingforthemostbasichuman needs”.

InJanuary2023,OXFAMreleasedits report ‘Survival oftheRichest’atthe World Economic Forum in Davos, The Report highlighted the large disparity in wealth distribution in India, which makes the country one ofthemostunequalcountries inthe world, grappling with soaring levels of both income and wealth inequality. The Report says, that more than 40% of the wealth createdinthe country from 2012 to 2021 had gone to just 1% of the population, therichest10percentof the Indian population lay claim to an astonishing 77 percent of the nation’s wealth. Only 3% of the country’s wealth had trickled down to the bottom 50%. In 2022, thewealth of India's richest man Gautam Adani increased by 46%, while the combined wealth of India's 100 richest had touched $660bn. These scandalous statistics must make any Indian with a conscience to hang one’s head down in shame.

India’s youth continue to grapple with soaring unemployment rates, withnearly83percent ofthejobless

population belonging to this demographic, as per the India Employment Report 2024 jointly published by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Institute of Human Development (IHD) The report ( which was released on 27 March 2024)underscores a concerning trend where the proportion of educated young people, possessing at least secondary education, among the total unemployed youth has nearly doubled from 35.2 percent in 2000 to65.7 percent in 2022.

The Adivasis/Tribals (indigenous people), who constitute a sizable section of India’s population are denied their jal- junglejameen(water-forests-land) and other legitimate rights. Thousands of them are displaced because of mega- projects. Primary education inthe remote tribal villages is nonexistent and so is medicare for them; a large percentage of tribals mustmigrate tourban areas/other States in search of employment. Besides them, most migrant workers, continue to be excluded and exploited! The plight of the Dalits, the OBCs leave much to be

desired; untouchability is practiced everywhere; manualscavengingstill exists; the reality of thesafaikamdarsispathetic.

Christian ‘charity’ is no longer synonymous with the traditional ‘doling -out’. It is easy to throw a pittance to the poor, to give them our left-over food or old clothes. Today, we are mandated to address the system/structural issues of poverty, to empower the poor through aright- based approach. In 2009, with his path-breaking Encyclical ‘CaritasinVeritate’,Pope Benedict XVI, redefined the meaning of ‘charity’ stating “Charity intruth,towhichJesusChristbore witness by his earthly life and especially by his death and resurrection,istheprincipaldriving force behind the authentic developmentofeverypersonandof allhumanity. Love—caritas— is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagementinthefieldofjustice andpeace”.

The Synodal Report of the first phase (October 2023), hasasection dedicated to ‘ People in Poverty,

Protagonists of the Church's Journey (I.4); The Convergences includef)TheChurch’scommitment mustaddressthecausesofpoverty andexclusion.Thisincludesactions toprotecttherightsofthosewho areexcluded,andthismayrequire public denunciation of injustices, whether perpetrated by societal structures or by individuals, corporations or governments. Essential to hearing the voice of thoseinpovertyislisteningtotheir demandsandpointsofviewand utilisingtheirownwords.InMatters for Consideration is j) Prophetic denunciation of situations of injustice, on the one hand, and effortstopersuadepolicymakersto actforthecommongood, which requirerecoursetodiplomacy, on theother,mustbemaintainedina dynamictensionsoasnottolosea clearfocusorfruitfulness.Caremust betakentoensurethattheuseof publicorprivatefundsbyChurch bodies does not limit freedom to speakupforthedemandsofthe Gospel.

Inview of the above, to address the realities of the poor and their powerlessness, to become truly a Synodal Church, we need to

internalise a way of proceeding, whichincludes:

Awareness: the first step towards involvement. Weneedtoknow what is happening to the poor and the marginalised, the excluded and the exploited, and other vulnerable sections of society. We should be aware of the powerful and other vested interests; of how they manipulate the poor for their own greed. Above all, are we must be aware of how structures and systems, policies and legislations keep people impoverished.

Attitude: self- conversion is fundamentalVeryoftenourattitude towards the poor isverydifferent in comparison to our attitude towards the rich. It does not matter if the latter is the most corrupt person or the biggest land shark in the area. Wewillgivethatpersonthegreatest deference possible. Let us call to mind the way we higgle-haggle for justRs2/- with apoor fisherwoman whenwego tobuyfish,thinking we are being cheated; will we bargain when we go to a Supermarket, knowing fullywellthatwearebeing cheated of Rs 200/-? Accompany: we are called to

accompany the poor and powerless in our quest for a more humane, just,dignified andequitable life.The poor constitute asignificant section of society: they are small farmers and indigenous coastal people (our fisherfolk), casual labourers and migrant workers, theAdivasis, Dalits and OBC’s, the homeless and unemployed youth, the slumdwellers, the other genders and many more. They need to be told about their legitimate rights, to access Government schemes / programmes which are meant to benefit them. To help get them an identity card. To walk with them as ‘pilgrims of hope’!

Articulation is being visible and vocal, to study and document facts: how the Government is pro-rich/ in the grips of some of the big corporates and other vested interests and does not cater to the poor. Government policies (like mining/ cutting down forests/useof fossilfuels)destroy theenvironment and make the poor, poorer. It is prophetic courage to come out on the streets, to join civil society groups in rallies and campaigns on behalf of the poor; to write to daily newspapers /magazines andonline

portals on whatishappening to the poor

Advocacy isalltheaboveandmuch 2more! It means challenging antipeople legislation/ policies. For example, the three farm laws and the four labour codes are patently discriminatory and against the interests of the poorer sections of society. For this we need to collaborate and network with others, join people’s movements, use social media. Above all, not to be afraid to take a stand for the poor, the powerless and those without avoice.

Towards the end of his message Pope Francis emphasises, “As we journey towards the Holy Year, I urgeeveryonetobecomepilgrims ofhope,settingtangiblegoalsfora betterfuture.Letusnotforgetto keep ‘the little details of love’: stopping, drawing near, giving a littleattention,asmile,acaress,a

wordofcomfort.Thesegesturesare notautomatic;theyrequireadaily commitmentandareoftenhidden and silent but strengthened by prayer.Inthistime,whenthesong ofhopeseemstogivewaytothe clamourofarms,tothecryofmany innocentwounded,andthesilence ofthecountlessvictimsofwars,we turntoGodwithourpleaforpeace.”

The poorcry outtoustoday: do wehavethepropheticcourageto respond to them in a proactive way and accompany them, in their struggle for a more just, equitable and humane, hopefilledworld?

13 November 2024

*(Fr.Cedric PrakashSJ, isa human rights, reconciliation and peace activist/writer. Contact: )



What does a dying man think of? What is uppermost in his mind, obviously. Have we ever reflected on what Jesus’ last thoughts were beforehisimpendingcrueldeathon aTaushaped cross?He would have seen many slaves/ criminals dying such a tortuous death, dangling in agony for three or more days while birds of prey plucked out theireyes and wild animals tore at their vital organs. Shudder atthethought.

But Jesus was not thinking of his horrendous death. He was thinking of his mission that needed to be accomplished. As we approach the end of the liturgical year we are

treated to several ominous warnings about the second coming and judgement day. This again was not the primary focus of Jesus’ thoughts.

Forthe lastfewmonths Ihavebeen reflecting on Jesus’ last week, as poignantly portrayed in Mathew’s gospel, chapters 21-28. Before goingthere,alittleexegesisiscalled for.

Mathew, or Mattai in Jesus’ native Aramaic, means “gift of Yahweh”. Weshallpresently seehowprecious a gift Mathew’s gospel is. He is identified as Levi the tax collector; hence someone who had metanoia (conversion of heart) on meeting Jesus. He wrote his gospel in Aramaic between 60-65 CE while

Peter and Paul were founding the church in Rome. Exegetes (biblical scholars) tell us that, by modern standards, he had no intention of writing a history or biography of Jesus. So,whatmotivatedMathewtowrite hisgospel? Itwashisburning desire to share his close-up personal experience of Jesus. He was not writing history per se; he was unravelling the mystery of Jesus for futuregenerations tounderstand.

Before we delve deeper into this gospel, there isasmallcaveat.Most Christians start offby affirming that Jesus is the Son of God, and then get stuck, because this is an insurmountable mystery that defies thefiniteness ofhumandefinitions.

But great mystics like St Francis of Assisi andTheresa of Avilla entered

the life of Jesusby experiencing his humanity. Jesus referred to himself as the son of man (Bar Nasa in his native Aramaic) 82 times in the gospels. He alone used this term to describe himself; hence it is sufficient indication for us to start our pilgrimage into the life and person ofJesus.

Bearing this in mind let us explore the mind of Jesus during his last week on earth, asfound in Mathew chapters 21-28.

Chapter 21 begins with the triumphant entry into Jerusalem on PalmSunday,whenhewashailedas the son of David (v 9). What were Jesus’subsequent acts?Hetakes on the superficiality of the Temple. He expelsthetraderssaying,“Myhouse will be calledahouse of prayer, but you are making it into a bandit’s den” (v 14). Has the mighty institutionalized Catholic Church become like a stock exchange?

What shares are we trading?

Outsidetheliturgy,towhatextentis theecclesialcommunity a“houseof prayer”? We need to respond to Jesus’challenge.

Next comes the curse and subsequent withering of the barren fig tree (v 18-19). Like the Temple, thetreecouldalsohaveprided itself on its deep roots (hoary traditions), strong trunk (institutionalized wealth), branches and leaves (servicesandsacraments).Butithad nofruit(thefruitsoftheSpirit –love, joy,peaceetc(cfGal5:22).So,itwas cursed. Are we ina similar situation today, where traditions and activitieshaverelegatedJesustothe background?

Jesus then throws conventional wisdom on its head when he says, “Thestonethatthebuildersrejected hasbecome thecornerstone” (v42). He continues, “I tell you that the

kingdom ofGodshallbetakenfrom you and given to people who will produce its fruit” (v 43). In today’s context who are the privileged religious heads whose applecart is going tobe overturned?

We now move to chapter 22. We findtwostrong messages here. The first is the parable of the wedding feast where “many are invited but not all are chosen” (v 14). Jesus is siftingthe grain from the chaff.Will the strong wind of the Holy Spirit blow usalsoaway?

This chapter also reiterates the greatest commandment, to love God andone’sneighbour asoneself (v34-40). Canweseewhatisplaying onJesus’mind?

Chapter 23 is probably the most explosive, where Jesus takes on the religious hypocrisy of the Scribes and Pharisees. “You are like whitewashed tombs that look handsome on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and every type of corruption. In the same way from the outside, you lookupright, but inside you are fullof hypocrisy and lawlessness” (v

27-28). Thegreattemptation hereis to point at the hypocrisy of others, but this cuts across the board. Nevertheless, those in leadership roles with allitscrimson razzmatazz aremore culpable. This chapter also reveals Jesus’ strong maternal instincts, the feminine side of his personality, something that male theologians may tend to overlook. He laments “How often haveI longed to gather you children together, as a hen gathers herchicks under herwings, but you refused” (v 37). There are two messages here – Jesus’ strong maternal instincts of tender compassion, and the balancing act ofourfreedom ofchoice.Heinvites usbut cannotforce ourhand.

In chapter 24 we do have warnings of coming tribulations, but that is nottheend(v4-14). “Butasforthat day and hour, nobody knows it, neithertheangelsinheaven,northe son, noone buttheFather alone”(v 36). Again, there are two messages. The first is the human/ physical limitations of Jesus, reinforcing his self-proclamation as the son of man. The second is, not to be

obsessed with the Second Coming, something that bible thumpers use to telling effect. Instead, Jesus is inviting ustofocuson the here and now, rather than some distant unforeseeable future.

Jesus’ teaching climaxes in chapter 25.Itlaysdown thecriteria bywhich our Christian response in faith will be judged. Not by our Amens and Alleluias,but byourservicetothose in need. This is unambiguous. “In truth I tell you, insofar as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me”

(v 40). Mother Teresa took this message to heart. However, altruistic charity is just one expression; the struggle for truth and justice is the other side of the same coin. Though one will never get aNobel Prizeforthat!

Chapter26-28 describe thepassion,

death and resurrection of Jesus. Theyarebeyond thepurview ofthis article. However, the conclusion of Mathew’s gospel in chapter 28 is a matter of controversy and misinterpretation. It states, “All authority in heaven and on earth hasbeen given tome. Gotherefore makedisciplesofallnations,baptise them inthe nameof theFather and of theSon andof theHoly Spirit …I amwith you always,yestotheend of time “(v18-20).

Many evangelical Christians give 28 (baptising) precedence over 25 (serving). This would be a dangerous and superficial conclusion. Let me now say with Rajdeep Sardesai’s straight bat: Neither is baptism a life insurance policy forheaven;noris itsabsence aticket tohell.

We also need to learn from the wisdom ofbiblicalscholars.Theytell us that the Trinitarian formula (doxology) used here “is probably a reflection of the liturgical usage

established LATER in the primitive community…. Theattachmentofthe baptisedperson toallthreepersons of the Trinity will have been made explicit only later”. In effect this means that these are not the actual words of Jesus, nor recorded by Mathew. This doesn’t mean that we reject the message outright. We needtosee itinitscorrect context.

Perhaps the best way to end this reflection on Mathew’s gospel is to switch to the ending of John’s gospel. Before the ascension Jesus asksPeteradirectquestion, “Doyou lovememore thantheseothers do? …Feed mylambs/ sheep”(Jn21:1516). Peter’s answerisblowing in the wind. Whatabout ours?

Ihave expressed these thoughts on Mathew, the gift of Yahweh, as an aspiring and perspiring Christian pilgrim, in the hope that it will in some way inspire my fellow pilgrims.


23-Year-Old Gloria’s Selfless Act Brings New Life to Many: Family’s Unwavering Courage and Gratitude

Mangaluru: In a profound display of love and courage, the family of Ms. Gloria Asha Rodrigues, a 23year-old resident of Bajpe, Mangalore, turned their grief into hope for others, enabling life through organ donation after she wasdeclared brain dead.Gloria, the beloved daughter of Mr. Gration Alex Rodrigues and Mrs. Gretta Flavia Rodrigues, had recently completedherMComatSt.Aloysius UG, Mangalore, and began her careeratthesameinstitution inJuly 2024.

On November 8, around 1:30 pm, Gloria suffered a sudden anaphylactic reaction and was immediately rushed to Father Muller Medical College Hospital (FMMCH). She was treated by Dr Roshan M, HOD of General

Medicine, and his team, who initiated life-saving measures including mechanical ventilation and 12 cycles of CPR. Despite exhaustive efforts, her condition remained critical. Following EEG tests, physicians confirmed severe brain dysfunction, and on Saturday evening, the New ICU team informed the family of Gloria’s tragic condition.

On Monday evening, following an apnea test, the final diagnosis of brain death was confirmed. Gloria’s familywasthengently counseledby FMMCH’s compassionate team, including Administrator Fr Jeevan George Sequeira, Assistant Administrator Fr Donald Nilesh Crasta,andMedical Superintendent Dr Udayakumar. The organ transplant coordinator explained the organ donation process, and after deep reflection and support, her family bravely chose to honor hermemory bydonatingherorgans tothosein urgent need.

Gloria’s brother, taking a primary role, led the family’s decision to donate, understanding that Gloria’s

legacy would bring new life to others. In collaboration with Wenlock District Hospital’s zonal level government-led organ donation body, “Jeeva Sarthaka,” and in accordance with Karnataka’s organ donation network, Gloria’s organs were matched with recipients on theactive waitlist, and specialized teams coordinated with precision toproceed with theorgan retrieval process.

Gloria’s invaluable gift has touched many lives:

– Her lungs were transplanted to a patient at BGS Global Hospitals in Chennai.

– Her heart found a new home at NarayanaHrudayalayainBangalore.

– Herliverwas harvested by a team from AsterHospital, Bangalore, and

sent to AJ Hospital in Mangalore.

– Both kidneys and her corneas were entrusted to KMC, Manipal.

– Her skin was preserved by the Father Mullers Rotary Skin Bank, through theexpertise ofDr.Singhal Ashish Shivendra and Dr. Aravind Lakshmana Rao from the

Department ofPlasticSurgery. Acoordinated effort led by DrVijay Sundar Singh – Intensivist, Dr. Kishan Shetty – HOD of the Department of Anesthesiology, and the surgical teams made it possible to harvest and prepare Gloria’s organs intheOncology OTcomplex at FMMCH. Before the procedure, the staff and family participated in an emotional “Honor Walk,” escortingGloria fromtheAshaKiran entrance to the OT complex as a markofrespect. Under themeticulous coordination

of Dr. Udayakumar, all legal, medical, and government procedures were managed seamlessly, with unwavering support from FMMCH’s Nursing and Management teams. Gloria’s nobledonation wasembracedbyall whoknewher,showingthestrength of her family’slove andgenerosity. Theeffortstotaketheorgans tothe airport were coordinated in-house byFrAjithBMenezesAdministrator

Richard Aloysius Coelho. They left their chairs and were seen in the ground regulating the flow of people and vehicles giving priority to the organs to reach the airport ASAP.

Both helped with crowd management and consoled those gathered to aid in the proper functioning of the hospital. Later they paidavisittothemortuary in gratitude for Gloria’s heroic deed. (Courtesy:

How Might a Second Trump Presidency Impact Indians in America?

Building for conservative victory through policy, personnel, and training.

November 11, 2024

Indian Americans, who have traditionally overwhelmingly voted for Democrats, saw some of that support shift towards Republican Donald Trump in this month’s U.S. Presidential election. Could the trust, placed in apresident aligning with White nationalism and Project 2025, backfire onus?

Radical. Draconian. Dystopian. These are just some of the adjectives used by civil liberties advocates to describe Project 2025, a 900-page overarching right-wing manifesto, with an ambitious agenda of fundamentally transforming the United States into a White supremacist Christian nation.NowthattheSenatehasalso tilted in favor of Republicans,

Trump’s ability to push through agendas such as Project 2025 has only increased. This means that the official marginalization and likely oppression of minorities along the lines of race, skin color, religion, gender and sexuality is no longer speculation but aclear and present danger. Itis important forIndian Americans to know that Project 2025 seeks to staff the federal bureaucracy with political lackeys who swear loyalty to President Trump. The underlying aspiration is to consolidate more power in the executive branch, pavingthewayforaslidetowardan authoritarian regime that would be theperfectbullypulpit fortheWhite Christian establishment.

Earlier this year, while he was a presidential candidate, Trump tried to distance himself from Project 2025. However, thereality isthathis track record, affiliations, and policy proposals are inextricably aligned with the objectives ofthis malicious manifesto. Infact,Schedule F,akey component of Project 2025, was already signed into an executive order byTrumpduringhisfirstterm as president, 2016 to 2020. A far more emboldened andempowered

Trump, in his second term, is more likely than not to be outright antithetical to the interests of the very minorities who tilted towards him: Latinos, African Americans, Arab Americans, Pakistani Americans, and of course, Indian Americans.

Prior to this month’s U.S. Presidential election, some Hindu American groups endorsed Republican Donald Trump. One wonders whether tolaugh or cry at the glaring irony and gullibility of brown-skinned Hindus who endorsed Trump, the hero and henchman of White supremacist groups—a cabal that subscribes to the "Great Replacement Theory,” a beliefthatimmigrants wholooklike us Hindus and pray like us are threatening the AryanandChristian culture andidentity ofAmerica. Meanwhile, Trump, I imagine, welcomed these “useful idiots,” perhaps thinking to himself, “You’re not very bright, are you? My whole campaign shouted contempt for minorities, but here you are, bendingoverformybenefit.Isthere anything sadder than Uncle Toms, includingthebrown kind,whoinsist that Trump is not racist? Even

Trumpmayhavefeltatadfrustrated perhaps wondering: “Where did I fall short? I said the most unspeakable things toadvertise my racism. Andyet, here you are, poor suckers brown, black, Mexicans, Hindus, Muslims willingly supporting my barely coded vision of anAryannation!”

Similarly, many in the Republican Party,currently dominated byrightwing extremists, view people like us those with brown skin and of Hindu or Muslim faith—as emblematicofwhattheybelievehas gone wrong with America. Making America White and Christian again is their brazen dream— andwe will likely endupamongthosesuffering the collateral damage of such a nefarious agenda.

Atatransactionallevel,ifthefederal bureaucracygetstransformedintoa political wing of the executive branch, as is likely under a Trump presidency, thingslike thefollowing canbeexpected tooccur:

1. Beloved family members could be deported and sent backto India overminor technicalities.

2. Children inpublicschools could be taught Christian Biblical theories inplace ofscience.

3. Since a federal umbrella of right-leaning personnel would similarly influence local official appointments, building permits for Hindutemplesormosques couldbe denied based on questionable criteria.

In the area of Indo-US relations, it would be foolish for us to let the optics of partisan showmanship override the actual hardcore consequences of Republican policies. Some of us are flattered enough to feel all warm and fuzzy when Trump butters up Prime Minister Narendra Modi with his trademark salesman pretense of friendship—while his aggressive tariffs on India are likely tohurt the robust trade relationship between thetwonations.

Also, during his first term as president, Trump tried to ban the H1B professional work visa category, of which Indians are the biggest beneficiaries.

Many Indian Americans do not seem concerned about White nationalism because they believe they are too prosperous and have clout and are therefore safe. But whenpowerishandedovertoracist forces, no racial minority is safe

fromhatecrimes.Organizations like South Asians Leading Together have documented over 400 hate crimes against South Asians since 2015.

DidmanyIndianAmericansjustgive licensetoapresident andaparty to

now indulge in their racist agenda with evenfewerrestrictions?

*ParthivParekhiseditor-in-chiefof Khabar(, aprint magazinepublishedinAtlanta,U.S. This is an edited excerpt of an editorial published in Khabar. Reprintedwithpermission.

Greetings from Riya Foundation

Founded in 2010, by AshleyFernandes, Riya Foundation has become a vital lifeline for individuals withdisabilities andtheir families. The organization stands as one of the pioneering lifetime care facilities in Dakshina Kannada district, dedicated to enriching the livesofthese individuals by offering continuous life skills training, medical care,socialintegration, and above all,unconditional love.

Our commitment to this cause knows no bounds. We work tirelessly round the clock, 365 days a year, to achieve our goal of helpingtheseindividualsleadbetter lives. RiyaFoundation was born out of a pressing need for care homes for persons with special needs, and

we remain steadfast in our mission to fill this critical gap in our community

RunninganNGOisnot aneasytask

– especially those providing lifelong care and support to the intellectually challenged. While there are many day-care centers or schools for the disabled, there are only a few lifetime care homes for the intellectually challenged because looking after them is extremely challenging on several fronts.

Our home is one among the very few across the country that harbour’s children with intellectual disabilities. With our hearts in the right place, we are driven by a

strong vision and mission to rehabilitate and care for them. We want to assume this lifelong responsibility with asmile. Over the past 15 years, Riya Foundation has positively impacted over 200 plus beneficiaries, providing a home, therapy, and vocational training. With a special

focus on life skills and empowerment, the foundation serves 37 residents and reaches evenmore through itsvarious other projects.

Riya Hope Farm – An assisted livingresidential centeratKulshekar

is currently providing round the clock services 365 days a year. Not only caregiving, but the centre also ensures the residents get nutritious home cooked food, therapies, training, social exposure beyond 4 walls and above all unconditional love. Our goal is to

replicate the care and attention parents provide to their children, ensuring that our residents experience joy, growth, andasense ofbelonging

We are seeking Support from the Mangalorean community:

The foundation is currently seeking helpfrom thecommunity invarious forms. Whether it's donating time, resources, or skills, there are multiple waystocontribute.

Asweareoneofthefewplaceswith a lifetime care service, we receive a lot of enquiries. Therefore, the foundation is also looking for support to build or purchase a permanent facility, as the current infrastructure limits the ability to scaleservices.

Please help:

1. Being a residential centre, we incurhigh operational cost,youcan help cover the monthly or yearly costsofrunningourresidential care home.

2. Donate – Every contribution, big or small, helps secure a better futureforthose atRiyaFoundation.

3. Volunteer – Join hands with us in teaching, mentoring, or helping with day-to-day activities.

4. Participate in our Initiatives –The foundation's programs on

sustainability and financial empowerment offeraway

For everyone to get involved. By working together, we can ensure that these children receive the care and opportunities they deserve. Let'scometogetherasacommunity andmake adifference intheirlives. For more information or to get involved, visit our website or reach out directly to Riya Foundation at 9845518883.

Thank you for your time and look forward toyoursupport.




Karnataka Institute of Medical

Sciences and Research Institute

(KMC-RI), Hubballi hosted the 22nd Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) Intercollegiate Athletics Meet 2024 from November 5th to 8th at their sports ground.

A total of 101 colleges affiliated to the RGUHS, Bengaluru had

registered for the meet. The event witnessed fiery participation from

the athletes vying for the top position. AthenaCollege ofNursing had29Studentswhoparticipated in

thesportsevententhusiasticallyand won several prizes in various categories. We were able to secure three 1st places, one 2nd place, two 3rd places and three 4th places in eventslike100mtsHurdles,400mts Hurdles, Triple Jump, 3000 mts Steeple Chase, High Jump, 4x100 mts Relay, Long Jump, Hammer Throw. Additionally, our team also won the fourth place in march fast. On the valedictory, we were awarded with the overall team championship in women’s category scoring totalpoints of31.

Our institution is proud and overwhelmed with joy, especially our Chairman Mr. R.S Shettian appreciated the efforts put forth by our students. Principal Rev. Sr. Deepa Peter congratulated all the participants and showered praises tothewinners.

Points to Ponder, November 2024

Anatomy of Market Bubbles

Thestockmarketisaplacewhere people with experience meet peoplewithmoney.Andaftera while,thepeoplewithexperience havethemoneyandthepeople withmoneyhavetheexperience!

Weseem tobe stumbling from one frenzy to another: from cryptos to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies) to IPOs.Quite recently, Christopher Torres soldhiscreation, the NFT of a Nyan cat meme showingaflyingcatwith poptartat itstorso,leavingarainbowinitstrail for $600000! When an economy is gripped by trading frenzy and markets keep roaring with furious financial innovation further prompting themarkets toignore all

adverse developments, “investors” begin to perceive value in NFTs or abstract art, vintage wine or even a bulb of Tulip! But markets eventuallyintheirownuncannyway jolt market players with a reality check whenever the trading excesses breach for long, the carrying capacity of the underlying real economy. Since the early 17th century,therehavebeenmanysuch excesses and market bubbles have rattled mighty economies. The important ones are:

1. Tulip Mania 1634-37

All these bubbles offersome useful insights which should, hopefully, help us avoid the mistakes of the past. But arguably the first and the last of the above bubbles provide some telling details of how easily humans, driven by greed, can be deluded totakeleave ofreason. Tulip Mania: Businessmen in Netherlands, in the 16th and 17th century hadcome to enjoy fruits of risky but rewarding maritime trading. Soon the Dutch adopted a model strikingly like today’s equity markets. Shares in joint-stock companies,wereboughtandsoldat theBourse,namedforthecourtyard ofthe Amsterdam Beurs, one ofthe first stock exchanges in history. Banking, in the meantime, had multiplied money in circulation by puttingthesametoworkatmultiple points.Thisgavebirthtolargeproto corporations which grew from

aggregation of many small risks; largerewards,whentheyhappened, which then were shared broadly acrosstheburgher(middle class).At the low end of the risk spectrum, Dutch investors of the early 1600s could put their money in publicly regulated banks and insurance companies, or they could invest in trade through the Baltic Sea, effectively a Dutch monopoly. Such investment instruments of the day were Treasury Notes and corporate bonds. Thetwo“Indias”– DutchEast andDutchWesttrading companies, offered promise of much higher return.Butthathadtobesetagainst the higher risk inherent in distant and perilous travel and the great time lag between investment and payout. “Day-trading” in voyages that could take years to complete was neither prudent nor viable in that age.But the Dutch were not to be outdone by thischallenge, given their propensity to trade and a tolerance for risk of an expanding, thriving business class. In early 17th century, the Dutch Bourse started offering, what were in effect, stock options and futures. Although

edicts were issued as early as 1610, proscribing the practice of ‘wind Handel’ meaning “trading in the wind”, or dealing in shares not in possession of the seller, they were largely ignored.

Cultivation of tulips flourished in Netherlands since 1562, when shipload of tulip bulbs arrived in Antwerp (then a part of Netherlands) from Constantinople. As the burgeoning middle class became interested in attaining wealth and growing it rapidly, they turnedtothehighriskmodel ofthe Bourse, both in Amsterdam and its regional locations throughout the country. And they were looking for avenues which, at least, to begin with, offered more affordable “investment” avenues than the banks, insurance companies or the Baltic trade and the two “Indias”. It was then that the get-rich-quick greed coupled with one of nature’s beautiful creations, ushered in a frenzy that in hindsight seems so utterly illogical.Butithappenedand humbled a mighty economy of the times!

Tulips came to be treated not as flowers but as assets; that is, their extrinsic value became divorced from theirintrinsic valueandworth. As more and more people were happy and eager to trade in them demand for all manner of Tulips, particularly the mosaics (bulbs attackedbythemosaicvirus!)vastly outstripped supplies increasing their price manifold. By the 1620s the best banks in Amsterdam were boasting oftulip vaults.Bulbs could be used to secure loans and rarer the bulb, greaterthe surety offered. Therewereevenrumblings ofgoing off the gold standard and on to a tulip one. Tulip analysts and consultants made good income in parsing stem quality and pigmentation. There were manipulators who invest heavily in bulbs from anarea,thenhavecattle stampedes on those fields tocreate shortage. There is the story of a farmer, bankrupted when acow ate its waythrough his tulippatch,who tried to recoup his fortune by creating a market in “tulip-milk” futures.

Futures trading assumes a rational market, but bythesummer of1636, any last vestige of rationality had fledthe Dutch tulip market. Instead of betting on the eventual price of tulips,investors hadcome tobet on the Greater Fool Theory – that is, that there would always be someone further down the road willing to pay even more than you hadpaid for aproduct, the price of which had become completely disconnected from any intrinsic worth.Sometime inthefirstweekof February 1637, four years after the Tulip Mania began in earnest, the Greatest Fool was finally found as the tulip traders cut the losses and ranindroves. Ananalystofthetime estimates that once coveted varieties like White Croonen, Switsers and Admiral Liefkens had crashed by over 99% from peaks of over 2900 guilders to less than a guilder!

For Netherlands, the collapse was devastating.Apeoplewhohadrisen tothe crestofprosperity by sharing the opportunity to amass wealth and by aggregating and spreading risk had lost their bearings in the

face of a simple flower. Ordinary men and women who had gone to bed on the night of February 5, thinking they were rich woke up penniless, forced into workhouses to pay off their debts, and those ordinary people collectively formed a substantial part of the adult population.

Well, Tulip mania – Tulpenwoede –was not the last of the bubbles. Human greed and fear have ensuredthat theydevastated the

markets with unfailing regularity despite the lessons of history. Comingeditions ofPointstoPonder will revisit some more of them, if only toremindusoftheone lasting principle: caveatemptor.

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India – The Karnataka Catholic Think Tank convened its Governing Board meeting todayattheArchbishop’s HouseinBangalore todiscusstheagenda, “A Way Forward.” Presided over by Mr. Roy Castelino, President of the Think Tank, and hosted by Archbishop Peter Machado, the meeting focused on expanding the Think Tank’s outreach, strengthening diocesan involvement, and supporting youth empowerment through civil services preparation. Mr. Castelino proposed dividing the Karnataka region into four zones toensure greater accessibility for members attending meetings and to enhance localized engagement. The zones are as follows: Zone 1: Bangalore, Mysore, Mandya • Zone 2: Shimoga, Bhadravathi, Chickmagalur • Zone 3: Mangalore, Udupi, Karwar, Belthangady, Puttur • Zone4:Bellary, Belgaum, Gulbarg

Vice Chancellor

outstanding contributions of heads of higher education institutions across India. The Best Principal Award, instituted by AIACHE, includes a memento and a citation, symbolizing recognition for dedication and impactful leadership in education. Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis SJ will receive the award during the AIACHE Triennial Conference, scheduled to be held in Bhubaneswar from December27to29,2024.

of St Lawrence Church & Shrine Bondel together

OnSunday November 10th,themuch anticipated ಸೌಹಾರ್ದ

Harmony Vehicle Rally took place, starting at 4 p.m. from Pachanady, Circle to St Lawrence Church &

Shrine. The program began with a prayer led by Assistant Parish Priest Rev. Fr William D’Souza, setting a devotional tone for the gathering. Parish Priest Rev.FrAndrew Leo

D’Souza welcomed the gathering and the Chief guests, including PoliceInspectorShriShivkumarK.R. from Vamanjoor Police Station

andV.Rev.Fr James Dsouza, the

Vicar Forane of the City Deanery andParish priest ofVamanjoor..

Theguest, V.Rev.Fr JamesDsouza,

was welcomed with a shawl and a flower bouquet by Vice President Mr John D’Silva, while Police Inspector Sri Shivkumar K. R was welcomed by Rev. Fr William D'Souza. In his message V. Rev. Fr James Dsouzaemphasizedthesignificance

of the event, reminding the gathered devotees ofJesus'journey to Mount Calvary and his redemptive sacrifice on the cross. He congratulated the parish priest and the clergy on the wellorganized event and expressed blessings for the upcoming programs.


Inspector Shri Shivkumar K. R.,Vamanjoor Police Station shared his heartfelt wishes for the centenary celebrations, encouraging all present and blessing theassembled devotees.

Amongthedignitaries were Rev.Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza, V.

Rev.FrJames D’Souza Shri, D. K. Shivkumar, Fr. WilliamD’SouzaAsst. ParishPriestRev.FrPeterGonsalves Principal St Lawrence Eng. Med. School, Rev. Fr Vincent Saldanha, Rev.FrPramodCrasta,BrBalaswamy along with the Vice President- Mr John D’Silva, MrSanthosh Misquith Secretary, ParishPastoral Council Members Mr Prakash Pinto Shrine Convener, Dr Preethi D’SouzaCultural Committee ConvenerMrManojLewisConvener ofCommission.

Therally wasmarkedbytherelease ofballoons by distinguished guests, symbolizing peace and harmony. The procession included a historic 100-year-old Holy Cross and the Christ the Redeemer statue, both

carried to the renovated St. Lawrence Church&Shrine.

Rev.Fr. Andrew LeoD’Souzaled the devotees in prayer, with the Holy Cross and Redeemer statue placed in the renovated church. The program concluded with a Thanksgiving hymn and prayer led by Rev. Fr. Andrew LeoD’Souza. The programme was compered by Rev.FrPeter Gonsalves, Principal of St. Lawrence School, and special acknowledgments were extended during the vote of thanks to Vice President Mr John D’Silva, Mr Gregory Pinto, Mr.JasonFernandes, Cultural Committee Members, Mr. Rudy Pinto, Parish Council Members, andvolunteers. Many parishioners gathered with deep devotion, making this event a memorable occasion and a significant moment in the lead-up to the centenary celebration. Refreshments were provided to all thedevotees whogathered.

Report: MeenaSerrao Barboza Photography: StanyBantwal

Udka Kella Dhabhazo 2024

“InfantMary church, Indian Catholic Youth Movement Bajjodi organized

An aquatic adventures day UDKA


An interward aqua games on Sunday November 10th afternoon. The event started at 2.30pm with

showcase of Team spirit and enthusiasm March past. Prayer song was led by ICYM members. Welcome speech was given by unit president Cliyon Dsilva.

Inauguration oftheevent was done by Parish priest Fr. Dominic vas, Asst. ICYM director Fr Pranam Fernandes, Fr. Cyril Menezes, PPC vice president Prakash Saldanha, Secretary Elizabeth Pereira, ICYM

Animators Sachin Menezes and Seema Carlo.

Parish priest wished all the participants to have sportsmen spirit and have a fun filled day Followed bywatergames.

adults participated in this event, 11 water games were conducted. The ward members performed extremely well and tried to make their ward win. The event went smoothly withthecooperation ofall theparticipants.

Fr.Dominic vasfirstly congratulated the ICYM team for organizing this event in a great way and forall the dedication

The valedictory program started with;y Vote of thanks by Anush Fernandes. The prize distribution ceremony was conducted by ICYM Animator Mr Sachin Menezes. With thisthe eventcame toanendwith

the Baila and Rain dance. Program was compeèred by Mr Ashton Mascarenhas 7Wardsand77kids andalmost 130 participants took part.


Francis has just appointed Bishop Ambrose Pitchaimuthu for the Diocese of Vellore in Tamil Nadu, Bishop Thomas D'Souza for the

Diocese of Vasai in Maharashtra, Bishop Paul Simick for the Diocese of Bagdogra, and Coadjutor Bishop Anthony Das Pilli forthe Diocese of Nellore inAndhra Pradesh, India.

Children’s Day Celebration at National Higher Primary School, Hanehalli on 14th November 2024

Kishoo Barkur- Nov14, 2024 NewsnPics:TeacherSuma.

TheNational HigherPrimary School in Hanehalli celebrated Children’s Dayonthe14th ofNovember 2024, with great enthusiasm and joy. The event was organized to honour the birth anniversary of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, a day dedicated to children across India. The entire school premises were decorated with balloons, posters, and flowers tomarkthespecial occasion.

The day long activities, games and other competitions end with the

concluding ceremony held in the NationalPUAuditorium, at2.30pm, began with prayer ledby ClassVI& VII Students. Ms Sanvi in her well-

prepared speechpaidrichtribute to Pundit Nehru, which highlighted on his love for children and his contributions tothe nation.

HeadmasterMrUdayKumarShetty, in his welcoming address, appreciated the efforts of the

teachers, staff, and students for makingthe dayagrandsuccess.He especially remembered all the generous donor’s M/s Shettigar Industries and perennial support from the management ‘The Barkur Educational Society’ and The Old Students, parents and well-wishers andprofusely thanked allofthem. The Chief Guest of the colourful event Principal Prof UKottraswamy distributed prizes to the winners and conveyed his best wishes on this occasion. As many as 120 gifts in the various competitions held in storytelling, singing, essay writings, drawingandpainting, Sports events and cultural performances, were generously sponsored by Mr Srinivasa Shettigar, the Correspondent oftheSchool.

Administrator Coordinator of the National Group of Educational Institutions, MrPArchibald Furtado in his presidential address, appreciated the hard work of headmasterMrUdayaKumarShetty and his cohesive team of all the

teachers in organising various activities along with academic responsibilities. In his inspiring speechemphasizingtheimportance of education, dreams, and aspirations in children’s lives, he recalled the vision of first Prime Minister of Independent India Pundit Nehru, who always known for his encouraging words to children around him - ‘tomorrow is yours’.

The teachers and staff made a special effort to ensure that the children enjoyed their day. They distributed Ice Cream, sweets, snacks, and small gifts as tokens of appreciation and love for the students. The students expressed their gratitude and joy for the memorable celebration.

The event was beautifully compeered by TeacherShailaja and concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Teacher Navyashree, as It was indeed a delightful celebration that left the children withsmiles andbeautifulmemories.

Children's Day Celebrated with Grand Festivities at Seva

Sangama Sri Narayana Guru Shishu Mandir,Barkur

Kishoo Barkur- Nov14, 2024 -AnandKumarBarkur

In a collaborative effort between Rotary Club Barkur, Ann's Club Barkur, and Seva Sangama Sri Narayana Guru Shishu Mandir, a celebration of Children's Day was held today at the Shishu Mandir premises in Barkur Hosala Badanagoli.


Sandeep Poojary, a prominent contractor from Barkur, chose to celebrate his birthday with the young students of the Shishu Mandir, makingthe occasioneven

more special.

The event was graced by distinguished guests including Mr. Ganesh Shetty (President, Rotary Club Barkur), Mr. H. Ajith Kumar Shetty (Secretary, Rotary Club Barkur), Mr. B. Sudhakar Rao (Honorary Advisor, Shishu Mandir), and Mr. Satish S. Amin (President, Barkur Mogaveera Samyukta Sabha).

Othernotable attendees included

Mr. Subramanya Poojary (Director, Shishu Mandir), Mrs. Yashoda V. Suvarna (Honorary President, Shishu Mandir), Mrs. Poornima S. Poojary (President, Ann's Club), Mr. Krishna G. Poojary (President, Shishu Mandir), Mr. Manjunath Poojary (Director, Shishu Mandir), Mrs. Gauri V. Poojary (Mataji), and Mrs. Sandhya Ganesh Acharya (Secretary, Ann's Club). The event waswellattendedbythechildren of theShishuMandirandtheirparents.

During the celebration, Ro. Raghavendra Poojary and Ro. Ganesh Shetty B distributed gifts to the children. Mr. Subramanya Poojary arranged for refreshments for all attendees. The program was skillfully compered by Mr. Satish S. Amin.

The event exemplified the community's commitment to children's welfare and education, bringing together various organizations and individuals in a celebration of childhood and learning.

Wishy Washy

I made a wish on a shooting star

And prayed that it will come true some day I made a wish at a wishing well

But it turned dry and my coin was lost Making wishes is not a joke

If you understood the universe

The power of your thoughts and words

The magic within you lives

I made a wish on a four leaf clover But the wind blew it out my hands I made wish with a wishing bone

But it was not for me to be Making wishes is not enough

Even the universe needs your support The power you hold brings dreams to life

The magic is yours to manifest


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"If they answer nor thy call, walk alone, If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall, O thou of evil luck, Open thy mind and speak out alone.

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with Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop ofBangalore, Sri Panditaradya Shivacharya Swamiji, Pattadhyaksharu, Sri Math Sanehalli, Chitradurga, Rev. Fr. James DSouza, Vicar Vara, Mangalore City Deanery and Concepta at Kelarai Church Presbytery, Mangalore on 10th November 2024. Occasion: Dr. Ronald Colaco Samarasya Award Ceremony.

Veez Couple H.R.Alva&Concepta

PA First Grade College Hosts Campus Chroma

2024: National Level Festival of Talents

PA First Grade College's eagerly anticipated National Level Festival of Talents, Campus Chroma 2024 and Food Fest kicked off to a spectacular start on 12 November 2024 at 10:00 AM. The inaugural ceremony was graced by distinguished guests, showcasing the institution's commitment to fostering talentandcreativity.

The Inaugural Ceremony commenced with prayer led by Mr Aboobacker Sahal from 1yearBBA. WelcomespeechbyMsSalmaAifna from 3-year BCom, followed by guest introduction by Ms Safwa Nisarfrom 2year BCA. ChiefGuest Mr. AnandG. Pai,President, Kanara Chamber of Commerce and

Industry, and Guests of Honor Mr. Sharfuddin P.K, AGM (Campus), Dr. Saleemulla Khan, Principal, P.A. College of Pharmacy, Prof. Ismail Khan,VicePrincipal,PAPolytechnic, - Dr. Iqbal, Physical Director, Ms Shafinaz Sayyed Ismail, Addmission Officer,PAETinaugurated theevent pouring water into the plant,

marking the beginning of the festivities.

Other esteemed dignitaries in attendance included Dr. Surfraz J Hasim, Principal, PA First Grade College, Dr. G. Hari Krishnan, Vice Principal, PA First Grade College, Ms. Vanishree, IQAC Coordinator, Mr. Mohammed Samsheer, Ms. Laveena D'Souza and Mr. Sajir Ahammed, Coordinators, Campus Chroma along with the heads of various departments.

Chief Guest Mr.AnandG. Pai,in his address, motivated the students to

leverage platforms like Campus Chroma 2024 to showcase their talents, build networks, and cultivate a healthy competition. He also emphasized the importance of adapting tochanging technologies, embracing diversity, and contributing tosocietal growth.

Theevent featuredanarray of excitingcompetitions, including: Brain Blast:StAloysius College, Mangalore took home the first prize, while Heera Women's PU College securedthesecondprize.

Chroma Reels: Vishwa Mangala PU
College won the first prize, with Heera Women's College claimingthesecond prize.

ArtGallery: HeeraWomen's College emerged as the first prize winner, followed closelybyVishwa Mangala PUCollege insecondplace.

Cooking Confession: St. Aloysious
College cooked up a storm to win the first prize, while Heera Women's Composite PU College securedthesecondprize.

Tasty Task: Kanachur PU College savored the first prize, with Pandyaraj Balal College taking home thesecondprize.

Creative Brain: PAFirstAidCollege

demonstrated exceptional creativity towinthefirstprize,while Kanachur PU College secured the second prize.

Spartan(Best Manager):KanacurPU College was recognized for its exceptional management skills.

The valedictory ceremony commenced at 3:30 PM, with Dr. Surfraz J Hasim, Principal, PA First Grade College, Mr Haris TD, Purchase Manager, PAET,andother dignitaries gracing the occasion. The program was hosted by Mr Farhan from1Bcom.

ThegrandfinaleofCampus Chroma 2024 concluded with a prestigious prize distribution ceremony, where the winning teams and individuals were felicitated with trophies and certificates. The coveted Championship Trophy was bagged byKanachurPUCollegerecognizing their outstanding performance

across various events. Heera Women's College bagged Runner UpTrophy.

Best Stall award was given to Stall Number 12 while Best Stall was bagged by StallNumber 13.

DrSurfrazJHasim,Principal,PAFirst Grade College, addressed the gathering, emphasizing the importance of Campus Chroma 2024 in fostering teamwork, innovation, andsocial responsibility among students. He congratulated the winners and encouraged participants to continue striving for excellence in their academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Campus Chroma 2024 was a resounding success,showcasingthe talents of students from various colleges and fostering a spirit of camaraderie andcompetition.

WilfyRebimbusLegacy Collectionbookingwindow

extendedtillNov30after overwhelmingresponse


Mangaluru, Nov 2: The recently announced Wilfy Rebimbus Legacy Collection has captured the hearts of Konkani music enthusiasts, sparking a wave of excitement and pre-orders.

Thisunparalleledcompilation ofthe legendary singer's work continues to draw attention from fans and collectors alike, offering a unique opportunity to own a piece of Konkani musicalhistory.

A Time Capsule of Konkani

Musical Genius

The Wilfy Rebimbus Legacy Collection stands as a testament to theartist's prolific career, featuring: - An astounding 662+ songs spanning five decades of musical brilliance - 59 volumes of recorded songs in pristine, lossless audio format

- Two classic albums reimagined with contemporary musical arrangements -Allcontentconveniently stored on ahigh-capacity, custom-designed

pen drive

"Each song in this collection tells a story, not just of Dad's artistic journey, but of the Konkani culture itself," remarks Vishwas Rebimbus, son of the legend, who came up with this unique project. "We are offering more than music; we are preserving aculturallegacy."

Unprecedented Demand Meets Limited Availability

"The Legacy Collection has captivatedtheKonkani musicworld, withpre-orders soaringwellbeyond our initial expectations,” reveals MeenaRebimbus, wifeoflegendary musician Wilfy Rebimbus. "We are witnessinganincredible outpouring of support from Konkani communities across the Gulf and around the globe. Music lovers are eagerly rushing to claim their piece of history – seeing this limitededition collection not just as a

musical treasury, but asa cherished tribute toWilfy'sartistic legacy."

"We anticipated interest, but the enthusiasm we're seeing is truly remarkable. It is clear that Papa's music continues toresonate deeply with fans old and new," says Charleen Rebimbus, Wilfy's daughter-in-law. "With this overwhelming response from Wilfy Rebimbusadmirers fromalloverthe world, we are pleased to announce the extension of booking closure date to November 30," adds Vishwas Rebimbus.

A Call to Konkani Music Lovers

With pre-orders in full swing, the team behind the Legacy Collection encourages interested buyers toact swiftly:

1. Secure the piece of Konkani musical history before supplies run out

2. Join the growing community of collectors preserving Wilfy's legacy More Than a Collection - A

Cultural Investment

Owning the Wilfy Rebimbus Legacy Collection is more than a purchase; it is an investment in Konkani cultural heritage. This comprehensive anthology ensures that future generations can

experience the full breadth of Wilfy'sartistry inunparalleled audio quality.

"This collection is a must-have for anyone who cherishes Konkani music," states Eddie Sequeira, a prominent Konkani artiste. "It isnot just about nostalgia; it is about keeping our musical traditions alive andvibrant."

Renowned music maestro Joswin Pinto ofPappan-Joswin fame anda close associate of the Rebimbus family, shares his heartfelt perspective on this milestone project, "Working with Wilfyab was more than just a professional journey—it was a deep personal connection rooted in our mutual love for Konkani music and culture. The Legacy Collection stands as a tribute beyond mere songs; it captures memories, emotions and the creative spirit that Wilfyab embodied. Each track resonates with hislegacy andit’s atrue honor to see this collection continue to inspire and move the hearts of musiclovers everywhere."

KishooBarkur, adevoted friendand passionate admirer of Wilfy Rebimbus, who is in this project from its inception alongside the

Rebimbus family, shares his excitement, "What began as an ambitious dream has blossomed into something truly extraordinary. Working with my son Anirudh Sean Gonsalves, a US-based sound engineer, we embarked on what seemedlike animpossible mission –to breathe new life into the cherished songs from Volumes 1 and 4 of Wilfy's legendary collection. The restoration process has been a labor of love, merging technical expertise with deep respect for the original artistry. Seeing these timeless melodies emerge with renewed clarity while preserving their authentic soul has been nothing short of magical. This project isnot justabout restoration; it is about preserving a musical legacy forgenerations tocome.'" Don't miss this opportunity to own the most complete collection of Wilfy Rebimbus's works ever assembled. Pre-order the Wilfy Rebimbus LegacyCollection today. For more information on the Wilfy Rebimbus Legacy Collection WhatsApp 9632917883 or visit This product can alsobe booked at Jerosa Company, Gem & Co,

Rebimbus Creations and Roviza Shop, Shankerpura. (9740844879

Wilfred R Pangla), Nirmala Dais, Kallianpur (98802 50900).

Artificial Intelligence Solutions in Healthcare at St Joseph’s University, Bengaluru

The Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Artificial Intelligence Solutions in Healthcare was held from November 4th to9th,2024, at St. Joseph’s University, Bangalore, with 40 participants from various academic andresearch institutions.

The inaugural session featured Dr. Sridharan Devarajan, Associate Professor at IISc Bangalore, as the Chief Guest, along with Dr. Ronald Mascarenhas, Pro Vice-Chancellor, and Dr. Regina Mathias, Pro ViceChancellor. Prof. Dr.Melwin Colaco,

Registrar,Fr.DenzilLoboSJ,Deanof the School of IT. Dr. Sivakannan S,

FDP Coordinator, welcomed the participants.

Fr Denzil Lobo in his address spoke about the various domains wherein AI is being applied. He said, “As all know how AI has emerged as a

powerful tool which is not only transforming industries but revolutionizing the way we approach medicine and patient care”. He wished all theparticipants fruitful sessions. Dr Melwin Colaco in his address thanked Dr Shivakannan fororganizingthe FDP and wished the delegates all the best. Dr. Annie Syrien proposed a vote ofthanks.

The FDP included diverse sessions on topics such as brain computation, AI in bioinformatics, medical image analysis, clinical machine learning, and smarter healthcare solutions, delivered by eminent speakers from premier institutions like IISc Bangalore, IIT Tirupati, and VIT Vellore, among others.

Participants also benefited from hands-on training and insightful article discussions led by Dr. Sivakannan S. They also had an industrial visit to St. Philomena’s Hospital, Bengaluru, to observe AI applications in a real-world healthcare setting. The program concluded with a valedictory session where Dr. Sivakannan S presented the FDP report, and Fr. DenzilLoboSJdelivered theclosing address, emphasizing the transformative potential of AI in healthcare. Dr. Annie Syrien delivered a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all contributors for making the FDP a success.


hri Parthagali Gokarna

Sri Vidyadhisha Theertha Sripada visited anddistributed prasadam to the devotees. On behalf of the temple, Swamiji was welcomed by members of Navadurga Mahila

Mandaliwith Poorna Kumbha,Veda Ghosha and Vadya Goshtis. Devarabheti, Mangalarati, assembly program and padbooja were performed by the temple. Blessings from Swamiji, fruit distribution program washeldforthedevotees

who came. Shri Vishwanath Bhat, the administrator of the temple


welcomed Konkani SahityaAcademy President Mr.StanyAlvaris,members Samarth Bhat, Naveen Lobo, Mahila Mandal Navadurga and hundreds of devotees were present. The program concluded with a vote of thanks and an introductory speech bythetempleheadpriest Mr.Satish Bhat.


For theconvenience ofitsesteemed customers of the Bank, the Udupi branch of MCC Bank Limited was shifted to the newly owned premises on the ground floor of Sri Shivadhama Commercial, Behind Diana Hotel, Near Bethel Pentecostal Church, Ajjarkadu Park Road, Udupi on 10.11.2024.

The new premises of Udupi branch was inaugurated by the chairman,

‘SahakaraRatna’ Mr.AnilLobo.V. Rev. Fr Charles Menezes, Parish Priest, Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi, blessed thenew premises.

Sr Jyothi Dsouza, Superior of St Cecily’s Convent, Udupi, was the chief guest for the programme and Mr Prabhakar Poojari, President of City Muncipal Council, Udupi, Mr Mohammed Iqbal, renowned Advocate andMr RoshanShetty,

Businessman, were the guest of honour.SafeRoom wasinaugurated by thechiefguest, SrJyothi Dsouza. The inaugural programme was presided over by the Chairman, ‘SahakaraRatna’MrAnilLobo. Inhis presidential address, he informed

the gathering that the branch is shifted to a more convenient location on the ground floor with parking facilities to facilitate the customers. He thanked the customers for their unwavering support andco-operation for the

last 22 years. He informed that the branch which had 7 crores of Deposits till 2018 has now had a deposit volume of Rs.26 crore in a span of just6 years, which isdue to the trust reposed by the customers of the Bank. He informed the

gathering that the Bnak understands the need for technological up gradation and hence is in a process of implementing UPI, G-pay etc. The mobile app of the bank will be upgraded byMarch,2025, whichwill

enablethecustomers todo banking transactions without visiting the branch.

He called upon the customers to support the bank, which has a long history of 112 years so that more employment opportunities can be

created along with the progress of the bank. He emphasized that because of the support, trust and confidence shown by the members, customers, the Board of Directors and the hard work rendered by the staff members has helped him to

leadtheBankto greaterheights. He also informed that the Bank is conducting various public and charitable programs as the bank understands its responsibility towards society. He presented the futureprograrnmes ofthebank and requested the customers for their support andco-operation.

V. Rev. Fr Charles Menezes, who blessed the new premises, congratulated theChairman andhis team and all the constituents for shifting the branch to more convenient premises with ample parking facility. He emphasized that when the Bank gives importance to customer service, it grows at a greater pace. He wished all thevery best for the development of the Bank.

Sr Jyothi Dsouza, while addressing the gathering, congratulated the management for providing customer friendly ambience. She shared her experience with the service at MCC Bank and appreciated the vision and leadership of the chairman, in the growth of thebank.

The Bulletin of MCC Bank was released by Mr Prabhakar Poojari, President of City Municipal Council,

Udupi. The Editor, Dr Gerald Pinto and Sub-editor, Ms Sherry Ashna Gangera were present during the release andwere honoured.

On this occasion, Mr Prabhakar Poojari, President of City Muncipal Council, Udupi, was felicitated. In response, Mr Prabhakar Poojari thanked the Bank for honouring & recognizing him and promised his support tothe Bankinallaspects.

Mr Mohammed Iqbal expressed his satisfaction towards the excellent service rendered by the Bank and appreciated the vision of the chairman of theBank.

The Bank had conducted a group photocontestonDeepavali,andthe prizes of the contest were distributed during theprogramme.

Mr Roshan Shetty, in his address, appreciated the services of the Udupi branch and wished all the best forthe Bank.

The institutions which have given the opportunities to serve were honored during the programme. The achievers who have excelled in variousfieldswerehonoured during the occasion. The customers who celebrated their birthdays during thelastyear were felicitated.

Mr T. N Amin, owner of the new

premises, andMr Karthik Kiran, civil engineer, were honored for providing the premises and the excellent work done at the new premises, respectively.

MrSunilMenezes, GeneralManager of the Bank, introduced the staff members of Udupi Branch to the gathering and requested their support and co-operation for the growth of thebranch.

The Directors Mr Elroy Kiran Crasto, Mr Vincent Lasrado, Mr Joseph Anil Patrao, Mr J.P.Rodrigues, Mr Roshan Dsouza, Mr Herald John Monteiro, Mr David Dsouza, Mr Melwyn

Aquinas Vas, Mrs Irene Rebello, Mr Sushanth Saldanha, Mr Felix Dcruz, General Manager Mr Sunil Menezes, Deputy General Manager, Mr Raj F. Menezes, were present on theoccasion.

Dr Gerald Pinto, Branch Support Director of the branch welcomed thegathering.

The Programme began with a prayer song conducted by Ancilla Fernandes andteam.

Mr Pradeep Dsouza, Branch Manager, proposed vote of thanks and Mr Steevan Colaco compered theprogramme.

An Evening of Prayer, Praise, and Worship at St. Lawrence Church and Shrine, Bondel

On Friday, November 15, the parishioners ofSt.LawrenceChurch, Bondel, gathered inthe churchhall

for a special prayer service in preparation for the upcoming centenary celebration. The service was led by Rev. Fr Jose

Poovathingal, Rev. FrThomas Parekattil, andBr.Melwin from the Mother Home Retreat Centre in Pariyaram, Kannur.

The prayer service began with the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine

Mercy, followed by Sorrowful Mysteries. At 4:30 p.m., the Eucharisticcelebration waspresided over by Re. Fr Eugine D’Silva, Redemptorist, and concelebrated by Rev.FrPeterGonsalves, Principal of St. Lawrence English Medium School.

AfterMass,RevFrThomasParekattil ledthe parishioners inameaningful prayer session, emphasizing three key aspects offaith:

1. The importance of Holy Communion

2.Therole ofthe Holy Spirit

3.Devotion toMother Mary Rev.Fr Thomas elaborated on the significance of the Eucharist, the value of attending Mass, and the importance offamily prayers.

Rev.Fr Jose Poovathingal encouraged the parishioners to build prayerful families, emphasizing that nurturing faith and teaching children about the lives of saints can inspire holiness within families.

The retreat concluded with adoration, led by Rev. Fr Jose, during which special prayers were offered for the gathered families

and their individual intentions. Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza, the Parish Priest,expressedhisgratitudetothe Mother Home Retreat Centre team for facilitating this spiritually enrichingprayerserviceandsharing God's wordwith thedevotees.

Theprayer service endedwith a


thanksgiving hymn, and refreshments were served toall the parishioners present. This retreat marked a significant step in preparing thefaithfulforthe joyous centenary celebrations ahead.

Photography: StanyBantwal Report: MeenaSerrao Barboza

The parishioners of Vamanjoor church are organizing a fun filled ‘VAMANJOOR MEGA FIESTA 2024’ on Saturday, November 23 from 3.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. and Sunday, November 24 from 10.00 a.m. to

9.00 p.m. on the church grounds to raisefundsfortheirongoingproject ofconstruction ofparishpresbytery. There will be food stalls of variety cuisines, fun games, lucky games, draw, horse riding, Brass Band, DJ,

Dance and health related –awareness of homeopathy products, demo of vehicles, and mind-blowing variety entertainment. Come in large

numbers… witness the event… you’re your weekend a memorable one… V. Rev. Fr James Dsouza Mr Roshan M. Kamath Parish Priest Convener, VMF2024.

Grand Hore Kanike Procession (ವೊಜಾಯಾಂಚ

Unites Communities ahead of St.

Lawrence Church & Shrine Bondel Centenary

The Grand Hore Kanike Procession at St. Lawrence Church & Shrine, Bondel, served as a vibrant prelude to the church's centenary

celebrations. held today, the event radiated devotion, unity, and gratitude, drawing hundreds of parishioners andwell-wishers.

The program commenced at 4:00 p.m. at Mount Carmel Central

School, Maryhill, with a solemn prayer and the Word of God

Delivered by Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves, Principal ofSt Lawrence English Medium School, setting the tone for the celebration. Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, the Parish Priest, warmly welcomed the gathering, embracing the spirit of togetherness andgratitude.

Dignitaries and Honors The chief guest, Mr. Inayat Ali, General Secretary oftheKarnatakaCongress Committee, was honored with a shawl and flower bouquet by Rev. Fr. William D’Souza,Assistant Parish Priest, symbolizing respect and hospitality. Other dignitaries received similar gestures: V. Rev. Fr

James D'Souza (Vicar Forane) was welcomed by Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves. Rev. Fr Arul (Superior, Formation House - Betharram) was honored by Mr. John D’Silva, PPC Vice President. Sr. Melissa AC (Principal, MCCS) was welcomed by Mr. Prakash Pinto, Shrine Committee Convener. Sr. Leela (Superior, Presentation Convent) received honors from Mr. Santosh Misquith, PPC Secretary. Mr. M.G. Hegde (Social Activist & Politician) andseveralpriests,includingRev.Fr Paul Sebastian D’Souza, Rev. Fr. Vincent Saldanha, Rev. Fr Vijay Victor D’Souza, Rev. Fr Ivan Cordeiro, andRev.FrApoline Neris, were welcomed by Rev. Fr William D’Souza.

Chief Guest Mr. Inayat Ali in his Addresscommended theleadership of Rev. Fr. Andrew and extended heartfelt congratulations for the centenarycelebration. Reflectingon hispersonal connection toChristian education, he remarked, "I studied in a convent school, and the Christian community has established numerous educational institutions that greatly benefit and support many people." He also generously contributed to the

centenary food expenses as a gesture ofsupport.

Procession Highlights the blessing of the Hore Kanike offerings, brought by parishioners, neighboring communities,andwellwishers, wasakey highlight. Rev.Fr. Andrew sprinkled holy water over the offerings, and the procession wasinauguratedwithachallanbyV.

Rev.FrJamesandMr.InayatAli.The event concluded at St. Lawrence Church, where the statue of St. Lawrence was placed in the shrine, set to be formally inaugurated on the 18th of Nov. during the centenary celebrations. The procession reflected the community's deep faith and gratitude asdiverse groups

contributed generously. Rev.Fr William D’Souza, who compeered with the event, extended aheartfelt vote of thanks, recognizingthecontributions ofMr. Stephen D’Silva, Mr. Jason Fernandes, the Cultural Committee Members, Parish Council members, Media representatives, Photographers, and the police for their support. This procession beautifullyhighlighted theenduring spiritoftogetherness, devotion, and faith as the community prepares to celebrate 100 years of service and spirituality atSt.LawrenceChurch& Shrine.

Photography: Stanley Bantwal Report: MeenaSerrao Barboza

Rosa Mystica PU College Celebrates


An Enriching Inter-School Fest

RosaMystiacaPUCollege hosted themuch-anticipated inter-school fest, MYSTICALZ-2K24, an event filledwith excitement,inspiration,

and insightful guidance for the students. The session began on a spiritual note with a prayer, setting apositive tonefortheday ahead. The event was graced by the esteemed President ofthe function, Rev.Sr.Dr.Sadhana,whoaddressed the gathering with words of encouragement. She emphasized the importance of such events as a platform for SSLC students to interact, collaborate, and explore new opportunities. The event also featured an enlightening career guidance session led by Mr. Avil Renil D’Silva, who spoke on the

critical decision of selecting the right subject combinations after SSLC and how students can plan their next steps for a successful future.

The day was filled with vibrant cultural performances, including group dances, group singing, and anarrayoffunspotgamesthatkept

the energy high. These activities provided an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their talents, build team spirit, and enjoy thethrill offriendly competition. The program was beautifully compered by Mrs. Deeksha, Hindi Lecturer at the college, while Mrs. Sujatha,KannadaLecturerextended a warm welcome to all attendees anddistinguished guests. Mr. Amcil Fernandes, Physical Director, took charge ofthe spot games, ensuring the students had a fun-filled experience that kept them engaged and entertained throughout the day.

The event was a great success, leaving everyone with memorable moments andvaluable lessons. It is throughsuchactivitiesthatstudents not only celebrate their talents but alsodiscover theirtrue potential.

As the event concluded, the following quote echoed in the minds of all the participants: "Successisnotjustaboutwhatyou accomplish, but whatyou inspire otherstodo."

MYSTICALZ-2K24 was a true reflection of that spirit—an event that inspired, motivated, and brought students closer together


Athena Institute of Health Sciences is proud to announce the inauguration of its new academic year of 8th batch of Allied Health Sciences,21st batchofB.ScNursing, 15th batch of PBBSc, 13th batch of M.Sc and 22nd batch of General Nursing courses on 16th November 2024respectively atAthenahospital auditorium, andaimedatpreparing the next generation of compassionate and skilled

healthcare professionals. The ceremony was presided over by Chairman Mr. R.S Shettian, Secretary Mrs. Asha Shettian, Principal Prof. Rev. Sr. Deepa Peter, Vice Principal Prof. Sunitha Lobo Athena College of Nursing, Dr. Nandini M, Principal of Athena Institute of Allied Health Sciences, faculty members, andstudents. The event was marked by prayer services, inspiring speeches and

traditional rituals. Prof. Sunitha Lobo, the Vice Principal of the college, welcomed thedignitaries.

Principal Rev. Sr. Deepa Peter highlighted in her speech that the nursing course will offer a comprehensive curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge withpracticaltraining, ensuringthat students are well-equipped tomeet the demands of the healthcare industry. The program will focus on developing critical thinking, clinical skills, and ethical decision-making, while also emphasizing the importance of patient-centered care. She also highlighted the

importance of providing not only medical care but also comfort and spiritual support tothe patients.

Dr. Nandini, Principal Athena Institute of Allied Health Sciences, made the students understand the value of paramedical services and encouraged studentsto pursue highereducation.

The Chairman in his presidential message said: "We are thrilled to inauguratetheprofessional courses, which reflects our commitment to providing high-quality education in the healthcare field, our goal is to produce competent and compassionate nurses who will

make a positive impact on the lives oftheirpatientsandthecommunity.

He congratulated the freshers on their choice of profession and the institution they have joined for meeting for all the requirements essential for this course and emphasized the importance of the integrating head, handandheart in professional course.

Ms. Hilda Rose Vinse first yearB.Sc. Nursing 2nd semester student and Mr.DeepakVinodfromETCTshared theirexperiencesofbeingcaredand well-equipped teachers, who promote positive learning environment and ready to help any moment.

Staffintroduction ofbothNursing& Allied was given with PowerPoint presentations.

Freshers were happy to introduce themselves alongwiththeirhobbies andachievements.

Athena Institute of Health Sciences is a leading educational institution dedicated to providing innovative and impactful learning experiences for students across various disciplines. With a focus on academic excellence and holistic development, theinstitutionaimsto nurture future leaders and changemakers.

The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Hemalatha G, HODofOBGNursing.Refreshments servedtoallattheend. Mrs.Thelma Melita Pinto & Ms. Rebecca, Assistant Lecturer compered the progrmme.


The average adult human body contains around 100,000 miles of blood vessels - enough to circle Earth four times! This includes all your arteries, veins, and tiny capillaries laidendtoend. What makes this even more fascinating is that most of this length comes from microscopic

capillaries, which are so small that red blood cells need to move through them in a single file. These capillaries are so densely packed that no cell in your body is more than 4-5 cells away from a blood vessel, ensuring every part of you gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs.

This intricate vascular system completely replaces its volume of

bloodeveryminute,pumpingabout 5-6 quarts through your body roughly 1,500times perday.

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