MD1 Lions & Leos State e-Magazine, July 2017

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The Illinois Lions & Leos MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 5 - Issue 1, July 2017


(Cover Photo: District 1A Filipino Float at the 2017 Centennial Convention.)

As always, the Leos shined brightly! We can all be proud of who they are, and the level of service they bring to Lionism. Three hundred Leos from around the world were in attendance. The Unified Special Olympics-Leo basketball event was a huge success. To see the Leos and Special Olympic athletes interacting and playing basketball together, is an image I will never forget. A special thank you to retired NBA LA Laker, Sam Perkins, for conducting a clinic and game for the Leos and Special Olympic athletes. It was an honor to have President Bob Corlew and First Lady Dianne attend, as well as, many of the sitting International Directors. Thank you to the 2017 LCI for providing a bus for travelling Leos to attend the Unified game and other Leo events.

From MD1 Council Chair: MD1 Lions & Leos: What an honor to be hosting the International Convention during Lions Clubs Centennial year in the city where it all began! PDG Bob Block has done an incredible job putting this celebration together, with his various sub committees. It has been amazing watching this convention unfold over the past four years. A huge “thank you” to all who have taken part in ensuring this will be an amazing event!

-Pamela Graney, MD1 Council Chair 2017-2018

At the State Convention in May, I was elected the MD-1 Council Chairperson. I am excited to begin the year with your 2017-2018 Council of Governors. I have all the confidence in the world this Council will take our multiple district to new heights, climbing new mountains and leading us into the next century of service.

Editorial: Power of ‘WE’ We heard this over and over again as our International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal quoted this in his speeches throughout the convention. One person can’t do much and the Power of WE does it all. We the Lions are a perfect example to show the world the Power of WE. We are in a new Lionistic year and in a New Century. Our first century was great from Melvin Jones to Chancellor Bob Corlew. One club in Chicago grew into a ocean of Lions and grow all over the world just to show the Power of WE. Just since 1968 when we started LCIF, we granted more than one billion dollars for humanitarian projects all over the world without looking at nationality, caste, color, creed and religion. As we known as the Knights of the Blind after taking chllenge from Helen Keller at the 1925 International Convention. Ever since we helped millions and millions of visually impaired people in every country on this beautiful world. Lions involved in several community activities helping

Let us all renew that promise Lions made to Helen Keller in 1925 at the International Convention, and continue to be the best Knights of the Blind we can be! WOW! What an awesome celebration of Lions Clubs International Centennial Anniversary. The world came together to celebrate the one commonality we will always share… SERVING! The parade was thrilling. The entertainment was amazing. The receptions were exceptional. The speakers were thought provoking. The children heart wrenching. The young people so talented. Seeing old friends and meeting new friends, appreciating cultural differences and looking forward to meeting again.


the needy to prove our slogan – Where there is a need, there is a Lion. Whatever the cause is, we Lions worked hand in hand to show our concern to care and share the needy people even during natural disasters. Lions are known to serve as our slogan says – We Serve. Now we have a huge challenge in front of us to grow globally in membership; especially in North America as our membership numbers are dropping like melting snow. We reach 1.5 million membership and in a week we drop hundreds of members! When I write this article, we are only 1,423,639. Did we drop more than 75,000 members in just two weeks at the end of June? It is very sad. Retention should be the number one agenda to all clubs in our clubs. New Governors have this challenge in front of them. Let us all help them to reach their goals, i.e., plus in membership. Last year, District 1A had five new clubs and showed memberhsip growth. This is the only way to grow in membership by showing the Power of WE. My sincere thanks to all District Governors for giving me another opportunity to serve MD1 as eMagazine editor for the 5th concecutive year.

has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” - Steve Jobs Yes these dots of service connect with this past year when Lion CC Pam served with distinction as the Council Secretary and a member of the Executive Board. It was my pleasure to have served with her and seen not only the difference she made as Governor of her District, but as a Executive Officer for the whole of MD-1. She has and continues to make a positive difference for Lions Clubs International. She will continue to serve the Lions of Illinois well!! “My father taught me that you can you read a hundred books on wisdom and write a hundred books on wisdom, but unless you apply what you learned then its only words on a page. Life is not lived with intentions, but action.” ― Shannon L. Alder With the incoming Council of Governors, we have more great Lions with good history that well know how to move forward and Serve. These Lions have stepped up to not only to Serve their Districts but to serve and represent each and every Lion from MD-1. They are fully aware and ready to take on the challenges of governing this great multiple known as Lions of Illinois!!!!

-Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, PCST Your e-Magazine Editor Immediate Past Council Chairman Says: Well Fellow Lions, when this is read I will be a part of the Past…..A Past Council Chair….and taking my place moving into the next Century of Service will be Lion Pamela Graney, PDG from 1-D. She is ready to represent the Lions of Illinois in a big way moving forward, and with the incoming Council, is ready to serve you all!

“You need to take pride in what God has given you.” ― Joel Osteen And I do, and I have. I have a great pride in our Multiple District and all the fine unselfish Lions I have had the pleasure to work with and for these years past. At this point all I can say is: THANK YOU LIONS!!!!! THANK YOU for allowing me to SERVE! God Bless,

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach

-Lion Mark Williams, IPCC Lions of Illinois



2017-2018 Council of Governors: IPDG Pam Graney, District 1D Council Chair, Gov. John Hilliard, District 1J Vice Council Chair, Gov. Daniel Harris, District 1CS Council Secretary, Gov. Pat Duda, District 1A Council Treasurer, Gov. Ron Mueller, District 1CN Council Tail Twister, Gov. John Joseph Honiotes, District 1BK Council Chaplain, Lion John Barsanti, District 1J Parliamentarian, Gov. Steve Boettger, District 1D Gov. Alan J. Barach, District 1F Gov. Roger Fanning, Disrict 1G Gov. Ray Parrish, District 1H Gov. Lori Bennett, District 1M 2017-2018 State Chairpersons: Alert: Lion Jim Kiser Campaign & Liaisan: PID Russ Sarver Constitution & By-laws: PCC Terry Knollenberg GLT: PCC Fred Peska GMT: PDG Ralph Zarad Information Technology: Lion Tom Drez International Convention: PDG Bob Block LCIF: PID Bud Wahl LEHF: Lion Kara Kelly

Leo & Youth, Quest & RAP: IPDG Jeff Eiffert Long Range Planning: IPCC Mark Williams Magazine: PDG Dr. Austin D’Souza Midwest Breakfast: IPCC Mark Williams PR & Publicity: PDG Larry McGuire State Convention: Lion Sharon Peska Centennial Challenge: IPDG Jeff Eiffert Fellow Lions, This has been a very long road to get to the point where I can say THANK YOU for a job well done. You accepted your role on the committee and you stuck to it to the end. For most of you it was your first exposure to working at an International Convention and I hope the experience was enjoyable for you. Those of you who have served before, we used our experience and were prepared for all of the last minute changes and handled them with class. Of course, as a committee chairperson we could not have succeeded without those that served as our support team. Their names are to numerous to mention but they made us look good and without them we certainly would have been overwhelmed. Thank You to the unsung numbers who have helped us succeed. Lastly, as the Volunteer Chairman, I would like to thank you for the many hours of hard work, the time away from your family, your jobs and your personal life. You have made the 100th Anniversary of our Association one to remember. Thank you for your service, PCC Steve Anton 2017 Host Committee Staff Volunteers Chairman


Over the past several years, accessible prescription labels (Labels that talk, large print labels and Braille labels) have become readily available at pharmacies across the United States and Canada. But there’re still so many people that don’t know they even exist! This needs to be changed!

Lions of MD1, thank you for your support of my efforts as the State Leadership Chair which transformed into the MD1 Global Leadership Team Chairperson. These past seven years have seen many changes in how lion leaders are trained, prepped, and readied for leadership. In the early days, information from LCI was sent as a DVD via snail mail. This past year, I was sent a link to download data. Times change, but the need for strong leadership experiences for Lions will not change as we want to continue to provide the best service to our communities, both locally and globally. To do that takes commitment to gaining knowledge, enhancing skills, and providing opportunities.

The goal of the Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind campaign is to get the word out. You can start saving lives immediately by talking about accessible labels to family, friends and pharmacies. You and your Club can participate in a special annual event: MEDICATION SAFETY AWARENESS FOR THE BLIND WEEK SEPTEMBER 9th – 15th It’s easy to get more information about participating… go to this link: lions-clubs-medication-safetyawareness-for-the-blind

PCC Fred Peska has been named the MD1 GLT Coordinator beginning July 1, 2017. I wish Lion Fred and his committee of District GLT Coordinators the best as they continue into the next century of service.

or call 1-800-890-1180. … and everyone in your club that participates gets a pin!! Please mention this in your Newsletters. If you would like a 2-minute demonstration on how easy it is to use ScripTalk, please give me a call! Hope to see you in Chicago! Lion Trish Bissell & LeaderDog, Sparrow Lion's Liaison & LeaderDog Chair (W) 941-702-6609 (C) 217-779-3821

-Lion Jama Wahl, Past MD1 GLT Chairperson

Dear Lions, My name is Lion Trish Bissell. I’m a visually impaired Lion and want to share some important information about a worthwhile initiative for your club or district… Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind. Nearly 14 million Americans, many 65 years or older, have low vision or are blind. And for these individuals, inability to clearly read a prescription label can result in unnecessary injury or even death. What’s this initiative about? 6

Dear Lion, This is a reminder that, effective July 1, 2017, we are consolidating new club charter fees and new member fees into a single $35 entrance fee. This fee consolidation and increase will allow us to increase member benefits, improve the member experience, and simplify the new member and club enrollment processes. Thank you for everything you do to make your community stronger and Lions Clubs International a world-class service organization. Very truly yours, Octavia Treadway Membership Team Leader, LCI

Dear Lion Leader, In March, International President Corlew and incoming president Dr. Aggarwal, in consultation with the executive officers, confirmed my appointment as the Global Action Team 7

chairperson. I am very thankful to the executive officers for this appointment and their trust in me to lead the Global Action Team. As we move into our next century of service, the Global Action Team will enable us to expand upon our motto, "We Serve." We will also be integrating LCIF into the team's initiatives so that the Foundation will play a more prominent role in Lion life.

I'm sharing my June message to club leaders, where I highlight our Centennial achievements and encourage clubs to continue serving and engaging youth in service during our upcoming Centennial year. I want to thank you for making my year as international president so successful. With your hard work and the dedication, we have accomplished great things and climbed many mountains together over the past year. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your international president during this incredible moment in our history!

In April, I met with staff to reinforce the vision of the Global Action Team and develop an effective approach to implement the new structure. In May, I presented a plan to the Executive Committee, which was unanimously approved. I am pleased to inform you that the Global Action Team will incorporate a bottom-up strategy, with the success of the new structure depending upon the support and participation of the clubs.

Very truly yours,


Staff is planning a July 1 roll out of the Global Action Team, with additional components of the GST rolled out by September; however, I wanted to share some updates with you. Click the button below to learn more.

Chancellor Bob Corlew

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Dear Lion, A year ago, we set out to climb new mountains as an association and to position ourselves for success in our Centennial year and beyond. I have been overwhelmed by the incredible response I've received from Lions around the globe. Thanks to the hard work of Lion leaders like you, we have accomplished incredible things, like:

More information will be provided after the June International Board of Directors Meeting and during the International Convention. I am excited about what we will achieve by placing a renewed emphasis on service and focusing on strengthening our clubs. I look forward to working with you to make the next three years the most successful in our association's history.

 Shattering our initial Centennial Service

Challenge goal by serving more than 160 million people—and we're still going!  Launching a new global service framework with diabetes as a global service focus.  Setting an ambitious goal for the future of Lions with LCI Forward.  Surpassing US$1 billion in grant funding by Lions Clubs International Foundation.

Sincerely, PIP Wing-Kun Tam Chairperson, Global Action Team


I am honored to have been your international president during this special time in Lions history. We still have one year left in our Centennial Celebration, so I want to encourage every Lion in every club to take their celebrations to the next level by getting out to serve their communities as often as possible.

Very truly yours, Chancellor Bob Corlew Immediate Past Presideent

Thank you for this amazing opportunity. With so many exciting things on the horizon, I can't wait to see how we come together to shape the future of service. Dear District Governor, Engage Young People in Your Community this August

It has been an incredible privilege to work with you during the past year. We have accomplished so many incredible things together, but none of them would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of district governors like you.

Young people are the future leaders of service— and of Lions! Inspire youth to get involved in your community by giving them an opportunity to serve with you during the Worldwide Week of Service for Youth this August 7-13. Your club can even take it to the next level by reaching out to local Leos and youth organizations, and inviting them to take leadership roles in your service projects.

Your leadership has helped make our year a tremendous success. Because of you, we shattered our Centennial Service Challenge goal by serving over 160 million people. With your support, we launched a new global service framework with diabetes as our global service focus, which will help define our second century of service.

Visit the Worldwide Week of Service for Youth webpage today to learn more!

Because of your commitment to starting new clubs, we are on track to surpass 47,000 Lions clubs and 7,000 Leo clubs by the end of the Lions year. And our membership is growing thanks to you. New Lions are joining us every day, expanding our impact and making the future of Lions bright. I'm looking forward to rewarding your hard work through the District Governor Centennial Membership Awards.

Support Our Global Service Framework There's a lot to love about our new global service framework. The service framework helps us achieve our LCI Forward goal of serving 200 million people per year by 2021. It encourages clubs to engage young people in service. And our new service focus, diabetes will give us new ways to

Our year of leadership coming to an end, but our work will continue. It will take every Lion working together to achieve our ambitious LCI Forward goal of serving 200 million people per year by 2021. But with Lions like you leading the way, I know it is within our reach. 9

unite Lions and caring people around this global epidemic.

Thank you, Lions, for your support of LCIF. We are able to do great things when we work together. I also want to thank the Lions leaders who are working hard to educate Lions about LCIF and promote a relationship between LCIF and our clubs.

Explore the service framework page to learn more. Be sure to engage youth in your service, report your service and support the framework through the Centennial Service Challenge.

Let's continue to spread the word of the great work LCIF is accomplishing, including the US$1 billion in grants we have awarded since our founding. Our foundation is depending on your support to continue its vital mission.

 Encourage your clubs to start planning a

service project engaging youth in their communities for the Worldwide Week of Service for Youth (August 7–13).  Remind clubs that our Centennial Service Challenge runs through June 2018 and remind them to keep serving and reporting their projects.  Make sure you or your district governorelect bring your Centennial Banner to the International Convention in Chicago to represent your district in the Parade of Nations.

Sincerely, Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada Immediate Past Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation

Recruiting: Club LCIF Coordinators The Club LCIF Coordinator is an ambassador for LCIF at the club level. This person shares LCIF stories, motivates fellow Lions to support LCIF, and enables LCIF to advance its humanitarian work both locally and globally. Moving forward, Club LCIF Coordinators will be equipped with resources that will allow them to champion the goals of the foundation to Lions. This position is crucial to the promotion of our foundation. Talk to your club president today if you are interested in volunteering for this exciting position.

Dear Lions, Throughout my year as Chairperson of Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), I have witnessed the wonderful projects Lions are carrying out all over the world with the support of our foundation. I visited a community grateful for the opportunity to rebuild after an earthquake. I saw relief on the faces of refugee families receiving care from Lions. I celebrated with children around the world who are being empowered by LCIF. I met Special Olympics athletes who shined while showing the world their talents. I saw communities transform after being provided clean water.

A Billion Dollars in Service! 10

initiatives around the world. These silver collectable coins are the perfect way to reward hard-working members or to say thank you to longtime Lions. Own a piece of Lions history. You can order a coin with proof finish for US$52.95 or an uncirculated finish for US$51.95. There is a US$2.95 handling fee per order. Purchase your keepsake coins today!


Throughout the last year, LCIF assisted communities devastated by earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and more. Where there is a need, there is a Lion, and there is also the support of LCIF. LCIF's first grant ever awarded was in response to a natural disaster in South Dakota, USA. Today, with over US$1 billion in grants awarded since our founding, disaster grants continue to be a much needed form of assistance around the world. Our disaster grants aid in disaster preparedness as well as immediate response and long-term recovery. Over the past fifty years, and through the generous support of our Lions, LCIF has expanded well beyond disaster grants to providing grants for humanitarian efforts, youth empowerment, and sight initiatives. Purchase Your Lions Clubs Commemorative Coin Today!

Your District Governors promised mek that you will be sending me pictures and articles related to your District Activities every month so that I can publish them in MD1 State e-Magazine. Deadline to send these items is 25th of each month. Send yours to the following e-mail address: Thanks for your cooperation to spread Lionism throughout Mulltiple District 1 and to the World of Lions!


Hot off the U.S. Mint presses is the most impressive item of Lions' memorabilia that has ever been offered—the Lions Clubs Centennial Commemorative Coin! For a limited time only, you can order this beautifully craftedLions Clubs Centennial Commemorative Coin andsupport the life-changing work of Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). For every coin sold, US$10 is authorized to be paid to LCIF. This represents a US$4 million opportunity to improve the lives of people in need through LCIF 11

Morrison Lions completed a service project and also took time to participate in the annual Memorial Day Parade.

Smith (spouse of member Darlene), Jim Blakemore, Jon Kophamer (spouse of member Martha), Darlene Smith, and Denice Smith (Mother and Daughter members) Front row: third from left Martha Kophamer.

Morrison students - through 5th grade were encouraged to decorate their bikes and ride them in the parade. Pictured with Leo the Lion (President Tracy Muur) are the children and their decorated bikes. Prizes were awarded for the best decorated bikes in two age groups. Some of the Lions members also walked with the children.

The afternoon workers included: Back row - left to right: Ken Jansma and Jim Blakemore, front row left to right: Flora Stralow, Nancy Countryman (spouse of member Bob) and Bob Countryman. Absent from the picture is Glenda Jansma, spouse of member Ken Jansma. Denny Countryman (brother of Bob) also assisted with the task and took the picture.----------------------------------------------------------------

SIU-Carbondale Campus Lions District 1-CS held

its annual Club Leadership Forum. PDG Vickie Leader, the GLT, welcomes the attendees and gives a brief outline of the program. First

Service Project - Over 300 flags were placed on both sides of the streets on Route 30 and Route 78 in the early morning and removed by Lions Club members late afternoon. The morning workers also had some extra volunteers (names not known). Lions Clubs members included: back row left to right - (third person in Keith Hamstra, Rick 12

picture shows some of the attendees listening to a speaker. Second show the attendees in two groups. Topics included club officer training, your foundations, LIF and LIEF, what to expect under DGE Daniel Harris' administration and remarks by DG Bishop Derek Eurales.

and entertainment. The final day of the festival includes the Alpine Fest Parade down Main Street is the largest parade in Lake County. It is also the biggest single event of the year in Lake Zurich.

Conducting this festival in July each year requires an enormous amount of planning, a major financial investment in food, bands, tents, and carnival entertainment, it also requires the dedicated team of Lake Zurich Lions Club members to make and sell all the food, pop, funnel cakes, cotton candy, snow cones, pizza, pretzels, beer & wine, and thank you to the hundreds of other volunteers that help from the community. -------------------------------------------------------------------Mount Prospect Lions Club, founded during the Depression, flourishes today.

Riverside Township Lions Club members posing along with District Governor Ernie and First Lady Edna Lapid in front of their Village Hall during LCI Video Shoot for Lions Legacy Project.

The Evanston Sunrise Lions Club awarded Evanston Township High School senior Sabrina Carter its Lions Scholarship in recognition of her academic achievements and record of service to others. Each year, the Evanston club provides a scholarship to a deserving ETHS senior who is either hearing or visually impaired. Sabrina was honored during the club’s monthly meeting at Panera Bread on May 17. ------------------------------------------------------------------Alpine Fest 2017 opens Friday night with The Fire Fighters Water Fights (see video). Drawing more than 10,000 people per day to the park. For three days of carnival rides, games, food, family events

One of Mount Prospect's oldest civic clubs is still one of its most active. The Mount Prospect Lions Club was founded in 1934 by 31 local men and 83 years later, it boasts a roster of 78 men and women, making it one of the largest Lions Clubs in the region. 13

The Chicago Ridge Lions Club with the help of some of its members purchased street signs commemorating the 100 Celebration of the Lions Club.


school and community. They have given of their free time for both serving the under privileged as well as their schools athletic teams. We are proud of these and all those who applied. It was said by the board of selectors that this was the most difficult year they have ever had in choosing the winners. That speaks highly of our community and the young people we are raising.

The Chicago Ridge Lions Club commemorating the 100 year Celebration, planted the flowers in the Village of Chicago Ridge Planters. This was our second year of doing it, we received cash donations to cover our part and the Chicago Ridge Home Depot genorously donated the rest as our co sponser and partner in this effort! The flowers chosen were purple and yellow wave petunias with purple fountain grass in the center.

Durand Lions club held their installation dinner on June 14. 1st VDG Barb Stewart was the installing officer. Shown is the new 2017-2018 officers after Lion Barb did installation.

The Hampshire Lion’s club awarded our two $1,000 scholarships to two seniors at the Hampshire High School. The first was Olivia Magnussen and the other was William DuMoulin. Both of these young people have demonstrated exemplary attitude and commitment to their 15

Beverly Ridge Lions Club honored long time lion and very active member of their Club, Lion Jo Ann Maloney with Lions Club Internationals highest recornition – Melvin Jones Fellow. Lion Jo Ann was surprised and thrilled with this honor and she couldn’t control the tears of surprise when she received this recognition.

(Previous column) The past president of Durand Lions Club John Cressman and the new president Lion Ruth Ryder were presented with a centennial bell for their years of service. Presentation made by Lion Dave Waller Sec/Treas.


At 9am 15 Lions and guest teed off at Sycamore Golf Club for a two man scramble. Lions Kevin Brint and Bill Gulke took home the trophies this year.

Next the past foundation trustees, PID Russell Sarver, PDG Gordon Grande and PFT Dave Waller presented Foundation Fellow Awards to Durand Lions Club President John Cressman, Lion Orvin Bergsmith, and Lion Terry Eberle. The Durand Lions Club golfers met other members, families and guests at the Sycamore Park Lions Pavilion (constructed by club members in the 1980's) for their Annual Picnic.


and Ken Williams were presented with the Melvin Jones Fellow. This is the highest recognition given by Lions Clubs International Foundation. The Rookie of the Year Award went to Greg Robert. Receiving 25 year pins and certificates were Richard Cooper and Larry Ingalls. Gary Buatte was presented with the past president pin.

Red Bud Lions Club members receiving recognition and pins for years of perfect attendance were: Greg Robert - 1; Gary Buatte, Matt Piel and John Preston - 2; Mark Vogt - 3; Paul Ray - 7; Pastor Mark Nebel - 9; Ken Williams - 14; Clem Esker and Norman Pautler - 16; James Walker - 21; Larry Ingalls - 22; Dean DuFrenne - 23; John Meyer - 25; Loren Harms - 28; Robert Doty - 28; Pete Rau - 42; Charles Mudd - 54; and Larry Mehring - 56.

Questions? Contact Shelley Chenoweth at for more information.

Red Bud Lions Club members and their spouses gathered at the Red Bud Winery for their annual awards night. Receiving the honor of being named as the Lion of the Year was Eli Aubuchon. Loren Harms

The 2017 - 2018 Red Bud Lions Club officers will be: Lions Tamer Dean DuFrenne, Treasurer James Walker, Immediate Past President Gary Buatte, Board Member Mark Vogt, First Vice President Pete Rau, President Ken Williams, Board Member Larry Ingalls, Second Vice President/Secretary Loren Harms, Board Member Clem Esker and Membership Chairman Larry Mehring. Not pictured 17

are: Third Vice President John Meyer, Tail Twister Robert Doty and Board Member Matt Piel. The New Athens Lions Club had its officer installation and awards night. PDG Larry McGuire, Chester Lions Club, was the installing officer, assisted by Lion Ann McGuire. Lion Jerry Luter was retained as club president, Lion Jane Engel was retained as club secretary, Lion PDG Vickie Luter is the club treasurer, Lions Douglas Kinzinger and Laura Cockrell are the vice presidents,Lions Scott Daniels, Joan Duncan and Linda Braun are th board of directors, Cletus Kinzinger is the tail twister and Lion Kent Fullmer is the Lion tamer. Retiring Oregon Lions Club Secretary Chuck McCourt. Thirteen years as secretary.

Lion Jane Engel was selected as the Lion of the Year for her excellent record keeping as club secretary and assisting in the District 1-CS Leadership Forum. The gold Service Excellence pin was given to Terry Politsch for Recycling chairman and assistant eyeglass chairman. A gold Service Excellence pin was awarded to PDG Vikie Luter for being Candy Day Chair, Diabetes Chair, Membership chair Top Pizza Sales and being involved in all club activities the past year. A silver Service Excellence pin was awarded to George Klazynski for Eyeglass Chairman and his all round involvement in all service activities. 22 members of the New Athens Lions Club receive "We Serve" pins. 17 members received perfect attendance pins. Cookies and Cake Sale by Oregan Lions Club Members

(Lion Rob Arneson by poster listing sponsors)

Thanks to sunny skies and cooler temperatures the 2017 Father's Day Oregon Lions Club Car Show was a great success and brought out a large crowd of 18

Oregon Lions cooked up pancakes and sausage for breakfast and pork chops and brats for lunch and many trophies were handed out.

(Group shot of Oregon Lions Club volunteer workers)

classic car enthusiasts. There were over one hundred classic cars parked by Chana School on the east side of the Rock River and a good crowd came to marvel at how skillfully they had been restored.

(Lion Pat Farraday hands out trophy)

Oregon Lions wish to thank all the sponsors who made this day possible as well as those who participated in this popular annual event. (Father and daughter enjoy the Car Show)


Mounds Lions Club delivered sack lunches to Cairo Elementary School. During the month of May the Mounds

Lions Club was very busy in the communities of Mounds and Cairo. The students and sponsors of Meridian and Cairo High Beta Clubs were presented Certificates of Appreciation for their help with the roadblock to raise money for the Telethon of Stars. The club built Buddy Benches and presented them to Meridian Elementary and High School. Csiro Elementary and High School. The Lions Club members gave a short presentation at each school about the purpose and what the Buddy Benches stand for. "To inspire friendship and promote Buddies not Bullies." The Bench at MHS was dedicated in memory of Raheem Terry. His parents Pastor Ray and Anganetta Terry along with the school board members were present. The Bench at CHS was dedicated in memory of David Cook Jr. His parents David Cook Sr. Shirley, grandmother and other family along with students and faculty were present. Last but not least The Lions Club prepared sack lunches for Cairo Elementary School. Also the Mounds Lions received

donations for the Diabetes Awareness Month. The Mounds Lions Club would like to take this opportunity to thank the communities and schools of Mound and Cairo for their support. The Lions Clubs Motto is "We Serve." As Mounds Lions Club began the Buddy Bench legacy project, DG Derek and brother hard at work.

A Buddy Bench donated to Cairo Hisgh School by Mounds Lions Club.


Lion Pat Duda was sworn in as the District 1A Governor by Past International Director Dan O’Reilly. Proudly staring at her is HOG (Husband of Governor) Lion Bob Duda.

Buddy Bench donated to Meridian High School by Mounds Lions Club.

Lion Howard Swacker takin oath from District 1A Governor Ernie Lapid as I Vice District Govdernor. Right to him is his wife Karen Swacker.

A Buddy Bench donated to the Meridian Elementary School by Mounds Lions Club.

Lions gathered in front of Lions Clubs International Headquarters in Oak Brook for Centennial Video Shoot-out. This garden has been renovated to celebrate Lions 100 Years of History. Lions Clubs founder Melvin Jones statue has been erected in this garden to honor him for his vision and mission. Lions are spread in 210 countries around the world.

Lion Joan McMillan taking oath as District 1A II Vice District Governor. Right is her husband PCC Dennis McMillan.


(501 C-3)with new Directors – PDG Dave Hansen, PCC Dennis McMillan and Lion Judy Toft.

Lion Maryann O’Reilly let the balloons in the air as District 1A celebrated Lions Centennial Celebration. Next to her is ZC Cathis Wilkerson.

Picture taken at the 2017-2018 Officers Training of District 1A. PDG Dr. Austin D’Souza, PCC Steve Anton, PCC Dennis McMillan, PDG Harold Burkett, PDG Ralph Zarada and PID Dan O’Reilly.

RC Brenda Gutierrez from Mexica Lions Club and ZC Brenda Stevens from Philippines Lions Club exchanged the banners. Partial group of Volunteers for their Training for Centennial Convention in Chicago. The Sycamore Lions Club recently made club yearend donations of $500 to each of the Food Pantries in Sycamore to help them through the summer season. The SUMC’s Sycamore Food Pantry serves approx. 150 families a month, the Salem Church’s Food Pantry helps approx. 300 families from Sycamore and surrounding communities a month. The Sycamore Lions are happy to be able to help carry the load for these congregations and thank all those who made these donations possible through

President of VOICES – District 1A Charitable Arm 22






became the Charter President and Lion Lowra Camacho is the Secretary.

(From left, First VP Lion Kevin Berry, Liz Ezell, Salem Lutheran Church’s Food Pantry Coordinator, Past President Lion Ryan Genz.)

Some of tehe Charter members with International President Chancellor Bob, 1A Governor Ernie Lapid and PID Dan O’Reilly.

(From left, Sycamore United Methodist Church Food Pantry workers Barb Tamms, Dick Tamms, Marilyn Ostreicher, Manny Sanner, Larry Thomas and Joel Mauer, Food Pantry Coordinator, Lions First VP Kevin Berry, In-Coming Third VP Tony Sgarlata and Past President Ryan Genz.)

Office Bearers of Chicago One World Centennial Lions Club with dignitaries.

The club’s Pumpkin Festival Raffle tickets are available. Ask a club member or watch for our ticket booth at various events around the area and at Pumpkin Fest in October or call Lion Jerry at 815997-0598. ------------------------------------------------------------------District 1A Chartered their new club – Chicago One World Centennial Lions Club in June, 2017. Internationl President Chancellor Bob Corlew was the chief guest for the charter night. Zone Chair Ben Zoleta and his wife Filipino American Lions Club President Yoly Zoleta started this club with their friends from Chicagoland. This club was started with 20 members. Lion Maritess Wynkoop

Sponsoring Chicago Filipino American Lions Club gave President Wynkoop their new banner. Picture 23

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left to right: President, Lion Yoly and ZC Ben Zoleta and District Governor Ernie Lapid.

As a Filipino tradition, members and guests danced to Lion Delfyn’s music.

week. What do these children eat on the weekends when there is no school? Amy & Ron Simpson of Carterville wondered about that, and in 2008 they started a mission to provide weekend meals for children of low income families in Carterville. They started this outreach in their home and the served number grew. Eventually they became a 501 c3 non-profit organization called Gum Drops. (Right) The Club presented Gum Drops with a check for $500. Pictured (l to r) Lion Betty Montgomery, Ron Simpson and Amy Simpson of Gum Drops. (pic attached "Gum Drops")

The Carbondale Lions Club presented Mike Heath, Executive Director of The Good Samaritan Ministries, with a donation of $1000. Presenting the check was Amanda Perrymen (r) treasurer of the Lions Club. (Pic Attached "Good Samaritan") The club voted to donate $2000 to the Carterville Lions Club toward the purchase of the Plus-Optix Vision Screen. Carterville will be the lead club in learning how to use the machine and teaching others how to use it.

Tampico Lions Club #280 Members (L-R) Lion David Manon, Lion Treasurer Duane Thompson, and Lion Secretary Terry Gaskill clean up weeds and trim trees around the Tampico Lions Memorial Gazebo

Sixty percent of the children in the public schools' Carbondale 'metro' area are eligible for free or reduced breakfasts and lunches during the school 24

that was built in memory of past deceased members.

2018 Lions year. They are front row, Donna Smith, Secretary; Peggy Larson, Immediate Past President; with Stewart in the back row, Nick Williams, President; Bob Ebbesmeyer, Director; Don Plock, Treasurer. Waterloo Lions Club 2017-18 Officers L to R: Luanne Ragland - LCI Coordinator, Cheryl Hohnbaum - Secretary, Ron Mueller - District Governor, Marge Francois - Director, George Obernagel - 3rd VP, Kay Hefflinger - Club Membership and Zone Chair, Deb Greaney President, Dale Haudrich - 2nd VP, and kneeling is Daniel Hohnbaum - Tail Twister. Not pictured are Sandra Newsome - 1st VP, Sherry Cates - Treasurer and, Kim Strellis - Lion Tamer. TAMPICO LIONS CLUB FINISHES SUCCESSFUL 20162017 FISCAL YEAR UNDER THE DIRECTION OF LION

West Frankfort Lions Club New Officer for 20172018. PDG Bill Kelley, Treasurer & Director, Lion Dan Wells, President, Lion Jack McReynolds, 2nd VP, Lion Sharon Ossig 3rd VP, Lion Jon Griffin 1st VP, Lion Sue Martin Membership Chairman, Lion Harold McGhee co-Tail Twister, Lion Don Riedel, co-Lion Tamer, Lion Ed Pool co-Tail Twister, No shown in Picture: Lion Brenda McCluskie, Secretary, Lion Donna McGhee co-Lion Tamer.

On June 15th, 1st Vice District Governor/Zone Chairperson Barbara Stewart conducted an induction ceremony for several German Valley

PRESIENT GARY D. JOHNSON Tampico Lions Club met June 26th, 2017 for their last meal/meeting this 2016-2017 Fiscal Year at the Tampico General Trading Company Store on Main Street Tampico. which ended June 30, 2017 under the direction of President Lion Gary D Johnson Through this fiscal year Lion Johnson led the club with several fundraisers the Pancake Breakfast in March of 2017 and Rose Sale which ended April of 2017. These fundraiser paid for the 2017 Scholarships of $500 each for a total of $1,000 given to Madison Purvis and Kyle Sigel of the Prophetstown Lyndon Tampico graduating class of 2017 and2017 Tampico Homecoming Parade with total cash

Lions who will serve as officers during the 201725

prizes of $620 paid out and $900 was offered. Lion Treasurer Duane Thompson said we need to make plans for our Open House to celebrate our 60th Anniversary. After discussion it was decided to have a special meeting before the start of our new fiscal year 2017-2018 with the first meal/meeting beginning September 11th, 017 under the leadership of Lion President Paul Laird. Anyone interested in Tampico Lions Membership for the new fiscal year may call Membership Chairperson Lion David Beck at 815438-4044. Lion President Johnson presented the International Lions Gold Centennial Lion Pin to Lion Secretary Terry Gaskill for his continued support of getting new members during the Lions Centennial year and Lion Gaskill was honored for receiving the Centennial Lion Gold Pin. The last official act of Lion President Gary D Johnson was the presentation of the gavel to Lion 1st Vice Paul Laird who will be the new incoming President of the Tampico Lions Club #280 starting new fiscal year July 1st, 2017. (Pictured L-R: Lion 1st Vice Paul Laird receiving the Tampico Lions Club Gavel from Lion President Gary D. Johnson.)

Waubonsee Lions Club president receiving her President Pin. --------------------------------------------------------------------

DundeeTownship Lions Club bestowed upon Lion TerrySeibert Lions of the Year Award during recent club meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------Photograph shows some Elburn Lions Club members and their families having fun on the swing at the park. There were couple of physically

Cystal Lake Lions Cub Lion Bob Moravec helping to unload office supplies. 26

challenged kids who took part in this event and enjoyed the fun.

Algonquin Lions Club donated scholarships to students. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Bartlett Lions Club had a US Flag presentation. Some Elburn Leos received scholarships from Elburn Lions Club.

South Elgin Leos visited Summer School. Waubonsee Lions Club received new banner. 27

Sycamore Lions Club donated a wheel chair to a needy person.

Lombard Lions Club gave scholarships to students.

Elburn Lions Club member Pat Hill received Lions Clubs International’s highest honor – Melvin Jones Fellowship.

Aurora Noon Lions Club members preserving their archives. Elburn Lions Club member receives J&J Award. 28

Sandwich Lions Club inducted their new members to the club.

Watermn Lions Club welcomed their newest member to the club.

Waterman Lions Club donated $1,000 scholarship to a student.

Bartlett Lions Club made a special recognition to a well deserving student.

Sandwich Lions Club donated scholarship to three deserving students in the month of June.

Glen Ellyn Lions Club donated $1,000 to Spectrios.


Lions Centennial Celebration in Chicago!

Bartlett Lions Club’s a moment of action during their regular meeting.

2017 Centennial Convention Host Committee Chair PDG Bob Block was recognised at the LCI Board Meeting in Chicago Hilton.

Morrison Lions President Tracy Muur and Lion Keith Hamstra, a member of the scholarship committee, pictured with scholarship winner Jaeden Workman.

PDG Bob Block receiving President’s special medal of honor from Chancellor Bob Co rlew at the Illinois Host Committee Dinner.

Morrison Lions Club President Tracy Muur with Karla Burn, a recent new member, and now sponsoring her son, Trevan Burn, a recent college graduate.


(Previous Column: Some volunteers who hleped to pack DGE briefcases)

ZC Gail Anton, PCST Dawn Grogan & Lion Tony selling Host Committee merchandise. DGE’s came to pick their goodies and briefcases.

Ribbon Cutting by Chancellor Bob Corlew with guest of honors. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Below: MD1 Host Committee Volunteers with President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal and his wife. More Volunteers from MD1


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Indian Dancers at Centennial Convention Celebration wih President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal.

Various Banner Pieces sawn together at the McCormick Place, Signed by World Lions. Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto, Pattern: Clear (White)

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Some District Governor Elects at lunch at Hyatt Regency, Chicago.

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Host Committee Merchandise Selling Volunteers

DGE School Volunteers at Htatt Regency, Chicago.


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Lions of Illinois Foundation Booth was shining on Centennial Floor where thousands of World Lions visited.

Some World Lions prior to taking part in their units. Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto, Pattern: Clear (White) Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto, Pattern: Clear (White)

MD1 Lions in the Parade.

International President Chancellor Bob Corlew getting ready to take seat on his parade car.

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The Beach Boys at the International Show on July 1 Some Lions from Taiwan.

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Some MD1 Lions

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Huge crowd of Lions enjoying Beach Boys.

Entertainment by American English musicians at the Plenary Session.

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Chicago Filipino American Lions Club held a twinning ceremony with a club from Philippines.

A dance show at the Plenary Session. Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto, Pattern: Clear (White) Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto, Pattern: Clear (White)

PID Dan O’Reilly giving away kindnessmatters hand bands to youth.

People go on procession after III Vice President Haynes Townsend announced being elected. Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto

International Flag Ceremony Participants. 34

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It’s Celebration for Lions of the World.

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Some members of the Illinois delegation at the II Plenary Session.

Lions of Illinois – MD1Reception at McCormick Place where PIP Clem Kusiak praising PID Bud Wahl’s candidacy for III Vice President in Las Vegas.

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Lion Navita and I Vice President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal at the II Plenary Session. Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto

II Vice President Gudrun and her husband at he II Plenary Session at the McCormick Place Some Lions from Taiwan who received Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship  35

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Lion Donna Townsend is in full swing enjoying Chicago Band along with her husband III Vice President Judge Haynes Townsend.

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Ever smiling First Lady Dianne Corlew at the Final Session at McCormick Place. Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body, Not Bold, Font color: Auto, Pattern: Clear (White)

Entertainment by Chicago Band at the International Show at McCormick Place

PID Russ and Lion Sue Sarver at the Final Session.


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Indian Dancers at the International Reception at the end of the convention at Chicago Hilton Hotel.

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Joyous parade of Lions when I VP Dr. Naresh Aggarwal from India was announced as the 101st President of Lions Clubs International.

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Genoa LionsClub President, sans the tiara and scepter? As much fun as the get-up is, the public shouldn't be exposed to this excess of irreverence.

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MD1 Council of Governors holding their First Meeting at the Hyatt Regenct, McCormick Place under the ledership of Council Chair Pamela Graney from District 1D

Some World Lions enjoying Chicago’s summer weather in front of Chicago Bean.

MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine Edited &37Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for Lions, and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.

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