Monica Morales, Partner/ VP of Development Monica Morales is partner and VP of development at DivInc, building partnerships that provide funding for critical resources to support women and underrepresented entrepreneurs. She has over 15 years of experience in both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Previously, Morales served as interim executive director for the Central Texas ADA. linkedin.com/in/monica-morales-divinc
Austin Center for Grief & Loss
Foster Angels of Central Texas
Tania Leskovar-Owens, Executive Director Tania Leskovar-Owens is the executive director of Foster Angels of Central Texas, an organization that aids children in foster care and provides a sense of normalcy. Under Leskovar-Owens’ leadership, Foster Angels has implemented additional programming called “Guide to Thrive” that specifically serves the needs of youth aging out of care. fosterangelsctx.org/tania
Foster Village
Chrystal Smith, Founder and CEO As a licensed foster parent, Chrystal Smith saw the gaps in the system firsthand. This inspired her to launch the nonprofit organization Foster Village Inc. Since 2016, Foster Village has served thousands of families throughout Central Texas and is changing the landscape of child welfare from the ground up. fostervillageaustin.org