Mediumship Development Christine Morgan
Marie Klement ‘Medium of the Month That Funeral Parlour Girl!
Pictures from the Spirit World
No dark seances! The AAS makes a stand
Rhonda ROberts
How they affect Mediums
‘The Professional Medium’ Letter from the Editor Australia, being a relatively young country, it seems we have a habit of looking outward for excellence. In fact, in the field of mediumship we have often thought that we are ‘not as good as’ or ‘not as experienced as’.
So let’s look into our own unique style and ability. Let us blend our connection with the Spiritualist movement around the world and the amazing training that is on offer to us here in Australia. Let’s combine this with our own young, fresh and connected way of being to Now as far as experience, it really depends on produce some outstanding mediums. Honwhat we are looking at. For mediumship within the ouring ourselves as incredible mediums and spiritualist field of course we have only been set- supporting and encouraging each other in the tled since the late 1700’s early 1800’s. Really the true Australian way. spiritual heart of Australia is much older than that! In this awareness of Australian mediumship We have an ancient virtually untouched land that let us venture forward, not trying to copy our holds the energy for connection with the other brothers and sisters overseas but establish world as a part of its culture. Australia’s Aboriginal ourselves as the mediums we know we can people were thought to have arrived here by boat be. from South East Asia during the last Ice Age, at least 50,000 years ago. At the time of European I hope that this publication in time brings an discovery and settlement, up to one million Aborig- awareness of Australian Mediumship to the inal people lived across the continent as hunters world and promotes, supports, guides and and gatherers. They were scattered in 300 clans informs the mediums developing in Australia and spoke 250 languages and 700 dialects. Each into becoming the best they can be. clan had a spiritual connection with a specific piece of land. “Be brave, and be kind” Debbie XXX
Debbie B-Mewes Editor and President of the Australian Academy of Spirit
in this edition Table of contents: • • • • • • • • • •
That Funeral Parlour Girl---------------------5,6 Mediumship Development--------------------7,8 No Dark Seances!---------------------------9,10,15 Spotlight on a Tutor - Helen DaVita-------17,18 Trip of a lifetime, Uluru Symposium-------19,20 In Menory -Albert Best------------------------21,22 Rev Katherine Harris’s Address------------25,26 Emotions, how they affect mediums------27,28 AAS Philosophy--------------------------------29,30 Pictures from the Spirit World--------------35,36
The Australian Academy of Spirit (AAS) is a national body representing professional and developing mediums. Established to recognise and ensure the highest standards of education and practise are maintained. Contact Details 117 Mooloolah Meadows Dve, Mooloolah Valley, QLD 4553 Australia
Opinions expressed in this magazine by the contributors are their personal opinions and should not necessarily be taken as an endorsement by the AAS or the editor.
That Funeral Parlour Girl!
The Early Years
I was 5 when we moved to the Funeral Parlour in the country town of Wangaratta. I recall pulling up in the drive of the Parlour, my Mother in the front with a baby, myself and my sister along with Nana in the back seat. Initially Mum didn’t want to get out of the car, I think she thought it was a dump and “what was I getting myself into”, yet there we were, this would be my home for 6 years and some of my fondest memories belong here in this space and time of my life. I was 8 years old when I saw a dead body in a coffin and of course I wasn’t supposed to. I believe my parents were very protective in regards to the exposure of their children to dead bodies like any parents would be. They never talked about it much. There were very few cases that they mentioned apart from a murder case my mother was traumatised by. She still remembers vividly to this day, laying out the body with care and sensitivity for the family concerned. On a sunny afternoon my mother had asked me to bring a cup of coffee to Dad in the workshop where he put the coffins together. I recognise now as a Mother myself that it would have been none too easy to raise a family and assist with the running of the Parlour. Mum although psychic too was a practical woman and the children came first. She had enough on her plate. So there I was on this day taking the coffee to Dad I knocked on the door and proceeded to go in, my eyes immediately went to a body in a coffin it was blue, even as a child I knew without having been educated in spiritual matters that there was nothing there that would hurt me.
The soul had vacated the body and as I almost curiously looked around, the room felt kind of fuzzy, and a familiar veil had appeared, it was almost like I was looking and looking for signs of life.
All I could see was blue skin wrapped in a very ornate satin material with beads on it. The very room had a presence of its own, an aura of its own but the body was empty. Dad had once done a funeral for someone that had been in jail and he told us that the “powers that be” had said “oh just put him in any old box”. Dad being himself decided he would give the guy a decent service and a decent coffin. In those days and I’m going back to the 60’s, Spiritual Mentors and Guidance and Spiritual Churches or respected Mediums were not touring in Wangaratta. Far from it, if you had any Psychic Visions you were probably considered a bit eccentric or psycho, although spirits, guides and visionaries have been endemic to our species since forever. Mediums were not doing demonstrations anywhere near Wangaratta at the time. After the funeral that Dad gave the guy he said he “could feel someone thanking him and he could feel a sense of gratitude”. We thought nothing in particular of that and the story drifted for a while until a Melbourne Medium picked up Dads presence in spirit. He proceeded to tell me after he finished the reading “I’m not used to working with male medium energies on the other side”. Mmmm, so the story came to light again. Neither Mum or Dad really had the chance to fully develop their gifts but in themselves they were spiritual.
Australian Welcome to Academy of Spirit
We had the Chapel in the front section of where we lived. There was a pulpit at the front of the Chapel and we were not allowed to go into this Sacred Space. It was ‘strictly off limits’ but as if we took notice of that. We played there when Dad was off preparing for the Funerals and Mum was busy feeding the baby. We stood at the Pulpit singing “Stop in the name of Love” and all the cats and Teddy bears and empty Chapel pews heard our voices rise.
Member benefits
‘The Professional Medium’ ! One day Dad had just done a Funeral and he came in laughing so much tears were rolling down his cheeks, “who messed with the music tapes” he asked as we were sitting on the couch. I knew it wasn’t me, but my younger sisters had got into the act of playing in the Chapel and instead of ‘Abide with thee’ by the Black Staple Singers, “Zippidee Doo Dar “had come on as the first song of the Funeral. OMG. Crikey, we all laughed out, very loudly. There is a grace when communicating to Spirit. It lies in the heart and soul when bringing Spirit through and the energy of a room changes.
Rhonda Robertson.
• Support and promotion on the web site as recommended mediums who have undergone specific training with the academy or the affiliated training providers across Australia. Honorary, Gold and Silver members only. • You will have the opportunity to spend time in retreat at the facilities in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. • You will regularly get newsletters giving members early notification of exciting training events or international tutors visiting the AAS. • Free repeat training with any course you have previously undergone at the home of AAS Universal Cottage conducted by Debbie B-Mewes. Limited to 3 repeat students per course. • The opportunity to gain your insurance under the AAS insurance policy or help and guidance with your professional insurance requirements. • Badges and logos able to be used in conjunction with your name on your correspondence or web site for Bronze, Gold, Silver and Honorary members. • $50 off all training hosted by the Australian Academy of Spirit including training with the overseas tutors. • $200 off the annual Uluru Mediumship Symposium. • The opportunity to be promoted by our ‘Monthly Medium’ promotion on Facebook and in newsletters. Honorary, Gold and Silver members only. • Discounted advertising in ‘The Professional Medium’ magazine • ‘Monthly Mediums’ get free advertising in ‘The Professional Medium’ magazine.
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Christine Morgan ‘International tutor, Medium, Keynote Speaker, & Spiritual Retreat organiser’. THE importance of correct “unfoldment” in the development of the spirit within and the connection to the spirit world is imperative. Firstly, I would say to all who wish to develop their ability one thing: Why? Really soul search what you are drawn to. Many times there is a total misunderstanding of true spiritual mediumship, which leads to misrepresentation of the spirit world. Let us look at the spirit within. This journey of life is a dance of many different things that interest us. So, are we just interested or can we offer something to life itself? That being the case, if we seek to develop spiritually and stimulate our senses to be able to help ourselves as well as others, then we may have a good foundation. It is no use to develop an ability if it is not meaningful to yourself, either! , either! That’s important.
That being said, the faculty of mediumship or psychic awareness is simply that - a faculty. Spirituality is totally different. We have allowed the word “spiritual” to be attached to many things and elements that indeed are not of the spirit world. So, by definition it is a word of description overused in a field that often is so far removed from true spirit communication. In the beginning, one should always look for a teacher to guide and support. Mediumship cannot be taught. Teachers can only assist in understanding that which is happening to the student. So watch your teacher, look for what they do, challenge and question different abilities so that you know you are with the correct one. Teachers change as you develop and grow, that is a fact of development, but a true teacher will always encourage students to unfold naturally within their own experience of awareness. Awareness comes about in the sitting of the self and the silence, not guided meditations. However, they (guided meditations) may be used to initiate at the beginning: only to bring an awareness of inner balance. What we are looking for is to firstly create a sense of inner awareness of you, so that those in the spirit world when and if they draw close to you - can be aware of your intentions.
As you sit with the focused intention to move towards the spirit world, there is a sense of change within the vibration of the auric field of the student developing. Different sensations, different experiences, some not explainable: just the allowing of the student to sit with themselves and understand their own energy first before even considering to try to make a connection is vital. The spirit world know the intentions and a good teacher will assist with this. Time periods vary with people, but the more you sit in the silence, the power of the spirit world may become closer to you. Notice I have said “may�, as it is a journey of the soul’s unfoldment and very often we learn to link with the spirit and not ourself. journey begin with awareness of you. So let the journey begin with awareness of you. The development process will unfold according to the inherent ability, correct approach and stimulus of the senses. There is no hard fast rule how to do it, but a teacher should be able to be aware of what is taking place with the student. No time sitting for the development of the soul is wasted either to stimulate psychic senses, to build and create what we term the Power of the Spirit, so they may blend more with our vibration, it all is important. Understanding the differences between psychic stimulation and true evidential mediumship is vital, and every medium should be understanding of that. It is an ongoing progression, which may be very slow, so can be disheartening at times and frustrating! However, within the unfoldment process either by yourself or within a group, changes will occur if the harmony is right. We are all responsible for our relationship to the spirit world, we are responsible for our part in development - they cannot assist us if we do not give time to them. Too much too quickly without correct foundations does not last long and often becomes psychically driven.
As mediums, we are offering evidence of the world unseen, to help assist in grief, loss and the basic human needs of humanity to understand we are all part of the whole. Spirit is not limited by them. It is limited by ourselves, so the journey never ends! Always be prepared to ask, challenge and at times accept things. This is not a commodity for entertainment, but a wonderful opportunity to grow towards the breathtaking gift of mediumship. Look for the right teacher, group or sit quietly at home until one is found. Read and explore but always be prepared for change and be flexible in your development. What we want sometimes is not what they can give. It is about what they can do with us, not what we want from them. In service we are here to assist humanity, but in doing so must understand we are assisting ourselves as well. Otherwise, what would be the point? True spirituality is being aware of all sides of ourselves, working on areas we need to improve ourselves so therefore our environment and communities improve. Being spiritual within mediumship is endeavouring to walk the talk, tough sometimes but it is honouring ourselves in truth and not covered by masks. If we learn to understand this alongside our faculty development then mediumship may not be in the sad decline it is today. Intuition is the Language of the Spirit, learn to understand the many facets of the Intuitive Arts, understand your spirit and your relationship with the spirit world. It is rewarding, insightful and joyful, deepen your knowledge and enhance abilities through correct education, be brave if you need to change things. For the spirit world will reward you. CHRISTINE MORGAN
Christine Morgan
No Dark Seances! No Dark Public Séances! Quite a controversial statement, but one the Australian Academy of Spirit made quite a while ago!
“We understand that ‘developing’ physical mediums can still develop in total darkness until such time as their spirit team solidify the phenomena and deem them able to provide public séances. Once public however we offer the use of red lights and non-light evasive camera systems. All public séances now conducted at the Australian Academy of Spirit will be done in a low level of red light or camera systems will be in operation.” ........AAS website. Since making this statement there have been some interesting developments in the field of Physical Mediumship. The first being a ‘medium’ Garry Manion being caught on night vision camera creating his own phenomena in a séance. The other with a visiting Physical Medium to the AAS demanding the removal of the cameras from the séance room. Consequently, his ‘materialised’ guide stood on quite a few toes as he made his way around the room. As a result, we received quite a few queries and complaints. It was a brave and honourable decision by the hosting venue in the UK to put the cameras in as there was already a suspicion of fraud. In the opinion of the AAS the suspicion had been for a few years, since 4 members witnessed his séances at a Physical Mediumship Symposium at Wallacia It was the reports by AAS members of these séances that were forwarded to the centre in the UK and may have helped with the decision.
Garry Manion Séance Report The following report is based on my own observations and opinion of two consecutive séances attended by myself and performed by Garry Manion. While attending the Wallacia Physical Mediumship symposium I attended two séances performed by Garry Manion the first in which I was strangely avoided. In fact, all phenomena in the way of touches happened consecutively around the room one person after the other. except when it came to me spirit took a wide berth and went onto the next person. Again in this particular séance (and something we have in audio recording) when asked by Garry/spirit if there was a volunteer in the room I quickly spoke up saying I had at that time not experienced anything. When asked who was speaking and I replied with my name, Garry and his controller at the time quickly dismissed my offer and asked again until someone else offered and they chose them. I had the distinct impression they were worried about me being in the séance. It was also noticed prior to the séance, as I offered to help mop the séance room floor. In the corners of the room positioned about a foot in front of where the chairs being against the wall would be were two marks on the floor indicating the corners. After the séance Garry’s socks were found at these marks (markers perhaps?) Also, just prior to the séance and with it being a 35-degree day in Australia, Garry had a thick fleecy black onesie on, he gestured to a friend and in a whisper to get the black tape to cover up the stitched white emblem on his onesie (why) we quietly watched as this took place.
Into the séance, and as we had squeezed into this one there were two extra people, meaning that the chairs were one seat closer to the cabinet than normal. The music person had the misfortune of placing the wrong song on at the beginning and it had a quiet space with no music. During this, I could quite clearly hear the sound of a zipper or cable ties being zipped. A crucial mistake in this séance was that the luminous balls were placed off centre in the room and the light reflected off the white walls behind us more than it should have.
Things that were noticed and asked Garry about after in an email, to no avail: • • • • •
• •
At no time did phenomena happen in two separate parts of the room at once. At times there were two people being touched but they always sat next to each other. Phenomena never happened while the guide was talking from the cabinet. An old 80-year-old gentleman fell asleep and when touched by Garry was so startled he jumped and kicked him in the shins. (the séance was called to an early close shortly after this) At one stage two Asian ladies having never been in a séance before so not knowing what they were supposed to see were exclaiming as the trumpet steadily made its way around the room one person at a time. “ooooh I can see his legs’ and “oooh can see him holding the trumpet’ clearly thinking this is what you are supposed to call out. A young man next to me being his first time was dragged to the centre of the room by ‘spirit’ and then had to make his way back by himself in the dark with no help from spirit. I would have thought if they took him out there they can replace him to his spot again. This same young man, while he was in the centre of the room spirit attempted to talk to him, when he returned next to me I asked him if he understood what was said. He replied he didn’t, but was amazed to find that ‘spirits breath smelt like HubbaBubba chewing gum’ a brand here in Australia. He even said the purple one ‘grape’ flavoured. In the second séance the trumpet made a big exaggerated fuss of me as I had mentioned to Garry the night before I had nothing happen. While this was happening I could clearly see his hand on the end of the trumpet.
Photo (still shot from video footage)
Continued on page 14
Melbourne Mediumship Event
We Welcome you to Universal Cottage the home of the Australian Academy of Spirit
The Home of The Australian Academy Of Spirit it hosts tutors and students from all over the world. Set on one and half acres in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland its a spiritual getaway. The main house has rooms to accommodate students as well as the cottage. Inside the main house is warm and inviting and students are made to feel ‘at home’ while attending their chosen courses. As you enter the cottage you step into the large space created as the workshop or meeting space, rich, warm and inviting this space is filled with the energy of spiritual masters both past and present. With a high peaked celing and its natural tones of wood and earth colours, it blends beautifully with its natural surroundings. The perfect place to curl up with a good book! When you book your next course enquire about accommodation here at Universal Cottage.
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As you read through these names please hold the intention with every name to send love and healing energy to them. We will not be putting ailments, accidents or details for each person as we do not want to prioritise or focus on the ailment. As you browse this magazine, just take a moment to sit quietly and send healing to these people. If you would like names placed on the list, please email us at email title - healing list. Healing Miracles can happen!
• • • • •
Matthew Kalam Schou Mavis Pittilla Gerry Scullion Paul Madden Dorothy Mewes
These unique Crystal Essence sprays embrace the crystalline energy of specifically chosen crystals. This vibrational spray is also further enhanced by essential oils. • Activating Cairvoyance • Angelic Contact • Attracting Abundance • Study & Focus • Emotional Balance • Love & Passion • Channelling • Opening the Third Eye.
Photo (still shot from video footage) Cont from page - 8 & 9 • Garry’s guide made a snide jibe at the fact that another medium who was supposed to attend the symposium, got stopped at the airport with the wrong visa??? • The ‘fully materialized spirit had black underpants on! We questioned the need for this (why not just not materialize that area), and now see in the videos he has changed the attire. So you can see as there is controversy about the filmed séance, should it have been done? It is being said by Gary Manion and some supporters it was an experiment by Spirit. Do you believe this? Mediumship is delicate! Both within us and within the world as a phenomenon. We need to protect Photo (still shot from video footage) it and in doing this we need to sometimes be brave. Also we need to remember the essence of what we are trying to prove. The continuation of the human soul and the impenitence of the Spirit World. A beloved mentor once told me, “In Physical if more than one person witnesses the phenomena its physical if not it could well be that person’s clairvoyance”. How can more than one person witness anything in a totally dark séance! Let’s work together to lift the reputation of mediumship in Australia, let’s NOT accept what we have been offered and demand better. Those Photo (still shot from video footage) hosting physical mediums and those visiting physical mediums. Is what you are supporting and experiencing really physical mediumship? If it is then let’s promote it, if it’s not then let’s stop it. Remember if you are hosting or promoting, your reputation is also on the line if what is being experienced is not above board. I recently had questions directed at me from hosting a wellknown physical medium here recently. The complaints were numerous and allegations that I too was involved in the ‘show’. The way we can move forward is to bring it into the light, use camera systems or in some circumstances the medium can be touched or held during the séance - No Dark Séances!
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‘Medium of the Month’
Each month the Australian Academy of Spirit select a member who is acknowledged for their eithics, committment to Spirit and quality of work
September’s medium - Marie Klement
Aust medium and spirit artist Marie is a psychic artist, Medium, clairvoyant and numerologist based in South Australia. Her fine art paintings and drawings have been featured in National and International magazines, Expos and Exhibitions. She has been specialising in drawing Spirit portraits since 1993. Marie’s ability to produce a portrait of your loved ones in the spirit world must be seen to be believed the incredible likeness is like looking at a photo of your loved ones! Not only an incredibly talented artist Marie’s mediumistic ability is exceptional as well a unique and very special combination. Marie will also be accompanying us to the Uluru Mediumship Symposium in October 2017! To contact Marie go to http://marieklement.
Spotlight on a tutor!
Helen DaVita In Australia we have been blessed for the last few years to have had Helen DaVita come over from the UK as a tutor. During this time, we have grown to love this incredible woman who has a passion for spiritual work. Her teaching style is one that here in Australia we relate to so well, she is warm and personable and exudes an enthusiasm that we Australians love. Her humour and honesty is also something we love. In fact, if it weren’t for her accent you would swear she grew up here!! Helen’s knowledge on Trance, Physical Mediumship and Animal Communication is second to none, and we are blessed again to have her here in October for a series of workshops. For everyone interested in these topics this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. With the Physical Mediumship climate as it is at the moment it’s important to work with ethical and trusted tutors and gain the correct information. Helen’s teaching experience is such, that she is a former University Professor of Social Psychology, with a specialist knowledge in Altered States, Psychological Influences, ‘societal norms’ in manmade religions and Parapsychology. Helen is a published Scholar of many articles. She is also a Tutor and Course Organiser at the Arthur Findlay College. Helen is also a retired Social Worker and Occupational Therapist to ‘head injured patients.’ her knowledge of human & spiritual consciousness is not only theoretical, it is practical and ‘field based’. her experience at many levels. In October Helen will be approaching Trance and Physical in an experimental way and we can expect to experience some amazing breakthroughs! We even have access to a ‘Teslar Osculating Machine’ to determine the effects of this on a mediums physical mediumship ability.
Physical Mediumship & Experimental Trance Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October 2016
Animal Communication & Healing Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd October Animal Communicaiton and Healing Course With Helen DaVita
Helen will be back with us here at the AAS for another exciting Animal Communicaiton and Healing course on Saturday 22nd October and Sunday 23rd October 2016. Come along and be amazed with the results you will gain from this course and the connection with the animals. Helen can also extend this to a Diploma enabling you to teach and work professionally if you wish.
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For the Physical Mediumship and Experimental Trance workshop we will be using a range of exciting techniques. We will also have access to camera systems and a very rare ‘Teslar Oscalating Machine’ and we will be experimenting with the ways these enhance Physical Mediumship.
Uluru Mediumship Symposium 2017
Imagine flying in over the vast Australian landscape and seemingly out of nowhere the amazing sight of Uluru greets you. Some have been moved to tears upon the sight of this incredible monolith. The spiritual heart of Australia! One thing is for sure something will stir deep within your soul and you will forever be changed! Now add to that 6 of the worlds most highly regarded mediums all waiting there to greet you and take your further into this incredible once in a lifetime adventure.
The Uluru Mediumship Symposium is a f The Trip of a lifetime! o more than ‘just another training event’ ence
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this will dig deep into your soul and set it on fire. Your connection with this incredible landscape will provide more ’spiritual power’ than you have ever experienced in any other location. For those developing and working mediums I can assure you sitting in ’the power’ here is a unique and life changing experience and one which will allow you to draw upon the ’Power’ of this red centre whenever you wish to. 6 nights and 7 days in this incredible setting in whatever you choose from the 5 star Sails in the Desert to camping with friends and sitting around a campfire. We take care of everything for you from the moment you arrive until you get back on the plane again sated, enlightened, inspired and forever a different person than when you arrived! The program will be the most unique and inspiring teachings, demonstrations & lectures you have experienced in Australia. A week of 5 star restaurants and dining experiences in idyllic settings! Some special events are planned like the ’Hall of Fame’ award winning dining experience ‘Sound of Silence’ dinner in the desert, and the ‘Priscilla’ Gala Ball where we will be flying in the superstars of the stage musical ‘Priscilla’ from the ‘Leave it to Diva company’ to entertain us for the night!
Albert Best! Albert Best, British medium was born in Belfast and served in North Africa during World War 2 and was wounded and discharged. He then became a postman in the Ayrshire town of Irvine for 20 years. He became aware of psychic happenings around him even as a child and often spoke of seeing other people when others were unaware of anyone present. In 1971 Albert retired from the Postal Service and at the age of 50 went to live in Glasgow. During his time in Glasgow Alberts healing and mediumistic abilities really came to the fore as with retirement he was able to give his time to the better use and development of these faculties. In June 1983, he retired again—this time from his Healing Clinic, where over many years’ thousands of people received benefit that they could not obtain from more orthodox methods. This second retirement gave Albert the opportunity to travel extensively and demonstrate his excellent mediumistic gifts.
Despite his double retirement Albert led a very full life. His services were eagerly sought for the public meetings in the British Isles, and he visited South Africa, Scandinavia, India and many countries in Europe by request. Because of the accuracy of detail in the information contained in his messages, the recipients have found strength in the proof that their loved ones not only live on but still care and watch over those they love, here on Earth. This proof often changed the lives of those who received it or were witness to it, and their lives gained a greater purpose and greater awareness of the existence of God. Like most people who elected to use their natural gifts for the benefit of mankind, Albert faced a number of low points in his life. For Albert, the loss of his wife and family through an air raid during the war was probably the lowest but it was also the greatest turning point for him. European Royalty benefited from the use of Alberts talents and several gifts in his home were testament to their appreciation.
In 1994 Albert was named by the ‘Psychic News’ as ‘Spiritualist of the Year’ Over his life, several books were published and featured the accuracy of Albert’s detailed evidential communications. One of them is ‘A Venture in Immortality’ written by Church of Scotland Minister David Kennedy. It is filled with detailed evidence that came over a period of six months, in which Davis Kennedy’s wife Ann proved her continued existence and her continued loving concern for David to a degree that could not be confounded. It is a true story of love transcending the so called boundaries of death. It would take many pages to do justice to the life of Albert Best and his unstinting service to spirit and his fellow man! Albert was taken to hospital on the 2nd of April and slipped into a coma only to regain consciousness on 11th of April when three mediums visited him. One of the mediums became aware of a presence at the foot of the bed. Albert opened his eyes, looked at all three and spoke in a hushed tone, they heard him say “my wife is here and the children”. Alberts eyes opened wide he looked at all three lifted his head and smiled. Albert’s last words were “They’ve come. You will have to let me go” One of the mediums replied “we were never holding you Albert”.
Albert Best gave one last smile lowered his head and closed his eyes. Albert passed to the Spirit World Friday 12 April 1996.
Photo Google images
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The Australian Academy of Spirit has a comprehensive Code of Conduct. For the general public this is a saftey feature, when selecting a medium rest assured that if you select a medium that is a member of The Australian Academy of Spirit. Not only can you feel safe in the knowledge that these mediums have had training and are constaltly looking to further their own knowledge but they are ethical and honest. At all times if possible look for the assurance of the AAS by anyone of these logos.
We have 10 FREE copies of ‘The Reluctant Psychic’ to give away to our valued readers. The first 10 to email us will recieve their free copy. you will be required to send a self addressed postage pack and we will send out your copy.
Rev Katherine Harris Each month our Rev Katherine Harris will provide an address for you all on one of the 7 principles of Spiritulaism For those that dont have easy access to a Spiritual Church please enjoy the address we provide for you here.
Katherine is available for private readings by calling 0414772054 I would like to introduce myself. My name is: Reverend Katherine. I am a Minister of Spiritualism; I have worked in different orthodox religious institutions, and found for myself, Spiritualism was what I had been searching for. We as spiritualists do not believe that God is something external to ourselves but is an essence in all of us, including the animal kingdom and nature. We all have a purpose, we all are an extension of each other, and we are connected. We are a collective consciousness of love. We are a community of souls here to experience joy love and the amazing wisdom and oneness of that collective consciousness. We are here to share love to bring unity, peace and harmony to all souls. A very dear lady and philosopher friend one said, “The difference between religion and spiritualism is that specific religions pray asking and spiritualists pray with gratitude.� Asking for something in prayer is possibly determined by the focus of what is lacking or something missing in their lives. Some feel the need to ask for forgiveness, of their sins and some believe you are born from sin. Spiritualists pray with Gratitude for all they have, with respect of all they have learnt, shared given and received, through their life experiences. One of the Principles of Spiritualism expresses Personal Responsibility (5th Principle) making each of us accountable for our actions, reactions, direction and how we live our lives based on the concept that we are all connected. We consider that what we do has an effect on the whole and with that acceptance and consideration, that inner knowing becomes a way of life.
Spiritualism embodies the desire to share evidence amongst the people that life is eternal. That life truly continues beyond the veil of this human experience. A pioneer of the spiritual movement and spiritualist church history in particular is; EMMA HARDINGE BRITTEN :(1823–1899). Hardinge was born in London, England in 1823 under the name Emma Floyd. Emma was a very interesting courageous woman in history who has an impact on spiritualism and the 7 Principles she interpreted which are still honoured today. Emma was known for her work as an advocate for the early Modern Spiritualist Movement. There are many publications of her speeches and writing on the spiritual movement. She is remembered as a writer, orator, and practitioner of the movement. From 1878 to 1879, Emma and her husband worked as Spiritualist missionaries in Australia and New Zealand. After returning to New York, she wrote her greatest chronicle of the spiritualist age-Nineteenth Century Miracles (1884). Emma Hardinge died in Manchester, England in 1899. She is credited with defining the seven principles of Spiritualism which, with minor changes, are still in use today by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches in the United States and the Spiritualists’ National Union in the United Kingdom. They are:
THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES TO SPIRITUALISM 1. The fatherhood of God 2. The Brotherhood of man 3. The communion of spirit and the ministry of Angels 4. The continuous existence of the human soul 5. Personal responsibility 6. Compensation and retribution here after for all the good and evil deeds done on earth 7. Eternal progress for every human soul.
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Emotions! How they affect mediums
Ivana Jovanovic So, what exactly are emotions and what is their significance in our lives? It is imperative to know that we are all emotional beings, whether we like it or not. Emotions are fundamental to our development as humans and are data to our energy/body system. Sadly, in society today we are not well versed in the art of creating an intimate relationship with our emotions. Whether or not this is due to poor parenting, cultural influence and/or what we watch, eat and drink; these are crucial factors to take into consideration. Society is continually teaching us to objectify our experience of being human, so when we come into contact with raw emotion, we are taught to numb them rather than to learn their value and place in our lives. For most of us, staying present within the experience of the emotion doesn’t last long as we intellectualise it. In that very act we are robbed of our authentic expression of emotions as individuals. need to have an in depth understanding of the mechanics behind our own emotions, but also need to be the container of our past/current
Apart from creating a strong link with the Spirit world, the fundamental element of a medium is the responsibility to the client. is, we don’t only What this means is, we don’t only need to have an in depth understanding of the mechanics behind our own emotions, but also need to be the container of our past/current emotional experiences. Observing personal emotional states, paying close attention to habitual patterns, and deep-seated issues makes reflective work a crucial component for a medium. Mediating emotions and enhancing emotional intelligence creates the appropriate supportive environment for our clients. Why? If we are not aware of the emotional landscape we ourselves bear, we run the risk of being affected in the presence of the ‘other’; the ability to regulate the anxiety level of the other and ourselves would not be viable. This could also trigger personal reactivity to the situation and lead to inaccurate messages and potential damage to the client.
Grief is a highly passionate emotion and one of the most common spaces we enter when we are doing readings. It comes in waves and has the power to overwhelm us - fine one moment and suddenly facing deep pain, unbearable tears, disorientation, and explosive anger. The need to allow adequate expression without inhibition is essential. It is equally important to recognise that grief has timing of its own. For example, you could find yourself grieving over the loss of a loved one and suddenly facing the feelings of love, anger, hurt, guilt and rejection. When the feelings settle, grief enters. In its most adaptive form, we not only take into consideration the loss of the loved one and the emotions it carries, but also the relationship we have with grief itself. As a psychic medium, the responsibility to be able to differentiate our personal emotional experiences before we start helping others is crucial. The capacity to feel and relate with enough empathetic presence and care for the client is to be able to assist them with their own individual experience and relationship to grief.
Phone: 0426 877 889 Email:
If you are interested in joining the Australian Academy of Spirit we advise that you read a little about our philosophy to see if you are in alignment with our beliefs and understanding. We welcome polite discussion if you are not. PROTECTION: There is nothing in the world of spirit that you need to ‘protect’ yourself from, the world of spirit is a loving, enlightened and intelligent place. We do however believe that the living can sometimes carry a negativity that you may find unsettling and via whatever means you wish to use guard yourself from absorbing this. We also believe that residual energy from the living can be left behind in places where certain instances have taken place. This energy can become over time quite palpable. Thus with more living attending these places and adding to the negative or fearful energy there it can have a feeling about it. This is once again built up from the energy of the living and you may wish to guard yourself from absorbing the energy in these places. ATTACK: We do not believe that you can get attacked from anyone within the world of spirit and if you click here a short clip on ‘sleep paralysis’ that may answer your questions on the brain phenomena that is commonly mistaken for ‘Psychic Attack’ or an attack from the spirit world. However it is possible for the living once again to direct so much negative energy and thoughts to a person that if they are open and clairsentient they can feel the impact of this. Once again this is of the living not of the world of spirit.
SPIRIT RESCUE; We do not believe in the need to ‘rescue spirits’ or ‘send them to the light’ or that a spirit person can become ‘bound to the earth’ if their spirit is within the Spirit World. Those within the world of spirit do not become trapped anywhere here on the earth plane.
EVIDENCE: We are also of the belief that to communicate with those in the other world that ‘evidence’ is a crucial factor. We do not pass on vague messages from Guides, Angels, Fairy’s, Ascended Masters etc. upon which no evidence is verifiable by the sitter. In our mediumship connections there is a degree of evidence of the souls survival that must be presented.
Those in the spirit world do however have the ability to communicate with a medium, wherever that medium is and whenever that medium has opened to connect to the other world. So The calibre of such evidence is dependant upon therefore, it is the mediums belief that to enter each individual mediums ability and training. a house and communicate with a spirit person that this person must be ‘stuck’ there. There are some factors to this belief, perhaps there is a basis of religious up bringing that brings into the thought structure of the medium that there is in fact a heaven/hell/purgatory. We have however, moved beyond this and now understand that we are spirit incarnate within the physical body, or spirit discarnate form the physical body and within the world of spirit. Once you leave this body you are in the world of spirit, there is no path to take, there are no tests to pass etc. In our belief it is surprising that with all the intelligent and loving guides, loved ones, inspirers and helpers in the spirit world that once a person passes into their world that they would leave them in a space of being trapped or confusion requiring a human here on earth to become the champion to their rescue. If so, how do they select such an incredibly important person here on earth to rescue them and send they to a place they are already in? HOUSE CLEARING; It is however possible to clear a house of residual negative energy and leave it feeling much lighter and brighter after you have left. But did you really ‘rescue’ someone who is already in the spirit world? Or did you just clear the environment of the negative energy and fear that had built up there from such beliefs?
RESPECT: We believe in total respect for both the field of mediumship and those in the other world who communicate with us. We do not refer to them as ‘father/mother type energies’ but we refer to them and communicate with them at all time with utmost respect. We acknowledge them with respect, as the people they are, people that lived full and varied lives and people that now continue to ‘live’ on in the other world. We acknowledge them as the Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Children friends and family members that they are.
HAUNTINGS: It is our philosophy that hauntings are actually an imprint of residual energy much like an energetic memory left in a particular place, not an actual intelligent person from the spirit world choosing to walk the corridors of an old hotel at precisely 10pm each night.
One Week in a beautiful tropical resort in Noosa Queensland is good enough, but to spend that week with the Doyen of Mediumship Mavis Pittilla is a lifechanging and career changing event! Mavis Pittilla the Tutor of Tutors will be with us for a training retreat for a week in Feb 2017. If you would like some in formation on this incredible event please email us at
and we will send out the information pack for you. In this will be the itinerary, and the program Mavis will be teaching, all prices and other information.
0421351406 give us a call
Join us on the retreat with
Mavis Pittilla Australian Academy of spirit International Ambassador Let the marvellous Mavis Pittilla take you on a “Remarkable Journey” go from Mediocre to Magnificent! Ordinary to Outstanding! Startling to Spectacular! Whatever your level of mediumship you will grow in your knowledge and skills under the tutorage of this world-class teacher. Gain respect for the Spirit World and God Source. Develop awareness of yourself and your blending. Enrich your communication and enhance your practical techniques. Through all this you will unfold your “vast potential” to make the next step in your journey. Be prepared to be: mesmerized, enthralled and challenged as you work with this extraordinary tutor who has worked for almost fifty years with the Spirit World. Mavis has been the Senior Tutor at the Arthur Findlay College in London where she has worked since its’ opening in the 1960’s. She has also travelled extensively worldwide teaching and demonstrating. She is in huge demand as no one teaches in the same way with such dedication, thoroughness and inspiration.
Some of the Topics Mavis will cover: Self Knowledge: Yourself Your power Your potential Your needs Blending/Awareness/Power Understand fully how you work best Learn what the Spirit World need from you Expand your energy and awareness Meet your guides and inspirers Build your power Demonstrating/Private sittings Enrich your communication with the Spirit World Extend and maintain your links Understand changes in communicators
Bring through unusual information Develop mind journeys Utilise all your faculties properly Juggle double contacts Trance and Altered States Understand the myths and facts of trance and altered states Receive a full assessment of your level/potential Speaking/Philosophy Understand the difference Learn different methods Deliver appropriately Keep people interested/inspired
Sharon Clark
Hypnosis • Is the fear of public speaking holding you back in your mediumship demonstrations? • Are you committed to working for the Spirit World but resist the opportunities that come your way? • Do you watch other demonstrations and wish you could hold an audience in that manner? If you are a student or professional medium that is finding that there is a fear or resistance to public work. Sharon has developed a hypnosis program specifically for you.
Contact Sharon Clark 0424948602
Pictures from the Spirit World! How amazing to have someone draw a picture of your loved one 19 years after they passed into the Spirit World!! Is this possible???
Luckily enough to be selected to be in the advanced group our tutor was a very talented and famous medium that had flown out from England to teach us.
Because of the calibre of fellow students in my Let me assure you that this is possible and there group I had over the first few days received conare some very talented people that can do this! nection and validation from many of my loved Being a medium myself I am accustomed to ones in spirit from the other classmates as we hearing people’s messages from their loved ones performed readings for each other strengthenin spirit and daily work with clients and pass ing our skills. on information to provide evidence that their loved ones still exist, and are still connected and There was one loved one in spirit that I hadn’t loving and interested in their lives. heard from and missed dearly, in fact I have written about him in my book ‘The Reluctant This time it was my turn to receive such valida- Psychic’ it was my father-in-law Drago or Doug tion! as we called him here in Australia. I was away in Melbourne at a week long mediumship intensive course, studying with some of the best from all over Aust, NZ and England.
Doug was a larger than life character with a heart of gold! He loved a party and a drink and was happiest when surrounded by friends and family. My then husband Darryl and I surprised Doug with a party for his 50th birthday and what a party it was Doug had the time of his life! Sadly Doug passed into the spirit world a week after his 50th birthday with a massive heart attack. 19 years later I am at the course in Melbourne studying the finer aspects of mediumship, and knowing my friends and family in the spirit world are close around me. One night I ask for some assistance, “please allow me to be the best I can be, I know you are there, and I appreciate your help and support” I said to them all while sitting in my room alone. Now each day at the course we would all gather in the main room for our morning meeting to share, some that had written poems the night before read them out, some would get up and tell funny stories and we would discuss any changes to the days agenda that had been made. All the time while the meeting was going on a lady would stand off to the side of the stage with an easel and connect to someone in spirit and start to draw their portrait. This particular day traditionally known in this form of training as ‘Weepy Wednesday’ because it is the day of heightened emotion, and that certainly was the case for me, I felt as if I was just holding it together. I looked over to the lady drawing the portrait and the emotion started rising, I nudged my friend sitting next to me and exclaimed “Oh My God! She is drawing my Father-In-Law!” Yes right there in front of my eyes Doug’s face started to appear and I started to cry, in a room of 104 other psychics and mediums I was loosing it!! When the drawing was done the artist stood in front of us all and presented the picture along with some information about the man she had just connected to.
“I cant understand his name, but I hear the letters D & R really strong”......His name was Drago! “This man was very naughty and loved a drink”.......he absolutely did! “He has piercing blue eyes”.......correct again! and on she went! Amid my blubbering I managed to claim the picture and the information she was presenting and let everyone know that it was in fact my beloved Father-In-Law who LOVED A PARTY! So it only made sense that he was not going to come through to me quietly via a student in a one on one situation. But rather LOUD & BOLD in front of 104 people!!!! Here is the amazing picture that the artist Marie Klement created on that ‘Weepy Wednesday’ Amazing pictures from the Spirit World 19 years after he passed he was still showing up for a ‘Party’ You can read about ‘Doug’ and other astonishing stories of connection from the Spirit World in my book “The Reluctant Psychic’ You can also experience Marie’s work if you join us at the Uluru Mediumship Symposium as Marie will be producing a portrait each morning for one lucky person! Amazing artwork produced by Marie Klement the Australian Academy of Spirit ‘Medium of the Month’
Advertising in this magazine! Currently you will notice a great deal of Australian Academy of Spirit advertising within this magazine. In time we hope that mediums, centres, training organisations, Spiritual Churches and others in the spiritual field will also advertise or contribute with articles. We hope that in time we can present a holistic account of mediumship happenings and spiritual information from all around Australia. Spiritual Churches - if you wish to advertise your services they are free in this magazine. Other advertising rates are as follows: Full Page $400 or 25% discount for AAS members $300 +gst Half Page $200 or 25% discount for AAS members $150 +gst Quarter Page $100 or 25% discount for AAS members $75 +gst Business Card $50 +gst All advertising to be submitted in Hi Res JPEG format to be inserted in to the magazine. If you require graphic design for your add we can arrange this at an extra price, our graphic designers are off site so price is $100 per hour, charged at 15 minute increments. Depending on the amount of work needed you will be billed accordingly. Your professional graphic designed add will be sent to you for reviewal prior to publication. Please email us at for the terms and conditions of advertising and for the special package rates.
The Australian Academy of Spirit and the ‘Professional Medium’ magazine wish everyone the greatest success in their mediumistic and spiritual endeavours!
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