The Illinois Lions & Leos MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 4 - Issue 13, June 2017
From MD1 Council Chair: Lions of Illinois, Here we are a little more than one month from our upcoming Centennial Celebration in Chicago! It has been a long year and yet has sped along like the wind, invisibly blowing by as we wonder at its existence and its ultimate effect on us and our lives. “We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch.” John F Kennedy Hopeful, we can stand and lend witness to the effect WE have had as Lions, while we tried to lend our imprint for the betterment of the world around us, by indeed using that “tool” called time, this year past. “Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.” Nathaniel Hawthorne THAT SHADOW is 100 years of service of the Illinois Lions, all serving our communities and the world. And as we examine our “Shadow” we can indeed see that Lions DO make a difference and we are all a part of and share that “Shadow”. Yes, time DOES pass…..and soon we will be passing the torch of new leadership, in our Clubs our Districts and the Multiple. Our DGE’s will be reaching to the New Lions Year and soon will be seated in our stead as the Council of Governors. They will lead with resolve and conviction for the betterment of all Illinois Lions and the organization as a whole that we all know as, Lions Clubs International, leading us into the next Century of Service. And do not we all also have that resolution to lead us into the next Century of Service with Lions? We 2
most certainly do…..for Illinois Lions are planning…..creating….and this year hosting the world at our door….all to further OUR organization and move on to the next Century of Service! And that Century will hopefully be represented by the quote of George Washington…. “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.” -George Washington So as we work and end this Lions year within our Clubs, Districts and the Multiple, let’s work toward that common goal “of good faith and justice toward all nations”, providing the best service we can. Is that not why we are Lions after all? And, as the current Council finishes the year, examines its shadow, and moves forward; I can safely say “thank you” to each and everyone who stepped up to serve this past year. And as the next Council prepares to follow and lead on with our new teams of dedicated LIONS, we ALL WILL “Do the Right Thing” working together, as we “Climb Every Mountain” and walk into the next Century of Service!!! “There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the present will be the cause of the future. All these are links in the endless chain stretching from the finite to the infinite.” – Abraham Lincoln (attributed to Lincoln by William H. Herdnand) All the Lions of Illinois are to be commended for your efforts, Past, Present, and future, I thank you ALL!!!!!
Best Regards, Lion Mark Williams Lions of Illinois “With You in Service” BE A PART OF CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION
Editorial: What a Convention we had! It was one of the best conventions we ever had in MD1. Hats off to Convnetion Chair Lion Sharon Peska for her dedicated and well organized efforts in making this convention a successful one. On behalf of all Lions of Illinois, my hats off to you. Several Lions including our guests Lions Clubs International Second Vice President Gudrun Yngvadottir and her handsome husband as she calls him Dr. Jon Bjarni Thorsteinsson dressed up and took part in Friday Night Follies Greet and Meet event which was extremely enjoyed by the audience present. Kitchen Singers and Magician Mark Williams thrilled the audience.
Our Second Vice President Gurdrun earned love from all attendees. Her simplicity, meeting and greeting plain Joe and Jane lions was really a wonderful act of love and fellowship. This is what I like in International leaders – simplicity. I am pretty sure that she is going to be a very successful Lions Club International President in the year 20182019. I wish her luck. Now fellow Lions, in one more month our Centennial Convention will be coming. It is nice to hear that we have close to 800 members registered from Illinois. This is not enough, we need more lions to register and attend this magnificent lions convention. We also need more volunteers to meet and greet international guests from all over the world. Come on, get set go! -Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG Your Magazine Editor
Entrance Fee Waiver
ENTRANCE FEE WAIVER! Dear Fellow Lion Leaders, In celebration of our 100th birthday on June 7th, 2017 we are waving entrance fees for all new members added between June 1st and June 10th. Not only will new members help us make an even bigger impact, they will belong to a distinguished group of "Centennial Lions," in recognition of this unique moment in our history. So, how does it work? As you celebrate the founder's anniversary of Lions on June 7th and 3
induct new members, as they're entered into MyLCI, subsequent billing will reflect this special promotion. This is a limited, one-time offer that does not apply to new members added prior to June 1st or after June 10th of this year. No exceptions will be approved. Charter and transfer charter fees do not qualify for this onetime waiver. So invite family, friends and colleagues to make history with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our Accounts Receivable Department via email or via phone at 630-203-3810.
entry ticket in their registration packet to win some great prizes, including a new Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, a paid trip for two to the 2018 Las Vegas Convention and more. Plan on attending the Plenary Sessions for a chance to win! Follow LCICon on Facebook for more updates!
Induct New Members on June 7, 2017! On June 7, 1917, Lions Clubs International was born. There are many ways for your club to celebrate this historic day! Induct new members during a special Lions birthday ceremony. Organize a hands-on service activity with friends, family and community leaders. Plan a ribbon-cutting ceremony for your Lions Legacy project. Or, record a short video of your club singing "Happy Birthday" and post on Instagram with the Hashtag #Lions100bday. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to celebrate Lions' 100 years of humanitarian service! Find more ways to celebrate at
LCICon Chicago – Lions Headquarters Tours and Grand Prize Drawings The LCI Headquarters staff is ready to welcome you to Oak Brook! See where Lions global programs are developed, check out our Peace Poster gallery and take photos of the Japanese Garden! The Headquarters Tour wand supports all LCI official languages. Many tour times have already sold out, so reserve your escorted (transportation provided) or independent (no transportation needed) tour today. Other available Chicago tours include a trip to Mount Hope Cemetery to visit Melvin Jones' gravesite, lunch and dinner cruises, discount outlet shopping tours and more. Reserve your tour online.
Pass the Plate for Healthy Eating, Get Painted into Chicago History! Unable to attend the convention in Chicago, but still want to join in the celebration? Enter the Pass the Plate social media photo contest! Post photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of Lions and Leos feeding the hungry, serving healthy food, planting community gardens and more with the hashtag #LionsPassThePlat e. The winning image will be painted into a graffiti mural in Chicago during the centennial celebration at this year's convention! Read the official contest rules.
All paid adult convention attendees will have an 4
Give Youth a Voice in Your Community Youth engagement is a cornerstone of our global service framework and one of the best ways to help reach our goal of serving 200 million people per year. Get your club involved by giving young people a voice in your service activities. Invite them to help identify unique challenges facing your community and work with local youth organizations and schools to address those challenges. Visit the Lions website to check out our popular youth programs like Leo Clubs, Peace Poster Contest, Youth Camp and Exchange and Lions Quest, and learn more about youth engagement. However you decide to get involved, make young people part of your service strategy today!
Dignity for Darlings “Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion” is an adage that is proven everyday around the world. The overwhelming support of the Lion’s of MD-1 to the Dignity for Darlings program is no exception. The Partners in Service of this year’s Council of Governors want to extend big THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our service project. Dignity for Darlings was actually born of last years Partners in Service program called Duffels for Dignity. It was a program that provided duffels/suitcases filled with personal supplies to children who were navigating their way through the foster care system. These kids are usually identifiable by the black garbage bags filled with their belongings. Our group thought that this was a very worthwhile project and asked permission to continue in their footsteps. We then received a challenge from First Lady Diane Corlew to promote 5
the education of children. This challenge presented us the chance to make the program our own. Along with personal items like shampoo, soap, deodorant, combs, brushes, toothpaste and toothbrushes we wanted to also include school supplies. Pens, pencils, paper, notebooks, folders, scissors, glue, crayons, books, small toys, stuffed animals and snacks also found their way into the bags. So the child could really feel a sense of ownership, each bag came with a luggage tag as well. Each Partner in Service was charged with contacting an agency to work with during the year. Their choices presented us with the opportunity to be creative and flexible in how we gave some dignity to children in need. While several of us partnered with the Department of Children and Family Services, Ruthie in 1-M worked with Choices Teen Pregnancy and Health Center, where instead of school supplies they received items like diapers, baby shampoo, baby bottles, nursing pads etc. When DGE Lori Bennett told her mother about Dignity for Darlings, Lion Linda Hall hand crocheted 20 baby Afghans in about 3 months. What an incredible gift from the heart! Thank you so very much Lion Linda!! In District 1-A, Lion Edna teamed up with the Albany Community Center. These children were not in foster care, but resided in a low income neighborhood. Instead of duffle bags, these kids received backpacks filled with schools supplies, books, craft supplies, and snacks as wells as an additional donation to help the community centers summer youth program.
Each Partner in Service made the project in their home district their own. When it came to fund raising, Lion Retha in 1-CS appealed to clubs and individuals to sponsor a bag at a time. Several clubs in 1-G told Donna they wanted to sponsor 10 additional bags. Even one of the Leo clubs in 1-G bought a bag and stuffed it full of goodies and presented it at their District Convention. Then the stories started pouring in, stories that remind you BE A PART OF CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION
why you’re a Lion. Lion Clyde of 1-BK said that when he delivered the bags to DCFS the case workers cried with gratitude. Another case worker told of a group of 6 siblings that were taken from their home. Each was given a duffle filled with supplies. Two of the sisters were thrilled that they each had a hair brush of their very own for the first time ever! Lion Don in 1-F partnered with Allendale Residential Treatment Center where patient privacy must be kept, but the duffels will be much appreciated by the youth in residency. Lion Kevin up in 1-D was not always around for our planning meetings, but his quick smile and kind heart none the less, pushed his District to be very generous, thereby helping many more children. All in all we filled over 150 duffels and 24 backpacks filled with supplies and goodies. How did we do all of this? We did it with the help of you…the Lions of Illinois. This year the Partners in Service raised a little over $13,000 to help kids in need. What an awesome effort by everyone involved! A mere Thank You, somehow doesn’t seem adequate. This year’s group of Partners in Service epitomizes the traits of passion, support, dedication, and service. I’m proud and humbled to have served with this great group of people who have proved once again that “Where there is a need, there is a Lion”. Thank you all! -Maggie Williams A proud “Partner in Service” GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP CORNER: Ralph Zarada Lions: This month’s article concerns the retention of members in your clubs. As we head towards the end of the 2016-2017 leadership year we should make every effort to retain as many members as possible. 6
Members leave for many reasons such unproductive meetings, lack of service, clubs, etc. In fact, over 200,000 members leave Lions Clubs worldwide each year. Many of them because their experience did not match their expectations. I would like to talk about the importance of mentorship and sponsorship and its role in the retention and positive Lions experience of members. A Mentor is defined as An experienced Lion who helps another member develop his or her knowledge competence by completing specific tasks. The of a mentor is to develop a newer Lions member into a quality, effective Lion.
club and goal club
The sponsor’s role is defined as A member who attests that a Lions club candidate is morally, socially, and financially responsible and that he or she believes that the new Lion will become an active member and will support the Lions’ Objects and Ethics while also pledging personal interest in this Lion’s development Both have similar roles and play an important part in the development as well the retention of a member. And because of the way the roles are defined they are the people who have been given the responsibility for looking after the new or current member. They can observe and note his or hers level of engagement as they move through their career as a Lion. One that may have started as being a heavily engaged member and drifted to being a lightly engaged one or just becoming noticeably absent at any club functions. To find out why there is this shift in member engagement to that of a lightly engaged one, we should take the following steps.
Find out why their engagement level has dropped. In order to accomplish this, we need to “Start a conversation”. Talk to the member and ask them BE A PART OF CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION
about their level of involvement. What’s happening in their lives? Are there other obligations that are taking priority? Or are they just unhappy with the direction of the club is running. Find out what direction they would like to see the club going. Determine what actions should be taken to turn around the member’s experience. What would they as well as you like to see? Who will be responsible for these actions? When will they be completed? The level of success being a more positive experience and the retention of that member. As Lions clubs, we want to foster a positive experience for all Lions. But we need to recognize how engaged our members are as well as understand their expectations and aspirations throughout their career as a Lions. There are tools that are available to us in the GMT Toolbox that will help us with that. Some of these tools are the CEP, Blueprint for a Stronger Club, Mentorship programs, How are your ratings? When we know and understand these expectations and aspirations. We can work with them to develop and continue their positive Lions experience and keep them. But whether you are a mentor, sponsor, a club officer or a member. It’s everybody’s responsibility to reach out and be part of making a member’s experience a positive one. In service, Ralph S. Zarada PDG MD-1 GMT Coordinator.
At the International Convention in Chicago, Lions from around the world will be celebrating our first 100 years of service, but what happens after that? Well, LCI has a five-year plan. This plan is outlined in a video LCI Forward that is available for viewing online. Just go to
View it individually or make it a program for an upcoming club meeting. Once your club members see the video, the next step is to have conversations about how your club can connect to the LCI vision of being the global leader in community and humanitarian service. The number one goal will continue to be serving those within our communities. Another way to engage your club is to report your service activities on the Centennial Challenge and MyLCI. Now, we know that Lions do not do what we do for accolades, but we do want to serve. So, why not report your service? By reporting, you are giving LCI a tool to reach out to other global service organizations to partner in activities as well as funding. Clubs can tap into these resources, making their local efforts stronger. Your secretary can get this done as part of monthly reporting. With a few clicks, your club can be a part of a huge global effort.
A third way to make a connection is to be sure that every club member is listed on MyLCI with current GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CORNER: Jama Wahl contact information. Name a club member to be club chair for each of the chair positions listed on Has your club heard about the MyLCI. Once named, when LCI sends out a public goal of Lions Clubs relations blast focused on a certain subject such as International to serve 200 Peace Poster or Alert, a lion from your club has the million people by the 2020most current information. Information leads to 2021? It will happen! And, knowledge and knowledge leads to power, power your club can be a part of this audacious effort! that can provide service! 7 BE A PART OF CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION
Dear Lions and Leos, Give your club and members a chance to be powerful. Check out LCI Forward and get those conversations going!
We're on our way to serving 200 million people per year by 2021—and we'll reach that incredible goal by adding great new ways to serve! We're introducing a new global service framework that builds on our first century of service and our history of serving sight. Our new service framework focuses our efforts on five service areas:vision, hunger, the environment, pediatric cancer and diabetes. It gives Lions and Leos new ways to meet emerging humanitarian needs in their communities and around the world. As always, your club will decide how to best meet your community needs
Something new is in the works at Lions Clubs International. The MyLion App is being developed. Details will be shared at the International Convention in Chicago. The App will connect Lions from around the world as well as improve reporting opportunities. Stay tuned for more!!
Want to learn more? Watch our inspiring service framework video and visit the service framework webpage today!
-Jama Wahl, MD1 GLT Coordinator
September 21st to September 23rd in Omaha! 8
June Is the Perfect Month to Host a Party! In celebration of the very first meeting that led to the founding of Lions Clubs International on June 7, 1917, why not plan a birthday bash in June? If you need ideas, the Ways to Celebrate webpageand flyer are great resources for planning fun and meaningful celebrations. We even produced a special Lions' Happy Birthday video to help your club celebrate. Social media is one of the best ways to share your celebrations, club photos and videos with the world. Make sure to post your news to your social media networks using the #LIONS100 hashtag!
Start Planning Your Final Centennial Year Today We're celebrating Lions Clubs' Centennial through June 30, 2018, so your club has one more year to serve in honor of this historic milestone. Make a difference by planning now to participate in all of the Centennial Service Challenge Campaigns and by implementing a Legacy Project that will make your club visible in your community for years to come. The best part is that you get to decide when to serve and which projects are right for your club and your community. Get started today! 13
From The State International Convention Chairperson Desk Lions of Illinois Reception: The Lions of Illinois will be hosting a Reception during the International Convention in Chicago. The Reception will be held on Sunday July 2 in the Hyatt McCormick Place hotel from 5 -7 pm in the Grand Ballroom. The Hyatt McCormick Place is the hotel where the Illinois delegation will be staying. All Illinois Lions registered for the convention will receive an invitation to the Reception. The invitations will admit one Lion and a guest. The Reception is by invitation only. The International Officers and Board, Past International Presidents and Past International Directors will also receive invitations. Illinois Lions may pick up their invitations at the welcome desk outside the Grand Ballroom beginning at 4:30 pm. District Governors and District Governors Elect will wear their Council uniforms and dress for everyone else will be business casual (men: coat and tie: women: dress or pant suit). No jeans or shorts. Everyone attending will receive one drink ticket. Beverages will include beer, wine, water or soda. Additional drinks will be available for purchase. A limited amount of small hot and cold hors devours will be served.
Parade: The Parade will be Saturday July 1 everyone will assemble at W. Wacker Dr. many of the hotels is within walking distance. If want to see all of the parade, you will need get to the parade route before 9:00 am. If you are participating in the parade Please be in the Illinois assembly area no later than 10:00 am, Look for the blue flag and the Illinois banner. My committee and I will have parade ribbons, you are to attach them to your left shoulder and you must wear convention nametag. We are last in the lineup. The parade line up for MD-1 is the big MD-1 banner, 3 Flags, PID’s, Seneca band, Governors float, Train with and Partners in service, Governors Elect and partners service, District 1-A float, Naperville band, Illinois delegation. There will be 4 small banners on each side. As we walk by all Parade Marshals and Volunteers should join the Illinois delegation.
Plenary sessions/International shows: The Plenary sessions/International shows will be in McCormick place. My committee and I will try to save chairs for all of the MD-1 delegation. This is always difficult to do, so please get to the event early and look for the Illinois sign. We will be in front either on the right or left side. The 2017 host committee and the state committee is working very hard to make this the best Convention Lions ever had in 100 years. We hope see all of you in Chicago -PDG Ken Horn MD1 International Convention Chairman
Registration & ticket pick-up Please note new location for 2017: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Congregation Solel 1301 Clavey Road, Highland Park, IL 60035 Event Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. with last entry into homes at 2:45 p.m. Tickets purchased by June 20: $75 Tickets at the door: $95 For more information, please contact: Melissa Wittenberg, Senior Director: (847) 510-2060 Email Melissa 17
Dear Club Officers, The Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Board of Trustees recently announced the addition of a new position in Club Leadership, the Club LCIF Coordinator. This individual serves as an ambassador for LCIF in each club and is equipped to educate Lions about the activities of LCIF and its importance to Lions Clubs International. In previous years, LCIF Coordinators at the District and Multiple District levels have served as foundation ambassadors within their area. The addition of the Club LCIF Coordinator helps to support their effort and provide fellow members with timely information about important foundation initiatives. In order to make this program successful, we look to you for support in the following ways:
Lions Read and Educate Community Kids
1. Ensure the club nominating committee has selected a Club LCIF Coordinator for a 1 year term (2017-2018) and this individual is identified through MyLCI or on your PU101; 2. Devote at least one club meeting to an annual LCIF presentation provided by the Club Coordinator; and 3. Support the Club LCIF Coordinator in planning annual fundraising and recognition events within your club.
Thank you for your time and commitment to Lions Clubs International and to our Foundation. We are excited to have your support for this important role. Sincerely, The LCIF Board of Trustees
LET US JOIN WORLD LIONS IN CHICAGO AND CELEBRATE OUR HISTORY OF 100 YEARS AS WORLD CLASS HUMANITARIAN LEADERS! MD1 State Monthly & Published by PDG Austin D’Souza for 18 e-Magazine BE A PARTEdited OF CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Lions, Lionesses and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.