Veez English & ವೀಜ್ ಕೊಂಕಣಿ 390

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(tough negotiator, better than me; there is not even a contest)


Gets 2025 Distinguished US Cardiology Teacher Award.

Dr. Michelle MayaKittleson (nee' Pinto), serves as a Professor of MedicineatCedars-Sinaiandisthe Director of Education in Heart Failure and Transplantation at the Smidt Heart Institute. She completed her medical degree at Yale University, followed by residency training at Brigham and Women'sHospital,andacardiology fellowship at Johns Hopkins, where she also earned a PhD in Clinical

Investigation. In addition to her clinical and educational roles, Dr. Kittleson has contributed significantly to cardiovascular research and practice. She has served on writing committees for the ACC/AHA Hypertrophic CardiomyopathyGuidelinesandthe ACC/AHA/HFSA Heart Failure Guidelines. Furthermore, she is the Interim Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation and serves on the Board of Directors for the Heart Failure Society of America. Dr. MichelleisontheBoardofDirectors for Cedars-Sinai, Co-Course Director for Smidt Heart Institute Cardiology Grand Rounds, and Cochair of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Group Peer Review and CredentialingCommittee.

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has honored Dr. Michelle Maya Kittleson, MD, PhD,

FACC, with the 2025 Distinguished Teacher Award. This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to cardiovascular medicine through innovative and outstanding teaching at national and international levels. This is a significant award for a young cardiologist out of so many thousands. ACC is pleased to announce that the recipients of its 2025 Distinguished Awards. This year's honorees represent an inspiring group of individuals who have made, and continue to make, significant contributions to advancing the College’s Vision of a world where science, knowledge, and innovation enhance the care and outcomes of cardiovascular patients globally. Award recipients

will be formally recognized and honored as part of ACC.25 in Chicago,IL.

Editor's Note about Dr. Michelle Kittleson, (nee Pinto) , MD, PhD. Yale University School of Medicine (Alpha Omega Alpha) : Dr.Kittlesonisinvolvedhands-on inmanymedicalpublications- She has created #kittlesonrules on Twitter,a compendium oftipson

how to improve patient care from optimizing communication with patients and colleagues to optimizing medical education to learning from mistakes. These tips havegarneredthestrongsupportof over30,000followers. Shehasbeen the recipient of numerous awards and honors. Dr. Kittleson’s recent best-selling book, 'Mastering the Art of Patient Care’, very popularwith averywide audience, has added much to her

popularity. Her parents Dr MargueriteMonteiro (daughter of the first Dean of St. John’s medical College, Bangalore, Dr. Louis Monteiro, hailing from Goa,Dr. Michelle’sGrandfather) her Cardiologist father, Dr. Edward Pinto hails from Mangalore; both are renowned Doctors of Konkani Indianorigins.

BriefonTheAmericanCollegeof Cardiology (ACC): In 1949, 13 cardiologists led by Franz Groedel, MD, MACC and Bruno Kisch, MD, MACC,foundedtheACC,creatinga professional home for cardiovascularcliniciansseekingthe latestscience,researchandcuttingedge education. Fast forward 75 years later and the College has evolvedintoaglobalcardiovascular leader, uniting more than 56,000 members spanning the entire cardiovascular care team around the shared Mission of transforming cardiovascular care and improving

heart health for all.

The ACC is celebrating its 75th Anniversary and its remarkable achievements throughout 2024, culminatingwitha75thAnniversary Gala on March 28, 2025 as part of ACC.25 in Chicago, IL.

Today, with more than 56,000 members from around the world,

the College is once again facing a crossroads in the midst of a constantly changing health care environment. Rapid advances in scienceandtechnology,uncertainty about systems of medical care delivery and growing demand for cardiovascular care around the globe present extraordinary challenges and opportunities for cardiovascularmedicine. It'sfitting thattheCollegeislaunchingitsnext five-yearStrategicPlanatthesame time it's celebrating its 75th Anniversary milestone. The next chapter in the College's history will

be centered around the College's existing Strategic Pillars, grounded byasharedMissionandVisionand guided by core values that underscore teamwork, collaboration, professionalism, excellence, equity and a commitment to patient-centered care. In addition to sustaining long-standing,coreworkonclinical guideline and guidance development, digital

transformation,innovation,diversity andinclusion,globaleducationand more, the next Strategic Plan will focusonmajorinitiatives.


. PhilomenaLawrence&GilbertLawrence Authors:InsightsintoColonialGoa(5th Edition). PublishedbyAmazon/Kindle Fordetailsaboutthebookandauthorssee:

Music Review of ‘Raaz-She rules my world’: Is it Secret or Rule?

Many like me must have been confused with the title when they saw it for the first time. I was thinkingthatRaazmustbeamusic videowithaspookythemebutafter watching I understood that Raaz means “ ruling” and not “ secret” which we Mumbaikars initially will guess about. Probably the makers haveaddedthewords“sherulesmy world”asataglinesensingthesame thought.

‘Raaz- She rules my world’ is a wonderful music video with a pleasantlovethemebutalsoagreat suspenseintheclimaxwhichIprefer not to reveal as it is a food for thought to the viewers. The climax allowstheaudiencetointerpretthe outcomeindifferentways.

The music is soothing and lyrics pennedbyDonyCorreaareinavery simple words for the younger generationtograspeasily.

Prajoth D’sa with his faboulous rich voice eleavated the music to a whole new level & Joshal D’souza with her classical notes was highly impressivewitharemarkablerange. They seem so effortless in their parts.

The main leads played by Cleaon D’saandShelwynMathiashadan

incredible ability to evoke such a rawemotion,makingeveryshotfeel genuine with a lovely chemistry. Theylookeddazzlingineveryattire andhadamagneticpresence. Joel Shaman’s Cinematagraphy was breathtaking.

Choreography by Gautam Bangera was elegant matching to the tune and the surprising elements by the supporting cast was remarkably noticeable.

The song was premiered on YoutubeChannelofDonyCorreaon June 4, 2022. The link of the music video is here =guI4cGkm1GQ,incaseifyouwant to experience the romance & passionate lovely music for this weekend, hoping to connect every cordofthissong.

My personal ratings for the overall project would be 4.8 out of 5. Every department involved performed at their highest level. It is highly recommended for the peoplewhobelieveinthemagicof love or for the people who want to takea break andenjoythe calming music with a visual extravaganza. Please let us know your thoughts

about the music video and the review. We will try to bring reviews ofotherprojectstoournextedition verysoon.


Prinson D’lima is an alumnus from Aloysius Institute of Business Management, Mangalore and currently residing in Doha-Qatar, with 17 years of experience in the field of advertising media in India andQatar.

Death anniversary of Fr. Thomas Stephens and my papa

TodayisthedeathanniversaryofFr. ThomasStephens,sj(c.1549-1619)a Jesuit priest. He was born in England,persecutedforhisCatholic faith,lefthiscountryEngland,came totheCityofGoa(nowOldGoa)on 24th October 1579 and spent 40 years in the Missions of Salcete, Goa. He is known for his magnum opus the Krista Purana, a work on the Bible written in Marathi/ Konknni, a poem of 10,962 stanzas written in the 'ovi' metre, that was first printed in 1616. He wrote a catechism in the Konknni language (those days called Lingua Canarim). It was printed at Rachol by the Jesuitsin1622.Hewastheauthorof Konknni grammar. It was printed in 1640.Amongtheprintedgrammars

of Indian languages in India, his Konknnigrammarwasthefirstone. Hecementedhisplaceintheannals of missionary authors who championed the cause of Konknni andMarathilanguagesinGoa.

Fr. Stephens died on 6th March 1619inthenovitiateinGoa.Thereis a belief that he may have been buriedatRachol,Goa.

Today is also the death anniversary of Father Edwin Carvalho (24.02.1920 - 06.03.2005). He was born in Kundapura, Udupi District, Karnataka. He worked 42 years at Mumbai, took voluntary retirement in1979,settledatNayakwadivillage ofUdupiDistrict,rearedcows,fowls, cats and dogs, and worked in his large orchard of 3.25 acres (13,130 square metres). He died on 6th March2005atPuneandwasburied atKalina,Mumbaicemetery.Hewas a great fan of Valerian Cardinal Gracias, the archbishop of Bombay. Whenever Cardinal Gracias celebratedSundayMassattheHoly Name Cathedral, Bombay, my papa nevermissedtheMassandlistened tohissermons.

WehavenoportraitofFr.Stephens. Hence, I have attached a sketch of himdrawnbyamodernartist.Ihave also attached a photograph of my papatakinganapinhisrestingchair at Nayakwadi. It was clicked by my nephewon25thDecember1983.

Fr. Thomas Stephens and my papa mustbeenjoyingtheireternalbliss.

Points to Ponder, April 2025

Navigating the Market Meltdown

The world seems to be heading towards a full-blown tariff war, unlessTrumpisessentiallyplayinga gamewhereheisseekingtheupper hand in the bargains between countriesandregionsthatarelikely to follow. Well in India PM Modi’s MIGA is suddenly up against Trump's MAGA. In the meantime, investors have lost lacs of crore of rupeeswiththerelentlesssellingby FPIs, the dollar strengthening and the economy slowing down a bit. But as always, the long-term investor will know that “this too shallpass”

Points to Ponder for April on Navigating the Meltdown are attached.



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Since2020stockmarketshavebeen running up more on hopes than performance. It is worthwhile to remember that the market is essentially driven by two variables: earningsandmultiples.Butoverthe last four years it was driven mainly by multiples while earnings growth did not warrant such frenetic increase in share prices and Indian markets turned out to be the costliest in the world in terms of valuation. As usual, there were “experts” of all hues trotting out reasons why such valuations were justified in the case of India. Well, the music has now stopped, and Indian markets are the worst hit over the last five months. The relentlessdeclineintheIndianstock market since last September is causing concern all around. But such declines are needed to drain outthespeculativeforthcreatedby the preceding bull run and provide profitable entry points to the serious and patient investor who

may now see value emerging in quite a few beaten down stocks which have a credible growth story to look forward to. Some of these stocksare:

L&T, Siemens, Adani Ports, Ultratech(Infra)


Dr. Reddy’s, KIMS (Pharma, Healthcare)

Lumax, ITC, ITC Hotels (FMCG, Hospitality)




BEL & Coal India are also good dividendplayswithdividendyieldat the prevailing price level working outtoaround5to6%.

Slightly riskier but potentially more rewarding bets would be Pidilite, PolyCab,ShivalikBimetals,HGInfra EngineeringandBaluForge.

One could also consider staggered investments through Mutual Fund route. This is because, although during the last 5 plus months the stockmarketshaveseenthelongest stretch of decline in the last 19 years, the bellwether indices of SENSEX and Nifty have declined

about 16to 17%inthisperiod. The magnitude of correction seems yet limitedwhencomparedwithdecline in2008of64%ortheCovidinduced crash in2020whenthe declinewas 40%.OthercorrectionsintheIndian market such as those in 2010 and 2015 had also dragged the indices morethan20%fromtheirpeaks. Over the last three years the rally has been led by the seven crores plus individual investors, who entered the stock market during or after the pandemic. Penny stocks, stocks with questionable fundamentals, stocks on SME platform and IPOs witnessed feverishactivityasthenewinvestors looked foravenuesto makemoney quickly. Turnover in equity futures and options has been doubling every year since 2020-21. With inflowsswelling,thedomesticfunds were compelled to chase stocks in themid,smallandmicro-capspace and India became one of the most expensive equity markets globally. While the ongoing correction has pulledthepriceearningsmultipleof Nifty50downfrom24inSeptember 2024to slightlylessthan20 now, it

is still trading at a significant premiumtootheremergingmarket indices. The valuations in pockets like FMCG, MNCs and consumer non-durablessectorscontinuetobe at elevated levels. Hence further decline in the indices cannot be ruled out. That is why the suggestion for staggered investmentmakessense.Onecould consider investing 50% of the earmarked funds at the current levelsandtheremaining50%when the market comes by another 5%. Mutual Funds not only offer appropriate vehicles for staggered investments but also provide an effective and hassle-free route to diversification. The following 3 fundscouldbeconsideredforentry into the prevailing turmoil in the markets.

3. HDFCFlexiCapFund

For a good mix of debt and equity, an aggressive hybrid fund, such as ICICI Pru Equity & Debt Fund could beconsidered.

Five per cent of the earmarked amount could also be invested in the Medium Duration Fund, now that the interest rates are expected to see a calibrated staggered reduction.BirlaMediumTermFund, which has yielded more than 13% over the last five years, could be considered in this regard. After Budget 2024, the tax treatment of all the above funds converges after 2years.

Under the New Tax Regime, where the income of the investor exceeds Rs 12 lacs due to interest income from bonds and FDs, or where the investor suffers the highest tax incidence of 39%, investment in tax freebondscouldbepreferred.

For those who cross the tax-free threshold of Rs 12 lacs under the NewTaxRegimebecauseofinterest income, tax free bonds (which are issued by central government undertakings) offer a significant advantage, as the interest income

from these bonds is tax free and is notincludedinthetaxableincome.

For those suffering the highest incidenceoftaxof39%,evenatriple

A rated bond or an FD with a coupon of 8% will mean a post-tax yieldofonlyaround4.8%.Butthere

are enough bonds traded on the bourses offering YTM (Yield to Maturity) of 5.5 to 5.9% post tax as canbeseenfromthetablebelow.

Savvy HNI investors could also adopt a win-win strategy of selling ATM (At the Money) or modestly OTM (Out of The Money) put

options on shares selected for investment.

This is in fact the time for the diligentinvestortoenterthemarket after due homework and go all the waylaughingatthebankaftersome years.

Terrence Andrade's sporting and academic excellence....

Our readers have shown a lot of interest for sports personalities of Mangalore/Kanara origins. More recently the honour given to a famousInternational Hockey player andcaptainofIndiaWomensteam, wasarallyingpoint.HockeyQueen, Ms. Elvira Britto (1940-2022), excelled in the 1960s and received the'ArjunaAward'in1966.Hertwo sisters, Elvira ad Rita were prominent in this arena too along with other Mangalorean origin sports people who have excelled in many an arena is to be remembered. Dr.Micheal Lobo has given a fair list of older times in his reference book.

For a while now strangely I have been tripping over a rare sports personofKanariteorigins, whowas very prominent andwent to school in Karachi Pakistan and for higher studies and advancing career took footing and moved to the USA in 1968. His athletic talents, however, extended beyond hockey and

cricket; Terrance Andrade also set records in track and field events. Notably,heclinchedtheMen’s100yarddashattheAnnualSt.Patrick’s Shamrock Festival in 1974 with a record time, further solidifying his reputationasaversatileathlete,and among the fastest runners in the city.

In 1973, after completing his bachelor’s degree, he decided to pursue advanced degrees in the USA. He obtained his master's Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oregon State University.Terrylaments,“However, anenticingjobofferfromAdvanced Micro Devices (AMD) in Silicon Valleypromptedmetocutshortmy doctoral thesis and move to

California in 1979.” Despite his professional commitments, Terry Andraderemainedconnectedtohis passion for hockey. He joined the Northern California (NorCal) Field Hockey Club, captaining the senior teamanddemonstratinghisscoring prowessinvarioustournaments.His leadership and exemplary performanceearnedhimaccolades, including the highest goal scorer award in the annual Golden Gate Hockey Festival.

Take a look at what Terrance Andrade has said of himself, it was fortunate to stumble on these lines to enhance this brief story......Terrance Andrade, nonchalantly says, "Speaking about the Olympics & Scientists / Engineers brings back Nostalgic Memories of My Past Life and PerformancesinthefieldsofSports as well as my chosen Professional field of Electrical & Computer Pakistan & the USA from 1968 to 1984 - I had the Constant Battle right from Age 17 when i could have " most likely based on my Performance " been selected for the Pakistan Olympic Hockey Team that Won the Gold

Medal at the 1968 Olympic Games inMexicocity......BUTihadtositfor my Inter Science ( Pre Engr ) Exams at St Patrick's College which were alwaysheldinJuly/Aug&Clashed dead on with the Olympic Games.........and i Chose my Career over a possible Olympic Gold Medal - Same situation occurred in 1972 when Pakistan won the Silver Medal at the Olympics in Munich & i could have been part of that Team .......ALAS........i was sitting for my Bachelors in Engineering Exams at NED in July / Aug 1972 that again Clashed with the Olympic Games...........and i chose My Career AGAIN over a possible Olympic Silver Medal ......Then came 1984 where i wasalreadyinthe USA and could have represented the USA Hockey Team at the Los Angeles Games since i was the Leading GoalscorerinClubCompetitionsin the USA from 1979 to 1984..........ALAS they wanted all potential candidates to take 1 whole year off and move to Los Angeles ( at our own expense .....beingAmateurswithnoPayment in$$)totrainfromthe summerof 1983tosummer1984..........andiwas

not willing to sacrifice my Career at Advanced Micro Devices ( AMD ) where i was in Engineering Management & in charge of Worldwide Microprocessor Expansion & the expense of being selected as a Member of the USA Olympic HockeyTeam (BTW-theUSAonly qualified that year because it was the HOST Country ......which gets the Honor to field a Team in each and every Olympic event ) I was one of Only 2 Mangalorean’s who reached the Pinnacle of Success & Glory in Professional Hockey in Pakistan .......the other being the Brilliant Uncle Ozy Nazareth that Michael already mentioned ( Great friend of My Dad & Family ) who was also one of my Mentors & TeachersatSt Patrick’s HighSchool in Academics & Sports - from 1956 to1966!!!!!Soveryfewothers have had Gut and Mind Wrenching decisionsthatihadtomakewheni always came to those 2 Clashing Crossroadsmanytimesin my Life.....and had to decide whether My Career or Glory & Medals in the Olympics was more important MY CAREER WON OUT EACH AND EVERY TIME.........AND


Ithasbeenterrifictocomeacross a sports articlea few months backbyMeninRodrigueswhichis impressive.........itsays: Embarkingonajourneythroughthe remarkable life of Terry Andrade, one cannot help but be captivated by the indomitable spirit of a sportsman whose trajectory defied expectations and soared beyond boundaries. From humble beginnings at St Patrick’s School in Karachi to rubbing shoulders with thegreatsofPakistan'sfieldhockey, Andrade's narrative unfolds with a fervor that ignites the imagination. Brimmingwithdeterminationanda relentless pursuit of excellence, his tale transcends mere athletic prowess, offering a compelling

testament to the triumph of the human spirit against all odds. Let’s delveintotheextraordinaryodyssey ofanextraordinarysportsmanfrom Karachi whose journey in sporting and academic excellence is nothing shortofincredible.

Terence (Terry) Andrade's journey through sports began during his early years at St. Patrick’s School in 1956. From the 4th or 5th grades onwards, his interest in track and field was noticed. He actively participatedinvariousschoolsports meetings, shining in events such as sprinting,obstacleraces,sackraces, and long jumps. Concurrently, he explored cricket and did well as a batsman and wicketkeeper.

As Andrade progressed to the 8th grade, he ventured into field hockey,playingforhisclassteamin inter-classtournamentsandleading them to victory. Despite his promising interest in hockey, he continuedparticipatingintrackand field events, consistently clinching

goldmedalsinvariouscategoriesat theAnnualsportsdayoftheschool.

Terry says, “Though I loved to play sports and spent time on the field, my dad and mom closely watched my academic progress.”

TransitioningtoSt.Patrick'sCollege in1966forhisInter-Sciencestudies, Andradecontinuedtoshineinboth academicsandsports.Heplayedfor the college hockey team in intercollegiate matches against other top Karachi college teams. During this time, he forged lasting friendships with notable sports

personalities like Wasim Bari, who later became a renowned cricketer and one of the world’s best wicketkeepers.

After graduating from St. Patrick’s College in August 1968, Andrade pursued a bachelor’s in electrical engineeringattheNEDEngineering College (now a university). He became a key member of the NED hockey team from 1968 to 1973, contributingtotheirvictoriesinthe Degree College Inter-Collegiate Championships. Notably, in 19701971, he was selected for the Karachi University Combined Team.

Playersinthecombineduniversities team were selected based on their outstanding performances from among the degree colleges and universities in Karachi. “Three other NED players in the combined team included center-forward Iqbal A.R. (captain), left-inside Asad Baig, and center-half Mushtaq Ahmad. The teamparticipatedintheAll-Pakistan Inter-University Hockey Championship in Peshawar that year,” Andrade recalls.

During his tenure at NED, Andrade

seizedtheopportunitytotryoutfor the Karachi Port Trust (KPT) professional hockey team, one of thetopfiveteamsinPakistanatthe time. The other top teams included Pakistan International Airline (PIA), Pakistan Customs, Habib Bank Limited(HBL),andPakistanWestern Railways (PWR). Despite initially being a substitute, his brilliant performance in a national tournament led to him becoming a starting left winger for the KPT team, a testament to his skill and dedication.

Sports Director Zahid Siddiqui. This recognition earned Andrade a promotion to the starting left winger position for the KPT team, marking a significant milestone in his hockey career. With his speed and agility, Terry became a prolific goal scorer for KPT.

During an All-Pakistan Hockey Tournament in Khanpur, Terry Andrade made good of an opportunity that came knocking at his reserves’ bench. Asked to play forHyesonsSugarMillsduetotheir shortage of a left winger, Andrade propelled the team to the semifinals with his stellar performance, including a crucial goal against Afghan Bahawalpur. Despite ultimately losing to Habib Bank in thefinals,Andrade'splaycaughtthe attention of influential hockey administrators like Habib-UrRahman, who laid his skills to KPT

Andrade says, “Field Hockey is a team sport, my success as a goal scorerwasduetotheconsistencyof passes, I received on the left flank from the center players, and I give credit to left-half Mumtaz Anwar, left-inSaeed-u-Bariandthebrilliant center-halfMusheerRabbani.These players were among the best and played at the national level.” Andrade's sporting journey wasn't confined to hockey at the district and national level; he actively participated in St. Patrick’s Ex-Students Hockey Tournaments, where he consistently ranked amongthetopscorers.Hisprowess on the field was recognized by the community’s legendary players of thattimelikeTonyBarboza,Carmen D’Souza, Leslie Vaz, Assisi D’Souza, Evarist D’Souza, Lenny Fernandes, andVictorD’Lima,eachoneofthem potential Pakistan players.

Andrade's dedication to sports also fostered enduring friendships as duringhisplayingdaysinKarachiat the national level, his contemporaries included many hockey players who went on to represent Pakistan at the Olympics and World Cup tournaments. A reunion in Los Angeles at the 1984 Olympics with former players Islahuddin, Munawar-uz-Zaman andSamiullah,stalwartsofPakistan

Mrs. Emmy Lobo

hockey, highlighted the bonds forged through sports, on the playing fields of Karachi. Islahuddin and his family often visit California and spend some time with his Karachi friend Terry.

Today, Terry Andrade resides in Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, with his family. While semi-retired from the semiconductor industry, he continuestobeactivelyinvolvedas anexecutivevicepresidentatAlpha Numeric Group, recruiting seniorlevelexecutivesforhigh-technology companies primarily in Silicon Valley. Hisrenownisgettingbigger everydaynow.

- Compiled from researched materialby:IvanSaldanha-Shet.


W/o Late Joseph Lobo, DOB : 30.05.1937,

M/oLeena&LateDerrickSequeira,Alphonsus &ClotildaLobo,Emiliana&PiusFernandes, Fr.FaustineLucasLobo(Designatedirector FMCI and Administrator FMHMC) LateBonifas&CynthiaLobo,William&Stella Lobo, Sr Sushanthi Lobo AC.

Grand Children: DimpleRosario,RoshanFernandes,Stevan Lobo,PrakashLobo,PrescillaLobo,Austin Lobo,RenitaLobo,VinolaLobo,ShaunLobo. Funeralat10.30amon10.03.2025atInfant JesusChurch,ModankapBantwal.

It's A Beautiful World

Let's take a few moments each day, to put aside our pains

And marvel at the sunset and the sounds of birds returning to roost

There's so much to be grateful for so much to appreciate Why waste it in mulling, over some hurtful words that was said

There's a time and there's a place for grieving and understanding

But those precious moments once gone, never will return It's okay if your eyes are blurry and running down your cheeks

Embrace the moment that surrounds you and feel your pain deplete

Is not this universe something to behold, with it's timeless splendour

If every creature is accounted for, what makes you so unsure That you and your aching heart is forgotten to the Master of this world

This land of endless mysteries can certainly comfort you

You think you are lonely, you think nobody sees your aching heart

The one who's stood the test of time is always standing close to you

Once you learn to embrace this fact it will be plain to see The beauty of a person truly grows when they seek from within

You spend your life chasing shadows, in hopes of finding yourself

And everyone you think you found, is in search of themselves as well

Neglecting the one that waits patiently, for your

To let you know that the one you seek, was always within your reach

We are but boblemghosalem folk.

We hail from the land of kube-mutlim; Sheeth ani kodi is our bread and butter;

Sorry about the carbs, I must not utter

Dukrachem maas, a must on special days; Of a good Mangy meal, it does the bar raise.

Jeerem-meerim and meet mirsang; Masalas that invoke nostalgic memories of times young. A little effort to stone-grind it with interest. Just elevated the taste of the kodi to its best!

Not to forget the panpoles and steamed rice cakes; That had to accompany the delicious curries and serve for multiple takes.

String hoppers and mutlims would also do; Rice batter shaped into every form we knew. The comforting smell of the steam from the tondor; To give a firm assurance, of a satisfying meal and more.

Roce, the elixir of the konkan coast; For curries, desserts and roce ceremonies, it is the boast.

Kalchi kodi to excite us in the morning; Something to look forward to while we were still yawning

Many would relate to a breakfast of hot brew; And a delightfully spiced yesterday's stew.

With fresh catch from the sea; Masli and sungtam came home in the market basket almost daily.

Mangy taste buds were tuned to savour; The combination of humble kanji and galmbyachi chutney is full of flavour.

Thoushyachem mandas and moong dal achem vorn; Have been the regular desserts of every Mangy born.

--- Vanessa

Mangaluru: St Aloysius University, St Joseph's Church hosts Tiatr Goyancho Saib performance


Mangaluru, Jan 27: Tiatr is a type ofmusicaltheatrethatispopularin the state of Goa. The word tiatr comes from the Portuguese word for theatre, teatro. Tiatr is alive in thepresenceofKonkanispeakersin Mumbai, Middle East, and UK. The plays are primarily incorporated with music, dance and singing. The performers of the tiar are called tiatrists.

University) and St Joseph the Worker Church, Vamanjoor in association with RO International took a step to introduce Tiatr culture.

TomarkthemilestoneinMangaluru St Aloysius (Deemed to be

Goyancho Saib Tiatr is specially designed on the life, works and miraclesofStFrancisXavier.During

theexpositionofSFXbodyinGoa, this Tiatr was designed by director/Tiatrist Micheal Jude Gracias,presidentofKalaNiketan

Majorda. And this Tiatr got very huge response from Goans. To remark his silver Jubilee show, the philanthropist James Mendonca, an NRIcameforwardtohavetheshow in Vamanjoor church ground with thewhopping3000crowd.

St Aloysius (Deemed to be) University visionaries Fr Melwin PintoSJ,rectoroftheinstitutions,Dr Praveen Martis SJ, the vice chancellor of (Deemed to be University) took steps to create awareness and spirituality among youthsinthecampusthroughGoan tiatr culture. Along with the University students, Mangaluru city people too witnessed the Tiatr GoyanchoSaibat1pmandtheatre lovers from outskirts of Mangaluru at 7 pm. Both the places the Tiatr was well appreciated by the audience.

Atotalof30tiatristfromGoaand7 theatre artistes from St Aloysius

(Deemed to be) University performed on the stage. They too gottheinnovativeexperiencealong with tiatrists. Music, Fokanna (Jokes), songs and acting are the maincomponentsofTiatr.

MichealGraciaswashonoredforhis research work on SFX and for Tiatr byDrDenisFernandes,professorof historyanddirectorofAruppeBlock of St Aloysius (Deemed to be) University. Flora Castelino, HoD of Konkani department, St Aloysius (Deemed to be) University, the organizeroftheTiatr,comperedthe programme.

At Vamanjoor church ground, Micheal Gracias was felicitated by James Mendonca, philanthropist, NRIMichealD’Souza philanthropist NRI, Fr Ivan Pinto, assistant parish priest, Fr Cyprian Pinto, Permannur parishpriest,ShivaKumar,inspector of regional station, Ron London, actor,NRI,RoyCastelino,PROofthe Mangalore diocese, Fr Ronald D’Souza, Gantalkatte parish priest, Agnelo Alcasoas, publisher of Queeny Book House Goa, Charles Pais, Vamanjoor parish council vice president, Lovel Monteiro, secretary, Vamanjoorparishcouncil

and convener of the programme at VamanjoorRohanPereira.

During the stage programme, Goyancho Saib, Konkani Kannada scriptbookwasreleased.Thisbook is translated into Malayalam, Marathi, English, Hindi, Romi Konkani.

Special silver jubilee Emblem was released on Goyancho Saib on this occasion.

Flora Castelino, HoD of Konkani from St Aloysius (Deemed to be) University was felicitated for the dedicated work rendered for Konkani language and culture. James Mendonca and Rohan Periera, conveners, too were felicitated by Micheal Gracias for their huge support to Goans and their dedicated work.

Audience were spell bound watching the three-hour long tiatr performance.Goanfoodstallswere a special attraction for Mangaloreans. Mangaloreans are Goan food lovers. They preferred chorisa, bibinca, dodol, doce, Bolinas, perad, ghonde and variety ofmasalas.

Fr Ivan APP welcomed the gathering. JamesMendonca shared hisjoyandthankedthehugecrowd.

Rohan Pereiraproposed a vote of thanks to the stage programme. Melveera D’Souza compeered the stageprogramme.

Shining Like a Rainbow: Dancy

D’Souza’s Inspiring Journey of Community Service:

Thebestwaytofindyourselfisto loseyourselfintheserviceofothers -MahatmaGandhi

CINCINNATI, OHIO. February 27, 2025. Dancy D’Souza, resident of Cincinnati, has exemplified the epitome of what community members are challenged to do in theirlives.DancyD’Souza,asurvivor advocate,washonoredonFebruary 27, 2025, for her unwavering commitment to volunteering and giving back to the community through the Do-Good Program Award in 2024. This marks the fifth time Dancy has received this prestigious recognition, solidifying herlegacyasaselflessleaderandan inspirationtoall. The award was presented by Tim Ballinger,President&CEOofGECU, duringadistinguishedceremonyin Cincinnati. Dancy’s contributions

have left an indelible mark on the community, proving that true successismeasurednotbypersonal gainbutbythepositiveimpactone hasonothers.

World-renowned human rights activist Harold D’Souza expressed heartfelt words about his wife’s unwavering spirit: Dancy has been the Pillar, Passion, Power, and Prayersfor‘TheD’SouzaFamily’.The

values she embodies - Consistency, Continuity, Change, Creativity, Character, Commitment, and Compassion-shinelikearainbowin thesky,inspiringcountlesslives.

Life Rooted in Service Amidst Adversity

Dancy D’Souza’s journey has been one of remarkable strength and sacrifice. Even during their darkest times, when the D’Souza family faced the horrors of human trafficking, Dancy’s focus remained on serving the community. What began to find purpose in adversity hasnowbecomeawayoflifeforthe entirefamily.

Dancy D’Souza’s dedication was further recognized in 2024 when she received the prestigious Gold Pin for her 15 years of volunteer service at the Cincinnati Masters Tennis Tournament. This milestone reflects her passion for giving back andleadingbyexample.


Dancy and Harold D’Souza’s sons, Bradly and Rohan, are living testaments to their parents’ resilience and values. Raised with faith,education,character,andlove, they have turned hardship into triumph.

Bradly D’Souza, despite enduring trauma, has carved a successful

career at Tesla, working as an integral team member under Elon Muskforoveradecade.

Rohan D’Souza, a talented tennis professional,isactivelypursuinghis dreams in New York, proving that perseverance and purpose can overcomeanyobstacle.

Inspiring the Community with HopeandStrength

Dancy D’Souza’s story is more than an individual achievement - it is a powerful example for the community.The D’Souzafamilyhas overcome struggles, slavery,

suffering, stigma, shame, and sorrow, emerging victoriously with unwaveringfaithandasmile.

Harold D’Souza leaves the community with a profound message:Survivorsarepoorstarters but strong finishers in life. Let us uplift one another, for when we serve, we heal, and when we give, wegrow.

As we celebrate Dancy D’Souza’s contributions, may her journey inspire us all to embrace service, resilience, and the power of unwaveringfaith.

Diocese of Mangalore celebrates Diocesan

Catechism Day & Jubilee of Catechists


MANGALORE, MARCH 2, 2025: Mangala Jyothi, the Diocesan Biblical, Catechetical, and Liturgical CentreoftheDioceseofMangalore, joyfully celebrated the Diocesan Catechism Day and Felicitation Programme at Immaculate Conception Church, Urwa,

Mangalore, on Sunday, March 2, 2025. This year’s celebration held special significance as it was also observed as the Jubilee of Catechists,aligningwiththeYearof Jubilee, recognising the dedicated service of catechists in faith formation. The felicitation programme was conducted at the Urwa Church

Centenary Hall, in the presence of esteemed dignitaries, including

Msgr Maxim L. Noronha, Vicar General of the Diocese of
VijayMachado,DirectorofMangala Jyothi and Executive Secretary of


the CCBI
for Faith Formation, Rev. Dr Vincent Sequeira, Assistant Director of

Other distinguished guests on the dais included Mr Nigel Fernandes,

CEO of ATC Publishers, Member of theCCBICommission,MrAnilRego, CEO of Brilliant Printers, Bangalore. MrGeorgePinto,Retd.Deputy Commissioner,ExciseDepartment.

Faith Formation: A Lifelong Journey

The event commenced with a solemn Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Msgr Maxim L. Noronha. In his homily, he empasised that faith formation is notjustforchildrenbutanongoing journeythroughoutlife.

“This entire year, we have been reflectingonthetheme,‘Lord,teach us to pray.’ Faith formation is a continuous process that must be nurtured in families, parishes, and communities.Wearecalledtoshare thelightoffaithwithothersthrough our words, deeds, and life examples,” he said. He encouraged

catechists to persevere in their missiondespitemodernchallenges, ensuringthatfaithisnotonlytaught butlived.

Inspiring Testimonies from StudentsandCatechists

Duringthestudent-sharingsession, twoyoungparticipantssharedtheir personal experiences of catechism. Melora Vanisha Brags from NSM English Medium School, Omzoor, spoke about how catechism classes have strengthened her relationship with God and shaped her moral values. Christan Deekshith Thoras from Bethany English Medium School, Darbe, Puttur, shared how learning about faith has influenced his daily life, inspiring him to be a betterperson.

Among the catechists, Mercine Crasta, Co-ordinator of Bendur, sharedherjourneyinthemissionof catechism.Shereflectedonthejoys and challenges of teaching modern children, acknowledging that while today’s youth face numerous distractions, their spiritual hunger remains strong. She encouraged fellow catechists to embrace

innovative methods to keep faith formationengagingandrelevant.

Honouring Catechetical Service andContributions

The felicitation programme featured the honouring of Jubilee Catechists who have devoted their lives to faith education, along with the recognition of essay competition winners, presented by Fr Benjamin and Mr Nigel Fernandes.

A special Jubilee Honours ceremony, led by Msgr Leslie Shenoy, acknowledged distinguished contributors to catechesisthroughMangalaJyothi.

Sixty-sixstudentswhoachievedtop scores in the diocesan-level Catechism Exam, conducted at the school level, were honoured by Msgr Maxim Noronha and Mr George.

Msgr Maxim L. Noronha released the book WayoftheCross and Word of God Reflection , adding valuable resources to catechetical faitheducation.

A Renewed Commitment to Evangelization

Fr Vijay Machado, Director of Mangala Jyothi, reaffirmed the Church’s commitment to strengthening catechetical

educationandequippingcatechists with the tools needed to guide the faithful. The event served as a powerful reminder that faith formation is a lifelong mission, requiring dedication, innovation, andaspiritofevangelisation.


The 19th Branch of MCC Bank Ltd., was inaugurated at Belman, on Sunday, 2nd March,2025. The new branch is located on the ground floor of Elvin Towers, Main Road, Belman.

Thenewbranchwasinauguratedby MLC MrIvan Dsouzaby cuttingthe ribbon and by the chairman, Sahakara Ratna Mr Anil Lobo by lightingthelampwiththeguest.

Rev.FrFredrickMascarenhas,Parish Priest, St Joseph Church, Belman, blessedthenewpremises.

Safe Room was inaugurated by Mr Walter Nandalike, Founder and Managing Director of Daijiworld Media Private Ltd and the EStamping facility was inaugurated

by Mrs Rameshwari M Shetty, President of Belman Grama Panchayath.MrRonRodrigues,NRI Enterpreneurwasonthedais.

The inaugural programme was presided over by the Chairman of the Bank, Sahakara Ratna Mr Anil Lobo.

The Programme began with a prayersongconductedbytheBank Staff.

‘Sahakara Ratna’ Mr Anil Lobo, Chairman of the Bank, in his presidential address thanked the institutions and the public in the area for their help and cooperation during the visit of the staff for distribution of invitation and the Bank’sproductsandservicesforthe

branch.Hesoughttheircooperation andsupporttoenablethebranchto start earning the profit and serve the society within a year of its inauguration.Herequestedthemto introduce their friends and services to the Bank and help the branch in its path of growth. He informed themthatMCCBankisprovidingall the services that are being offered by other private and public sector banks. The bank is coming with more digital banking facilities such as Google Pay and UPI payments soon. He emphasized that the hurdles, hardships and challenges have helped the Bank to grow at a steadypace.

Rev.FrFrederickMascarenhas,while addressing the gathering, congratulatedthemanagementand staffforprovidingcustomerfriendly ambience at Belman and invoked God’sblessingsonfutureendeavors ofthebank.Healsowishedthatthe bank would be a boon to the sections of society, especially the poorandthedowntrodden.

As recognition of the noble service rendered, the heads of following institutions were given charity by theBankfromtheCharityFund.The

cheques were handed over by Mr IvanDsouza.

1.Humanity Trust®, for making a huge difference in the lives of helplesspeopleandfamilies.

2.Devditha Charitable and Welfare Trust, for providing care for the old agedandsick.

While addressing the gathering, Mr IvanDsouzacongratulatedtheBank for opening a new branch at Belman. He referred to the MCC Bank as a TRUSTWORTHY Bank which has helped innumerous individuals to achieve their goals in life. He called upon the management and the staff to work tirelessly as sky is the limit for all achievements. He promised his cooperationandsupportforallfuture endeavorsoftheBank.

The prizes to the winners of Christmas contest were distributed by Mr Walter Nandalike. In his address, congratulated the Chairman, Directors and the staff membersforopeninganewbranch in Belman, which is his birthplace. HeremindedthattheMCCBankhas not remained as a Bank of a particular society; but has become

the Bank for all and of all. While appreciating the chairmanship of Mr Anil Lobo, he emphasized that change inthe mindset and change in style of work brings progress; changeisHARDat1st,MESSYatthe middle, but GORGEOUS at the end. So, it is very essential to change according to the situation to attain immense achievements. He called upon the citizens of Belman to use the branch for all their Banking requirements.

Mrs Rameshwari Shetty, President of Belman Grama Panchayath, spoke during the occasion and wishedallthebest.

The achievers of the Belman area were honored with memento and floral bouquet in recognition of their services to the society and extra ordinary achievement against alladversity.

1. MasterUdbhavG.DevadigaInternationalAchieverinYoga.

2. MrNaveenShenoy – Oneofthe TrusteeofHumanityTrust.

3. MsAkshathaPoojaryBolaInternationalpowerlifter

4. MrJithendraFurtado-Director ofPadubidriVyavasayaSahakari Sangha

5. Mrs Remedia Dsouza - First president of Udupi Zilla Panchayath & Former managing trustee of Manasa Rehabilitation &Trainingcenter,Pamboor

Mr Edward Misqutih, owner of the premises,andMrKarthikKiran,Civil Engineer, were honoured for providing the premises and the excellent work done at the new premises,respectively.


Mr Francis Dsouza and the new customers of the Belman Branch were honoured. The Chairman, Mr Anil Lobo, honored the vice presidents and secretaries of Parish Pastoral councils of various churches in the Belman region for their support and help in reaching outtothelocalpeople.

The staff members of the new branch were introduced to the audience by the General Manager, MrSunilMenezes.

The Chairman honoured the guests with memento as a token of gratitude.

Mr David Dsouza, Mr Herald Monteiro, Mr Melwyn Vas, Mr J.P.

Rodrigues, Mr Anil Patrao, Mr Roshan Dsouza, Dr Freeda Dsouza, Dr Gerald Pinto, MR Elroy Kiran Crasto,MrVincentLasrado,MrC.G.

Pinto, Mr Sushanth Saldanha, Mr Alwyn P. Monteiro, Mr Felix Dcruz and Mrs Sharmila Menezes were present on the occasion.

Mr Jerald Jude D’silva, Vice Chairman of the Bank, welcomed theguestandgathering.

MrsShinyLasrado,BranchManager of Belman, gave a vote of thanks andMrElsonHirgancompeeredthe programme.

Mangaluru: MLC Ivan D'Souza hails Wenlock Hospital upgrade, Christian Development Corp approval

Daijiworld Media Network –Mangaluru

Mangaluru, March 8: MLC Ivan D'Souza has welcomed the government’s decision to upgrade Wenlock Hospital into a regional facility, alongside the allocation of significant funds for its development. He also expressed his satisfaction overthegreensignalfortheChristian DevelopmentCorporation,markinga major step forward in community welfare.

Addressing the media on Saturday, March 8, D'Souza stated, "The government has allocated Rs 650 crore for the development of eight hospitals across the state. Among these,WenlockHospitalisoneofthe selectedinstitutions,withapossibility

ofreceivinguptoRs250croreforits upgrade. There is a strong need to transform Wenlock Hospital into a multi-specialty facility, similar to the Kidwai Hospital."

Christian Development Corporationgetsgreensignal

D'Souza also revealed that the government has approved the Christian Development Corporation, with a president and vice president now appointed. He explained, "I

recommended the creation of this corporation in 2014. Although it was approvedin2019,itsimplementation was delayed. However, this year's budget has announced an allocation ofRs250crore."

He emphasized the importance of establishingaseparatedirectoratefor the Christian Development Corporation, which would simplify decision-making,facilitatetherelease of funds, and provide matching grants.

Addressing the recent Shaktinagar incident, D'Souza responded, "MLA Vedavyas Kamath needs to stop making disparaging remarks about Congress party workers during public events. His speeches are provoking his supporters. Yashwanth Prabhu was never mentionedintheFIRashavingbeen assaultedbyVedavyasKamath.The atrocity case and the allegations against Yashwanth Prabhu are baselessandfabricated."


On the first anniversary of opening ofBrahmavarabranch,achievement of total business turnover of Rs.10 Crore by the branch and inaugurationofATMatBrahmavara

branch,aprogrammewasarranged on the 3rd of March 2025 at MCC BankBrahmavarabranchpremises. The ATM room was inaugurated by MrJeraldGonsalves,President

Catholic Cooperative Society, Brahmavara.

Rev.FrJohnFernandes,ParishPriest, Holy Family Church, Brahmavara blessed the event and congratulated the Chairman,

Directors, staff and customers on thisoccasion.

Mr Sourab Shetty, Proprietor, AS UsedCars,Brahmavarainaugurated the ATM by withdrawing the amount from the ATM. Mr

was the chief guest. Mr Elroy Kiran Crasto, Director in charge of the branch,waspresentattheoccasion. The programme was presided over by the Chairman of the Bank, SahakaraRatnaMrAnilLobo. Inhis presidential address, Mr Anil Lobo,

thanked the customers of the branch who were responsible for openingthebranchandthebranch achieving the total business turnover of Rs.10 Crore within one yearofitsopening.Hesaidthatitis only because of the support and

cooperation of the customers that the branch could achieve this milestone. This has also demonstrated that excellent customer service thereby earning the trust of the customers can lead to the success of the branch. He congratulated Mr Ovin Rebello and histeamforachievingthemilestone and called upon the customers to cooperate and the branch staff make efforts for achieving a total businessturnoverofRs.30Croreby nextfinancialyearending31st Mach 2025. He thanked Rev. Fr. John Fernandes who had blessed the premisesatthetimeofinauguration ofthebranchlastyear.

Speakingontheoccasion,MrJerald Gonsalves, President Catholic Cooperative Society, Brahmavara appreciated the Chairman for his efficient leadership in taking the Bank to greater heights after assumingchargeasChairmanofthe Bank. He congratulated the management and expressed his happiness at the branch achieving Rs.10Crorebusinessinthefirstyear of its operation. He said that

progressispossibleonlywhenthere is technological advancement and appreciated the Bank for adopting latest technology in the banking operations, He wished all the best for the future endeavours of the Bank.

The first anniversary of the branch was celebrated by cutting the cake andMrOvinRebellowasfelicitated for achieving the business turnover of Rs.10 crore of the branch in the first year of operation. Mr Jerald Gonsalveswasfelicitatedforhaving been elected as President of Catholic Cooperative Society, Brahmavararecently.

DrGeraldPinto,Director,welcomed the guests, General Manager Mr Sunil Menezes proposed a vote of thanks and Mr Ovin Rebello compeeredtheprogramme.

Mr Pradeep Dsouza, Branch Manager, Udupi, Mrs Ancilla Fernandes,BranchManager,Shirva, MrsJyothiBaretto,BranchManager, Kundapura and the customers of Brahmavarabranchwerepresenton theoccasion.

Speak Up #2: Concerned Christians of Bangalore Engage with MP Derek O’Brien and Fr. Cedric Prakash

Bangalore, March 2, 2025 – Speak Up # 2, an initiative of concerned Christians of Bangalore, was held under the leadership of the Karnataka Regional Laity Commission of KRCBC. The event presided over by Most Rev. Peter Machado,ArchbishopofBangalore, featured an engaging interaction with Derek O’Brien, Member of Parliament,andnotedhumanrights

activist Fr. Cedric Prakash. Clara Fernandes, Secretary of the Laity Commission, anchored the program.

The Call for Advocacy: In his address,ArchbishopPeterMachado emphasized the importance of advocacy within the Christian community, stating that there are “differentshades”inwhichone can

approach it. He lauded Mr. Derek Obrien and Fr Cedric Prakash, saying, “These two gentlemen are closertothetruth,whichwearenot doing. He also stressed that this Speak up should not be exaggerated or falsely represented they are here to speak on Christian values as Christians.” He commended Derek O’Brien for his courage.

The Seven Cs of Engagement: Fr. CedricPrakash,knownforhisstrong advocacy on human rights and justice, structured his talk around seven key “C’s”:

1. Context – He highlighted the evolving socio-political landscape, pointing to the fractured mandate of the 2023 elections, rising polarization, and issues such as electoral integrity and hate speech.

2. Contemplation – Prayer, he stressed, must translate into action, reflecting true discipleship.

3. Compassion – A Christian’s role extends beyond religious boundaries,embracingallpeoplein need.

4.Competency – Advocacyrequires knowledge, not just degrees, but real courage to stand up against injustices.

5. Courage – Echoing Jesus’ words, “Fear not,” Fr. Prakash urged Christians to speak up, even when institutions may be at risk.

6. Collaboration – Engaging with people of goodwill, including nonChristians, is crucial.

7. Commitment – “Let the laity of Karnataka awaken now,” he urged, emphasizing the need for grassroots action.

Collective Courage and Lay Leadership: Derek O’Brien centered his talk on the need for the Church leadership to listen to the laity. He dismissed accusations that Speak Upwasapoliticalevent,citingPope Francis’ words: “The Church, while respectingtheautonomyofpolitical life, cannot and should not remain on the sidelines.”

He stressed the importance of collectivecourage,definingitasthe ability to collaborate and act together.AsaChristiancommunity, let’s stop being in the news for the wrongreasons.Weshouldbeinthe news for positive contributions.”


mobilization of alumni networks of Christian-runinstitutions.“Thereare 55,000 educational institutions run by minorities in India, educating six crore students annually 75% of whom belong to other religions. If we can organize alumni associations, we can create a powerful network of influence.”


Steps: Moving Beyond the Event

The session concluded with concrete takeaways:

1.ExpandSpeakUpAcrossDioceses – Convincing other dioceses to initiate similar platforms.

2. Alumni Mobilization –Establishing alumni associations for Christian institutions to strengthen networking and advocacy.

3.ConsistentEngagement–Sharing three key messages per month via WhatsApp to combat misinformation and build awareness.

Derek O’Brien challenged participants to think about how Christians can speak up positively rather than reactively. He cited the lack of Christian voices in public discourse despite many prominent Indian leaders having studied in Christian institutions. The event ended with a strong call foraction, urgingattendeesto take the first step in breaking indifferenceandshapinganarrative that truly represents Christian values in India.

Mr Roy Castelino, President, Catholic Think Tank, PRO, Diocese ofMangalore,Fr.SudeepPaul,msfs, Director of Sandesha Foundation, Regional secretary for Social Communications Commisssion, Mrs. Vinisha Nero, Former MLA, Dr Jacob Crasta, Vice president, Catholicthinktankwerepresenton the occasion.

Poster and teaser of the show 'Ephphatha' unveiled

‘Daivik Amrith Charitable Trust Mangalore’hassetupahealthand education fund scheme on the Jubilee Year of the birth of Jesus Christ. The music-dance-acting program named 'Ephphatha' is planned to be organized on April 27th at the Cordel Church grounds in Mangalore. The poster unveiling was done by Mr. Stany Alvares, President of Konkani Sahitya Academy,atDonBoscoKNSStudio Hall, Mangalore, on Sunday, March 2nd .

The teaser containing information abouttheprogramwasinaugurated byRev.AndrewD'Souza,Directorof 'DaivikAmrithCharitableTrust.'.

Based on the parables of Jesus ChristandtheteachingsoftheHoly Bible, a message will be given to children, young people, couples, and the elderly in this unique

program of music, dance, acting, sound,andlightshow.

The play was written by Mr Rohan Adkabare, directed by Christopher Ninasam, and composed by Mr RoshanDsouzaAngelore.

Mrs. Silvia Ruth Castelinho, Vice President of Cordel Parish Pastoral Council; Secretary Mr. Anil Dsa; Programme Coordinator Mr. Sujay Dsilva; Manager of Daivik Amrith Mr.SanthoshLoboandmembersof thecommitteewerepresent.

The director of the Trust, Rev. Fr. AndrewD'Souza,soughteveryone's

cooperation. The coordinator, Mr. Sujay D'Silva, provided information abouttheplay.

This Trust, which started as a Konkani monthly magazine, Daivik Amrith, has made its own mark through Daivik Amrith Media and Daivik Amrith Pilgrimages for the past20years.

The Trust has been providing environmental and health awareness among ordinary people through various social programs, financial assistance for higher education to poor students, and financial assistance for the treatmentofthesick.

Inauguration of the New School Block at St. Theresa’s School

One Vision, Many Hands Weaving the Future

March 4, 2025, marked a historic milestoneforSt.Theresa’sSchoolas it proudly inaugurated its newly constructed school block a beaconofprogress,excellence,and the school’s unwavering commitment to holistic education. Theprestigiouseventwasgracedby

distinguished dignitaries, including Rev. Sr. Rose Celine, Superior General of the Bethany Congregation; Sr. Violet, Procurator General; Rev. Fr. Walter D’Souza, ParishPriestofSt.SebastianChurch, Bendur; Mrs. Kumudini, CRP from the Education Department; Mrs. Collette Cabral, PTA Vice President; Sr. Shaila, Delegation Superior; guest sisters from Bethany across India, parents, well-wishers, and students.

The ceremony commenced with Rev. Sr. Rose Celine cutting the ceremonial ribbon, officially unveiling the plaque of the new block, followed by a solemn blessing led by Rev. Fr. Walter D’Souza,joinedbyRev.Fr.Vivekand Rev. Fr. Matthew, invoking divine grace upon the institution’s latest addition. A vibrant cultural program set an inspiring tone, with students presenting a captivating welcome dance.Thedignitarieswerethenled totheauditorium,wheretheformal proceedings began with a soulful prayer dance an artistic tribute to St. Thérèse, on her centenary of

canonization, and the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas, whose visionary leadership continues to guide the institution’s journey.

In her welcome address, Sr. Shaila, the School Correspondent, expressed profound joy and gratitude,emphasizingthatthenew block would serve as a cradle of knowledge and excellence for generations to come.

Aspecialhighlightoftheeventwas thefelicitationofthebrilliantminds behind the project. Rev. Sr. Rose Celine extended heartfelt appreciation to the architects from Saldanha Associates—Mrs. Manjari and Mr. Praveen Saldanha; structural engineer Mr. Vimal Anil; and contractor Mr. Richard Rodrigues, whose expertise and dedication played a pivotal role in bringing this vision to life.

Inherkeynoteaddress,Rev.Sr.Rose Celine reflected on the school’s remarkable journey from its humble beginnings with a handful ofstudentstoitspresent stature as a beacon of academic excellence. She lauded the unwavering

commitment of all those who contributed to this ambitious endeavor and underscored the transformative role of quality education and world-class infrastructure in shaping young minds. As a symbolic gesture of growth, legacy, and aspiration, she formally christened the auditorium “Monsignor Raymond Auditorium” in honor of the institution’s illustrious founder. The event concluded with a gracious vote of thanks by Sr. Lourdes, the Principal, who expressed deep gratitude to every individual whose efforts transformed this vision into reality.

Following the formal proceedings, guestsandstudentsembarkedona guided tour of the new block, marveling at its spacious, wellventilated classrooms, a richly stocked library, and cutting-edge science and computer laboratories. Designed to foster innovation, critical thinking, and holistic development, the new infrastructurestandsasatestament to St. Theresa’s enduring legacy of excellence and its commitment to nurturing future generations. With this grand inauguration, St. Theresa’sSchoolembarksonanew chapter one that honors its past, embracesthepresent,andenvisions abrighter,more empoweredfuture foritsstudents.

Mount Carmel’s Jesnia Correa Honored with

Prestigious “Hoysala and Keladi Chennamma Award” for Roller Skating

Jesnia Correa, a talented roller skater of grade 8 from Mount Carmel Central School, Mangaluru, has been honored with the esteemed Hoysala and Keladi

ChennammaAward2024-25forher outstanding achievements in roller skating. The prestigious award with a certificate and cash prize of Rs 10,000/- was conferred on her by

the Dakshina Kannada District Administration, Zilla Panchayat, Women and Child Development Department, Dakshina Kannada, during the International Women’s DaycelebrationonMarch8,2025,in recognition of her exceptional accomplishmentsinrollerskating.

The school management, principal, staffandstudentsatMountCarmel Central School take immense pride in Jesnia’s remarkable

accomplishment and extend their heartfelt congratulations and wisheshercontinuedsuccessinthe future.

Father Muller Homoeopathic MedicalCollegeandHospital,aunit of Father Muller Charitable Institutions,hasbeenadministering Homoeopathic treatment to the patientssince1985.Overtheyears, thehospitalisfunctioningwithOutpatient departments in Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics &

Gynaecology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Surgery, ENT and 24x7 In-patient department, Yoga & Naturopathy unit, Counselling, Physiotherapy, X-ray, Laboratory services, Specialty clinics, Online consultation, Health check-up schemesandPalliativecarecentre.

‘Genesis Fertility Clinic’ was flagged off on 8th March 2022, on the occasion of International Women’sDaybyRev.Fr.RichardA. Coelho, Director of Father Muller Charitable Institutions, under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Roshan Crasta, Former Administrator of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, whosevisionanddedicationlaidthe foundation for Genesis Fertility Clinic aiming to assist couples to achievetheirdreamofparenthood.

The clinic is committed to provide thebestpossiblefertilitytreatments

and today we are completing 3 years of existence and celebrating the success stories with our beneficiaries who have conceived withourcareandtreatment.


• To provide Comprehensive Fertility care–Toimpartholistichealthcare by timely diagnosis, investigations along with lifestyle modification, adviceandcounselling.

• Raising awareness and Education –Toeducatethecommunitytorealize theirdreamof parenthoodthrough Homoeopathictreatmentby

• competent and well experience medicalfraternity.

Every couple walking into ‘Genesis Fertility Clinic’ gets highly personalized Homoeopathic treatment under the supervision of ourqualifieddoctors.

On this occasion, we are glad to sharewithyouthesuccessstoriesof Genesis Fertility Clinic. with a total of 91 registered cases and 43 conceivedcases.

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology unitofFatherMullerHomoeopathic Medical college & Hospital is headed by Dr. Vilma Meera Dsouza, along with other unit

doctors available for consultation from 8.45 am to 4.00 p.m. in the OutpatientDepartment.


UnitI :Monday–DrJenita Fernandes&DrAdlinGonsalves

UnitII,V :Tuesday&Friday–Dr VilmaMD’souza&DrSherlyn E.Paul

UnitIII: Wednesday – Dr Saviona Fernandes&DrAnilaET

UnitIV:Thursday–DrAnitaLobo &DrAdlinGonsalves

UnitVI:Saturday–DrSaviona Fernandes&DrShainaz

GenesisFertilitySpecialtyclinic: DrVilmaMD’Souza&DrAnita Lobo

AtKankanadyOPD: Monday–Dr VilmaMD’souza&DrAnitaLobo

Besides this, many other Gynaecological disorders are also

treated such as – PCOD, Abnormal bleedingdisorders,Uterinefibroids, Pelvic Inflammatory diseases, Endometriosis, Urinary Disorders, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhea and Leucorrhoea, Genital malignancies, Breastlumpsetc.

For Appointments, Call or WhatsApp:945956633


Members present for the Press


❖ Rev Fr Richard Aloysious Coelho, Director,FMCI.

❖ Rev Fr Roshan Crasta, Guest of Honour

❖ Rev Nelson Dheeraj Pais, Administrator,FMHPD

❖ Dr ESJ Prabhu Kiran, Principal, FMHMC

❖ DrSatishS,Principal,FMCOPS

❖ Dr Vilma Meera Dsouza, Vice Principal,Professor&HOD,Deptof OBG, FMHMC, Coordinator, GENESISFertilityClinic,FMHMCH

❖ Dr Girish Navada U.K., Medical Superintendent,FMHMCH.

❖ Dr Deepa Pais, Deputy Medical Superintendent,FMHMCH.

❖ OBGUnitDoctors

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