“A Widening Place”
The Inauguration of The Reverend Dr. José Ramon Irizarry
The Tenth President of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
The Inauguration of The Reverend Dr. José Ramon Irizarry
The Tenth President of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
March 30-31, 2023
University Presbyterian Church
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Austin, Texas
Austin Seminary expresses gratitude to the pastors, staff, and congregation of University Presbyterian Church, Austin, for graciously offering their sanctuary for our Inauguration festivities.
Mission & History
For the glory of God and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a seminary in the Presbyterian-Reformed tradition whose mission is to educate and equip people for ordained Christian ministry and other forms of Christian service and leadership; to employ its resources for the nurture of the church; to practice and promote critical theological thought and research; to engage a range of voices and perspectives within and beyond the life of the Seminary; and to be a winsome and exemplary community of God’s people.
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary opened its doors on October 1, 1902, with the mission to educate ministers to meet the needs of a rapidly growing Presbyterian Church on the emerging frontier of the Southwest. Since its inception, Austin Seminary has educated more than 3,000 persons to serve in a variety of ministry and faith-based nonprofit settings in every state and many foreign countries.
Austin Seminary offers six degree programs, including a dual degree with The University of Texas at Austin (UT) Steve Hicks School of Social Work; a degree specializing in youth ministry that combines theological and biblical study and reflection with practical experience in the church; and a degree for clergy in the midst of their ministries. Certificate programs, in English and Spanish, appeal to those who seek substantive theological education in a primarily online format. Several annual lectures, including one planned and produced exclusively by students, provide opportunities for the public to hear from a variety of distinguished speakers.
In addition to graduate-level theological education, Austin Seminary creates space for learning among Christian leaders and those who look to enhance their lives of faith. Collaborative programs enhance the well-being and support of clergy and resource congregations in changing times; a bilingual certificate program through Instituto de María y Marta offers leadership education for Hispanic Christian women; and online and in-person programming addresses topics of importance for the life of the church and the world.
The church, and those who serve in it, are changing as rapidly as the culture. Austin Seminary’s institutional emphasis on community—experienced through living, studying, and learning together—is a significant factor in our graduates’ ability to relate to and lead healthy Christian communities.
The Presidents of Austin Seminary
1900 - 1905 - The Reverend Dr. T.R. Sampson
1909-1916 - The Reverend Dr. Robert E. Vinson
1916-1917 - The Reverend Dr. Neal W. Anderson (acting president)
1922-1943 – The Reverend Dr. Thomas W. Currie
1945-1971 – The Reverend Dr. David L. Stitt
1972-1976 – The Reverend Dr. Prescott H. Williams Jr.
1984-1985 – The Reverend Dr. C. Ellis Nelson (interim president)
The Austin Seminary Mace and Presidential Medallion were gifts to the past chairs of the Board of Trustees (through 2002). They were designed and crafted by Austin Seminary’s Artist-inResidence, The Reverend C.D. Weaver. The mace is carved from American black walnut and ebony and adorned with sterling silver medallions depicting images related to the Seminary, its roots in the Reformed tradition, and biblical history. The mace is capped by five bronze “flames” representing Old and New Testament images of the burning bush and Pentecost. The Presidential Medallion bears a facsimile of Shelton Chapel in sterling silver on the front and the names of all the Seminary presidents engraved on the back. It is to be worn by the president when presiding over formal Seminary functions.
The Reverend Dr. José R. Irizarry
Dr. José Ramon Irizarry was called to be the tenth president of Austin Seminary on June 27, 2022. He previously served as Vice President of Education at the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). A scholar in the field of practical theology, Irizarry taught at Villanova University and has held teaching and administrative positions at various educational and theological institutions including The University of Cambridge (Visiting Fellow), The Lutheran School of Theology, the Pacific School of Religion, and McCormick Theological Seminary.
Out of his expertise as a bilingual educator, Dr. Irizarry directed Cambridge College’s regional campus in his native San Juan, Puerto Rico, (2011-2015) and served as academic dean, acting president, and held The Limardo Chair in Practical Theology at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico (2007-2011). He earned degrees from the University of Puerto Rico (BA), McCormick Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Northwestern University (PhD) as well as professional certifications from the Universitá per Stranieri di Perugia, Italy, Boston College, and Cornell University.
Supporting his work in the field of religious education and intercultural relations, Irizarry has traveled internationally to lead seminars and conferences and to conduct research. He has chaired academic accreditation teams in the US and Puerto Rico and served as president of the Religious Education Association in the United States and Canada. An ordained minister in the PC(USA), he has served the church as member of the Review Committee of the Whole (assessing the work of all agencies of the Presbyterian Church) and on the Committee on Theological Education. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (Westminster John Knox Press, Geneva Press) for eight years and was a trustee at Columbia Theological Seminary. He served interim pastoral positions at Presbyterian and inter-denominational congregations in Puerto Rico and the US.
A native of Puerto Rico, Dr. Irizarry is married to Mildred (Milly) Del Valle, a speech pathologist and ruling elder, and they are parents to three young adults currently engaging undergraduate and graduate studies: Yuyza, Darien Farel, and Abayomi Nicola. He began his tenure as president on August 22, 2022.
The University of Texas Concert Chorale
The Sanctuary University Presbyterian Church, Austin March 30, 2023 6:30 p.m.
On the eve of President Irizarry’s Inauguration, Austin Seminary has invited guests and members of the Austin community to a concert by The University of Texas Concert Chorale. The flagship vocal ensemble in the Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, this group is made up of music students as well as students from other academic disciplines. Now under the direction of Dr. J.D. Burnett, the Chorale bears a tradition of maintaining the highest standards of musical excellence, performing at venues such as Carnegie Hall in New York, at the National Convention of the American Choral Director’s Association, the Texas Music Educator’s Association Conventions, and on tour worldwide. These students lead the Butler Choral Studies Program into the future, performing repertoire from every time period as well as new music from all over the world. This choir has been conducted by pillars of the world-wide choral community including Morris Beachy, and Craig Hella Johnson.
The Presidents’ Panel
Wright Hall, Mary B. and Robert J. Wright Learning and Information Center
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
March 31, 2023 2:30 p.m.
Following his inauguration as the tenth president of Austin Seminary, Dr. Irizarry moderates a discussion among educational leaders who have recently begun their tenures in seminary and higher education. Panelists include:
Dr. Victor Aloyo, President of Columbia Theological Seminary
Dr. Aloyo became Columbia Seminary’s eleventh president on August 1. Previously he was associate dean of institutional diversity and community engagement at Princeton Theological Seminary. Aloyo was the organizing and lead pastor of La Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras, a multicultural community of faith in North Plainfield, New Jersey. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian Foundation, Family Promise, the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, the Muhlenberg Foundation, and Convener of the Covenant Architects Network.
Dr. Vanessa B. Beasley, President of Trinity University
Dr. Beasley was named Trinity University’s twentieth president, and the first woman to hold that office, in the summer of 2022. Previously she was vice provost for academic affairs, dean of residential faculty, and an associate professor of communication studies at Vanderbilt University. There she oversaw Vanderbilt’s growing Residential College System as well as the campus units that offer experiential learning inside and outside of the classroom. Her areas of academic expertise include the rhetoric of American presidents, political rhetoric on immigration, and media and politics.
Dr. Melva K. Williams, President of Huston-Tillotson University
Dr. Williams became Huston-Tillotson’s seventh president and chief executive officer in August 2022. Prior to her appointment, she was executive associate to the chancellor, assistant vice chancellor, and vice chancellor for student affairs and enrollment management at Southern University-Shreveport. A former associate dean at Centenary College of Louisiana, she also served as the senior director of programming for the Clinton Presidential Center. She is the co-founder of the Higher Education Leadership Foundation (H.E.L.F.) and is a founding board member and board president for Magnolia School of Excellence.
The Service of Inauguration
University Presbyterian Church, Austin March 31, 2023 11:00 a.m.
Procesión / Procession In Doug Slauson, bagpiper
* Llamamiento a la adoración / Opening Sentences Aiden Diaz all singing English, then Spanish:
* Please rise in body or spirit
text and music by Raúl Galeano
O God, you summon the day to dawn; you teach the morning to waken the earth. Great is your name, great is your love.
For you the valleys will sing for joy; the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Great is your name, great is your love.
To you the monarchs of the earth shall bow; the poor and the persecuted shall shout for joy. Great is your name, great is your love.
Your love and justice shall last forever, fresh as the morning, sure as the sunrise. Great is your name, great is your love.
all singing:
T H A N K S G I V I N G 643
Now Thank We All Our God
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Although this hymn is often used on large and festive occasions, its first two stanzas had much humbler beginnings: they originated as a family table prayer during the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648). These words have been associated with this tune since the mid-17th century.
TEXT: Martin Rinkart, c. 1636; trans. Catherine Winkworth, 1858, alt.
MUSIC: Johann Crüger, 1647; harm. Felix Mendelssohn, 1840
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text: Martin Rinkart; music: Johanne Crüger
Dios trino, al reconocer tu grandeza y tu presencia en nuestras vidas, no Podemos hacer otra cosa que no sea darte loor y cantar alabanzas a tu nombre.
Praise be to you, God our creator, for you give us life and sustain this world with your love. Blessed are you, our Lord Jesus Christ, for you redeem us from our sins and give us salvation. Glory to you, Holy Spirit, for you console us and make your presence known in all we say and do.
Nuestra adoración sincera será siempre para Aquel cuya gracia es inquebrantable e inmensurable. A Dios sea la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.
* Oración de Adoración / Gathering Prayer Marta Pumroy
Bienvenida / Welcome
The Reverend Matt Gaventa
Oración de iluminación / Prayer for Illumination David Angulo, Jun Lee, and Frieda Mottonen
Lecturas / Scripture Isaiah 54: 2, 5b, 10
Salmo / Psalm 134 Dr. Donghyun Jeong, Boram Choi, and Sarah Rutherford
Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place, and bless the Lord.
May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion. R
Lecturas / Scripture Ephesians 3:14-21
Discurso / Address
Dean Margaret Aymer
“A Widening Place”
José R. Irizarry 보라 밤에 여호와의 성전에 서 있는 여호와의 모든 종들아 여호와를 송축하라 성소를 향하여 너희 손을 들고 여호와를 송축하라. 천지를 지으신 여호와께서 시온에서 네게 복을 주실지어다. RR
* Himno / Hymn Let Us Build a House text and music by Marty Haugen
Oraciones de la Escritura/ Reverend Keatan King Sentences of Scripture
There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same Spirit who gives them. There are different ways of serving God, but it is the same Lord who is served. To each is given a gift of the Spirit to be used for the common good. Together we are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
* Credo Hispano / Hispanic Creed The Reverend Dr. Gregory Cuéllar all singing:
God Welcomes All
text by John L. Bell, 2008; music from South African Themba Amen
Creemos en Dios Padre todopoderoso, Creator of the heavens and the earth; Creator of all people and all cultures; Creator of all tongues and races.
This “short song,” as the Iona Community calls it, can be especially effective as a means of setting a welcoming tone for a service (especially an ecumenical one). Like most such songs, it needs to be sung several times, adding and improvising harmony with each repetition.
TEXT: John L. Bell, 2008
MUSIC: South African song; transcr. John L. Bell, 2008
Text and Music Transcr. © 2008 WGRG, Iona Community (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.)
Creemos en Jesucristo, su Hijo, nuestro Señor, God made flesh in a person for all humanity, God made flesh in an age for all the ages, God made flesh in one culture for all cultures, God made flesh in love and grace for all creation.
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AMEN 4.4.9
Creemos en el Espíritu Santo, Through whom God Incarnate in Jesus Christ makes his presence known in our people and our cultures; Through whom, God, Creator of all that exists, gives us power to become new creatures; Whose infinite gifts make us one people: the body of Christ.
Creemos en la Iglesia, que es universal, Because It is a sign of God’s Reign Whose faithfulness is shown in its many hues, Where all the colors paint a single landscape, Where all tongues sing the same praise.
Creemos en el reino venidero, día de la gran fiesta, When all the colors of creation will form a harmonious rainbow, When all the people will join in the joyful banquet, When all the tongues of the universe will sing the same song.
Y porque creemos, nos comprometemos To believe for those who do not believe, To love for those who do not love, To dream for those who do not dream, Until the day when hope becomes a reality.
all singing: Amen, amen …
Votos inaugurales / Inaugural Vows The Reverend Keatan King
Oración inaugural /Inaugural Prayer
Declaración de Inauguración / Declaration of Inauguration
Presentación de los Símbolos del Oficio / The Reverend Dr. Chris Currie Presentation of the Symbols of Office
Cargo al presidente / Charge to the President
Cargo a la Comunidad / The Reverend Paul Roberts Charge to the Community
Oraciones del pueblo / Chrystal Brigman and Bis Thornton
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Prayers of the People
Himno/Hymn: I Love the Lord stanza 1 before prayers; stanza 2 following prayers
I Love the Lord, Who Heard My Cry
Declaración / Remarks
TEXT: Isaac Watts, 1719, alt.
text by Isaac Watts, 1719; music arr. Richard Smallwood, 1979
This setting of stanzas from a metrical psalm draws on an African American singing tradition marked by a slow pace and individual improvisation. Vestiges of that practice appear here in the pattern of extended syllables occurring at regular intervals without regard to meaning.
The Reverend Ruth Faith Santana-Grace
The Reverend Shavon Starling-Louis
MUSIC: African American spiritual; arr. Richard Smallwood, 1975 Music Arr. © 1975 Richard Smallwood
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L A M E N T A N D L O N G I N G F O R H E A L I N G 799
Himno / Anthem “Building Up the Kingdom” M. Roger Holland II Composer
My hands are your hands to pray and to serve, to do works of justice, to heal where there is hurt, to touch the untouchable as God did in the flesh. Greater works you said we’ll do if in your name we’ll ask.
I want to be used for the building up of the kingdom of God; keep my hand on the gospel plow, never gonna stop. I want to be used for the building up of the kingdom of God. I’m gonna build it up until I get home.
My feet are your feet, to go where you please, clothed in your righteousness with the gospel of peace. I’ll run and not get weary, walk and not faint, strengthened by your Spirit to run this Christian race.
My tongue is your tongue to speak your holy word, spreading the gospel, to bless and not curse, to sing with the angels their song from above. I dedicate my life to you, an offering of love.
all singing:
I want to be used for the building up of the kingdom of God; keep my hand on the gospel plow, never gonna stop.
I want to be used for the building up of the kingdom of God. I’m gonna build it up until I get home.
* Himno/Hymn El cielo canta alegría / Heaven Is Singing for Joy stanza 1 – Spanish; stanzas 2 and 3 - English
* Despido / Dismissal President Irizarry Psalm 134
Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by day and by night in all places of the Lord! Lift up your hands— bless the Lord!
May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, bless you.
* Procesión / Procession Out Mariachi Corazón De Tejas
text and music by Pablo Sosa
Program Leaders
The Reverend Dr. Margaret Aymer, Academic Dean and The First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, D. Thomason Professor of New Testament Studies
The Reverend Dr. Gregory Cuéllar, Associate Professor of Old Testament
The Reverend Dr. Chris Currie, Chair of the Presidential Search Committee
The Reverend Matt Gaventa, Pastor of University Presbyterian Church
The Reverend Dr. José R. Irizarry, President and Professor of Practical Theology
Dr. Donghyun Jeong, Assistant Professor of New Testament
The Reverend Keatan King, Chair of the Austin Seminary Board of Trustees
The Reverend Dr. Jennifer L. Lord, The Dorothy B. Vickery Professor of Homiletics and Liturgical Studies (faculty marshal)
The Reverend Paul Roberts, President of Johnson C. Smith Seminary
The Reverend Ruth Faith Santana-Grace, Co-Moderator of the 225th General Assembly (2022) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The Reverend Shavon Starling-Louis, Co-Moderator of the 225th General Assembly (2022) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Professor Eric Wall, The Gene Alice Sherman Associate Professor of Sacred Music and Dean of the Chapel
Musicians: Austin Seminary Choir and members of the choirs of Ebenezer Baptist Church, First Presbyterian Church, and University Presbyterian Church; students Taylor Sexton, Colton Hedrick, Danny Contreras (staff), guitars; Kellie Brewer, piano; Britt Hicks, percussion
Other students assisting in worship
Liturgists: David Angulo, Chrystal Brigman, Boram Choi, Aiden Diaz, Jun Lee, Frieda Mottonen, Marta Pumroy, Sarah Rutherford, Bis Thornton
Crucifer: Becca Edwards
Beadles: Nancy Barnard, Aiden Diaz, Becca Edwards, Taline Manassian, Marta Pumroy, Bis Thornton
Liturgy and Music credits
A Wee Worship Book, Fifth Incarnation, © 2015 Wild Goose Resource Group/Iona Community; GIA Publications, Inc.; used under OneLicense A-701708
Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press; reprinted by permission; all rights reserved.
“Dios está aquí/God Is Here Today” English trans. C. Michael Hawn, 1998; arr. C. Michael Hawn and Arturo González, 1999; English trans. and Music Arr. © 1999 Choristers Guild; reprinted under OneLicense A-701708 (Glory to God, 411)
“God Welcomes All” transcr. John L. Bell, 2008; text and music transcr. © 2008 WGRG/Iona Community (admin. GIA Publications, Inc.); reprinted under OneLicense A-701708 (Glory to God, 399)
“Let Us Build a House” © 1994 GIA Publications, Inc; OneLicense A-701708 (Glory to God, 301)
“I Love the Lord, Who Heard My Cry” reprinted by permission (Glory to God, 799)
“Building Up the Kingdom” by M. Roger Holland II; © 2014 GIA Publications, Inc.; OneLicense A-701708
“El cielo canta alegría/Heaven Is Singing for Joy” © 1958 GIA Publications, Inc.; OneLicense A-701708 (Glory to God, 382)
The Board of Trustees
Chair: Keatan A. King, Houston, Texas
James Allison, Charlottesville, Virginia
Lee Ardell, Houston, Texas
Janice Bryant (MDiv’01, DMin’11), Austin, Texas
Kelley Cooper Cameron (CIM’21), Canadian, Texas
Gregory Cuéllar, faculty representative
Thomas Christian Currie, New Orleans, Louisiana
James A. DeMent Jr. (MDiv’17), Victoria, Texas
Jill Duffield (DMin’13), Greensboro, North Carolina
Britta Martin Dukes (MDiv’05), Austin, Texas
Peg Falls-Corbitt (CIM’20), Conway, Arkansas
Jackson Farrow Jr., Little Rock, Arkansas
Beth Blanton Flowers, MD, Houston, Texas
G. Archer Frierson II, Shreveport, Louisiana
Jesús Juan González (MDiv’92), Ft. Worth, Texas
Cyril Hollingsworth (CIM’16), Little Rock, Arkansas
Ora Houston, Austin, Texas
Shawn Kang, Houston, Texas
John Kenney (CIM’20), Lake Alumna, Oklahoma
Steve LeBlanc, Austin, Texas
Sue B. McCoy, Dallas, Texas
Matthew Miller (MDiv’03), Albuquerque, New Mexico
W. David Pardue, Edmond, Oklahoma
Lisa Juica Perkins (MDiv’11), Frisco, Texas
Denise Nance Pierce (MATS’11), Austin, Texas
Mark B. Ramsey, Charlottesville, Virginia
Stephen J. Rhoades, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sharon Risher (MDiv’07), Charlotte, North Carolina
Conrad Rocha, Albuquerque, New Mexico
John Van Osdall, Houston, Texas
Michael Waschevski (DMin’03), Fort Worth, Texas
Sallie Sampsell Watson (MDiv’87), San Antonio, Texas
Elizabeth Currie Williams, Dallas, Texas
Michael G. Wright, Dallas, Texas
Cassandra Carr, Bruce G. Herlin, Lyndon Olson, B.W. “Sonny” Payne, Max Sherman, Anne Vickery Stevenson
Ecclesiastical Delegates
Presbytery of Mission, Reverend Sallie Sampsell Watson (MDiv’87)
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Reverend Ruth Faith Santana-Grace & Reverend Shavon Starling-Louis
Rio Texas Conference (UMC), Bishop Robert Schnase
Delegates from Educational Institutions
1794 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Angela D. Hancock, PhD
1869 Trinity University
Vanessa Beasley, PhD
Princeton Theological Seminary
Anne Stewart, PhD
1871 San Francisco Theological Seminary
Eugene Park, PhD
Union Presbyterian Seminary
Charles Patrick MacArthur, DMin
1873 Brite Divinity School
Michael Miller, PhD
Columbia Theological Seminary
Victor Aloya, EdD
1875 Huston-Tillotson University
Melva Williams, PhD
Austin College
John Williams, PhD
1885 Claremont School of Theology
Mary Hollifield, MDiv
Garrett Evangelical-Theological Seminary
Javier A. Viera, EdD
1923 Schreiner University
Travis Frampton, PhD
1952 Seminary of the Southwest
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Dan Ellinor
1866 Pacific School of Religion
David Vázquez-Levy, DMin
1867 Johnson C. Smith Seminary
Paul Roberts, MDiv
Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, ThD
1996 Inter-American Adventist
Theological Seminary
Efrain Velazquez, PhD
2002 Universidad Reformada, Colombia
Helis Barraza Díaz, MBA
The Faculty
Sarah Allen (MDiv’07, DMin’19)
Margaret P. Aymer
Rodney Alan Caruthers
João Chaves
Gregory Lee Cuéllar
Ángel Jazak Gallardo
William Greenway
Carolyn B. Helsel
Philip Browning Helsel
José R. Irizarry
David Hadley Jensen
Donghyun Jeong
Bobbi Kaye Jones (MDiv’80)
Timothy D. Lincoln
Jennifer L. Lord
Song-Mi Suzie Park
Cynthia L. Rigby
Asante U. Todd (MDiv’06)
Eric Wall
David F. White
Melissa Wiginton
Andrew Zirschky
John Alsup, Ellen Babinsky, Whit Bodman, Lewis Donelson, Ismael Garcia, Pete Hendrick (MDiv’52), David Johnson, Ralph Underwood
Theodore J. Wardlaw
Administrative Officers
Sarah Allen (MDiv’07, DMin’19)
Margaret P. Aymer
Sarah Gaventa
Jorge D. Herrera (MDiv’15)
José R. Irizarry
Timothy D. Lincoln
Donna Scott
Mary Blick Wall
Melissa Wiginton
Heather Zdancewicz
Andrew Zirschky
Austin Seminary Staff
Selina Aguirre
Penny Baker
JR Barden
Rick Carlson (MDiv’15)
Mike Castleberry
Alan Constant (MDiv’22)
Danny Contreras
Jeannie Corbitt Cardona (MDiv’20)
Phil Dieke
John Everett
Andrew Frazier (MDiv’19)
Sarah Gomez
David Hill
Erica Knisely (MDiv’14)
Rodrigo Leal
Usama Malik (MDiv’20)
Rykie Marx
Judy Matetzschk-Campbell
Gary Mathews
Mikala McFerren
Julie Newton
Mike Pence
David Perry
Alison Riemersma
Johnny Rogerio
Rodrigo Rosales
Sharon Sandberg
Mona Santandrea
David Schmersal
Estela Sifuentes (MDiv’19)
Kristy Sorensen
Adriana Surita
Mónica Tornoé
John Vinke
William West (MDiv’16)
Randal Whittington
The Presidential Search Committee
Chris Currie, chair
Chrystal Brigman
Katie Cummings (MDiv’05)
Jill Duffield (DMin’13)
Michael East (MDiv’14)
David Jensen
Song-Mi Suzie Park
Denise Pierce (MATS’11)
Mark Ramsey
Conrad Rocha
Keatan King, ex officio
100 East 27th Street | Austin, Texas 78705