District 1A Governor's Monthly Newsletter for the Month of May, 2017

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I am very proud to announce that now District 1A has 4 new clubs: 1. Chicago Nepalese Centennial Lions Club, 2. Berwyn Centennial Lions Club, 3. Chicago One World Lions Club and 4. Chicago Eagle’s Wings Lions Club. I knew that it is only possible to bring membership growth is bringing in new clubs so that we can increase our membership. We climbed new mountains and took the challenge in bringing in 4

new clubs. My sincere thanks to all those who worked diligently in bringing these clubs to an existence and strengthening my hand in building membership growth in District 1A. I request all Lion Leaders in our district to attend Chicago One World and Chicago Eagle’s Wing Lions Clubs when they celebrate their Charter Nites. You will be notified the date and venue of their celebrations. Come in big numbers and show your support. I am also very happy to announce that as of today we are +120 in membership. Our district is leading in Multiple District 1 and we all should be very proud of this achievement. To keep up this number I request all clubs in our district to retain their membership and bring in more active and enthusiastic community members to their clubs. I want to see our District reach total membership to 2017. Yes, we are very close to reach this number in flying colors. Now it is time to report Club Officers online. Soon we will be having our Annual Training for club officers. I request all clubs to send their elected officers to this training session to gain more knowledge and experience. Our leadership team is working on holding this event in the coming months. -DG Ernie Lapid, Your Governor

Vision First Report

Please remember “Seeing is Believing” with a donation. None is too large or too small.

Fellow Lions:

I would like to thank Governor Ernie for giving me the opportunity to serve.

On April 1st I received an E-Mail that Oak Park River Forest Lions Club tried to buy One Sight Gift Certificates from Lens Crafters and was told that they no longer are selling them. I called Lens Crafters and questioned them. They told me they were looking into some changes in the program and would contact me when they are done. The Gift Certificates that we have already bought would be honored but for now they were not selling any more. Now for the good news. Our program with Lions Clubs International and VSP has been extended for another year. They gave me some Gift Certificates for children 18 and under and for adults 19 years old and over. There is no charge for these Gift Certificates for people who qualify. The Eligibility Criteria is that they must have a 1) Social Security Number,

-Lion Mike Smigielski PDG Vision First Chairperson

UPCOMING EVENTS: Send list of club officers to Lions of Illinois Foundation May 15 – deadline to submit PU101 – new incoming officers to Lions Clubs International and copy to District Governor May 19 to 21 – MD1 State Convention at President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield, IL June 4 – District Governor’s Installation June 30 to July 4 – Lions Clubs International 100th Convention at McCormick Place, Chicago

2) Not be enrolled in Eye Glass Insurance and be at Income Level 200% of poverty level or below. An idea of 200% of poverty level is that a 1 member household could have an income of $23,540.00 and it increases by $8,320.00 for each additional household member. A 5 member household can earn $56,820.00. Last year we were able to help more than 1000 people with these VSP Gift Certificates at a value of over $200,000.00 with no cost to any Lions Clubs in our District. To receive VSP Gift Certificates please contact Lion Mike Smigielski at LionMikeSmig@aol.com I need the patients name, phone number, address and age so I can send the right certificate and the Lions Clubs contact information so I can mail them to the club so they can present them. They will be redeemed at a local Eye Doctor, and an 800 number is on the Certificate for them to call, for a local doctor who accepts them. For any Special events, contact me and I will try to help work with them.

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District Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for Lions, Lionesses and Leos of District 1A. e-Mail Address: govaustin@gmail.com Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.

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