for the Cla ss of 2023
For the glory of God and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a seminary in the Presbyterian-Reformed tradition whose mission is to educate and equip people for ordained Christian ministry and other forms of Christian service and leadership; to employ its resources for the nurture of the church; to practice and promote critical theological thought and research; to engage a range of voices and perspectives within and beyond the life of the Seminary; and to be a winsome and exemplary community of God’s people.
—Mission Statement
Cover: The photograph of Shelton Chapel, which lies at the heart of the Austin Seminary campus, was taken by Usama Malik (MDiv’20).
opened its doors on October 1, 1902, to educate ministers to serve and stay in the Southwest to meet the needs of a rapidly growing Presbyterian Church. Since its inception, Austin Seminary has educated almost 3000 persons for Christian leadership.
Austin Seminary offers six degree programs: the Master of Arts in Religion, the Master of Arts (Theological Studies), the Master of Arts in Ministerial Practice (MAMP), the Master of Arts in Youth Ministry (MAYM), the Master of Divinity (MDiv), and the Doctor of Ministry (DMin). Austin Seminary also offers a dual degree program with The University of Texas at Austin (UT) Steve Hicks School of Social Work, the MDiv and Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW). Additionally, the Seminary offers certificate programs for those who seek substantive theological education in a primarily online format: the Certificate in Jewish-Christian Relationships, the Certificate in Ministry, and the Spanish-language Certificado en Ministerio. Annual lecture series provide opportunities for the public to hear from a variety of distinguished speakers.
As a theological school of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Austin Seminary enjoys wide diversity in students’ age, background, geography, and tradition. Graduates of Austin Seminary serve in a variety of ministry and faith-based nonprofit settings in every state and in many foreign countries.
In addition to providing graduate-level theological education, Austin Seminary creates space for learning among contemporary Christian leaders and those who find meaning in their lives of faith. Education Beyond the Walls provides diverse opportunities for a variety of learners. For individual leaders, The College of Pastoral Leaders and Pastoral Leadership for Public Life focus on developing clergy. Institutio de Maria y Marta offers leadership education for Hispanic Christian women. For congregations, The 787 Collective resources churches for relationship with young adults. Houses of Hope partners with small town and rural churches for finding hope in changing times. Through online and in-person series, special projects, and webinars, EBW addresses topics of importance for the life of the church and the world.
For many years, the total cost of a seminary education in the United States was borne by the denomination. Today, funds from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) account for less than one percent of the total Seminary budget. In an effort to reduce educational debt, the tuition charged to students is less than thirty percent of the actual cost of their education, and most students receive financial aid covering up to 85% of tuition. Austin Seminary also subsidizes student housing by more than 50% of market rental rates. Most of the cost of an Austin Seminary education is funded through gifts from individuals and churches and by endowment income.
The church is changing as rapidly as the culture surrounding it. Austin Seminary’s institutional emphasis on community—experienced through living, studying, and learning together—is a significant factor in our graduates’ ability to relate to and lead healthy Christian communities. Austin Seminary is proud to introduce the Class of 2023 as leaders who are prepared to critically engage the world with substance and passion.
Sunday, May 14, at 2:30 p.m.
The Reverend Keatan A. King, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Presiding
Voluntary: “Alleluyas” by Simon Preston Mr. Keith Womer, organist
Procession In: “March from Judas Maccabaeus” by George F. Handel
Opening Sentences Reverend King
Our help is in the name of the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. What does the Holy One require of us?
To do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. Praise the Lord. The Lord’s name be praised.
Hymn: Our God, Our Help in Ages Past Glory to God hymnal 687
Gathering Prayer Reverend King
Welcome The Reverend Matt Gaventa Senior Pastor, University Presbyterian Church
Introduction of Commencement Speaker The Reverend Dr. José R. Irizarry President of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Scripture: I Peter 3:13-22
Commencement Address: “Saved Through Water” The Reverend Carol Howard Merritt
Hymn: Lead Me, Guide Me Glory to God 740
Institutional Announcements President Irizarry
Conferring of Degrees Reverend King
President Irizarry
The Reverend Dr. Margaret Aymer
Academic Dean and The First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, D. Thomason Professor of New Testament Studies
Conferring of Degrees (cont.)
The Reverend Sarah Gaventa
Dean of StudentsThe Reverend Dr. Sarah Allen Director of Ministerial Formation and Advanced Studies
Graduation Awards and Fellowships President Irizarry & Dean Aymer
Hymn: Know That God is Good Glory to God 659
Charge to the Graduates President Irizarry
Prayer for the Graduates
The Reverend J.D. Herrera Vice President for Enrollment Management
Hymn: May the God of Hope Go with Us/Canto de esperanza Glory to God 765
Benediction Reverend King
Procession Out: “ Trumpet Tune” by David German
Our 2023 Commencement Speaker, The Reverend Carol Howard Merritt (MDiv’99) is the pastor of Bedford Presbyterian Church in Bedford, New York.
A 2020 Distinguished Alumna of Austin Seminary, she speaks on contemporary Christian issues from a national platform and is the author of five books including 30-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich (Broadleaf Books, 2021), Healing Spiritual Wounds: Reconnecting with a Loving God after Experiencing a Hurtful Church (HarperOne, 2017) and Reframing Hope: Vital Ministry in a New Generation (Alban, 2010).
She joined the staff of Bedford Presbyterian Church in 2019. She previously taught at Dubuque Theological Seminary and Wesley Theological Seminary and served churches in Washington, D.C., Tennessee, Rhode Island, and Louisiana. She has served the denomination as a member of the Victims of Sexual Misconduct Task Force and on the Special Committee on the Nature of the Church in the 21st Century of the General Assembly of the PC(USA). She is married to Brian Merritt, also a graduate of Austin Seminary.
Assisting in the service are Mary Wall, Alison Riemersma, and students Nancy Barnard, Taline Manassian, and Marta Pumroy; Professor Jennifer L. Lord is the Faculty Marshal.
Each Doctor of Ministry graduate is being presented with a shepherd’s crook. The gift will serve as a reminder that Austin Seminary honors graduates who strive to be faithful, loving, and humble stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to them and challenges them to commit those gifts to shepherding their respective flocks with pastoral excellence.
Following the processing out of the graduates and faculty, you are invited to exit the sanctuary for a reception in the Courtyard following the ceremony.
Eric DeWayne White Sr.
Samantha Lyn Rigby §
Camille Madeline André
Kyra Nicole Anthony
Dalton Dakotah Baker
Hannah Louise Bardin
Abigail Rebecca Barker
Sarah Jane Carlson
Amber Cheyanne Cloud
McKenna Grace Cook
Hannah Elise Cooley
Brooke Virginia Freeman
Sydney Celeste Harkrider
Sarah Annie Johnson
Emma Lorraine Kastens
Elizabeth Daisy Miller
Frieda Analiese Mottonen
Stephanie Marie Negrón Fernández
Kristi Darks Polster
Kimber Haleigh Schwartz
Hannah Minton Shelly
Hannah May Vickery
Allison Woodley Angell
Ashley Mason Brown
Aiden Nathaniel Diaz
Rebecca Paulsen Edwards
Samantha Reid Innanen
Susan Anne Kerr
Bradley Forrest King §
Kathleen Elizabeth Lamoureux
Christie Elizabeth Martin
Allen James Roberts *
Leslie Sinclair-Worley
Bis Koren Thornton
Jeffrey Lynn Craft §
Jesus Juan Gonzalez
Albert Nejib Handal
Matthew Todd Hoffman
Kenneth Evan Ramsey §
Lee Ann Nolan Rathbun
Joshua Samuel Robinson
Gillian Elizabeth Weighton
* recipient of the Master of Science in Social Work, part of the Dual Degree partnership with The University of Texas at Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work
§ receiving the degree in absentia
Member of the graduating class who will serve for two years in an Austin Seminary Pastoral Residency position.
Ashley Brown
St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, Louisiana
Members of the graduating class received the following awards for seminary.
Becca Edwards
Bradley King
Sam Innanen
Bis Thornton
Aiden Diaz
Samantha Rigby
Allen Roberts
Eric White
Aiden Diaz
Allen Roberts
Ashley Brown
Leslie Sinclair-Worley
The faculty recognizes members of the graduating class who have exemplified these awards.
The Donald Capps Award in Pastoral Care was established by an anonymous donor in 2005 to honor the person, teaching, scholarship, and remarkable contributions to theological education and ministry of Princeton Theological Seminary Emeritus Professor Donald Capps. The award is given each year to a graduating MDiv student who demonstrates outstanding gifts for, and commitment to, the church’s caring ministries, based on the recommendation of the Seminary’s professor(s) of pastoral care.
The Chidester Preaching Award, established in 2010 by First Presbyterian Church of Malvern, Arkansas, is given to the graduating senior who shows the greatest potential in the area of preaching.
The award was initially funded through a bequest in the will of Ms. Betty Jane Schaufele, longtime friend and companion of the late Dr. Rachel Henderlite. Dr. Henderlite was the first woman ordained to ministry in the Presbyterian Church, U.S., and she served for several years as professor of Christian education at Austin Seminary. The award goes to a graduating Master of Divinity student who has made a significant contribution to cross-cultural and interracial relationships while at Austin Seminary.
The award was established in 2005 with a gift from William Smith Sevier of Dickinson, Texas, in memory of the Reverends James Hardin Smith, William Swan Smith, Edwin Eugene Hendrick, and John Henry Hendrick, and in honor of John Robert Hendrick, Professor Emeritus of Evangelism and Mission at Austin Seminary. The award goes to a graduating senior who has shown academic interest in, or whose life direction is focused on, evangelism and missions in this country or overseas
This award is funded by Mrs. Carl Kilborn of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in memory of her late husband. It is to be given to a graduating senior who shows leadership and potential for the ministry along with academic excellence.
This award, made possible through the generosity of an anonymous donor, is given to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated distinction in preaching. It is awarded by the President, upon the recommendation of the Seminary’s homiletics faculty.
This award was established with a gift from First Presbyterian Church in Cuero, Texas, in loving memory of Ethel W. Lance, who, with eight others, was martyred on June 17, 2015, at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The Ethel W. Lance Human and Civil Rights Award is given to a graduating senior who, during his or her time at Austin Seminary, demonstrates outstanding contributions to human or civil rights
This award was established in 2021 by an anonymous donor and endowed in 2022 to honor The Reverend Sam Morris for his important contributions in youth ministry. The award is given to an outstanding Austin Seminary graduate who demonstrates outstanding gifts for, and commitment to, the church’s ministries with youth, based on the recommendation of the Seminary’s professor(s) of Christian education and youth ministry.
This fund, established in 2008 by Deborah and Michael Jinkins (DMin’83), provides an annual award to one member of the graduating class who demonstrates a significant potential to integrate faith and public policy. The award is made on the basis of Christian character, scholarship, record of public service, and potential for leadership.
This award was funded by Dr. Kenneth Richardson and his wife, Roberta, Mrs. Charles H. Byrd, and friends of John B. Spragens. The award is to be given each year to an outstanding graduate, selected by the faculty, based on the recommendation of the Seminary’s professor of Christian education, to be used for further training in Christian education.
The faculty selects recipients of these fellowships who, during their seminary studies, have demonstrated Christian character, academic achievement, and promise for ministry.
In 1946 an endowment was established by Mrs. W. P. Newell of Albany, Texas, as a memorial to her late husband, W. P. (Dick) Newell. The income from this fund is to be used to provide a scholarship, a graduate study fellowship, or in some other manner, enrich the life of a person training for the Christian ministry.
This endowment was established in 2005 by the families of Professor Emeritus John and Carole Alsup of Georgetown, Texas, and Trustee Emeritus Clarence and Betty Frierson of Shreveport, Louisiana, in recognition of the long-standing tradition of excellence in biblical studies at Austin Seminary. The award is granted to the MDiv or MATS graduating student who demonstrates excellence in the field of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics.
The endowment, established in 1953 by a bequest from Mrs. Milton Morris of Austin, Texas, is given to a graduate of Austin Seminary to pursue further graduate study.
In 1984, an endowment was established in honor of Leo V. Pile and Helen Porter Pile of Harlingen, Texas, and Edmond Holland Morgan and Estella Martin Morgan of Dallas, Texas, the income from which is to be awarded to a member of the graduating class for the purpose of post-MDiv advanced studies.
Established by the Alumni Association of Austin Seminary in 1971, the Stitt Fellowship honors the Seminary’s fourth president. The Board of the Austin Seminary Association grants the award to one member of the senior class on the basis of scholarship, Christian character, personality, and ability.
Sarah Demarest Allen, Director of Ministerial Formation and Advanced Studies
Margaret P. Aymer, Academic Dean and The First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, D. Thomason Professor of New Testament Studies
Rodney Caruthers, Assistant Professor of New Testament
João Chaves, Assistant Professor of Evangelism and Missions
Gregory Lee Cuéllar, Associate Professor of Old Testament
Ángel Gallardo, Assistant Professor of Church History
William Greenway, Professor of Philosophical Theology
Carolyn R. Browning Helsel, Associate Professor in the Blair Monie Distinguished Chair of Homiletics
Philip Browning Helsel, Associate Professor in the Nancy Taylor Williamson Distinguished Chair of Pastoral Care
José R. Irizarry, President and Professor of Practical Theology
David Hadley Jensen, Professor in The Clarence N. and Betty B. Frierson Distinguished Chair of Reformed Theology
Donghyun Jeong, Assistant Professor of New Testament
Bobbi Kaye Jones, Professor in the Louis H. and Katherine S. Zbinden Distinguished Chair of Pastoral Ministry and Leadership
Timothy D. Lincoln, Assistant Dean for Planning, Director of the Library, and Research Professor in Theological Education
Jennifer L. Lord, The Dorothy B. Vickery Professor of Homiletics and Liturgical Studies
Song-Mi Suzie Park, Associate Professor of Old Testament
Cynthia L. Rigby, The W. C. Brown Professor of Theology
Asante U. Todd, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics
Eric Wall, The Gene Alice Sherman Associate Professor of Sacred Music and Dean of the Chapel
David Franklin White, The C. Ellis and Nancy Gribble Nelson Professor of Christian Education and Professor of Methodist Studies
Melissa Wiginton, Research Professor in Methodist Studies
Andrew Zirschky, Director of the MAYM program and Research Professor in Youth Ministry
John E. Alsup
Ellen L. Babinsky
Whitney Bodman
Lewis R. Donelson
Ismael García
John Robert Hendrick
David Wesley Johnson
Ralph L. Underwood
Theodore J. Wardlaw
Keatan A. King, Houston, Texas
Denise Nance Pierce (MATS’11), Vice Chair, Austin, Texas
Elizabeth Currie Williams, Treasurer, Dallas, Texas
James Allison, Secretary, Charlottesville, Virginia
Michael Waschevski (DMin’03), Member-at-Large, Fort Worth, Texas
Janice Bryant (MDiv’01, DMin’11), Academic Affairs, Austin, Texas
Michael G. Wright, Audit, Dallas, Texas
Beth Blanton Flowers, MD, Student Life, Houston, Texas
Elizabeth Currie Williams, Finance and Administration, Dallas, Texas
Jesús Juan González (MDiv’92), Trustee, Ft. Worth, Texas
James Allison, Investment and Long-Range Planning, Charlottesville, Virginia
Archer Frierson, Institutional Advancement, Shreveport, Louisiana
Jill Duffield (DMin’13), Education Beyond the Walls, Greensboro, North Carolina
Lee Ardell, Houston, Texas
Kelley Cooper Cameron, Canadian, Texas
Gregory Lee Cuéllar, Austin, Texas, faculty representative
Thomas Christian Currie, New Orleans, Louisiana
James A. DeMent Jr. (MDiv’17), Victoria, Texas
Britta Martin Dukes (MDiv’05), Austin, Texas
Peg Falls-Corbitt (CIM’20), Conway, Arkansas
Jackson Farrow Jr., Little Rock, Arkansas
Cyril Hollingsworth (CIM’16), Little Rock, Arkansas
Ora Houston, Austin, Texas
Shawn Kang, Houston, Texas
John A. Kenney (CIM’20), Lake Alumna, Oklahoma
Steve LeBlanc, Austin, Texas
Sue B. McCoy, Dallas, Texas
Matthew Miller, Albuquerque, New Mexico
W. David Pardue, Edmund, Oklahoma
Lisa Juica Perkins (MDiv’11), Frisco, Texas
Mark B. Ramsey, Charlottesville, Virginia
Stephen J. Rhoades, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sharon Risher (MDiv’07), Charlotte, North Carolina
Conrad Rocha, Albuquerque, New Mexico
John Van Osdall, Institutional Advancement, Houston, Texas
Sallie Watson (MDiv’87), San Antonio, Texas
Cassandra C. Carr, San Antonio, Texas
Bruce G. Herlin, Palacios, Texas
Lyndon L. Olson Jr., Waco, Texas
B.W. “Sonny” Payne, Kerrville, Texas
Max Sherman, Austin, Texas
Anne Vickery Stevenson, Sugar Land, Texas