The Illinois Lion, Lioness, Leo MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 4 - Issue 3, September 2016
Algonquin Lions Team Which Raised $8,200 at their 7 th Annual Bean Bag Tournament
1 Batavia Lions Club Donates Batavia Fire Department Check To Buy Thermal Imaging Camera
another’s burdens; for there is NO man without his faults, NONE is wise in himself; therefore, we MUST support one another; comfort, help, teach, and advise one another.”
From MD1 Council Chair: Lions of Illinois, “Everywhere he feels his Heart because its vessels run to all his limbs” Ancient Egypt Book of Physician
And it is in this way that ALL the Lions of Illinois can EXCEL!!! Well we have had our first Council Meeting on home territory, and the Governors were hard at work for the Lions of Illinois. We are working to Excel! Be sure to keep up with your District’s Cabinet meetings as well as the MD-1 Council Meetings, as we are working for YOU, the Lions of Illinois. We are here to make you and your Club more effective for YOUR Community and Lions more effective for the World.
This quote makes me think of an organization and how it runs…..the hierarchy, the layers, all flowing inward and outward from the individual. Lions Clubs has its layers from Club President to District Governor to beyond. But at what layer is the organization most useful, most effective to a club and its members? I think the must useful (and often the most neglected) element of our organization is the Zone Chair. The Zone Chair has at once the ability to “Belong” to a club and be an educator, mentor, liaison (from Lions Clubs International) and best friend to the Club! They can assist the Club and its members in a way none of the rest of us can. They “Know” the Club, they are aware of problems within and communications from the club to the greater organization; they can put clubs in touch with the right Lion for a specific problem. They are connected to the club and its functions…..or should be.
Thank you for your time! Thank you for your Service! Thank you for being an Illinois Lion!!!! And remember “1917-It All Started Here”, in Illinois. Best Regards, Lion Mark Williams Lions of Illinois
Editorial: Annual Candy Day Jamborees In the Month of September in Illinois all Districts will hold their Annual Candy Day Jamboree events.
Yes, “should be”, and that is where the rest of the District Leadership and Lions International come in. Your District leadership DOES have access to excellent information and educational materials as well as dedicated Lions from around the State and should be having training for these most valued of our District leadership.
Candy Days started in Illinois more than 40 years ago and the event called “Jamboree” to create high spirit amongst Lions to cheer up and work hard in their communities during Candy Days – usually second week of October. This year’s Candy Days will be on October 14th and 15th. Some clubs start early on Thursdays and some also stay on Sundays too. It’s all depends on club members who volunteer to collect donations on street corners or in front of shops.
If you are a Zone Chair or looking to become one, look for these training opportunities……..some are even online and available to YOU! Working together, supporting one another, we can get a LOT done!!!
I have been attending Candy Day Jamborees more than 35 years in District 1A and still remember in olden days the guest speakers delivering their thundering speeches, encouraging and inspiring
As was Said by Thomas Kempis (1380-1471) “God has….ordered things that we may learn to bear one 2
Lions to do their best by shaking cans. Things have been changed in recent years as the spirit of Jamborees lost some thunder just the way our wedding anniversaries. It is quite natural; however, we must keep up our spirit and enthusiasm to set a higher goal than last year and reach this year’s our LIF Executive Director Mario Gumino’s goal of $430,000.
GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CORNER: Jama Wahl This is the third in a series of articles on the Lions Mentoring Program offered by Lions Clubs International. The first article provided a brief overview. The second article considered the Basic Mentoring Program. The following articles will examine the Advanced Mentoring Program.
Currently we have nearly 550 clubs in 10 Districts in Illinois with more than 15,450 members. If every lion in Illinois collect $28, we can easily reach this goal and donate LIF $432,600. Even though this math is so simple, this is not happening in Illinois as many lions are not participating in this fundraiser. If one Lion stands on the street corner or in front of a shop in a mall for one hour, he or she can easily collect donations worth more than $30. Can every lion in Illinois take this challenge this year and help our Foundation to raise more money? Yes, it is possible and for Lions – Nothing is Impossible!
As noted on page 5 of The Lions Mentoring Program Basic Mentoring Guide “The Lions Advanced Mentoring Program involves the mentee actively serving in Lions leadership roles. Mentees focus on achieving results and developing more Lion leaders. The Advanced Mentoring Program should be completed by all Lions who hope to serve as leaders at the district level or above. The Advanced Mentoring Program is completed in two levels:
Lions of Illinois Foundation is involved in several programs – Camp Lions for Children; Camp Lions for Adults; Lions Low Vision Clinics – Chicago Light House for the Blind, College of Optometry and Spectrios Institute; Diabetic Eye Center; Mobile Diabetic Eye Clinic; Mobile Hearing Services Unit; Infant Hearing Screenings; Cochlear Implant Program; Used Hearing Aid Bank; Used Eyeglasses & Hearing Aid Collection; Social Services and Referral and Lions of Illinois Funds for Emergency (L.I.F.E.) These are the diamonds shining on LIF cap.
1. Level One: Results This level helps mentees develop leadership and managerial skills. The mentee will have an excellent understanding of what, how and why to successfully conduct a service activity. Completion of this level provides a stepping-stone for accepting a leadership role within the club. 2. Level Two: Replication
All clubs should hit easy targets to collect donations in their communities and these targets are businesses. Every club in MD1 received a wonderful package on Candy Day fundraiser. Let us send these appeals to our community businesses and ask them to pitch in their share of contribution. This will itself raise more funds for Candy Days. Send donation request letters to businesses in your communities and you will be surprised to their positive response.
This level concentrates on the mentee’s role in developing others for leadership in the association and for humanitarian service. It ensures long-range growth and can serve as a basis for leadership within the district structure. This phase can be augmented with additional training at district level and at area forums. More information about the Advanced Mentoring Program can be found in the Advanced Mentoring Guide (MTR-12).”
-PDG Austin D’Souza, Your e-Magazine Editor
Essentially, during the advanced mentoring efforts, a Lion is given the opportunity to lead a club ser3
vice project, yet still has the support of his/her mentor for guidance. There is a seasoned Lion available for questions and suggestions. The mentee has the chance to put his/her leadership skills into practice.
If so, consider being an Exhibitor at the MD1 Fall Rally on October 22, 2016 at the Embassy Suites in East Peoria. There is no fee for the table, but participants are asked to register for the MD1 Fall Rally. Tables will be available on a first come first served basis by contacting
For our clubs, districts, and association to continue to grow and develop strong leaders and partners in our communities, we need Lions to participate in the advanced mentoring program. Lions who aspire to district leadership are strong candidates for the advanced mentoring program. Jama Wahl, MD1 GLT Coordinator 815-822-3014
Don’t miss this chance to tell the world what is happening in your club or district. Give other Lions a chance to hear about your great successes and opportunities.
Exhibitors Needed: -------------------------------------------------------------------
Does your club or district -provide a service project that is successful in meeting the needs of your community? -have an unusual money-maker that other clubs might try? -host a fundraising event that rakes in the cash? -want to brag about an event or activity?
COME, CELEBRATE IN CHICAGO - 2017 The stage is being set and the plans are being finalized for the Lions of the World to come to Chicago for the Centennial Convention in 2017. Over the years, the MD1 Host Committee along with Lions Clubs International have been preparing for this great event. And now, we are less than 10 months away from the start of the celebration. If you have never been to an International Convention, then you should plan on attending this one. Not only being the Centennial Convention for our organization, this convention is also in our back yard. It will be as easy as going downtown Chicago for a day or more. As you know there is plenty to do in Chicago at any time, but during the convention there are some added attractions that you don’t want to miss. On Saturday, July 1st at 9:00 am, the Parade of nations will step off at State and Lake Street. The parade will march south to Van Buren Street. There are more than 200 marching units that will include marching bands and floats. The biggest attraction are the different delegations from throughout the world that will march in their native dress. This is something unique to watch as more than 20,000 Lions parade down State Street. If that is not enough, then stay for the day, so you can go to the International Show that evening. The show is part of the International Convention activities that are offered. The show will be at McCormick Place. The entertainment that night is scheduled to be the Beach Boys and Chicago. Each band will perform individually and at the end are scheduled to perform together. What a show and You are invited to attend. When you register for the convention, your ticket for the International Show is included in that fee. The fee is $130.00 per person. Where else can you get a concert ticket for that price to see two world renown bands. Also, during the show, you will be able to visit the Centennial Exhibit in the main exhibit hall. This exhibit will tell the story of our organization in the growth of service areas throughout the world, as well as how its service differs per those geographical areas. What a day to spend your first time at an international convention. So as we get closer, please think about attending and being part of this history. This is a once in a life time experience for us to be an active part of our association’s history. We will be celebrating the 100 th Anniversary, but let’s take the time to renew our commitment to the motto “We Serve” and for the centennial “Where there is a need, there is a LION”. This commitment will help us achieve our goals for our Centennial Celebration and carry us forward into our second hundred years of Service. So plan to COME and CELEBRATE this milestone in the history of LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL ……. We will see you soon in Chicago. Lion Robert Block, PDG 2017 MD-1 Host Committee, Chair 9
District 1-M Convention Information PDG Ken, or 217-8632074 as we will need a head count for the meal. We will meet in the hospitality room at 6:15 pm. and car pool out to the Beach house. Saturday: Registration and Certification will open 7:45 am & silent auction will open at 8:00 am. Governor Mo will call the first plenary session to order at 8:30am. PDG, GLT Lion Mary Truitt has a great line up of seminars starting at 8:35am: with our Illinois Foundation Trustees. Our second seminar back by request is Pam Duda. Pam works with the sight impaired and also with the Lions for our low vision screening. She will talk about what the Lions have done the past 25 years and what Lions can do for children, for the next 25 years. And our third seminar, PDG Jim Weiss has a very good program about Leo’s “our future.” Your attendance at all of the seminars will help you, your club and your community. We would like to have members from all of our clubs attend. First Lady, Lion Ruthie has planned a program starting at 9:30 am in the hospitality room. There will be other activities throughout the day.
Our Centennial Year Friday & Saturday September 23 &24, 2016. We welcome you to the District 1-M Convention. We also want to extend our welcome to International Director Bruce Beck and his wife Lion Erin from Palisade, Minnesota. It’s an exciting time to be a Lion! Our Centennial Celebration brings Lions together to celebrate 100 years of life-changing humanitarian service. Lions in clubs around the world will join in the celebration by expanding community projects and inspiring others to join us in service.
PDG, GLT Lion Mary Truitt and her committee will be having training sessions for Club Presidents (8:30 am), Secretary (9:30 am) and Treasurer (10:30 am).
The District Convention is the only place where Lions from many different clubs gather together. It is a great time to renew old acquaintances and make new ones. Our Theme will be Centennial Celebration. Where There’s A Need, There’s A Lion.
At 11:30am, we will break for a 12:00 Lunch. The 2nd plenary session will start after lunch with Entertainment, Necrology Service and elections, followed by comments from International Director Bruce Beck. We will have a short break and then we will have a district zone meeting, everyone is encouraged to attend this meeting. After the zone meeting we have a seminar that you will not want to miss. Cheryl Mitchell “Irlen Syndrome“- “Light sensitive” Irlen Syndrome impacts the entire body. With 20/20 vision words can look blurry it is the brain that is not processing visual information
Friday evening (casual dress) will kick off the convention with a meet and greet in the hospitality room opening at 6:00pm.This will give you time to make new friends and visit with long time friends. If you would like to have dinner (6:30 pm) with International Director Bruce & his wife Lion Erin, Governor Mo & his wife Lion Ruthie & other guests, please call before September 12 or e-mail 15
properly. You can have perfectly normal vision and have Irlen syndrome. Irlen syndrome is caused by defects in one of the visual pathways that carry messages from the eye to the brain. Attend this seminar and learn how the Lions can help. At 4:45pm we will take a break; you can visit the silent auction and hospitality room. Seating will begin at 5:45 pm, call to order at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:10 pm, after the meal we’ll have the cutting of the Centennial Cake. And then we will have reports on the silent auction, convention report, tail twisting & 50/50 drawing. International Director Beck will give his formal speech. Hospitality room opens at the close of the convention. Whether you are coming to the Convention or not, please consider donating an item for the silent auction. Our district has a reputation for donating lots of eye-catching items. Let’s maintain our excellent reputation.
Global Leaders in Service
You can bring all of your Foundation Recyclables. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY. Plan to come and celebrate the Lions 100th Anniversary. “Where there’s is a need, There’s is a Lion” As you return home, I know you will want to recommit yourself to our motto “WE SERVE”. You will want to step forward to become one of our future leaders and share our visions with your friends, family and co-workers and invite them to join us. I extend my thanks and gratitude to you for your commitment to Lionism and to serving others. Please come and enjoy the convention.
Governor, Maurice “Mo” Wimbley PDG Ken Horn, Convention Chairperson 16
Lions Around the World
MD1 PAST DISTRICT GOVERNORS: PDG Austin D’Souza, Ph.D. President, PDG Tom Senger Vice President, PCC Terry Knollenbert Sec/Treasurer Dear PDG Lion, The Past District Governors of Illinois Association would like to invite you to join our social group. We are often asked, ‘what does this organization do and why should I join’?. Well, the Past District Governors of Illinois Association is a social group which holds one official annual meeting each year currently in conjunction with the annual MD-1 Forum each fall. We have other meetings as they are deemed necessary. At our annual dinner meeting we induct new members and discuss any business items that may arise; suggestions for donations to worthy causes, the election of association officers and other items. We also host a hospitality room for our members during our social gathering and meeting.
We will be looking forward to your decision in regard to this invitation. Thanks! Lion Terry L. Knollenberg, PCC Secretary-Treasurer MD-1 Past District Governor’s Association PS: Due to the unique nature of our MD-1 Forum this year our annual meeting will be short and our hospitality room may not occur.
Throughout the year we update our members via e-mail as to the well being of our members such as health issues or deaths as we learn of them. We attempt to be a source of communications for our members allowing the members to keep in touch. We provide the members a confidential membership list with addresses and emails. Beyond that we just stand back and help the Multiple District when asked. We have a loose knit set of articles which are included with this letter. These articles may help you understand what we are all about. The articles explain the duties of the officers, the membership donations (currently at $10/yr), and the election of our officers. The annual hospitality room is sponsored by each District on a rotational basis. The rotation for the assignment for the running of the annual hospitality room at the annual meeting is also covered in the articles.
17 MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine Edited & Published by PDG Austin D’Souza for Lions, Lionesses and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.