1 minute read
Different strokes
National Seniors members share their living arrangements…
“Living on a boat enables us to save for repairs, replacements and fuel. We fish, bake our own bread and biscuits, make our own yoghurt and muesli… we try to leave a small footprint” – Lea P
“We shifted out of our five-bedroom home as soon as the children moved on and downsized to 2.5 bedrooms” – Brian S
“We moved to an over-50s village last year. Everything outside our little home is maintained by buildings and services, from the lawns to the wheelie bins. It’s wonderful. We have bought electric bikes and we bike everywhere and have joined all the village social clubs. Absolutely no regrets” – Karen B
“When we retired, we shocked everyone by selling up and moving to Tassie. We live off-the-grid and it is not without its challenges – heating is a pain in winter –but we love it. We live in paradise.”
– Laura A