1 minute read
The free My Community Info App allows you to find all the community information that is displayed on My Community Directory+Diary.
We know how important it is to have information available at your fingertips when you need it!
My Community Info is a health promotion charity that believes achieving positive social change starts with access to quality community information. My Community Directory and My Community Diary provide a common platform for anyone, including carers, to find health and community services in their area. It also includes a planning, referral and research network.
A fantastic app. I love that I can find services and events all in one place. The “Lands You Stand On” feature is very helpful when I’m travelling and I want to quickly find out more about local traditional owner groups.
Free Download
Download the My Community Info App for free by texting “App” to 0488 884 151 or by using one of these links: iOS: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/access-my-community/ id1243880693
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mcd. accessmycommunityapp&hl=en_US
Websites Caring For Elderly Parents In Australia
This is a non-for-profit website whose mission is nothing more than to create a community of carers who are looking after an ageing parent(s).
What makes this Facebook group a standout is that it’s the genuine deal: no hidden motive except to ensure its integrity as an authentic community of carers to connect with other carers walking a similar path. Carers are welcomed to share their stories and struggles, ask questions, learn from each other, and laugh and cry together. Highly recommended for all carers in particularly the lonely and isolated. Search Facebook for “Caring for elderly parents in Australia”.
Caring for the elderly can be a demanding role that requires commitment, kindness and humour. This book has been written to provide support to all carers, whether they are working as a professional in aged care or a layperson who finds themselves in a caring role. In Still Caring, Lyndis Flynn and Margaret Shelton consider the ways in which carers can contribute to an elderly person’s life and also suggests ways in which carers can balance their own lives and wellbeing with the demands of the particular caring path they have chosen. An insightful read for anyone in a caring role.
Available at Booktopia, Amazon, QBD and other book retailers.